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>it's been a few days, feeling oily and disgusting, take a shower

>try my best not to take too long in the shower, use bodywash, shampoo, and conditioner, and brush teeth and get out

>dry off

>skin immediately flakes everywhere

>acne becomes more prominent

>red splotches appear all over my stomach and other parts of body as if I'm having an allergic reaction

>hair looks ok while wet, but one hour later it looks like shit when it has dried out

>a few more hours, already feel oily than before I even went into the shower

>this always fucking happens when I shower and yet if I don't shower other things happen like I get smelly, I feel constantly drenched in oil, dirt clogs my skin pores, etc.

FML what is wrong with me? I don't know how to end this misery. I have struggled with skin problems for YEARS and I constantly feel burning, oily, inflamed, etc. all sorts of persistent and unpleasant sensations. I've tried showering twice a day, once a day, once every 3-5 days (retrying that again right now), once every 2 weeks, and I have also tried going without showering for months. Sometimes it looks as if my skin is getting better and is about to heal but then it always comes crashing down.

I don't know what the real problem is or the real solution, I've read everything and tried everything over the years. It seems like all foods, all water, dirt, and everything else always negatively affects my skin. I've tried stuff like oatmeal masks which is supposed to help and it did the very opposite. I've gone through all the different foods like honey, cucumbers, etc. either putting them on externally and/or eating them with opposite of desired effect. I have tried essential oils. I have tried all kinds of medications including benzyl peroxide of various strengths and other things I can't remember. Both stuff that is over the counter or requires a doctor's prescription.

NOTHING makes the slightest positive difference. Everything either does nothing or has negative effect.

Please help me /fringe/. I want to fix my skin problems in 2 weeks max… at least I want to end it this month. I'm sick of living with such dysfunctional, easily damaged, fucked up skin covering my body. I've tried some magickal techniques as well but I am not strong enough to make them work I think as they've all failed me so far (well, I wouldn't say they failed me, I'd say I wasn't powerful enough to actually do it properly… not strong enough will and imagination and so on, I am very weak).


If anyone could guarantee that all my skin problems would be permanently fixed by the end of this month, no matter how much of a "coincidence" or whatever it seems, if one of you were to make it all go away with your magick… I would feel intense gratitude towards you and I am a NEET with barely any money ( I just have seven dollars that's it ) but I'd so go shovel some driveways or something and save up a hundred dollars and send it to you somehow if that's what you wanted. That's how badly I want this to end. It's not even my only issue btw but it's the most bothersome one for me at the moment. It has caused me so much grief for so such a long time, about 7 years actually.


Anything at all whether it's something I can try out I haven't done already, a magickal technique that isn't too hard for me to do, or just some kind of deal we can set up in which I do something for you and you do something for me… I want an end to this.


I will help you

Leave your contact or any link and you will be contacted in 3-4 hours



help me for?

What's the email service that 8chan provides? I guess I'll sign up for an email. Cock.li or something?



nvm that above post

email fringewizard@gmail.com

btw everyone it's Smiley here, the grand illuminated wizard and admin of the board.

Despite my mastery of the arcane arts, I still can't seem to fix any of my problems though and desperately made a thread as a cry for help.



Frangible@cock.li is my new email, message me please.


Fuck off.



I will send to both now any message after this is fake.

I will go now.

You will get the message later on.



Isn't it obvious from the second post he's shaming another user?


Have you tried sulphur soap?



What's your diet like? As well as average hydration levels.

The body constantly uses the skin as a tool for detoxing. As we breathe through it as well.

I would also suggest (it's probably not viable if you're working with a lot of people) to stop showering for a week and analyzing what your skin does. It's thought that we shower and bathe too much in the western world.

You can also get some herbs clean out the body if you don't have the time or energy to clean it out naturally.

Grab some himelayan salt and put it in your bathtub as well. I find that's the best way to keep your skin in good condition but bathe as well.



Nope. Has this shit worked for you? Whatever is going on with my skin btw, it's a lot more than just acne.


I have changed my diet hundreds of time now trying out different diets with different proportions of vegetables, fruits, grains, meat, other stuff. nothing has worked. I have done both extremes of hydration from too much water all the fucking time to avoiding water as much as possible and the middle-ground.

>I would also suggest (it's probably not viable if you're working with a lot of people) to stop showering for a week and analyzing what your skin does. It's thought that we shower and bathe too much in the western world.

I've read about that in dermatologist studies but I've already tried that out and it never fucking worked unfortunately.

>You can also get some herbs clean out the body if you don't have the time or energy to clean it out naturally.

I'm a sick NEET with at least 2 weeks of time to do whatever the fuck I want right now. I am always on the thin side and can not handle fasting well btw, my mind becomes severely clouded and I get cold and feel like I'm dying.

>Grab some himelayan salt and put it in your bathtub as well. I find that's the best way to keep your skin in good condition but bathe as well.

Already did this before with sea salts and also magnesium sulphate and also both at once, it majorily fucked up my skin. I have tried this about 3 different times over the years. I also tried something where I did like a salt scrum in a sink full of icecubes and water and that fucked my skin up too.

Sorry but I've tried everything you've mentioned already and I'm still fucked.


Bathes severely fuck up my skin and cause my body temperature to drop a lot and seem to drain me of my subtle energy btw in a way that isn't healthy at all. The longer the exposure to the water the worse. I find the warm water temporarily soothing but then don't want to get out and feel so fucked up after leaving the water. It's like I leave behind all my vital energy in the water. Showers also the longer they are the more fucked I get.



Yeah it's just one of those problems which you'll never know until you do if you get me.

If you're man enough I would suggest some water fasting. That's pretty much the bodies natural cleaning and maintenance state. Though if your body is usually cold it will probably not be feasible. Trust me that the body gets terribly cold when you're not using the digestive system. Can really break morale.

The only word of advice I can give is to look at the cause and effect in your life.



I need diagnostic magick but I haven't figured out a decent technique to KNOW the cause of things like this.

If only someone could discover the real issue for me and relay it to me or I could do it myself but I can't find someone like that and I can't do it myself ;_;.



I'd love to help you in that regard but sadly my expertise has yet to bloom in the medical field.

I'll wish you good luck for finding the cause. Keep up the self documentation/journals.



If it's oily skin sulphur soap will definitely help. Try to get one and wash your face (and any other area affected) several times a day with it.



