Question Thread #21 Post All Questions In Here 03/05/16 (Sat) 09:47:03 No. 71859
Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: FAQ: /fringe/faq.html
Post last edited at 03/05/16 (Sat) 09:55:22
03/05/16 (Sat) 12:18:57 No. 71862
Why didn't you wait for dubs to start this question thread?
03/05/16 (Sat) 12:59:08 No. 71863
Who the fuck cares.
03/05/16 (Sat) 13:55:17 No. 71864
why didn't he just sticky the one tipp made
03/05/16 (Sat) 18:55:44 No. 71869
03/05/16 (Sat) 19:37:30 No. 71870
is there a point to no fap if I haven't read all the basic material yet
cause I'm been no fap for 4 days and I really need to release some sexual energy
03/05/16 (Sat) 19:44:14 No. 71871
Why? Get this through your head that you will lose all that energy if you fap, what's the point?
03/05/16 (Sat) 19:48:15 No. 71872
will my desire for fapping at least leave eventually?
03/05/16 (Sat) 19:49:56 No. 71873
Yes if you avoid porn, I was stupid and I would edge without ejaculating as I couldn't get rid of the porn addiction and I would always break in after a few days, after I quit porn entirely I didn't want to fap
03/05/16 (Sat) 20:28:30 No. 71875
guess I have no choice then
03/05/16 (Sat) 21:07:07 No. 71876
yes, there is a point. you can do other things instead masturbating. if you sense a breakdown coming, go masturbate in the shower or something. video pornography is tainted with very negative programming, i think.
03/05/16 (Sat) 22:36:46 No. 71882
If your vital force is the force of river of desire pushing forward, then masturbating to girls on screen is the path of its least resistance. You can masturbate every day and it could be fine, but it would be a very silly thing to do if you know nothing about flow of your river and the blockages it has.
Simply stopping fapping doesn't necessarily mean much. If you don't orgasm in a sock in your room, you'll orgasm into song coming from the car passing you on street, or into eyes of a girl at the counter in a shop, or you'll be orgasming the whole day with general sense of anxiety, anger, restlessness, unproductive daydreams and dreams. Or you'll orgasm during pooping as pile of shit brushes your prostate and cold shivers run through your back. And inevitably succubi will suck you off in dreams and you won't even remember in the morning
The river couldn't really give any fucks which way it will go, it just flows and interacts with other flows. If blinfolded amateur engineer like yourself builds a dam in a random place, the river will just go find another path. It doesn't matter.
Now, if you know how to clear the blockages from the stream and channel it approximately where you want - then it's the different story.
03/05/16 (Sat) 22:38:31 No. 71883
become aware of how your river flows and what you can do with it. do something else with it and prove to yourself you can do whatever you want with it, not only fap. once you're done, you can go back fapping to porn. but first do something big to actually see see how it's like. it's not so much about fapping as it's about your awareness. because if you don't care and give up your awareness and control, your awareness and control are going to be taken away from you and given to someone else, just like you wish.
03/05/16 (Sat) 23:08:22 No. 71885
Can anyone assist with the proper archangels and chakra associations from a good proper source. There seem to be mixed opinions on which angel does what chakra online.
Thank you for your time.
tipp 03/06/16 (Sun) 02:05:42 No. 71895
So I was just posting answers to questions in the Question Thread that has been up days before this one was, you know the one that has 40 posts about diverse subjects like energy vampirism, Socrates, energy management, fapping, fundamental understanding of energy, cause and effects, links to all other previous Q threads with a good motivation to check them out and the beginning of a project to cut out good posts and catalog them, you know, this >>71705 thread?
After asking smiley & croo' to sticky >>71705 Instead of this second thread (containing shitposting and "charge my sigil" shit (which is offensive and should be spoilered & explained what it is about to convince us to charge it)) in which we are now typing, a great mod, truly one of Gods chosen lambs, decided to sticky his second thread, who knows, maybe because he was lazy or because he thought his thread was just that good, despite others pointing out that #21 already existed and my vigorous efforts to track down smiley and ask for it to be fixed.
Here it comes, the reason why I'm writing this wall of text.
Before I knew this, that #1 #21 had been locked, I had decided to finish up the questions and subjects in the original #21 thread, after writing a 2.5k word post on Socrates & Greek demonology I posted it and exited the tab, reading "Thread locked" in the same moment the tab closes, you see, this had me rather moody so I decided to blow some steam and wrote a similar length essay about in depth sigilcrafting filled with personal experience on what materials to use, what ink to write with, best ways to imbue frequency and intent in hardening blood, you know, just about everything I've gathered about the subject from around everywhere while also linking to a few sites, books and the /dump/ threads' infographics about it, of course, nobody is going to get to read that either because as I got done I wanted to be absolutely sure that the thread was indeed locked so I promptly clicked send and closed the tab to reopen it to see if the text really wasn't posted, and guess what, it wasn't!
I'm sitting this thread out, might see you in #22, good job and thanks Hotpocket!
03/06/16 (Sun) 05:28:20 No. 71897
I don't think the topic of nephilim is used often here so let's start with that.
Who are they?
What are they?
03/06/16 (Sun) 06:14:15 No. 71899
Your thread should have been stickied. Maybe not if it was posted on the same day, but #20 had been at it's cap for a day or two and eventually someone was going to make a new question thread.
Bad move on Smileys part.
03/06/16 (Sun) 09:50:12 No. 71906
that's pretty hilarious
03/06/16 (Sun) 11:13:29 No. 71907
how can I get somebody over the internet to fall in love with me with magick?
I have fallen in love, and it's very painful because I know this person would never love me back the way I love them.
Would summoning a goetic spirit work for something like that? Which spirit would I evoke?
Are there any rituals I could do?
pls halp fringe
03/06/16 (Sun) 14:09:50 No. 71916
you love her for the energy she's emanating. your energy yearns to connect with her energy for various reasons. most probably because your energy recognizes that it requires what her energy has in order to become whole. your energy is being drawn to her energy on the less conscious level. on more conscious level you label this experience as "love"
to make her love you, her energy needs to start yearning for your energy just like yours yearns for hers
first question to ask is why doesn't her energy draw to your energy as well?
your energies need to yearn to interact with each other. to make her love you, you need to "make" her energy draw to yours
doing that with rituals results in artificially forcing her energy to draw to yours. have you ever been high on amphetamines? it's like you experience emotions but they're not quite yours. they're artificially manafactured. she will experience love on the subconscious level but on the conscious level she'll hate herself and yourself for that. and then it will pass
what you need to is to get in trance but not to send spirits to manipulate her energy to direct to yours, but to simply dissect her energy and yours and become completely aware of the relation they stand in. you need to become fully aware why you love her and why she doesn't love you. once you know that, you'll NATURALLY connect to her in a way she'll love you back because she'll subconsciously see you fit in her. you'll get in the social flow and start talking to her and in minutes the lower and higher layers of both of you will start "fitting" each other.
03/06/16 (Sun) 16:29:19 No. 71928
any good books covering fairy blood
as in people who may have in a way fae ancestor
03/06/16 (Sun) 20:35:24 No. 71938
You mean individuals and families, or races like peruvians (high society) and egyptians?
Because there might be a lot to say in both.
03/06/16 (Sun) 20:46:56 No. 71939
>tipp question thread not stickied
Nah, fuck you, Smile Man
03/06/16 (Sun) 22:49:05 No. 71942
Is it normal for entities that are attached to you to scare off people you meet/people you already know?
Lately with this attachment people stop talking to me for no reason even though things were going well. This happens offline or online..
03/06/16 (Sun) 22:56:35 No. 71944
could we get this shit pasta banned already, thank you mods
Binaural beats 03/07/16 (Mon) 04:55:03 No. 71960
What experiences have people had with binaural beats? Can anybody recommend a good torrent ?
03/07/16 (Mon) 04:55:45 No. 71961
opened a thread,
reposting the questions here
how do I get rid of a strong curse / or energy vampire?
4-5 years ago I believe someone very close ( family ) cursed me
ever since I've become mentally and physically weaker and weaker , and I feel i'll
went to lots of doctors, and was told i'm physically fine, but I know since that day, something happened to me,
in fact I knew something big changed that day
from that day on my life turned to shit
everything I do fails, I cant properly breathe or concentrate anymore my mind is racing and im anxious
its like i lost complete control over myself and my life
opposite to that the person of which im sure cursed me, is doing better and better
im also certain as to why I was cursed
i dont believe it was intentionally damaging,
I believe it was done to benefit the person, and make them able to avoid their fears by draining me
i tried everything I could
im very experienced in meditation and had superb concentration before this started
nothing i tried helped
im not religious but i pray everyday and hope for it to stop
it feels like im slowly slowly choking to death
im certain if i cant stop this the next few years it will kill me from exhaustion
please, any help, this is not a joke
03/07/16 (Mon) 05:40:18 No. 71964
What could happen if i tattoo a sigil?
03/07/16 (Mon) 11:27:14 No. 71983
Psychic vampirism, books/recommended reading list?
I wanna steal people's loosh so that I can get into the astral easier.
03/07/16 (Mon) 12:25:30 No. 71985
A few questions.
1. I am in a kinda in a information over load from all of the research. I was wondering if anyone would recommend some practices for my level. I am quite new, but I feel my energy, work with energy centers, did shadow work for like 4 months(and finally came through to the other side), which rocked my calm and confidence so I am ready for something new. Oh,I also have various sigils for various affirmations for specific situations. Plus some telekinesis.
However, I do kinda feel like I am not sure of the progress path from here. I cant really astral, or even lucid. Maybe its some block that I have.
Any tips of what to focus for the beginner + ?
2. What about personal energy management. For example, sometimes I am not sure if I have a lot of energy, of it I am… nervous? Is the goal to always have as much energy as possible? Or if I am going to sleep, do you reduce the activity of your energy centers, or are we always striving to max them out?
Ales 03/07/16 (Mon) 15:00:08 No. 71988
Coffee, aye or nay?
I've read (in kaltem gibson books) that coffee may impede the cleaning of the aura (iirc). So i stopped drinking it, and i don't need it anymore, but i'd like to know your opinions.
Ales 03/07/16 (Mon) 15:01:34 No. 71989
Share technique plox
03/07/16 (Mon) 15:45:24 No. 71992
Just make a plastic straw, hanged by a thread in a jar horizontally.
It took me two or three months to get some solid results, thats before I got in to this. I was just curious.
So just start doing it and practicing.
I clear out my head with some meditation, gather energy with any way you want, then
1. Visualize it moving in your minds eye.
2. Desire it to move.
3.Will it to move.
As I understand this is the basic demonstration of the as above, so bellow. I sometimes even use my imaginary hand to move it.
Its not hard to do, but its easy to get distracted.
I think its great training for intent and concentration.
03/07/16 (Mon) 16:53:09 No. 71995
I was thinking something like with celtics buts any and all suggestions on the subject are welcome
Ales 03/07/16 (Mon) 18:42:07 No. 72002
>visualize it moving in your mind's eye
so i just need to visualize it and "charge/open" my sixth chakra?
Anyway, what sources have you read about it?
Some years ago i've read some of kaltem gibson's books, but i never practiced.
03/07/16 (Mon) 19:02:55 No. 72005
I don't do anything with my chakras when doing it(or maybe I do, but I am not conscious of it. Actually, should try monitoring them more closely, maybe would boost results). But it might help.
I mean, I did this out of curiosity, so I did not real any literature before hand. So I am not sure of the exact chakra and aura movements happening yet, but it does work, when I do it the way that I described. So the description that I give you is the most practical I can get.
The point really is practicing it and feeling it. But more importantly I think, the practice actually teaches some lasting intent. Because its easy to get distracted or bored or start doubting yourself when you start out. But that is exactly what kills magic. Have to go past that, maintain the focus for extended periods of time.
03/07/16 (Mon) 19:08:12 No. 72006
Initiation into hermetics, that's what you need, that's what we all need, now get to work.
03/07/16 (Mon) 20:04:53 No. 72011
is any writing by ephilas levi worth looking into?
seeing as he is heavily praised yet the living definition of armchair occultist i wa just wondering.
03/07/16 (Mon) 20:26:54 No. 72014
Uncle Bearheart'sbacked claims a great secret of magick is knowing how your moon sign (the astral body) influences your magick.
This is what Bearheart says of his moon:
>"Well, I am ruled in part by Pluto, being that I am a Scorpio moon. Pluto astrologically rules the genitals, and the anus.. his underwear was well acquainted to both HIS areas.
Pluto rules the underworld. With the essence of his “pluto parts”, and the garment he sweated in, and his semen leaked out on to , I twisted his boxers into a rope like device, and tied it around a doll, (I wore gloves for fucks sake) that I found sort of looked like him."
I myself am a Leo moon, but have no idea how to leverage this to make my magick stronger. Other than being associated with solar things, I dunno. Perhaps I should try dramatic ritual, like acting?
Can someone provide me some insight, please? I'd appreciate it.
03/07/16 (Mon) 20:27:51 No. 72015
I fucked this post all up…
Hope it's legible…
03/07/16 (Mon) 20:46:33 No. 72016
please rewrite, can't understand shit
03/07/16 (Mon) 20:46:59 No. 72017
also, link of the video where he talked about that ?
03/07/16 (Mon) 20:59:53 No. 72018
It's from the GOODS blog.
The article called "READ THIS WHOLE FUCKING THING!!!"
03/07/16 (Mon) 21:06:10 No. 72019
But I found out I am a Leo moon, and this dictates how I should conduct myself to perform more potent magick.
But I don't know how to turn what I know about Leo into practical magick.
In that blog post, Bearheart uses his knowledge of moon to curse the fuck out of some rapist. Not totally sure how
03/07/16 (Mon) 21:17:56 No. 72020
That's easy, learn the in's and out's of ritual magick, it's all about correspondancies. Interesting article though.
03/07/16 (Mon) 23:38:54 No. 72026
i have fear. i fear doing rituals because of what can happen to me. i fear entities. when i try to medidate in the dark, i feel like i'm losing my mind control and i start thinking about evil entities.
can anyone tell me how to avoid this? maybe some words about entities are sufficient.
and sorry about the dumb question, i'm just trying to follow this path without many problems and a healthy mind.
03/07/16 (Mon) 23:50:38 No. 72027
03/08/16 (Tue) 00:16:25 No. 72031
I'd like you to answer this: Why?
Look man, entities are the least of your problems. Work on your inner resistances before messing with entities and you'll be rendered immune to their powers.
Having fear is like opening a door into your mind - no, worse, it's like lighting a beacon and calling them.
Start worrying about entities when you actually meet them, when you directly summon them; before that you're most likely polarizing yourself to negative and creating your own ghosts. When you summon a demon lord and forget to banish, then I give you the right to freak out, before that point you're probably just facing your anxiety and insecurity.
03/08/16 (Tue) 01:56:43 No. 72035
thank you. it's maybe only insecurity, that's true, but i don't know how to leave this fear behind.
anyway, i feel better now. thank you again
03/08/16 (Tue) 01:57:31 No. 72036
How do you kill an infatuation with someone?
03/08/16 (Tue) 05:56:16 No. 72040
I'm curious about this actually, what is it about fear that creates these scenarios. Learning about metaphysical horrors just makes it go out of control, what can someone really do in a world that they barely understand in which most people cannot be trusted to know the answer for you. They can try to spend time and cultivate, but when your thrown into the frying pan before you can even get the chance…
03/08/16 (Tue) 22:28:46 No. 72069
It doesn't go far beyond "like begets like". Fear of something is akin only to more fears and the somethings you fear.
Learning about metaphysical horrors is not what makes you lose it, is not learning enough.Acquiring incomplete and/or false knowledge about something; that's the real deal with horror.
To you, if you fear them, learn more about them. When do they appear, what keeps them far, what renders you immune to their influence.
Fear and carelessness are the greatest enemies of knowledge, so take it easy, know your enemy. And if you really need it, your Higher Self will come to your aid, so basically calm down.
03/09/16 (Wed) 01:59:33 No. 72076
what book in the basics list has exercises that will start training because I've gotten the first three and they seem to cover the basics and then just exercise on developing egohood.
03/09/16 (Wed) 08:57:55 No. 72090
I've been taking garlic and MSM supplements to try to decalcify my body, and I'm looking at getting a K2-and-D3 supplement in the future.
Is there any kind of guide on what to get and what to avoid for decalfication? Am I on the right track? Is there any good way for me to "check" how calcified any specific part of my body is? (eg, pineal gland, specific joints, heart, etc)
03/09/16 (Wed) 13:37:02 No. 72098
What magick do you have to do to get vocals like this?
>inb4 effects
this guy by far has the most powerful growls i've ever heard
03/09/16 (Wed) 14:33:51 No. 72100
what is loosh? -as understood by this board
the only place i've seen the word is in one of robert monroe's books and i'm not sure i really understood it
03/09/16 (Wed) 17:26:00 No. 72107
So what is the deal with mundras? There seems to a shit ton of variations when looking for info on them.
Is there any reliable source for them?
03/09/16 (Wed) 22:07:33 No. 72119
Initiation in Hermetics: has a lot more practical work on other subjects. Remember to go step by step.
From Montalk:
Another term for lifeforce/emotional/spiritual energy. Term coined by Robert Monroe in his astral voyages where, upon interacting with nonphysical entities, he learned this energy was called “loosh” and that mankind was being farmed for this energy. Same thing as Demiurgic energy.
The crudest type is simply etheric energy, which is produced by all living things including plants. The more refined type is astral energy, the energy of emotion and passion and drive. Etheric and astral energies are not entirely distinct but blend from one type into the other.
Astral energy is released when a being feels pleasure or pain or any other emotion. Only 2nd Density and higher lifeforms can produce astral energy, for 1st Density lifeforms do not have astral bodies only etheric and/or physical. In Far Journeys by Robert Monroe, an explanation is given of earth as an energy farm, whereby hyperdimensional controllers began with plants to produce a low type of loosh and later discovered that more sentient beings produced a more exquisite kind of loosh if made to experience fear, suffering, pain and anguish. Hence the Matrix Control System working as the machinery of the energy farm to harvest mankind of astral and etheric energies through perpetual war, hardship, death, sexual obsession, and other forms of spiritual oppression.
