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Esoteric Wizardry


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3. No creating new threads purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET).
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/edgy/ has recently been fixed for all you indigopills out there


Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: http://archive.is/dqm7j FAQ: /fringe/faq.html


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You mad /sp/? This get is the property of the Order of Fringe Wizards.




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Why is the .css weird and has Coldsteel on it?

This looks like an attack from Fringechan.

WTF happened?



Just advertising the fact >>>/edgy/ exists and that its CSS was fixed today.

Fringe CSS will be back to normal tomorrow.

Later on a completely new CSS also will be made probably.


I know we have at least one Muslim with us, I read his thread in the past. What are young muslims/africans taught about white people when they're very young? I consider three options:

a) they're taught nothing in particular

b) they're indoctrinated with some specific material

c) they're red pilled on meme mechanics like young Jews

Please don't answer if you don't know the facts about what they're being taught. I'm not interested in what you fear they're being taught or what you intuitively suspect, or what you read in mainstream media or /pol/. Is there anyone who has young Muslims as friends, or have contact with English teacher living in the East?

With this single piece of information you could accurately predict the transformations in the world in the near 30 years and set yourself up for them


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What do you think about all this repitilian talk?

Some say that it's all conpiracy bullshit and that there are simply normal beings on the astral with repitilian shape. Even shapeshifters usually,

Or maybe there really are repitilian controlling the world. Great Order of Draco Slayers is focused on fighting them in the astral plane.

Please help me understand this.



Reptilians are entities that grew from the specific visions, synchronicities and feelings related to reptiles that are shared by some humans. These visions and synchronicities have been witnessed by people who (willingly or not) tapped into their lower selves and accidentally formed a weak connection with their basic reptilian brain. The signals they receive manifest as ambiguous feelings, visions, dreams, thoughts or thoughtforms related to reptiles. It is similar with visions and synchronicities of dolphins or aliens. Humans create very weak connections with various realms, but because their perception is so limited, the little signals they get they misinterpret. Out of these misinterpretations and human ignorance, reptiles were given life and power.


Anyone have any good information about yidam practice? Looking to accelerate my progress and I read this is one of the fastest paths.


I currently have no friends/anyone to talk to.

Now if I have that mindset of constantly telling myself "I have no friends or anybody to talk to, my life is shit." it will continue to be like that? If I use statements such as "I have a lot of friends and everyone likes me" with visualization I will attract such things instead of thinking of what I currently have?


WIll sleeping with vaporwave give me lucid dreams?


Are masons evil /fringe/? Is it an evil cult?


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its your move


i've made up my mind


If you truly believe it, yes, it will happen.



time is running out



I'll bump this, but don't get too hooked on speeding up the journey. Your attachment to seeking will keep you in the seeking stage.


What books are you reading now /fringe/? I'm reading key to the true qabala and way to the kingdom.

Way to the Kingdom is very god centered, but if that's fine with you it's wonderful.

Key to the true qabala seems like something I'll need to spend tons of time on, but that's true with all his books. Definitely worth it if you only want to dig tons of info from one work.



Do something that will help you find friends. Become good at something so people want to be around you. If you are in a positive mindset then this stuff will start happening automatically, but you have to either do something now or accept that you are going to have to do some work before you can get into that mindset. Even just having money will lead to friends so figure something out there. You could be better off right now by not hanging out with mundane idiots. I went through a bunch of lonely spots in my life but that was the best meditation time. Figure it why you are where you are at then figure out how to never get there again. If you treat your shitty situation like a quest then you will start to see that there are rewards for completing it.



I am in the worst mindset and that's why I think I have been stuck like this for a long time because I guess I keep using will to keep myself down in the dumps.

Right now without mundanes I just sit here at my computer thinking to myself "Wow I should read about the occult so I can become powerful." And yet I open up a videogame I want to play because I assume it would be more fun even though I know reading about the occult is more important.


This guy (only slightly more plump) threatened me by making text appear that said "your still young, give up"

Then he materialized on my screen. After that, it felt like an ice cold hand was trying to stop my heart.

Who did I just piss off?


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Pic didn't upload from threat guy…


How about we start at basic shit.

Im just a mundie so hear me out.

Can you all, as a board, provide something that a mundane person can perform, observe, or otherwise convince a lowly mundie that magic (in some capacity) DOES exist?

We're not talking "evidence" in the from of video or photograph, we're talking personable self directed influence leading into magical phenomenon.

Mind you im not posting to convince others, it's mostly if not entirely myself as while I believe magic "exists" it is as a gap in human perception or reasoning and is generally simple (self manipulation/hypnosis, cantrips, deception of others, etc.) basically stage magician shite that is the product of preparation, cleverness, and legerdemain.

Is there anything out there that exists outside the norm that a simple mundie could try without the risk of death/horrible disfigurement/mind rape and be convinced of its magical nature?


how does changing the past work? I assume it's possible. I would think it's something like changing one's memories to be also aware of another potential possibility that could have been, or ridding one of trauma from an event by being present and positive while one relives it.

Anyway, wondering how it would work if 2 people work together to add an event into their shared past, or something of the sort. Is it any different than pretending/imagining it for a mundane?



more fun in the short run, less in the long run. it's entertainment drugs, a cybernetic umbilical cord.

I had that problem too, but I got myself sick of it, and now am weaning myself off of the internet as well



>Is there anything out there that exists outside the norm that a simple mundie could try without the risk of death/horrible disfigurement/mind rape and be convinced of its magical nature?

Yeah, there are some things that can make you notice it.

Try some sort of hallucinatory drug, be it yage or peyote, far away from the city. Take more people with you so you are safe but ask them to not perturb you while you are in the trance. Keep as still as you can.

You can also meditate for a month or two, what you feel there will be yours and yours only.



Why don't you try Habit RPG? That helped me a lot last year to get a lot of stuff in order. I think there's still a board here about it.



Place your hands like they're holding a ball of water with fingers pointing different ways. Spend a little bit imagining energy or an element gathering in them. After a while move your hands a bit closer and then apart. You should feel presssure. Whether or not you do you should feel a lot calmer and grounded if you've never meditated before.



The book The Law and the Promise is the only book I've seen that glances over past revision. Honestly I don't think it'd be healthy. It's generally best to move forward than regress.


I've been thinking of just packing a backpack and going on a journey around the country. I don't really have a set destination. I'll probably just pick a direction and walk or hitchhike. Got about $500 cash. I think I need a break from mundane life and internet and cell phones. I want to reawaken a passion for life and meet new people, see new things as well. I'll also have a lot of time to meditate or do energy work. Anyone have any advice or stories to share?


Can anyone here elaborate more on and sum up the properties of etheric energy? I've been trying to understand it for weeks now but I don't really know what it is, what exactly it's doing, how to accumulate it, why it works in a particular manner, etc. it's confusing.



Just cultivate personal magnetism and always work on character building. If you read through all of Personal Power in the library and actually do what it says you'll be set. You'll simultaneously attract lots of people to you seemingly without trying and you will have the character qualities that will make you a great friend for many.



No. My teacher was a Freemason and he was redpilled and would talk about anti-white racism, "reverse discrimination", white rights, etc.

Now if you think /pol/ is evil then… well…



>No. My teacher was a Freemason and he was redpilled and would talk about anti-white racism, "reverse discrimination", white rights, etc.

How is that evil?



Science of Miracles, Personal Power, and this: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/12480/12480-h/12480-h.htm

I also re-read Psychomancy yesterday as I was doing something related to Psychomancy.



You tell me? He was a law teacher and cared about white identity, fair treatment, respect for the nation's founders, stopping attacks on traditional and Christian culture, etc. and he was a funny man and everyone loved him that took his classes.



The Science of Miracles and Sorcery by J. Finley Hurley and other sceptic-centric books are probably what you want to be looking at.

I don't believe a person like you will believe anything through experience, it's better you learn this through reason, and see how magickal laws make perfect sense. Go read Dynamic Thought also I guess try out Genuine Mediumship you'll get some amazing results with that which will at least inspire you to further study and contemplation.

Just don't get fooled by sceptic criticism so easily it often doesn't actually hold up in the light of all the evidence.



Start with realizing the past is enfolded into the present. When you change the present you change the past as the past is part of one continuum with the present.



If he takes a hallucinatory drug he'll turn into a total retard who can't do magick for shit, thinks he has it all figured out, and is basically New Age tier.

…or he'll continue being a "it's all just subjective mind tricks" fedora.



>Anyone have any advice or stories to share?

You'll meet tons of people who are too busy being mundanes, working, etc. and just fear or avoid you. You are wasting your time if your intent is to meet new people. Just wander off and do shitloads of random magickal practices.



That's his loss then. Look at the ending of his post, the first bit of the post may misguide you to think he is a fedora, but the ending shows he just wants to know or have an experience with the occult. If he goes with the intent of understanding he will.

>he'll turn into a total retard who can't do magick for shit

Why would that happen?

>thinks he has it all figured out, and is basically New Age tier.

As I said that's his loss. Neither you or I know who is he and where he comes or where is he going, he has to be extremely stupid to think he has figured all out because that's the complete opposite of what it does.


How do I make my dick bigger? Serious question, it's not small but it's only slightly above average



you must rub milk on it while visualizing it getting bigger.

do this everyday for 3 months



epic trolle XD




>dat filename

I hope you are not roleplaying…

Villain from ghost ghostbusters 2?

He was a medieval wizard and tyrant in the movie.

Look, protection is important for magick and astral travel.

Wiccans use circles, chaoists use banishments, (Even new agers ask archangel Michael's help)

You might be suffering from crazy wizard sindrome.

He could be a misguided good being trying to protect you.

The most important thing now is fight fear. Summon him and kick his ass.



Can I turn into a dragon with lower self/repitile brain?



It's not a troll. Milk is a natural ingredient which promotes body growth (you know, "got milk" and all that) and visualization can help with anything. if you're a mundane, the 3 months is a good timespan to will something to happen without understanding the magick behind it.

Don't try to get a bigger dick though. You have some extra inside you, but I wouldn't mess around with it. It's there for a reason. So any mundane methods like jelqing are out. Metaphysically, you should have no reason to grow your dick because you should care about more important things. Dick size doesn't mean anything.


You can turn into a NEET, but not a literal dragon.


I've been reading Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways V2 and I just can't understand what the means when he says that "visualization" is not just imaging something in your minds eye, then what is visualization?



I am up to mind power in the FAQ list and personal power seems to be the last book.

Do you have any tips of breaking my habit of opening the pdf of an occult book but instead opening up a videogame? It's the worst habit and it's really interfering with my occult studies, I am really addicted.


How did you break it?



Its complicated because some people are naturally able to visualize vivid scenes as though their eyes were open whereas "visualization" for other people is more a metaphor or a hint, they really see only darkness but they can still mentally interact with their constructions as though they could see them.

The interesting thing I've found so far is that the difference between the two is a matter of degree, not kind. I always tell people who are interested in visualization that they should do fire kasina because you'll get a sense of what the intermediary points along this gradation are, and greatly improve you're ability to have stronger, more vivid and lasting visualization.



I've never read any of Bruce's work, but from my own experience visualization should utilize more than just sight. You should utilize any and all senses possible. See it, feel it, smell it and hear it. The more senses you use the more effective the visualization will be.

Also consider visualizing from multiple perspectives. Visualize in first person, in third person and through the eyes of others.



Just downloaded Personal Power. About lost it seeing 1505 pages. How is science of miracles?


Not him, but interest in this. Have an intro source you'd recommend?



Not really, the classics are the Visuddhimagga and the Vimmuttimaga, but they are far from introductory. It's not a complicated practice though, I mainly just learned it from discussions on the internet.

You just stare into a candle flame, right in the brightest part just above the transparent semi-conical part. Staring into it leaves an imprint on your retinas that you can see when you close your eyes. Eventually you'll see a slight shadow outlining the flame, and this is your cue to blow out the flame and close your eyes.

Just pay attention to the after-image it as it flickers and changes colors and shapes. Sometimes it will vanish completely and come back slowly. Don't try to force anything to happen, just watch passively. Eventually it'll go out completely and won't come back, and that's when you light up the candle again and repeat the process.

Eventually (after a couple of days or weeks of practice depending on how often you do it) you'll figure out how you can "adjust" your attention to bring the blob of color to the forefront, or lose it completely. Its almost like tuning a radio. Practice this tuning ability enough to become really strong and you won't need a candle flame as a "seed" anymore, you can do it purely by imagination.

For reference, the steps my mind goes through when doing this "tuning" runs something like this:

- attention wavers and I start to lose the previous blob of color

- be confused and uncertain about whether I am actually seeing anything or just fooling myself

- realize that either way, there's a distinct "something" in the blackness, however faint, that my attention can be directed toward

- as I direct my attention toward this this thing, it becomes more clearly distinct as a thing separate from the nothingness around it

- what were previously only hints of colors become actual colors

- repeat

A couple of things I have noticed after doing this practice for a while is that It becomes easy to fill your whole field of vision as your lying in bed. Like you can jump into the intense visuals of a dream before you're even asleep, its not a real dream though and I have yet to figure out how to make the transition from this state into an actual dreaming state, but I suspect I can do it by deliberately doing rapid-eye movements. The other thing I found out is I can make fractally/flowerish patterns appear on surfaces while my eyes are open, like the effect you get when high on acid.



That's worth being in the meditation superthread. I actually did something similar as a kid by pressing on my closed eyes until I got an afterimage.



Damn, I used to do that too, I'd see weird shapes and travel throgh wormholes.



Wormholes of green and purple. eventually I'd soar over multicolor mountains.



You need to wake up and decide that YOU don't want to play games. Avoid your neurotic tendencies and do what you really want.


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This is my first physical copy of an occult book. My dad today had a bunch of gift cards for Chapters he had to use up and I found this in the store while searching for William Walker Atkinson or Franz Bardon books (both of which I didn't find). u guys jelly?


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>literally question my hard-won beliefs for years, used to be an atheist and nihilist, have revised and updated my views many times, always admit when I'm in fact wrong, have difficultly with blind faith, continue to read sceptic blogs and whatever links I am given by sceptics that supposedly proves me wrong and usually read the comments sections as well of these blogs, etc.

>some random asshat fedora is badgering and shaming me right now while I'm trying to go to sleep saying shit like pic related and seemingly challenging me to argue with him when I know he's ignorant of what he is "critical" of and has no real arguments beyond a bunch of stupid assumptions and misunderstandings

What is the most efficient way to handle retards like this? I am interested only in higher level discourse with real sceptics not redundant fedora memes from idiots who haven't read a single occult book in their life because "they know it's all bogus and beneath them, muh SCIENCE" as if "Science" contradicted the occult at all.



>What is the most efficient way to handle retards like this? I

Not to be bothered by them is the most efficient way


Can anyone direct me to good places to learn of esoteric Christianity, or provide me with their thoughts on it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Any advice on using magic to kill self?



Just kill yourself




Check out The Ladder of Divine Ascent, The Practice of the Presence of God, and The Spriritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola.



Didn't even know we had a Celtic tag. Looks pretty swag.


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Recently I had a revelation. I need to make Satan happy in order to become happy. The happiness I want to achieve is literally at his fingertips and he actually revealed this to me.

So he needs to be pleased and content with me.

I never worshipped Satan before. I did a prayer to a demon once and it worked very well, however, I also thought that someone or something like Satan would be out of range or too much to handle and in consequence even make him angry.

What do I need to do now? I want him to be as happy with me as possible, although I only know about satanic worship from hollywood and media. Do I really need to kill children or pets and the like?

I would prefer not to hurt innocent beings too bad…

Thank you for your time if you answer this.

*is anime allowed here*



I'm going to try not to go off the handle here, but just fuck off. You're thinking that you're going to be doing some amazing satanic work when you're just going to end up on the local news. The Inferno is the only book I can recommend you read.



Sorry, it seemed like one, I'm far from mundane and have been practicing meditation for about 5 months now, So you're saying is just to visualize? Would evoking entities help?



Not him, but yes if that makes you visualize better. You should jelq as well while chanting that you have a big dick. Also exposing your balls to sunlight will up your test and vitamin D a lot. May not help directly.

How big are you though? Unless it's micro just accept it.




inches? That's what I have an only got complaint from a chick I shouldn't have been worried about. Just roll with it.




>only got complaint from a chick I shouldn't have been worried about.

what do you mean?



That if they want more then what we have then they're whorish.



Indulged in it until I was sick of it (but still addicted), then went on a 3 month retreat to a wwoof place/yoga retreat center




>You're thinking that you're going to be doing some amazing satanic work when you're just going to end up on the local news.

No, I don't need publicity or great rituals. I just need to make Satan happy so he becomes my master and guides me to happiness.

Please tell me how to do that.



You don't need to do any ritual, per se.

Satan is already your master.

He speaks, you're just not listening.

Quiet your mind and call out to him, once. Then wait, allow yourself to explode in excitement for his arrival, for you know in your heart he is coming to you, his favorite servant.

Then, you'll hear him as clear as day.



What I mean is you're thinking that somehow Satan is going to remove all your suffering because you do something for him. You're attached to this idea and are only going to end up chasing this like a druggie to a needle.



How far along did you progress while on the retreat?



I eliminated addiction to video games and a fair amount of compulsive habit/fear.

I temporarily suppressed an internet addiction/compulsion to avoid doing the things I want to do in lieu of seeking out other things. On my way to build that more/make it permanent.

I "woke up" to a large degree, having previously not experienced energy to much of a degree at all, not sure that this stuff existed.

Became a lot more or a person/man than I was. Though, I've since regressed in some ways.



>You need to wake up and decide that YOU don't want to play games. Avoid your neurotic tendencies and do what you really want.

On a fundamental level, there is not much difference between "neurotic" desires to eg. play a game and desires to do anything else. Let's say you are a girl with common for girls memetic archetype of submissive protector. This archetypal cluster of memes in your dna gives you the desire to assist the archetype of assertive leader. You find someone in real life with personality of fierce, dominant conqueror and you are his bitch, cook for him as he comes from work etc. Or you can play a support in a game, stay in the back, heal and buff the Carry player. Either way, you're getting high off tuning yourself into the frequency of your soul. Now, you'll say game isn't reality. But our reality is indeed a game. It's escapist virtual simulation of god which he begun when he first looked into a mirror, and thus split himself into all humans and other life. It could even be that our reality is a simulation of humans from one layer above us. It's only natural for humans (for god) to keep escaping further into simulations, to keep creating new games within games within games etc. into infinity.



That's not what I was looking to argue. If playing games isn't what your higher self wants to do then you should seek to listen to it as opposed to material desires. Do what you want to do it's your decision.


How can I learn to love myself? I believe I love myself, but I feel like I'm fully loving myself. I'm not attracting women, I'm doubting myself, I'm unsure if things I do work, etc. I wouldn't be asking this question if I really did love myself, would I?



No you wouldn't be asking it. You should love yourself because you are you. No one else is like you in this world. You have the potential of a god. Thats why you should love yourself.



In short you have to put in the work to realize your ideal self. If you are out of shape, you need to work out. If you are overweight, you need to fix your diet. If you don't express yourself well to strangers, you need to practice talking to people.

Another part of the problem is putting your insecurities onto other people. You also have to keep in mind that what you're experiencing is pretty natural and all human beings that aren't literal saints are insecure. Once you realize that people don't see you how you see you, since you are the biggest critic of yourself because you have the benefit of being around yourself 24/7 naturally, the pressure of appeasing other people evaporates.

You'll probably never fully love yourself but that's just the drive to be as close to perfect as you can.

What helped me the most was comparing life to a video game. I spent hours just trying to min max my builds in RPGs yet spend seconds determining choices that would have large impacts on my life. Just gotta direct that autism into something better, it's possible.


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Can I use magic to time travel?

I need to be sent back to January 01st 1980



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Why not?


Is it possible to delete memories and or fetishes? i want to delete some stuff in the astral or is there some other way?


Has anyone here tried to envision the universe?

I did and felt my mind crack when I came to the limits of my brain and lost about a weeks worth of memories while finding out about the insignificance of my own existence. Also understood some things about nothingness.

Have you done or experienced similar things?



If you have to ask then you're definitely not able.


I work mastering music and I put a lot of emotion into it. I play tracks over and over thousands of times, many hours in a row. After some time I start to feel slightly feverish and weak. You know this feel when your body becomes weirdly hot and cold water or air becomes especially unpleasant? You feel somewhat drained, although not quite sleepy. If I knew more about this state of feeling and could control it, my life would be so much better. Is there some specific food, meditation, or exercise that wizards do when they start to feel emotionally "looshed out"?

I intensely do my work or talk with someone for like 6 hours and I'm fucking done for the day. I can only play some mindless game like hearthstone until my body stops being hot and shaken, and only then I can do things



I used to think it was caused by crash from coffee, but I stopped drinking it and I still experience this. If it's the case that I'm using my daily loosh quota, is there a way to increase my quota?

This gloomy, feverish state is the worst. It reminds me of post-fap except I don't even fap anymore.

I tried to just sit without doing anything and observe my thoughts for an hour, but it doesn't do anything. Actually, when I stand up it becomes 100x worse, the goddamn pressure in my head and "fever" goes through the roof



How did you do this? Meditate on the size of the universe?




A recommendation would be a ketogenic diet. Basically don't eat grains. One of the effects it's had on me and others is increased mental clarity and endurance.

Or you might just need some more blood sugar and/or you might be diabetic.



I think so

But I lost the memories of the week so I'm not really sure.

And my mind feels like its slowly falling apart whenever I think about whats outside of the universe.


can meditating while under the influence of a psychedelic have any benefits



Yes, I've managed to get a solid grasp and understanding of what it is, but nothing in words, all in realizations or understanding.

I believe myself to understand how our universe is composed on the macrocosm, what the "dark matter" or "nothingness" is outside our sphere of degenerated spirit (matter) and it is my belief that our universe as understood by science,our blot of space, sun's and black holes, is but one tear amongst many in the fabric of spirit and that the ultimate purpose of these universes is to evolve back into spiritual vibration to unite with the dark matter/spirit/nothingness/not yet scientifically perceivable, to become united and perfect, but this is hard because spirit experiences a type of cancer or degeneration when it thins to much at certain places in spacetime, it can no longer stay condensed enough to maintain shape/energy and implodes to later discharge a massive amount of degenerated energy, such as in big bang, a stream of fire in massive proportions.