>use bodywash, shampoo, and conditioner,

>I feel constantly drenched in oil, dirt clogs my skin pores, etc.

well, use only natural oil soap, or no soap at all(only water), that may help. lots of poison in cosmetica today.

if you think you smell maybe try another diet, or fasting, as suggested here.

you might eat too much acidic food(fast food, preprocessed, etc.). try vegan and cook yourself, only fresh ingredients.

good tier skin reporting out



Khan is on point once again!

Try doing "the master fast" with 2 saunas per week, and lots of kidney herbs. The astringent fruit juices will pull out your rancid oils and toxins, and also the energy to continue your daily life while fasting



Email sent.



>and also the energy to continue your daily life while fasting

That's what gets so many people. It's not the willpower to resist food or the detox sickness. It's that cold and low energy which gets me.



add this and you got a miracle granted


been listening, it works and this one is said to repair skin and dna



Already tried all of that before none of it has ever worked.




For me what fucks up my efforts at fasting is becoming so mentally clouded I can't think, remember anything, etc. I become a complete retard in a daze who can't sleep, think, dream, anything… just constantly awake but in a stupor.


Tried binaural beats and stuff like that before for a very long period of time with headset… never had even the slightest effect on me. Tried out many different ones over several days until giving up. Then tried again much later for a couple days straight again, still no effect, gave up permanently.



The grape/lemon juice combo worked for me, I work 6 days a week teaching arts and crafts to adults with learning disabilities, and I still had the drive and energy to keep it up for 10 days. I was very Cold though. I am going to do 40 days next year. Also I am a type 1 diabetic and my blood sugars after are much improved. I don't use insulin btw I use diet and herbs.

Also Khan keep the youtube videos coming, high quality content!



That's a great site. I'll be sure to stock up on that juice combo to keep me energized next fast. I bet after the 40 days you'll be completely cured or at a level where it's no problem at all.

I appreciate the comment about the videos. I'm currently writing up some notes for videos for tomorrow. Gonna do some sit in front of the camera and talk style videos since I figure they're effective at explaining general information.


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I sent you an email back, excuse all my paranoia, but there's a lot of details we have to work out before I'm confident enough to feel this isn't going to end badly for me.


>I hope that we deal with this skin problem in professional manner and understand each other situations.I would like you to pardon if my English is bad since I am an Umbanda and Palo Mayombe practitioner with also 5 year of experince of European witchcraft.

(this is opening paragraph of email the guy sent me)

Anyone here want to tell me anything I should know about Umbanda and Palo Mayombe?

Palo Mayombe sounds like the Indigo Pill of Santeria.



I just so happen to have a LOT of lemons and grapes in super abundance right now.

Unless someone threw out my lemons recently, probably should check the fridge, it's been awhile now… as for grapes they're probably all frozen right now



Anyone here know how to buy bitcoins and send this guy $7 dollars worth of bitcoins btw?

That's what he wants.

Heck maybe I should just post full email he sent?

>Palo Mayombe was integrated as part of the Santeria religion. It is an entirely different world, when having an experience outside of the Latin American spiritualism. It is rare to find a sincere individual in remote villages throughout Latin America and in the United States. There are several famous Palero priests as well as secret societies dedicated to the Palo Mayombe.



Binaural beats is a tool

Every tool has a right and wrong way to use

To use binaural beats first you need to clear your mind and toughs, are you capable of clear your mind of toughs for an hour ?

The goal of binaural beats is to put your mind to vibrate on a new range, to do so you need a clear mind

you can't write in a dirty sheet of paper

you can't make your mind vibrate on a new range if the old range is there.

Secondly if you believe don't work, well I don't

if you lack faith, hack your mind repeat in your mind and loud at least 30 times that you believe, even if not

Anon I understand your despair, in cases like your's you need a holistic approach

Atack the issue from diferent fronts at the same time whit diferent tools all of them whit the same goal.

Diet ,meditation, binaural beats, sigil burning ,prayer ,NPL used all of them for at least 90 days

create a routine that you would follow and is meaningful for you

You may not realise at this time but your skin issue is just a sign of a bigger issue

No need to tackle thoose other issues now, focus on the skin issue and when you solved you will find the other ones easier to resolve



I have researched extensively into this and from what I've found the vast majority of skin disease is strongly characterized as "psychosomatic" or in other words has mental causes and responds to mental suggestion and other mental forms of treatment.

It probably is, along with my other issues, all connected… the skin is just the most obvious outward sign of whatever the real issue is probably.

I might have to do binaural beats experiment yet again but in accord with your prescriptions.

I can clear my mind of thoughts for an hour although it depends how clear you want it. If you mean silent mind, that's easy enough for me to do. If you mean void meditation, where I completely shut out all impressions of physical surroundings for an hour, that's tougher… I also don't know if you'd want me to be aware of and focus on the binaural beat or let it play and completely ignore it.

Depending on time of day also, I'd probably have LOTS of larvae showing up around me (larvae as Franz Bardon defines it), they might dissipate after awhile though… or maybe I just get so exhausted my astral sight shuts down temporarily.



As for Faith Power and all the other aspects covered in Personal Power I know about that… I do lean towards having little faith though in myself (though at this point I know beyond all shadow of a doubt anything which can be imagined, can be accomplished by magicians).

Wouldn't clear mind + faith + gnostic trance method + maybe some thoughtforming work fine without the binaural beats? Really not sure what the real value of binaural beats actually is or if it's something you can "do without" and it makes not the slightest difference that it's missing?

I'd channel some books from the astral on this right now but too weak at the moment to bring pages of any astral book into clear focus (just looks blurred and I have to strain so hard to see it properly and then I tend to over-exert myself and feel intense energy over-drive and lose the connection).

I feel right now like using a mantra would work great for me (I randomly get feeling certain magickal methods will work at certain times throughout day or night, it's just this feeling/conviction that "if I do this, it's going to be effective" that randomly arises). Still I don't know to what extent, just feel that I could go into a trance with a mantra right now.

Hmmmmm I think I'll try one to induce sleep, repeated 40x times.



How do you channel books from the astral?



Anon you are on the right track

Remember you want to nuke the issue

This is your test of faith

Use all you got




The rigth skin lotion

No fap





Binaural Beats


praying to GOD

anything else you could tink about it and is meaningful for you

hey you even create a post in the chans

You are going to break reality whit this anon, becose this is your test of faith.