03/10/16 (Thu) 01:01:09 No. 72125
Is there a way to be cut off from loosh completely?
03/10/16 (Thu) 01:14:33 No. 72126
I'm not entirely sure, as I'm still having the same problem as you. What I've noticed helps is realizing that you are desiring your projection of this person, not them. It will not be like you picture.
03/10/16 (Thu) 01:44:49 No. 72127
Not completely, not unless you die… but then you'd just be returning to God, there's no real loss you see, just redistribution. As long as you experience something as a being you're emanating some excess energy; it's not loosh what makes you do things, it's a byproduct, which can be perceived by other entities, mainly though-forms looking for similar vibration rates to their own, trying to prolong their existence. Think of it as heat coming from a running engine, a mere byproduct, but anyway it can be used as a warmer by bees or even people when it's too cold outside. It can even be used to useful and directed tasks, but you grow defenses naturally as you develop, so there's no need to fear.
On the loosh farming aliens and shit… that Montalk guy sometimes goes too far, I wouldn't take that alien stuff he says too seriously.
!/49HvHXCOk 03/10/16 (Thu) 03:47:14 No. 72130
I'm guessing they don't hace anything to do with chakras.
Yeah that's wjy fringechan is better.
!/49HvHXCOk 03/10/16 (Thu) 03:50:22 No. 72131
Why the hell would you waste another long effort after the first one was wasted? Just come to fringechan bb (:)
03/10/16 (Thu) 07:19:48 No. 72134
Even the astral dies eventually, right? And The All? I know it's outside of "time" and feels like eternities, but it objectively would end at some point, right?
I think I read about it in Atkinsons work, he said that even though it is outside of time, even The All would go through a deep sleep in which it doesn't return.
03/10/16 (Thu) 07:35:08 No. 72136
Did everyone in /fringe/ leave this board and transcended to another place?
03/10/16 (Thu) 08:01:15 No. 72137
I was wondering why the "sex" subliminal messages everywhere
03/10/16 (Thu) 12:07:19 No. 72141
Ok so I bought a book on crystals called the crystal encyclopedia,by one Judy hall. From what Ive read and fact checked it seems accurate but I also know it's a good idea to get a second opinion. Should I keep it or get my money back?
this lady also wrote the crystal bible if that helps any
03/10/16 (Thu) 13:18:52 No. 72142
Well I dont know very much, but I can tell you that black tourmaline aka schorl, is a very good blocker of curses. You'll have to cleanse, activate, and maintain it of course.
To cleanse it, since it's not water soluble, you can immerse it in salt water or a few hours.
Then you need to activate it. Just hold it in your hands visualize light all around it and formulate your intention for it. Since its protection you just need to state something along the lines of "protect me from curses" or something like that.
And maintenance is just keeping your crystal in decent condition. When you dont use it wrap it in a silk scarf to protect it from damage and negative energy.
You can also buy multiples and place them throughout your home to help defend against other curses.
03/10/16 (Thu) 18:07:48 No. 72148
Is there a replacement for loosh?
03/10/16 (Thu) 18:43:57 No. 72151
Loosh is another word for energy.
Reformulate your question, think about it for two seconds and laugh at the absurdity of it.
03/10/16 (Thu) 20:25:33 No. 72153
It isn't the scientific understanding of energy isn't it, So I am asking if there is some sort of exotic spiritual energy besides loosh?
Masturbation 03/10/16 (Thu) 20:53:01 No. 72155
Oh wizards of /fringe/, I have a question that I'm sure has been asked many times but not with the specificity I desire:
How often should I, if ever, masturbate?
I've tried no fap and was able to go for a week. I didn't feel any better, though. Just agitated and unfocused (I actually found fasting easier).The Old Testament and many other holy texts speak of the creative power of sexual energy and what a waste it is to use for momentary dopamine release.
If it makes it any better, I rarely use porn or images to help me. It's all mental, but still an addiction. I've become such a slave to this perverse thought form, that I've even been reduced to releasing myself in bathroom stalls. I want to instead focus that energy on creative works and love towards my girlfriend.
How do I channel my sexual desires towards something useful?
(PS, sorry for the /blog/ post)
03/10/16 (Thu) 21:05:43 No. 72156
At some point, when a being transcends matter, can go on eternal lives without an actual death. The ALL cannot die because its not alive, IT IS LIFE. It sleeps tho.
Because sexual behavior such as masturbation, intercourse, infatuation, etc. release this loosh and direct it upon the object of desire, metaphysically "feeding" it.
The other energies are prana, vril (the "forceness" of force, underlying principle under just about every force), and the elemental forces with their respective property (fire = expansion, water = contraction, air = movement, earth = condensation)
03/10/16 (Thu) 22:18:19 No. 72159
I'm doing energy work for the first time. Rather than starting gradually I go hard and wake up this morning and feel like I have severely injured myself.
My entire right side of my body feels sore. Deep muscle tissue pain. It actually feels like I've worked out.
What should I do? It runs from my leg all the way up to my chest and lungs. (I don't actually work out and don't recall straining myself)
03/11/16 (Fri) 01:26:32 No. 72162
find something useful to do and do it like youre fucking it
03/11/16 (Fri) 01:48:00 No. 72163
What happens if i burn a sigil? It's a very simple one, my first tbh.
Should i just put it on a box or what?
03/11/16 (Fri) 03:26:43 No. 72171
Probably meditation and some form of relaxation therapy. We have a thread on pain somewhere around here
03/11/16 (Fri) 04:18:38 No. 72173
sleep, nothing much, meditation a little. Your body is growing and healing itself. Nothing funky.
03/11/16 (Fri) 04:19:41 No. 72174
It actually is. It's just a subtler level, but it's the same thing.
03/11/16 (Fri) 04:46:00 No. 72180
Describe the pain. Is it sharp and shooting? If yes, consider seeing a doctor.
If it's dull and aching, then it sounds like Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS, google to compare symptoms) which is when unused muscles releases large amounts of lactic acid. Since your body isn't properly trained in the efficient disposal of this lactic acid, the result is soreness.
However, I've never read about people getting DOMS from doing energy work. Don't want to be insulting, but how out of shape are you?
Possible anecdotal evidence that physical fitness contributes to energy work power and vice versa.
03/11/16 (Fri) 10:42:59 No. 72201
Is there a /fringe/ yoga routine? If not can someone point me in the direction of one ?
03/11/16 (Fri) 12:17:03 No. 72203
Yeah I know what you mean. I know it's all in my head and the fantasy would never live up to the reality… but the feelings still remain
03/11/16 (Fri) 13:14:40 No. 72204
Is anyone here good at remote viewing? Can you check if Smiley is dead?
03/11/16 (Fri) 14:58:08 No. 72209
Smiley is alive and well, he posted on /4chon/ not long ago and is online on skype.
03/11/16 (Fri) 15:14:03 No. 72210
Praise Odin. I would be genuinely upset if he topped himself.
03/11/16 (Fri) 15:22:27 No. 72211
03/11/16 (Fri) 22:00:04 No. 72240
sage 03/11/16 (Fri) 22:29:06 No. 72243
You don't farn it idiot, you farg it.
That's some stupid shit fake wizards say to feel cool. I think they are basically being kikes and think you can just steal peoples mana. Everyone who uses that word is basically schizophrenic and haven't cleansed their soul and actually started doing some advanced meditations. These people are self serving retards who have a big reality check awaiting them in the coming years. You seriously think the universe gives a fuck about people who don't believe in some sort of karma system? (INB4 KARMA DOESNT EXIST - IF WE ARE ONE THEN THAT MEANS EVENTUALLY YOU'LL HAVE TO BE THAT PERSON WHO YOU FUCKED OVER. FUCKING RETARD FUCK)
03/11/16 (Fri) 23:27:40 No. 72247
I've read in a few places about something (insight, wisdom, a realm) that lies behind or beyond the senses and imagination. This has become a central curiosity for me. What do I do with this? If it's not something you can see or imagine, how do you end up seeing/working with it? Any resources/recommendations?
03/12/16 (Sat) 00:05:22 No. 72248
do I have to get the whole personal power series or just the one pertaining to desire
03/12/16 (Sat) 00:10:14 No. 72249
Has anyone here ever seemed to have developed a self imposed mental block when it came to researching or reading about /fringe/ stuff?
Because I think that's what happened to me, basically when I reach a rare point one day when I am no longer distracted by other stuff like 4chan or vidya for the time being and could use the time to meditate or just research stuff on lucid dreams and spirituality, etc. I end up putting it off, and I kept doing that until now its become habitual for me to quickly turn my attention to something else, some other distraction be it 4chan, porn, or videogames, whenever I do shift my attention briefly to /fringe/ stuff or even just lucid dreaming stuff.
It feels like I've developed a mental block to it, and am reinforcing a habitual pattern where I put off reading or doing anything /fringe/ related, and go busy myself in distraction again.
It's fucking weird, never used to have it like this before, but I never made much progress in these things before either, but lately as of 3 years now my spiritual progress has been nil, even going backwards than ever before I fear.
Need some help/advice, thoughts?
03/12/16 (Sat) 00:16:59 No. 72250
You have to cut out distractions like that slowly. I have been spending more time on /fringe/ stuff than I ever have before. I think the main thing that helped me was keeping a notecard with a bunch of daily tasks to do and check when I do them. Just knowing that I haven't gotten my checks for the day makes me want to go ahead and do the thing I'm putting off.
If you have a white-board that would also work. Just list out a series of abbreviated tasks beside the date and repeat for each day. In the beginning you might not notice much difference, but after half a year doing this, I definitely have improved. I now exercise, meditate, read, etc every day when I used to fall off the wagon on these habits very quickly.
03/12/16 (Sat) 00:26:27 No. 72251
I try to do that sometimes, but its hard to keep up with it and trying to force this new habit.
Even though I know that just doing something like meditation 10minutes a day twice daily for now is a good start and better than a week of distraction and mindless internet browsing or porn surfing, it just gets so hard to keep it consistent.
But what's bothering me isn't only that, but the fact that I've done this subconsciously for so long over a period of a year or so - checking out fringe related sites, or lucid dream related sites like dreamviews, and browsing them shortly before deciding to browse them longer later or something, and then distract myself with something else, or whatever, and repeat each time again until its become habit now and have to actively stop myself from doing that, and actually sit down and read the sites and the texts, and it feels as if thats somehow a mental burden.
That's something I really want to stop. But like you said, just keeping track of your progress and at the very least meditating daily should help, and I know that but its hard to keep up the habit even for half a week. And I used to be way more consistent and habitual with my meditation and could tolerate longer sessions than I can now.
And I know that you have to slowly build up to get to that point again, but I feel like these self imposed mental blocks are a huge hurdle to get through.
I should probably do something like not even worry about reading or researching fringe stuff just at least do my daily meditations for a week and by that point I know I'll be clearer headed and maybe somewhat closer to my goal, I can't remember the last time I even meditated for a week straight, always with the distractions, and always with the porn to cut any attempt short.
Damn it feels pathetic.
03/12/16 (Sat) 00:39:50 No. 72254
I forgot to say that starting out you might want to only have a few daily goals. You want to make it something you can do every day
I usually have an easier time meditating if I do my daily reading first. I still need to meditate more as well honestly.
Maybe try imposing restrictions on yourself like doing something that keeps you away from the computer.
>checking out fringe related sites, or lucid dream related sites like dreamviews, and browsing them shortly before deciding to browse them longer later or something, and then distract myself with something else, or whatever, and repeat each time again until its become habit now and have to actively stop myself from doing that, and actually sit down and read the sites and the texts, and it feels as if thats somehow a mental burden.
I do this too. Don't be disappointed in yourself, just keep trying to move forward.
Also porn is pretty bad for you. Its hard to do, but deleting all your porn is usually a good idea or at least the video stuff. Just masturbate first so that you can think about it without your dick interfering and decide if that stuff is actually worth watching or keeping on your computer.
Also exercising daily helped me with motivation and sticking to my goals. Maybe start out doing your max number of pushups and do it every day.
03/12/16 (Sat) 00:45:56 No. 72256
Will training in fringe-tier skills help me irl? I'm skeptical of the practical value of the stuff discussed here.
Let's say that I have a profession in the creative field. Would it be possible to enhance this creativity, or augment it?
Or is this board just LARPing
03/12/16 (Sat) 00:54:14 No. 72257
>Also porn is pretty bad for you.
Yeah as I've come to realize. A lot of what I describe now is thanks to porn addiction, I put off /fringe/ stuff, spiritual development and meditation for months, even a year, for the sake of porn and it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life, and it happened without my awareness even, I just thought it was natural, then I learned about porn addiction, and slowly came to realize the monumental fuckup I had done.
Just this month I managed 1 week of nofap, and most importantly no porn, and the difference in mental acuity, physical ability, wellbeing etc was incredible and noticeable, but then I relapsed again and its back to habit based patterns, unless I can repeat that success again. Thing is I knew about transmutation as well, but throughout that period of a week without no porn I didn't do any meditation at all, and that led to being unable to control the lust and the habitual thought patterns and relapse happened.
>I do this too
Man, its nice to know at least I'm not the only one struggling with that. I think I should just do more and think less, or rather worry less and just try out with small goals of meditation once per day and then twice etc. Because I know I can do it, but there are still these residual mental blocks, and old habits that interfere when I try, so breaking out of that is what I'm still trying to do.
03/12/16 (Sat) 00:56:28 No. 72258
If by fringe-tier skills that enhance creativity you mean meditation then yes absolutely. Visualization practice too is helpful. You can train your visualization skills, and thus help your creativity.
I find I have the clearest mental pictures and visualization right after mindfulness meditation usually.
03/12/16 (Sat) 01:01:00 No. 72261
What about lucid dreaming?
I figured that lucid dreaming might help me in coming up with new ideas and visual concepts.
Since I sleep every night, I thought it might be easy to train it.
03/12/16 (Sat) 01:19:21 No. 72263
Lucid dreaming even moreso, I'm currently trying to lucid dream as well, I've had little success but the few lucids I've had were amazing. Once you git gud at it and have good dream control and stability you could really let your creativity soar I think.
Lucid dreaming is like the holy grail of creativity for me, moreso than videogames or drawings, because you are not limited by hardware and you don't have to deal with a clumsy or unintuitive UI like photoshop or some 3D programs, and you aren't limited by the bounds of paper and pencil, and struggling to get things to look real and 3D like you do when drawing.
In lucid dreams it all just happens around you, and you can guide it to whatever you want, its the ultimate creative endeavor I think.
Look at pic related, its a painting a cool and creative idea, but all you get from it is the visual idea, and if you use your imagination you might eventually have some idea of what it might feel like, such a surreal scenario, but its only in lucid dreams you will have the full experience and the greatest realization of that scenario, the mind will probably call upon all your memories and sensations of ocean waves and lying in the sand, together with lying in bed with blankets on and try to merge those sensations and memory imprints together to get what this sensation would feel like, and thats only something you can experience in lucid dreams.
I just wish it wasn't so hard to get them, it's not something the average person can instantly achieve or get good at.
03/12/16 (Sat) 02:26:54 No. 72268
>If it's dull and aching, then it sounds like Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS, google to compare symptoms) which is when unused muscles releases large amounts of lactic acid. Since your body isn't properly trained in the efficient disposal of this lactic acid, the result is soreness.
>However, I've never read about people getting DOMS from doing energy work. Don't want to be insulting, but how out of shape are you?
>Possible anecdotal evidence that physical fitness contributes to energy work power and vice versa.
You're a really really smart guy! The pain is almost exactly like DOMS. Trouble is, you're right. I don't recall doing any physical work, and I am incredibly out of shape. Embarrassingly so.
Regardless after resting for a day or two the pain has subsided in all but my leg. Thanks for the advice guys.
03/12/16 (Sat) 02:27:02 No. 72269
testing can't post in this thread at all
03/12/16 (Sat) 02:31:48 No. 72270
The block is in you. I highly recommend a book called "War of Art" by Stephen Pressfield. I will not help you acquire it, but it will shred this block for you.
You too. The realm is mentioned in the book. But the tl;dr is meditate. If you make your mind still and quiet as possible this 'realm' you search for will fart things directly into your subconscious mind.
03/12/16 (Sat) 02:46:21 No. 72272
>The block is in you.
I know anon, I know that in a way these are such nonsensical and irrational things, with some basis in reality though due no doubt to conditioning and habits formed that have led to the block, but the block is entirely mental.
I feel like just greater self awareness maybe will help with overcoming it, and that comes with meditation, but its been 2 hours now and I've still yet to just meditate as I told myself I would today for just 10 minutes.
I get so frustrated when I think about how much time I wasted on 4chan or porn distracting myself throughout the day and couldn't even devote 10 minutes to meditation practice, its so shameful.
> I highly recommend a book called "War of Art"
I'll check it out but right now I doubt I can get into any book at all, seeing as how difficult it is for me to get through the mental block of just browsing sites like /fringe/ and reading articles on meditation/lucid dreaming. I haven't sat down to read any books in a long while, and have a backlog already of several fringe related and meditation .pdfs and lucid dream articles and threads on dreamviews, etc, I swear I'll get to them soon(TM).
03/12/16 (Sat) 03:20:41 No. 72276
>I get so frustrated when I think about how much time I wasted on 4chan or porn distracting myself throughout the day and couldn't even devote 10 minutes to meditation practice, its so shameful.
This will not help you. I have recently overcome a 4 year long art block myself; Yours is nowhere near severe and hence this advice bears weight.
Do not devote any of your energy to this problem. Focus on the solution. Use the pruning shears or revision to create a future where this block is a distant memory, So far in the rear view mirror it's almost laughable.
Energy can be leveraged. You can spend it fighting against a boulder or reroute your energy to let it pass by you like the wind.
