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Esoteric Wizardry


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Three days ago someone involved in the whole horoscope thing told me I would have an intersting encounter on Saturday.
Saturday came, and the day passed without any encounter of the sort.
However in the late evening, I opened my documents folder to look for my "Universal Master Key" PDF. I downloaded the entire Mega folder, so there are quite a lot of PDFs there.
Then I randomly stumbled across this file, "Revelations of an Elite Family Insider" and opened it, as I was strangely attracted by the title. Oh boy. I was not expecting what I read at all.

I assume some people read it, as I found it the Mega folder.
If you have not, I reccomend it, as it is short and very interesting.
Can we have a discussion about it?



The guy sounds legit.
If you have not read the book, basically he says we're imprisoned on earth, and it's completely up to us to "escape" by a process similar to ascension.

>Understand this place, what and where it is, know what you are, how you came here, why you

came here, how to return.

>Q: Is Earth a prison? A: Yes and even worse. The ones who believe the contrary will never escape.

>There is just one struggle and it is now, here on this planet and on a personal level….meaning you only. There is no enemy you can attack except yourself. If you are busy attacking something else, you are wasting precious energy and you will fail. If you succeed, there will be no struggle anymore.

A few quotes.


>"Fear is based on physical impulses, the physical is not important."

This is enlightening.


It is also enlightening how amoral everything is, according to him. Or to say, there is no amorality, as it implies lack of something; what he calls The Divine Law is transcendent, beyond all morals, as are its emanations, "the Higher Beings."

His description of the Divine Law also reminds me of the demiurge, as the demiurge "maintains and energizes (the universe)."

(But ultimately, he made me feel that I am wrong about everything.)



>But ultimately, he made me feel that I am wrong about everything.

Right? That's the worst feeling


He also mentions that beings appear near you when you feel desire or feel something; I wonder how many beings there are right now around me, and, of course, who these beings are?

"They" remind be of the aliens who gather loosh from us whenever we feel or desire something.

I am confused. The Book of Knowledge mentions that the writer begged help from "the Creation", (I think he means the One), and got it; but Insider tells us that you cannot beg anything from the One, as it's as heresy.


>that the writer begged help from "the Creation"
I don't know man. Maybe he somehow "manifested" the knowledge, I mean it came to him through visualization and reality creation or something?

Honestly this book left me really disoriented, as not only the "Insider" sounds legit, he also warns us not to "sin", but we don't know the rules! We have to somehow discover them on our own

>The Divine Law controls what is called karma, but it is much broader and "harsher" than people want to accept. Example: someone who gets cancer and dies a slow painful death deserves it, that person is being corrected, it is for his own good. Sounds "harsh"? That´s the way it works.

This is some spooky stuff.

But somehow the process of "liberation" that he's talking about reminds me of the process of spiritual ascension here >>5447
We aspiring "magicians" may be on the right path after all…

The most discomforting thing is that everyone is on his own, the guys says.
And if you fail to free yourself, reincarnation? You start all over again. Hmm… at least it's possible to make it, but everything you come across might be misleading.

This sure is a situation more people should consider.


There are no false allies or enemies, nor real allies or enemies. You're on your own. Believe no one, seek the Trut all the time. That's his message.

I'd say you are right. Many magicians have ascended, why cannot we? I am not familiar of the forum he visited; do they practice magic? Maybe he would have mentioned magic more clearly if they had asked him.

I am not sure of his legibility. He is knowledgeable of many subjects. I wish he could come here so we could ask him questions.


Check out this, it is apparently a continuation; http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1475710/pg1

Will read to see if it is legit.


He admits he's not the same person, but part of a different faction. Will continue reading.


All right, this is most likely a hoax.


OP here, I'm gonna read that too now.

But why would it be?



OP again. This 2011 "Insider"… I don't know… contradicts the previous one, does not talk about important topics… gives out links to "antichrist name finder", what the fuck is that, the previous guy even said there is no "antichrist" person.

The 2005 one was serious, more believable, had a "time limit" and a proxy, went pretty deep into stuff, knew some shit. This one uses emoticons and talks like an edgy teen. Smells like BS…

Hmm… one thing is for sure though:
>Believe no one, seek the Truth all the time.

heh… fuck…


It's me again, I just read this in the new thread

>Yes, society is what we will kill, and can you blame us?! 40,000 hours spent on Hilton/Lohan/Spears in the media - less than 10,000 hours spent covering Darfur and the millions dead there.