I just clear my mind of toughs and let the beats do their work but if you can reach a Depper meditation states, do it, you want to use full power on this.


Here is a simple solution buy a radish and a coconut whit as much coco water as possible. Eat the radish and poor the Coco water on you. This should equate to clear skin especially if repeated.



I have multiple methods I've used and also tested out with others and it's all very easy provided you aren't half-dead all the time like me.

Here is one method;

>gather about you ( should I say "yee" to be extra fancy? lel) the astral light (aka visualize lots of white light)

>condense it into one area and spin it (doesn't matter if clockwise or counterclockwise)

>once it is very clear and strong, command with intention that it becomes a book

>open it up, there will be random stuff inside, it's different for everyone and different every time you do it

Now, if you want books on specific topics, then you can increase probability of getting those by intending to receive books on those topics. You should at first though, just when starting out, try to get books with no specific topic in mind and see what kind of stuff you keep getting.

Another method which uses encapsulation thoughtforming technique that I invented:

>create an geometric form you like, I'm fond of plumbobs

>I usually pick black for this, but you can choose any other colour or texture or combination of colours for it… as long as it stands out against the general background of things

>I pick black because that colour adsorbs all other colours, so to me it means it can adsorb any desire into it

>spin it around, let it adsorb desires into it

(let it disintegrate and release the desires as colored light if you want to develop auric vision and see objectively the colours of the desires/emotions put into it btw, you don't think about what colours the desire-force will appear when released as light at all it will just appear)

>intend a book take form within the geometric shape you thoughtformed

>after awhile of condensing the desire and intending there be a book in it, open up the form to reveal the book inside it

>take it out and start reading it, you now have an astral book impregnated with desires you put into it or that were in ambiance around you

Another variation of the above:

>imagine a box, package, whatever

>spin it, visualize it, etc.

>intend/imagine there's a book inside it

>open up the package and get the book out

>read the book

All encapsulation thoughtforming btw works like this where you create some sort of capsule/container and focus on that and don't think consciously about any details of what is going to be inside of it, all those details just get filled in without you having to worry about any of it. It's a great way to see forms in their objective state.

Most direct method:

>simply start visualizing a book

>spin it (spinning any thoughtform makes it manifest stronger and faster, even if you were just visualizing numbers say spinning them would cause them to become more solid/substantial/less-opaque/more-detailed faster)

>don't really think about the details at all, just let it come together in front of you

>open it up and start reading it

Fog method:

>create a sort of fog, mist, whatever of astral matter

>start condensing it and swirling/spinning it

>as it gets stronger, let it gradually take form of the book

>this one's pretty good for remote viewing also… with a few adjustments

You can also do similar things with causing an entire book shelf to take form in front of you and then you've got a LOT of books you can go through and you can also astral travel to big libraries and start looking around.

I think most efficient method is to thoughtform a whole bookshelf into your room or to get very good at creating individual books through the methods listed above. It takes too much astral energy (desire-force/loosh/emotion) to full AP to some akashic library somewhere.

Possibly some kind of permanent thoughtform that procures and puts away books might work great too, maybe a "santa clause" bag that you can take infinite books out of. The bag would be thoughtformed so strongly that it is permanently there in your room and you can just go to it whenever to take stuff out of it or put things back in.

In any of the above methods if you want to narrow down the topic of books you get just add that intention. If you have no topic in mind it'll be totally random, could be a book of math problems, could be some messages for someone, could have lots of concept art and drawings inside, could be ANYTHING. By merely intending to get books of a certain topic you increase probability of getting books concerning specific topic.

In this case, I'd just intend to get books from astral that talk about binaural beats, and ignore any ones I get that aren't about that subject or don't look very good until I find one that does.


I'll go ahead and admit I do not know the answer.

However, I do know that the products you are using are exacerbating the problem.

here's some info from a thread that was on Silk Road2:

"Depending on your conditions, you may not need to use anything. I rarely wash my hair and when I do I use only soap and coconut vinegar. The only oil I eat is coconut oil, so the oils secreted by my sebaceus glands into my hair (and the oils on my fingers) are most likely similar to it in composition (ie, relatively short and saturated fats). So long as my hair remains clean I have no need to strip out its oils with detergent (shampoo) and replace it with petroleum-derived hydrocarbon oil-substitutes (conditioner). The oils you eat are the oils you secrete - if you eat rancid oils from cooked seeds and meat, you will feel compelled to wash them off and cover them with synthetic fragrance.

If your hair does get dirty, clean it with coconut oil soap. If the water where you live is 'hard' (alkaline), add a small amount of coconut vinegar. Some people recommend using clays such as calcium bentonite for remediating damaged hair.

You can also take biotin once in a while to make sure you aren't deficient."

Here's a thread I did about alt nutrition, suggestions by that guy:


searching through here http://orthomolecular.org/library/jom/index.shtml

for single conditions and taking something might help too.

The only thing I can say about all that info is that it's helped me tremendously, and it's helped others I know to some degree (to me it seems the degree to which they're willing to adopt it).



>not listing thoughtforming in that list of yours there

I should create a nurse thoughtform, perhaps using the elemental technique from IIH, and see how that goes.



oh. right, I should have said in the start "but I know some steps that should help in other ways, and might cure you too"



Did you ever think to go to a dermatologist? I had pretty bad facial acne and no natural treatments worked at all, only prescription medication and lotion helped and I even still use it to this day. I honestly don't know why you would think /fringe/ could solve this issue.



The water where I live is VERY HARD / ALKALINE.

I don't have coconut oil soap but I do have coconut oil.

My hair never gets dirty, it just gets unbearably oily.

Maybe some method to reduce oil without moving it completely would help too and without getting wet. I don't know, maybe I'll just use dry towels to somehow remove some of the excess oil from my hair.

I already did that before without any real great results and besides there's lots of people that can shower all the time and have shit diet and no skin problems.

There is a LOT wrong with my skin, it's prone to infections of all sorts, and many different issues plague it.



>implying I haven't already gone to dermatologist and wasted money and time over the years

None of that shit even works. If anything is going to work, it's going to be some fringe shit. I've seen amazing things accomplished with magick.


I know you guys mean well by these mundane methods some of you are suggesting and I'm definitely taking note and considering it for the future but I've tried so much stuff like it already with no real results.