The choice is yours, not mine. But… dude, seriously read the book. You can google the pdf and get it.
03/12/16 (Sat) 04:14:41 No. 72280
So lucid dreams are the next frontier on escapism.
Inception's more subtle theme was right. I wonder how it's going to be controlled.
03/12/16 (Sat) 04:21:35 No. 72281
Thanks anon, those are helpful words. I'll check out the book as well.
03/12/16 (Sat) 04:22:50 No. 72282
Do you pagans worship all of the gods or just Thor or Odin?
03/12/16 (Sat) 04:26:47 No. 72284
>looking at gods in the same sense as christians look at god
Stop immediately.
03/12/16 (Sat) 04:40:52 No. 72286
>So lucid dreams are the next frontier on escapism.
Basically, don't believe the hype about VR that /v/ says, VR compared to lucid dreams is like 1960's pong to The Witcher 3.
Lucid dreaming is free too and can't be restricted like VR can in any way, except by yourself.
The only downside is the discipline and effort and time required to git gud at it, but its worth it. You can use it for more than escapism of course but escapism is the main draw, that and an incredibly new way to express your creativity.
03/12/16 (Sat) 05:59:24 No. 72290
At some point there's going to be a way to induce lucid dreams without discipline and effort, also probably being able to go from a waking to lucid dreaming state directly. Then if you're able to control information, people would quickly forget that they have a natural ability to induce it on their own.
03/12/16 (Sat) 10:35:54 No. 72297
>hype about VR that /v/ says
m8, /v/ shits on VR at every opportunity, what the heck are you smoking?
03/12/16 (Sat) 13:13:04 No. 72299
how do you see them?
03/12/16 (Sat) 14:49:10 No. 72304
(Double check)
Gods are Forces, not personalities.
Every God in about every culture is an aspect of a set of stereotyped energies depicted in the Qabalah. Even the christian God can be broken down into these forces (in the ancient sources, nowadays concept of God is utterly fucked).
With that attitude you ain't going far. You're almost embracing your block. But in this case, the best you can do is striving for the opposite of the problem.
Channel your emotions, focus on Progress, rebel against your mind and body! Don't fear the block; dare your potential. Don't hate the limits; love the horizon.
A little thing that helps me is keeping quotes from the books I read written in small pieces of paper and spreading them in places I know I'll look when I'm distracted: My pencil-case, inside the drawers of my desk, in the nightstand. Of course they're inspiring quotes, I recommend reading "Introduction to Magic" by Julius Evola for some good ones.
03/12/16 (Sat) 18:46:46 No. 72311
Silly/introductory questions here, but:
what's the best sigil for banishing demons/negative thoughtforms? If it's the pentagram, then why does it work?
Is it safe to bind thoughtforms to chakras while a demon has forced its way into other chakra points of yours?
And lastly, what's the most effective way to cleanse your chakras of such things?
>more information
I have two balls of light, one of the violet flame and the other pure white light with fringes of yellow that are bound to my crown chakra and solar plexus chakras, respectively. These weren't made by me, but were given to me by two different reiki masters.
03/12/16 (Sat) 19:56:07 No. 72312
What is one's "higher self," and does it actually exist? I read an introductory psychic self defense text that said your higher self may intentionally open yourself up for attack by negative entities in order to learn a lesson. Does this have any truth?
03/13/16 (Sun) 00:48:54 No. 72321
In short, you'll see Higher Self described as God, Soul, Ideal. Your Higher Self is the template that your being is trying to fill, the causal body in the Mental Plane that carries along your Astral, Etheric and Physical bodies to fulfill itself, growing by experience (that we call life in our state).
This Higher Self is the goal of the spirit, and the mage is bound to discover and become It. At the beginning you'll start to idealize this Higher Self, and then you should proceed to become it, transforming yourself with experience and knowledge. The higher self is implicit in many ways, that's why everyone is capable of acts of greatness, but the mage gets a tighter connection to it, which is a huge boon to his growth.
03/13/16 (Sun) 02:06:24 No. 72327
Anyone can recommend a good book about rune and crafting runes? I only have my phone now and it's really hard for me to search.
03/13/16 (Sun) 05:13:50 No. 72334
"Gods" are just thoughtforms. They all exist because they receive attention, as does anything you think of until you stop thinking about it. The christian god does exist, and it is a very powerful being (due to mass worship), but it's not THE god that christianity makes it out to be.
Those look so good, but $300? I could probably make one myself for <20 dollars. They're just trying to attract the upper-class "wiccans" that can afford to spend money to feel like better wiccans. What kind of wizard would go out and spend 300 dollars on a hat?
03/13/16 (Sun) 06:03:49 No. 72337
Hi, I wanted to ask about IIH primarily. I had some point that I needed help or some elaboration on since I didn't understand them.
1. kundalini is imagination.
2. root chakra is first card of tarot.
3. and the secret of IIH is will and imagination.
I asked someone outside of /fringe/ about it and his reply was:-
My question:I wanted to ask you on the so called secret doctrine of IIH and how there is a safe mechanism inside of it to keep the "unfaithful" students from practicing the arts. He said about IIH that it was made to "purposefully designed to keep you grinding for years, while the hidden guidance shows the principle to master them in a more efficient way and complementary practices".
"Lol, it is tough to answer not because it is some deep complex mystery but because it is TOO SIMPLE. You could hide the mysteries on billboards across the globe and few would discover them. My blog and this Tumblr are proof of it. I have repeated the secret over and over but many don’t want the answer because it is frightening and yet simple. I once had a student who I made the analogy that teaching magic is much like you and I walking around a barn. We go round and round the barn as I point out all the things that make up the barn. Each time you ponder my examples and never once do you realize it is a barn. Over time, after we cricle about the barn dozens if not hundreds of times, a slow realization dawns to you. You may, just maybe be circling a barn. Once the realization sinks in and you gasp in disbelief at how it was a barn the whole damn time, how I told you again and again it was a barn but you wanted so badly for it to be something else.
The barn is imagination and will. Let us take yet another walk around it."
Any idea, thought, or sort of guidance or even a hint will be appreciated.
I don't know if this was worthy of a thread or just a question so I will post it as a question here then as a thread outside.
03/13/16 (Sun) 07:46:43 No. 72343
OP is not the board owner that's why.
03/13/16 (Sun) 07:47:24 No. 72344
thats gay as fuck unless your a chick or something
All fringe wizards should strive for intimidating yet refined
03/13/16 (Sun) 07:49:59 No. 72346
If you're going to write 2.5k post on something might as well create it as a new thread sheeiiiiitttt.
03/13/16 (Sun) 07:51:16 No. 72347
It wasn't formatted correctly.
tipp 03/13/16 (Sun) 09:16:22 No. 72349
no fuck you both.
mod can edit that.
see >>72339 for practical yet amazing attire for ingesting ravecandy.
>>intimidating yet refined
>this neopyte can't look like a goofball and freeze the atmosphere
its like you can't even make someone casually fear for their life by looking at them like they just called panic at the disco metal, blep.
tipp 03/13/16 (Sun) 09:28:03 No. 72350
>All fringe wizards should
#notallwizards #individuality #expressionofself&creativity
If you make "suiting up" a trend for "wizards" you'll ruin my collection of fine suits like atheists ruined fedoras, of which i posses one and can not just use properly but pull off like a baller.
03/13/16 (Sun) 10:35:53 No. 72351
>All fringe wizards should strive for intimidating yet refined
Be swole, and get a monocolor one. Right there, intimidating yet refined. Well, as refined as a wizard hat can be in 2016.
I found a somewhat cheap scarf that has a pointed hood in it though, and that's wizard-like and stylish. It's hard to look stylish and still have the wizard-like loose clothing and rags.
03/13/16 (Sun) 12:56:34 No. 72352
Why stand out all together?
I for one don't need the thoughtforce of ignorant mundanes screwing up my work with their disbelief.
03/13/16 (Sun) 17:57:49 No. 72358
How do I use the voice of god method in The Book Of Knowledge correctly, I try to chant it over and over but there is still no result.
03/14/16 (Mon) 03:34:41 No. 72380
Hello, /fringe/.
I've been trying to banish a demon for a while, with mixed success. I'm interested in focusing on a sigil that can banish, rather than do the LBRP (which at its core seems mainly to do what I can achieve by merely focusing on blue pentagrams around and encircling me).
Since the pentagram, if accidentally viewed upside down, can do more harm than good, I'm interested in the more symmetric hexagram. I'm a novice at all this, and given my situation, I haven't had much time to read texts regarding the matter.
Are hexagrams a more potent sigil for banishing, and can they be imagined floating around and encircling you to achieve the same end a pentagram would?
If so, what color should I imagine them being? I read blue for a pentagram is good as it makes it easier to elicit your higher self by activating the throat chakra.
I have two tulpas that have hid away from all this. I want to know the likelihood of their being corrupted, and if making another one with the explicit intention of banishing this demon is a good idea, given the chances of corruption. I read "local spirits" are really good at this.
What in the hell would happen to me in the afterlife if a part of my soul, that is a tulpa, buds off and becomes corrupted? How could I correct this in this current life before all goes to hell?
Since the demon has been using the threat of corruption as a scare-tactic, I'm inclined to believe the actual chances are negligible.
03/14/16 (Mon) 05:38:05 No. 72388
Maybe try the GOODS LBRP.
03/14/16 (Mon) 08:24:09 No. 72395
>>72388 (checked)
that or a huge energy surge charged with the intention of purging entities
03/14/16 (Mon) 14:29:01 No. 72399
03/14/16 (Mon) 17:27:43 No. 72406
Bearheart says that the tree of life is a holy symbol that has been corrupted, or otherwise repurposed.
Is it the Hebrew necessarily, or what? Can the Etz Chayim still be a holy symbol with Hebrew names?
Does YHVH/Demiurge have any integral place in the Qabalah?
03/14/16 (Mon) 17:40:49 No. 72408
Thank you so fucking much. I had been looking for a non-Jewish LBRP for so long. I had been trying to guess which planets align where based off of other's guesses as to which planets correspond to which chakras, and so on.
Does anyone on /fringe/ know of a good method to cleanse chakras with sigil magick? The hexagram isn't necessarily Jewish, right?
03/14/16 (Mon) 19:32:27 No. 72414
I'm about to create a Sigil to seduce a girl i know (and with whom i interacted).
I want to know what kind of sentence i should use. My purpose is to create a strong love relationship. Not just sexual.
For example, i thought about this sentence: "I am engaged/tied/whatever to the girl that i love", which translates (italian, since it's my first language) to: Sono impegnato con la donna che amo.
What do you guys think (besides that i am a freak)?
03/14/16 (Mon) 19:57:23 No. 72415
03/14/16 (Mon) 20:04:17 No. 72416
wew lad, atleast tell what we're doing wrong
tipp 03/14/16 (Mon) 21:10:13 No. 72417
Sure, what could go wrong?
[Spoiler]>monkey parts everywhere [/spoiler]
03/14/16 (Mon) 21:33:34 No. 72419
03/14/16 (Mon) 21:45:37 No. 72420
If you wrap a rose quarts in the leaf from a plant that's been watered for a week with holy water then stick it up your ass your asshurt should go away.
03/15/16 (Tue) 00:40:14 No. 72423
Will calling upon the sigil for mars incite the god himself if I bind it to my root chakra?
What if I used the rune for Tyr–are they the same god, or different thoughtforms?
I thought for a grand total of two seconds and the sigil appeared in my mind's eye to act of its own accord by turning red and spinning, so I take that as an excellent sign.
03/15/16 (Tue) 02:09:36 No. 72424
Anyone know of other communities besides this one? It has its gems but it's pretty low-traffic. I realize that a lot of this stuff can be private, but I'm looking for the community so I can relate my experiences and not feel as alienated from the people in my life, who seem pretty complacent about everything they are.
Also, I contemplated the Zen koan "Who is dragging this corpse around?" and now have access to an interesting state where I don't perceive a distinction between the "self" in myself, in the trees, in other people, but my practical egocentric consciousness remains intact, albeit without much consciousness of thoughts. A few seconds of contemplation draws me into this state. Any ideas on where to take this further? Things I can learn from this state? Things to experience while in it?
03/15/16 (Tue) 04:35:59 No. 72428
tipp 03/15/16 (Tue) 04:36:17 No. 72429
Sorry to bury a bullet in your gut but this is pretty much the only place for practitioners of the art that doesn't suck cock and with the way image boards are in their nature people just aren't prone to chill with each other, that said, the reason you lack discussions company is because I make up about three thirds of the posts, I'm schizophrenic and juggle conversations, questions and answers to fill space, and I don't want to talk to you because youre a plant.
03/15/16 (Tue) 04:40:25 No. 72430
This board is the best you're gonna find at this high of traffic. Any more traffic and this board would devolve into /r/occult tier garbage.
Quality > quantity, and it's really one or the other.
I wonder if the FBI comes to /fringe/ in hopes to get in on that dank meme magic.
03/15/16 (Tue) 06:53:37 No. 72433
Look here retards who want to bring magick to the masses, this is a prime example of what mundanes will use it for.
>muh spiritual evolution of the race
>muh knowledge should be free
lel, you forgot to split your post into 4 separate ones for no particular reason.
03/15/16 (Tue) 07:02:48 No. 72435
that gif made me want to watch KLK again, at least up till episode 16, after that it gets really shitty and out of hand tbh
03/15/16 (Tue) 07:04:28 No. 72436
Knowledge SHOULD be free, but at this moment, it would be best if it was not.
I hold the same belief towards fascism. It's not good, in fact, it's the opposite of where we should be, but it's what we need to get people sorted out. By not giving people occult knowledge until they're sorted out, we can save our species.
Do not give away information outside of this board. Do not promote "meme magic".
"The lips of wisdom are closed,
except to the ears of Understanding"
03/15/16 (Tue) 07:09:36 No. 72438
>Do not promote "meme magic".
That's out of anybody's hands, and its becoming a popular phrase on /pol/ and /tv/ too for obvious reasons.
03/15/16 (Tue) 07:11:10 No. 72439
I don't know which episode it was but imo it went downhill when Ryuko went edgy biker mode and went off collecting bits of her uniform.
Agree 100%, well said.
Knowledge, Courage, Volition and Silence are the four pillars of the foundation upon which
rests Solomon's Temple as Bardon said, too bad so many people ignore that last one.
03/15/16 (Tue) 07:16:18 No. 72441
Haven't seen it in awhile so I cant remember, to me it went downhill as soon as the beeg tweests starting happening, especially the one in Episode 16.
Then the shows shifted from intense comedic action and fighting between Ryuuuko and the Student Council, to all that other bullshit and the convoluted thread that was the plot.
03/15/16 (Tue) 07:30:26 No. 72442
>Then the shows shifted from intense comedic action and fighting between Ryuuuko and the Student Council, to all that other bullshit and the convoluted thread that was the plot.
A lot of shows do it for some dumb reason, remember when Naruto was about an underdog kid becoming the very best through sheer effort and not by the merit of being a dumb mary sue chosen one?
Me neither.
mint 03/15/16 (Tue) 07:35:21 No. 72443
I'm about halfway done with reading Jack Donovan's The Way of Men, which describes masculinity as being comprised of four basic survival virtues–strength, courage, mastery, and honor–as what it means to be a man among men. I looked at that and thought about the first four circuits of Leary's 8-circuit model of consciousness. On deoxy, there's a page on "winning scripts" for each of the circuits, and the winning scripts for the first four circuits are essentially the tactical virtues of masculinity.
I'm at a point where I want to work on re-imprinting the first four circuits for practical purposes. I see a critical and balanced emphasis on masculinity as a structured as well as socially functional way to work with the first four circuits.
Do you have any general thoughts? What are the most important resources for working with sexuality, or masculinity in particular? Blind spots or pitfalls of my approach? Is balancing myself out by cultivating some feminine qualities without neutering myself a worthwhile endeavor as I move forward?
03/15/16 (Tue) 08:09:00 No. 72446
Can someone tell me about personality change/overhaul? I'm interested in both the psychology behind it and the occult perspective (and how to achieve it through magickal means for a neophyte). I'll just add, I'm looking for intentional changes rather than unintentional results from general practice
03/15/16 (Tue) 09:32:13 No. 72451
What is the fringe opinion on ADHD and Ritalin? I got diagnosed and put on Ritalin at the beginning of the year, and I'm in awe with the results. Before I couldn't function at all, I could never focus enough to read a book all the way through (tried reading the Kybalion like ten times but never made it all the way through), and my home was an unsanitary pig sty, and I couldn't hold down even the most simple of fake government-made jobs, and my memory was so bad I was worried I had brain damage or something, but now I feel like I can do anything I want to. It feels like a thick fog has been cleared from my mind. Am I a good gullible goy for big pharma, or can I use my medication and diagnosis to my advantage, or does any of this even matter? I've managed to do meditation somewhat frequently, and I've had some pretty amazing experiences with lucid dreaming, but I never had the discipline to do anything more advanced, until now.
03/15/16 (Tue) 14:45:33 No. 72465
Read Prometheus Rising. Then come back with questions.
03/15/16 (Tue) 14:50:14 No. 72466
Short term solutions. Eventually you will build up a dependence, actual and psychological, and be a subject to chemicals.
I would try to use your script as sparingly as possible with the intention to wean yourself off, either on doctor's orders or your own, in the very near future.
Seriously, this shit will make you into a zombie in the long term. I would treat it with as much respect as any hardcore stimulant. Just consider that Ritalin (methylphenidate) is just a few molecules off from being methamphetamine.
03/15/16 (Tue) 14:58:25 No. 72467
>bullshit occultism - the book
03/15/16 (Tue) 15:06:00 No. 72468
completely useless "just b urself :^)" post incoming
Consider that every piece of literature that's "written from the soul" is the author's interpretation of what "truth" really is. This means you can read someone's truth, accept all of it as truth, some of it as truth, or none of it as truth and then integrate what the author has written into your life.