What the fuck, the other guy straight up said that world events are a distraction and the physical does not matter.

I'm done with this new one. Let's hear what you think though.


His explanations of the Book of Revelation is pretty precise, but he might have copied it from elsewhere.

I agree, the first one is more believable, but this modern one is knowledgeable of occultism - however, his behavior is too, may I say, "mundane". The first Insider was indeed more serious, and possibly legit.

Still wondering, though; we have our existence in the ALL, which indeed is the all. What does the Divine Law want from us, then? What could it gain that it doesn't already have? The Divine Law is the Will of the Superior One. What is there to gain?


I don't know what to say man. If the first guy is legit, I've got some work to do.
I would love to hear the "high wizards' " opinion on this matter, expecially from people who have been "out there" and have some experience with otherworldy matters.

The "Insider" sounds very knowledgeable, but at the same he contradicts some of the notions we "take for granted" so to speak. Is he right, or is, say, Franz Bardon right?
For all we know he could be deceiving people, however he acts like he's come to help us…

Ahh… I hate this. This feeling of not being 100% sure… we could say this feeling is what lead me to /fringe/ eh? Funny.


The problem I have with this text is the Karma and punishment. I am entirely sure the One doesn't care to punish us because we were 'this bad' or reward us because we were 'this good'. This is similar fear-mongering as Christians use, and I don't believe in it. I find it ridiculous that the ALL would cause pain to us because we addressed him in a improper way. The All cannot do that. Same with praises; the All doesn't care if you praise it or insult it. It IS; if you say that it has personal characteristics or human attributes, such as pride, it ceases to be the ALL. The All is not a human being. It has no personality.

There's no divine judge to punish and reward us.

I just can't understand what he means when he says that the Divine Law has a purpose for us. There cannot be a purpose, because there's nothing for the All to achieve as it is all; it contains everything; there is nothing it wants. If it wants something, it's not the ALL.

Judge for yourself, fellow, but do not swallow this right now. I will leave this open, but I think this might be disinformation. Be cautious.


>if you're a doom lover you're will be disappointed come 2012, but you'll LOVE 2023-2027.
Confirmed roleplayer



>>6603 Thanks man

OP here, this is what I was thinking right from the beginning, and maybe I'm not wrong after all.
He says the true Christ (not Jesus) taught men how to free themselves, and thanks to him, everyone can do it.

Insider says:

>Christ was incarnated only once - in the heyday of Egypt. The other, termed this title led from start to finish. The Bible does not contain the essence of the teachings of Christ, it was created to implement the government for slavery.

This reminds me of our friend:

>There is no portion of the occult teachings possessed by the world which have been so closely guarded as the fragments of the Hermetic Teachings which have come down to us over the tens of centuries which have elapsed since the lifetime of its great founder, Hermes Trismegistus, the "scribe of the gods," who dwelt in old Egypt in the days when the present race of men was in its infancy. Contemporary with Abraham, and, if the legends be true, an instructor of that venerable sage, Hermes was, and is, the Great Central Sun of Occultism, whose rays have served to illumine the countless teachings which have been promulgated since his time. All the fundamental and basic teachings embedded in the esoteric teachings of every race may be traced back to Hermes.

(quote from the Kybalion)

What do you guys think?



Also, I forgot to add:

>Question: - Insider, you said that the process of reproduction of oil are similar to those that use the bees when honey is doing.

>Answer: - All around is subject to the Divine Law of similarity. The differences are nothing more than an additional dimension. People for example like an animal, the difference is the presence of his extra dimension - awareness of action. You can study one subject area, and find in it answers to the essence of the processes occurring in a completely different domain.

This is the Hermetic Principle of Corrispondence, further evidence that the "Christ" might be our fellow Hermes.


Well I read through it. Interesting but in retrospect very ambiguous. I suppose the takeaway message is a resounding "Believe no one and figure it out for yourself," which I consider an essential principle already. Other than that, he seems to shy away from any really specific details that one would assume he could divulge. It seems to be this formula of someone asking for clarification on X, and his response being basically, "Well, everything you know about X is a lie/half-truth. Have a nice day." Doesn't even bother hinting at the bloodline to which he belongs, of the specific foods or components in our foods and how they specifically affect us, of the actual historicity of events beyond "There is far more to this than you think there is, but I won't explain any of it to you in detail." I'm not sure exactly what to make of it.