I'm more eager to hear about and apply magickal solutions than try out various foods, drugs, etc. to add to my extensive list of "shit that never worked at all for me".



You seem experienced, what do you think is the best way to create a thoughtform?


I'm going to go over IIH some more and probably start a nurse thoughtform when I'm done with contemplation of what I'm reviewing in that book right now.



Could you list some of the dermatologist recommended treatments that you've tried?



>You seem experienced, what do you think is the best way to create a thoughtform?

Depends what sort of thoughtform and for what purpose?

Some general thoughtforming tips though are:

1. It's usually (there are exceptions) best to NOT worry about and plan out the details of the form your thoughtform shall assume when it's complete. When starting it off, it's usually best to begin its creation as a nebulous substance, simple shape, aggregation of light, misty fog, dirt, or whatever which you condense into a very rough form and stir it up into life. After awhile the desires/emotions (which are the fuel of all thoughtforms btw) will begin to animate it and it will, if you let it (by intention), to take on a form of its own accord which best represents the desire/purpose it is made out of. Usually when making thoughtforms like this, you might have started off with a general idea of what you thought it should look like, but then it just mutates on its own.

2. A special note on the above, there are thoughtforms that constantly evolve and become more sentient, these can undergo a lot of mutations. If you want a servitor or a very simple thoughtform with a simple purpose, don't let it keep shifting and reforming and evolving. Just let it assume its form and then stop there. e.g. if you're trying to get a book, wait until the mist/light/whatever condenses into form of a book, then don't permit it to mutate further otherwise you can have problem where for example you have book and you keep turning the pages and each page shows something new and doesn't stay…

3. Example of the above you can try for yourself btw is to make a simple note thoughtform (a piece of paper with writing on it) and keep flipping it. I did this before and every time I flipped it, new writings and drawings and stuff would appear on the other side, unless I flipped it really fast in which case it would not change but if I wait a few seconds and flip it kept changing and whatever was there before would be lost. I also noticed btw, because the paper note thoughtform I was holding in my hand is thin and a bit translucent as thin paper usually is, that I could actually see the writing on the other side of the note shift btw… so I would know when I could flip it because backside had evidently changed.

4. Changing thoughtforms like that have there uses for sure… but you usually want stability so it's best when creating book thoughtform that it doesn't mutate on you. It just remains the same book with the same content in it, for as long as the thoughtform persists.

5.' Another note… thoughtforms have variable duration of life. Some dissolve pretty much the moment you take away attention from it, others persist longer, some can be checked back in on hours or days later and they are still there although you may notice they have already begun to dissolve and fade back into the akasha/void. Others stay intact and perfectly clear and strong for years.

6. Some thoughtforms are self-sustaining like living organisms, capable of feeding themselves more loosh from sources other than you, and can become independent of you in this way and survive indefinitely. More complex, evolving, and sentient thoughtforms usually are better at surviving like this and being independent of you.

Just a moment… still writing more but going to post what I've already written at this moment.



Benzyl Peroxide for one? I also got it at triple the normal strength. I used it for a long time years ago and it never worked.



(first normal strength, then double by prescription, then triple)

Also some other stuff but I can't remember it right now and don't want to look them up.

Even if this shit worked on my acne there'd be the other issues I have with my skin still to fix btw.


Is it possible someone sabotaged your bath water?



Have you tried Accutane, Isotrentinoin? That is a pretty common one for severe acne, also how long did you keep with the Benzyl Peroxide? I only ask because from what you've said it doesn't sound like you maintain a good hygienic routine, and that is the key along with good prescriptions to acne removal.

Also you said you have other problems, have you been diagnosed with any disorder? If not, you should seriously go to a doctor and get diagnosed, otherwise any non-magickal treatment will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Not being rude but I truly believe that Western medicine has a lot of benefits that edgelords forget at times.



Back to this…

7. You can create thoughtforms that serve many different functions. They can be used for dowsing, channeling, transmitting, influencing, anything imaginable. You can use a lot of different thoughtforms together, linking them in various ways, or using ones made as specific tools for specific tasks. You can make thoughtforms whose soul purpose is to assist in the creation of other thoughtforms. It can get very complex. Good luck with charging them all though and keeping them all from dissolving…

8.' Thoughtforms can go and do tasks for you while you aren't even aware of them. You can make a thoughtform and leave it to its task and come back to it in a month and it will have done a LOT since then. You could make a machine and let it run itself down, Tesla I think did that where he'd create thoughtforms of machines and run them and check back later to see what kind of wear and tear accumulated… but you can do a lot more cool stuff than that.

9. You can fill your house with a couple sentient thoughtforms or an astral space you have stabilized and like to visit. You can have situations where two sentient thoughtforms (tulpas) become friends and actually do all manner of activities without you having the slightest idea of what they are doing. You can then talk to those tulpas and they can relate to you what they've done over a long period of time together… they truly live an independent life from you.

10. You can create thoughtforms to work on any problem imaginable independently of you and then have them come notify you when they are done their task. You could for example if you wanted, create a tulpa that does nothing but write books for you, and when it comes to you with a new book you can look at what your tulpa made and write it all down for him! You could also practice mediumship techniques and let the tulpa control your hands to write or type or whatever. With an army of thoughtforms at your disposal, an immense amount of intellectual work can be completed with their aid.

11. You can create thoughtforms just for specific task and keep recharging them from time to time if necessary (you recharge thoughtforms by focusing your awareness back onto them again and then pouring more desire-force into them and maybe doing edits using your intentions).

12. Any thoughtform you name is easier to call back and continue work with. Named thoughtforms are also more persistent / longer lasting in general. You could also, if you wanted to, refuse to name a thoughtform but instead pour enough energy into it until it tells you its own name or a label appears on it which is its name (e.g. title of a book, or maybe a tag will appear on it, or a note that says what it's name is, or whatever).

I got more to say…



13. Thoughtforms can be joined to others and be more persistent that way. They can also be stored in various ways.

14. You can create thoughtform whose soul purpose is to be a loosh reservoir and you can link that reservoir to other thoughtforms or even tap into it yourself if you need to draw upon a storage of energy in an emergency or something.

15. You could make a whole set of thoughtforms and then link them all to a reservoir and now instead of worry about charging each thoughtform individually, just charge the reservoir, and the energy pours automatically into the connected thoughtforms.


I usually take showers. I'm pretty sure the water here is pretty fucked, it usually tastes bad, is heavily chlorinated, etc. I have been other places and the water isn't as bad as here.