For instance one could agree with Donovan on strength, courage and mastery, but since one is also a sociopath, he dismisses what Donovan said on honor entirely.
Don't be limited by other people's systems but rather take the good ideas and implement them in your own.
As for also integrating feminine characteristics, consider reading up on gods that were hermaphrodites (meaning symbolically they possessed both male and female characteristics). Ardhanarishvara would probably be the most interesting in your case.
03/15/16 (Tue) 15:07:34 No. 72469
Anything else you want to add?
03/15/16 (Tue) 15:31:54 No. 72471
honor is complete nonsense
tipp 03/15/16 (Tue) 15:42:05 No. 72472
>meth bad
What is dangerous is the few molecules other than meth.
Anon, ask for 5 mg meth pills, rural will rot your brain, meth give desired and current results while being completely harmless, see for perhaps a hard time going to bed if you popped two extra for a night out.
tipp 03/15/16 (Tue) 15:45:30 No. 72473
And no round the clock use, only when you need it to get off your ass.
03/16/16 (Wed) 01:57:39 No. 72491
I can't pay attention to anything. I can't think deeply about any 1 subject anymore. I feel like my mind has been drugged, and that I am going through my day like a robot who only acts and never thinks. It physically pains me when I realize it, and then my mind drifts away without even me knowing. How can I stop this? I want specific things, like meditation, diet, sleep, I'm clueless, I just don't want this to stop. I want myself back, if I ever was myself.
I have read Fringe Knowledge for Beginners and The Kybalion, but haven't incorporated any magical/occult aspects into my life.
03/16/16 (Wed) 02:29:44 No. 72492
I didn't say meth was bad, like most things if respected, it can't harm you. I was just trying to say that one shouldn't look at a script of Ritalin like a bottle of aspirin but rather like a bottle of meth.
A stat I saw said that 90% of the world's prescription painkillers are eaten by Americans. I really can't think of a reason why we're being sedated. It seriously can't be just for profits right?
03/16/16 (Wed) 02:37:20 No. 72493
Turn everything into a game. Have no moments where you aren't playing some made up game to amuse you.
Try adding up all the numbers on every license plate you see. When that gets boring, look at a random person and try to hypothesis what their life story is (as if you were going to write a screenplay about them up to that point), or look at any random object, even plants, and try to think about that item's journey up to where it is right now, including how it was made.
It may sound dumb, but doing this is like opting to do 100 pushups rather than eat a tub of ice cream, but for your mind.
03/16/16 (Wed) 02:46:48 No. 72494
I disagree m9. Keep in mind that honor properly defined is more like virtue in the Roman sense, not like a weeaboo with a katana honoring all samurai or how we use it to define military duty.
03/16/16 (Wed) 03:03:06 No. 72497
Then you aren't aware of what Roman life was like for the powerful aristocrats since slaves, lowborns and most foreigners couldn't have virtue. They were extremely competitive and in no way were bound by today's definition of an "honorable" person. I think you're confusing honor with morality.
Give the wiki page a read, it's a decent primer.
03/16/16 (Wed) 03:05:27 No. 72498
There is no such thing as virtue or honor for winners. Winners don't win with honor and virtue. These things are burdens. The art is to hold up apperances and burden the honest people with honor/virtue. Don't be so oblivious. I don't even care about Rome. It might as well be a fairy tale.
03/16/16 (Wed) 03:10:49 No. 72499
You are confusing morality with what I am talking about, and subsequently what Jack Donovan was talking about.
Nowhere in my post did I say that being virtuous means being an honest person. You'd be surprised to learn that they thought exactly what you just typed. Stop using the modern definition of virtue for 30 seconds.
03/16/16 (Wed) 03:13:08 No. 72500
>ou'd be surprised to learn that they thought exactly what you just typed.
No, I wouldn't be surprised.
03/16/16 (Wed) 03:19:26 No. 72502
Nobody thinks of virtus upon the word "honor". It still doesn't change the fact that it's silly. It's just yet another social bullshit where you need to adapt.
>You'd be surprised to learn that they thought exactly what you just typed.
No, I wouldn't. And that defeats the entire purpose of its existence. It's a construct of lies.
03/16/16 (Wed) 04:00:49 No. 72505
Why shouldn't one make a tulpa? I read that it's like "enslaving" a portion of your soul and that "it'll end up trying to kill you," or that it's "basically a poltergeist."
Do tulpas accompany you when you pass away into the astral, since they're a part of your soul?
I personally wouldn't mind being a tulpa myself, and I'd imagine it'd be super fucking intimate to be bound at the soul with my loving creator, and I think most tulpas agree.
If this means no more incarnations, then who cares! I have my friends with me!
Something tells me though this is poor for spiritual development, however. But some things, I believe, precede that.
03/16/16 (Wed) 04:33:08 No. 72506
It's not a construct of lies, but a collection of rituals practiced by those of a higher caste than most. So instead of stabbing each other in the streets like plebs, they agree to apply that bloodthirsty energy towards something greater. It's the difference between killing someone you are competing against in the most earthly nature versus a more divine competition.
03/16/16 (Wed) 07:15:33 No. 72511
That's right. If you decided not to "be a dick" and end up in that bottom panel, you'd still get stabbed.
Not to say you should be stabbing people randomly because "honor don't real", but if someone's going to stab you, don't back down.
03/16/16 (Wed) 08:19:04 No. 72514
ebin strawman
there's no objective metric for morality, but sure most people would like to live in a society where they aren't assaulted or robbed so we call actions that cause harm "immoral"
03/16/16 (Wed) 11:01:38 No. 72518
People in civilized societies look out for one another so they don't wind up stabbing each other in the back. If you want total freedom from morals and a structured society, why don't you go to Africa?
This "social bullshit" like honor is what makes communities great and keeps people trustful of one another. The point of that image was that if people adopt this attitude that everyone will do anything to get ahead, trust breaks down and you wind up with a community where people don't even help each other anymore. By putting your own needs and wants over those of your community, you're betraying the people that provided for you.
03/16/16 (Wed) 12:04:47 No. 72520
03/16/16 (Wed) 14:07:15 No. 72524
I'm starting to get the impression that there may be nothing wrong with having a tulpa but rather those who have negative experiences with tulpas don't exactly lead emotionally stable lives.
Thus negative entities are able to influence the tulpa more greatly than directly influcing the actual person, so they distort the tulpa and really harm the user in the process.
If one is able to lead a good life while transmuting negative emotions then there really shouldn't be an issue, hypothetically.
03/16/16 (Wed) 15:58:03 No. 72526
How can I learn how to effectively create, charge, and use sigils?
03/16/16 (Wed) 16:55:18 No. 72528
I recommend reading the first bunch of chapters from Advanced Magick for Beginners. It describes all that stuff better than anywhere else imo and its really easy to read.
03/16/16 (Wed) 17:27:09 No. 72530
I know significant part of the board have been living on juices from fruits and/or vegetables for a long time. Are there some do's and dont's that you discovered over the time?
Generally it all comes down to good/bad combinations. Some are good, some bad, do you have some kind of list for this stuff?
- supposedly taking fruits in liquid form confuses the fuck out of body and the juice should be held in mouth for a while so that the body recognizes what the hell you're putting in it
- sweet, half-sweet and sour fruits shouldn't go together
- melons is a whole separate group
- apples and bananas are special cases and different rules work on them
- when drinking fruit juice it should be preceded by taking at least one small bite of the respective fruit
- half of the good stuff, including fiber, is missing from the juice
- a lot of foods, including eg. kale shouldn't go with white/green tea
- list goes on
03/16/16 (Wed) 17:56:35 No. 72531
I'm skeptical on fruits. They're basically nature's candy.
03/16/16 (Wed) 19:10:12 No. 72534
unlike candy, most of them are composed of over 90% water and fiber
03/16/16 (Wed) 23:35:34 No. 72545
Wait tips on "being a wizzard" plz
03/17/16 (Thu) 00:23:54 No. 72550
I still can't find any good book about runes. All i see is new age bullshit.
They're so hard to craft as some people say? They really need the geometric golden ratio?
I want to craft some, because i don't like any other physical magic item.
03/17/16 (Thu) 00:46:43 No. 72554
consume monomeals, i.e. 6 oranges or apples, as you said dont combine sub acid, acid, melons, or sweet fruits together, buy organic only (most fruits get sprayed like hell with poison) and don't use any chemicals to wash them so you consume beneficial bacteria, don't overeat (you should feel like you could do some sprints or a weight workout right after you finish your meal), the only vegetables that you should really consume are salad greens (vegetables low in indigestible cellulose), consider doing a 3-4 week water fast once per year to accelerate detoxification and healing from decades of abuse cause by standard dietary practices
03/17/16 (Thu) 01:50:30 No. 72559
>don't masturbate
>try out different diets for spiritual shit
>either download the books recommended or buy them
>don't be a faggot
>don't associate with wiccans at all or choas wizards until you've master the basics
03/17/16 (Thu) 02:11:05 No. 72560
Just to update, i've found a book about Galdr and verbal rune.
It's not what i want, but still pretty steresting.
Galdr – singing or reciting of magical chants. This practice is based on the Knowledge of the Runes, which explains the division of the Nordic magic into seidr and galdr. Today, that would signify ritual music through specific laws of rhythm and harmony. Using poluphony was always a trait of magical music (let us not forget Christan chorals). It can also be achieved by saying the names of the Runes in a particular way – by vibrating.
I was thinking about make a "sigil" rune and charge it with verbal rune magic, what you guys think about it?
03/17/16 (Thu) 03:06:03 No. 72563
And I can get both water and fiber from other sources. It's the sugars and carbs (or to your body, sugar) that I have a problem with.
03/17/16 (Thu) 05:20:34 No. 72566
What happens to good/experienced wizards when they die? Is there a reincarnation? Is there an ascension? What are the mecahnics of either of the two possibilities?
03/17/16 (Thu) 06:32:02 No. 72570
What's /fringe/'s view on pedophilia? Why is it wrong in a magickal sense, and what happens in the afterlife to pedophiles?
03/17/16 (Thu) 06:57:23 No. 72571
Dude, we're not christians sheeps. You do what you want, the only judge is your moral.
03/17/16 (Thu) 07:49:58 No. 72575
YEAH M8 lets ruin childhood just because "DO WHAT THOU WILT"
03/17/16 (Thu) 08:05:10 No. 72577
He asked about afterlife, your idiot.
03/17/16 (Thu) 09:05:43 No. 72582
fact of the matter is, the only judge is god. not "your own moral"
who r u
wo the fuk are you! im a nyc school graduate sucka! and school of visual arts!
03/17/16 (Thu) 10:02:40 No. 72589
So, what's "god" and how can he judge you?
Visual arts. kek
03/17/16 (Thu) 13:07:33 No. 72595
>food synergies
I have various good quality white/green tea leaves. When I drink it 30 minutes after a meal, it almost always causes some bowel movement. It makes me wonder whether it's even a good thing. Does it simply force all food I ate out or what? That would be fucked up, to waste so much food. I hope it just cleanses the bad stuff. White tea gives me heaviness in solar plexus area and I never know how to interpret that shit
03/17/16 (Thu) 15:07:30 No. 72599
>White tea gives me heaviness in solar plexus area
Have you considered it might be indigestion?
03/17/16 (Thu) 17:56:04 No. 72605
Oh fuck
>Symptoms of indigestion may include upper abdominal fullness
I thought the heaviness was caused by moving the diaphragm down as I started exercising true breathing. The fullness/heaviness is in the diaphragm area. I guess I'll put the tea away
03/17/16 (Thu) 19:25:36 No. 72609
>what you need to is to get in trance but not to send spirits to manipulate her energy to direct to yours, but to simply dissect her energy and yours and become completely aware of the relation they stand in. you need to become fully aware why you love her and why she doesn't love you. once you know that, you'll NATURALLY connect to her in a way she'll love you back because she'll subconsciously see you fit in her. you'll get in the social flow and start talking to her and in minutes the lower and higher layers of both of you will start "fitting" each other.
I wanna use this to stop loving someone. I mentally dislike this person but I seem to have to work with her.
>I just wish it wasn't so hard to get them, it's not something the average person can instantly achieve or get good at.
as a kid my sister told me to control my dreams and i instantly did.
want it hard enough and it'll happen in a day
get a physical book
03/17/16 (Thu) 21:12:29 No. 72613
god is everything
and your fate is really a matter of what you believe
03/17/16 (Thu) 21:29:15 No. 72614
Very good post.
Atkinson says that you'll go through the death process as everybody else, but you will wake up after your deep sleep.
I don't see how this is relevant to magic, but there was (and possibly are) "satanic" groups that molest children. /x/ has more info on this.
I don't see how it is wrong in the magickal sense besides invading free will, and there's no "consequences" in the afterlife like christianity leads you to believe. You may suffer for invading others free will, but nothing you can't escape if you truly understand what you've done.
"God" does not judge, he simply is. The only "judge" is the laws of the universe, which are biased towards nobody. See my post above for more analysis.
>people calling THE ALL "god"
03/18/16 (Fri) 01:37:39 No. 72624
I know, the blood guy does not…
Really, if anyone here think that god is the old guy who sit on a chair and choose who goes to "paradise" and "hell", please, get the fuck out of here.
03/18/16 (Fri) 01:47:18 No. 72626
Caffeine stimulates contractions in your stomach and intestines, that's why it makes you poop. You said you have indigestion here >>72605 , so the caffeine in the tea forces out the shit stuck in your colon. Eat more soluble fiber and less (or not any, if possible) processed foods.
03/18/16 (Fri) 02:51:59 No. 72630
>but you will wake up after your deep sleep.
Elaborate, I didn't read his book on reincarnation.
03/18/16 (Fri) 03:58:29 No. 72631
I also have not read that book, but I believe the following is what he explains in The Arcane Teaching
>astral body hangs around for a bit
>you enter a deep sleep
>you live through every possible scenario of your life in a dream state from worst to best
you either
disintegrate and your matter is put back into THE ALL and reused (not reincarnation, death)
>you achieved enlightenment either during your lifetime, during one of your dream scenarios, or from divine intervention from a higher being before your sleep
>you wake up from your deep sleep and live within the astral
I have also heard that you can reincarnate after death if you are enlightened, or if you already were capable of it (you chose to reincarnate. I think you'd know due to having natural power over your personality)
03/18/16 (Fri) 08:00:41 No. 72635
>The Seven Cosmic Laws. March 1931. (Published posthumously in 2011)
I want to read this book, it's probably the very last one Atkinson wrote. Does anyone have a copy? Link?
03/18/16 (Fri) 12:42:04 No. 72642
You should read The New Psychology Its Message, Principles and Practice by WWA instead.
03/18/16 (Fri) 20:16:52 No. 72657
>possible scenario of your life in a dream state
from what I read I though it meant you live out all of your baser desires to the fullest then dissipate once you have exhausted your desires.
unless of course you desired a higher idea and reincarnate to fulfill it.
maybe I'm wrong but just my interpretation
03/18/16 (Fri) 20:41:36 No. 72659
That sounds more accurate, now that you mention it. If you did live through every possible scenario of your life, you'd be enlightened in at least one of them. But if it's based on desires, and mundanes never desired to achieve enlightenment, they wouldn't achieve it.
03/18/16 (Fri) 21:41:53 No. 72661
>Eat more soluble fiber
I'm getting contradictory information about beans, legumes, nuts and seeds. Do they contain soluble fiber or not?
So you're saying heaviness in upper stomach is okay and I should just eat more soluble fiber?
I don't eat processed foods at all, but I always do eat stuff like wholemeal bread or nuts, even peanut butter, which seem to have unsoluble fiber…
Possible Revision to the Rules ## Board Owner 03/18/16 (Fri) 22:57:51 No. 72666
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
2. Actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET).
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/).
5. Make requests for books, material, etc. in a pre-existing thread (such as a requests/libraries general or the question thread or any other thread).
Should I add in this rule 5?
Should I change rule 2 to this new rule, or would that make it impossible to post some threads that are quite alright?
Should I remove rule 3 if I change rule 2 to presenting substantial information or will people find ways around this?
I am considering adding in rule 5 after seeing this shit thread: >>>/fringe/72593
03/19/16 (Sat) 00:17:06 No. 72670
I could but I need to get a method downpat to check out what your sigil even does, what intention it was made for, before I go charging sigils like yours at random.
Use the sexual energy consciously and purposefully. You are lucky and fortunate to have such a massive build-up of energy. Now try running up all that nerve-force through the various centres of your body and invoking the correspondences and repurposing the energy towards whatever you want.
It will if you don't have any kind of sexual stimulation long enough.
Around you right now are all these thoughtforms or to be more specific what Franz Bardon would call "larvae". They have formed around you automatically and correspond with the emotions you've felt throughout your day and a little from the previous days and so on.
Depending on the strength of the emotions and the general astral-environment you are resonating on right now and what kind of neutralizing currents might be present, they will last a couple hours to a couple days, typically.
Eventually though, you will observe (if clairvoyant) that they give way to other stuff and die off. The sex-charged thoughts will fade away without sustenance and you will have thoughts of sex impressed into your mind at random a lot less.
Me personally, I'm strong enough to commit to anything, and actually carry it out. Porn can't break me. It won't even arouse me if I am determined that it shall not.
Practice Raja Yoga. This will strengthen your will greatly to endure and resist anything. Eventually you won't feel that you are resisting anything, everything is too easy, nothing holds power over you, your thoughts and feelings are deliberate and willed.
One easy way to break this cycle of lust is to just fap to nothing everytime you want to fap. Then try and will yourself hard again like an hour or two later and fap again. Fap yourself into a state of total boredom with fapping. Repeat as many times as needed and avoid porn.
You may also want to combine this though with a long period of constant exposure to pornography but don't do anything. Just look. Eventually you become desensitized and don't react.
In a more advanced stage though you can rapidly turn on and off and control in very fine detail all these aspects of sexuality.