Although, I must say, that bit about the reason why babies cry when they're born really stirred up a strange, dreadful sensation in me.


What practical things do you guys take from this?

-Eat organic foods or grow own foods to avoid unwanted effects from normal food
-Minimize electronic usage, use solar energy
-Stay away from mainstream media and music
-Master the mind through meditation, mindfulness, pure living and other practices
-Master visualization
-Develop spiritually. A study and practice of 'magic' or certain systems helps with this
-Strive to Love unconditionally
-Know yourself (as a spiritual being in psychical body? Having five bodies: Spiritual, Mental, Astral, Etheric, Physical)
-Know where you are (A prison planet, which is a crystallization of a huge containing spectral world?)
-Connect with and become enlightened by Universal Mind and live accordingly to the Divine Law for remaining days
-Strive to shed material body and merge with Higher Self

(from other QnA session)
>Everyone comes into this world with a unique set of skills and abilities that are predefined before birth, with the minimum necessary number of those tools that are necessary to fulfill his earthly mission.
>The memory is erased to find in this incarnation, the new solution. There are tools (body, qualities of character), is a mission - to find a solution without being told.
-Discover these skills, abilities and qualities. Discover mission and fulfill it
Would these 'missions' be different for each incarnation? A certain profession? Something physical to accomplish? How could one discover this and be sure whether it would be the correct mission?

I struggle with this part, which sounds like it would not be wise to discuss with others…
>My only question now: Is it really THIS simple? I will not give away what you have knowingly or
inadvertently revealed… I know now that what you say is true: This cannot be told, it must be
discovered, for it has no power if it is revealed to one.
>The Truth wants to be known by you, it is It´s main goal, inviting you every moment of your life,
so to be understood by you It is out of Necessity simple and to be noticed relating to Providence It
is "in front of you".


can you explain or copy paste the excerpt or even give a summary on why babies cry when born? can't access my book archive at the moment.


He says it's the soul being struck by a state of disbelief and presumably sadness at its incarnation, resulting physically in uncontrollable crying. The newborn child is most aware of its true self and from that point on begins to forget. I had a dream relating to this, so it stood out to me.


Owner of the Fringe Library reporting in. I have read that text, obviously uploaded it there, and I received it originally from Levakama the Czech Hermetic Wizard and follower of Franz Bardon.

I know how to ascend and am holding back off on it even as I continue to receive messages from beyond edging me on to just do it… I want to complete some readings here and finish the Fringe Project or at least transfer it to another initiate for safekeeping and continuity in the event of me being lost in 4D and forgetting how to get back here to help others escape and to penetrate 3D more with the higher powers, bringing down the demiurgic prison.

I have studied and practised long and I need to help others, it is my duty to do so, for where would I be if not for those who before me decided to take some time to lay out the great work for me? I want to ensure others continue to break free from this realm… by leaving behind a trail and a large body of information that falling into the right hands will enable ascension.

Truth can be told to others plain and simple but only gnosis (personal knowing) will actually set you free. Words, words, words…. the fedora man turns away from it all and others only intellectually comprehend it but do not go the full distance in actually doing it.

There are many secret esoteric books which are widely available and give you the keys to understanding… but they are only keys. You have to still use the key yourself to unlock the chest of knowledge.

That is why "the truth can't be told to you only the path can be shown".

A spiritual body doesn't really make sense btw as spirit is beyond form, beyond body. A body is occupied by spirit but spirit is not body. Maybe the universal architecture can be likened to a spiritual body.

I only find Physical, Etheric, and Astral as meaningful variations of the body. Mental seems redundant with Astral and Spiritual just isn't a body.

Your assessment here is the same as my own for this text. There seems to be a misunderstanding of karma on the part of the "Elite Insider". There is no petty divine judge with human motivations to punish and judge us and reward us.


Truly admirable. You are doing a great service to us all here and are very much appreciated. This board would not be worth visiting consistently without your input. Do you still plan to put together a book this year or soon? I've seen you mention this on /ask/ a while ago

What do you make of the Divine Law this insider speaks of and being 'guided' to it among other things?


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Not OP, but I recall this guy.

Long story short the guy is a Manichaen, which is a sort of Gnostic.