> also how long did you keep with the Benzyl Peroxide?

A few years until I gave up because it obviously wasn't working in the slightest.

>it doesn't sound like you maintain a good hygienic routine, and that is the key along with good prescriptions to acne removal.

I've tried all sorts of routines before and they never worked. I don't think this is a hygiene issue. It could be the real cause is constant stress and sleep deprivation and over-exertion both magickally and with physical work.

>Not being rude but I truly believe that Western medicine has a lot of benefits that edgelords forget at times.

It's utter shit as far as I'm concerned.

I want to hear anon's techniques for magickal diagnosis. I know there have been adepts before that can diagnose any illness in any person with great or even perfect accuracy. Mundane doctors aren't that great at understanding and discovering the real causes of problems for most of their patients unless it's trivial text-book case something that usually would resolve anyways regardless of whether they saw doctor or not.



Okay I won't press you further, good luck in your endeavors to cure your problems, I mean that sincerely.

But if you can get diagnosed that might save you a lot of trouble.


16. Another tip concerning thoughtforms is they all have a self-preservation instinct. Everything in the universe does. This can be exploited in numerous ways… careful design of thoughtforms can produce thoughtforms that feed on positive emotions and which do lots of nice things for you in order to provoke more positive emotions. You could also create a thoughtform out of negative emotions and then threaten it not to feel any more neg emotions until it gets its job done ayy.

17. All thoughtforms feed on whatever initial emotions gave rise to them. The more complex the emotional input the wider their spectrum and the more varied their behaviour and so on. A thoughtform made of fear will do things to produce more fear, a thoughtform made of lust will do things to produce more lust, etc.

18. If you create a thoughtform capable of tapping into the highest spheres of the akasha in order to receive desires from there, I think it might end up having divine spark within it… and being extremely powerful and independent from you. Not sure. Just speculating.

There's some more stuff I could say about thoughtforms but it's more advanced and gets more confusing… stuff about transmutations, correspondences, resonance, spacetime, matrixes, etc. I don't want to really get into here as what I say will probably be pretty fuzzy or pretty tl;dr. There are certain procedures needed though for evocation, remote viewing, and targeting that are a little difficult to work out at least for me at my present stage of development. What I'm hinting at here is how you actually connect to or contact an intended target and not just create a phantasm for example. IIH talks about this matter.



>But if you can get diagnosed that might save you a lot of trouble.

It would but I need an entity that operates on mental and akashic sphere for that.

…which is where this guy comes in I guess:

>I hope that we deal with this skin problem in professional manner and understand each other situations.I would like you to pardon if my English is bad since I am an Umbanda and Palo Mayombe practitioner with also 5 year of experince of European witchcraft.

>My working with your skin will take 3 week minimum and I need money to buy offering for the spirits.I don't like making an offer and working and then someone appearing to be roleplaying.I see that you have 7$ with you currently and thought of taking it as a symbolic payment or as a starter so I don't end up with either of us failing on each other.The total cost will be about 25$.

>An entity will come to you once the payment is finished (the first 7$), BUT don't fuck with that entity or try to stop it from it's work.It have knowledge in healing and can work in the akashic and mental plane and find the cause of the problem.

>I will also need a photo of yours taken within this coming 24 hour (today) due to the tradition I am working on.3 photos are better.

>I have attached my bitcoin adress/QR code, once the transaction of 7$ is finished I will start working.

>Deal up for 48 hour if you didn't respond I will take it as you're not interested.


( that's from the email he sent me, I sent him a reply but not sure if he's going to read and respond to my reply within the 48 hours timelimit he has apparently to do this stuff )



Wow thanks a lot, that's loads of info, how much time would you recommend visualizing a thoughtform a day? Also when it comes to thoughtforms i'm inexperienced, but just from the stuff i've heard that's possible with thoughtforms it would seem your skin problem could be pretty easily solved



It's not really just how much time you put into it but how intense your emotionality/desire/is.

Emotional numbness / weak will / "don't feel like it" = you can't do shit

Strong passion / emotional excitability / intense drive = rapid production of thoughtforms

However astral/imaginal senses take time to develop. Developing them is a simple matter of using imagination to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell things. That you should do whenever you can without getting into severely depleted state.

You will probably notice also that certain cycles and rhythms determine when you can do your most effective work. Even if those cycles are constantly being thrown off / disrupted you'll still notice it's there. During low part of the cycle you feel like you are straining yourself very hard just to do the smallest thing and then at peak of cycle it's like everything just happens with very little effort if not downright automatically.

>it would seem your skin problem could be pretty easily solved

That one other practitioner gave a 3 weeks minimum estimate for solving the problem and that sounds like a reasonable amount of time for me personally. Whatever is going on with my skin will probably require very deep trance states and intense thoughtform or evocation of some being to fix.

What you have to understand I suppose is it can be quite a complicated mess to source your energy and power up your thoughtforms, it can drain you a lot.

I'm also not sure about this but according to some theories I've seen both in books in this world and had discussions with others in the astral concerning the energy centers ("chakras") in the bodies you have to open the flow with them and elemental imbalances in the bodies (physical, mental, astral) create blockages but as you both intensify and bring into balance the elements more energy (desire force / emotion) flows into you constantly and you can connect them to various sources, taking energy from food, from the sun, from the air, etc. but also from more subtle spheres… eventually you can achieve Inedia by setting up both a strong energy source + a series of transmutations that convert the energy into the material for the body.

How much time you spend on thoughtforming a day depends on these cycles and how much energy you're willing to expend at a given time without plunging yourself into a very low energy state and suffering the harm inherent therein.

Some practitioners I know create and then absorb back into themselves thoughtforms and that is probably a wise way to use their energy although some shit you probably wouldn't want to absorb again after releasing, some stuff you might just want to release and then imprison or banish to a lower plane where it'll stay for however long until it either resolves (fulfills its purpose and expires) or dissolves (the energy/force parted into it falters and it just recedes back into an undifferentiated void state / joins back into the akasha).

It should be noted also that while the lower desires like lust, fear, gluttony, etc. might be present in abundance in you (out of habit most likely) are very easy to entertain you'll probably get better long-term results as concerns your health and development by trying to use higher desires and intentions when creating your thoughtforms. It is simply a matter of use of the will to cultivate the other emotional qualities. The akasha or "undifferentiated emotional energy" can be converted into any specific emotion simply by the will intending and concentrating it. Whatever thoughts and desires your entertain often, grow in time.