Not remembering in the morning? The only way I can tell I'm asleep is that everything is more real and vivid than the physical plane. I'm fully conscious on the astral all the time.
Holding onto energy creates blockages I have found. Trying the stifle the river… oh it can be done but it's rarely a good idea to do this. What one ought to do however is to consciously direct the flow of the river.
Concerning sexuality and the orgasm, we ought to take it one step up at a time, into its higher and higher phases. We may transmute the desire to fap into a desire to fuck a succubus, and from a succubus the desire for an even higher expression of sexuality, and so on and then entirely away from that which is generally recognized as sex, until one is free to direct their energy to any creative purpose whatsoever.
Fapping to porn should be at best a temporary thing, to build-up oneself to the next stage, wizards should not be cucking themselves with porn when they can do so much more.
You're going to have to define "angel" first, it's one of that those terms that means a hundred different things to different people.
>tfw no /fit/ chaotee GF to give the D after working out really hard and going through the IoT curriculum with
This thread was created as a stickied thread btw, you seem to think a pre-existing shitty thread was made into a sticky.
>nobody is going to get to read that either because as I got done I wanted to be absolutely sure that the thread was indeed locked so I promptly clicked send and closed the tab to reopen it to see if the text really wasn't posted, and guess what, it wasn't!
Why don't you write everything in text editor and also save your notes as you make them? That's what I do. In this way you get a large accumulation of notes and you don't lose anything with 8chan goes full retard.
03/19/16 (Sat) 01:34:31 No. 72672
Just a term used long ago for some class of entities. It doesn't really matter who they were. If you really want to know, you're going to have to develop a technique to get information out of the past, and to test that information is accurate, and then focus on the original authors from long ago that wrote about the nephilim, and learn from them what they were. If you're big into history you might do this… but otherwise I don't see the point? Chances are that whatever the nephilim are, they're probably still around, under a new/different name.
I need more details about what you are trying to do. I don't really want to help you but I also know that even if I tell you exactly what to do, you won't be able to do it without first developing yourself in ways that, will probably make you drop your infatuation and decide upon a more noble path to work your desires upon.
I read through all the evocational shit, there is a goetic spirit for this you could use, and the several other evocational practices that have pantheons of spirits all usually have at least one spirit archetype that details with love-related stuff like that.
You do not really need to know any of that though. You can literally just do the following:
1. Designate a space in which you want to work, clean it, remove all distractions, burn incense and follow the incense with the imagination intending it clears out the air on the physical, mental, and astral planes.
2. Equip yourself with robes and other implements if you have them and they have been blessed, enchanted, etc. as needed if you want to be extra prepared. If you need to know how to do blessing, enchantments, imbuing, etc. see IIH or just ask me.
3. Have a very clear intent beforehand, your demands should be written on the best paper you have, carefully; and you must visualize the paper and the words for hours until you have an exact astral copy of it which overlaps the physical copy. aka know what you want
4. Start filling up a smaller area in with white-light or a basic form. Intensify it, vibrate it, make it swirl, etc. whatever is needed to make the light grow stronger in filling up the area. Alternately tense and relax as you release emotions and intent into the thing. Call up the spirit into the form, letting it abide within it, and shape it further to a proper form.
5. Present your demands and begin bargaining with the spirit until you both agree on something.
There's lots more to consider as far as protections, different variations of the above steps, what is a good deal to make, how to gain the respect of the spirits and present yourself with authority, etc.
If you want to simplify it:
>just look at any clearing
>concentrate some kind of imagined fog there of any colour you want and intensify your emotions
>shape it roughly into a form corresponding with what you think the entity should look like
>wait for the details to fill in automatically without you thinking about it, this expectation/intention will cause it to happen
>pretty quickly you have a spirit before you
>start talking with it and trying to learn from it, get it do things for you, etc.
>usually they just want loosh to do things for you
In your case ask the spirit to teach you about mental influence and love dynamics and to procure or direct you to any material, be it astral/channelled books, or books in this world, to help with that process, as well as have it straight up talk to you and show you things and teach you.
You may also want to look into cultivating personal magnetism and developing yourself more so that you become irresistible to pretty much all people. The more things you have to draw in others, the more everyone will love you.
Also if you can get a person to hate you or pay any kind of attention to you really, it's not so hard to transmute those feelings and redirect their attention in way that makes them fall in love with you. Whatever you hate you are in great danger of falling in love with; and vice versa.
03/19/16 (Sat) 01:34:56 No. 72673
You should be able to find what you're looking for in here: >>>/asatru/9731!fIchVA7Y!owKwAgGKq9pgXrbVOnkeag (now added in the sticky also).
…or in The Temple of Solomon:!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ
Some entities will do this. Sometimes it's because of how they change your aura and thought atmosphere in general so you no longer resonate with the same people as before, sometimes they are protecting you from shitty people, sometimes the entity is jealous and doesn't want to share you, etc. lots of different things happen.
I have listened to hours of binaural beats, at various volumes, with various headsets, and done lots of different things with them. They did nothing at all for me, in all cases, and I suspect they probably only work on people of lower consciousness such as those that don't know they dream or who have weak imaginations or who are especially easy subjects for the kind of entrancement where their own soul is displaced temporarily and a different entity takes over and they have no recollection of what happens. In other words, I think binaural beats, if they work at all… work best on people who are underdeveloped. I haven't found a practical use for them, they don't seem to influence me at all.
There's lots of binaural beats on youtube and some of the libraries also have it, just look through some of the really big libraries, and search for mp3 or other file extensions to do with audio or video.
03/19/16 (Sat) 02:24:50 No. 72674
I need to write up a whole thread to address your question and also want to do a little more research but I can still answer you from what I know already which is a hell of a lot.
Most curses mind you happen in an automatic, unconscious fashion; aka peoples attitudes and thoughts about others and the suggestions they give and so on can undermine them and do all kinds of damage. They don't have to make a conscious effort to curse you. They might just get obsessed with you and imagine lots of things and keep hitting you with certain emotions and stuff the end result being that you are effectively cursed.
For now though I recommend you read Max Freedom Long - The Science of Miracles which you can find in the >>>/fringe/ library. It teaches you both how to curse and how to protect against curses. Look at the examples given and from that deduce the principle and then work with the principle to create your own solution.
There are many ways to be cursed (suffer from negative mental influence, atmospheres, attachments, etc.) and to protect against the same.
Nothing if you don't then imagine the sigil onto you or it doesn't grab the attention of others who then imagine it in their minds, create associations, and so on resulting in various effects.
If you tattoo the sigil and use the pain from doing so to reach trance state where you imagine the sigil and then begin programming it with the pain energy you're feeling using intentions and stuff, you can have a pretty powerful sigil on your body, that can do all manner of things.
Anything can be a sigil and some sigils are designed to be obscured so the intentions and purpose sets into the subconscious where it undergoes further mentation there undisturbed by the conscious mind.
Easiest way to set this into motion is through a state of confident expectation concerning your sigil that is held for whatever duration feels necessary until it's set and you can turn your conscious mind to other things.
It's very easy, tense yourself up for a moment and project thoughts to other posters while writing things, then relax again and be like a sponge that receives whatever comes back. Get a huge shitposting folder like this one and practise on boards like >>>/4chon/ and then go raid other boards with high concentrations of easily emotionally aroused people.
You can also mentally shitpost at people offline too, that's what all the gain-stalking and "crazy voices in the head" and so on shit is about, just keep projecting your thoughts at others with more and more intensity and then soak up what they respond with.
There are more advanced loosh farming techniques but they can kill people and if any higher intelligences be they human psychic adepts or whatever happen to detect you and find out what you're doing they are likely to get really mad and #wreck you.
There is a certain degree of energy vampirism that always happens in any interactions between people and you may read up on it in the last chapter of arcane formulas and in some of the other books by Atkinson. Mind Power should cover it.
You should also try to understand the very nature of energy and how it works, there's a chapter in Dynamic Thought that should help you, and you should also read Desire Power which is a section within the Personal Power book.
Food also is a source of loosh, eat well. The air too. Read up on Hatha Yoga and The Science of Breath or Vril Power .
Accessing the astral is easy, what particular way do you want to use the astral though? Anyways, a very strong desire and the basic formula given here: /fringe/faq.html (“Earnest Desire—Confident Expectation—and Firm Demand—these form the Triple Key of Occult Attainment.”) should do you fine.
03/19/16 (Sat) 02:29:27 No. 72675
Forgot to link this for the one anon into psychic vampirism.
Note you can also draw upon the energy from each image in there like a sigil. If you post it lots and people feel lots of feels towards it and recognize it well, it becomes a large energy reserve you can meditate upon and draw energy out of as needed, just don't deplete any of them too much or it will cease to have the usual effect on others, and besides each image can be invoked and used in different ways besides being a mere generic energy reserve.
03/19/16 (Sat) 14:19:05 No. 72690
Is it effective to simply charge the idea of the project that you are working?
Lets say I have project X. Would simply charging the main concentrated idea of it be enough for it to gain more momentum? Simply sending extra energy to it? Or do I have to go in detail about it?
Also, what is the threshold of energy sending? There seems to an idea of charging something like a sigil, and then forgeting it. How is this forgeting related to ongoing projects? Or should it only be used for single time events?
03/19/16 (Sat) 14:51:51 No. 72691
learn invisibility
they can't beat what they can't see
03/19/16 (Sat) 16:03:54 No. 72693
Did anyone raid a temple in egypt last night to meet a woman who gave immense truths with a rag tag gang of initiates from all walks of life?
03/19/16 (Sat) 18:51:06 No. 72700
I'm new to sigil magick, and I was wondering if it's a good idea to use a straight astrological symbol for banishing entities. I read the GOODS LBRP and it looks like they call upon the energies of Venus and Mars especially (the heart and the sword) to eradicate demons/foul spirits. So would it be wise to charge the sigil of mars or a union between the two (think the unisex symbol) with the intent of destroying a stubborn entity that just won't go away?
Will sudo rm -r -Venus -Mars /demon jus' werk better than a custom sigil/bindrune?
03/20/16 (Sun) 05:26:48 No. 72716
03/20/16 (Sun) 05:52:44 No. 72720
>bla bla bla
shut the fuck up
03/21/16 (Mon) 02:23:23 No. 72815
How do I develop contentment with the present?
How do I stay in the /now/?
03/21/16 (Mon) 02:50:17 No. 72818
I don' remember, so.thing about getting laid
03/21/16 (Mon) 02:54:02 No. 72820
What does /fringe/ think of Ophiel? I got his book on AP and it's badass, wondering if the others are worth picking up.
03/21/16 (Mon) 03:34:44 No. 72823
Try practicing all day awareness, helps with lucid dreams too
03/21/16 (Mon) 03:35:20 No. 72824
No I don't play MMO's tbh
03/21/16 (Mon) 13:59:46 No. 72906
What is the go-to book/resource for Astrology on Fringe?
Like, true OG astrology. Not this nauseatingly new age shit.
03/21/16 (Mon) 14:04:22 No. 72907
Have your phone remind you hourly to stat present. Or use a watch. Leave notes, repeat affirmayions like "I am present. I will contiue to be present." or whatever resonates with you.
03/21/16 (Mon) 17:30:53 No. 72923
astrology has always been shit
03/21/16 (Mon) 17:37:27 No. 72924
⛧Mad⛧Scientist⛧ 03/21/16 (Mon) 20:51:57 No. 72930
soon i will be starting college to learn Information Technology im going to go into cyber security, whats some good incantations/rituals/suggestions to power up my desire to learn it and integrate all this knowledge into my mind?
i know alot of you guys on here are college dudes
03/21/16 (Mon) 22:29:01 No. 72943
I'm in my second year of college. So far it hasn't been anything too difficult and I haven't needed to use any of that stuff to remember it. After all the schoolwork I still have more free time than I ever did in high school or working a job.
Just study and do your work and you should have no problem.
03/22/16 (Tue) 00:15:57 No. 72952
sage 03/22/16 (Tue) 01:05:17 No. 72955
You maggot, take the time to ctrl+f "loosh"
03/22/16 (Tue) 05:16:44 No. 72969
>They don't have to make a conscious effort to curse you. They might just get obsessed with you and imagine lots of things and keep hitting you with certain emotions and stuff the end result being that you are effectively cursed.
im pretty sure this is whats happened in my case
the vampire is using it to feed their own energy need and just attached to me and im not disciplined enough to get rid of it because i get manipulated every time I try
03/23/16 (Wed) 00:00:47 No. 73032
CSGO server I frequent is filled with entities masquerading as human players. They consistently drive innocent mundanes to madness and despair through mental attacks.
They've attacked me as well with mixed results, I don't let it get to me and I've been trying to reach a common ground with these entities in order to gain insight into the machinations that compel them.
They recognize my awareness of them and consistently sling insults and curses my way , pink eye , cockroaches , mild things like that. Not to mention playing in concert with one another to produce some interesting results.
These entities don't seem wholly malicious and I believe there is purpose to their actions , however heavy handed it may be.
It seems this has become more common of late and I was wondering if anyone else has noticed similar occurrences in games?
03/23/16 (Wed) 00:20:04 No. 73033
paranoid idiot
stop playing video games, you manchild
03/23/16 (Wed) 00:24:38 No. 73035
03/23/16 (Wed) 02:23:47 No. 73040
What monsters can do I have a chance of encountering in the wilderness around the world?
03/23/16 (Wed) 03:10:46 No. 73043
Not really worth its own thread, but pertains to magick in the sense that its an energy system that does not fit within materialist world view - what is /fringe's view on Orgone energy and Orgonite?
03/23/16 (Wed) 03:54:08 No. 73048
Skin walkers
rape apes
elements similar to fae but less evolved
local indian deities
03/23/16 (Wed) 03:55:26 No. 73049
the question was if there was a chance of encoutnering them…
03/23/16 (Wed) 03:57:13 No. 73050
sure I encounter rape apes in the ghetto all the time
they are always eating friend chicken and watermelon
But for actually "monsters" it's unlikely unless your attuned to see them
03/23/16 (Wed) 04:07:14 No. 73052
>>>/x/ for non-metaphysical questions. This boards mostly about self improvement and enlightenment. You can either go to /x/ and take your luck with the shitty roleplayers there, or get good at detecting disinfo or meditate on creatures existence.
I thought fairies only existed in the astral as earth elementals?
03/23/16 (Wed) 04:13:42 No. 73053
It depends on who you listen too
then you have those who use myth and story as guidance for these entities
03/23/16 (Wed) 05:27:25 No. 73062
to evoke goetic demons do I need to have a circle and a triangle and all that stuff? or can i just do it with a sigil
03/23/16 (Wed) 06:32:17 No. 73074
Does anybody know how to induce schizophrenia.
03/23/16 (Wed) 06:33:09 No. 73075
force your thrid eye open
03/23/16 (Wed) 06:33:37 No. 73076
The brass vessel that holds them is our mind, whatever works.
03/23/16 (Wed) 06:34:04 No. 73077
03/23/16 (Wed) 06:36:28 No. 73078
I was into orgone for a while but it is psuedo science, nothing much to get out of it.
03/23/16 (Wed) 06:36:43 No. 73079
03/23/16 (Wed) 07:05:41 No. 73082
Let me stop you right there.
You don't want to induce schizophrenia. You can open your third eye safely and get all the benefits schizophrenia apparently has (such as better visualization). If you try to induce schizophrenia, you will hurt yourself mentally. Schizophrenia is what happens when you do have much more power than you can handle, and you can absolutely induce it if you're not careful.
03/23/16 (Wed) 07:52:27 No. 73089
I have broken my third eye before, it is my favorite form of spirituality. A compete dread of evil aliens bent on eternal suffering of humans, it makes life so small in a way
03/23/16 (Wed) 11:25:11 No. 73128
Has anyone here or does anyone here know of a method whereby I may efficiently, preferably within 15 minutes to a half hour, accumulate an excess charge of vital force into an object or water or something, and then consume or otherwise touch it to myself to shock myself with all the vital energy in it knocking myself out? I want to do this to get a good night's sleep and heal lots.
03/23/16 (Wed) 14:30:01 No. 73137
How does egoism work? If thoughts are things people thinking they're superior to everyone else should be superior to everyone else but most of the time they seem like assholes. I have problems staying humble and i notice people indirectly letting me know that…
03/23/16 (Wed) 15:32:42 No. 73148
I've been having a lot of success lately with my daily magical endeavours (which is amazing btw I'm very happy), but I've started to notice that every time I pull off some visualization or intent-related manifestation (including sigils), the next day I have some pain or other (pulled muscles and such). Is this related at all? Any literature I should be reading regarding this?
Please keep in mind I work out and eat healthy. I'm not overweight or have any conditions that I know of. I'm a 29 year old non-smoker.
03/23/16 (Wed) 17:36:14 No. 73152
shut the fuck up, you bullshit "occultist" and stop polluting this place
03/23/16 (Wed) 17:57:51 No. 73161
Hypothetically, if you were to commit suicide using a method that directly contradicts the survival instinct, how would you make sure that your will remains iron enough to go through with it without pussying out? Assume that you have no access to drugs.
03/23/16 (Wed) 19:50:04 No. 73171
03/23/16 (Wed) 20:21:48 No. 73175
There any sort of ritual or magic bag or whatever the fuck that'll force me to be more motivated to complete my goals without consuming me or any loved ones of course
03/23/16 (Wed) 22:08:23 No. 73180
So can anybody help me?
03/23/16 (Wed) 22:49:33 No. 73185
never mind, problem seems to have sorted itself out (albeit thanks to one of you fags)
03/24/16 (Thu) 18:30:32 No. 73302
Hello, I'd like to get into scrying, or other forms of future prediction (preferably not tarot). Can anyone recommend me some good starting points? Books, guides, mentors, anything?
Thanks in advance.
03/24/16 (Thu) 21:05:34 No. 73311
>be me
>be fapping for long while
>see this
>cum instantly
Greenpill me on occult symbolism and pornography. Why do I keep seeing stuff like the eye of providence and other things on the bodies of the men and women in this stuff.