I hav not yet come to realize what being spirit is, it is ever present, penetrators matter, is magnetic/plasma in nature and move in such highly evolved patterns that the energy experiences consciousness or perfection, it is the final, the monad, it shapes every atom that rests upon it and orders it in a intelligent pattern, evolution of life follows and is shaped by this spirit like a radiotherapy broadcasting a frequency changes the patterns in ether after the information transmitted. Spirit transmit constant information and subtky force/align everything to its pattern or frequency sequence.

One thing is certain. As above, so below. I would not be surprised if eventually all matter in this universe coalesced into a Buddha figurine.

I wonder a lot if it's possible for a species to jump galaxies once the one they inhabit goes away, just sock shit and leave. Set the UFO on another space time frequency and shift location, or develop a craft that can travel through pure spirit. I'm really curious as to what it would be like to exit matter in a small container of matter.

There could be species out there endlessly old, to have survived several trillions of years, traveled not between stars but universes across impossibly vast stretches of nothing to arrive at a new universe and begin terraforming.

Then again maybe species come to realize a spiritual living before they reach such a stage?

Maybe one needs to be really autistic to enjoy playing skyrim after hes killed all the giants and maxed out?

Lost my trail of thought.

Universe not so special, there are many like it and all of them contain stars and black holes, creating and destroying, all abide to the symmetry of God that is spirit, all have different energy centres or chakras and all will eventually evolve sentience like a giant brain, from there it will take its time to reach sentience and a decision to kill the ego and become part of God.

Have you come to any of this? How could you get memory loss?


If anyone can't guess his or her way through my post just ask and I'll correct what my phone ruined.




Most everything I feel to be valuable information has come to me in revelations spread out across months, it's hard tying one end to a new beginning.

Instant inherent understanding is different from pondering a question and solving it and seldom do I get new information from meditation, only sometimes revelations and mostly just deeper understanding from examination.

Getting to point, the information I've gotten is from throwing a thought and forming a question about 'x' from time to time, then the answer just comes.

I've only once meditated properly on space, I expanded my consciousness to the edges of this solar system and felt a unity and belonging.




I think I hit my hardware limitations so to speak when imagining the universe which caused the memory loss. I ended up with an image (for lack of better word) of the universe though.

And now I know the one negative thing about a photographic memory. I know perfectly well where the memories stop and then start again.

As for my knowledge about nothingness it's very hard to put it into words. It just goes against the way language serves the purpose of describing things that exist and not the absence of, well, everything. It's more the acknowledgement that there exists nothing at all that's so difficult about it.



Yes it's not east to put to words even if there's a good understanding.

But I wouldn't say nothingness, it's so much that it has transcended matter or our societies current understanding of matter and has started behaving like a magnetic fluid, much more condensed and connected.

I can talk bullshit about this for days without getting the right teem.



>If anyone can't guess his or her way through my post just ask and I'll correct what my phone ruined.

I think we can all grasp it. I'd rather have more badly formatted information than short but neat essay. Besides, careless stream of consciousness writing fits this type of content. So write away if you feel inspired because it's fascinating stuff


How would you go about expressing it in art?

It's just my little theory, but I understand one can't be aware of certain phenomena and still stay here with us. Are you able to truly reduce your perception to that of a dog? I don't think so. If you were to magick yourself to actually see the world like a dog, you'd start losing your human consciousness. Perhaps it's the cause of what you said:

>And my mind feels like its slowly falling apart whenever I think about whats outside of the universe

Although I think it's possible to be in between two modes of consciousness and retain memories from a little bit of both. Allegedly it's exemplified by all the spooky beings that are supposedly souls torn apart between two modes of perceiving. It freaks me out personally because I myself have sentiment for earthly things, but simultaneously don't see a clear reason to stay here. I've experienced something like a weak version of dark night of the soul, but I really didn't want to fully let go and let the reality dissolve. I felt incredible sadness at the thought of letting go. Does anyone else here experience this scary apocalyptic feeling of coming doom when you're offered to take even a short glimpse at the world from above?

LMAO I just received a thought that my mom had to have Caesarean because I really didn't want to go out



I don't really know how to express it. It's such a foreign concept.

And it somehow feels more like the difficult part about it is less understanding and more acknowleding it. Complete absence of anything that exists. It's just that far away from the things that are commonly known.

And it doesn't feel like something that can be related to the common relation, sensory perception. Something invisible, something tasteless or something absolutely silent. Those are all things that can be related by the absence of perceived elements while the absolute nothingness is not in any way connected to the senses.

I did get a glimpse on the world from above and saw my own insignificance and then asked myself what's important for me. And found myself. That was refreshing.


That's something for the scientists to uncover. Who knows what they are able to come up with now that they have tools to measure gravity waves and possible watch the beginning of the universe.






There's a method/shortcut from somewhere though, it's meant to kill dependency or bad habits, but it's worked for thoughts to.

Imagine your subject as a petty beast, pour all of your subject into this beast representing subject then cage it, kill it, starve it and forget or consume it.

Relate everything why you're better than the creature and make it the cage or spear to kill it with.



Nah its something for anyone interested in it, everyone is a scientist and can hypothesise from new findings.



Not a bad visualization idea. I actually completely refrain from using any negative imagery like death. I just imagine things fading. Maybe this is weak of me I don't know.

Is there a difference between flags that have a normal version and a wizard one?





One good way to do this is to realize that you are not your body, you simply inhabit it for a time and that you should be grateful for its genius, it's ability to carry you, walk on two legs, heal you from sickness and allow you to interact with the physical.

If there is something wrong with your body, you can fix it, if you can't fix it, thank it for still working, no matter it's shortcomings.





If you fear something you'll always be lacking, it is better to understand it.

Death however is pretty unyielding and hard to reason with, in this case it's just about knowing it and accepting it. If you manage to deal with your fear of death it holds no power over you and you can use it as you wish.

Death is not the end, just an end and the beginning of a new cycle, it is to be understood and used like knowledge, like a tool.

Fading into nothingness is not death it remains but weak.

Would you rather fade into limbo, meaningless forgotten existance or move on to be shaped anew if you were to die?

Death and the afterlife is what got me into fringe, but it took a long time before I mastered it, but now that I have I do not fear it and can deal with anything that assaults me during life or dreaming.

During the typical nightmares I no longer run but toy with that which aims to scare me, I end it and consume it and move on, not being afraid of death is, I believe, what can change a man the most out of any obstacles in life.

No fear does not necessarily mean inviting it though.

I'm not insinuating that I think you fear death or are weak if you were to, it's only human to fear what one doesn't understand, but I do strongly advice you to master it and use it.


However, yes, I personally think it is weak to let things just fade without dealing with them.

I detest the saying "ignorance is bliss", and just forgetting without dealing with is willfull ignorance, you've got information that you just stuff away because you can't deal with it. It's weak and you never conquer what you dismiss.

Personally I rather have it plague me until I find a solution, or acceptance.



I more or less agree with your thoughts on death. I was hoping you'd give advice like you did. I don't have a strong fear of death. I fear a lot of things more than death now, and I need to work on that.


Let's discuss wizard flags.

Hermeticist is science wizard while all other flags use a system of belief that (somewhat) disregards scientific basic understanding of the workings and instead focus on results and faith.

Hermeticist master race because he knows, other wizards believe.



A little, but his complete works can be printed out from free pdf.

But I do hate not being able to make dog ears.



>not filtering namefags



so it is possible to delete memories and fetishes cool



>Set the UFO on another space time frequency and shift location, or develop a craft that can travel through pure spirit. I'm really curious as to what it would be like to exit matter in a small container of matter.

Holy fuck, after hearing about the Mars One being semi relevant in the news I've spent the last week thinking of fast methods of interplanetary planet.

>tfw no wizards working in space agencies that might try to create spacecraft capable of travel powered by wizards on board

Considering that thoughts travel faster than light, that's a boundary that can realistically be crossed.


Has anyone here meditated while APing or lucid dreaming? I did once in a dream was maybe the best feeling I ever had. I feel like I could progress a lot if I did it nightly.



If only I could lucid dream my man



>But I do hate not being able to make dog ears.



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a very very very cute thing you can do with pages ^_^








So guys what happens to tulpas after a long period of time

Do they stay in the astral realm or do they wither and die?

For example , I have a healing tulpa that I made some years ago, in it's programming its supposed to gather loosh from the astral and use it to heal me when I call upon it, after a while I forgot about him and never call him anymore.

is tulpa kill?



>its supposed to gather loosh from the astral

I'm thinking it's not dead


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I hope fae anally rape you in the night for doing this to a book


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I heard you could meditate yourself into a state where it would look like you are almost flat-lining on a heart monitor, anybody know how?



What's with people's obsession with slowing down the heart? Why would anyone practice breathing for years just to make their heart beat very slow?



i frequently go to bed straight as an arrow to wake up in the dream in lotus position, yes its something else.

requires a really still mind and a good imprint relating meditation to lotus or perfect position.

ideally you want to AP or lucid around in lotus being perfectly collected.




dog ears almost exclusively applies to books of little personal value and library examples, calm down.


Yes. Sometimes like this you don't breathe for minutes, and then shallowly. Its a very deep meditation, nothing special.


Its a muscle and it gets tears, ie, don't want to over use it.

If you're far down the spiritual path, sometimes while just sitting around you'll find yourself to have stopped breathing for a minute or two at a time. I think this is in the "Science of Breath.



dog ears are also subject to books of immense personal value but never books that you have borrowed from someone, unless you spill liquid on said book, then its yours to ruin in which ever way you please because you're still going to get shit if its crumpled like you stuck it in the toilet.



Do you feel like you're in the same location when you're lucid? I've been trying to build a sanctuary of sorts for me to wake into. I can visualize it well, but have not actually entered it.


>when you realize a fringe wizard from this board is responsible for maintaining the entire PDF collections which /pol/ reads, distributing redpills, ironpills, greenpills, etc. to them

This was all put together by someone from /fringe/ and has been maintained by him for a long time now, if it weren't for the people of this board, /pol/ would be pretty much without knowledge: mega:///#F!LEsAiYDZ!rjxHCmPwq8G30JhVyf64EQ

The meme magicians of /fringe/ are the heart of the National Socialist Movement in this age and will be the redeemers of humanity.



>The meme magicians of /fringe/ are the heart of the National Socialist Movement in this age and will be the redeemers of humanity.

No. Anybody who has really studied and practiced magic would not support the National Socialist Movement, but understand that politics is a facade to distract the masses. You will not redeem humanity by swinging the political pendulum the other way.



Odd question. Not always. Sometimes I'm aware of my surroundings. Mostly I let it take me wherever.



Good post.


I'll probably do the same early on regardless of if I want to. Thanks for response.



Anybody who has studied and practiced the arts can be led astray if he does not use his own mind to analyze what he reads. Its easy to go along with the notion that "nothing matters in this life because i'll just get another, and then nothing will matter there."

Most who has studied politics can see through the system and point towards the real men in power, but should one really disregard the whole system, even one corrupt?

The difference between learning the arts and being spiritual is seeking balance. Balance is not neglecting the life and people you chose to experience, balance it is not letting an old nation and the people you belong to, whose lineage you continually reincarnate into fall into forgetfulness. especially if the invaders are deceitful and violent. Balance is, as a being of creation, seeking to preserve and to strive against destruction.

Letting altruistic western civilization fall would bring about an age of chaos and greed, destruction and degeneration. Killing off a peaceful civilization would hurt balance, one should fight that tooth and nail.

Nurturing civilization is the true path, letting it fall based on an ideology of cowardice is selfish and the wrong path, as, in the end you're going to have to rebuild it, in another life through the eyes of your grand children.


I've noticed a lot of people have issues with lucid dreaming or AP, the same people might have issues visualizing and I would recommend meditating on your third eye with an amethyst and or binaural beats, easily found on youtube.

This chant is also pretty good.




National Socialism is weakness. Anyone who seeks true power and immortality (real occultist) has to realize that politics are for the weak masses. Divine Mankind will never bother with it.



currently it is balance to persevere as a unique and most evolved outcome of nature.

according to the law of rhythm if Europe lives it will swing back to where we are now, altruistic and caring, hopefully without weakness or enemies.


If you argue that "Divine man" could do more for order and creation to have a favourable outcome by secluding himself and alone join Spirit, you're misguided.

Both on micro and macrocosm, If you can help ensure the survival of an advanced species that will in less time evolve to reach, in mass, absolution, that is what you should work towards, instead of taking the STS path and tossing your fellow reincarnate kin to the wind having them roam the universe until such time that evolution can host their consciousness again and they can begin anew to reach the final goal.


I've been basically meditating only on my third eye for 2 weeks and have been getting sleep paralysis for the last 3 nights in a row, last night a pale skinned man stood beside my bed while looking into my eyes, and there was a very bright light coming directly from his forehead where the third eye is located, to wade of night terrors I started thinking of something funny and the guy retreated to a corner and dissapeared, I still feel like this is somehow connected, any thoughts?



Some spirit that was attracted to you cause of your third eye meditation.


Hi /fringe/

I have a question, I used to use the LBRP for banishing, but after a while I decided that I dont believe in the jew god, I came to adopt the ancient kemetian religion, but I cant really work out the correspondancies with the elements to be able to switch from jewish to egyptian, can some one help me?

I mean maybe In the pentagram part I should vibrate (Geb-earth)(Nuit-air)(shu-water)(Tefnut-fire) not sure if I got this right.

what about the kabalistic cross and the archangels?

or should I work with a different system altogether?

I am also developing a belief that the older it is the more effective.

can someone point me in the right direction?



"Magically, how strong a boost to a neophytes power would an eternal oath of near silence? (By near silence I mean shit like grunting, coughing sneezing etc) Keep in mind I still am in VERY early stages of learning."



None. Just focus on the basics. You don't know how to use the power you already have getting more will not fix that.


Yo /fringe/, having a worldly purpose seems like a waste of time, but asceticism is ineffectual and seems like a waste of time. What's a man to do? I'm at a loss as to what would best serve my spiritual growth.



>asceticism is ineffectual

how so?

worldly service will probably enable one to grow faster if one assumes the mantle of divine love in all actions.



ahmahgah thank


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Expect this frequently and worse. Paralysis is not just from body sleeping but from the overwhelming fear prey experiences when a predators gaze locks on.

You're currently easy game, meditate on first, third and fourth, in order, to conquer fear and acquire bravery, store and keep enough power to not be seen as fattened fowl but instead a loose canon and heart for a strong aura fueled by the knowledge that you are powerful in being protected with love by higher powers and your higher self, purify your heart to harbor love, strength and positive emotion and they won't even approach you any more.

Appearance is not power, but it does feed on fear. Next time be the hunter and toss a spear of light or a dozen at it.

After you're done with these chakras do the rest, but these will currently help the most.



thanks for the advice, I'm not new at all actually, have been meditating for about 6 months, usually on the higher chakras but if I have enough time I meditate on all, only recently did I start focusing only on the third eye chakra, idk how I should

>Next time be the hunter and toss a spear of light or a dozen at it.

but what I do is just imagine how in reality weak they are and starting laughing and they just retreat



That works a lot better.


So how do you guys work with entities?

I myself don't do anything special really, I just get into a deep trance and call them in my mind, I usually feel the energy shortly after when I do that, but I haven't tried making entities do shit for me yet, as I imagine I would need to conduct some kind of ritual and give an offering for it to work?



Anybody else avoid other entities? I'm only focused on improving myself.


can you eat other entitys?



Sounds like you would wind up being part that entity. As above so below.




These. Also, mutual respect and requesting help, not commanding, incentives and casual offerings are fine, a thought, a thanks, some smoke, a dedicated puff, sometimes energy.


You wouldn't if you cleanse what you steal unless you try to immerse yourself into something more powerful than you like an avatar/archetype.

Don't misuse sayings like that, you did it wrong.



That's not a misuse. If you're going to cleanse it away then you've undone what you took in so there was no point.



If something hostile approaches you then grasp it's being, even if it tries to slip away you'll have a lock on to drag it back to your /surroundings/ or /vicinity/, after you've got it caged it's a battle of will, it might try to impose images or words and sentences to throw you off guard but all you have to do is to reduce it do a ball of light, pack it tight and then infuse it with power to incinerate/cleanse/destroy, you can then move this energy to parts of your body.

If you can't rek it's form and reduce it to a sphere of energy, try stabbing it a few times with spears of light, you can pierce it's knees to the ground and incapacitate it in all manner of ways, imagination is the limit.

Sometimes it's best to just cleanse and trap it in a sphere of light and let the destroyed entity dissipate, or if you're not able to snuff it's conscious and reduce it to basic energy for it to dissipate trap it in a black sphere and impose gravity so that it can't escape then try to incinerate it, if that won't work, just leave it trapped or keep it and try to communicate with it.

Most of the time they're not powerful or conscious enough for debate but you can deduce it's desires in the form or impressions.

Sometimes they are powerful and at most you can just wound it severely before it breaks off and vanishes. I've met one that I could only mortally would but this thing was different and preyed on people in limbo.

You do not want to actively seek out things to destroy, it doesn't really lead anywhere.

If a sphere cage doesn't hold it and you feel it getting limbs out of the cage to push itself out of it, try adding a cube around the sphere, and then a pyramid over that, cube for extra layer and pyramid to focus anything leaving cube to the top, top of pyramid should be really hot and destroy anything going through it.

Ehm.. can't think of anything else to mention but if you got a question, try me.


>Anybody else avoid other entities? I'm only focused on improving myself.

>can you eat other entitys?

I don't feel the words "eat" or "avoid" used towards entities. You can embrace an entity or banish it. Press ctrl alt del in your mind and see the list of entities that constitute what you probably think is the constant (your self). Then change which ones use how much processing power. If you give one more power over you, influence of other will decrease. All entities in the universe are already you, just some more and some less.

If you're improving (changing) yourself you must be regularly interacting with entities.

You consist of entities that are shifting all the time, and they change especially rapidly if you adapt new beliefs and thus interwoven with the beliefs habits, mannerisms, vocabulary, connotations with words and ideas etc.

I think mostly people who write journals for very long periods of time fully realize implications of what I'm saying. You could also find extremely old traces of your activity on the Internet on some now abandoned forum. Search for your old nickname and posts and dissect what you've wrote back then and what entities did you consist of back then.



You were talking about trying to force an entity into your own consciousness, or try to overlap it with yourself and your energy body,bypassing your aura/failsafe, it's like trying to get yourself possessed much like has been discussed in previous Qthreads with entities lodging in energy centers, it's a very dumb thing to do and is not relatable to as above so below.

If you're talking avatars of a pantheon, most of these representiing planets/planetary vibarion, such as, say, the warrior, in my opinion it should still be cleansed to purity so that you know what traits you're letting temporarily influence you.

But that is not as permanent as letting a leech live in you.



>cleanse it away

Thats why you trap it first to make sure it doesn't get away before you're done, or the energy dissipating before you can use it.



I do not agree with this, your post is written from a POV that you're allowing entities that are not you to inhabit, coexist or feed off your true self.

I do agree with, that, once you immerse yourself in a task you let entities influence you, but this is conscious directed channeling and not possession such as you describe it.

You consist of one supreme entity inhabiting your current biological vessel, you may be influenced and possessed by external entities and you channel higher ideals through your actions and thoughts.


Wonder who's going to get the triples.


to anons who meditate for hours

what do you meditate on?



Nothing and everything that comes to mind



You seem to have negative connotation with word possession, and probably only think of it in terms of something alien attacking someone and taking great control over him against his will, causing to dramatically change his personality.

But that's only the depiction of possession that leaked to popular media. It's something that happens in rare cases to specific types of people and it's blown out of proportion, while nobody pays attention to the important stuff. Possession is something that happens all the time. If you read some post and you see inconsistency that makes you want to correct what he said, and this desire to respond is only 0,00000000000000000000000001%, then it can be said you're possessed. Because there is no stable "core", as even the "true" self is constantly morphing. The reality is never-ending, untamed dance of infinite amounts of entities and there is no reliable peg to hang anything onto. Concepts of fixed true self, one fixed supreme entity inhabiting body, or the concept of dividing entities into you and not-you are all comforting schizophrenic delusions of soul yearning for something stable to hold onto.

I thought some "meaningless" word like "lololo" in meditation once and accidentally saw the story of this thought flash before my eyes for split of a second. The 3d channels through which it came and it went away and could have come and could have went away, and its role and ramifications were incredibly convoluted into complex webs of trillions of elements, and each could be broken down into a new cosmos. Then I read you say "I don't allow entities that are not me to coexist with me" and I'm like, holy shit, you're either half-god, I'm insane, or you're ignorant of the universes being made and universes dying beneath the surface of your consciousness with your every thought. Someone who actually genuinely controls entities that he's made of surely isn't writing posts on 8chan with me like it's nothing


I suffer from anhedonia that comes and goes randomly. What can be the cause of this. I feel like someone is stealing my gnosis because it's been a long process of breaking me down psychologically and now I can't love anymore.



I'm very aware of my surroundings, you and I think differently on a few terms, what you define as possession is just packets of information coupled with strong emotion radiating from a person, breaking through your aura and invading your consciousness.

Congratulations on reaching such a platform of sensitivity, but you know this is related to schizophrenia, meaning you're probably a little bit crazy, which leads me to believe this is why you have reached the conclusions on the subject that you have.

What you're describing is not possession but a very strong unity with your surroundings and aptitude to receive packets of information from the people and entities around you.

Just for the record, you can turn this on and off if it's bothering you, and I think you should because being overly sensitive to others influence will not help you find your true self, your own opinions and thoughts.

Now, you can make a personal choice and decide that swaying like a leaf to others suggestion is fine with you because you benefit from random impulses and intrusive thoughts, or you can chose to be your true self and not go with the flow.

Regarding pop culture possession, that is the extreme case, what you're experiencing is mild, while a mundanes impression to fap or eat so that astral leeches can feed would be "normal", but know that you're being abused in this relationship unless you've got really good impulse control.

Nevertheless,it has to be annoying living from whim to whim, no?

Furthermore, there is only one entity, or should be, that inhabit a human body, never mind that it is in constant evolution discarding one thought for another, one does not control that entity, that entity, ones true self, if balanced and brought to the surface controls what you refer to as "entities that make up ones self", and this is where it gets fuzzy because you do not differentiate between astral leeches blasting you with their selfish impulses, thoughts from possible service to others entities and your own thoughts.


Your own thoughts AND others thoughts.*



I seem to have contradicted myself saying it's not possession and then relating your state of receptiveness to possession.

Let's solve that for now by saying that, anything lodged on to your energy centers, in your aura, is possession, while receiving thoughts and impulse desires from others aura or leeches clinging to your aura is not "possession" but external influences.