There aren't many practitioners today but this guy sounds exactly like them.


OP here, now that's what I'm talking about.
Good job man. I hope I can do the same when my time comes. I feel a need to do it, to help people who seek.



If the wiki is accurate, not quite. Apologies if you have better information its representation is inaccurate. It states:

'Mani's teaching dealt with the origin of evil,[11] by addressing a theoretical part of the problem of evil by denying the omnipotence of God and postulating two opposite powers. Manichaean theology taught a dualistic view of good and evil. A key belief in Manichaeism is that the powerful, though not omnipotent good power (God) was opposed by the semi-eternal evil power (Satan). Humanity, the world and the soul are seen as the byproduct of the battle between God's proxy, Primal Man, and Satan. The human person is seen as a battleground for these powers: the soul defines the person, but it is under the influence of both light and dark. This contention plays out over the world as well as the human body—neither the Earth nor the flesh were seen as intrinsically evil, but rather possessed portions of both light and dark. Natural phenomena (such as rain) were seen as the physical manifestation of this spiritual contention. Therefore, the Manichaean worldview explained the existence of evil with a flawed creation which God took no role in forming but rather was the result of Satan striking out against God.[52]'

Whereas the Insider is actually a Monist, more like the Kaballists who say that 'there is only one' and to attribute influences to any other power is idolatry. Note that he repeatedly rails against idolatry as what will lock you into the prison.

He advises to treat demons and the demiurge as teachers about the natural consequences of your choices. Whereas this extract from the wiki talks about a 'flawed creation'. According to the Insider the creation is perfect in that, in so far as you are liable to distraction and fall from having your eyes set on light, a demiurgic universe is precisely the lesson you need, and is administered by the One for that purpose.

Manichaeism, from what the article states (I haven't researched it in real books yet, shamefully), is just another partial form of the hermeticism which is so similarly mirrored in it, neoplatonism, various magical iterations, and the most esoteric sects of Buddhism like Dzogchen. Insider doesn't seem to me that much more Manichean that just somebody generally versed in these traditions as what he understands to be the true history of them, and the true light which they as earthen forms all degrade, mirror, and MAY inspire and individual to set his eyes upon.

Personally, it seems to me like what Evola & Ford & etc. said about the Protocols of the Learned: it doesn't matter if it's a factual hoax. It is something that sets eyes upon truth.

Thank you so much OP for reminding me of this.


But he doesnt say this bad nor this good. He says the person is corrected. The nuance is critical here. It is not about punishment nor reward. It is abourt learning and getting straight.
Karma merely means the working of the law of cause and effect.



Right. And how we talk about and picture the source/reality itself seems to me like one of the best indicators of our state.

So to be corrected for doing so wrongly seems a way of teaching, totally different from the pride or jealousy of a Jehova.

I think the All and the One is an important distinction to make also. The One is what Insider said permeates and rules this reality, and orders the logos by which we fall further into it or come out of it according to our choices. But this reality having One source and way up and exit and teleology doesn't imply thinking there isn't an ALL outside of its structures.

An aspect I found slightly difficult was fixed sentences for certain comments (i.e '2 more lifetimes). But perhaps that's about learning cause/effect. Or perhaps he was just trying to emphasise the need for care with words.


>I sympathize with the Russian culture, despite all its shortcomings and weaknesses, I think it is most promising. For 10 years I have gradually take over the supreme power in the Russian-speaking sector of the planet and begin planning the transition to a qualitatively new level of being. To do this, I have all the necessary tools.
Mother Russia is rising again!!


This is good.

>The Truth wants to be known by you, it is Its main goal, inviting you every moment of your life, so to be understood by you It is out of Necessity simple and to be noticed relating to Providence It is "in front of you".


what about those children that do not cry and need a little pat to start (otherwise their lungs won't open)?


How does ascension work Librarian-san? Are you physically removed from this universe, or does the body die with the soul loosed from its mooring or does the body carry on as a kind of empty shell?


What horoscope thing is OP referring to?


Wow im fucking impressed. This is gold. Im not finished yet but FUCK.


I'm not fully convinced. I see a majority of what he is written is very close to what I have inferred form my quest to understand. Somehow I do not even think he is enlightened enough to answer these questions correctly. If any of us were we would probably be gone form this place.

I often think why we have not made contact with advanced civilizations and I think they have found their answers and left this dimension.

