>>Extract from Chuckies "Basic Psionics"
A radionic instrument has two functions
, tuning and transmitting. When it does
either of these, the device acts di
rectly upon the energy field surrounding the
individual in such a manner as to isolat
e the different patterns in that field and
either emphasize them or depress them.
So what the hell does that mean?
The common conception of the human energy field is as a more or less mass of
etheric energy. This is not, however, the
case. In reality, the etheric body is
something more or less like light when you break it up with a prism, before you
put the prism into your Hieronymus Ma
chine. There are many different
wavelengths combining to make up the whole. Now if you work with light, you
can use colored filters to isolate a parti
cular set of wavelengths. The same is
true with radionics. When you use the ma
chines, you isolate bands of energy in
the etheric body. By means of this capacity for isolating things, we can discover
many useful things.
For example, someone hits his thumb with
a hammer. He feels the pain of the
thumb, anger at himself for hitting himsel
f in the first place and as the thumb
swells it produces another reaction. Now
all these things show up in the etheric
body, and by means of a properly tuned
radionic device we can isolate each
We can isolate these things because they show up in the etheric body. The term
for them is "wave-form." Some psychi
cs would consider the reaction to be
thought-forms but they are mistaken. Ther
e is a vast difference. A thought-form
is a clump of energy, as you will recall, wh
ich tends to stay put for a length of
time in proportion to the amount of energy
put into it. A wave-form, on the other
hand, is a transitory phenomenon which spreads throughout the etheric body like
the proverbial ripples in a pond after you toss in a rock. Now, if you have never
seen a pond, fill the bathtub with water and
toss in a penny. You will see what
everyone is talking about.
Wave-forms, unlike the much more powerful thought-form, can never take on a
life of their own and rarely influence another
person directly unless that person is
present when the wave-form is produced.
For example, have you ever seen
someone have an accident and felt the accident? That is the energy coming off
the wave-form.
When you use a radionic device to isolat
e and work with a wave-form, it is
something akin to reaching into that pond and pulling out one wave while leaving
all the others intact. The radionic instrument makes us capable of so specifically
tuning our psychic abilities that we are able to seek out and either analyze or
work with the particular wave form or colle
ction of wave-forms that we desire.
The ability to accomplish this, however, lies in the skill and control of the
operator. That is why I made the point
of starting this book with meditation.
When you proceed with a clear vision of w
hat you wish to accomplish, you can
use the machines in this book with both accuracy and effectiveness. You will find
that by using radionic instruments in
the ways I will describe, you will be able to
accomplish things that ordinary psychic methods cannot and make the others
much easier.
The reason for this lies in the peculiar stru
cture of the etheric field. It is so
designed as to be largely impenetrable to
all but the most powerful psychic
transmissions. It is, in fact, a very dense clump of energy. It is difficult to put
things into it from the outside, and just as difficult to pull things out of it. This is
very good, because there can be nothing
worse than to know what everyone
around you is thinking and feeling. It would drive you insane even quicker than
reading this book. By the use of radionics, however, we can find weak points in
that clump, that wall if
you will, and penetrate it like a bullet through paper.