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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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[Rules] [FAQ] [Fringe Guide] [Ranks] [/fringe/] [/asatru/] [/edgy/] [/4chon/] [/lel/] [/ask/] [Fringechan]
The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.
3. No creating new threads purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET).
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/).

/edgy/ has recently been fixed for all you indigopills out there

File: 1454056077852.jpeg (39.4 KB, 552x456, 23:19, Fringe Girl by Dogstralia.jpeg)


The indexing issues with 8chan have finally been fixed, everything is normal here, we may post to our hearts content no longer plagued by the old problems.

I want to maybe make a new CSS for /fringe/. I've changed the CSS before many times and I'm thinking of doing it again, maybe it'll be pretty similar to what we have already but just a lot cleaner because redone from scratch, maybe I'll do something altogether quite different. Would anyone else like to see a new CSS and have any ideas for one? I put off on making one because I thought we'd be switching to Infinity Next but at last Vichan is saved.

I'm also going to rewrite the board pages. I intend to update the rules because as I have learned from the people over on fringechan (they've finally made me an admin over there btw) the rules I've laid out aren't that clear after all. So I'm just going to rewrite the rules page again from scratch and I'm going to leave no ambiguities (to the extent that is possible) so the rules and how they are to be enforced is EXTREMELY CLEAR.

I will probably add more janitors, recruiting from the people who are presently janitors on fringechan, just adding them as janitors here too. So they can moderate both boards. I will only do this after the rules page is rewritten and I believe they can enforce them in the way I want it to be done and not go hotpockets mode using some loophole.

I will be adding more flags as well. Feel free to request new flags to be added, I will just make a flag from scratch myself, for whatever it is you want; or you maybe submit a 16x16 icon yourself and I may choose to use it. Make sure to suggest what the flag name is to be as well.

I may update the FAQ but first I would need to have a discussion about what sort of stuff should be covered in there. If anyone has any suggestions as to basic questions that get asked all the time (or that SHOULD be asked by beginners) I may add those in. Some sections of the FAQ could perhaps also be redacted. It's just a little messy and needs some clean-up.

The rankings page is fine as is although we could add a members list on the bottom and put peoples ranks but it's kind of silly since we're mostly all anons here (as we should be). I think I will leave the rankings page alone, it's very nicely laid out, and well-written.

The Fringe Guide page is utter shit. If someone wants to help me re-write it or add onto it or whatever to salvage it I would appreciate it… it could talk about fringe culture, expectations, guidelines, "what makes a good fringe poster" and "what makes a bad one", etc. as it stands right now it might as well be deleted. Any feedback on that page, I would desire from the community itt.

Any other stuff that should be changed on /fringe/, any concerns you have, or if you just want to express your appreciation for /fringe/ (or how much loosh it causes you to leak), speak up about it in this thread.


Initiation Page

I'm also considering making an initiation page. Its purpose would be to lay out milestones for occult development, laying out their prerequisites, and to what degree one should develop a faculty before moving onto the next stuff. It wouldn't tell people HOW to do any of it at all just what it is and gives them a set of goals to work to and a way to more closely measure their progress in developing occult power.



This would be a great help. I would recommend a daily practice guide for the absolute beginner (for example, 10 minutes of QMM, 10 minutes energy work, whatever). Maybe provide such guides for different paths.

It can be so overwhelming to go from interest in the occult to reading about it to beginning doing the work. Then again, maybe this initial confusion and searching is a useful part of the journey.

Perhaps a useful thread might be a "getting started" megathread with routines for the first few months of study, explaining the poster's reasoning and experiences.

BTW, thanks for creating this board, it has honestly improved my life.



I don't want to create a practice guide I want to great a curriculum of sports that just tells people what they need to do.


It wouldn't be stuff like 10 minutes of QMM a day but "get to holding your mind in silence for 1 hour straight" or "visualize with eyes open until the block appears physically there".



If you could post some goals past astral projection that'd be great too.



It would be nice if others could just throw out whatever goals they can think of itt and I can just start adding them to a big note which I'll work into a proper thing but yeah I'll hopefully be getting around that. I'm so busy, so many people always want to talk to me every day, and I've always got so many things on. I'm pretty determined though right now so I think there's an 70% probability I'll go through with most of the stuff I'm intending to do itt within the next week (7 days).


I have decided upon a new way to deal with the Child Porn.

Every time it gets posted I or a mod shall instantly spoiler the image and a global report shall be made so the global mods can ban them from all boards.

This way nobody has to see the CP and yet the globals can give them global ban.