If his interpretation is correct i wonder what purpose does technological advancement serve for this agenda.

In my humble opinion I do not think we were placed here for any purpose besides just originating here because that is how the astral / universe interaction happens. I also do not think we maintain individuality upon physical release, like a drop falling into an ocean. It still contains information but what purpose does the individual drop serve.

We can make ripples which can make waves. But a drop cannot get to the bottom of the ocean.


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>… basically he says we're imprisoned on earth, and it's completely up to us to "escape" by a process similar to ascension.





No, you misunderstand.

He frames a personal relationship carefully and more via negatives than positives. The point being how important starting that relationship from the right subtle footing is, and that all else follows without need of external guidance from there. Similarities to various positive doctrines lacking this particular heuristic are superficial. Most of these doctrines also involve intermediaries: taking the core intuition that we are imprisoned and chasing and using it to make marks out of some beings for other beings' benefit.

It's poor form to attack something you haven't really studied or felt in the way you did.





thats spooky, read the alien interview on biblioectawhateverthefuck

The alien tells the interviewer we are on a prison planet trapped until we figure out how to escape and how some large device around the earth is stopping our souls from leaving and forcing us to be reincarnated.


Most of what the "Insider" says sounds good and makes sense and is congruent with the sorts of teachings you read about in Hermetic philosophy etc.

But there was one thing he said that really turned me off and made me think he's just some dude with pretensions of wisdom, not an actual, elite ruler of Earth. He said that everyone gets what they deserve, karma punishes people who misbehave, and if someone has something horrible happen to them, they had it coming and it's teaching them a lesson.

I've tried, and I've never been able to reconcile the idea of karmic justice with reality. There are obviously lots of evil people in the world who nonetheless are happy and successful, while little kids below the age of puberty (when Insider says they become responsible for their own actions) die of painful causes, and while good people suffer. If you look for justice in the world, you won't find it.

Probably Insider would hand-wave this away by saying that karmic repercussions are delayed until subsequent lifetimes, and what an individual suffers in one life might be based on actions in a past life.

But what good is karma as a teaching mechanism if it works in such a way that you can't remember what you did to deserve it? It stops being a teaching method and becomes just a blind, mechanistic engine of cause and effect. And that does not fit with the idea of Earth as a place of learning, or with the concept of a conscious universe where everything is ordered by a divine mind.

Karma as a blind force is a needlessly complicated explanation for a phenomenon that could be much more simply and elegantly summarized as "Shit happens." I can't think of a single reason to believe that such a thing as karma exists.

So I'm dubious about the credentials of this Insider person. Also, if he's so keen on putting out some essential information, why not just compose an essay explaining the relevant facts, instead of the clumsy question and answer format, where he dodges between proxies and constantly tells people he's running out of time and to stop asking the same questions? Seems overly dramatic.

Maybe I'm just a profane prole or something.


We have to remember that one way to deceit people is to use familiar concepts and then add your own agenda in it.

In this case, he has used Hermetic philosophy to bring a sense of familiarity; when this is accomplished, it is then possible to tell lies which the victim might adopt because he has been turned receptive. It's a tactic that makes the Insider sound more "valid".

I feel the Insider was just a ruse.



Yeah, there was nothing in the ebook that was revolutionary or which couldn't have been written by anyone who hangs out on this board and has read some of the Mega library.

There are so many people who get off on pretending to have secret knowledge, and they love to play the game where they offer to share it with you… if you jump through their hoops and ask the right questions. Any time I encounter someone who pretends to be wise but who speaks cryptically and won't answer questions in plain English, I just assume they're full of shit.


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you might want to check the memento method of zivorad mihailovic slavinski (link to his book "the invisble influences" in the sticky)


What if "shit happens" and Karma exists? Why must it be one or the other?



Thanks for the info/link dude.

alien interview on whateverthefuck. Yep, found it right away.



How about this one? Google this

> Hidden Hand Interview, Interview With Hidden Hand, Alleged Ruling Bloodline Priest


I don't think hes legit cuz he eat meat, dairy, and eggs. If he is so smart he'd know they cause harm. Also there's a bunch of people that come online and try to be special and say they've got the answers when they just have a little piece and the rest is shit.


