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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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[Rules] [FAQ] [Fringe Guide] [Ranks] [/fringe/] [/asatru/] [/edgy/] [/4chon/] [/lel/] [/ask/] [Fringechan]
The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.
3. No creating new threads purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET).
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/).

/edgy/ has recently been fixed for all you indigopills out there


/fringe/ is being moved to Next


I presently fucking hate Next. I don't have access to my computer and won't for days. The CSS is all fucked there, I need someone to fix it and send me the code, although I don't even know how to log into the board owner panel on there while on Android still in order to implement the changes. I'd fix it all myself if I could use my PC that has Linux on it right now.

If it weren't in a completely fucked state right now, I'd lock down this whole board (locking all the threads) and post a reply in every thread on the first page redirecting people to the new /fringe/ over there.

As it is right now though it's completely unuseable.


Post last edited at


Does anyone know how to html + css code editor in Firefox for Android?


The lack of /fringe/ flags on Next is making me consider using a servitor to fuck Josh's shit up if he doesn't promise to fix that shit ASAP



Next is so fucking ugly and uncomfortable.


The colour scheme hurt my eyes.



The link doesn't show anything, what do?


I hate to say this, but if Infinity Next Happens, and call me a shill all you like but I mean this

we should consider endchan.xyz

I hear you can make your own boards there and stuff, and it looks nearly identical to what we have for now



Endchan is the most appealing and likely alternative.



it looks good, doesnt even need addons to function properly and is not a clusterfuck riddled with ads like 4chan/8ch.





All of this Smiley, look into it before Josh kills 8/fringe/ for good.

Looks like it's time for us to move again.


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Supported, this site is dying, it's time to bail before we go down with it.

Though that doesn't mean we can't fuck Josh's shit up anyway.


Now would be right time to discuss about alternative boards. What are there?


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As much as I like to not have to move, it seems increasingly probable.

As there are currently no other options on the table. I'm down for >>66524

However personally I would like to see freedomboard revived.




Right now there is a temporary board we can use at forechan.org however it's missing all the content.

You may as well just wait this shitstorm out and keep posting on 8ch for now.


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Having trouble there smiley?

My good friend grinny might be able to help

This is him


Another option would be to setup a single board chan like /a/ did with smuglo.li

I have mentioned this on /tech/ in hopes that someone would make a mesh net chan software with one board per site and the non-shills seem to like it.

Next is shit and josh is a shitter.



Kill it with fire tbh


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We really should consider another chan.


Smiley when are you going to buy your own web host so you can host /fringe/ yourself? Fringechan.org isn't taken.








I can easily setup a chan specifically for fringe stuff, have no problem buying a domain name either. The problem is I don't have the experience or time to moderate the board itself. Any mod/admin up for it? I'm deadly serious, setting up an alternative stable chan is the least I can do for all the knowledge /fringe/ has provided me and others.


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I can, and would be willing to, help moderate it. But however due to my life I can not guarantee years of stability, otherwise I would volunteer for fulltime adminship (I do not want to be MIA due to my life when in need).

I have no problems helping out as much as I can, which right now is several hours a day, but I do not know how long this will last. So I would at least need another to help, in case the winds of fate turn into a maelstrom again.

You can drop me a line Librarian [at] planetmail [dot] net



Any chance of recreating freedomboards?


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There is one, that is why the call to action.

O /fringe/wizards shall ye answer the call?



Same dude here as you replied to. I am currently a bit busy. I will have time near the end of the week, expect mail.

Any others up for it? We can really get a snowball going if fringe is TRULY longing for a stable place. I simply need to know if there will be enough support, otherwise its a wasted investement.



I was never around at the time of freedomboard. Would anyone be able to be so kind to explain what exactly was so special about it? Was it only for fringe-esque stuff or something?


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It was dedicated to /fringe/ pretty much. There where a few other related boards /astral/ (for AP journaling, projects, meetups, etc.), /ask/ (questions thread, the board), and a few other minor boards that where related to the ubermensch culture that fringe attracts, but alas did not see a whole lot of use, /ss/ (physical sustainability/self sufficiency), /si/ (for physical self improvement). There where also some hidden boards you had to find with magic, either for tho board itself and/or the password as well.

You can check it out here;


Really though, the main attraction was /fringe/ it self, and the fact that it had an unlimited number of pages (well, last I heard it was 1000) so good content was never deleted/lost cus of people making stupid 1 post threads or due to flooding.


I shall await.



That sounds great, why did it close? Lack of funding?


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I think so. But to be entirely honest I'm not 100% sure.


I was wondering, if you guys decide to start a new imageboard, why not throw into the project also a new library with updated links and extra features we don't usually find in hosts such as Mega? For example if one of two of us can code PHP we could create like a page for each of the recommended books, and people could add comments, report broken links, mirrors etc.

