thank you everyone for doing this. you answer questions, contribute pearls without asking for anything, giving your energy and invaluable time out of your life to us fag anons who will turn around and ask the same stupid and repetitive questions again and again without doing basic research, bothering to look through either the faq or the catalog, and who think that reading is for fags. just wanted to you to know my immense gratitude to all you unnamed soldiers fighting for this world and fighting for us. it is a huge confidence boost to know that others exist, this board exists, and wonderful resources like you fine spirits and souls exist.
to all the people who merely browse the website, take and don't (scumbags)/can't (due to being too low level like me (which is fine, don't posit info like its 'fact' unless you are sure of something)) contribute, please make an effort to wish these tireless folks well. imagine the poster of every answer you think is helpful, to be enveloped in any 'light' powerful colour of your choice (i do white with a golden hue) and imagine good things for them (surrounded by piles of cash, Aum appearing over them and suffusing them with brilliant glow, benevolent deities behind their computer chair blessing them, them becoming really healthy, active, and attractive etc.). I think this is basic etiquette. It will also give incentive for people to write better answers, if you want to be dry and practical about it. A big, bright, golden, Ganesh-manifested Aum to all.
P.S - For the love of all that is holy, do not bless them as christians unless you know what you're doing. I don't want anyone to have the attention of 'God' or 'Jesus my lord and saviour ooohhhhh mmmmm' unless they want it and unless you know what you're doing. Jesus the man is/was not Jesus the christian dude. As for their being one single God, and NO OTHER OR I'LL FUCK U UP, well lol to that.
P.P.S - if anyone read this far down, please send my way any good applicable hindu resources. i'm at a needy point of my life and a lot is riding on me (family, loan etc.)