Thank you for sharing this OP


I used to give this document the utmost importance, disregarding any knowledge that contradicted it in my searcesh, but upon discovering that karma is perhaps the greatest spook of all 'spirituality', it is difficult to take so seriously. As an aspiring Leibnizian Hegelian Mathematical Idealist, I am correct about everything and since this contradicts many of my views, it is disregarded

Still very interesting and some great advice. Probably misinformation, 'tainting the well' so to speak

(from http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1379347/pg1)
"question: - Insider, you eat meat?
Answer: - I do not eat meat. As I have said meat causes aggression and closes the possibility of abstract thinking.
Answer: - I do not eat meat for you in the usual way, but use it for those trace elements that are not found in plant foods.
Question: - What do you mean, what kind of minerals? This mystery is profound? And how do you get them out of meat?
Answer: - available to us ahead of the technology commonly known by at least 50 years, we have deliberately suspend the development of technologies on the planet to maintain our total benefits.
For example, the computer and the Internet was available to us already in 1900.
Mobile communication has been available to us since 1922.
Therefore, the instrument that we extract from the meat only useful trace elements for you at this time is unavailable.
Gradually, as we descend down to you or that technology, when it comes time for it."


I eat bones, organs, meat, blood, etc. and use it in black magick.


That's worse than eating feces.


Eh, I would be happy with following a vegan diet, but I can't at this moment; my body is allergic to soy and nuts, so I'd imagine it would be troublesome for me to follow a healthy vegan diet.

When I learn more I'll be able to make my body not react so violently to those substances, (if I even need food at that point!)… but for now, a balanced diet with dairy, eggs and meat will suffice.

Red meat is not good, in my experiment, it makes my mind hazy and lazy. White meat is better.


Oops, did mean to reply to >>12836.

I am not this one >>12974.


Whatever diet you follow, DO NOT use soy based products. That shit increases your estrogen levels which causes problems from hormonal disbalance and gyno to cancer.


Yeah, when I used to gobble down poor food like pizzas and sausages (with soy in them), they caused serious disbalance in my body. When I decided to stop eating them, and began other activities, I've felt much better and focused.

Soy, never again.


Also, cruciferous vegetables help clean up xenoestrogens


I'm allergic to soy as well. Not nuts though. Just anything that is a legume (beans, peas, peanuts, clover, alfalfa, etc.)


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According to this guy, we're doomed to stay on this earth forever until we discover our task by living according to the Divine Law.

The fuck could it be? Its tools and clues are apparently everywhere.

Are we being trolled?



We all have our own individual task. Most people call this "life's purpose" or "your life's work". Montalk talks about this when he says we all incarnate in this life to learn a predetermined set of lessons that we chose beforehand.


Nous appartenons définitivement à la Terre


Karma as we experience it seems to be a synchronistic result of "you reap what you sow." Karma as a concept merely describes the relationship between cause and effect, linear causality as limited minds can understand it. In other words, an illusion that disappears or shapeshifts when you actually look at it.

Since reality is transdimensional and possibilities only form and dissolve back into the ether as we focus or unfocus from it, karma really is affected by how we engage with the world. So people "deserve" what they get because they chose it whether they consciously knew it or not. This is why many schools of thought emphasize self-knowledge and self-mastery before anything else - if you know yourself you are less likely to make choices that destroy you karmically, and even "free yourself" from the web.

IMHO, vegetarianism would be more sensible both pragmatically and holistically than absolute veganism. I know a few people here are proponents of the "aryanism" vegan diet, but they never spoke out against subsidized soy and its health dangers, so while much of the other info is great, I think the author at aryanism.net is a little misguided to put it lightly. They call drinking milk or honey "vampirism." (What do you call harvesting?) As long as you give back to what you take, it isn't vampirism.

As for agrarian/agricultural societies, they would have done some pasturing, but it would be different from the nomadic style of herding. Ruminant animals like goats and cattle made agriculture explode.

The reason the Hindus made cows "sacred" is because it was easier than explaining to proles that if you killed your farm equipment and fertilizer machine for food, you would starve the next year. Cows, buffalo, oxen are needed to till the soil and to poop and fertilize it again.

Obviously avoiding meat is best for most people in urban civilization. Cattle is at the top of the food chain of animals people eat, karmically speaking. When you eat CAFO (cage and feed operation) meat or milk, you get all the junk they feed the poor cow. It suffers for this. Materially and unsurprisingly it becomes low quality food. Spiritually, I can't really begin to fathom - the animal only knows fear up to that point in its life.