03/24/16 (Thu) 21:09:29 No. 73312
Read William Walker Atkinson's Psychomancy book. It works for me, I have actually done the stuff in the book and got results. I did require preparation though doing various stuff in Initiation Into Hermetics and other basic stuff to develop myself beforehand but once you're ready, this book will enable you to do what you want, and without any vagueness; when I have got results with this it was all spot-on and hyper accurate in every detail.
03/24/16 (Thu) 21:12:59 No. 73313
Possibly better screencap.
03/25/16 (Fri) 01:53:25 No. 73327
How do you atone for a (very bad) magical mistake? My intent wasn't malevolent per se, but it was selfish and it was destructive.
03/25/16 (Fri) 02:36:10 No. 73328
03/25/16 (Fri) 03:08:36 No. 73333
If your egotism is unfounded others will pick up on the pretense that you yourself fail to recognize
You have to look at yourself from more angles.
03/25/16 (Fri) 03:12:04 No. 73334
I recommend a properly sized bungee cord
03/25/16 (Fri) 03:16:20 No. 73335
Disconnect from the world entirely. Don't bother resenting it, that's still a connection. It helps if something traumatic happens that makes you step back and say "fuck literally everything".
When that happens, some weird shit goes down and something replaces it. You end up understanding what all of those people with their seemingly incoherent rambles were trying to say.
Interests in extra-"real" things should naturally follow, maybe, I don't know.
Full schizophrenia probably sucks, though. Always maintain a measure of control and have some back-up material comfort that can re-immerse you in reality if you really need to be re-immersed. Something comforting I guess. Don't bother analyzing the shit out of that one thing because if you do, you might lose your only escape hatch.
mint 03/25/16 (Fri) 05:16:36 No. 73337
I found this website called and it has this technique where you make an okay sign and pull against the inside of it with the opposite finger to "channel your instincts" and indicate an answer to a question. I've found it quite useful. However I suspect that this is more of a vegetative/material/body/lower-self type of unconscious mind being accessed, as opposed to one that operates symbolically and is supramundane. Any tips on aquiring genuine intuition?
mint 03/25/16 (Fri) 05:52:52 No. 73338
I've been doing a lot of thinking and reading lately, and I've been doing a lot of intentional paradigm shifting as a result. Now I'm starting to feel like I'm going insane. Taking full responsibility for your mind is scary stuff.
I'm not having any actual psychotic symptoms, though I've been noticing other people misperceiving situations all the time in rather mundane ways. Cognitive distortions everywhere.
Any tips on not going insane and leveraging this experience?
03/25/16 (Fri) 09:50:25 No. 73349
If I recall the Book of Knowledge has a method of interfacing with the higher self, additionally developing the crown chakra would yield the divine intuition you claim to seek.
Remember that we are essentially the next step in humanity's spiritual evolution and keep your goal of ascension clear in sight. Wizards aren't obvious to the mundane eye as they appear to be normal functioning members of society yet we know that we function alongside the mundane world rather than existing as one of its cogs.
In other words you'll get used to it and will eventually start making threads about purging mundanes when you get fed up with their ignorance.
03/25/16 (Fri) 09:51:35 No. 73350
In "The Arcane Formulas" By W.W.A, Atkinson states that if you meet someone with a a higher degree of positive will than you, you should not overlap positivity but instead deny their positive will and push your own, lowering the degree of their positive will. Why is this? Would it not be beneficial to create positive will between you, or is this to stop conflicting ideas of what is positive?
03/25/16 (Fri) 13:49:51 No. 73359
This is "positive" and "negative" in a sense that has nothing to do with "good" and "bad".
03/25/16 (Fri) 13:50:56 No. 73360
If you feel any guilt for what you did, believe me, you will atone for it until the guilt is gone. You need not seek out atonement at all; your subconscious will do things to you to make you suffer for what you did. You can read up on this in The Science of Miracles by Max Freedom Long.
03/25/16 (Fri) 13:56:43 No. 73364
How do people even feel guilt in the first place?
03/25/16 (Fri) 15:22:50 No. 73369
Step 1: Not being a psychopath
03/25/16 (Fri) 15:24:11 No. 73370
Sounds like crabs in a bucket mentality.
03/25/16 (Fri) 15:34:17 No. 73372
Not so. I'm not the other guy but since I've "awakened" I realized I don't feel guild because I'm doing things consciously - hence I take responsibility -, but whatever mistake is because of a factor over which I didn't have control. Eventually I'll control every factor around me, then responsibility will be all mine, but as I don't doubt my intentions when I start any action, I'm not taking blame (the negative emotion you get from enjoying something you shouldn't).
As anon says, this is not a "good" and "bad" speech. Positive and negative determine only who's in charge, who commands and who obeys; and as a wizard your goal is to maintain control over yourself at every moment. This is the highest form of the saying "your freedom ends where other's starts".
03/26/16 (Sat) 10:29:02 No. 73461
There is simple, easily repeatable proof of how hydrolysis works (go and Google that word, Americans, you don't know what that is). It is straightforward to prove it for anyone by just following very short and simple instructions.
Honest question: why isn't there such proof for anything magical?
Consider this: you're all giving more meaning than due to an ancient and obsolete symbolic system of philosophical thought just because you couldn't find such meaning in your lives, and you seek to have an effect on the world through a method that is safe and isolationist because you lack the social and financial skills to interact with the world in a normal way. This normal way enables millions of people every day to affect the world and each other's lives in a vastly more meaningful manner than your make-believe "magic" ever will.
Aren't you afraid you will reach the end of your only life and realize you've lived it in self-delusion and contempt for your fellow humans only to disappear into nothingness without leaving anything of worth behind?
What do your parents think of the life you lead?
Are you truly prepared to live the rest of your life as a virgin, without having known what it is to love? To really love, not to pretend you know what it is through "magic".
An advice: focus all the energy (real physical energy) you spend reading fantasy books into getting into college (it doesn't matter what kind of job you have, you can always save money if you put your mind to it, think of it as a kind of magic), and getting a degree that can in turn give you a much better life than you will ever get sitting in your room playing mind games.
Anon you don't have to live in this darkness you've accustomed yourself to. The sun comes up every day not to judge you, but as an invitation for you to get out there and do something with your life. It will be waiting for you to be ready to give up your games and becone an adult up until your last day.
Your life is waiting on you.
03/26/16 (Sat) 10:51:30 No. 73464
Honest question: why isn't there such proof for anything magical?
because magick is based on belief as said a hundred times over here if you'd read the board
>you're all giving more meaning than due to an ancient and obsolete symbolic system of philosophical thought just because you couldn't find such meaning in your lives
yes goyim ignore studies and teachings people dedicated their life too, you only believe them because your life sucks!
>What do your parents think of the life you lead?
who cares?
>Are you truly prepared to live the rest of your life as a virgin, without having known what it is to love? To really love, not to pretend you know what it is through "magic".
you can do magic and not be celibate you know. can you really not understand the concept of pleasures outside of what you're told is right?
>getting into college
college is an incredible scam these days and anybody who goes has deserved to waste all the money they sunk into it. >>>/pol/university
leave this place, shill. you will not fool anybody in these parts to leave although you've probably fooled me into giving you loosh . in this board lies the meaning of life, and those who are destined to arrive here will not be thrown off their path because of you.
03/26/16 (Sat) 11:43:31 No. 73467
I can't hook up with girls and not get emotionally attached. I met someone last night and i don't know whether it's love, or lust, but when i think of her i know i'd like to have her beside me. The problem is that im afraid of bonding further with her because i know that it's gonna end and that i'll possibly never see her again. I don't wanna get hurt, you know. Maybe i could use emotional transmutation but sometimes i feel like i shouldn't.
This is more of an story i felt a need to tell someone, but some input would also be nice. I don't know what to do, i'm confused. I love her, im just afraid of being sad i guess
03/26/16 (Sat) 12:21:43 No. 73468
wtf does this have to do with fringe. why is this place being overrun with mundanes
03/26/16 (Sat) 12:30:25 No. 73470
we're all friends, right?
. 03/26/16 (Sat) 13:17:19 No. 73473
03/26/16 (Sat) 14:49:33 No. 73484
Your comparison is somewhat gross; science IS about all things that are easily demonstrable, repeatable and empirical.
Magick in the other hand relies 99% in personal experience, there're no magickal recipes for anything.
For a valid comparison you should contrast magick with art, and I don't see people around saying "go on artists, show me your art is real". It just doesn't make sense.
In the other hand you have maths, you can get it demonstrated to the infinite in paper, but you'll never find a square root walking in the streets.
Ask for valid parameters, don't try to apply the scientific method outside of the scientific field.
03/26/16 (Sat) 14:52:56 No. 73485
Also I study medicine and lead a normal human life, but when you get to the end of the day you get a feeling that there's something else out there, and that you're missing it.
You are the one that's missing something, and when you're done with your normal, human, adult life, we'll be waiting for you.
Your life beyond life is waiting on you.
03/26/16 (Sat) 15:45:01 No. 73487
This is the one sensible answer. The only one that's not tainted by personal trauma and complexes.
Was triggered immensely because they need to sort out their personal mundane psychological affairs before they continue reading occult texts without understanding them.
It's especially sad to read:
>>What do your parents think of the life you lead?
>who cares?
I wasn't even farming for loosh. I was helping you know yourself better. Reflect on that, anon…
I've been reading the energy work guide on fringechan and I think you would benefit a lot from going through it, especially the parts about cleansing.
Anyway, I wish you success and good feefees no matter what path you choose to walk.
03/26/16 (Sat) 18:50:58 No. 73496
>I was helping you know yourself better. Reflect on that, anon…
no, you're not trying to help people. you're trying to make them doubt, and that is what inexcusable. you'll masquerade as "oh i only want to help!" but you'll gladly throw people off of the path to enlightenment because they don't align with your mundane ideals.
>It's especially sad to read:
>What do your parents think of the life you lead?
>who cares?
do you care about what people think of your life? why should anybody here care? what's more honorable, living a mundane life and then dying, or achieving enlightenment and becoming a god? what do you think your parents would be most proud of?
live your own life, preferably one that doesn't rely on shilling here
03/26/16 (Sat) 21:06:29 No. 73502
I've been having an issue with a very stubborn and very evil entity for a while now. I tried performing a modified and empowered version of the Grand Order of the Draco Slayers LBRP a few times, and, while I feel it works effectively of clearing debris, making the voices and terrible imagery more infrequent and improving my mood, it hasn't done shit at effectively banishing the entity. I have a few tulpas that've been hiding until now (because they're new), but I just thought of asking them to help me in banshing this monster with an actual pentagram ritual while they're still in their dreamworld/wonderland/local astral plane. (Previously I was asking them to gain their strength so that we could confront this thing head on while I was focusing on a white light and they on killing it with enchanted armor and weaponry.)
What would be a more effective ritual to perform with their help in a manner where they don't have to confront this thing directly?
I was thinking about using a pentagram ritual, and instead of infusing the energies of the pentagrams with Mars and Venus, I want to infuse it with that of Sol and have the pentagrams funnel a brilliant white light into my Aura.
Ideally, since this ritual is more effective in the astral, I want to know what the correct intent is to burn away any evil entities from my mind and aura, preferably putting them in a significant amount of pain or discomfort in order to leave.
Does anyone know why the hell a brilliant white light is most effective?
I'm new to this too, and I don't know how pentagrams work. My thought is that they're essentially energy-vaginas and suck up any essence put into them. Is this correct?
03/26/16 (Sat) 21:30:32 No. 73503
Ok so I have two things here.
1. How do I make a sigillite for discipline and responsibility I can put in my bedroom? I want to improve these elements of my life.
2. I am a bit curious about something I experienced today. It wasn't negative, if anything it was positive. But I was just listening to a single song, on repeat andat felt… Exhilarating. I was getting goosebumps all over my body, I felt energized and was singing along. It felt like I was making this bubble of energy around my body. It felt amazing. Is there a word for this kind of feeling or a phrase I could use? And an explanation of what it was that was happening.
tipp 03/27/16 (Sun) 09:42:26 No. 73529
One of the last subjects on my list to learn next to telekinesis, it's actually very much legit.
Planets and stars have their aura like your do and they interact with each others and yours constantly.
Make a few charts for people you know and read them, you'll see its very accurate.
tipp 03/27/16 (Sun) 09:44:21 No. 73530
1 it's better to repeat "I AM … " during deep meditation.
2 the song resonated with you and boosted your current 'you', your thoughts and ideas.
tipp 03/27/16 (Sun) 09:55:42 No. 73531
I've answered this four or five times in the last q threads.
If you read that and still have questions I'll help.
Being mature involves accepting all emotions and learning to deal with them. Feeling loss is just as good for your growth as victory is.
Keep at it and guide yourself to preferred future, align yourself with the goals you want to achieve to reach where you want to go.
Doing what you're doing can lead to chaos, you're evaluating possible futures without locking onto one meaning you pursue all of them, you contradict yourself in your actions. Decide what you want to do.
I agree very much with the others responses but sometimes it's not bad to sit in someone else's boat if your goals are the same.
What's being talked about is degrees of the mandate of heaven, divine right to rule, things just go your way, you get your way and everyone else bends their knee to your fate.
tipp 03/27/16 (Sun) 10:41:27 No. 73532
Wilhelm Reich* learned through observing the mechanics of Sex how to manipulate the subtle forces behind it, emotional energy he called Orgone which throughout history have been called Chi, Prana, Spirit, Loosh. Od, Vril..
[* ]
By stacking organic & inorganic materials he (without knowing it at the time) created an area of subtle energetic flux. People in the vicinity of this flux without explanation started experiencing health benefits, sickness, depression and cancers vanished and nobody really knew why.
Wilhelm placed this padding under a chair in a box and miraculously healed people.
The padding made out of wool & steel wool had the properties to (greatly*) impact the subtle universe, attracting & repelling the ether, the fabric of spirit upon which the material plane rests.
Causing a motion of 'something' using the mechanics of human sex.
[*All things material impact the "immaterial" (Immaterial being the high frequency vibration foundation *"created in the universes first moments of explosion & expansion*") just as the immaterial exerts force upon the material - Some things more than others]
Since I wrote this text I've come to realize it was there before the implosion explosion big bang. /end
Today we can draw upon the scientific progress made in the last five decades to further study what Wilhelm did, we can compare it to scientific discoveries and get a clearer picture.
With advanced photography (Kirlian Photography *) it has been established that the human body is surrounded by a biologic electromagnetic field**, an aura, centered at the heart extending a good 2-4 meters.
[* ]
[** & ]
Studies in biology and DNA suggest individual cell bio-EMF's, each cell have an individual artificially intelligent field*, (which all together align with the heart to create the much stronger whole field), communicating with the cells next in line, when this field is disturbed or damaged by radio pollution, radiation or sickness, they start coding faulty, causing cancers. When the cells aura/energy is spent it no longer has the capability to split and repair your body, by then you're knocking on deaths door (slow death & protein has been found able to renew cell vigor).
[* ]
Stacking inorganic and organic material creates an artificial ubiquitous movement in the surrounding area, it strengthens and replenishes the energetic body.
Wilhelm spent his late life in America, inventing, building cloudbusters, hypothesizing and chasing UFO's with Orgone weapons on the presidents order. Furthermore it is speculated that he was directly involved with the Roswell happening. Wilhelm Reich died in police custody and literal tonnes of his research papers were burned in a holocaust of knowledge.
The result was Orgonite.
Orgonite is made out of fiber glass, a produce manufactured sticky resin used to coat boats, it shares many properties with tree sap, which when hardens forms Amber. Amber have the metaphysical properties of attracting 'spirit' in large quantities, If you add to this Epoxy some metal filings they will repel 'spirit' (Orgone, Chi..) on a surplus of what the amber can absorb, creating a ubiquitous movement of spirit or/and an imprint upon the Ether.
>The goal
The goal of this project will be to determine the most suitable materials & the best resonating coils & shapes, for purpose of transmitting into the Ether the vibration of a mandala* corresponding to love, learning, peace, death, pain or sickness - With a continued goal of distributing these items (cheaply) and assembling an easy DIY guide.
[* A mandala is the visual representation of a high frequency vibration, a mandala typhically depicts higher vibrations such as 'love'. ]
perfect geometric coils without power.
tipp 03/27/16 (Sun) 10:41:39 No. 73533
Relevant links from last thread.
>Vortex math, Hail Rodin edition
>Article on Wilhelm Reich
>"How to make orgonite"
>Physics of Crystals
>Relevant site about Orgonite general with plenty about coils
>How major landmarks around the globe are connected.
>Science of consciousness (the little we know)
>A mandala is a 2d imprint of a vibration
>Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto
Shopping list.
>copper wire
>small amounts of gold/silver wire & dust
>iron wire & dust
>aluminum dust
>bucket of jewelry quality epoxy (fiber glass, manufactured tree resin)
>basic smelting kit
>various crystals, apache tears, moldavite, egyptian yellow tektite, quartz
>a geiger counter to be modified for measureíng orgone
>materials to create suitable mandala molds
>fume mask
>high performance magnets & buckyballs
The foundation of spirit has since the beginning of the universe molded the material
It is subtly poking at and aligning 'physical matter', according to its own shape, this spirit foundation is the driving force behind evolution, not just of biology but of atoms and stars. It is what decides the laws of our universe.
Spirit forces the material to align - Material exerts force/alignment upon Spirit.
Motion of spirit creates life/matter in its image - Vice versa; orgonite roughs up the Ether creating motion.
Spirit imprint is that of the material orgonite, if the orgonite is chaotic, the Ether will be filled with chaotic motion.
>Figure out what 2d imprint of a vibration would (and how it) transmit the best throughout the Ether.
Optimally we would want an print as close as possible to highest frequency vibration such as love, learning or evolution.
One can also seed the Ether with death and entropy.
