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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
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This is my first time here I would like some advice on what my dream could mean.

I had a dream where I was being chased by a black fog monster I then stopped and turned around. It was impaled on a black tentacle from a being, the being wore a completely blank white mask with no facial features or holes. It took off the mask and gave it to me, its face was nothing but black it then walked away. I went to put on the mask but fear took over when I saw pic related on the inside of the mask but also a sort of pull came over me to wear it like I wanted to put it on but it didnt feel like I was forced. I then put it on and I heard a loud "NO!", all of a sudden I was a different person. Then I put it on again and again, each time I knew I was a different person from the next.

Then I woke up.

I don't know wtf my dream means, could someone here tell me?


File: 1456315620121.png (4.77 KB, 579x286, 579:286, the eyes in the mask.png)

pic didnt go through it seems



Rule 2 dude

post your question in the questions thread, do not make a seperate thread for it


At every moment your spirit adopts a new ego for itself is what I believe it tobe. There is only the present.


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