Oh, so I'll probably be unable to see them since my astral senses aren't well trained right?


Me personally I have an extreme tendency towards overexertion / over-exhaustion. I burn out all the time.

If I was better at void meditation, I could probably accumulate more vital energy and pure loosh, but I have difficulty shutting off and even when I do manage to accumulate for awhile usually some larvae or elemental or other astral critter will come feed on me and do something to suddenly release a shitload of emotion very fast leaving me drained again.

I get loosh farmed pretty hard all the time.

Maybe if I could get things circulating back to me that might help fix the problem too.

I think that one of the occult purposes of cultivating a relationship with another human btw is that in working with them and sharing love, you can keep that love in circulation between yourselves, constantly bouncing it back and fourth and each pass it goes through between you it does good things for you.

All 2nd order entities (God is 0th order, spirited humans and similar beings are 1st order, thoughtforms and stuff spawned by humans/etc. are 2nd order) don't have that connection to God and thus are very limited with how they get their energy. So they practically always take more than they give back.

You could circulate love between yourself and a 2nd order entity but it could only give back a little of itself at a time, then would need more energy from you and/or anyone else it also feeds upon.



You're talking like it's binary rather than graded.

It's not on/off, see or can't see.

It's more like an opacity thing.

You see them faintly at first, as if shadows or whatever, but then with more effort and more energy put it into they become more clear.

It's all important to keep in mind (lol) that the mind functions a lot like a radio and there are many spectrums/channels to tune into. You can have situation where someone has some thoughtforms around them, and another person has their own set of thoughtforms, but they fail to interact and neither person can see the others thoughtforms. It doesn't mean the phenomena is completely subjective though. They're just on different frequencies and need to be tuned / brought into resonance then you can see and interact with them.

So even once you begin seeing, keep in mind you're seeing a small glimpse of the full spectrum of stuff out there, and that you have to tune your mind like a radio to see onto the many other planes. You've probably seen in the FAQ for this board that thing about 7*7*7*7*7*7*7 divisions of planes in the astral. By changing frequency you can view different divisions and keep shifting to different subplanes. Every place overlaps and occupies the same space btw, there can be a LOT of stuff all concentrated into just one point of space, but you don't notice it all because you only see a small glimpse of the full spectrum at a time with your mind's eye visual faculty.

Read Swami Panchadasi "The Astral World" if you haven't already, it's like a 20 page book.



rather then*



Yeah i've read it, and I kinda experienced it through invocation, though I wasn't sure that the same thing applies to thoughtforms you yourself create, I thought that you should automatically see them since they come out of you, also remembered this thread


maybe you'd find something helpful in the last few posts by the guy with the initiate flag, if he's not disinfo then you should be able to fix it quite easily according to him at least


If you are creating the thoughtform you should be able to see it just fine as its forming. Further development of the astral senses though will help you see the myriad thoughtforms already around you.

All the time everyone unintentionally produces larvae whenever any sort of emotional excitation happens. I can see them during parts of the day very easily and other times not so well. You can't without using the astral senses.

Read about it in Initiation Into Hermetics.

The act of visualization in itself both strengthens the astral sight and is part of the process of creation of thoughtforms.

So if you are making thoughtform, you should be able to see it just fine as it takes form.

If I haven't posted it already, here is the basic formula that underlies all magickal acts:

>concentration + imagination + desire = formula you can use to achieve any magickal results, enter trance state, create thoughtforms, etc.

>in other words, The Triangle of Causation mentioned by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki



He's not disinfo at all. Everything he says is true but you got to keep in mind that… an Olympian can EASILY do what you can't yet achieve even when struggling your hardest. It's all relative.

I have a lot of knowledge but I'm always short on energy. I really need to learn more from others both astral side and on this board and in person on how to actually keep energy levels very high and sustain them at high level even while doing lots of intense magickal work.

I got to solve my burn out problem and probably emotional blockages.



Alright, just one more question, when do I know that the thoughtform I'm creating starts existing? Let's say I visualise a ball of light as a thoughtform, it comes into my mind instantly, but how do I know if I charged it enough so it won't dissipate during the night?



>when do I know that the thoughtform I'm creating starts existing?

The very moment you started to imagine it.

>Let's say I visualise a ball of light as a thoughtform, it comes into my mind instantly, but how do I know if I charged it enough so it won't dissipate during the night?

From experience and testing. I did it myself with exactly a ball of light.

Just do the elemental creation method in IIH (Conscious Creation of Elementals) and then check up on your elemental later after you followed the steps.

You will of course have named it and everything (I called mine "Dr. Lightball" he unfortunately mutated and I had to put him down with another thoughtform). All you have to do is think about it by its name again and check it again. If it's started dissolving it'll be less substantial, more opaque, less "there" even though other thoughtforms you see will be clearly visible.

If after a night you can't even recall it at all, it has already dissolved (probably). Weak thoughtforms dissipate moments after attention is taken away from them.

Through practice and more intense charging (aka release of emotion/desire into thoughtform) it'll get stronger and last longer.

A single intensely emotional moment in your life btw can unleash a very powerful and enduring thoughtform also memories are themselves thoughtforms which dissolve and be re-energized and so on. You remember things (traumatic or pleasant) better that intensely effect you emotionally, you forget things that don't interest you and fail to stimulate your emotions much.

Now there is a further complication to add here I guess… when it comes to the contemplation of space and time and how it applies to the higher planes. If I do remember this correctly (please someone correct me if I mess this up here) the mental plane is timeless but has space and the astral/emotional plane has no space but only time.

Sometimes when a thoughtform doesn't appear again it doesn't always mean it has dissolved, it can just go missing or become shielded or other complications preventing you from calling it back to you. Maybe it's just busy doing it works.

I recommend if you want to get a real good sense of how long a thoughtform is going to last, clear some space in your room on a desk or something, and create thoughtforms of simple objects and leave those thoughtforms fixed in space there.

Keep in mind as well that even if a thoughtform has completely dissipated, it's still easier to remake it the next time around.



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I've already sent money to that address on your behalf

let's hope that guy is still willing to help


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Here are all the emails he sent me.