>the rules I've laid out aren't that clear after all.

They are almost the exact same rules as here. kek

Also, do you actually plan to transition to there now that you're admin? Or no? Is fringechan just going to be the more refined /fringe/ with better organized more polished content?

In addition, regarding the css changes. I personally actually dislike that spoilers are now partially transparent.



Eventually we should lay out paths for initiates. A brief description of different beliefs/pills and starter reading for each one. It could make the info sticky less dense having stuff categorized.



>They are almost the exact same rules as here. kek

I wasn't talking about fringechan rules if that's what you're thinking. I was thinking of revising the rules page on 8chan/fringe/. Today again I was busy… and indeed I haven't slept in about 32 hours right now. Hopefully I'll find the time soon to begin on the new rules page. Got to hopefully get some sleep now.

>Also, do you actually plan to transition to there now that you're admin? Or no? Is fringechan just going to be the more refined /fringe/ with better organized more polished content?

Hmmm I doubt fringechan's content and quality is going to surpass here. I post on both, I have like 200+ posts over on fringechan at least (lowballing it). It's more of a back-up board. We can just run both boards at once, 8chan's got more populace and can reach out to more people, and in that sense it's a "forward base".

>In addition, regarding the css changes. I personally actually dislike that spoilers are now partially transparent.

Hmmmm I never changed the spoilers. I should add custom board assets for stuff like that.


Oh yes one of the important things is to understand what all the different stances are so you know every position that exists and can compare each one to yourself and discern for yourself the truth of for example New Thought.



>I have like 200+ posts over at fringechan

Yeah. 95% of the shitposts on /loosh/ are you. Wow, you did a great job didn't you?


I like having a designated imageboard for fringe. When we rely on 8ch, we rely on mundane drama and politics like with Infinity Never. It's good to see that this place is getting revamped, but I'd still enjoy a seperate imageboard.

I also like how it has different boards for different topics. The same boards could be on 8ch, but it'd split the community apart. With fringechan, the entire site is the same topic so the community stays together. You could use generals, but then you'd have a lot of generals.

I still can't post on fringechan though because of technical issues, I seem to be the only person having them.


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>I have like 200+ posts over on fringechan at least (lowballing it)

Smiley, you are taking ownership of all those posts on /loosh/?

I remember you denying those it because you were 'channeling' stuff. :^>



I don't really see 8ch as reliable anymore. It's nice that we are up on both though, I'll give preference to fringechan.


You should have done this shit a long time ago Smiley.


File: 1454191223140.gif (538.15 KB, 265x322, 265:322, butthurt-faggot.gif)


200 channeled posts, whatever



>I don't really see 8ch as reliable anymore.

You are totally correct. We have problems >>>/pol/4695628



That sounds like a great idea, as long as every goal must have been solidly attained by the one who suggests it.



Please see >>69504

Let me know if your issue has been solved.


this is a test, I haven't seen you in a while



what's the little tripfag thing can use? I tried doing ## Board Moderator

It's been a while.



No, my issue was that it would say I have not sent a referer. That was on pale moon, however, I have since switched.

However, I still cannot test this as the site appears to be down. Did the URL change?


File: 1454412912794.png (17.27 KB, 767x211, 767:211, firefox_2016-02-02_12-18-1….png)


URL's haven't been changed, no. Its still http://fringechan.org/ – what kind of error do you get? Pic related. (https://isitup.org/fringechan.org)


"Board owners and volunteers can enter the special codes "## Board Owner" and "## Board Volunteer" which become capcodes that display after the name." (source: faq.html)


File: 1454459224512.png (32.95 KB, 639x426, 3:2, down.png)


It says it's down, even though I checked online and it said it was up. The error is immediate when I type in the URL. Very weird. My computer is very much annoying me with all these bugs.



What happens if you try to visit the IP directly?



The IP works, but not fringechan.org. Although fringechan.org has worked sometimes, but randomly.



I have discovered the source of the error. It happens when I connect through HTTPS. Your SSL certificate must be broken or something.


Rules page has been updated.


File: 1454708452885.png (148.47 KB, 1115x1014, 1115:1014, Screenshot from 2016-02-05….png)

We really need to revise this page to not be shit, any ideas?




You have to sign in here: /mod.php?/


Going to work on the Initiation Page right now.



I'd be willing to help if you put up the barebones of it somewhere. I'm sure others would be glad to help flesh it out.



It's already up fyi just it still has to be written out more, I was writing in it for about a half-hour when I was interrupted.

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