If the Orgonite is potent enough it will resonate in the immediate surroundings and quell all other imprints/patterns/vibrations
Technically it doesn't generate loosh, after the Ether is roughed up it moves back in line with the high vib lineup and this excess motion impacts you for the better, energizing the area, replentishing and redistributing energy.
If the Ether is stale, for example if you live in concrete, void of organic life and plants it breeds an area of cancers, cells do not get enough loosh, start to shrivel up, die and error when exchanging information with the cells next in line, resulting in faulty programming, cells thinking they're some other cells > cancer
03/27/16 (Sun) 13:06:16 No. 73540
I'm interested in relation between body temperature and emotions. During energy work, when I get excited, and after emotional trance I get cold shivers and hot forehead. I blush and my face is burning in general. It's as if my internal temperature got disregulated or something. It feels like waking up before the usual waking hour. My hands become really cold, and I get this weird feverish sensation in them when washing them in warm water. I usually take 100% cold shower in situations like this and afterwards my internal/external temperature resets for some time (?) and I feel warm. Can anyone explain? The sensation is one of the worst things. It feels like being outside in winter while covered in hot sweat which is starting to freeze. And you get cold shivers. Or it's like being forced to take a shit in cold place while having a fever.
03/27/16 (Sun) 21:54:18 No. 73580
Anyone got the CSS elements from the old theme? I need to fix things… tfw don't know if I have the cursor and other pngs on this computer.
03/27/16 (Sun) 22:25:02 No. 73585
>ICANN shut it down
Spooky, anyone know what was on that page?
03/28/16 (Mon) 02:39:51 No. 73590
Checked & cheers for the info, my intuition has always kept me coming back to orgonite over the years but my rational / material self manages to sway me away from ever making / buying… ive just dropped some moneys on a few from ebay and will use these as a litmus as to if i start making my own etc.ddhnmp
03/28/16 (Mon) 04:01:38 No. 73592
From what I read, I also tried solar banishing, and while I feel better and have less extremely negative thoughts , it doesn't seem to work either. You want me to abandon my friends, which is not an option here. Even if they were corrupted, I would fight hard to win them over again. You don't abandon your friends.
Anyway, they're confirmed to be non-corrupted. I can judge from the emotions being sent. The only thing I haven't tried is the sixth pentacle of the sun. Any recommendations on how to visualize/charge such a complicated sigil?
What pre-made sigil would be the best for seeking out and destroying malevolent entities? Would a straight up use of the astrological symbol for Sol be an effective sigil for maintaining a cleansing-aura effect?
. 03/28/16 (Mon) 06:18:16 No. 73597
: FringeWizard
: Their system definitely looks lean
: It's possible they are vampiric, or are being heavily drained by a parasite. Also possible a physical ailment could be causing this sort of lean condition.
: I'm guessing they are vampiric, however.
: They seem decently healthy. If a bit ragged from how they are currently treating their self.
: Were you looking for something in particular, or a deeper explanation of something?
: Hmmm a deeper explanation would be good
: Most likely a restlessness from something missing in his life
: Or bad decisions made from an unclear mind leading to suffering
: And then the externalization of that suffering by weird behavior
Could be as simple as heartbreak, or from poor spiritual health. Could be a conflict with conditioning or it could be a trauma that he cannot let go.
03/28/16 (Mon) 06:41:46 No. 73598
Okay /fringe/
I've abandoned porn and masturbation. I am certain and confident about the decision, and I have a very clear idea about the nature of sexuality.
I understand that sexuality is NOT a vehicle for material pleasure. It's a vehicle for bonding and procreation. I got it all down except one:
What is the reason for wet dreams? Is it just your body overcharging, or is there more to the story? Is it true that the reason for wet dreams is because a succubus is trying to take away your loosh? Should I resist in a wet dream to not cum?
tipp 03/28/16 (Mon) 08:25:37 No. 73600
you can make new.
your attachment to these tulpa are unhealthy either way.
03/28/16 (Mon) 10:17:43 No. 73602
Wet dreams are result of your subconscious running maintenance during your sleep. Your subconscious allows succubi to visit you because in sleep, just like in waking reality, you're taking part in complex processes. You're part of something bigger just like cells in your fingers doing their job are part of your body.
Succubi in your dreams, except in extremely rare cases, are beings that consists of the matter of the subconscious. It means they're not sentient beings that know what they're doing. They're more like robots, or children, or simple cell organisms that are drawn to places where there is energy ready to be given out. When you go to sleep full of semen and horny, on another plane you're cloud of energy that is taking part in the same processes as everything else in nature. Other simple structures are interacting with your cloud, and rarely they're just one entity. You just metaphorize these processes in your mind's eye and see scenes of one girl. Whatever she says, are partially your interpretation of these processes, and partially crumbs of projections that come from you. It's usually like that even if her words make sense and even if it feels like she's one sentient being. She could be a mutation, a half-sentient being, or consist of elements of the subconscious that in the past used to be deranged and malicious. It would be rare, and even then it would be more likely that the succubi is your own thoughtform, part of you that detached and now plays the role of the succubi in your mind.
Your possible ancestors who didn't take part in these processes were more likely to die out, because they got prostate cancer from stagnation of semen or lack of release had other negative consequences, most likely psychological. That's why all your ancestors undergo these processes and so do you. It's important to point out, however, that:
a) a lot of processes like this are already obsolete in humans, and they're still there only because there was not enough time for them to disappear
b) as we humans become aware of these processes, we can exploit them to our advantage
03/28/16 (Mon) 10:22:02 No. 73603
I'm using word "cloud" to simplify things, but better descriptions would be four dimensional models of neural networks
03/28/16 (Mon) 11:18:58 No. 73606
>I understand that sexuality is NOT a vehicle for material pleasure. It's a vehicle for bonding and procreation. I got it all down except one:
You saying this is the straw that broke the camels back for me. It never clicked to me that sex is for bonding between 2 beings. So when I masturbate, I'm not bonding at all, or I'm bonding with an image of a girl that thousands of other men also give energy to.
Thanks man.
As far as I know, wet dreams are just your bodies way of cleaning itself out. It's like how you wake up with morning wood, your bodies just checking to make sure everythings working. Succubi probably leech onto this when they notice it.
I've never had a wet dream. Are you saying that if I stop fapping and never have a wet dream, I'll get cancer? Is masturbation that important to the prostate?
03/28/16 (Mon) 12:35:54 No. 73609
03/28/16 (Mon) 12:37:59 No. 73610
A so called "wet dream" is simply the result of a strong desire to have sex pulling you into an encounter with a succubus on the astral planes.
It is no more mysterious than fucking a woman while awake. Just most people aren't as lucid/sober on the astral so they tend to have much lower inhibitions to stop them from things like promiscious sex.
03/28/16 (Mon) 15:54:28 No. 73611
I've actually done some research on this looking for reasoning on whether to quite or notwhich I've decided to stop and while it is true it decreases the RISK of prostate cancer I feel the negatives are not worth it. Decreased testosterone being one of the largest.
It also causes an endorphin overload in your system for a bit followed by you developing a resistance for lack of a better word. This almost always causes people to look for more and more deviant content just to get a moment or two of a sexual high.
I also would like you to keep in mind that all men are slaves, but to what and for how long is up to them.
03/28/16 (Mon) 16:11:50 No. 73612
>You saying this is the straw that broke the camels back for me.
My pleasure.
>Are you saying that if I stop fapping and never have a wet dream, I'll get cancer?
>I feel the negatives are not worth it.
This. Think it like this. Let's say you have a headache. I come and say hey, take this gun and shoot yourself in the head. It'll solve the problem. Yes, shooting yourself in the head will end your headache but it's not the right answer.
==THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WAY THAT SOLVES THE ISSUE AND THE WAY THAT ENDS THE ISSUE== The two are completely different. Yes, masturbation will lower your risk of prostate cancer (this of course is if the jew owned science is actually telling the truth) but considering all the horrible things it does to you (rewiring of sexuality in your brain, erectile dysfunction, low life energy, low physical energy, laziness, shyness, low loosh, lack of will, giving out bad vibes and many more) the way that ends the issue also bring with it many many issues. On top of that, realistically speaking, you won't get prostate cancer anyway. It's yet another excuse we tell ourselves to justify our addiction. We all know this.
03/28/16 (Mon) 17:21:05 No. 73613
>Yes, masturbation will lower your risk of prostrate cancer
Maybe, if you're an oldfig .
Men who are sexually active in their 20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer — especially if they masturbate frequently
03/28/16 (Mon) 20:24:16 No. 73619
Hello do you have any auto hypnotic ways to increase humor, ie be more funny? Incidentally I believe humor is directly tied to embarrassment so if you know how to decrease it as well I would appreciate it.
03/28/16 (Mon) 21:42:26 No. 73622
make a thoughtform to do it for you
03/28/16 (Mon) 23:45:15 No. 73625
How does /fringe/ get their wizard robes?
Are there good places that sell them?
Are there any helpful guides to making your own?
03/29/16 (Tue) 00:46:31 No. 73628
03/29/16 (Tue) 01:19:03 No. 73633
What exactly is your relation to the pagan religions?
Are they just different focused groups of wizards? Or do they still lack stuff?
03/29/16 (Tue) 01:55:57 No. 73637
I recently started doing asana. Is it a good idea to start with pranayama immediately, or wait until I get used to the asana?
Any recommendation for resources on pranayama?
03/29/16 (Tue) 02:02:48 No. 73638
Start immediately.
Do what is written in The Science of Breath by William Walker Atkinson.
03/29/16 (Tue) 02:04:49 No. 73640
03/29/16 (Tue) 02:05:05 No. 73641
The pagan religions, in Europe is all I know about, all used magic, and we're remarkably similar to each other. The Romans recognized the Celtic and Germanic pantheon as their own with some minor variations on the way they were worshipped and their roles.
As far as I've found, whether or not they are Norse,Celtic, roman, or Greek, they all had magic in some form.
The celts had the Druids. Who were very powerful and held all the knowledge of myths, legends, poems, eddas and so on. They served as wise counselors, advisers, and led the resistance against the roman invasions until their holy island was invaded.iona I believe it was called sadly most of their knowledge and traditions were lost when missionaries started to burn pagan literature in England and Ireland.
Though the christian scribes and monks did save quite a bit of their writings.
03/29/16 (Tue) 02:12:13 No. 73645
>christian scribes
Probably one of the few good things to come from them.
At least their NEET monks saved enough for modern European to do some reconstruction.
Although from what I've heard, there was a Norse pagan group that survived throughout the ages.
03/29/16 (Tue) 03:15:48 No. 73650
>you can make new
You understand these are living, human beings, right? They're capable of sending me emotions. Look, if something thinks, has intelligence, and has emotion , it's fucking alive. If they're not alive, then how are you? Imagine yourself starting out as a dream character, and your host just fucking abandoned you on the drop of a hat to a fucking monstrosity. These things are closer to you than your own damn children, and people just treat them like dirt at times.
Look, if anything would be capable of corrupting thoughtforms, it's this stubborn thing. I never abandoned my friends, and my friends never abandoned me. You know what? This thing tried to have me believe that one of my friends was corrupted. And my words were: "She's only sentient, right–not sapient?" And you know what, she fucking forgave me. These are very beautiful creatures, who love you so much even after you treat them like a rag. They're so damn loyal. Maybe if you people gave a shit about them they wouldn't resent you and be influenced by outside spirits. A little love goes a LONG fucking way with tulpas.
Since banishing only improves my mood and makes the voices more faint, what would be a good pre-made sigil for silencing non-local spirits?
03/29/16 (Tue) 04:50:49 No. 73651
When the Gauls set someone to be executed, they gave them 5 years to live.
Guess how much torturing went on during those 5 years?
Absolutely none.
They gave instructions on how to properly mediate by druids and underwent training for their higher self for their next incarnation.
If that's how the undesirables for a Pagan society were dealt with I don't understand the meme that they were a barbarian horde while Romans were the pinnacle of civilization.
03/29/16 (Tue) 07:25:32 No. 73653
Well it was in part because human sacrifice would happen on occasion. That and many rituals involved public sex that a lot of christians probably found heretical or some such
03/29/16 (Tue) 08:27:18 No. 73654
I've got some entity troubles that I don't know how to handle
Way out of my depth
Essentially what happened was I tried to get out, I had all of these lucid dreams, easy meditations that took me to far out places
Then something like enlightenment but not quite there hit me like a lightning bolt
I saw something, not sure what. But it was like living the entire history of everything all at once.
After this happened I realized I couldn't leave no matter how much I wanted to because of "earthly obligations". I spiraled into a kind of deep depression and I attracted something to me. I'm not sure what. But I feel like it's blocking or monopolizing me? I can't do any of the things I could do before. It doesn't seem evil, but I'm also not sure if I can trust it.
Point is, regardless of what it is, it seems to be antithetical to my goals and intent on me leading down this trail that I'm going down now that I don't want to be on.
I'm just very confused and honestly afraid. I kind of gave into it just to pass the time between now and then, but now I realize that was probably a bad idea. I just want to go my own way again and not feel so malformed. I want all of that empathy and tragic sadness and all back, not this uncomfortable, anxious numbness. If I have to stay here I want to not be an eyesore while I am.
Worst part is I can't tell how much of this is in my head.
What do?
tipp 03/29/16 (Tue) 09:56:04 No. 73657
Feed it bitty like the poster above with his tulpas, can't go worse than what he's destined for.
03/29/16 (Tue) 17:44:33 No. 73672
My waifu mail has arrived at long last. I am going to be practising psychometry with this.
03/29/16 (Tue) 18:02:18 No. 73673
>where the fuck is the picture
03/29/16 (Tue) 18:48:03 No. 73680
What's stopping you from relearning how to properly meditate and lucid dream?
03/29/16 (Tue) 19:34:02 No. 73681
So I often get to a certain state in my meditations that I can only really describe as being pushed around by energy fluctuations. It feels like my body is being randomly moved and twisted around in space. Almost like a full body experience of what it feels like to look at stuff like pic related.
Lately though, I have been able to influence this to some degree. I can start to rotate the sensation of my body around as if I was spinning myself in an office chair, but my concentration usually breaks shortly after so I haven't been able to try anything more advanced.
What exactly is this that I've been experiencing and is it something I should put more effort into learning how to control?
03/29/16 (Tue) 20:40:53 No. 73682
Waifu mail, going to try to psychometrize its contents before opening it.
03/29/16 (Tue) 21:39:51 No. 73683
What are /fringe/'s thoughts on these "indigo children"?
Alien avatars?
The next step in human evolution?
Do wizards have anything to do with it?
tipp 03/29/16 (Tue) 22:38:16 No. 73687
>I've been seeing jaquan
>pls come join our 3some
03/30/16 (Wed) 00:03:33 No. 73689
Hey Rolling Thunder are you here?
03/30/16 (Wed) 00:36:11 No. 73694
Some butthurt Hawaiian today claimed Kahuna is made-up and has nothing to do with Hawaiian spirituality?
What implications does this have for the texts within "Max Freedom Long - The Science of Miracles''?
03/30/16 (Wed) 01:21:28 No. 73696
03/30/16 (Wed) 02:51:32 No. 73700
Well some say it is our spiritual destiny or next step in our evolution I can't say for sure on some of those but I'd be inclined to say that the world must rediscover its spirituality outside of the abrahamic religions. Trying to be unbiased here, but it encourages a slave mentality.
03/30/16 (Wed) 05:33:21 No. 73703
03/30/16 (Wed) 07:29:33 No. 73714
>All fringe wizards should strive for intimidating yet refined
does my SS outfit work?
03/30/16 (Wed) 07:40:49 No. 73716
>there's no objective metric for morality
strength in numbers and organization.
Neitzche himself points out that the only way for the most powerful to further their own power interest is to use the power to organize those around them alone mutual power interest.
i might be aiming to make myself a emperor, but that doesn't mean i don't want a loyal legion upon whom i would shower reward and power.
03/30/16 (Wed) 18:26:41 No. 73734
How to pray properly to get help from God to make your life better?
03/30/16 (Wed) 18:34:29 No. 73735
I was informed that a "paradigm shift" was predicted on here. Care to share the prophecy?
03/30/16 (Wed) 20:16:15 No. 73743
03/31/16 (Thu) 00:46:22 No. 73753
How long did it take you to open your third eye?
03/31/16 (Thu) 01:13:20 No. 73754
"Cures" as in literally cures… not so.
Live healthily: eat healthy and non-processed food, exercise at least 3 hrs a week, stay slim, avoid long periods without eating or eating too much, etc.
With that you ensure your sugar levels stay in the norm, avoid long-term complications (nobody wants to be a crippled, blind and infercted faggit) and live happier.
I've been working on it for 5 months and still don´t get to see auras, so I'm studying the chance that maybe my approach is not the right for me. Always find something that makes sense to you, or else it won´t work because of your own barriers, and never stop trying.
03/31/16 (Thu) 01:16:38 No. 73755
Whenever I start flowing energy into my third eye now my head tingles, but nothing else has happened for a while so I don't know if this is some sort of placebo or if I'm actually making progress
03/31/16 (Thu) 01:29:13 No. 73756
Well something I think hindered my progress was actually moving my physical eyes too much, instead of doing pure energy work in the area.
What I'm planning to do now is to get an Amethyst, ideally encased in silver, and place if over my forehead while doing the energy exercise.
But also reading the Book of Knowledge I stumbled upon a red warning about directing your eyes to form a triangle with the theoretical point of the third eye, as an actual boon to visualization (and third eye opening I guess).
Alternatively I'm getting some Moldavite and force it opened, if the former doesn´t cut it.
03/31/16 (Thu) 06:32:24 No. 73771
How long does it take to break through to complete annihilation of the self with mediation?
03/31/16 (Thu) 09:12:23 No. 73784
So, what is the essentials of psychic self deference?
Reading the book by Dion Fortune.
Any other recommendations, tips?
tipp 03/31/16 (Thu) 09:20:16 No. 73785
Months, years.