Not the anon you replied to but this is basically when you're around someone expressing anger/happiness/nervousness/etc you start experiencing the same? How do you turn it off?


How can I acquire actual proper heath and nourishment? Everywhere that everyone goes there is bullshit disinfo on getting /fit/, eating healthy, environmental hazards, and balancing practices. I want to be healthy in all ways, physically, mentally, and. spiritually/metaphysically.

What areas of the world have fresh air, water, and good organic resources? What parts of the world are not bombarded by pollution and radiation waves but are still livable, safe, and populated.

Is there anyway to live healthy on a budget?

What daily practices should I really put into my routine?

How often should one excersize? What are some good demonstrations on proper form excersize?

How do I get into yoga? Where can I learn to do it properly?



Hey tipp, you got some good info. Are you on skype or slack? Have you written any material? What other good occult sites and resources are there? Do you have a recommendation list for books and lectures?



Yes it is - are you familiar with chakrawork/energywork? I need a y/n


Thank you.

I'm not, I write all the time but only to people who might listen, don't know about sites but Montalk is good but if there is something its just to google a good question usually gives an answer, I do, posted a decent list thrice in the last four(?) question threads.


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Got a rider waite tarot deck recently, done a few spreads in the split hexagram style taught in modern magick. I've decided i'm not too keen on following through the rest of the book though.

What are some good methods/books i should study in order to figure out the tarot and start practicing?


How do you cure/heal insanity?


How much effect can the minds of other around you have on you, what they believe about you, their emotions etc.



I'm able to move energy around, but haven't made any progress on my chalkras, so no.


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Start by defining insanity.


A lot, someones dirty thought is expressed through a face, body posture and eyes, ie body language, you might not consciously know for certain what some subtle movements mean but you'll subconsciously pick it up, the tone and subtleties of sentences..

It does affect you tremendously, if you're not aware in 'the now' and can dispel it.

Beside that material, there is the subtle, I like repeating the following example; If someone stares at you with hate and murderous intent, like a predator attempts to stare down another predator or a starving lion a wounded gazelle, you will feel their intent as their aura of emotion stretches to engage yours to exchange information, you will feel their gaze at the back of your neck (if you're looking elsewhere), it will make you feel great discomfort, it'll make your hairs stand on edge and make the adrenaline pump.

Chose your company well or take conscious control of social events.


Good then the following will be good practice.

First find the energy work thread in the catalog and read it all if you haven't already.

Next do meditation sessions focusing on each chakra at a time to feel their presence, once you feel a warm glow or glowing orb where they're supposed to be, you're good to move on to the next.

You're going to start with the third eye as its the easiest and will help you with visualization.

Use these.


After third eye, go from bottom to top. Likely, you will not access crown, you can try but if you fail just skip it for now.

Breathe deeply and if you can, find a rhythm of breath that expands stomach first, fills chest some five cm and then exhale.

At the start of each session you want to spend 10-20 minutes breathing energy into your legs, once they're warm and tingling, channel it to the chakra you're working on.

Doing this, you will next associate each chakra with the following shapes 3d shapes.


upwards facing pyramid


upwards facing pyramid


sphere for collecting energy, upwards pyramid for channeling it up


In many meditations the goal is to channel from earth &heaven to heart, see pic two and three (biofield&nosoul) for why.

Heart chakra is supposed to be visualized as either the overlapping >< or two triangles, drawing in yin and yang.


Memory fuzzy but I'm pretty sure its a downwards facing pyramid, can't recall because I've been trying very hard to power it up as a sphere. Lets go with downwards facing pyramid.


Normally sphere, for heart meditation downwards facing pyramid


Downwards facing pyramid normally, when you meditate on it or want to channel, a lotus that keeps expanding.

Once you've established the shapes, feel them out, they should be rotating with a vertical axis.

If you've gotten this far, its easy to slow down the rotation to "close" them, or speed it up to make it work overtime.

Be careful and always remember what you last did because this is a system to manipulate the glands in your body. At each major chakra is a gland responsible for hormons and shit, you don't want to stress them or make them inactive for to long as that might lead to medical complications.

>finally last paragraph

To make yourself unaffected by the moods of others you turn down the third (yellow) chakra as it is responsible for receiving emotions. Sixth (third eye, purple) for receiving thoughts, also for forming coherent messages to send. Crown to close off universal influence or spirit, this largely removes "Deja Vu", meaningful dreams & synchronicities.

Heart is the main (main read as only as it generates the field in which your thoughts and emotions "float" for a better word) transmitter or emotions and does not receive.

The first two are also transmitters, but only through body language.



>two triangles

two pyramids, a merkaba.


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These? Thanks, this is really helpful for visualizing what I have to do.



No not those, the ones I described.


I can really help with all that info you gave.



I already know whats wrong with you but I wont tell you shit until you cough up some specifics.


>An Australian walks into a hospital

>"Doc, I got myself bit, mind giving me some of that antidote?"

>"Well sure thing cunt, what bit ya?"

>"Doc, do the specifics really matter? Lets just say it was one of them outback tubes."


>"Might have also or either been a spider, now fix me up doc my leg is rotting, chop chop cunt."



Its pretty clear that someone bullied you from here to there so hard that you started seeing things, but if you wont yield details I can't help and wont sit here and do guesswork.

I'm already at my limits with you, and the best advice I've currently got for you is to kill yourself. Its a long process that involves seclusion, spiraling further down into madness and then rising from the bottom as a new person.



>the fix

>subtle subconscious mind

There is probably no "the fix", and I doubt I can help you because we've got a barrier, you might not know enough to "fix it".

Your best chance is to start talking, here and now, a long, detailed, anonymous therapy session.

But its your choice to do that and I wont sit here and ask you "&how did that make you feel?".



What was your question and problem again?

Also what ritual and which drugs?



See why not say this from the start?

Can you open and channel energy through your crown?


How does it block your mind? Be detailed.



What are some good books and daily routines for a complete beginner to get into chakra work and energywork? I know of the energywork thread but I want some source material.



I am unsure, it most likely would not block that, but block my attempts at doing it.


Just undermines everything I do, likes to keep my mind unfocused, or focused on addictions etc. It reacts to certain visualizations like white light, makes my body quake and shake often. I've meditated to try to feel it out, it covers a lot of my head, spreads it roots down into and around my body. It feels most present in my head though.



What have you tried so far, banishing, what kind of meditations to root it out, what have you tried during those sessions, tried sage? What people have you met with who you thought could fix it?

We're you in question thread one or two threads ago when I posted the pentagrams?



What's a long process that involves seclusion, spiraling further down into madness and then rising from the bottom as a new person? Why would that even be necessary?


What entities have you turned to in hopes of helping you?



Because anon was being a dick and with eld information while implying this had anything to do with energy work I was thinking maybe he had messed a faulty kundalini rising or screwed his third eye in some way.




A solution to that would have been a dark night of the soul and other stuff like peeling away everything personality to reevaluate everything and weed out bad stuff.



The Book of Knowledge has pretty good chakra meditation guides.


I'll post a pentagram, I want you to print it out 10x10 cm, get a same size piece of flat wood, glue the printed paper to the wood with your blood and use the pentagram, or grams if you decide to do so with two or more.

Meditate holding the pentagram with both your hands above your chest, remember the image and command the entity to respond to any question you might have, even if it's just to respond as to confirm that it's an entity and not programming.

Then feel it's roots and tentacles as darkness, and the flesh is connects to as light, carefully and methodically pry it out of you and collect everything you remove in a sphere which you encase in light to keep it in place. After each session infuse the sphere with light to incinerate it, do not absorb it.

Do this until everything is gone and do the same flash incinerate to your body and the entity.

If possible, learn it's name and report back.

Get sage, sage is good.

Start operation once you're very deep in meditation, such that you can't move and are hypersensitive of yourself.

Begin meditation with deep breathing and collecting energy through breath to your legs, pushing energy down with each breath out.

If you can, sync with the sun and breathe it's energy through your crown to burn away everything that is not you.


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pick whichever you think will be more useful, or glue them both to the wood one on each side.



My force of will was always enough to purge hostile entities but can I get a source on those pentagrams?





What kind of magick is this? You are the first I've heard to say breath into your legs, you mean breath below the navel right? I question the use of blood, blood is more heavily valued then most people make it out to be. What kind of sage? Is white sage good?



>What kind of magick is this?

Sigil magick coupled with energy work.

>You are the first I've heard to say breath into your legs, you mean breath below the navel right?

The idea behind it is that the entity is climbing at your feet, binding it in tentacles or whatever. Based on that symbolism you're gona have to make energy move through your legs in a sort of pushing motion, freeing them from the entity's grasp.



Never mind, I remembered that they're Solomon's seals.


Your legs hold a lot of blood, can store much energy, enough for flash to work.

I mean literally breathe in energy through air to lungs and store it in your legs, you're doing it right if it feels like water drops are trickling down your legs at every breath out.

Yes white sage. Salvia is better.

Do the blood magic anon, this isn't bleeding for bleeding sake in some edgy offering or a pact, it's to connect you to those pentagrams and the specific power that the sun grants.

Take it or leaving you ungrateful dimwit stubborn ass daemon host.



I recently experienced something try to assist me by removing something from my body, it removed some parts, but when it got to my head it had some difficulty, I tried to concentrate my mind and I was met with a lot of opposing impressions and images. You think it's the same thing? I wish I knew what was trying to heal me.



>Take it or leaving you ungrateful dimwit stubborn ass daemon host

That's kind of harsh kek, people should ask questions about magick they don't know about. Especially for the source material.


How can I conquer all fear? Where should I even begin. I want to be eternally fearless, fear is the roots of all illusion emotions.



Oh uh sorry, thank you for the information sir.



If for anything you should be grateful for me not just going to bed while you played hard to get, not the information.


Is this anon doing weed and having friends do rituals on him?



One last thing. If your understanding of God is good enough, pray to him for help and in his name call for the entity to fuck off.

If its not, try summoning Jesus. Strong egregore. Fattened for a long time.

Hell, try both.


And you better report back with results.



Either by understanding, love or letting go of that which you fear to lose.



A good, basic, daily routine is to feel out each chakra, feed it until you feel a warm spot and get familiar with its position, the emotions it evokes and what it does.

But casually just get good enough to feel them like spheres of energy after some breathing, and to focus energy into them.

When you've done that for some time you can try doing them all at the same time, it will feel like seven lightbulbs are suddenly turned on, but it requires a lot of focus and awareness, its not the easiest thing to do to channel energy to all at the same time and spin them rapidly, but that should be the goal.

>a good meditation routine

Overloading first until you decide its time to let go and have the energy flow like a broken dam through all the chakras to the top, you will feel each chakra become warm and you'll have more awareness of them, if it doesn't work or the energy wont pass to the next, you now know which chakra to work on.

>another good routine

Channel from crown to heart and root to heart, energy spiraling your spine, and let the different energies blend there, and then expand or strengthen your aura or imagine a pair of wings.

If you want to practice sensing, do the basics with focus on third eye and mainly heart, now expand gently beyond the normal 2-4 meters and feel your surroundings. Great for visualization. You can feel the obstacles in your room, or you can expand beyond your countries borders or Jupiter to reach for other consciousness or imprint others. Very good for training to have your aura interact with others.



not giving you any source because im mostly experience.



I too can't find pleasure in lifes meaningless stuff.

Sure you can still love, you just can't fake emotions towards someone you don't really care about.

If you write some more about this I'll do the same.



You don't have a predetermined goal before doing it? Seems like daydreaming to me



unless i have a goal, no. meditation is daydreaming.

to be able to have a perfectly still, clear mind, you must vent the thoughts that arise by themselves, and once they do, you deal with them and settle the issue.

then all is quiet.



The thoughts that arise in my case are related to 2 years of bullying I went through over 10 years ago in high school. I don't consciously blame kids who bullied me because nowadays I understand it was just natural interaction between archetypes, but no matter what I do, the thoughts keep coming back and they're actually accompanied by pressure in my chest. I just stay aware of them, sometimes smile at how predictable and hopelessly cliche these angsty fantasies are. I've been doing it for 3 years now but they keep coming back anyway. I'm starting to get frustrated because it's so childish for my subconscious to keep holding this stuff after bazillions of hours of meditation



damn, well bad thoughts never ever intrude when meditate, even though my daily life is far from perfect, what happens when meditating is I just imagine a future where I'm the happiest and most fulfilled and this usually puts me to sleep, any tips on how not to fall asleep?


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To expand on this..

In high school I didn't understand the typical archetype of almost any man that makes him want to dominate, conqueror, and fight others. I didn't feel this urge, which has to do with lack of this archetype in my family and in my DNA. And so I was bullied.

Nowadays I catch myself projecting conversations with my bullies in which I "prove" to them that people who don't bully are more advanced than these who are "slaves to their bully instincts".

After such fantasy I usually remind myself that archetypes of dominators and submissives are just two components of natural mechanism that makes the world go round and therefore there is nothing wrong with it.

But perhaps on some level I just can't accept it because I don't feel these instincts of the dominator or the submissive in me, and that's why the fantasies keep coming back constantly. In high school to stay sane I'd affirm myself I'm better than my oppressors, that I'm above these human meme mechanics of the dominators and the submissives. No idea what to do with that.

I also sometimes wonder if I share this psychosis with modern academia in the West sometimes. Because in some of my fantasies I imagine I use force to suppress the dominator archetypes of my oppressors. One guy liked MMA fights back then and so I'd tell him: too bad, it's 2016, I'm the boss and I ban MMA, if you bully and hurt others I'll put you to jail. Am I right to draw parallel to the tumblr demographic here? If they're all sick like I am, then I guess they're going to "get bullied" in some revolution or something. You can't suppress the memes, they'll find a way to resurface. I understand if you try to put yourself above the memes of the dominator/the submissive, you're just putting yourself in the role of submissive and spreading the ass cheeks (Sweden inviting immigrants) or you're going to disappear (Japanese youth deciding it's not worth it to play the game). The union of the dominator/the submissive is just too powerful and efficient in operating with Desire. If you don't desire to be the dominator and give the D or be the slut and take it in the ass, you're going to be eliminated and replaced by people who desire.



Sounds like a great way to get RLS tbh farm



Just temporary feels.

RLS is genetic and is caused by kidney failure and iron deficiencies, among things.



Are you actually dealing with it? Arguing it? Dissecting and examining every thought in detail from every perspective?

Step 1 identify issue

Step 2 break it down, not just observing.

You lack vital facets of personality because you've never gotten to develop them, and despite your conscious effort to change and correct because you realize it as a flaw you can't because of subconscious programming.

Go to the gym and deconstruct your personality one issue and thought at a time.



Put "why (do I feel like that)?" After every thought



Don't do law of attraction meditation?



That was bad advice, but loa m is not a very active task.

Besides it's not wrong or bad to fall asleep.



About chakra, where are they on the body exactly? Diagrams and people say it comes from the spine, but how big are they supposed to be. It seems like it's just using your imagination most of the time and it's flexible on that. Should I be visualizing and feeling it in the front of my body? in the center? in my spine?



You're spot on about the dynamic between submission and domination.

R.A.W.'s Prometheus Rising has some cool commentary on this in its sections on Circuit II and "The SNAFU Principle". It also has some takeaway exercises for working with that circuit that might interest you.

It's worth distinguishing domination and submission from masculinity and femininity. Academia typically doesn't make this distinction and asserts the reality of "patriarchy".

You might also want to look at the Inner Guide meditation. It has a system for working with archetypes as represented in the tarot and developing working partnerships with them. I can't say how well it worked for me because my imagination is really unstable, so I couldn't do it effectively.

You might also want to consider the possibility you're doing "spiritual bypassing" on the hurt you've experienced. Spiritualizing the problem by involving ideas like archetypes can end up making the events harder to process. When you try to be more mature than you are, you can end up hindering your growth, since you're disowning your most immediate experience. Consider the possibility that you'll learn more from safely permitting yourself the "predictable and hopelessly cliche" anger fully and authentically and learning what you can do with it.


Should I even think about kundalini before I know I'm 100% ready? I really want to activate it, but I have a few things I know I need to mediate over first.

Is there some sort of meditation that will tell me what I need to fix first before I activate kundalini? Something like a preview that'll feel terrible so I understand what I need to do it make it feel right?



>bad thoughts never ever intrude when meditate

Because you're focusing on positive thoughts and a specific meditation to guide your path towards what you create in your mind.

Its very different from trying to still the mind.


Every chakra is the etheric representation of very active centers in the body with high energy, glands with lots of activity, producing hormones, taking care of food digestion, breathing, the things you do autonomously.

By taking charge of the 'thought' element you can tamper with these glands.


>>Each of the Chakra's or Energy Centres has Governance over particular areas of your body.

I want to correct this into something like; Each chakra is the subtle manifestation of these regions works, dense nerves, lots of bioelectric activity, hormones, blood flood, antibodies, its their aura and that you can manipulate to affect the physical.

The chakras are permeating these areas of the body as these areas are what creates them.



I agree with >>70460 that you're well read and got stuff right, but you seriously need to consider that its not either or, you consist of all parts like facets of a gem, what makes your current personal chart is what traits are currently in dominance, and from what you've said, you had no "strong male role model" in your family to pass on what you need as a person to grow beyond the petty, childlike tumblr attitudes of banning what you dislike.

I wrote it a few posts above, go to the gym, it will help you in balancing yourself as a person more than any meditation.

Seek balance between the two and learn to take charge and be a leader, even if the results are being more aggressive in discussion or during flirting, you've improved.

You could also, and should, strengthen your three base chakras and work on body posture and body language.

You might feel that you're a submissive person, and it might be rooted very deep, perhaps because of upbringing but also reinforced by the bullying, rid yourself of notions that you are submissive, these are the thoughts others have imprinted on you to keep you down.

You only get power if you take it, and you only strengthen the traits which you feed.




You likely read this post >>70372

Once you can feel every chakra like a big warm flame or light (excluded crown), you're ready, because by then you can.

A word of advice is to take care of any personal flaws, negative traits, before you raise it because once you manage to raise it you will be overclocked to deal with blockages in your energy system, you'll literally go crazy and do the most insane things to deal with it like seeking out bullies and beat them with with a bat, or bring up old already healed wounds in others that you might have caused, only to ask for forgiveness to heal yourself.

You will sway between emotions like a madman and a good advice is to plan for the next 6-12 months, make sure you've got money in the bank if you decide to quit your job or decide that school is not your path of desired profession and instead bum off to some Asian monastery for a while.

Make sure you're finished with big things and have no hindrance stopping you from what you might want to do.

It will be a wild ride and the train wont stop.




Because you might be a timid person I can guess that you had a loving upbringing with few people raising their voice? Maybe coupled with a very controlling mother since your father was not in control? She has imposed a lot of female energy onto you, neglecting your male part.

That is not all bad, I bet you're a very kind and caring person, don't see that as a weakness and never dismiss it, they are fine qualities.

The POV you should be seeing this from is that you're lacking/missing vital parts that make up a balanced human, you are not broken.


I'm sorry for responding so sporadically and uncollected, I recently woke up.



I hadn't read that post, I've just been really inspired by the thread on taoism here and googling around. My biggest motivation is probably the heightened ability to learn, which would certainly help me. Although I've heard that kundalini can force you to change your life and living standard, so I should probably wait until I'm secure in finances and etc before I start.

I can feel pressure and vibration in my third eye and throat, and lesser so in my other chakras.

I've been meaning to meditate on negative traits and personal flaws, but I'm not sure where personality begins and negative traits end. I like myself how I am, but I know there's things I should improve on but they feel like part of my personality.



>I'd affirm myself I'm better than my oppressors, that I'm above these human meme mechanics of the dominators and the submissives.

That's probably what threw you out of the dom vs sub natural order of things. You know, being above the bullies who hurt you is a noble idea and all, but even being a STO type of wizard/person don't mean that you can't have the power to protect yourself. Like tipp said, go to the gym, physical strength goes a long way and I'd tell you to go further and learn some rudimentary MMA or some martial art. You'll learn that it's not all about getting sadistic STS enjoyment from seeing another person in pain, by putting up a good fight you'll be able to get the admiration from others and some self respect for yourself.

Hell you might even put your baggage to rest if you know that you've now surpassed the bullies at their own game.

Also pro tip, if you do have a son somewhere down the line, get him into a boxing club or something like that at a young age, I can attest that sort of thing makes life much easier in ghetto schools.



Or you could invoke Bruce Lee. God amongst men.


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Don't forget to invoke Zyzz in the gym to get mad gains.



I used to, but now I train for endurance gains. I've become what I used to hate.



Oh wow, thanks a bunch. By the way, how come you take so much of your time to answer peoples questions like this, is it an act of being STO to you?



maybe it is. maybe i'm looking for a question i haven't thought of. maybe i do it out of selfishness, desiring people to reach a stage where they can do change and good, which might affect me. maybe the board owner is crazy and other people spread dis/misinformation. maybe i'm procrastinating. maybe i think this is the best way to help undermine and destroy the system.

don't know.


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maybe i'm overly proud of my own achievements of thought and understanding that i feel a need to share my superior thinking? maybe its normal to want to share that which is free, productive and good? maybe its abnormal being this concerned for others progress? maybe i think i'm right and you're an idiot in being wrong and want to feel special in being right? maybe i take pleasure in being a selfless teacher? maybe this is my current purpose? maybe i have nothing better to do? maybe i feel this is the most i can do at this time? maybe i pic related?


How can I learn what real willpower is? How and where can I learn to really hone it. Is the source of true willpower how well you know yourself?


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>existential crisis intensifies


Hey I think i figured it out.

Maybe because of all of the above to certain degrees but I'm here answering questions because I belong to and love this community.

And, because, something is telling me that I need to be here, now I don't know if that is for your sake or for mine but I'll figure that out eventually.

also because you fucking neophytes came here not knowing shit and ruined the legit threads with your stupid uninformed opinions, posting idiot threads and flushing good stuff - I will have a good, progressive and meaningful conversation on this site again if I so have to force information to your head through your rectum.

And that is why I check in a couple of months at a time to see how you've all progressed.


I appreciate each and every one of you, especially >>70474 for breaking me temporarily.

You have no fucking clue as to how infuriating it is to want to talk practical application of quantum physics and the chats are clogged with play pretend retards



you're so cute, can i hug you? #^_^


I have chronic pain, and I have heard people being able to get so deep into meditation that they don't feel their pain, can I get some info on that?



