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I came here to ask you what is going wrong in this world and seek help.

I have ballbusting/femdom fetish. I want to be emasculated by a young feminine girl. I am pretty masculine. I feel like something inside me want to destroy my masculine side, the agressive conqueror and achiever.

How did that happen to me? How to stop this? How to get into balance? I know most of you are childish schizophrenic new age idiots but I also know among you there are real smart individuals seeking truth about this world and our place.

I came to lot of conclusions myself reading occult books and noticing same patterns in nature but I want you to help with my research. I know there is a key in myself to heal this world or at least try. I will reveal what I found out.

Sorry for my bad english.


Smiley? Again?



what? It is my first post.



The more you fap the more fetishes you get, how has this not dawned on you yet?


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>he needs help from others for this


>initiate flag


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how can we know? post this thread in your dream

just remember to hide replies of young feminine girls wanting to emasculate you



Yes. I need help for my further research.



I know this. But how to stop? How to work for better willpower?



most basic method would be to try autosuggestion, before sleep while you lie in bed, repeat to yourself that you do NOT have said fetish until you're asleep



But subconcious understand logic like NOT?



Aren't you supposed to avoid saying things like "not"? Say things like "I am of healthy mind" instead.


It's intent, not wording.



as you said it's intent, in IIH it has an example of a phrase with a negative undertone like ''I don't like thing"



A better auto suggestion would be to use the quality on the other end of the spectrum of what you wish to transmute. You want to avoid using the negative words in a sentence, because you can confuse the subconsciousness.

An affirmation such as I am the embodiment of the divine masculine force or "I am the embodiment of the balanced divine masculine & feminine" would be fine.

Regarding balance, use both halfs of your body equally, become ambidextrous in all that you do. As you use your right side you stimulate your yang, and as you use your left you stimulate your yin.

Also cultivating balance in mind, thought, and action is also advisable. If you are unsure what I mean look into the nature of masculine and feminine energy, how they work, what they embody and learn to use both modalities. For both energies exist within all people, whether you're male or female just means what you are more predisposed to.


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Motherland vs Fatherland

I am way too much masculine in life and trying to dominate people. Then while having sex with my girlfriend after I dominate her I want from her to squeeze my testicles.

When feminine energy is too powerful, somewhere in the world pop ups counter masculine energy movement to balance it.

Just look… feminist movements, matriarchy in western world - protection, childish in nature people who have too much and on the other side muslim men enslaving women and murdering others. That's why Europe is invaded now. We want wild masculine energy. We want to fear, we want to raise our masculine energy in Europe.



Why American and western men in general want to vote that guy called Trump? Because they are feminine. /pol/ is mix of feminine, unbalanced men who can't express their masculine side. They fear. They are being fed with propaganda and masculinizing themselves to the point they are just tools. They let women and men with power to dominate their country and their lifes instead of acting in right way. Germany turned nazi after emasculating effect of WWI.


retarded bullshit thread



actually it's not bullshit



could be an entity or thoughtform influencing you. Have you considered your gf might be behind this? C'mon just think about it.



Here is the best advice for you op.

>>what do you think is the solution?


There are pathways in your brain that exist to enjoy these perversions. The more you indulge in this the stronger the pathways become. If you want it to go away then you have to stop. It won't be completely gone even after years of abstinence.



not true, was completely gone after a month for me



- Removing porn addiction

- Doing sports

- Release my anger

- Respect other people

- Smile more

- Less stress

- Better food

- Check my blood + free testosterone + thyroid levels


Raw sexuality is a primal force. Like rapidly running water, it carves channels through paths of least resistance. Ultimately however it's shaped by our life experiences and our cultures.

Taking a page from RAW, determine what your first orgasm was like. How similar is it to previous orgasm experiences, has it shaped every sexual experience for you from that point onward?

It's entirely probable that the desire for femdom comes from a time when your mother or mother-figure in life made decisions for you. She was probably stern and paternalistic, but took care of your needs. Your father was probably estranged from your family or was otherwise not present through your life, or otherwise not considered a strong masculine figure. Or I could be completely wrong, make room for doubt. My point is that these figures in your life shape your idea of the masculine/feminine archetypes in your psyche.

Anyway, a compulsion to fap and experience something like femdom reveals some deeper attitudes formed earlier in life as well as your current outlook and experience. You may need to engage what RAW called the "oral biosurvival circuit." Chronic fapping comes from a need for comfort.

Instead of masturbating or even sitting there on the computer, start to make your life more stable, do more physical activities, not just exercise, but relaxation like yoga, massage or a trip to a spa. Take up meditation if you haven't already, and look into slower tantric sex with your gf. if she's not into it, maybe examine where your relationship may be causing your problems.


I don't know a magickal solution however I am a girl with a castration fetish and would be willing to relieve you of your burden as it were.



OP here. Why do you think you have castration fetish? What caused this?




"I am cuck pls help pls respond"


Her father (Uncle?) had sex with her as a child.



I am not a cuck. I am even opposite to cuck.



>I am even opposite to cuck.

A nigger?



I've never developed any tastes beyond vanilla despite fapping daily for the last 11 years

Maybe you all are just naturally degenerate, and weak?



well when I was a teen I'd fap for 3-4 times a day


It all comes down to balancing the elements. Perhaps you'd have to banish water and earth to get rid of feminine passivity but someone should definitely confirm my words first


being dominated by a woman isn't emasculation. but getting kicked in the balls is emasculation



>They let women and men with power to dominate their country and their lifes instead of acting in right way

The reason they do this is because they understand that even though they can act right, the majority of the population cannot act right.



I guess it's more so that it is in hibernation. The pathway, if re ignited, will go back to it's previous state easily, but if kept dormant it will not just suddenly reappear.


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See these threads:





This anon hit the nail on the head >>65264

Step-father, though.


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Here is a technique that worked for me. I had fallen into a revolting fetish from which I could not seem to escape. I did no-fap and meditation and was able to go beyond a month several times but eventually the degenerate urges overcame my will and I'd binge on the disgusting filth once more.

In desperation I finally tried creating a sigil with my intent to transmute any degenerate urge into positive energy and charged it through masturbation. I then charged it a few more times each time I felt urges building pre-empting them by masturbating without porn just using visualization of wholesome natural sex.

So far I've been able to tend to my mental garden and purge not only my acts of seeking out my fetish but the desire to do so in the first place. In the rare occasions I feel the hint of it resurfacing I focus on visualizing the sigil emblazoned in my mind and the urge will fade and I will feel more energy as a result.


God damn it OP. I am effeminate as fuck, my body and voice and everything, I wish I was masculine.

Take a look at pictures of me and read my posts for hours until you get sick of it.

Then you will have no desire to "crush your masculine side" as you will see the horrors of effeminacy.

I find it really disturbing that you would develop a fetish out of destroying what is essentially to wellspring of power / vital energy for a male; your balls.

Anyways some simpe advice; fixate a quality in your mind and work all the time to possess it. Alternatively, use intense fear or other emotion to become possessed by the quality (it possesses you) with the same end result.




This may have application towards a general principle of magick that could prove effective in many different efforts.


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For porn there is no such a thing as a fetish so bad you should'nt get rid of.

I get it if want to stop having fat chick collection, but seeing a specific type of porn is not harmful to anyone

Even supposing you got access to some bondage-hurtcore-bestiality-pedo-rape. video

For the same reason why it's not a crime to see real murder videos. The dead can't get more dead.

(pic related is a text. It is spoilered because of strong language. As long as no harm is done do whatever you want.)


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>mfw that image didn't trigger me

>mfw my mind is finally evolving through meditation and slowly becoming untriggerable and unlooshable

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