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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)


thank you everyone for doing this. you answer questions, contribute pearls without asking for anything, giving your energy and invaluable time out of your life to us fag anons who will turn around and ask the same stupid and repetitive questions again and again without doing basic research, bothering to look through either the faq or the catalog, and who think that reading is for fags. just wanted to you to know my immense gratitude to all you unnamed soldiers fighting for this world and fighting for us. it is a huge confidence boost to know that others exist, this board exists, and wonderful resources like you fine spirits and souls exist.

to all the people who merely browse the website, take and don't (scumbags)/can't (due to being too low level like me (which is fine, don't posit info like its 'fact' unless you are sure of something)) contribute, please make an effort to wish these tireless folks well. imagine the poster of every answer you think is helpful, to be enveloped in any 'light' powerful colour of your choice (i do white with a golden hue) and imagine good things for them (surrounded by piles of cash, Aum appearing over them and suffusing them with brilliant glow, benevolent deities behind their computer chair blessing them, them becoming really healthy, active, and attractive etc.). I think this is basic etiquette. It will also give incentive for people to write better answers, if you want to be dry and practical about it. A big, bright, golden, Ganesh-manifested Aum to all.

P.S - For the love of all that is holy, do not bless them as christians unless you know what you're doing. I don't want anyone to have the attention of 'God' or 'Jesus my lord and saviour ooohhhhh mmmmm' unless they want it and unless you know what you're doing. Jesus the man is/was not Jesus the christian dude. As for their being one single God, and NO OTHER OR I'LL FUCK U UP, well lol to that.

P.P.S - if anyone read this far down, please send my way any good applicable hindu resources. i'm at a needy point of my life and a lot is riding on me (family, loan etc.)



Thank you for thanking! (:

Work out dat heart chakra/attraction principle, why don'tcha~

I wish you well.

I don't know anything about hinduism, or what you're asking for (I assume hindu philosophy/knowledge to develop on that path?), unfortunately.

The closest link I have to Indian philosophy now is Osho's Book of Secrets that I'm reading, based on some old Tantric text. Quite good.



Check out Principles of Tantra: The Tantratattva of Sriyukta Siva Candra Vidyarnava Bhattacarya Mahodaya edited and translated by sir John Woodroffe, I'm reading it now and it's quite amazing.



Also check



File: 1448801590823.png (153.59 KB, 1476x2316, 123:193, durgatarakali.png)


If you want Hindu resources you should start practicing Tantra, as Tantra is Shastra (religious scripture) for the age of Kali.

>i'm at a needy point of my life and a lot is riding on me

If you find yourself in difficult situation try worshiping Devi in her various forms (whichever appeals to you). Pic related.

Personally I worship Kālī in her various manifestations, but lately I've lost all boons I may have been given because of my own weakness.


>P.P.S - if anyone read this far down, please send my way any good applicable hindu resources. i'm at a needy point of my life and a lot is riding on me (family, loan etc.)

Read everything by "Yogi Ramacharaka": http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/index.html



Stop Shilling for Atkinson, Smiling bitch.



>book on hatha yoga

>a whole chapter on cleaning your ass

Best Hindu materials ever.


If this is a thanks treat

I would love to say thank you

You guy's are my only company in my occults road

I haven't read not even one of he books in the fringe recommend and thanks to the info in the threads I been Abe to talk to my higher self ,find the threshold (scary shit) ,and burn off dark entity's attached to myself ,dream control and use sigils to partialy scape the matrix

This is the place we're the gold is and you give freely, that's true love for the truth thanks .



fix your grammar




Nice projection.




Nice Psychological projection.




im not even working on my chakras here, just got moderately pissed off at seeing the arrogance in questions thread and not a single thank you to be seen. i just got this 'entitlement' vibe from all the low-levels, if you know what i mean. hence this thread to set things straight as best as i can.


the book you mentioned is 480 usd (part 1 and 2 combined) and that is beyond my resources at the moment. can you point me to a pdf?


i briefly started worshipping Kali almost exclusively. my whole life was turned around and i lost my job (although i can trace the reasons back to me). i feel like she might be too intense for mundanes since she will _put_ you on your will's path regardless of what your current endeavour is, and if that is renunciation from the world, power, and enlightenment, so be it. but for someone trying to blend in and with family responsibilities, i can't handle that much force and strength. so a more 'passive' deity shall we say, like Ganeshji or Krishnaji, or Devis like Lakshmi and Saraswati might be the way to go. Durga ma is always good of course, her divine protection should be sought by everyone.


glad u were able to go that far along the path without doing much intensive reading. in my post, i was referring people who would _obviously_ benefit from doing some reading and contemplation, but refuse to, and don't have the depth of spirit needed to do things 'their own way' anyway. no matter what anyone says, always let success be your proof and courage be your armour.


so i know that Atkinson wrote under the false 'Yogi's name, but i have still seen his books recommended here. is he worth reading or are there some shenanigans going on? also, a while back i saw someone say 'Bardon is suspicious as fuck.' anything i should be aware of? because i have seen his 'Initiation into Hermetics' recommended time and again in many places.



>gimme pdf

Now now, don't be lazy. It's literally the fifth entry when you google "principles of tantra". You didn't even bother to search for pdf, did you?

>but for someone trying to blend in and with family responsibilities, i can't handle that much force and strength

Well, it depends on Kali's manifestation under which you worship her. Śrikalika and Daksinakalika are examples of more benevolent ones. But if you feel more confident in worshiping other form of Devi than Kali then follow your heart.

As for Atkinson - what did he really know about Hindu ways?