Remember when /fringe/ was a place for aspiring wizards to talk about various aspects of magick and brainstorm techniques instead of casually working as a wizard help desk for mundanes and neophytes?

I do ;_;

I want the old freedomboard back


It's possible in meditation to completely forget about your physical body, sort of take on a purely ethereal existence temporarily (referring to Smiley's meditation where you let go of your body parts in sequence rather than AP btw).

You're asking the wrong question though, what you should be asking is how you can fix your chronic pain.

The first line answer to that is use autosuggestion affirming that you're free of the pain and pouring energy loaded with your wish, preferably a healthy green colour, into the affected area.

Also read William Walker Atkinson's book on healing, it's in the MEGA.

Actually read the FAQ and start going through recommended reading but I don't really expect you to, so at least read the works on healing.


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Do you appreciate root vegetable pipe artcraft?



heh :3


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I've gotten to a point in my studies where I feel I should devote my efforts to a single esoteric system rather than trying to learn about many at once and apply bits and pieces of each. However, I'm a bit uncertain about my options.

I enjoy math, computer programming, and related subjects, so I'm searching for some system that is similarly highly-logical and scientific in nature (as logical and scientific as esotericism can be, anyway).

Right now I'm leaning towards chaos magick because it seems a bit more straightforward in explaining the subjective and objective aspects of practices and how they interact.

Would this be my best bet, or are there other options I should be aware of?

tl;dr I'm a 3rd circuit aspie, how do I into magic?



>Remember when /fringe/ was a place for aspiring wizards to talk about various aspects of magick and brainstorm techniques instead of casually working as a wizard help desk for mundanes and neophytes?

Is that not literally the point of the question thread?…


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In the very first exercise of Initiation into Hermetics, where you have to observe your thoughts.. how do I do that?

Am I supposed to pursue a single thought's "story" ?

Or is it fine if the thought cuts off and becomes another one?

Also, I'm supposed to observe the thought, but I feel that I'm controlling the thought's story, its not supposed to be like that right..


Hey, /fringe/.

I'm a newbie here. I made two tulpas for companionship and love, but also for protection.


I've read the Psychonaut pdf that's meant to be a very rough introduction. From there I've read that developed tulpas can easily eject "non-local" spirits or demons relatively easily. Unfortunately, I encountered one a while ago that's confirmed to be non-local. The tulpas are confirmed to be uncorrupted and too sapient to be corrupted from here on. They still don't want to take that minute risk though by confronting the thing directly, so they're focused on hiding. While being hidden, they're focused on imposing themselves to a greater extent in anticipation for the time at which they will eject this thing (once they're stronger and more orgonite has been made/arrived).

So how, then, might tulpas banish a foreign entity? Do they visualize it being pushed out of the body, do their own lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, solar banishing ritual, etc., as you might do? Or something else?

I'm particularly interested in hearing from tulpas on this board about what you have done or what you think you would do (even if you've never done this before).


I can't decide on which book to adhere to.

Initiation Into Hermetics or Modern Magick.

Uncle Bearheart, someone I really admire, said that MM is pretty much a great orimer with few errors.

IIH is much drier and curt in comparison, but it's completely practical. And a bit boring (still trying to opget Step 1 done), tbqh.

Should I stick with IIH, or adopt the MM curriculum?

I want to start doing actual Magick.



It's a very difficult thing to do. I'd recommend reading an entire book on meditation(Observing your thoughts is a form of meditation). Meditation is the very basis for so much that is /fringe/

In the short term try catching yourself following your natural thought patterns. If you don't like them end them. If you don't mind them then do what you want with them. Over all just try and realize how much power you have over them.


I am very much uninitiated but would like to work towards increasing/awakening my chakra. I want to ease myself slowly in the deeper magic aspect like aura, astral projection, energy manipulation and the like.i would like to keep from being consumed by a giant tulpa thank you very much and was wondering what technique to start on and what book would be bestand before you tell me to read the faq i already have "energy works" and "initiation to hermetics" just asking if there are others that would be good


I am very much uninitiated but would like to work towards increasing/awakening my chakra. I want to ease myself slowly in the deeper magic aspect like aura, astral projection, energy manipulation and the like.i would like to keep from being consumed by a giant tulpa thank you very much and was wondering what technique to start on and what book would be bestand before you tell me to read the faq i already have "energy works" and "initiation to hermetics" just asking if there are others that would be good

Also how does masterbation and sex affect ones skill/profenciency? I dont want to do something really stupid without realizing it




Oh come on cripplekike get it together!



read the book of knowledge, better than IIH imo



All non Khan threads are pretty much shitposting though and those are just him having a Q&A.

I guess I'm just reminiscing over my neophyte days when progress was going fast as fuck and everything felt new and fresh. The beginner's enthusiasm worn off somewhat.


all entities are thoughtforms, why not just make your own entity to grant your every wish?


How can I heal someone over long distance?



I use a technique like timelines.

I made a time capsule ritual


>enter a strong trance

>build an astral room (draw a sigil?)

>in it a chair,a big screen.

>enforce that image and function.

>go out of trance for a while

>visit this time capsule many times to make it more potent.

>when the mental image is stable.

>go into the time capsule.

>sit on the chair.

>visualize the screen light up.

>go into the time I want to change.

>see the situation I want to change,

>visualize it (make sure you see it clearly)

>change the details*

>see the change

>go back to present

>see the outcome

>go out of trance

>shut down the screen.

>go out of the time capsule

>count from 30 to zero

>open my eyes



Practice this technique till you get good.

*try to see the details vividly till you can visualize it perfectly.

The better the visualization the more effective it will be.




I have a question, I used to use the LBRP for banishing, but after a while I decided that I dont believe in the jew god, I came to adopt the ancient kemetian religion, but I cant really work out the correspondancies with the elements to be able to switch from jewish to egyptian, can some one help me?

I mean maybe In the pentagram part I should vibrate (Geb-earth)(Nuit-air)(shu-water)(Tefnut-fire) not sure if I got this right.

what about the kabalistic cross and the archangels?

or should I work with a different system altogether?

I am also developing a belief that the older it is the more effective.

can someone point me in the right direction?




Is this book in one of the libraries?



Since some years ago I've had this thing where I can send a really good feeling down my spine on demand. The feeling sort of starts at the top of my spine at my neck and then goes all the way down.

does anyone know what this is?


Alright so I meditate frequently and all, but how the hell do you get so good that you can freely communicate with spirits?



Realize that through the astral the distance is next to nothing.


I'd just work on astral projection. That or just visualize that you're communicating with them until it feels real.



how should I work on astral projection?


Anger to me seems like the most powerful emotion

It cancels out every other emotion, for me most importantly sadness, but yes it does cancel out happyness too, everything suddenly becomes very focused like you found your true path, you feel more powerful and motivated than ever



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I've had a powerful revelation in meditation (difficult to express in words, vision of all elements working in unity) that resulted in quite controversial reflections. Now I don't know if I'm dismantling my ego or my true self

To start with, I'm slowly and hesitantly coming to the ridiculous conclusion that there is absolutely nothing wrong with popular culture and the mundanes. All that matters is whether the songs and the movies succeed in pushing the right buttons in the consumer, activating their archetypes, and thus invoking desire in them. Desire is the precious in our world, so why ever have adverse reaction to whatever invokes desire? Isn't desire all that matters, the only law? So I come to conclusion if art succeeds to tickle the archetypes and produce desire, then it should be cherished, period.

I suspect at some point in late childhood I started to look down on them "normies" from pedestal to make myself feel better and special. According to my diary, I've had subtle flashes of this thought in the past, but I would quickly denounce it. Because if I accepted this thought, it would also mean accepting that it was me who was the dumb one the whole time and there is nothing special in me.

If it wasn't my true self causing me to withdraw from the popular culture and the normies, then where is my true self? I thought the intuition which made me to like some songs and dislike other ones was my true self showing me my personal truth. If it wasn't my true self but basic defense mechanism of ego, then fuck, I don't have true self, or I'm hopelessly beyond contacting it.

The only reason I'm still somewhat happy must be because of sense of uniqueness that I derive from the fact that I'm happy despite acknowledging I've been incredibly worthless and edgy person so far. Something like a self-deprecating fetish that initiated the rotating of the perpetuum cycle of deriving continuous happiness from deriving happiness. Now I wonder if it's some kind of psychosis like Learned Helplessness or perhaps it's that famous god thing where you derive happiness from accepting the world is fair.



>perhaps it's that famous god thing where you derive happiness from accepting the world is fair.

what famous god thing is that?


It's just occurred to me, how much "karma" have I collected by giving ebola-chan sexual energy and loosh in general?

How can I repay this?


Meditate again, "normie" culture is not healthy. In fact it's quite the opposite. It is the fault of "normies" because they do not question what they do or risk taking a different stance.

>Isn't desire all that matters, the only law?

No, that is WILL. Desire is what the personality wants. Will and desire are opposite poles. Desire is what the personality wants, and will is what the higher self knows it needs. "Normies" do not question the world they live in and do not bother to, or they will be removed from the comfort they are used to. To believe that there is "nothing wrong" with this, it sounds like you're just trying to regain that lost innocence.


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does anyone else detect in Bob Kennedy's eyes the hint of an abyssal nightmare that knows you know something ain't right



seems normal to me.

But of course, felling anger is bad, banish of all bad emotions frequently.


How can i become a were-creature? with real physical transformation?



Google Astral Dynamics Robert Bruce.pdf

It's a good book for development in general. You could read up on whatever spirits you're interested in the meantime.



Check the shapeshifting thread on fringechan.org



What's the more effective route to feeling happy and more energetic? Trying to be introspective hasn't been effective for me because I don't feel like I'm really getting down to the meat of the issue, and I'm wondering if there's a better way. I assume I have a huge attitude adjustment to undergo. I have some ideas, but I wanted input too.



>feels real

Ignore that sentence completely, this is selfinduced schizo/tulpamancing. Evil of you to suggest.



>No, that is WILL. Desire is what the personality wants. Will and desire are opposite poles

No matter how I look at it, desire of a "clean" personality without suppressed issues is the desire of the higher self. So everyone's will should be to fix their issues and once they're fixed, it's to follow the desires of their personality (true self). I don't think detachment from popular culture and looking down on normies is a true desire of higher self. Isn't it more like illusory desire? Or perhaps there is no false and true desires. What I consider unhealthy desires are actually crucial, because they work like catalysts for what I consider healthy desires. Normies are important so that /fringe/ anons can derive desire to do stuff


>what famous god thing is that?

You know, that stereotypical thing that makes even the most suffering people feel at peace, and then they say they know their suffering is the part of the bigger mechanic.



why is tulpamancy evil?


In the 8-circuit model, is it the metaprogramming circuit that produces Aleister Crowley's True Will, and the drive to asceticism?


How do I banish an entity that i´m able to see?

The thing is causing me fear and other shit.


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Has anyone had any success with talismans?

I don't really see them being discussed around here, and I haven't come across any reliable literature on them.

They seem interesting and I'd like to give them a shot, but I'm not quite sure what types of procedures are involved.



I'm just helping him get to his goal. Having a dialogue with spirits isn't inherently evil even if it's just your subconscious.


A lot of people get very obsessive and lose their grip. Have a strong grounded sense of self and proceed cautiously. I do personally avoid it though. Even if it works well you could have spent the energy on self improvement and be just as well off or better in my view.


Crowley isn't that big here, so don't be surprised if you have to go elsewhere for an answer. Be careful it seems like he attracts a lot of people with mental issues.


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It's hard to live in Kali Yuga if you're open minded and know what's going on /fringe/. Everyday I look at the world and I feel like shit knowing that I've been subbed into the game and my team is losing 20-0, living in situations that I haven't selected but forced to be in because of the ignorance of my predecessors.

I accept the challenges though, I'm not suicidal by any means (such traits are for weak souls), I know that all these challenges build character and that's exactly why we're here, to become better consciousnesses. I know this place is a school and not a playground.

Here's my question /fringe/, how can I stop feeling depressed over the world events, over the ignorance and apathy of the humanity and lose my precious loosh and feed whatever entities who profit from such negative feelings?

How can I grow thick enough skin to not get effected immediately but still keep myself from becoming ignorance?



>you could have spent the energy on self improvement and be just as well off or better in my view.

Alright, In my view it's only dangerous if you're trying to make a sentient being, a servitor has no means of being dangerous in any way, servitors are immensely useful to people just starting out to satisfy their materialistic desires(which is meaningless in the end) as they are not yet advanced to just manifest their desires out of thin air, still, what do you think?



depressive thoughts are just here to encourage you to do something. getting upset at them is like getting upset at the feeling of hunger. instead of asking "why the depressive thoughts happen to me" you should ask "how do I fix my mind, body or immediate environment"



Physical exercise is a universal panacea. Go for a nice walk in the countryside.



you have to understand that most of the time it is unfixable, atleast without the use of magick



I'm going through something similar. Focus not on blocking out the suffering, but transmuting it into something you want. I find it's much easier to bend my suffering into something more bearable than to abolish it.



> Focus not on blocking out the suffering, but transmuting it into something you want.

Tell me, how does one transmute his suffering into enhancing his life?


I tried some simple herb nootropics Ginseng + Ginko Biloba and they really worked, but now that I'm off them, I'm back to my old lifestyle. On nootropics something clicked in my head and I'd devour books all day with calm focus.

Now I'm back to being comfortable doing nothing special, just living alone, working minimum wage, taking it easy. There's something about browsing the Internet all day on days off, and getting high off music that never gets old. I think; Why should I study magick, maths, sociology, law, medicine, physics, psychology for 14 hours a day when I don't want it?

Month ago on nootropics I wanted to study, to expand my awareness all day and I did. I deleted video games to save space on disk and didn't even feel like listening to music. I thought I will never play a video game ever again. I didn't consider the slightest possibility I will. It was just out of the question to waste time on games. Today I played games for 9 hours and I have absolutely no regrets.

Month ago I laughed at "old myself", thinking, how could I be this stupid? Waste so many years up to 23? But it's okay, I thought, I can revert this backlog in one year. And I'm not going to waste time ever again.

Now I'm perfectly fine with wasting time! BECAUSE I AM DIFFERENT ENTITIES NOW






bleez resbond I had to post the question three times.

I have a question, I used to use the LBRP for banishing, but after a while I decided that I dont believe in the jew god, I came to adopt the ancient kemetian religion, but I cant really work out the correspondancies with the elements to be able to switch from jewish to egyptian, can some one help me?

I mean maybe In the pentagram part I should vibrate (Geb-earth)(Nuit-air)(shu-water)(Tefnut-fire) not sure if I got this right.

what about the kabalistic cross and the archangels?

or should I work with a different system altogether?

I am also developing a belief that the older it is the more effective.

can someone point me in the right direction?



How do I use magic to increase intelligence and comprehension? It seems the majority of teachers I run into at college are next to useless and I am left to figuring out everything else on my own.



Work on various cognitive aspects like memory, visualization, thoughtforming, subconscious processing, etc.

Atkinson covers it all in his various books.

If you go through the FAQ material, you'll definitely experience an increase in intelligence and comprehension.



I personally just use the Gnostic Pulse banishing ritual. Send out energy in all directions into the whole room that is programmed with an intention, which drives away undesirable entities. I also have my bedroom heavily protected and regularly recharged with its own astral shielding.




You'll find the answer in Max Freedom Long - The Science of Miracles where he talks about multiple souls/personalities.


File: 1455846445902.pdf (1.11 MB, Max Freedom Long - The Sec….pdf)

Around page 60 or so.


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>How can I grow thick enough skin to not get effected immediately but still keep myself from becoming ignorance?

Thick skin is not the answer anon, enlightened compassion is.

>how can I stop feeling depressed over the world events, over the ignorance and apathy of the humanity and lose my precious loosh and feed whatever entities who profit from such negative feelings?

By understanding their place in the cosmic picture and by working your magic to affect change within your realm and if it happens to help the world, great, but you are responsible for your spiritual growth, not all of theirs. Indeed you can never force enlighten someone.

Regarding the more mechanical how; by alchemizing/transmuting your emotions



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Just deleted this guy's two shitpost threads, took a screencap of it though first, wonder what's happening to him.


What do people here know about curses and mind corruption?


Can anyone tell me any good information on astral parasites and leeches? The shifty kind that hides behind internal thoughforms in the mind.


requesting Tipp's planetary pentacles for using in cyberhsaman

btw can you make it for all the pentacle and special 4th, 6th, and 7th pentacle of saturn.


Is there a way to meditate yourself into the dream state, if so I would also like to know the literature.



want them shooped over the planets for charge?

i'll get to it once i manage to take the thumb out of my ass and respond from where i left off.



Don't have all, only made for ones I felt good/strong/useful.

You'll find some here, tell if you're missing something.





Just don't bump that thread please.


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Anyone working with this will have my undivided attention and assistance.






Yeah, I was experimenting with cybershamanv7 since the site is wrecked and the download of v8 is broken. I have found the spiritual awakening one to be an awesome way to give you self-knowledge and time for deep introspection.I tried to channel franz bardon energy to me and ended up in ER with low blood sugar

I didn't use his name but I used his picture since he changed his name in the end of his life according to the interview done with with his son

When I comeback I want to discuss with you the effectiveness of the golden ratio setting and the tuning button. On that topic I found that the golden ratio is best when dealing with entities.

btw if you have v8 I would be grateful.


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I've got the free version, been looking for a free DL or multiple task version but haven't found it.

Running it in VMWare.

I know how it works and the basics, I've read the manual but haven't done much testing, which is why I really want someone to talk to with about it.

For what its worth, I can help you speculate and do joint testing.

Share what you've come up with about the golden ratio and I'll do my best.


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I want to try a joint effort with these (and some others) and look for results.


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> DL or multip


And when I say "not much testing", I've used it a lot just haven't done tests on things that I don't know what they do or felt not necessary.



I wanted to correct something, I had low blood pressure not low blood sugar.

>Running it in VMWare.


>I've read the manual

It is a mindfuck but once you understand it, it become easier.

I wanted to add that you should atleast mention that your pentacles came from psionics grimoire by Uncle chuckie the description and not the pentacle themselves)

I will try to summarize what I have

§ Colors help, if they mean something for you or you have a belief that support that color do have a boosting effect.

§ Golden ratio+Psionic is probably the safest and fool-proof method for anything.

§ Attacking/Affecting area that people reside in is far more effective than targeting defended/guarded magician.

§ SATOR square is a good general-purpose talisman.

§ Deep trance would super charge cybershaman but light trance is okay for normal things.

§ You can fuck up someone computer to a degree where they describe it as " I have to restart it again pretty much every day, so much that I scripted everything to just boot up all my stuff again because I was so tired of having to do that manually restarting it all the time."

§ Enchanting object with demons is fun.

§ Cmandala is pretty good tool when you try to target someone who doesn't have his picture online.

§ Pentacles and Goetia are good for trends but some of the channelled texts and writing are also good.

§ Experiment carefully with theurgia-goetia(one of the lesser known grimoire of the solomonic tradition but might be even more powerful)

§ I could have food poisioned myself once with cybershaman while doing explode mode and having my sandwich near the PC.

§ It is sure a good tool but shitty effort will give you shitty results.

Also don't underestimate the golden ratio setting, it is pretty powerful.

and your experience?



Is there a way to meditate yourself into the dream state, if so I would also like to know the literature.



>want them shooped over the planets for charge?


>i'll get to it once i manage to take the thumb out of my ass

>i'll get to it once i manage to take the thumb out of my ass

>i'll get to it once i manage to take the thumb out of my ass


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I've mentioned that several times and was about to post a few books I'd want you to read, but now I don't need to, brilliant.

>>Colors help

Agreed, not just help but are vital.

>>Golden ratio+Psionic

Agreed, GR is a/the natural and perfect route of expansion the universe has set up. It creates a continually expanding thoughtform

When you said "dealing with entities", I hope this is what you meant, creating thoughtforms, because I don't feel this is suited for generally communicating with or making already existing entities/planetary consciousnesses do tasks.

>>Attacking/Affecting area that people reside in is far more effective than targeting defended/guarded magician.

Probably, yes, more energy sent will cluster in the area and attach to the person than if directed at him and dispelled, but for mundanes, I target the person as that is more directed/concentrated.

>>SATOR square is a good general-purpose talisman

I haven't dabbled with talismans or infusing objects with energy using CS, I've definitively been meaning to look into it and there has been interest but so far I haven't.

Got good knowledge of talismans and have made a few, I would appreciate if you showed me more at a later time, not now. In a month or two I'm starting a large project with high quality orgonite. If anyone remember the thread I made looking for funding, its that stuff, I've collected enough money to use gold/silver dust and wire. Even going to make one with the nobler gems, ie diamond instead of quartz, mandalas in gold etc.

>>Deep trance would super charge cybershaman but light trance is okay

Regardless of how deep the trance is, I feel one pointedness is more important, its might be easyer to achieve in deep trance but its just as good in light.

>>You can fuck up someone computer

Haven't tried, interesting. No input.

>>Enchanting object with demons is fun

Wauweewa. Actually stuffing them in there or making object a bridge/connection to the entities?

When you say demon, you mean already existing consciousness and not a new thoughtform?

>>Cmandala is pretty good tool when you try to target someone who doesn't have his picture online.

Yes, connect his imprint to the new unique image. This can be done with target though, and its only really "connected" after establishing mandala to target.

>>Pentacles and Goetia are good for trends but some of the channelled texts and writing are also good.



Got a PDF? Also, got anything Enochian with English translation/description?

Also requesting a proper book in ENGLISH of the seals of Solomon with HIGH QUALITY scans of pents

My experiences with CS are limited to

>>attracting women

>implanting thoughts, conditioning, desires, physical & emotional triggers

At this I'm very good, used to do it a lot before I reached personal development peak and stopped out of respect for others freewill, also didn't need it anymore, it was impractical to run home during a social gathering to toss a thoughtform when I could do it on the spot, albeit weaker(?) and not continually.

>>Influencing people

>messing with thought processes, implanting thoughts


>forming energy pathways in others sustained by the program to push barriers in the body, well wishing, summoning "good luck"



I might not be as well rounded as you are but I excel in targeting & setting trends which makes easy implanting thoughts. I combine all of these with energy work, sending a thought through the programs RNG & to the person to lock it.

I haven't used it in a while but look forward to learning more and doing better than previously because of more advanced energy work and more knowledge.

Should we make our own thread?


Post the pents of Saturn you want fixed



Do you have a helmet as per Chuckies instructions?

I've got the pieces ready for assembly.