The fat in the animal stores all the environmental toxins and other shit that gets into the cattle food like the herbicides on the GMO food they end up eating, and you end up getting all of that in concentrated amounts, not to mention the histamines that form from bacteria when the meat is "aged" as well as the adrenaline if the animal goes through pain or fear when it is killed. Pasteurization of the milk to kill all the shit that gets in the cow is necessary to make sure people who drink it don't get sick from the sick stuff, but it also makes the milk indigestible. KARMA. cause and effect.

In mundane terms, shitty raising leads to shitty food.

Now if you have the wherewithal to raise your own animals, or have access to or otherwise know someone who raises them ethically and feeds them good wholesome food and you can get that milk and eggs raw and unpasteurized, not only is the nourishment superior to what is afforded to the mainstream, but you get what you give to the animal. I would treat them like family. Good grass, good life, love. Karma. As to whether you need to actually eat their meat, who knows. I think that is more of a hunter's thing.

The animals are incarnated with you, may as well give them a good life while they help you on your journey. Maybe this is why animals were so revered. It goes beyond the mere material element, the nourishment the animals and plants around us can give is crucial to spiritual enrichment in my opinion, therefore the means are as important as the end.


yeah i read the whole thing and it really read like someone trolling hard. "how many times can i not answer questions before they figure it out."

and that's the general problem with fringe stuff. we're looking for some kind of overarching pattern in life that may or may not exist.


I found it interesting how he straight up dodges the question about the greys (page 12), but answers the other questions the person posts about in their posts. Would be easy to spout some nonsense about them or thing that fits with the rest of his information, since no one is certain about them. Seems like a worthy question that would have an interesting answer. I assume it would be because the answer would be quite long and complex and not worth going into, considering his supposed reason for answering questions.


Tom Montalk's thoughts on this insider:

"If there are “malicious” beings who profit off our suffering, and who — because they are of this world — want to keep us here because we are their food source, then it would be in their best interest that we remain as ignorant and distracted for as long as possible, hence suffering as long as possible.

It’s said that they only react to our own ignorance and passions, which is true, and that therefore they serve as a correction mechanism for us, giving us consequences for choosing error over aligning with Divine Law. That’s also true. Thus it would seem that they serve a higher purpose. But the fact that they would gladly keep us here for eternity if they could, which would be an injustice because nothing can be learned or gained from eternal damnation without hope of salvation, shows that fundamentally it is in their nature as a whole to be malicious.

It’s just that every time they attack a person, there is a gamble with two outcomes: the person chooses to responds from his better self, which means winning that gamble and becoming stronger and wiser, or the person chooses to give in, which means being fed upon or weakened further. The problem is you can’t always make the right choice if it’s not an informed choice. The fact that the Elite Insider had to get on a forum, as guided by Divine Law, and take questions and explain what he had to explain, shows that he cares (and thus Divine Law cares) that this information be given. Which proves that there was a vacuum of information, meaning helping people make informed choices is in accordance with Divine Law.

Therefore it’s not right to let people be completely in the dark, uninformed, without the chance to apply themselves in a way that would get them out sooner rather than later. That would feed the dark force system unnecessarily, because it is prolongation without any spiritual gain or progress. It’s not right to let the dark forces have their way with ease solely because knowledge you hold was withheld from others.

There’s a difference between being ignorant and naive though. Naive means you haven’t yet come across the information or had your memory jogged about it; ignorant means you had the opportunity but willingly turned away. I believe that naiveté can and should be remedied. In fact, that’s what the Insider said they do, provide the tools, and it’s up to us then what we do with it. Likewise, we can provide information to others to give them the chance, and then they choose whether to heed it or ignore it. Or at least, guide others to the proper sources of information. As for the ignorant, I don’t have much sympathy for them, I think it’s proper and just what happens to them.

Of course, there’s that issue of the blind leading the blind. The Insider was still here enough to use a computer and have a garden and need to eat, so he didn’t get out. Yet he felt guided enough to give out the information he did. Therefore I think we can do likewise, if we’re careful about what information we give to those who need it. So again, even if we’re not perfect, we can still help others. I’d say that striving to purify ourselves can happen in conjunction with helping others have the chance to do likewise. They’re not mutually exclusive. Doesn’t have to be the full package, as we just have to avoid disseminating errors in part of that package what we do know and share."

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