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>So how to use magic to make other people lives better?

You can access the akashic principle of a person to find the cause of all things in their life; diagnose any disease, character defect, etc. and trace it back to its source. You can then seed the cause of a solution into a higher sphere of there being and charge it enough to manifest in a timely manner.

>How to send them good luck, health, energy and the like ?

Purge undesirable entity attachments, imbue them with more vital energy, create a guardian thoughtform to protect and guide them or find one that might already be in place and charge it more, impress upon them your good qualities, try changing the thought atmosphere around them and in their living place and wherever they work, etc.

In the case of purging entity attachments you'll want to develop your imaginal/astral senses and then train them to scan across many different frequencies to find those attachments and remove them after assessing whether they really should be removed or not. If you meddle in the lives of others, you should have already cultivated an intense amount of virtue in yourself, this alone will unlock many things for you. He is who master of himself is master of all.

>I want to help them but they are not the type who would meditate and the like, if this reality is hell I want to help them even if is a little stuff

Hell and heaven are states of being / conditions. There are realms that are hell-like and heaven-like as well too though that correspond to all the various depictions of heaven and hell. Your ability to help others will increase with your self-mastery, help yourself first and foremost and you'll be better able to serve others.

>I am a neophyte so I don't know which method will be better if a sigil burn or a meditation or whatever?

If you use sigilization then I recommend you do the practices in Initiation Into Hermetics or a similar magickal training manual and that you use this specific technique for sigil: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQFenJSs7uw

Essentially you induce a trance through rhythm and extreme emotion and then while in the trance you create the sigil which concentrates your intention and let it go to manifest. You should attain a state where you feel that you have successfully seeded the cause of the manifestation you want to make happen and you have nothing more to do then refrain from revisiting upon this / turn your awareness completely and immediately to something else so as not to undermine with doubts. If you do revisit it though, you can repeat the trance induction and charge the whole thing again with even more intensity the next time, but usually you don't want to do this. See also: http://montalk.net/notes/reality-creation-redux and also check out what Franz Bardon has to say about desire elementals. Getting gassed now by some mundanes making popcorn, I'll be back to add one more thing here… can't think with these disgusting fumes filling the air.

>Thanks in advance.

<edited your thread so that it actually presents information instead of just asking questions and fixed a few typos>

Post last edited at



The way I would do this is through meditation. But I do everything via meditation so whatever.


Cleanse your body (fasting, mucusless vegan diet), this will affect your surroundings too. Inside=Outside


Can you please just delete this thread and put your questions in the question thread?

Improving other people's lives requires two things, the cultivation of virtue / understanding of ethics (The Universal Master Key will help you here), and obviously mastery over the Hermetic/Mental/Magickal principles which govern this universe aka actually learning to magick.



How is understanding of ethics necessary to help someone?



Plz elaborate

I got a uncle who has been sick

And I read somewhere that when people know that you are praying for them actually got worse , so I want to do something without they knowing , to actually help , I don't want glory or gratitude from them ,I just want he to improve seeing him healthy would be enough for me.



I'm not that guy, but what I would do would be going into meditation, imagining my uncle in good health, happy. I would create a situation mentally eg. me meeting my uncle, who is happy he has beaten the illness and he is talking to me about this. You will get the details it's just the example.

Now, the most important part - you have to feel the feelings you would feel in this mental situation as if it all was happening in reality. If you'd feel happy and relieved you HAVE TO feel these emotions as if your wish already came to pass. You have to have no doubt that it will come to pass.

Visualize your uncle healthy, imagine how would you feel then, FEEL this way with unshakable belief that he is cured right now.

I've used this technique and have had positive results.

If you do it right, you can build up such amount of positive energy that you can literally have an ecstasy.

The book "the law and the promise" from /fringe/ library described similar technique.



Gracias anon.



May the force be whit you

Live long and prosper



Happy to help.

Do it for several days (or more if needed) and see how things go from there.

You can also do some other variations of this, like holding both pictures (your uncle being sick and you uncle being healthy) in your mind and gradually shifting your awareness from him being sick to him being healthy, willing that this change should occur in reality, combining this with invoking feelings etc.

Invent your own techniques, those are the ones that work the best.

The way I also theorized about this "invoking feelings" method is that by doing so, you create a bridge of sorts to your desired future.

There are many probable futures, by invoking feelings you would feel in the future in which your wish comes true you create a bond. I came up with this one time when I sat in meditation doing the technique I described before. I saw a tree, I was in the middle of it, and it's branches were probable futures coming in many directions from the now. By invoking those "future" feelings it seemed to me like that one, desired branch bended and pulled to me, so that I could just simply hop onto it. If that makes sense to you.



Also, rule 2 is killing this board.



No shitposters like you are killing the board, knowing off threads that OPs put serious effort into, because you can't into the question thread.



>How is understanding of ethics necessary to help someone?

If you do not understand ethics then you can end up hurting people while trying to help them.



I'm not OP sweetie.


Use Neville's method.


See them in your imagination telling you about how their life has improved in the way you want it to, and feel strongly that it's already done.



Stop being a faggot and become a woman who can actually reproduce, an actual woman.




Also, just because I called someone "sweetie" you presume I am gay?


The way I understand it, you'll just have to make use of the "Placebo effect"

Make your subject believe that your helping-action will help them.

How you actually do it. is up to you. You can use amulets, massages, pills or whatever the fuck you want - the only thing you have to accomplish is that your desired result is imprinted in the person's subconsciousness and not questioned by it or doubted in any way.

A strong imprint can obviously be accomplished by emotions or other significant experiences.


-Just make an amulet/necklace/whatever and give it as a gift to the person. Convince them which result wearing this amulet will have, tell some made-up but convincing background bullshit-story and have the person wear the thing every day.


-Make the person close their eyes and visualize the result vividly , then burn their fingers - every time they touch something hot, the unconscious will remember.

It's pretty simple. The tough part is making the person not doubt or question the effectiveness of your spell, especially since most mundanes don't believe in quackery - they only believe in pharmacy and science, so preferably make those the mediums of your intention. The uneducated mundanes are easy to fool this way. Just design your own placebo pills or tell them about some made-up newest scientific research results (if your actually a doctor or some medicine student, this will hit like Hiroshima)

Good luck



How does one do everything through meditation?



Start with "How does one do anything through meditation"?



I presume you're gay because of your comment to Kru, pumpkins.



>and feel strongly that it's already done.

Do you have quotes about this? I used to have pictures of guruus from various religions (Jesus, certain buddhists, etc.) making statements about this.



>your comment to Kru



I would love to say thank you to all the great advice

I really hope God bless you all

You guys help me to open my eyes to a higher true, thanks



Your presumptions are wrong. I am straight. And gay. And both and neither. As if sexuality held any power over me.


I think he means this


This is the second time you didn't check a thread after leaving a reply in it.


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