No, I use energy work+astral temple to enhance it with the occasional vortex/logris rite.

I will reply to the rest in a sec



the helmet is supposedly used to finetune the thought/energywork.

again, thumb in ass, but i'll report results.


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>Post the pents of Saturn you want fixed


Sixth of saturn please.

The talisman from the screenshot is to " Gives the power of directing all the infernal hosts against the enemies".

btw can you upload Version 8 in the cybershaman thread(as in upload the exe since the download page is broken)

>When you said "dealing with entities", I hope this is what you meant, creating thoughtforms, because I don't feel this is suited for generally communicating with or making already existing entities/planetary consciousnesses do tasks.

Really? I found it work wonderfully with normal entities, what setting you use for dealing with normal entites.

I am a sperg in sacred geometry so most of the these setting just seem like an overkill for me tbh.

>In a month or two I'm starting a large project with high quality orgonite. If anyone remember the thread I made looking for funding, its that stuff, I've collected enough money to use gold/silver dust and wire. Even going to make one with the nobler gems, ie diamond instead of quartz, mandalas in gold etc.

This is just my opinion but using the cardboard circuit(chuckie's tier) or Indian ink is far better, but if you're aiming for an alchemical project contain gold and silver I think you should read on bardon's fluid condenser and the tepaphone in Antichrist's manual.


>Wauweewa. Actually stuffing them in there or making object a bridge/connection to the entities?

bridge a connection.

>When you say demon, you mean already existing consciousness and not a new thoughtform?

already existing one or even new one.

>Got a PDF?




>the helmet is supposedly used to finetune the thought/energywork.

I heard that too, but I am not in a place that would allow me to do shit like creating a small radionics circuit.



post reply in the cybershaman thread.


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your energizer doesn't work, the circles are to mused up. I've been meaning to fix that very image and print it out for purposes.



The program worked though, welp……It might be stronger with a better energizer.



Actually i'm not entirely sure if the image is being transmitted from its poor state in CS or drawn up from original image and sent in in full quality, but i do feel like its the sigil picture that is important here and not the codes that make it up.

Then again, they're the same really, the code is probably more perfect than that of a poor/broken pic.

I wish i could size up CS. Shit sux.



I'll get to shopping in an hour, you'll have them by 18.00



>This is just my opinion but using the cardboard circuit(chuckie's tier) or Indian ink is far better, but if you're aiming for an alchemical project contain gold and silver I think you should read on bardon's fluid condenser and the tepaphone in Antichrist's manual.

We'll get back to this but I'm going to put a copper wire from top to bottom and blast electricity into it as the resin stiffens, like 102 hz >>70678


Shooping now.



Read what I posted about chakrawork in this thread and take it to heart, its all you're going to need.

Good decisions.






Chaos magic is Hermeticist lite


>neopyte made tulpas, not one but two

>falling for it


Read both, take the best practices to heart.


Because you need to power your own thoughtform, other existing have been powered for a long time and reached archetype mode, drawing from these are more powerful.






>LBRP for banishing

Never done it. Gnostic pulse better.

Pentagram isn't Jewish shit, its the vibratory frequency of Earth, its essence, planetary orbit. It has to do with sacred geometry.

Older might not be better, in some cases yes, but the thoughtforms used then have no followers to feed it, unless its the planets worshipped in different forms.


Could be (most likely) drawing in energy from crown, keep doing it to get a good understanding of what it is.


Opening and maintaining all chakras, especially those meant to receive information.

There is also the element of "allowing" other entities to reach out to you, easiest done by reaching to them first.


Its only useful if you can harness that energy into creativity. Can you?


Feeling emotion is not bad, not controlling them is/could be bad.

Denying yourself important aspects of life is detrimental.


Pop culture is bad because of what it imprints the witness, in this case, currently, its degeneracy and subtle mind control done by hollywood moguls, shaping society the way it benefits them.


>how much "karma" have I collected by giving ebola-chan sexual energy

A lot, sorry for dragging you into that project.

Solve it by being truly regretful and ask the universe for forgiveness. Have you realized what you've done bad? Feel true regret? Don't do it again. You're absolved.


>feeling happy

Understanding and working towards fixing, or letting go.

>more energetic?

Energy meditation, collect from area, move to legs. Done right you wont be sleeping for days.



Tulpamancing isn't even, nor is talking to spirits, the way to go about this was faulty and will cause damage, misinformation is evil.


Accept it, feel the anger or sadness, let it motivate you.

Becoming a better person will not just advance you but everyone you meet.


That anyone who makes a tulpa is taking a big risk, often they're noobs at magic and haven't purged their obsession, say fapping, and this is transferred to the tulpa. If you sex your tulpa you're playing with fire.


>X amkes me feel Y, which makes me want to spraypaint a government building or bank with truths.



Nootropics and ginseng?

Its not a different person in you, you're just lacking the attitude which these things gave you.

You can do this with meditation, figure out why these things made you that way and apply the reasoning to your current self.


Hey koko, learn CyberShaman with us.


A lot, what do you want to know?




Basic deep meditation.


This thread for the time being belongs to CyberShamans.



>You can do this with meditation, figure out why these things made you that way and apply the reasoning to your current self.

You advised me something like that a month ago and I meditated religiously. I also made a bit of research concerning my family to see what archetypes run in my bloodline. So yes, I spent almost all my time "figuring why these things made me that way" and I know now, but it doesn't help much. I'm aware of the stuff inside me, but it doesn't make it go away at all.

After dissecting thoughts and images in my meditation and dreams I figured out my archetype is that of a low-energy being. The lethargic archetype characterized by avoiding risks and avoiding wasting energy. It emerged when times were difficult for my ancestors. My desire is very low naturally. I have low ambitions and I'm bad with maths (when someone says a number I don't expect, I usually can't recall it anymore 4 seconds later)

The nootropics I took (synergetic herb compilation: ginseng, ginko biloba, green tea) work only on people with thought patterns like me (with low baseline in the first place), so it further confirms my theory.

All this insight doesn't really help much, though. It only made me see what my cage is made of, I'm still inside



Ah, but now you can start to dismantle it!

You forgot that part.

Because you know now, you can name the one thing you dislike the most about your current self.

Now, what would it take to correct that personality flaw?



fixed the to whitened hex




sorry for newfig question, but what are these for?



blessing hilldog.







pic rel 2-4



Shillary. And the Queen, God bless the queen.




Okay not Queen Lizzie, computer please stop lagging.

Nigerian Queen, her son deserves it.





Before using these you want to resize them to about 1/3rd, or enough to not smudge the pent when a pic in CS.


Smile berg can you delete the Saturn pent posts?

Might be do harm to neopytes.

Also, can I have a Hermeticist flag with a somewhat transparent lightning bolt vertically down through the middle or left wing, or/and both wings that reads techwizard?

I'm fine with whatever you or the people decide for.

If three bolts, make sure center one is 20% longer




>Basic deep meditation

What does deep meditation, that an objective term, or subjective? Is there any peer reviewed study on this meditation that proves that it allows one to enter the dream state, or is it just imagination validated by anecdotal evidence.



After reading through some of this, I'm starting to think you probably did some horrible shit in the past and are now making up for it or something kek.

Anyway, you guys could probably be using this radionics to be healing a mass amount of people or even sending out "wake up" waves to the masses or something. You could even take healing requests here with those things.

As for the curses and mind corruption thing, I just want to know everything about it, no relation to me.



Depends what you mean by "dream state" But basically reaching any sort of altered state of mind usually involves calming and focusing the mind in different ways on different subjects. This in a broad way can be defined as meditation. Methods including hypnosis and trance states, which can also be reached in by using meditation. An alternate method would be the use of drugs.



Implying anything? I've got dynamic IP and change between devices, sometimes I can't delete my own posts.



Learn enough to ask for specifics and I'll help you.




yes poo in loo post

>heal others and willfully accept their karma

Nope. No. Nah. Nej. Nejnejnej. Neh.

We'll be trying to summon storms in places that aren't prone to it, to watch for effects, effectiveness, power, we might be trying to "awaken people" like that experiment with 100 buddhist monks (or was it a 1000) placed in Israel, stock markets went up significantly, people felt better, less crime..

We'll most likely bless/curse a public figure with bad luck and watch results.

But healing someone? Hes got to be out of his mind if he thinks I'm going to use magic to remove X by carrying the burden, you can't get rid of that shit with sage. Nigger.



On healing topic, don't try to use sick people in CS as trends.



People are born with their illness to learn from it, I would only in rare instances actively work to relieve them of their karma as it would transfer to me.



have you tried the nazi swastika that chuck talked about in the psupervillian book? it's supposed to kill someone within a week.



because of its negative connotations or the trend applied, the image itself is a transmitter.



I am talking about reaching the state of brain activity that is attained during sleep.



Oh! That special thing?

Well that is in no way related to meditation, what you want to do is to spin in a circle for 10-15 minutes, slowly choke a cat and then have a friend bash you in the head with a club made out of ivory.

You will most definitively reach desired results.


Ask him to hit you thrice, one for good measure and one from me. Ought to put you sound asleep.


make sure the first club is ivory, second metal, any heavy cylindrical object from, say, a construction site will do, and third a large rock of about seven kilos, tell him to not be afraid of getting rough.


You also need to sleep in a bathtub of milk and vinegar.


Most important, feet up and head on floor of tub, if you've done the ritual correctly you've successfully transcended the need for breathing anyway!

It's a hard and complicated ritual so make sure to try it out a few times before you get the hang of it.



why delete the pentacles ;-;?



Not everyone should have that power, you did save them, right?



In the working on smiley, what did you do at the 55 min mark?


How to download Cybershaman?

Can't download it from their website.



You should be able to, there's a pay version and a free one.





not all of them, pl0x re upload in the cybershaman thread.


I used the 6th pentacle of saturn+psalm written around the pentacle as trend. Once it reached the 55 min mark I sent an energetic arrow to him then stopped it.


The ning group has a free CS v7 version


I was trying to tell you that the free download link is broken and I wanted the v8 exe from you.



Yes. Do Mahasamādhi. Learn astral projection and just cut the silver cord.

I killed myself before with severe emotional shock and extreme desire to be dead that threw me out of my body before. Was ice cold and dead. I then experienced intense joy at being dead and decided to resurrect myself.



>playing with fire


I've got a really old version.. I'll check which.



I'm not implying anything at all, I'm just posting it in this thread for myself, so I don't forget the link now that I found where the board moderation log is at.



active imagination.


Piss and shit, few months ago I updated to win10 and VMWare is not allowed to run in it.

Can't open it ie no CS.

I'm going to work towards getting a external drive, save shit and get win 7 back

Exe. was in VMW, can't access it. Doubt my version was fresher than yours anyhow.

When that is done I'm cursing the new CEO of windows. Fuck him. Fuck win 10.



Am I supposed to be butthurt by what you just posted? There are many recorded instances of people reaching a state in which they are medically-dead through astral projection and in which they can resurrect themselves later.



why would you even update it?



moment of idiocy.



Anyway, want me to test the cybershaman at you, I wanted to test using memes as trends.



>at you

>not for you

Only if you cleanse it first, do you know gnostic pulse or have sage/salvia alying around?



>do you know gnostic pulse or have sage/salvia alying around?

Yes, No.

Welp, I wanted to test if erotic images can be flashed in one's mind.

Are you okay with this?



or like that spiritual awakening one?




I fapped 15 minutes ago, you sure you didn't start without me?

Done spiritual awakening before, nothing special, doubt it really affects me, or at least less than chanting OM would.

Do one for improving reflexes, increasing speed of body electricity?

I'll sit in a game of CS meanwhile and report anything out of the ordinary.



focus on this should be improved muscle control/efficiency.


tell if i've got a 'go'



>muscle control/efficiency.

>improving reflexes, increasing speed of body electricity

gimmie a sec, I am setting it up.




Don't start yet, I'll get a pic of my mouse arm and a sigil on it




okay, waiting.


had to transfer to pc and resize



Also a test where you send a mountain, sea or grass plain and I see if I can get it right?



you want me send you a picture or do you want me to improve reflex or what exactly?



reflexes now. just thinking of tests to do.



Wow dude, this sounds so familiar, maybe I am the same. From my mind, what I can say is, you need something to fuel a drive, which you may already have, and then you have to do whatever you can to program your problem out. The amount of work you did figuring all of this out is a testament to you capability.


Do you know how to work the spherical, hexagonal bla bla settings?

Spherical is to have something reach completion, two triangles to create a flux, fusing energy, what other settings are there?


using hand as a target?


using cmandala as target?



I don't focus on it, not like it make that much difference it seem.


This kills the question thread.


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>The amount of work you did figuring all of this out is a testament to you capability.

Yes he did great, few people manage to dismantle and examine their minds like that. Awesome progress.


muscles controlling hand, wrist.

Target is wrist, tune is power, use either the sun, a flash of lightning or the mars pent for success in war.

Should I shoop something together?


it does matter, if you want a task or thing to come to completion and doesn't use circle it turns to chaos.

i think its one of the most important settings, but for most uses, circle is good.





>Target is wrist, tune is power, use either the sun, a flash of lightning or the mars pent for success in war.


>Should I shoop something together?

If you want to.

>it does matter, if you want a task or thing to come to completion and doesn't use circle it turns to chaos.

care to explain the settings of spherical and stuff like that?I think they talked about it in the manual?



>accept their karma

Karma just means action, you don't have to accept shit from healing people especially if it isn't your problem. That's that montalk ideology. This just sounds like an excuse to be honest. A real healing heals the source of the problem, there is nothing left to burden.


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Come back home.



True, this should be done in the thread created for it. Oh well.


if you can find an excerpt of the manual talking about it, it should probably explain better than i would, but i can give input that might not be there.

a triangle channels from base to top creating a motion of energy, forcing a path, two put on each other collide energy which is why its representative of heart chakra, takes yin and yan and combines them.

its good for power, collecting power, say if you want to summon a storm.

a circle goes from one end to the other, a perfect lap, from start to finish, if you want a promotion you would use this to make a situation occur, from the start where the boss considers your qualities to the end where he decides that your coworker has taken to many days off and that you're more suitable.

from sending the thoughtform to letting it do its task.

can't remember the other settings.



Karma is previous or current lifes actions results, you have burdened the karma you have because of your actions and thus its your burden to carry it until you solve it, this life or next.

If you decide to interfere with the law of karma you mess with the natural order of things and deprive others of the lessons they were supposed to learn, that is a negative action, bad karma.





one tune for electrical energy in arm, surging, the others, whatever you feel like is best. maybe the entirety or essence of the picture and glory in war.



doing five minutes of breathing and feeling it out, starting game, back in 40



*shit on the floor*

make me.



>Still believing in montalks idea of karma.

Montalk isn't even a magician or shaman or yogi, or even a mystic. You should probably try and figure out if that is really how karma works. The law of cause and effect does not have to = learning lessons.



Please, delete this imediately…



If this were true then that would be to assume that the universe was entirely determinate and every bad thing that happens to people is fate. This would also imply that doctors and healers all over the world would be getting their patients problems from healing them. You see how ridiculous that sounds?


No? Ask healers about the cleansing they have to do after working, ask them how they get symptoms of what they have healed.



What healers do you know? Also, a prayer can go a long way.



A prayer or blessing is not the same as pulling out element of illness from energy body.

I'm sure healers dispose of it, but it stick to you.



I think mine finished atm.

I will be working on something else for now.

Will comeback later this week.



could have been because of energy work/massage but i definitively noticed more fluid movements and quicker reactions, hit shots on first game of the week that usually only click after hours of gaming in optimal, alert state.

not entirely because of me, but we won ezpz and the enemy team was not bad.


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I can kinda relate to that.

I have actually found what I would consider a fault in my approach, which might give you some insights as well.

I have spent quite a while figuring out my motivations and all of the underlying beliefs and so on.

First of all, I find it really hard to REALLY get in to them. I mean, I still like to resist experiencing some parts of me, which is why I think it stalls the progress. I have found helpful to do shadow work, find the original source of certain pattern, and changing the time line. The effects after doing so are actually very impressive, however, it does not seem to be a one time fix. However, when you think that the imprints that we have are there for 10-20-30 years, it might make sense that it takes some time to rewrite them.

I am still working on it.

Also, a second part that I have personally missed, is that I realized that I was practicing this "cleaning" myself without actually replacing the old beliefs with new ones. I got this idea on some montalk articles. I realized that I was spending months just finding my unsatisfactory beliefs, reasons, imprints, recodnising and accepting them, BUT, not really placing any other beliefs in their place. In essence, I was creating a vacuum. Because of this, the old beliefs would return I think, because there is nothing occupying them…

Well, this is my personal experience, in short, I think it is a two part action of becoming aware of all that makes us up, all of the structures and patterns, but it has to be followed by a second part of actually creating and actively inserting new patterns in to the system.


Hey guys, I'm asking Initiates.

So, I noticed that William Walker Atkinson is the least dogmatic and most accurate writer, can you confirm that there is no disinformation in his work?

Also, Uncle Chuckie sounds pretty based too, thoughts on him?

What books are absolutely essential other than The Kybalion and Arcana duo?

Thank you in advance.



I've added secret of miracles (Hawaii magic book) to my essential list.

Science of breath.

Astral dynamics Robert something.


Chuckies is on the wrong side of history, but is a very knowledgeable and writes with black humor.

All in all he's an innovative cunt with good information in short books that let's you grasp "psionics", magic from a scientific viewpoint dealing with transmitting and receiving, communication.



>wrong side of history

I seriously hope this is irony.



Didn't happen.



Yeah I'm noticing this as well. It's much better to transmute something then try and block it off.


He's good. He doesn't say anything I would consider disinfo.

Science of Breath I'll second. It's very short and you only need to read until you realize how to breath properly.

Initiation into Hermetics will be great if you feel like you're lacking practical advice on progression.



this picture is as gay and autistic as you






Mediating or reading on implications of some theories like collective unconscious, the spirit of age, gives me pleasant rushes of excitement. It makes me mentally aroused. Does anyone else here experience it? Is this because I desire it to be true, or because it's something inside me giving me hints that it's true? During meditation I sometimes get thoughts that give me tingles like when seeing a beautiful painting. How do all of you treat these moments?



When one gets positive reactions from a thing, I suppose he is resonating with that thing. But does it also mean the thing is true? That's a good question.




I get this too. You can get it in any field where you feel like you've just made a revelation. Kind of an "Ah ha!" moment. I don't mean to downplay it I love when it happens to me.



Don't get caught in a dream world where you're only directing attention to things you get "good feelings" about. There's nothing wrong with going to your 'happy place' from time to time but to make any real change in the psyche in the smoothest way possible, you're going to have to rethink your priorities, do some proper planning, and find out what you need to do in order to 'know' rather than 'believe.'

Some of the things you resonate with may be clues to guide you while some may not be.

For example, recently I started to resonate with a lot of ancient egyptian steles and staring at the artwork and wondering about the mysteries behind them. Now I can do one of two things… I can keep directing my attention towards these tiny fragments I resonate with and stay there for the rest of my life, or I can decide to do some real scholarship in relation to ancient egyptian history and philosophy. I want to know everything I possibly can about ancient egypt now because of that original resonance from various artwork on a stele. But I need to plan this out. I can't just drop everything in my life and study esoteric egyptology. I need to learn how to study again, increase my memory and comprehension, carve out the time to do it in a way that I'll get the most out of it but it doesn't distract me from other streams I am currently into. All this requires getting out of my happy place and dream worlds, being here in the real world, doing some actual work, not being a lazy fuck and cultivating psychological flow into the process of scholarship so that I can do it in a way I will enjoy it. This is different from how so many "magicians" usually operate. They want to stay in their little slice of heaven and read magical occult books and think they 'know' the truth when actually it's still just a belief like any other shit exoteric religion. I was there at one point as well not gonna lie. Just like there are great mysteries to be found inside the mind, there are also great mysteries to be found on this planet, and learning to make these two work for each other makes for the greatest transformations. It's not going to come from reading edgy occult books with second-hand info or believing new age BS you read on the internet that aren't based on any truth. Looking at the most mundane things from a magical lens and permanently being in that state is the ultimate goal. Doing stuff in the real world that is meaningful to you and going on quests. Hiding in the astral planes in your personal paradise without doing the hard work of creating a permanent change in the biochemical field of your brain will result in disaster. You will not have the ability to explore infinite creation with ease. Thinking you can just "create your reality" according to your desires and wishes without studying the components of the reality you extract things out of for your "special place" is a limited practice. Study some nutrition, biology, anthropology, history, do some math and increase your reasoning skills, sharpen your intellect. Know your own body… know your mind and objectively understand what is going on. Not saying you have to get a PhD, but learning for yourself and building your own theories based on actual source information will do infinitely more for your magical training than basing all your training from "how to do magick" books. This is all hard work…. I suggest reading "Flow the psychology of optimal experience" to learn how to do all this hard work in an enjoyable way. Alright rant over.



With all these flat earth theories going around lately, imagine doing the actual scientific / mathematical research yourself and doing all the calculations yourself and finding out that the earth truly is flat. Can you imagine what that will do for how you view objective reality from your subjective consciousness point? That to me is true definition of knowing. That level of gnosis can potentially be a key foundation upon which you can cultivate the psychic energy to become a magus with TRUE power.

This… versus just believing information from a book. Whether it's true or not, there is no way for you to 'know' whether this is true. Until you do the work for yourself, it will remain a belief and that is basically building your house on sand right there



When you're done please write a book on your insights, there are lots of subjects, especially history, which are just guesswork from mundanes looking for treasure.

I'll point you the right direction, have fun.

>over time the Egyptian system if magic degenerated into organized religion

>oldest most correct system (from preflood times and originating from egypt no less, supposedly) of working energy is supposedly found on Hawaii written about in "The Secret Science Behind Miracles"



Share anything you find



Michael L Morton expands on the math and laws derived from various monuments as shown by Carl Munck.


There's not enough texts written from a knowledgeable viewpoint about old religions, absolutely saddening.



Are there any side effects/dangers of listening to 6 Hz - 8 Hz binaurals 14 hours a day? Is there any particular reason for my brain to experience higher beta waves, or can I stay in alpha all day?

Perhaps I should ask it differently: do monks, wizards, and spiritualists of the past mention anything about spending too much time in relaxed, meditative state? Higher beta waves MUST be there for a reason, yet I'm avoiding them?



There's no harm in spending prolonged time meditating, but you're not really pushing yourself by doing so, especially if you're using binural beats to remain in that state.

Basically try new things once in a while rather than doing the same meditation for months.