>'Bardon is suspicious as fuck.'

His techniques are good. There is barely anything wrong with what he teaches.

The problem is Bardon as a person. He himself said that he isn't the ideal adept, he also smoked and was fat. Not to mention how he portrayed himself as Hermes Trismegistus and a lot of his work is just copy pasted from other sources.

He was most likely just a low level magician with access to very advanced knowledge which he made popular in his work, thus making some secret clubs butthurt.


File: 1448817226879-0.pdf (710.62 KB, woodroffe_introduction_to_….pdf)

File: 1448817226879-1.pdf (1.41 MB, Shakti_and_Shakta-By_Arthu….pdf)


can't make u believe it, but i did in fact search for the pdfs. the mistake i made was putting in the full name and the author's (really long) name, and i don't use google, only ixquick, it's more private but obviously not as good. i found some 'pay for registering account' pdf sites but that's about it. your search-fu must be higher than mine. anyway, when i googled what you said i came upon a good website, www.aghori.it

also, found some good books as pdfs including the 'Principles of Tantra'. currently compressing it to upload here as its around 50mb. once i do, please take a look and tell me if its both volumes. here are the other two books i grabbed which are by Sir John Woodroffe/Arthur Avalon (the principles book a translation by him)


thanks for explaining.




That's the two volume edition I use, probably it's the same as yours.

Those two other books are good, but I didn't read all of them.

Maybe sometime I will upload my collection of tantrik texts and post them here.



Also, forgot to mention, those two books are quite heavy on Sanskrit names and terms.



im indian and took sanskrit in school. shouldn't be a problem.



How do you know what your true will wants?



i lost my mother early in life which basically removed all my desires. i don't feel happy when i get things, when i shine through grades and shit, when people praise me etc. the only real feeling i have inside is a warmth when i see other people happy. that makes me want to clean up this world so people can be free and live their life the way they want.

i'm a person who is very strong on his convictions, so if i get one, i take it to its ultimate conclusion. this universe is _mine_, and even a dog cleans up a spot with its tail before sitting down. so i want to clean this place up before having kids, living life etc.

this, and a lot of self-introspection on weed have set me free i think and in touch with my spirit (awareness + will). synchronicities also keep moving me forward. of course, i haven't tried AP yet and feel like the day i do something important will happen, but till then all i choose to trust is that small quiet voiceless voice inside that feels 'right'.

if i sound like a pompous egghead, know that i consider myself the most important person in the world but _only_ in my mind, and don't actually project it on other people. this is just me giving u my honest answer to your question.




So basically just your main desire right?



I envy you. Each time I read some tantra or any book on the subject I have to do some scholar work too, to have a clear understanding of what is being conveyed.



my only one.


email no.menace.0@gmail.com (thats a zero in the email id) next time u have a problem. i don't claim to be a sage expert like the brahmins in india, but i'm decent, and have a basic grasp of the language, so it helps me in figuring out new phrases and shlokas. i feel like the whole of /fringe/ should make a combined effort to learn sanskrit. it absolutely astounds me how such an obviously divine language is completely ignored in the world. so many people say it is the first language given directly by the hindu pantheon to us, and that latin and everything else derives from it, and the current overlords don't want us to know that.

look at how every /pol/ or /x/ post on 4chan related to india is met with memes of 'designated shitting spot' or other racist remarks. that doesn't affect me, but i do have to shake my head at how much knowledge is being lost because of this ignorance.



Thank you, I will write if I have a problem next time.

I understand how you feel. I really want to learn Sanskrit, but I can't afford it right now and don't have much time for learning another language as I'm already learning Chinese. I don't even know where I could learn Sanskrit.

For now I'm satisfied with English translations.

Also I don't lurk /pol/ nor /x/ so I don't know, but on /fringe/ Eastern Esoterism isn't really popular and I don't know why.



>I worship Kālī in her various manifestations, but lately I've lost all boons I may have been given because of my own weakness.

Dang, I gotta look into these. Kali sounds wicked cool/like I'd kinda wanna worship her.

I've definitely been at such a point.

Though I'm not sure renunciation is for me; I'm attached to the idea of having a relationship with the twin flame I found rather than transcending sexuality.

There was a point where I was drawn to be a worshipper of Narasimha, but I wonder if that's too much fighting (psychically or otherwise) for my tastes. I suppose I wouldn't mind it so long as I'm not harmed much.


/fringe/ seems, in general, to be too ego/power-driven, and that's where Westerm Esotericism shines;magic powers are sought rather than the "direct" path to god.

as someone on here said "eastern is the direct path to god and western is the scenic route".

Eastern seems more energywork and philosophy rather than "cast spells get your desires", at least if you don't read certain texts.



You don't have to discard sexuality in order to worship Devi.

Also, nothing wrong with Ego and desire for power. At least IMHO, but I'm in it not for enlightenment but for siddhis.

If you wanna worship Kali then Kali Kaula book I recommended to you in the other thread is certainly a good place to start.

If you can't find it yourself I can upload it for you.



Link the stuff that gives siddhis.



And why would I spoonfeed you?



Because I am asking for it.



Igmnore the haters and actually open up and start looking at Atkinson's books and see for yourself. The people who hate Atkinson have either not actually read him or just pretend to hate him to piss off his fans here.

Everything Atkinson writes is straight forward pure and simple truths.



He is pretty much a borefest though and repeats himself a lot. No fancy hokus pokus bullshit with silly names and funny rituals.


>straight forward pure and simple truths



♪Siddhi Vinayaka Bhava Bhaya Nasha♪


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