Do you think this would be feasible? Even if we don't host the books ourselves, it would be nice to have a better library than just keeping a mega page that you can't index or modify easily


Please revive Freedomboard



I am grateful for your explanation. It seems likely that we will follow the structual template that freedomboard has provided.


That is certainly possible, but it out the scope of a chan. Besides that, you can replicate it by having a board dedicated to books, and have a sticky for indexing. A dedicated scripted feature like you proposed can take quite some time. And both of the solutions I mentioned require moderation too. Just a heads up, I'm a web developer for a living, and obviously have quite some experience with these sort of systems.

For those who had not noticed, I'm >>67255


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Am I helping? That's tohnochan by the way.


Janitor please unsticky.



Stal closed it because 8chan existed and he wanted to free up space on his computer or server or whatever I guess.



If you are a web developer, you should help fix Next.



Personally I'd rather have our own place, away from the rest of the mundanes and their political drama.



Me being a web developer doesn't imply that I have loads of free time to spend on contributing to a project that might not air for months given the current pace.


This too. There is no 'fringe' chan. While the demand is very prevalent.


What is the point of unstickying a thread that is of importance? Go farm your loosh elsewhere.


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we have this : http://endchan.xyz/fringe/ sure its a pile of shit but its our pile of shit



you only ever need a handful of books.

hoarding dozens of books just makes you an armchair occultist sine 99% of occultism is bullshit and if you really wanted to help beginners you'd post your own guides and tipps.



I don't see any moderation there. Whoever owns it doesn't even try to look like a viable alternative. And I am now aming to create a replica of Freedomboards – something that currently simply doesn't exist. It would cover most of everything that anyone would require that visits current /fringe/, and most likely even beyond current fringe. If its up to me, we won't migrate until where me plan to migrate to is proper, moderated, and fullfils our rational needs. endchan.xyz/fringedoof'd/ doesn't look like the solution I have in mind, at all. I'm not here to bash your suggestion. At all. This is more a statement that I simply feel like we need an adequate alternative, as I just described.



>myself if I could use my PC that has Linux on it right now.

>If it weren't in a completely fucked state right now

boot Ubuntu from dvd and use it?

or even better Kubuntu


All the magic on this board, and we can't get somebody to put together a couple dozen dollars for a domain and a host?


What are you asking?



I could, but I don't know the first thing on image boards.




There is forechon.org/fringe/

Until we have a board though with custom CSS, flags, and all the posts imported, and Fringe Wizard at the helm no alt sites are official.

Just stick with 8chan until posting becomes completely impossible and use Order Of Fringe Wizards Skype Chat to reorganize if 8chan completely dies.


There is forechon.org/fringe/

Until we have a board though with custom CSS, flags, and all the posts imported, and Fringe Wizard at the helm no alt sites are official.

Just stick with 8chan until posting becomes completely impossible and use Order Of Fringe Wizards Skype Chat to reorganize if 8chan completely dies.



/r/ing info/invite to said skype chat

Fuck infinity REEEEEEE



Isn't the link in the sticky?



Ive been looking everywhere for the skypegroup.

How do we join?




Links in the sticky, didn't think to look there.


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8chan, and specifically this board, is getting more annoying to deal with in terms of slow update times, double posts and posts not comming through at all. This is killing. For us to wait until it becomes 'completely impossible' is like having a disease and waiting for it to competely engulf the body before trying to deal with it.

This is the X'th time this message doesn't go through – this is what I'm talking about. We don't have to deal with this shit.



>having a disease and waiting for it to competely engulf the body before trying to deal with it

Did you just describe the Fringe Wizard…?



Nice self projection.



you know it's true heh



Apparently the new 8chan beta records all IPs for all your actions, even viewing



This is going the down the same hole as 4chan. Ever more evidence we need our own palace.



You are right. There's no debate about it anymore. I'll revive freedomboard / fringechan. Smiley, what do you think?


>I will ensure existing posts's flags are imported because this is apparently a really big deal to the guy who runs /fringe/.



If there is gong to be new chan i humblely recommend the following boards:

/help/ for newbies and emergencies

/books/ for book recomendation and making an updated virtual library

/future/ for clarivoyance and discussing future events

/general/ for everything else



Good suggestions, definitely noted. Currently in the process of setting up the server.



From what I read in the thread on tech it seems that it is just another fuckup on the part of josh and not intentional.

He is pure cancer but don't take my word for it, here is this.




Hey man, how are things going?



How the fuck do i add the akype group? I cant fogure out how to make the link work of my iphone.



We still have a few small things to work out and setup, but it's coming along pretty well.

We have a domain, host, and the imageboard software is setup and running. We just have to add some finishing touches, tweak a few things, and add some capability.



Nice. Thanks for all the work.


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