>There's no harm in spending prolonged time meditating

But can you say that with certainty?

Brain is not supposed to be like that in its natural awake state.



You may be right but I doubt it will cause any permanent damage.

Most likely he'll just sleep it off.

Either way, it's up to the anon who'll hopefully stop once he feels some sort of discomfort.



Should /fringe/ have a "We cannot provide official medical advice" disclaimer?




>You may be right but I doubt it will cause any permanent damage.

How about permanently lowered blood pressure, or generally lower daily life force (desire)? Higher brainwaves cause anxiety, but the anxiety is component of desire. It's the unpleasant unrestlessness and anxiety that pushes one to achieve incredible feats of magic. For these reasons, I can't help but intuitively associate lower brainwaves with depression, the state of lower anxiety and thus lower desire.

Is here anyone who suffered from depression? Do depressed people see more tv static effect on walls or less? That would tell us a lot.

It would be horrible to accidentally magick oneself into depression. The lower self is like clueless autistic anime loli who for some reason also has godlike magical powers. If you do abnormal things like force lower brainwaves on your brain all day, and bind the lower alpha state with positive associations, she'll catch the clue "lower = good!!". Then she'll proceed to make you drowsy all day, or make you sleep 12 hours a day, or even worse, she won't allow you to sleep at all because after all you've been in half-sleep state all day already. The magical loli below your consciousness has good intentions but the communicative barrier makes it so that she often clumsily drives the consciousness of her host into unimaginable suffering.



>she won't allow you to sleep at all because after all you've been in half-sleep state all day already.

How is that bad? This is the goal for a lot of people.

>The magical loli below your consciousness has good intentions but the communicative barrier makes it so that she often clumsily drives the consciousness of her host into unimaginable suffering.

Ever heard of autosuggestion?

Case closed, die in a fire, mundane.



In my view, I don't think it's necessarily about finding a broad tapestry of information that is 100% accurate (though that would be nice).

My goal may be to reproduce the mental phenomenology of a spiritual priest or an advanced mystic/magician from another aeon (i.e. - the psyche of an ancient egyptian from x dynasty) in my consciousness. This requires a lot more imagination and subjective synthesis than anything else. I think there is enough source information available to us to enter that portal but reaching the depths is not dependent on this information, imo. This is of course not accounting for specific currents that are unknown to modern man.



Yes but to learn it would be helpful to have information from previous practitioners.

Don't really need a compilation of ancient religions, but it would be a great read and good for cross reference.



You don't have to deny that it's difficult to access the lower self, so relax. The unconscious doesn't understand what we're talking about here anyway. Our higher selves are also "talking" with each other like we do here, trying to figure out how to communicate with our layer of perception here.



No, you just have no clue.

>Higher selves talking with each other

And you are saying this unironically ?

I'd kill you twice, in flesh and spirit, hope you choke on the next meal you ingest with your petty little new-age mouth.

Seriously, die.



Message from your higher self to you is the extension of your message to your lower self.

When you charge thoughtform or wank to a sigil to influence your lower self, your lower self perceives your actions with its limited "awareness" in the same way as you perceive signals of your higher self. Your higher self does to you using the same mechanics as you do to your lower self.

Our lower selves interact with one another in their own ways.

Our middle selves interact with one another (here on imageboard for example).

Our higher selves interact with one another in their own ways.

As above, so below.

Relatively to our perspective in the middle, the interaction of our lower selves is primitive and interaction of our higher selves is too complex, beyond our comprehension.

>Seriously, die.

We're on occult-related board, do you seriously try to do this here? Of all the places?



Monks meditate more than anyone on this board does, and they always show better markers for mental health.


Being depressed and being relaxed from prolonged meditation feel way different.



I agree on both points, but, doing active work while forcing a state of deep meditation?

Even monks don't meditate more than a few hours a day, and they certainly don't relate it to tasks that require high brain activity.

It could be a recipe for disaster.

Fighter pilots are supposed to be calm at all times, and flying a jet is no lax thing, but for common things, if someone picks a fight and your reflexes don't kick in because you're chilling you're going to get fucking socked.


are the four bodies physical, lower astral, higher astral and divine real?



The day you will realize that the higher self is you filtering the energy you receive and your subconscious shaping your perception, you can live again. For the moment, die.



Ever heard of energy work?

Finish your meditations with qi gong and that's it, nothing new here.



Implying what



>incoherent non related mumbling

Explain yourself.


Hey K if you are reading this, im sorry i let pride get the better of me. I will leave the group, but dont deprive the rest of the people there of knowledge.



If they would have wanted him to stay they should have told you to get back in line as soon as you said something inappropriate. The chatrooms about fringe related topics are some of the most cancerous places because everyone wants to puff their chest and be top wizard while also mostly being in the wrong, going lengths and ad hom to defend their "honor" which never makes for just accepting that you're wrong > malpractice and misinformation

>being in one


He's with me now, just accept it and move on.


I am struggling with a problem as of late.

I have an extremely intense desire in a sense to move forward with a particular goal.

Yet I don't have the emotional-backing for it.

So in a sense, the desire is not actually strong enough, even though I am extremely determined and have very high will power.

I waste so much fucking time and don't get results.

How do I amp my emotions the fuck up?

I need to get really emotional about the shit I am trying to do. And that is hard.

How many hours do I have to focus my mind on just one thing before it breaks the fuck through?



Whats the goal? You can be vague if you like but I need something.



You're not doing your true will.

Become who you are and everything will fall into place.



yeah something like that. but it depends on the goal, the powers that be have done many rituals to lower the frequencies of achievements going against the plans.

could also be that the time for the plan to come to fruition is not now, it might present itself later and will effortlessly become.



wow, no bants hmm?

if i were to guess wildly with arms flailing, that group of seven that recruited some time ago got hold of slapper and then someone in there pissed him off, father, being a very developed and accomplished person would not stand the arrogance of someone roleplaying &/or acting more important/knowledgeable than he was.

but thats just a crazy theory..

feel free to fill me in, i love good gossip.



Wew what happened?



nothing, redirection is broken, its to post above.

if you're asking me like "wew you're good at this, guess what happened", dunno lol but i'm almost itching to know because you haven't posted in forever and i really wanted in on that group but got sacced.



Nah I didn't see the post you were replying to so I wanted to know what it was about?



Its removed? Just some fanboy calling me a daredevil and an important person while complimenting my guesswork.

>>The audacity of this, especially when you don't even know who or what the details are. Self important.




i've been staying still in my bed trying to astral project but all i get so far is sensory hallucinations like my legs rarely rising , is there a way to guarantee it? i wish to meet entities to teach me languages and such



Plenty of monks meditate much longer than 2 hours a day. I'm not advocating living an active life doing it, but for some NEET it shouldn't carry any mental harm.



Laying down? Robert Bruce recommends sitting up at like a 45 degree angle. I haven't tried it myself, but most of his info is solid.

Do what you want to do, but I don't know that language learning will be easily achievable like that.



A "few" is five.

Two is little.

Eight is lots.

Binaural beats sixteen hours a day while sitting at the computer trying to think for writing or gaming?

For prolonged periods?

I'm not saying good or bad because I don't know but this could permanently alter the state of your brain and cause unforeseen damage.



Tibbetan monks have replaced their sleep with meditation. 6h + 4-5h/day of meditation, that quickly amounts to 10 or more. They also do walking meditation, shaolin monks practice meditation while doing their martial arts and some zen practicioners do the chores of the temple while meditating.

Please, stop the bullshit, the only thing that's bad for everyone, normies, monks and immortals alike is not enough meditation.



Oh im sure sweeping the temple floor is as taxation on the brain as, say, driving a car.

I'm not saying good or bad. I don't know.

I'm not saying binaural beats are bad either, I use it a lot and depending on what it is it makes me want to write, or draw.

Sometimes I use it to calm my nerves, it's been coupled with plating intense games such as total war and cs:go, being calm and making good decisions is great, but using bb for prolonged periods of time without variation, setting the brain to that one frequency?



more info on how to replace sleep with meditation would be appreciated, I always just fall asleep even when sitting






I just want to do it within the next week or so. Is there any way to speed it up?



Breathe in and channel to all chakras, collect in legs, after you feel them twitching you're not going to sleep for 20 hours even if you wanted to.

Collect from air.



Yah, not falling asleep. Consciously guiding energy. Semi deep meditation awake mind sleeping body.



how does one consciously guide energy?



Very carefully.



your best bet is to get 420 and sit in the dark, feeling the body, blood, warmth and energy moving around the body, breathe in energy from the air and guide it from your lungs to your legs.



do i have to get high? cant i just do the breathing thing?



Can you feel energy in the body, have you worked with your chakras before?

god damn neopyte just take the drugs daman you.



well i did do some energy exercises in MAP by robert bruce and i got a tingly feeling in my foot for a while afterwards once


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Weed gives a great boost of energy/Chi/terms and also sets you in the mood to sit still and introspect, its very potent for letting you feel and move around energy.

Toke up teachers pet, or meditate for half a year.



way off


To anon who some weeks ago has woken up my curiosity about relation of music and life force:

According to recent experiments in my journal, getting high to music is exactly like orgasming, so it's discharging of energy, not acquiring it. After listening to music and feeling intensive emotions, my body becomes weakened and my temperature rises. Kind of a feverish feeling, low-energy mode. The same as after intensive concentration, right after sickness or intensive exercise. If I abstain from fap, the energy finds its way out in form of stronger emotions when listening to music. I'm absolutely sure it's the same energy, or at least it's very connected.



I'm interested in comments of others.


I hear you can astral project to goetic entities instead of summoning them? is this true?



How can a reaction image, an expression of my current disbelief be "way off"?



You might want to read this post on rhythm.




No reason for it not to be.



anyone? i need to astral project soon, and i can't buy drugs im too strapped for cash.



also because i hear it becomes a crutch to astral project with


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not happening. you've got months of meditating on chakras ahead of you before you can start trying and hope for success.







first pic.


Chanting is optional. Focus on breath.



tipp stop trolling neophytes into taking drugs, some of them might actually start to rely on them for their magical works rather than developing their mental and spiritual faculties.



He wanted a quick fix. Its a quick fix. Cannabis for this guy to allow feeling energy in the body.

I do warn against relying on them.

Certain drugs, while one is in the right mood, can substitute months of meditation, practicing and contemplation.


>taking drugs = relying on them



Are blacks spiritually stunted?


Lots of anger after energy work.

Worked on every chakra, especially the root chakra.

After that I started to do strange Yoga poses without thinking.

I just want to beat up someone, as if I am against the world.

I'm a chill person usually, even a little bit passive.



After energy work, I got this burst of extreme anger, it's like I'm against the world and just destroy everything.

I'm a chill person, very chill, almost a ghost usually.

I did energy work on every chakra, finishing with lots of focus on the root chakra.

Started doing strange yoga poses at the end without thinking about them.


Should I let this irrational anger develop?



mentally not spiritually









When you get back inside google yoga and anger, see if you can recognize any poses.

You've probably got lots of pent up anger, seriously, go beat that tire. It'll mellow out eventually, its good that you develop all aspects of life as you're supposed to be balanced.



in general they're actually very in tune with the earth, feminine energies, childish, irrational, destructive.


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> yoga and anger

Holy shit.

I did exactly these poses…


There's wisdom in this.

Have you got a good Yoga resource/video you used before?



i don't, i believe that these poses should come naturally unless you want to force your mind to align with your body.



don't let people like tipp fool you. He doesnt know everything, I projected on my first try using the SSILD method



You've got results, my feet were really cold yesterday, knees and joints stiff, and today my wrist is weak and aching slightly.

I'm going to put up shields and amp my aura, just for you I'm going to stop fapping and collect as much energy as possible.

If i still feel this going on by 18:00 tomorrow I will lock on to you and not stop until you are dead. Should this escalate I'm starting sooner.

I'll also be kind enough to inform you that I work in medicine and caretaking, I've seen people die and have recently acquired two spirits of deceased individuals dear to me in life that I'm thrilled to try out.

You will not last long, this is your only warning, cease immediately.



>he doesn't know anything

>not mentioning a single wrong thing he wrote



I said he doesn't know "everything", lrn2read



wew lad



Isn't that a bit of an overreaction. You could just be sick or something, might end up targeting an innocent person. How are you so sure you're being targeted.



The problem with anything that's not empirically measurable is confirmation bias.




Your medium power imp panicked upon being found out, its caged and scared shitless.

I'm keeping him for now because through him I can feel the thread from which you're feeding it and if you do not break the channeling I'll have an easy time throwing it back at you with more firm commands and a lot more power, aside from everything else that will accompany it.

You know your deadline.



Mhm, imps, interesting.

Is it possible to be possessed against your will and not knowing it? Because of trauma, abuse and other shitty things?

I know a few functional people that act like demons sometimes.



fringe version of "you're fucking dead kiddo"?

>If i still feel this going on by 18:00 tomorrow I will lock on to you and not stop until you are dead.

>using magick to hurt people

Enjoy all that bad karma

inb4 karma isnt real, i mean effects of what you caused


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>middle of the night/early morning

>force yourself to try and write down your dream even though you're sleepy as fuck

>white light from lamp or phone blasts your eyes, making you annoyed, tired, and fucking up your carcadian rhythm

>write without light. can't make out what I'm writing, still feel horrible because I'm interrupting my body's rest

>unconscious starts to associate dream journal/astral/dreams/dream memory with unpleasant stimuli

>makes the dreams even harder to remember



>fringe version of "you're fucking dead kiddo"?

thought the same, had a giggle




Stop for a day (downward spiral interrupt), change notebook and start again.

Don't sleep in a completely dark room and you'll develop night vision with time. (pen and notebook ftw)



They have pens with lights on them. Extremely gay, but it might be worth it.





>I have over 300 confirmed spirits

I will have very little karma, I'm defending myself using my own means and not calling upon others to do my dirty work, hes probably playing around with the Saturn pents I posted earlier.

Its not an overreaction, its justifiable retaliation. I never use magic to hurt someone.

Say what you want about me, its just words, but doing this is equal to going after me with a knife, the karma of his action, starting this, will be me responding.

AFK I have 25 hours of meditation ahead of me.



I'm really in a rush so I'll give you a quick tip and maybe elaborate later.

Write down keywords, not the entire thing. Then try to remember it later.



If an entity can feed enough to sustain itself from you it will try to lodge in your aura, I called it an "imp" because thats the shape it took when I saw/felt it, it has sentience and can act on its own, its very different from your random astral leech/bug.

It takes a good amount of energy to pact and direct something like this as it can't take enough from a persons aura to make up for it being away from its regular habitation. Its literally leaking and the summoner has to make up for this.


When someone replies sarcastically to my texts messages I can "feel" the passive aggressiveness through the phone. Astral thoughtforms?


what is the most practical way to make spirits stop bothering you?

how to undo curses?



Emotion attached to object, object resonating emotion at time of creation, not really a thoughtform in the traditional sense.


>most practical/easy

Jesus nigga


/fringe/ i'm tired of my degeneracy, and can't get myself to stop watching porn and jerking off. When i do stop, i end up going a couple of weeks and then think to myself "what's the point" and jerk off to porn. I can't seem to find the motivation to stop. Even now I want to jerk off to porn and I'm trying to give myself a reason to stop. Anybody have any idea what will happen if I cut a sigil into my leg? Will this be more effective than just drawing one on a piece of paper?



Don't even consider working with blood, it's not worth it.

In the end, you'll need the willpower to stop. It'd be more work to stop magickally than to do it mundanely. A good tip: realize that you aren't "sober" when you are horny. Your body will do anything to justify getting off.



Try wanking to your imagination rather than porn. Then do that once a week, set aside a time and a place for it. Making it a weekly ritual is much better rather than a marathon with no finish line.



This might be /fringe/ related at all, unless you consider psychology /fringe/ which it was thank you Jung, but rather your attunement to written rather than spoken word.

I'll assume you've spent alot of time on imageboards so you're able to "read" sarcasm by using the limited context of the conversation.

For instance, if you were on /pol/ and read

>guys there's literally nothing wrong with being gay

You're able to use historical /pol/ memes to determine that this poster is probably being sarcastic. I'm sure if someone you just met and didn't have alot of information on how they are, aka being a newfig, and they texted you passive aggressively, you probably would have a tough time picking up on it.


why are people so miserable?

it's like they put on grey goggles over their eyes and choose to see the world as shit.

maybe it's because of ab above so below, as inside so outside


We should create a skype group, to progress faster.

… and because mundanes get so boring after you taste the forbidden fruit.


When I was a child (4) I had a STRONG Deja-vu while climbing some piece of forniture and seeing a military hat.

I still remember it very vividly, it's one of my earliest memories.

What does this mean? Was my timeline altered drastically that day?



what is a SSILD method?



also a SSILD is a lucid dream method not astral projection, unless you can swap between lucid dreams and astral projection can you tell me the difference?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is Future a magician?

He's catchy as fuck, his flow is absurd and he is always singing in HIS OWN LANGUAGE.



I swear this guy has better flow than 99% of all hip hop artists





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So in creating a servitor/thoughtform you imagine the thing you want, ball up that thought into a sphere of light, shape sphere into desired form if a thoughtform and if a servitor leave as is, give it a name, task, and life expectancy, contract all of your muscles and slowly release while imagining the energy being released into the thoughtform repeating this a couple dozen times, address it and tell it where to get the rest of it's energy, (sunlight, moonlight, …), apply 5 part master key of attainment.

Have I got this right, /fringe/?

Also, what exactly is the method for charging a thoughtform with the earth element to render it visible to yourself and others?



>Have I got this right, /fringe/?

Yes, but don't forget to focus on the coherence of the thought/intent behind it.



So is this the guy from which hundreds of rappers copy the style, or it's the other way around? Because I hear these voice filters everywhere and it crack me up. It's like inception trailer effects



You can use your phone anon.



>You're not doing your true will.

>Become who you are and everything will fall into place.

This doesn't work with addictions and things that are cause by addictions though. If you're waiting for the right moment to kill your addiction, it'll never come.


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Say if I wanted to sell my very soul to some entity in this case in exchange for revenge how would I go about it? What do I need to contact?



Don't do it or I'll be lmaoing at your life


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It's my soul if I choose to sell it in exchange for bringing ruin to a few people's lives that's my decision.

Can I get a answer here?




I'll eventually get my answer eventually just got to look else where it seems.



I looked up the gnostic pulse and cant find anything on google, where do i find it?



>look elsewhere

>find answer

Good luck.



Trap echoes tribal African/Huna drumming. A lot of blacks don't realize it, but there's genuine, powerful stuff flowing in their blood. Black producers are generally soaked in this stuff - they daily connect to their ancestors, except they don't call it trance

The archetype it projects does good stuff to my mood/hormones long-term. It's like metal but anger/nihilism/urge to destruct is replaced with emotional detachment, so the power here is way more controllable, focused and reliant (still hot/aggressive). Jokes in meme rap lyrics accompanied by detached, sarcastic, smug mannerism of voice contains traces of trickster/Kek (also a reason why it's so liked in the current era)

Compared to trap, anger from metal is too taxing/unstable. It makes me overflowing, frustrated ball of spikes and pushes me to embrace destruction. This archetype is just not efficient. Still better than anime openings or nightcore that project confused entities into you that attempt to prepare your body to be impregnated, make you cool and make your hair recede, but between metal and trap, I'd choose trap to surround myself with

I wish I knew where to get more older African music because the modern trap rap is basically old African music filtered and recalibrated to fit the state of the collective spirit of the 2016.



wew lad, that's a stretch

>he doesn't listen to optimistic metal

check this out




go to reddit, this is an improvement board.





What do you mean by archetypes that run through your bloodline?



Basically what you call time is the chain of Cause and Effect that flows in the material world. Cause goes before Effect in just any situation you can imagine, because THAT´S HOW THE WORLD WORKS. There's not going back, at most some Clairvoyance of the past and a Visualization of how events would've turned out if you succeed in doing whatever you plan on doing.


So I read the first three books in the faq a while back, have progressed exceptionally since then and would like to know if all of the books are really worth reading completely, I'd like to skip to the part about how to use loosh, however, I don't want to skip anything important.



Why do you want to skip the part about loosh? Just curious.



I said i'd like to skip TO the part about loosh



Ah I see. Well to answer your question, and I'm not alone on this, a majority of the books will just reiterate what you already know, but just using different terms for them. A good comparison would be to imagine someone explaining the same thing to you, but in different languages each time.



I see, kind of like how Atkinson uses "ego" as his word for the higher self, the I, and others refer to it as "soul" or just plainly the higher self. I'll skim through each one in case there's some new material in one or two of them, much appreciated.



No problem.


Can a sexual attachment deter friends/girls from liking me?

Lately I have had this attachment and my friends get mad at the littlest things when I talk to them. We eventually stop talking to each other and it's very eerie because nothing really went wrong between us. They fade away very slowly like they can feel the energy/vibe my attachment is sending off?? I really don't get it, I don't think it's an issue on my end but rather this attachment.


What's a good concoction for a powerful aphrodisiac cologne for men?


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>dont fap for a few days

>touching people zaps them

>cats now hate me

life is truly suffering.



How to improve bloodflow down there?



If that's an issue you need to lose weight.

Or put on enough weight to carry enough pints to let gravity do the work.



How do you know what the ideal weight is




health at every size shitlord



Lel I beg to differ, that doesn't mean I think your cause is less noble, I, too, would like to be able to communicate with oceanic mammals.



just shitposting, btw what's your daily routine?



Speaking of music -

I get so high to music I start to shake, and I get locked-jaw and grind my teeth to the point they hurt afterwards. I make gestures with hands, neck and eyes that I read that are typical for amphetamine/heroine addicts. They do them involuntarily during dopamine rushes so I guess I'm getting them too

When I do this, am I exercising my emotional body or desentesizing it? Sometimes I listen to the same song for two hour until I'm fucking exhausted and I usually wonder, what exactly am I doing? Am I fucking myself up or what?


Greenpill me on Moonman

Pic related I found in a grimoire.


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What the fuck happened to the pic ffs.




It is a astral projection method, the guy who made it doesn't think astral projection is any different from lucid dreaming. Technically he would be right for the wrong reasons. You can astral project from a lucid dream yes.


Hey tipp in an earlier question thread you mentioned some solar plexus chakra practices to someone who would spaz when attempting to visualize, but I cannot find it, can you please expand on the topic and maybe post whatever resources again?

Also I want to ask if anyone knows about cases of subconscious issues, mind corruption, or shadow selves attempting to immobilize or take over someone.