Too late, check the emails he sent me…

>You're waste of time, bye.



just write back as if the deal was still going on saying that u already paid the $7 and are more than willing to start the healing



He flaked out when I asked him to remote view to prove himself (since he said he can remote view).

I was very polite about it too, didn't want to go fedora on him, and I've had other people remote view stuff for me without me even asking them to do it they just came to me and were like "want me to remote view something around you, just write some stuff on paper".

I find the way he constantly pressures me to send him money before actually even doing anything scammish.

He probably sees this thread.

Also he related common knowledge to me as if that were proof he was able to sense anything about me.



lel it's a 4chon troll probably Omran.


File: 1448532989563.png (19.54 KB, 631x415, 631:415, Screenshot from 2015-11-26….png)



He's claiming no money went to him.



Ah well I used his other address ( 1L2p1VzxJo1Z4F8b7UaAn2PiL6oPgtfjA4 )

Want me to send money to that other address? I'm kinda willing to help but at the same time I don't want to give money to a scammer, if you think guy is leggit then i'll proceed


That's what you get for being into bullshit "occultism". lmao



*tips fedora*

If anything this just proves there's some things money can't buy.



Get the fuck out of here.




High level initiates don't need your money they've either freed themselves from needing certain things or they are extremely capable of acquiring it without scamming.



>bullshit "occultism"

this is really starting to trigger me, I've seen you post this atleast 5 times and it's always in defense of some retarded cuck/mangina/transvestite=god threads

what the fuck do you even mean by "bullshit "occultism""



Stop masturbating and exercise.


>mfw smiley makes a thread barely related to anything /fringe/ and people comment the fuck out of it

>you fuckers will yell the rules everywhere else

Smiley, your problem lies in that you let shit get to you. You react too easily and get butthurt. You let stuff "get under your skin". Life is just a fat metaphor here. (When I stopped dealing out shit to people I stopped shitting for a week while I was still eating massive amounts of food, never found out where it went) Its your first line of defense, and you seem to always have something thats got you reacting whenever I see your posts or hear about what happens on /4chon/.

Strengthen yourself dude, build up a thick wall and don't let shit get to you so easily. Theres also inducing detoxs through consuming a bit of really unhealthy food, actually works but only if you eat healthy and then eat say a bag or doritos. Water fasting works too. But these are all temporary fixes to get rid of symptoms most of the time. Unless you change your mindset it wont help one bit in the end.



it's not smiley



>When I stopped dealing out shit to people I stopped shitting for a week while I was still eating massive amounts of food, never found out where it went





I mean, if you've tried other stuff and then believe nothing works, won't it become truth?

I've got a friend who won't get into meditation for anxiety because he tried all the western shit and believes he's fucked up because he's had it so reinforced.

I wouldn't have suggested the things I did if the equivalent hadn't worked tremendously for me. Unfortunately, he didn't say anything about skin problems in particular.

The vinegar is supposed to balance out the alkalinity, and wash oil out too, I imagine.

I wish you luck in your endeavor, and I hope that you gain the requisite internal knowledge that aids you, whether you find it inside or outside.

As SS said, maybe it's an "as within, so without" matter.



I didn't believe it was, either.

Simply because the emote wasn't there, if no other reason. Also someone suggested that "someone made this to make another user look bad"



Send me $1000 in bitcoin and I'll give you the secret to better skin.


>sending money to a scammer

lel you're fucking retarded, kill yourself or send the money to me instead.



1. Drink a lot of water. No more soda, energy drinks, etc. Alcohol is pure poison so that's a no too, though if you must, drink it sparingly. With that being said I still drink coffee (2-3 cups a day) and still saw good results.

2. Do NOT use off-the-shelf acne medications (Clearasil). This makes acne worse, then after a few months "it gets better", read: you go back to how your acne was before the medication. I actually don't even wash my face other than with shampoo when I wash my hair in the shower only.

3. No more fast food. Learn to prepare and cook your own food. This is good as it helps you learn a new skill. Not only will you gain confidence from this, you'll also be eating much better overall, cheaper. Also great to impress girls if that's what you want.

4. Quit smoking if you do. Personally switched to Swedish Snus, but e-cigs can work as well. I wanted my lungs to have a break so I use snus, but use whatever works for you. I don't smoke pot but I'd at least cut down on it a lot if you're a regular user too (make it a weekend thing if you must).

5. Lower anxieties. Practice Thought Control techniques at the least, found in Initiation into Hermetics by Bardon. Even if you think things are wrong, they aren't. If they are, take it as it comes, no big deal.

6. Believe it will work. Everything mentioned here is proven with science, but a genuine belief that it will indeed work for you also, will make it work faster, with better results.



Furthermore, eat about 4-6 carrots a day. The beta carotene found in it will make your skin have a faint glow, while simultaneously making it healthier and clearer. Also good for the eyes. Any and all fruits are also good, too.

For dry skin patches, just get some lotion. Any will pretty much work, but steer clear of ones with perfumes and bullshit like that. I used udder balm which is good shit and gets rid of dry skin within a few days with 2 applications a day.

I'd recommend taking Zeolite as well as a detox. Google is your friend on that one. Use the powdered form and mix it in yogurt. Having higher testosterone will help as well (naturally, of course) so look into stuff that can build that up.

I can think of more shit but I wanna go play some Vita right now. I'll be back later if you have any questions OP.



Shut the fuck up, bullshit "occultist". Leave /fringe/.


Whatever else you do, you can supplement it with this:


Basically affirmation-based recordings aimed at your subconscious mind (and some supporting lines to avoid side-effects and regression). You listen to them while you sleep.

It doesn't cost you anything or take much time or effort. I have had pretty good results.



>1. Drink a lot of water. No more soda, energy drinks, etc. Alcohol is pure poison so that's a no too, though if you must, drink it sparingly. With that being said I still drink coffee (2-3 cups a day) and still saw good results.

Only thing I ever drink is water and I have tried lots of water, moderate amounts of water, and very little water. Nothing worked.

>2. Do NOT use off-the-shelf acne medications (Clearasil). This makes acne worse, then after a few months "it gets better", read: you go back to how your acne was before the medication. I actually don't even wash my face other than with shampoo when I wash my hair in the shower only.

Ok but that hasn't stopped it for me.

>3. No more fast food. Learn to prepare and cook your own food. This is good as it helps you learn a new skill. Not only will you gain confidence from this, you'll also be eating much better overall, cheaper. Also great to impress girls if that's what you want.

