I have multiple methods I've used and also tested out with others and it's all very easy provided you aren't half-dead all the time like me.
Here is one method;
>gather about you ( should I say "yee" to be extra fancy? lel) the astral light (aka visualize lots of white light)
>condense it into one area and spin it (doesn't matter if clockwise or counterclockwise)
>once it is very clear and strong, command with intention that it becomes a book
>open it up, there will be random stuff inside, it's different for everyone and different every time you do it
Now, if you want books on specific topics, then you can increase probability of getting those by intending to receive books on those topics. You should at first though, just when starting out, try to get books with no specific topic in mind and see what kind of stuff you keep getting.
Another method which uses encapsulation thoughtforming technique that I invented:
>create an geometric form you like, I'm fond of plumbobs
>I usually pick black for this, but you can choose any other colour or texture or combination of colours for it… as long as it stands out against the general background of things
>I pick black because that colour adsorbs all other colours, so to me it means it can adsorb any desire into it
>spin it around, let it adsorb desires into it
(let it disintegrate and release the desires as colored light if you want to develop auric vision and see objectively the colours of the desires/emotions put into it btw, you don't think about what colours the desire-force will appear when released as light at all it will just appear)
>intend a book take form within the geometric shape you thoughtformed
>after awhile of condensing the desire and intending there be a book in it, open up the form to reveal the book inside it
>take it out and start reading it, you now have an astral book impregnated with desires you put into it or that were in ambiance around you
Another variation of the above:
>imagine a box, package, whatever
>spin it, visualize it, etc.
>intend/imagine there's a book inside it
>open up the package and get the book out
>read the book
All encapsulation thoughtforming btw works like this where you create some sort of capsule/container and focus on that and don't think consciously about any details of what is going to be inside of it, all those details just get filled in without you having to worry about any of it. It's a great way to see forms in their objective state.
Most direct method:
>simply start visualizing a book
>spin it (spinning any thoughtform makes it manifest stronger and faster, even if you were just visualizing numbers say spinning them would cause them to become more solid/substantial/less-opaque/more-detailed faster)
>don't really think about the details at all, just let it come together in front of you
>open it up and start reading it
Fog method:
>create a sort of fog, mist, whatever of astral matter
>start condensing it and swirling/spinning it
>as it gets stronger, let it gradually take form of the book
>this one's pretty good for remote viewing also… with a few adjustments
You can also do similar things with causing an entire book shelf to take form in front of you and then you've got a LOT of books you can go through and you can also astral travel to big libraries and start looking around.
I think most efficient method is to thoughtform a whole bookshelf into your room or to get very good at creating individual books through the methods listed above. It takes too much astral energy (desire-force/loosh/emotion) to full AP to some akashic library somewhere.
Possibly some kind of permanent thoughtform that procures and puts away books might work great too, maybe a "santa clause" bag that you can take infinite books out of. The bag would be thoughtformed so strongly that it is permanently there in your room and you can just go to it whenever to take stuff out of it or put things back in.
In any of the above methods if you want to narrow down the topic of books you get just add that intention. If you have no topic in mind it'll be totally random, could be a book of math problems, could be some messages for someone, could have lots of concept art and drawings inside, could be ANYTHING. By merely intending to get books of a certain topic you increase probability of getting books concerning specific topic.
In this case, I'd just intend to get books from astral that talk about binaural beats, and ignore any ones I get that aren't about that subject or don't look very good until I find one that does.