Yo, so I basically hit the roof for my level. I'm no more than a Neophyte, but I've got to the point where all the books already suppose some previous milestones that I haven't reached yet, despite my efforts.

Initiation into Hermetics, Mind Power, Active Dreaming, Introduction to Magic (julius Evola); they all make the shift from theory to practice in one point or another, and beyond the basic meditation, lifestyle changes, etc. they jump to the point of requiring an open Third Eye and at least some basic level of Astral Projecting , which I haven't reached yet.

Thing is; I've been practicing for months, I spent the last month doing it hardcore but I still just can't. It gets over me, I think that I'm just too tied to my body to let go without help.

So, to the question: What are some complete fool-proof guides, some magick steroids, or just about anything that could get me across the first gap? If there's any mage in Santiago de Chile having some free time in his hands, I'd gladly pay him a visit.

I get this feeling that once I do the first thing I'll be able to do just about anything, but I'm lacking this guiding hand, or magick rush through my body.



same here, I know a shit ton and have been meditating for a long long time


I'm starting Robert Bruce Energy Work but I cannot feel what he is describing. This is day two for me on energy work. Am I doing something wrong?


how do I release anxiety?

i believe it stems from a past event, and it is partially a reflex along with tension in my head, a tightening of the area above my left eyebrow, and I think along with this I tend to plaster a smile on my face.

it's probably a reflex intended to keep me from getting hurt by people who beat me up when I was younger. How to release the imprint/energy/neural pathway?

Meditation obviously but is there an established method?

I think following the neuron/energy pathway repeatedly with light/energy/awareness while relaxed?



I think you're taking soul-selling too lightly if you can't even research it yourself.



order picamilon online, it'll make you feel your emotions more.




After years I finally embraced the uncomfortable fact that every time I hit a wall like this, it's s sign to focus on the issues within me that I don't want to confront the most.

For years I thought I could advance without dealing with some of my most mundane issues. Consciously or not, I thought I was "above that". I though that I know the rules of the game so thoroughly that I don't have to deal with simple problems, that I can hack my way through, avoid them. Turns out that nope. To be able to build a house with magic, you first need to build hundred of them with your blood and sweat. To have transcendent revelations on the nature of emotion you first have to master establishing healthy, genuine connections with people. Swallow the pride and go back to the basics that you skipped because you thought you were above it

At least it's how it was for me. I would try to grasp for the stars with acne on my face. I didn't want to listen to my skin telling me there's something wrong about my diet, because I thought I was above all this earthly stuff



inb4 someone reads the part about acne and thinks i'm smiley

just think about it as a metaphor, I didn't quite even have acne



could you give an example of what it was that was holding you back? I have no idea myself, I visualize, meditate, exercise, do mantras, rituals and thoughtforming regularily, yet I don't feel more powerful spiritually then when I was just starting out



Well then, back to basics you say?

It's not something I haven't considered before, it's just that sometimes one feels ready, charged and set to wrestle with some spiritual bear.

Then, what guide/book of basics do you recommend? Arcane Formulas? The Book of Knowledge? Initiation into Hermetics?


What can I do to feel and be healed by divine love? Is there a heart chakra meditation I can do?



Details on both questions please.


Meditating with crystals, specifically for the third eye, amethyst. Third eye let's you "see", "feel".

Meditate on third eye, make it tingle, there are many techniques like imagining you're milking it, rocking it back and forth, tickling it with a feather.

Try binaural beats for third eye activation.

AHM chanting.

If none of these work, moldavite is so chockfull of energy after a few hours in the sun it will force your chakras open, either guide energy to third eye or place it on it.

It's not enough with meditating, you have to do active energy work, guiding energy between the centers, learning from practice, recognizing the chakras and with them your body.

If you want "magic powers", focus on third eye.


Okay. Go to nearest crystal shop, bring 20 bux to spend on rocks, one for each center, ask for help or Google the name of the rocks and see what they correspond to.

Pick the first that draws your attention, if none do, feel around the box, touch, flip, thumb and pointer on edges and cracks until you find one that seems to "sing" to you, like it's jumping back and forth, shaking or vibrating.

Put them under the moonlight in salt water to cleanse them.

Under the sun to charge.

Place each crystal over the corresponding chakra, lying down, meditate until you feel these places get a warm spot.

Focus on it.

Move warmth from one spot to the other with focus on the ones that aren't responding.

Once you can do this with all chakras, move to third eye.

Or fuck, start with third eye if it's active, will help in "feel".

If you don't feel shit, do nothing but breathe in and move the breath down your legs until it reaches your legs. After some ten minutes you will feel something like electricity moving downwards and a static charge/buzzing in your legs.

Being able to AP is not basics, this is.

AP guides assume you've got affinity for energy work, if you don't, you don't.


That's a shortcut, deal with your issues.


No book. Crystals and very basic chakra work. Deep breathing and observing your body for your energy body. Know it. Once you do you can control it easily, stretch it to other people's energy body and interact with it, while feeling it and being aware of its presence the while time.



Always useful. Thanks for the answer. I've always had the feeling on the third eye stuff, and it's been my main focus on the last weeks. Now to find some moldavite and amethyst.

I usually overlooked the binaural beats, but I can give it a try (again).

I'll make sure to spam some of your threads if I get results. Thanks.



Yes, while meditating on realizing the beauty of the world, send awe and love to Earth, Sun and the human collective consciousness. They will return.


Also this, but evaluating emotions and every thought that is coupled with why you feel this and that will be done when you meditate on the chakras.



Stay in here.



Not sure where I got it from, but try "forgiveness of the monad". it's obviously for forgiveness, though, not specifically healing.

>sit in standard yoga position and face east

>feel double helix going through up line of back/head

>feel one side of helix as pulling down and the other as pulling up

>feel immense gold light burst from heart and fill your body as you sprout massive wings

>when energy dies down, imagine locking your chakras with the ones opposite of them on the body in a circle (crown w/ root, third eye w/ sacral, throat w/ stomach, and heart alone)


>tfw can feel energy body move around perfectly

>can astral project when awake (or just have good imagination, I can't really tell)

>can't lucid dream

what the fuuuck


I've been thinking about this since I saw the post on fringechan under the pets thread. What's the benefit over just using a thoughtform though?



It's not AP as much as it is.. what's it called.. you're sending out a thoughtform to which your astral senses are tied to, various militaries use it.

There's a dumb thread about it and some website, "You have to be… to log in"

Good for you on the rest.

Crystals have a physical structure/pattern that, like all things, create a structure pattern on the subtle universe. The right crystal to the right area of the body can align the area.

Your aura is kept maintained by soft matter whereas a crystal is harder therefore it's aura will override yours, a crystal can imprint it's aura on you to fix "broken" chakras.


Half the problems in this thread solved.






If your attachment is dick and you throw inappropriate looks then

no wonder, faggot.

What is your attachment?


I did it by instinct, I've read others recognize it when I suggest it, someone called it that, don't have the source.


>n/wigger with speech impediment

If you want magic and music you want perfect notes with a flow that doesn't degenerate.

Think Beethoven and Mozart, composed according to sacred geometry.

Follow up questions must be asked within 30 minutes or you're not getting an answer tonight.


do elementals hate humans?



I don't see why they would. Maybe if the theory that humans are the only being with all 4 elements is true, but I haven't heard anything about elementals hating humans.

I suppose the only way to find out would be to meet some and talk. Lots of elementals are things of folklore and thus attract roleplaying fiction writers, so I believe it would be best that you find out yourself.


What's the point in having emotions? From my perspective people with emotions are pathetic.



Hah, your in for a ride.

I was like you. Emotionless and unmovable…. or so I thought…

Also, learn to distinguish between healthy emotional expression and being tossed around by them.

Emotional power is what drives us on this plane. If you really had no emotions, you would be numb and would see no point in anything. Even your perceived superiority is giving you a little emotion of pleasure.

Also, emotions are senses. Meaning that you can get information, sense shifts in people and situations and so on.

I get what you are saying tho, people who are like a leaf in the wind do look kinda pathetic. But let me tell you, the person who rejects his emotions is only building up pressure, which will explode sooner or later. Numbness to emotion is simply the coping technique because of the fear of dealing with them.



Accidental "sage"



You're a miserable person.



You can't do shit without emotions.

Drop some acid/shrooms and realize how pathetic you currently are.


Anybody have a good book on healing yourself for beginners? I'm pretty sure Atkinson had one.

I have the common cold right now, and I think it'd be good practice.


Your perspective is self damaging. Meditate more.


Are hair an extension of the nervous system which can connect to "higher planes"?

It's a bit of a half ass question, but does anybody know if keeping longer hair help you doing /fringe stuff?



On the spot m8, what made you find this out?



i've read some stories about native americans recruits during vietnam's war, which when they cu t their hair they lost their "sixth sense" in spotting enemies during drills.

I mean, having long hair is a pain in the ass and i like them shorter, so i'd like to confirm if this thing is real or not.

Also, let's suppose that hair are part of the nervous system. Wouldn't cutting them change your personality?

Have anything to share?



Long, healthy, hair is better.

If it's damaged, cut it, eat healthy, be healthy and you'll be stronger when they grow.



>It's not AP as much as it is.. what's it called..

remote viewing?


>>>71307 (You)

>That's a shortcut, deal with your issues.


if i knew what was causing it I'd have fixed that.

or do you mean retrain my reflexes?

I tend to use energy on attempting to consider things as good, like when people are talking to me.

again, probably a reflex intended to keep me safe.

the way I figured out to get over this is to imagine taking in energy when they're talking, and out when I reply.

or 50/50 exchange,

or imagining a gold infinity symbol being traced in my head that keeps my energy in

or looking at myself at the same time as looking physically at them.



you could be attaching at a root chakra-type level, like a feel you need it, and if you feel you're deprived of something you need you'll get panicky and if you expect them to fulfill that need whatsoever they'll get upset.


not masturbating+cultivating male sexual energy


gnostic pulse


in the meditation thread here and there



>How can I acquire actual proper heath and nourishment? Everywhere that everyone goes there is bullshit disinfo on getting /fit/, eating healthy, environmental hazards, and balancing practices. I want to be healthy in all ways, physically, mentally, and. spiritually/metaphysically.

good luck. conflicting advice everywhere. there's a nutrition and alt nutrition thread here.

you'll honestly have to experiment. the inedia thread shows things to cut out of diet



>How do I get into yoga? Where can I learn to do it properly?

go to a yoga studio. do work study if you can't afford a membership



>>if i knew what was causing it I'd have fixed that.

>>i believe it stems from a past event

Don't know the event?

Find it and analyze it.

Anxiety is fear based, you're afraid of being dismissed or ridiculed or called stupid for talking. I don't know "the event" but you should learn to not be so self conscious as if you're afraid to say the wrong thing, just be.



See you're trying to "just be" while not having solved the issue. By the looks of it you go to great lengths.


Remote viewing. Yes thats it.



But when I "remote view" when awake, it's not in the physical world. It can be, but often I change places through thought and see (or feel like I see) a different place entirely. If I'm not AP'ing when I am doing this, could I be APing inwards? I have done meditations where I would feel that I am somewhere, then I would open a door and meet a being that was part of me.



remote viewing is a form of AP, you send out a thread of your energy body to which you have connected the senses.

hard to tell by your vague post, but sure, you might as well be going to your happy place to talk to your higher or lower selves.



Long hair and braids (old fashioned intricate ones) significantly increases sensitivity.

Not sure if its an extension of the nervous system, but there is something going on.

Would only change your personality in the way you're self conscious about a new outfit.

Like going from wearing green all the time to red.




I want feedback from these two.


I made a thread about dreams and first post killed thread.

I'm glad to be of help but please no personality cult or I will need to shitpost even more, don't make me give you a hard time trying to find anything useful in between the namecalling.

Smiley please remove unrelated post in /dreams general/?



how would you go about reversing hair loss such as genetic MPB ?


is it normal to sleep much less and have much more energy after the first day doing energy work (new energy ways) for 2 hours before sleep?

i could feel the energy shifting all over my body while waking up half conscious during sleep, it was amazing


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Now I have read there are powers that be that influence our world.

that said I have to ask an very unrealistic question but stay with me.

please no bully

Say If someone attains complete egohood and tries to go semi god-emperor in their next incarnation, would the powers try to stop them?



I don't think anyone thinks you're /fringe/'s personality cult.




want to know the answer for this too.




i'm going to presume yes simply based on the fact that 2 of you want to do it and this is a fringe site


i know i got beat up for months when i was younger and that probably caused it.

I'm guessing void meditation on digging up old memories or just meditation in general would help me get to following the advice you're giving.



are you saying there isn't enough desire for god-emperor or too much?


Ok i am trying to astral project, i am able to move a few of my limbs a tiny bit or just let them move by themselves, how do i truly free the limb?



come is there a technique to free the limbs once i can start moving them a bit? as if i try to move them far enough i get resistance.



i meant

too many people who would want to do it.

now that i think of it, I imagine there is not enough desire from people who would want to live under one, either.


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>too many people want to

I assume that would either lead to a battle or an alliance so no harm.

>not enough people want to

that doesn't matter, just wait until there is desperation among the people then rise as a hero to lead them to glory.

really it's all a matter of planning and to a point force but if one has attained complete ego hood it could be assumed they are powerful.

but still this doesn't answer if the powers that be would interfere with this rise.


How can I conquer all kinds of fear? How can I truly get above my ego and addictions? How can I actually help others and still focus on my development? These are my goals.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Repeat this mantra:

"I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."


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Requesting some HD version of this, please; also any similar diagrams if this very same isn't available.


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If thats not where you got it from, theres more like it.



>The day you will realize that the higher self is you filtering the energy you receive and your subconscious shaping your perception, you can live again. For the moment, die.

o rly?

and ofc deeath is transformation is getting closer to realisation, natch




no u


>A "few" is five.

I always thought of a few as 3.

several being more like 5 to me.


music = creative energy = sexual energy = sacral chakra!




I'm guessing root chakra instability from trauma in energy body, causing fear at some times, and now that you've woken/energized that part of you, the fear comes out as anger.



I think of deja vu as your spirit's eyes seeing the same thing as your body, and it happened a lot more when i was younger, and is happening more again now that I'm getting more energyized/aligned with higher will.


>Also, what exactly is the method for charging a thoughtform with the earth element to render it visible to yourself and others?

I'd like to know this as well


>I wish I knew where to get more older African music because the modern trap rap is basically old African music filtered and recalibrated to fit the state of the collective spirit of the 2016.

share what you have! Do want!


>etter than anime openings or nightcore that project confused entities into you that attempt to prepare your body to be impregnated, make you cool and make your hair recede,

lol wut really?

I… have a hard time believing this.


roles that resonate with you I assume.

I feel warrior in me, something kind of insane and finds a thrill in battle.

I feel similarly about music.

I dunno though, I'd like someone to answer this in slight depth. tipp?>>71293

>tw what's your daily routine?




The number 737 has been stalking me. I feel like Jim Carey in 23. Someone please tell me the importance of this number.


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I'm not a regular poster here, but I figured you'd be the best ones to ask:

Is polytheism making a comeback in the form of memes? At this present moment, it's only really popular in India in the form of Hinduism. I'm not talking about egregores here, I'm talking are people going to one day start legit worshiping fictional characters, that is if they're not technically already doing so? Will they do this because they have realized that memes can and will change the world?

The increasingly extreme differences between between a meme and its source material suggest to me that the human mind is jumping to fantastical exaggeration faster than ever before, making me compare it to the worship of archetypal deities. Take for example MLP, where the difference between the canon and the fanon is like night and day. Pic related is a character from a game called Undertale as he looks ingame, in contrast to how a fuckton of his fans choose to portray him. These are just some of the most obvious examples that come to mind.

Are future historians going to look back on Pepe the Frog and think he was some form of deity, associated with sloth and retribution or something? And Wojak as a deity of compassion?


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Does anybody know where pic related is from?





Thanks a lot mate, I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot proxy.



>blood archetypes

just like energy through your body it passes through your DNA which shapes you as a person.

i'm not sure what has dominance, the influence of the energy body over the physical or vice versa but both are in effect and should be balanced.

say you're born into a subservient slave family, you're going to have those traits through blood and upbringing and this will impart on your energy body, just like when the day you decide to run away you will stand taller and not cower as filth.

your soul reincarnates in the body with the least resistance to its pathways so you will stay in the family until it is gone.

>if male cums in virgin his spiritual lineage gets dibs on weather they want to be there or not - sperm werm collects the DNA and resonates with his lineage

>if soul is incompatible with body and will is strong enough, soul will shape body according to its appearance


>daily routine

Wake up, fap, eat, shit, smoke & snus, reruns of stargate command, attempt to find new knowledge, answer questions in hope of doing so, fap, sleep without dreams.

I'm in a stagnant period right now, waiting for things to start rolling.



dat daily rountine.

just stop a second, I've been reading the opinion of a person in that state? sounds pretty downwards

>waiting for things to start rolling

if any other person said that, you'd say some shit along the lines of "make things happen".



I feel a slight need to defend myself.

There are ups and downs, this downwards spiral or nadir plateu I have chosen to be in, I reached a peak in a positive lifestyle, had a loving gf, nice diet and was fit, I did my best to maintain that by getting a stable drone job to get kids and shit, universe denied that so hard, it was not my purpose, so now I'm here, answering your questions.

Tomorrow, actually, a new cycle starts, new job which allows me to focus on creativity, I can work extra making portraits and rave backdrops, spitting out ideas and propaganda for my project while being able to put that in focus, with that solid pay and no serious relationship I can start working actively towards my goal/purpose, whereas previous positive plateau would have taken a decade to reach that position where I could do most possible to help my country and the world. Cya on the telly m8.

I'll have a new friends with benefits gf within the week if I decide I want my dick wet, and recently I started talking to this high society chick who is very in to me and seems to be looking for something very serious.

You can bash me all you want but I needed this time to introspect and realign, to reshape my edge in a way that the tip can pierce all obstacles.

It's not so much a time of self pity and degeneracy as it is an extended period of meditation, reevaluating my desires and ways to achieve them.


To wrap that up, I can do anything I so wish, be it positive or negative, as long as I retain my thought patterns (positive view of life that you go through hell of introspection and emotional alchemy to reach), that all things are possible, I will not fall from grace.

I have lost no knowledge but rather gained some, ive further strengthened my conviction that I do not want this low vibe life.

I have been waiting for the right time to accelerate, and the heavens have blessed me because I have nothing stopping me.

Just wish I learned what I came here for. I'm missing a piece.



>>reading the opinion of a person in that state?

Having been both high and low is necessary for a faceted persona, with such experience one can better examine what life throws at you.


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Firstly, I like to say that I wished for an actual thread on meme's egregore and egregores in general and not be overwhelmed and spammed by kek/trump memes.

Is polytheism making a comeback in the form of memes?

Kinda, I would say it is the downfall the materialism and the raising of magic-based belief systems. Talking from psycho-historic point of view

At this present moment, it's only really popular in India in the form of Hinduism. I'm not talking about egregores here, I'm talking are people going to one day start legit worshiping fictional characters, that is if they're not technically already doing so?

What about chin chin sacrifice?I think that the raise of worshiping fictional character is raising but slowly. In old time artist and writer would glorify the deity by drawing and writing poems and fictions about them. I see that the average Undertale/MLP/Sonic/Steven Universe are to some extent worshiping deity/egregore.

>worshiping fictional characters

These fictional character are created in the astral first before manifesting in the media. Technically they are egregore.

>Will they do this because they have realized that memes can and will change the world?

Most of them fandoms, don't think so.

anons from 8ch and 4ch, Maybe 60-80% of them.

>The increasingly extreme differences between between a meme and its source material suggest to me that the human mind is jumping to fantastical exaggeration faster than ever before, making me compare it to the worship of archetypal deities.

Of course, the archetypal force are too large and vague forces that can be twisted around and exaggerated.

>Take for example MLP, where the difference between the canon and the fanon is like night and day.

hint: the 6 main ponies are based on the seven ray system of planetary religion

Because the 6 mane ponies(+2 lunar and solar deity) are based on archetypal force. They are big that you can appeal to one of mane six. I have noticed that there is a tendency to fap to the opposite character of your own in the brony fandom. The athiest cuck will find sexual interest in pinkie pie, The disorganized teen will find it in the neatness of rarity and so on.

>Pic related is a character from a game called Undertale as he looks ingame, in contrast to how a fuckton of his fans choose to portray him. These are just some of the most obvious examples that come to mind.

I like to describe this process starting with the First Fapper, These are the people that start making r34 and clop images of main character and they start fueling the character with sexual energy. Sexual energy being a great source of food for the egregore a feedback loop start. The egregore support the publicity of their r34 and the number of artist who draw them, thus the fappening raise and the energy for the egregore raise too.

"In order to engender a psychic or "astral" entity, it is necessary that the psychic and mental energy that you produce to this effect coagulates, i.e. enfolds. A form is not produced by radiation; it is produced only by coagulation or enfoldment. Now, good only radiates; it does not at all enfold. It is always evil which does this. You cannot engender a "demon of pure love" or an "egregore of universal love" because the quality of will and imagination required to this end is not held together as a formation centred in itself, but forms an alliance —one of "radiating movement"— with the activity of the world of spiritual hierarchies. The psychic and mental energy of love would never give rise to the formation of an individualised psychic or "astral" entity; it would immediately put itself wholly at the disposal of the celestial hierarchies, saints, and God. Therefore, although one can certainly engender demons, one cannot engender artificial Angels."~Page 418-420 (Arcanum XV - The Devil), Meditation on the tarot



>Is polytheism making a comeback in the form of memes?

Kinda, I would say it is the downfall the materialism and the raising of magic-based belief systems. Talking from psycho-historic point of view

>At this present moment, it's only really popular in India in the form of Hinduism. I'm not talking about egregores here, I'm talking are people going to one day start legit worshiping fictional characters, that is if they're not technically already doing so?

What about chin chin sacrifice?I think that the raise of worshiping fictional character is raising but slowly. In old time artist and writer would glorify the deity by drawing and writing poems and fictions about them. I see that the average Undertale/MLP/Sonic/Steven Universe are to some extent worshiping deity/egregore

meme arrow




>they have realized that memes can and will change the world?

Memes are changing the world all the time, now too. Memes won't change the world - they will keep changing the world just like they're doing it now. It's a process, not one big revolution that roleplayers always want to romanticize. Memes change the world in a way so that no one notices except wizards, sociologists or old people who are confused and scared when new memes take reign over the old memes they held dear.