I don't eat fast food.

>4. Quit smoking if you do. Personally switched to Swedish Snus, but e-cigs can work as well. I wanted my lungs to have a break so I use snus, but use whatever works for you. I don't smoke pot but I'd at least cut down on it a lot if you're a regular user too (make it a weekend thing if you must).

Never smoked before, maybe I should begin (pfft no).

>5. Lower anxieties. Practice Thought Control techniques at the least, found in Initiation into Hermetics by Bardon. Even if you think things are wrong, they aren't. If they are, take it as it comes, no big deal.

Ok I guess.

>6. Believe it will work. Everything mentioned here is proven with science, but a genuine belief that it will indeed work for you also, will make it work faster, with better results.

Everything "proven by science" never works for me.

Your advice is useless, I want to:

1. Use magick to find the real cause.

2. Fix things in the akashic/causal plane to seed the cause of healthy skin.

Some stuff people have replied with look worthwhile and I might do it. Main thing I'm thinking of doing right now is removing rancid oils from my diet and intense meditation.


>Any and all fruits are also good, too.

Not true when they are full of pesticides or have other problems. You have to be really careful about what fruit you eat and what source it comes from. Around where I am there is a lot of very bad quality fruit that harms your health. I know a German girl and her mother who are extra sensitive to pesticides and they can barely eat any fruit here unless they manage to find fruits that have never been sprayed.


I can't shut off awareness of things, I'm hyper aware of everything all the time, so even though I use suggestion all the time the auto-suggestion while you sleep thing doesn't work for me.

I have noticed also that people around me when I am eating anything they say, any little suggestion given, has intense effect on me; unfortunately I haven't been able to get family members / etc. to agree to start giving me positive suggestions and they don't know how to do it anyways, only their suggestions about the food when they don't realize they are giving suggestions have effect. There have been many times I've noticed where I was eating something and someone said it was bad and then the whole taste and everything changed for me and I couldn't eat it anymore. So in that way I am very sensitive to suggestions from other people (though not so much from myself).



Pretty much everything you say is "bad idea, that won't work". Assuming this isn't a troll thread, you most likely have deeper issues that prevent you from healing. You could meet your HGA, invoke an appropriate entity or try Inner Guide Meditation to try to find the info you need. You could look at the link I posted above, do one program to adjust your sensitivity to suggestion, another to find the source of your deeper problems and another to start fixing your skin. You could have this done in 15 minutes. But instead you dismiss it out of hand.

It seems like at one level you feel like you either don't want or don't deserve to get better. That might be the first dragon you need to slay.

If you want to find a magickal solution, then you are going to have to blunder your way through magickal work, same as the rest of us. There is no shortage of resources and advice on this board.

Good luck.



Most of the stuff I say is a bad that won't work is stuff I already tried over the years. Stuff I haven't tried I just put onto list of "things to do later and see if they succeed or not".

I'm preparing myself for IGM and will do it sooner or later.

>But instead you dismiss it out of hand.

I dismissed a lot of physical / mundane solutions given so far. I don't recall dismissing magickal techniques in this thread.

>If you want to find a magickal solution, then you are going to have to blunder your way through magickal work, same as the rest of us

That's what I'm doing already I was just hoping someone might give me a boost in some way with servitor or something but that one Palo guy has fucked off it seems after failing to remote view what I wrote for him.



Fair enough m8. I still think you may have inner problems that are causing or exacerbating your outer problems. I would look at searching for and eliminating these ASAP. What is stopping you from starting IGM right now? Why not at least try Merlin's stuff? It is a tiny investment and then you don't even have to do anything. I have had good results with it.

You could be started with both of those in less than an hour from now.

Maybe you could ask /fringe/ to make an egregore to seek answers to your problem? I wouldn't look to others for salvation though.

Still I'll pray for you :^)



>What is stopping you from starting IGM right now?

I don't start anything without researching it extensively first, finding out experiences of people who already did it, and getting a good idea of what troubles I might encounter and how to avoid them and so on.

>You could be started with both of those in less than an hour from now.

Maybe in a week or two after I've read up and planned everything.

>Maybe you could ask /fringe/ to make an egregore to seek answers to your problem? I wouldn't look to others for salvation though.

I don't think /fringe/ has enough adepts that would be interested they're too busy empowering winter chan and ebola chan and so on.



With IGM just make sure you have your true guide. Don't move on until you find him. It took me over a dozen tries to find mine.

Again, you seem to be making a lot of excuses about why you can't do anything.



How do you ascertain it's your true guide?


Gluten makes me sick and break out . I never really noticed until I started eating it LESS. Until then I just thought "this is the world and my body in it."



>I don't start anything without researching it extensively

>How do you ascertain it's your true guide?

did u even read the book?



Which book?


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what does IGM stand for?

Inner Guide Meditation

the book is in this thread


Are you retarded to a degree that you talk about inner guide meditation without even knowing what it is about??

literally the manifestation of autism.


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why did the picture get spoiler



Smilesan? You're looking weller.


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The solution is ACCEPTANCE. you have not accepted your situation and are always trying to "fix" it. This is your cross to bear and I do hope it will heal in time. but stop trying and trying. some things are beyond your control.



worst post in this whole board



Have you consulted a dermatologist?



I've got a magic pill for you, OP.

It's called "Zinc."

That's right. Zinc supplements. Go and get some right now.

And stop jacking off everyday like a degenerate.



How often does one jack off without being a degenerate, then?



>implying I haven't heard about zinc before

>implying I masturbate


Stop eating and try drinking 4+ liter of water a day for 2 weeks.



This. The skin on my hand would dry up and flake off like crazy. And even if I made so much as a fist, the skin at the knuckles of my fingers would rip and bleed. Sulphur soap literally made them as soft as silk. I use it as a body soap too.



hahaha holy shit it checks out fully, this is smiley isnt it.

>skin problems

>still drops lots of detailed explanations about the infinite things thoughtforms can do, muh IIH, muh Astral

>has lots of cash in stock market, expensive laptop

wew, atleast we know that the shaman he messaged was legit.



This might seem like a simple and stupid question, but you didn't mention it. Did you go to a dermatologist?



This might seem like a simple and stupid question, but you didn't mention it. Did you go to a dermatologist?



Shit. Maybe I should do magic for monies to fuel my magics and being alive. Sounds kinda fun.

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