Also, your tendency to collocate memes mainly with Internet memes is the meme in itself. Both your whole post and my reply here could be broken into memes with causal origin and future.

Undertale or MLP are not revolutionary clusters of memes that will change the world, if you think that. They're the extension of thoughts and art works of the past, old memes in different configuration and in a different box. The motif of power of friendship was repeated over and over before, it caught with MLP only because it was sculpted from the right memes to push the right buttons of the people with fitting memes in their minds at the right place and time.

TL;DR there's never going to be meme revolution, memes will keep changing the world like the flowing river carves stone on its way



>re not revolutionary clusters of memes that will change the world, if you think that.

Sorry if I made my post seem to imply that.



>to reshape my edge in a way that the tipp can pierce all obstacles.




agreed. I think.

one has to figure out what one doesn't want, as well.

for example, people who are extremely loving and spiritual enough to disconnect from pain needing to detach from the spiritual safety blanket to find their boundaries and not stay in a bad relationship because they think they simply have to try harder. (personal experience)



will focusing my energy be wasted if I jerk off afterwords


I just noticed that a thread I posted with a link to archives of many fringe threads is no longer there. Why would this be deleted?


Why do we, as men, feel so damn intimidated when we see a woman more successful than us?




lmao fuck off


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Alright guys, brand new magical occult baby here interested in starting some practice. I haven't even begun meditating yet, just letting all the ideas swirl around in my head till I puke. I never do any of the exercises; I just read them. Armchair as fuck.

It's time to begin.

I was thinking step 1 of IIH, but I don't have the discipline to do all that shit on a daily basis. I'm definitely planning on starting IIH eventually, but I needed something with exercises a little lighter and flexible to work with, but nothing too exoteric like daily 10-minute one-pointed meditation or something… I already do shit like that like one every two weeks, and will be integrating it daily along with whatever exercises I will be doing from a particular book.

I was thinking maybe exercises detailed in the middle path by regardie. Is that a decent book to practice from as far as transitioning from total armchair to part-time practitioner?

Or maybe you guys have some recommendations on a book to do their specific exercises from in the exact order and directions prescribed. (reminder: easier than IIH)

I know some of you are going to tell me to do whatever the fuck I want to do however I want, etc., taking random exercises from random places and making it uniquely my own blah blah and I thought about doing it like that, but for now I just want to do the exercises outlined in the next book I read and I wanna do them exactly how it's told they should be done.

I think I explained myself well here.

TL;DR - Lazy as fuck 100% armchair faggot slowly transitioning into phase of action to get in the groove for IIH or some other book that requires strict discipline. Need a perfect book for my lazy ass so I can do some exercises that won't require an arm and a leg. Require ONE book I will read front to back and do ALL exercises exactly as written.

Have a good one.



>middle path by regardie

sorry I meant middle pillar by regardie



I found the book of knowledge to be better than IIH, but if you get stuck on any exercise in the book of knowledge look into IIH because it goes more in depth, but it has a bunch of pointless shit like attributing your characteristics to elements and other stuff that will waste your time, so for now, try book of knowledge


What were some of Borges' key concepts?



Meditative concepts, that is.



literally garbage and pseudo-occultist "wisdom"



It is useless to the common practitioner, but what he described is basic thoughtform function



As a relatively new student (circa 8 months) I'd recommend you spend most of your effort towards meditation and energy work.

Meditation: So far I do three times a day (early morning, after lunch, before sleeping) for about 40 minutes each. You'll think laying in a sofa or bed for that long is useless but in the long run you learn to do shit. Some may add binaural beats or weed to one meditation a day, but it's up to you.

Energy work: at the beginning it'll be a leftover from the meditation. Feeling and controlling the energy in the body, focusing on the chakras, crystals, etc. later on you can place your stream of consciousness outside your body, which is the beginning of the real shit.

I've read a hella lot of books, but found them useless without the proper factual backup, the greater steps have been done away from my pc, into the wild, doing exercise and meditating while breathing properly, under sunlight and maybe with some crystals at hand.




Sorry for triggering you son, hahahaha it's just that your routine reminded me of my own in my darkest times (replace stargate with WoW or LoL), in which I wouldn't have been able to tell an avocado how to turn brown.


something has been knocking on things, making noises in my room. (pushed my mattress!)

i don't know at all what it is, but get the impression it is not a good thing.

how to make such a thing go away? oh, whatever could it be or want?

maybe no one knows, but do others have similar experiences?

i want to do the right thing here.



What ever it is it being attracted by you reacting and fearing it.

You have to transmute the fear inside you.

Also, you can try imagining a pulse of white energy going from your in all directions, clearing your room(starting with yourself)



Live in an old house or place with recent deaths?

Talk to it. Make it your friend, offer food and milk if it's friendly. Small offering to get it friendly.

You can use pents to trap it.

If you wanna get rid of it, first try to do it a favor and remind it of its disembodied state, aka dead, tell it to go to the light and that the others are waiting there.

If none of above, sage, white sage, Salvia while commanding it to leave.

If you fear it'll make you its bitch.




A powerful woman is attractive because she can be your equal.


are old souls actually a thing?

i mean, this would explain genius


>Wake up, fap, eat, shit, smoke & snus, reruns of stargate command, attempt to find new knowledge, answer questions in hope of doing so, fap, sleep without dreams.




>Just wish I learned what I came here for. I'm missing a piece

To feel mildly productive about loosing precious daily time to stupid activities, at least, in the end, you are helping people, right ?

Another great case of "You recognize a master by his students, this is why I live in shame"…



@First, its right but also wrong, in order to sit down and do this i need to be in a vibration that allows me to, if i were high vibe i wouldn't touch internet.

I want to help others but its also a kind of meditation, reflection and contemplation.

Please expand on that quote.

Heres my first day new cycle diary post. If I had been aligned with the degenerate, awkward and personality crippling vibration of feb 29th none of that would have happened. Doing a 180 is easy, like going from bike to skateboard back to bike.




short answer yes.

upon a new planetary cycle if you are sufficiently developed you might rise in frequency, if not, you stay, so animal collectives begin a hard journey upwards while souls that didn't pass the test get to chill for another 26000 years.

or something like that.



While all souls are part of the all, some souls have being created at different time, and have more life experience, o you could say "old", but the "body of the soul" can change its shape to look very young.


Explain ego hood, atkinson says it is the ego that is good while gurus and other enlightened dude says kill da ego.



There are different paths to nirvana, if you kill your desire your soul won't carry any attachments and don't want to reincarnate.

It's literally snuffing out the flame to end suffering, ceasing existance, because I don't call redistributing all your energy and ending your struggle, karmic life, existance.

Literally tearing off pieces of yourself like bread and throwing it in the duck pond


There's a higher and lower ego, lower ego being related to things like "I wnt expensive brand clothes, &only the most expensive car actually has forward motion", it's okay to kill that, to reach the higher ego of ideals, morals, that which you initially reincarnated to accomplish , destiny.




Yeah, but what is the ego atkinson talk about. Is it the higher self or the normal ego?


Since I'm already posting, I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask a simple question.

>open all chakras every night, top to bottom

>start getting desire to spend time in woods, walk towards deer I see

>feel like shit after killing spiders, but still scared of them

What chakra is responsible for this, heart or root?


We really need this in the FAQ


>Ego: Your true self

>Personality: John Doe, age 25, etc etc.

Everybody else:

>Soul/Higher Self/no standardized term: Your true self

>Ego: John Doe, age 25, etc etc.

When Atkinson says Ego is good, he's referring to the higher self. Of course that's good, it's your true self. Other people say to kill the ego because they refer to the ego as the mundane personality.




Yeah, but what is the ego atkinson talk about. Is it the higher self or the normal ego


Thanks m8



According to other posters he refers to it as something else.

Can't really recall if I read the book or not, if I did I did not put much value to it.



Both of them.

>Implying personality=true self



Atkinson seems to be retarded in thinking lower ego=true self.




What are you talking about? It's just words. Atkinson uses a different term than others, and that makes it confusing, but what he means is the same.

Learn to post in one post, by the way. You're just pushing the thread closer to the limit.



Seems to me his understanding inherently flawed and can't differentiate between lower or higher egos.

Cultivating the lower ego is GOOD, but should be done by drawing from the higher after lower has been thoroughly examined and dismantled.



No u, bump



"You recognize a master by his students, this is why I live in shame"

Who are you the hero of?

Everyone is the hero of somebody, whoever that is. Everyone has someone who would like to be him. So who is that for you, who wants to be you?

Who are you the master of?

Make a small list of peoples, or groups of peoples. Ideally you want at least 3 items on that list. It can be types of people you encounter in a certain setting but do not know much about and people from daily life, friends and even family, anyone who'd get a kick out of being you for general or specific reasons, in any number of situation, either one, or many.

Ask yourself why do they want to be you? Why are you their hero?

List the qualities the peoples or groups are seeking in identifying a part of their ideal self to you.

They are as many qualities as they are people.

Now, understand, realize and contemplate that the sum of the people wanting to be you is a perfect reflection of yourself.

All that is above is reflected in all that is below; All that is below is a reflection of all that is above.

You know you've done it right when you wish you'd knew no one and lived isolated from the world all your life, you know you've done it right when you flee men's as though they were snakes and consider women's as carrions.

Keep doing it regularly, it's the hardest, most painful, but most honest form of introspection. No filters added. You are only who you are, at this point in time, past, future, all that never mattered.

Enjoy getting depressed.



I beg to differ, someone who wishes to be me is not me because he has not my qualities, if he had, he would be me and would not want to be me.

If a duck would strive to be a swan, that does not make the Swan a duck, nor does the Swan embody qualities of the duck, they are polar opposites and share no qualities.

Sure, man can be both fowl, but also chose to be either when it suits him.

I didn't understand your quote because it's gibberish.

Feel free to tell me how stupid I am while going into detail about the supposed depths of the quote.


I've charged a sigil with fapping today first time ever.



Your name?



>If a duck would strive to be a swan, that does not make the Swan a duck, nor does the Swan embody qualities of the duck, they are polar opposites and share no qualities.

All that is above is reflected in all that is below; All that is below is a reflection of all that is above.

The reflective quality of the universe is the point Hermes tried to make. Newton is just a bit too intelligent for modern man and omitted the "reflective" part of the quote, thinking that anyone intelligent enough to see that there was something to hermetism would be able to figure that out pretty quickly, since this person would be mad enough to delve in these secret sciences for the sole purpose of gaining wisdom, in a time where the church still had a pretty big monopoly on the thought of man.

No one ever said that they were the same, it's a reflection. It looses a dimension, compared to the original object.

Look into a mirror and you'll see a 3 dimensional being reflected on a 2 dimensional plane. A reflection is not as real as what is reflected, you are right, it's not the same, it's a reflection.

The fool wanting to be a hero is just a fool imitating a hero, when he is aware, he asks "what would the hero do?" and he imitates his action, with time, he gets better at it. Even though, the fool has become a pretty good imitator, the hero looks back and laugh, as time passes, he realizes that he is looking at a reflection of himself. He weeps silently.

By doing this exercise, you are looking at facets of your own reflection. You can take it to the extreme and choose 10 or more people, but you'll be in for dark times, three is enough to make the point across.

Try it and keep at it.



It goes a lot deeper then that, but I trust you'll be able to understand the rest of the layers of the onion on your own, by practicing it.

All you need is a pen, a paper and meditative state.



Do or don't are polar opposites, the term hero was used poorly here.

When talking qualities, sure.

>sum of..

I can get that to a degree, you have to gather the desire to not be something to muster the desire to change into the opposite, but during a change all the rest is discarded, no longer to be part of the current self, there is only the now and what you are in this present.

If character building is done properly there is no opposite, reflection or gradient of, say, grace. Therefore one cannot recognize oneself in those aspiring to be him.

But that's just my opinion, fact is that people who desire my qualities are reflections of my >previous self.

Previous as in i have nothing to do with it, I am now and will always be graceful.



Why would they desire the qualities of your actual self while reflecting your previous self?

I know introspection sounds like "I've already done that", but even after being quite skilled, character building and contemplating is a work that never ends.

If people wanting to identify with you, "mistake you" and identify as your previous self, it might as well may be that you are carrying remnants of him, as in, your previous self is not totally dead. Someone "not quite dead" is still alive.

You were "missing a piece" earlier, why are you there?

You may want to consider the possibility of him still lurking.

Quick, duck, he's behind you!

Or I could just be psychologically projecting…



Because they're not doing it.

Which invalidates the quote.


>i am coal, I want to be diamond

>diamond is coal


Or maybe not the quote but your interpretation of it.



It's not all wrong though because it depends what you teach, if it's killing, sure, quote applies.

In this case, alchemy, metamorphosis, I argue that it does not, from my perspective.



All this time was spent talking but none has been spent doing, it takes 10 minutes to do it and a lifetime to master.

I have no idea why you are so reticent that the macrocosm, the outer world, is a reflection of your microcosm, your inner world. It's the first line of the emerald tablet. It's the basis of life and magick. "invalidating" the quote, or "my" explanation of it, is just saying that 6000 years of human spiritual evolution is wrong. I wrote a wall of text about it, explaining why, but meh, spent too much time here already, I'm just going to leave it at that.

This can be your proof that you need a lot more self knowledge, to progress.

Do what thou wilt.



Oh, the Maxim you've been misusing? I was referring to "You recognize a master by his students, this is why I live in shame"


As above so below is a great saying and its true. Micro and macro follow the same rules and guidelines dictated by the subtle influence of higher vibration energy.

Please don't ruin it.



How far is that from the reflective quality of the universe?

This is a waste of time, you are not even seeking to understand, just trying to create false conflicts for whatever reason you have. Again, self knowledge, the fear of you being a reflection of /fringe/ users is pushing you to appear more ignorant then you are in an attempt to "save the face". Why not do the exercise, what is the point of talking about something you have not and will not do?


You should apply duality, order and chaos, not "As above so below" so what you're arguing.

There is only now, compare a Saint to a Sinner who desires to be the Saint, one is order one is chaos.

The Saint is not a reflection of the sinner because he "Does" to maintain his Sainthood whereas the sinner does not.


If we were to apply "As above so below" to this the Saints inner world would be a galaxy in perfect balance whereas the Sinner would be chaos, wobbly orbits that make celestial bodies crash into each other.

I've had fun, good talk. Best in weeks even. You tried.


Ok gonna astral project to a goetic spirit soon, what do i do to get him to teach me languages just be respectful and ask of him to do a favor?


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>>the fear of you being a reflection of /fringe/ users

I've already admitted to this both in arguing you and posting my daily routines. Its how I cope with being here.

But you're wrong as per >>71626

Oh LEL this argument took off because I am not the same person I was on Monday.

Damn I'm good.

Sure, on Monday I was a reflection of this board trying to be me on Tuesday.

To know both order and chaos intimately means you can discard one at will.

You're still wrong though, its Wednesday.


>that the sum of the people wanting to be you is a perfect reflection of your past self

I'm going to fix and commend this sentence, its beautiful.



I have never said that the saint was the sinner, or the saint the sinner.

I have talked of reflections at a certain point in time.

If instead of blabbering and losing time on trivialities, you'd, not even had done it, but read the exercise, you would have seen that you are just out of topic.

>"You recognize a master by his students, this is why I live in shame"

>Who are you the hero of?

>Everyone is the hero of somebody, whoever that is. Everyone has someone who would like to be him. So who is that for you, who wants to be you?

>Who are you the master of?

>Make a small list of peoples, or groups of peoples. Ideally you want at least 3 items on that list. It can be types of people you encounter in a certain setting but do not know much about and people from daily life, friends and even family, anyone who'd get a kick out of being you for general or specific reasons, in any number of situation, either one, or many.

>Ask yourself why do they want to be you? Why are you their hero?

>List the qualities the peoples or groups are seeking in identifying a part of their ideal self to you.

>They are as many qualities as they are people.

>Now, understand, realize and contemplate that the sum of the people wanting to be you is a perfect reflection of yourself.

This is not about a stupid intellectual game, it's looking at what the self projects in the macrocosm, identify the cause and why these causes create this effect and hopefully, solve it. Question is, what is stopping you from taking the time and read the damn thing, then to try it ?

Feels like explaining the Mu koan to a dog, tbh.



Oh well, at least you tried to fit your delusions to the present moment…



>>I have never said that the saint was the sinner

You did. You also compared present to past as if they were the same.

I, rather, we did the exercise, and you helping me along did wonders. It grew into this magnificent sentence and I helped you correct faulty thought patterns.

"The sum of the people wanting to be you is a perfect reflection of your past self." t. ipp

Think about it. Its right. Even disregarding present moment (and we're having this discussion because you did and triggered my autism real good) it disproves everything you've argued thus far.

X != Y

Its okay to be wrong sometimes, everyone is.



Sir, to you, I give the award of excellence, for being right.

That is good, you have been triggered by how I expressed one sentence. Feel proud. Linguistics is the path to enlightenment.

Here we are, at the same point we were hours ago. You have the exercise in front of you and the option to do it or not to.

So, are you?

Or are you just going to delude yourself into thinking that your past self can change, be influenced or reflected in regards to present actions and thus, walk away with your mighty horse of perfection, thinking that your present self is flawless?

Someone, who, when given a 10 minute exercise, where he has to look at himself, for 10 whole minutes, finds all kinds of excuses to waste time is just a toy for his ego/lower self/past self/linguistic self to play with.


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My past self did change. First thing that happened when I woke up on Tuesday.

I'm a productive member of society now that do training exercises daily, cook clean and chop wood.

Furthermore I wholeheartedly agree regarding linguistics, think what a huge difference in understanding can bring or neglect if one doesn't have a solid grasp of what present and past is.

I further argue that this was no grammatical error but a major flaw in thought process.

I've already done the exercise, by the looks of it we just got to wrapping things up and on the contrary, this realization doesn't make me depressed the slightest because I am not they who aspire to be me now, or they would not aspire towards me.


Today is a good day.



So that's where the new agey, crystals and feel good comes from. Well, sorry, but not wanting to look at the truth makes you helpless.

Not doubting your realizations, however, you can be as high as you think you can be, there is always things you can improve and get revolted, angry or "depressed" about yourself. The negative is a compass to aim towards the positive. This is the mark of high exigence and spiritual perfection, a virtue.

Love and light.


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>tfw compressed a meditation into a great sentence/revelation

>got a kickass new wallpaper

>tfw this guys been depressed for no reason because he did it wrong


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>uses new age derogatorily

>muh do as thou wilt

>doesn't understand AASB

>love and light written with a bleeding rectum

To the rest, you can only go as high as you've been low, I've been so low the abyss gazed at me from above.


This is getting kinda boring, thank you for playing, hope I didn't upset you to much, have a good day.

I'm actually very grateful for you helping me make that wallpaper, I owe you one.

Crystals aren't new age though brah.



+1 upvote


ITT: 2 autists argue about some shit



well, the important thing is that i was right.


how to overcome anger?


I'm not intimidated by that as much as turned on.

I tend to go after women I think are "beyond me".

They really aren't.


>TL;DR - Lazy as fuck


>your mighty horse of perfection

"look at my horse, my horse is amazing"




Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)



i want to say you weren't right, just less wrong




u a cheeky "can't even transfuse anger" cunt m8, if im wrong, disprove the wallpaper.

as above so below


Fuck i'm sick and tired of meditating and not achieving anything, is there anything I could do to progress, any specific form of meditation for fastest progress?



lurk, find posts itt or last Q thread about chakras.




Not recommended until you can sit in a good lotus with straight back.

Energy body will be so powered up, like a balloon expanding from inside you forcing your outer shell the body to expand according to its new shapes.

There are however risk, insanity, seizures if the energy starts flowing once you leave lotus position. Like the death spasm of a rabbit where every muscles tenses.

First time is risky, from there on you can't stop even if you wanted to.







Transmute*, phone like to change words.



how to awaken kundalini, the fastest way possible?

i think i'm ready, all my chakras are open and i can feel them a lot while doing energy work on weed.


is this good?



check meditation thread, there's a kundalini exercise in there and in Khan's thread.

Good luck, mang.

When you encounter the energy blockages, move around to make the sacral flow, speak in tongues to make the throat flow, use bhakti/loving attention toward anything to make the heart flow, I don't know what for the others. I did a void meditation to complete the process, probably did stuff in my other blockages for me.



yeah I knew what you meant, I was just screwing with you



yeah, read them

i like the navel chakra one better, still no kundalini

i hold my breath, imagining this hot tan tien below the navel giving heat and energy to my navel chakra, then i breath out, visualizing the energy go from my navel chakra to my crown

i can feel something "tingling" in my head as i breath out

am i doing something wrong?



I dunno.

What I did, in the detail I can recall, is ask Ganesh to help as he's the remover of obstacles/the gatekeeper and mb associated with root.

Then I did Khan's method after chakra opening one day.

The next day I did AW's technique very lightly (because teh warning scared me) and might have asked Ganesh this time, I dunno.

I walked/danced around, sang, spoke in tongues, then sat and looked at passing cars with focused loving intent. Then got on a bus and did void meditation until it started and I was on fire.

So I'm guessing the void meditation finished off whatever was keeping it from happening. I was getting a little crazed before it though, laughing with high from energy.

I'd also opened my crown and heart to a *significant* degree before all of this, and was doing it partially to keep myself from being overcome by energetic attacks from someone. (little did I know that it wouldn't help 'cause I liked that person too much and was too willing to be wrong/too unused to attacks on solar plexus, lol)



Hmu. You did VM after that too huh. Anyone else?



also, I assume that you're opening your chakras before the thing.

maybe try this? I use the visual


also, you can try " having a reiki 1 & 2 attunement, being generally a very loving and calm person (aside from inherent anxiety), having opened my heart and crown chakras tremendously (as well as having a pretty good root chakra), cutting off energy/astral ties to anyone that wasn't serving a higher good "

as I'd detailed as some of the things I did, in meditation thread



I'd posted under this name before and mentioned that I did VM after AW thing.

I'm also the (:) guy, but I wanted to clarify that, in case you'd read my experience report in the meditation thread where I mentioned doing VM.

Thread is about to hit cap!



idk why i namefag.

the only hmu i know =hit me up


Please evacuate to new thread.






So I do chakra opening meditation daily, but what a lot of users here imply is that their third eye is open all the time, how do you do this?


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Can you guys charge my sigil?


best binaural beat for energy work/kundalini awakening?



It is like any other sound, you have to look fo something that effects you personally.

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