If you're developed enough to discern between different thought patterns you will see that during 3rd eye meditation whatever task your attention is given it solves it easier and discerns lies so very easily.
If you want to see auras there are special things you must practice, not just open third eye.
Ask for love and power to be able to help others. Do not command, ask humbly, be grateful and set yourself in the mood to be able to resonate love back.
God is Sun, Jesus his son.
03/31/16 (Thu) 09:28:49 No. 73786
>God is Sun
>Hermeticist flag
After a lot of reading and studying the occult (without the actual practice), I decided that Bardon has one of the most (if not the most) complete systems, and being a truly fan of the Hermetics, I decided to follow his teachings.
With this in mind, can someone give me some other books that can be added to my study of the Hermetics? Even though I said that Bardon's system is pretty much everything you need, I'm not saying he has it all, I'm pretty sure there are other great authors that can give me that extra pill I need.
(Besides Swami Vivekananda wich I'm studying as well)
Much appreciated.
03/31/16 (Thu) 10:01:57 No. 73787
Could someone explain the general idea of what it means to do harm to people?
Because, it is easy to see that I would do harm by creating some thought form and harassing some dude.
But where is the line between good and evil. If I make a thoughtform to create trust of me, in the eyes of some client that I am meeting, is that considered evil manipulation, and will I get some karma ass kicking for that?
Or is it the intention behind it? If I inspire trust in the client, and I want to scam him of his money and fuck him in the ass, its bad, but if I inspire trust in the idea that it will help me, help him better, its good then?
What is the line between good and evil, between manipulation and honesty?
03/31/16 (Thu) 10:39:54 No. 73788
There is no line.
Good and Evil are just two sides of the same coin.
*In my opinion*, if you are "forcing" someone to trust you, and you only have good intentions, feel free to do it.
03/31/16 (Thu) 10:56:44 No. 73789
Hm, yea, I mean I do understand that it is all the same. However, deep down, I don't think I want to harm someone or myself by accident. And this magic stuff does seem to have many ways of both helping and hurting.
But yea, maybe it is the intentions that matter behind everything.
03/31/16 (Thu) 12:42:42 No. 73792
Can the mods make a sigil that we'd use to call them in an event of an ongoing spam?
Or is everyone actually ded?
03/31/16 (Thu) 13:10:57 No. 73794
03/31/16 (Thu) 13:46:19 No. 73796
So I have a small problem, one of my sisters apparently took one of my books on paganism. So now I'm concerned about what the reaction from my mother may be. My tarot cards just gave me the high priestess, so I'm still a bit lost on that. What do?
03/31/16 (Thu) 16:04:00 No. 73804
Just tell her that you only find it an interesting subject to read about. Lots of people read about paganism without actually being pagans. Why would she take a book from you?
03/31/16 (Thu) 16:41:59 No. 73808
She's just a nosy brat. She's got no respect for anyone really and has a terrible work ethic. I've already hidden most of my books away just in case.i may be able to explain away one but not 4-6 plus tarot cards.
I'm planning on moving out soon but I need to be less careless
03/31/16 (Thu) 16:52:38 No. 73809
Who knows, if she's actually interested in it maybe reading religious books will help her become a better person.
My sister goes through my books as well, though she doesn't take them, so I keep all my controversial ones in a different place. If you are worried about someone finding them it might be best to switch to e-books.
03/31/16 (Thu) 17:44:57 No. 73812
What is actually so bad about inducing trance states or hypnotism?
I am reading Mind Power and he repeated the same things about it being untrue occultism and that it weakens the will, but why? Using trance states to change your mind sounds like a good thing if you are hypnotizing yourself.
03/31/16 (Thu) 19:36:18 No. 73821
I took it as you can achieve similar results by hypnotizing yourself but it will always be weaker than using your willpower. You are also setting yourself up for failure as you are relying on weak suggestive states to get results. So i guess it would be ok to use self hypnosis in some extreme cases (like to help get rid of traumas) or if your just starting out, but it would be better overall to get in the habit of using your conscious mind power as it leads to a stronger willpower and a stronger more focused mind.
03/31/16 (Thu) 20:31:09 No. 73822
I need to break out of the current situation I am in mentally and phisically as fast as possible
should I work with entities?
03/31/16 (Thu) 21:00:08 No. 73824
03/31/16 (Thu) 21:42:14 No. 73825
Another anon here
The word "exercise" is thrown around very often in situations like this like some buzz-spell, but how does it work, exactly? How did it work for you personally? After 3 weeks of regular cardio/lifting your mind became working better, sharper? Or was it 3 weeks and 4 days? Or maybe 4 weeks and 2 days? Anyone?
03/31/16 (Thu) 21:47:24 No. 73828
I'm not some lazy ass, If it was that easy I wouldn't be on this board, I'm also already exercising and am pretty fit
so again I ask, Should I work with entities?
03/31/16 (Thu) 21:48:56 No. 73830
Aside from the Joy of Satan pdf the fringe library, can anyone recommend any good literature for theistic Satanism? Thank.
03/31/16 (Thu) 22:06:09 No. 73831
Oh, so you work our regularly. How is your current mind state different from the state back when you didn't exercise?
Would you say it's like a difference between sleeping 4 hours a day vs having full night sleep of 8 hours?
Or perhaps it's like 7 hours of sleep vs 8?
03/31/16 (Thu) 23:35:38 No. 73837
Update: found the book. I've hidden it and the rest. This problem is pretty much solved
04/01/16 (Fri) 01:53:18 No. 73842
Is your mind focused on the body or are you just letting it work.
04/01/16 (Fri) 02:00:48 No. 73843
It's about freedom. One is free to do as one pleases as long as one respects everyone else's right to do the same.
The minute one steps the boundaries of a kindred's freedom and does something that affects them in a way they dont/wouldnt like, one causes harm by not respecting their existence.
Karma is about actions and reactions, that lack of respect is met with an equal reaction to restore the balance.
However if the intention is one, the result is a reaction to that intention.
The more you know, the more powerful the consequences of your actions, so you must choose wisely. If your intentions are good and and you've conciously calculated your actions, the result should be good.
Also remember to be careful about fears. Ill thoughts have a way of manifesting even though one wishes them away. The more you make them present, the more powerful they become, as these can taint a perfectly good spell. No fear, no doubt, just the exact desired result, no more, no less.
04/01/16 (Fri) 03:18:47 No. 73854
>If you want to see auras there are special things you must practice, not just open third eye.
04/01/16 (Fri) 03:29:30 No. 73855
>If you want to see auras there are special things you must practice, not just open third eye.
04/01/16 (Fri) 04:58:22 No. 73860
I'm not sure I understand what you guys are on about, though I do know that if I had the current mindset/abilities I have now, instantly manifested, and was the person I was 8 months ago, I would have gone insane.
so maybe that's what you mean,
suddenly taking full responsibility of emotional reactions/thoughts after a point of having been scattered into throwing away personal power
04/01/16 (Fri) 11:43:11 No. 73871
Just stay under 15g of carbs a day. That means getting your carbs from veggies, that are low in starch.
04/01/16 (Fri) 16:19:30 No. 73877
Big apple is 15g of carbs
Glass of yoghurt is 15g carbs
Three spoons of lentils is 15g carbs
One slice of bread is 15g of carbs
What the fuck do you eat? I heard the meme about the excessive carbs numbing life force (like fapping or drugs), but I have no idea how I'm supposed to pull off 2000kcal of protein/fat only. Not to mention good quality protein/fat rich food is 4x more expensive and harder to get than carbs.
04/01/16 (Fri) 18:45:26 No. 73881
i want to acquire humbleness
i've polarized myself on this polarity, as opposed to being a dipshit
and it worked, people started liking me i didn't come off as such a creep
but there are times like this that i just lose control it's like i don't have that invisible muscle i use to change my vibes
is it just rhythm? am i doomed to jump between these poles for my whole life? i've read arcane formulas but it says something about focalizing on will not like staying on the polarity you want
04/02/16 (Sat) 08:43:42 No. 73901
Oil, nuts, salad, cheese. A handful of macadamia nuts could be about 500. But yea, I can't handle carbs too well, or I just noticed how they made me feel when I was off the typical American diet. Ever no t ice how bear makes people more sleepy then hard liqueur? That is the carbs
04/02/16 (Sat) 14:11:08 No. 73914
Try reading stoic works. Marcus Aurelius and Seneca basically. You could read Epictetus as well but his stuff isn't as pragmatic.
04/02/16 (Sat) 14:36:52 No. 73915
Seconding Seneca. His letters from a stoic are very easy to read.
04/02/16 (Sat) 15:52:49 No. 73922
Coconut oil, drink that shit
Make your own salad dressing and apply it liberally to everything
Getting enough calories without carbs is very easy
04/03/16 (Sun) 02:24:56 No. 73947
If one converts to degeneracy after having long been very pure is it possible to make a conversion back?
I don't feel any shame and don't have a problem with anything really anymore.
I used to be the complete opposite.
Maybe there is some third way that I can attain to that is beyond these two polarities. Some kind deeper understanding and mastery over both modes of being.
04/03/16 (Sun) 02:49:14 No. 73948
This thread is amazing.
04/03/16 (Sun) 04:01:49 No. 73955
disinfo-riddled mental masturbation
04/03/16 (Sun) 04:08:15 No. 73956
>a bunch of genocidal neo-nazis discover the simplest magic
Don't encourage them. This board is shit enough, and you know well that these aren't the people that will change their minds on humanity because they've read some truth.
04/03/16 (Sun) 04:11:23 No. 73957
When you leave morality, it becomes about what is wise rather then right, wouldn't you agree?
04/03/16 (Sun) 04:55:02 No. 73961
Could dementia/alzheimers have any relation to the occult?
I was thinking maybe a corruption/loss of soul/will could lead to the state of alzheimer's
04/03/16 (Sun) 13:41:49 No. 73971
I am sorry for asking this question, but could someone please post the screencap about 99.9% of greenpill books being rubbish? I cannot find it in any of the threads and I'd like to save it for future reference.
04/03/16 (Sun) 14:57:43 No. 73972
I'm sure it can but I'd say it's mostly poor nutrition
04/03/16 (Sun) 15:04:49 No. 73974
So if I create a ball of energy in my hands and then bring that ball through my head, I feel a bunch of cracks and pops. Anyone know what this might be?
04/03/16 (Sun) 15:16:38 No. 73975
There is far superior material to IIH and Atkinson though. They're overrated and contain some false info.
04/03/16 (Sun) 16:23:41 No. 73977
Like what false info?
04/03/16 (Sun) 16:25:49 No. 73978
I think pretty much everything can be related to occult, and pretty much nothing at the same time. It depends on individual cases.
tipp 04/03/16 (Sun) 18:29:39 No. 73982
deteriorating mind or blocks by metals (aluminum) makes so that your material can't access your immaterial, it blocks.
If the pathways in your brain can't execute the commands or process the information from your thoughts in your aura, you can't compute.
04/03/16 (Sun) 19:13:12 No. 73985
Energy as in buzzing falling stuff I don't know what to call it nate
04/04/16 (Mon) 00:50:40 No. 74003
Thank you. I should have checked all the question threads before making my post.
04/04/16 (Mon) 01:00:03 No. 74004
Actually, just after making my previous post I now realize I should have asked the same question as >>73977 did. Also, what material is superior to those books in your opinion? I'd hate to request spoon feeding, but I legitimately don't know better regarding occult magic.
04/04/16 (Mon) 04:16:22 No. 74008
Not the anon you replied to
>I legitimately don't know better regarding occult magic.
Occult = hidden
magic = special powers or abilities
A good start is realizing that there is no single book or author even that will give you this so don't ever think that WWA or whoever has it written down somewhere. Just because /fringe/'s booklist is what it is, doesn't mean that you should box yourself in with it. Be open to all ideas, but extremely skeptical at the same time. Don't ever become dogmatic to a single line of thinking.
It's cliche as fuck, but you have to find it yourself. The greatest part about this is, everything that was written (or painted/filmed/coded into a video game etc) by someone who has "found it themselves" and then went about defining it without allowing it to be subverted by anyone else has what you want. People trying to bring back what they've learned and define it through the limited ability of human expression, Plato's allegory of the cave whether the creator of any work knows it or not.
Continuing to be cliche, find something to read that interests you and is written in a style that you enjoy. Imagine a college course where the professor gives the option to either read a comicbook or large manual-like textbook with both ultimately having the same information. The one you would pick probably is very obvious to you, but someone else would, similarly without a thought, make the opposite choice and both of you would end up in the same place.
I strongly suggest you work yourself back from finding books that are solely selling themselves as works who have found the secrets to occultism and be more broad with your approach.
For actual recommendations, you can't go wrong with the Greeks. It's a meme on /lit/ for a reason. Find a philosopher(s) you are interested in learning more about and read what they had to say. This page is a decent tl;dr of how Greek thought progressed.
Then you can look over Christian philosophers on what they had to say, which there's a fuckton. Avoid the dogma, just look at what each Saint thought of the "truth".
St. Augustine, his City of God is a critique of the Gaulish hordes and is an interesting perspective whether you agree with him on paganism or not.
St. Thomas Aquinas has two interesting books, Summa Theologiae and Summa Contra Gentile. The first was meant to be a handbook for theologians on how to do their job well. The second is Aquinas' critique on Judaism and Islam.
Not exactly by a Christian philosopher but the Divine Comedy is a must read. Not even going to try and defend why you should, just do it, it's awesome. How Dante experienced what he experienced and came back to try and explain it is beyond me.
I'm not a fan of contemporary stuff, but Nietzsche and Jung are must reads in my opinion.
If none of this is interesting, take the dive into Eastern stuff. The Hindus figured this stuff out centuries before all the above, but is very difficult to transcribe to something meaningful to you without partially or completely losing it's meaning. That's why it's easier, in my opinion, to read Western stuff to find what you're looking for. I'd compare it to choosing between navigating a dense jungle or riding a zipline that lies above it. You can spend some time trying to reprogram yourself to understand some of the Eastern schools of thought, or you can take what your culture has already given you and use it to find what you're looking for.
What I typed is about 30% of it. The rest is through a meditation routine. The Qi Gong thread here is a good start.
And try to have some fun.
tipp 04/04/16 (Mon) 08:33:27 No. 74013
As you work energy through the body or brain you open up new neural pathways and get familiar with muscles you haven't consciously controlled before, it goes to a point where you've got full control and know what relates to what, mudra to chakra, flex and learn any new muscle you come across.
04/04/16 (Mon) 15:48:34 No. 74016
Bashar - A Game of Chess
Can a few of you guys help me seed this torrent? I highly recommend the video series. I watched it about a year ago but lost the file. Now I'm really trying to watch it again. I guarantee you will extract some new empowering ways to think with this video. Just remember to hold the baby as you throw away all the new age bathwater, and you'll thank me for this one. Thanks.[]Bashar.-.A.Game.of.Chess
04/04/16 (Mon) 15:53:26 No. 74017
bashar, atkinson and bardon belong into the garbage
04/04/16 (Mon) 16:10:36 No. 74019
File: 1459786247950.png (293.44 KB, 510x383, 510:383, spiderman-meme-generator-i….png )
Knowledge, wisdom and understanding can be found anywhere and everywhere, in anything and everything if perceived in the correct manner. Looking at only a few elements as your primary source of wisdom is folly. Rather train yourself to extract wisdom within everything you experience, whether it is the most revealing document in creation or the most mundane act imaginable. Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own.
Bashar is fucking incredible if you know how to think for yourself. If you blindly believe all the new age sci fi alienology fluff to heart, you're fucking retarded. But like mentioned earlier I'm not throwing the baby out with the bathwater because there are plenty of rare gems to be found in these works, ESPECIALLY in the video series I'm trying to download here. Same goes for Bardon, Atkinson, and many others.
Now can you stop cockblocking my fucking request?
04/04/16 (Mon) 16:53:02 No. 74024
How do I reach a point of complete calm with meditation in noisy places, just more practice?
04/04/16 (Mon) 17:21:18 No. 74025
Get a good pair of headphones and listen to some white noise/binaural beats.
04/04/16 (Mon) 17:35:47 No. 74026
you can try to transform the noise into an agent of calmness in whichever way you wish: maybe visualization or more specifically, visualizing the sound waves to be agents of stillness and feeling them enter your body and calming you… exploit your imagination! Your perception changes your nervous system. Transform everything outside of you into something that you prefer.
04/04/16 (Mon) 19:31:56 No. 74030
Alright, noted. Thank you very much for making that post.
04/04/16 (Mon) 19:56:27 No. 74031
>> St. Augustine
>> St. Thomas Aquinas
You've got me interested in their works!
Out of curiosity, if it is possible to encapsulate it briefly, what are their overall outlooks compared to Ancient Greek or Egyptian philosophies?
04/05/16 (Tue) 02:38:53 No. 74036
Both of them were influenced by the Greeks among others, Augustine with hedonist paganism and Gnosticism and Aquinas with Islam and Judaism. Augustine grew up during the end years of the Roman Empire, whose education system was made up mostly of derivatives of Greek thought. Aquinas was the closest to thing Aristotle reincarnated.
Both of their outlooks are heavily based around metaphysics, similar to the Greeks. Augustine's City of God is him describing what a utopia of similar minded philosophers would contain in comparison to an Earthly city. Aquinas' stuff is more about making the most out of Earthly existence, while being keen on people of other belief systems. Again it's important to ignore anything that's dogmatic about Christianity. If either of these guys were born in another time, they wouldn't think that way.
04/05/16 (Tue) 02:51:03 No. 74037
And to plug the Divine Comedy again, Dante was heavily influenced by Summa Theologiae and Summa Contra Gentile. Aquinas even gets a cameo in it.
04/05/16 (Tue) 05:57:52 No. 74050
>regurgitating feces
04/05/16 (Tue) 06:48:51 No. 74052
Should I just skip the first half of Magical Use of Thoughtforms? I've read to chapter 4 and basically learned nothing, and now it's pretty much:
>chapter 4, the astral
>i practiced qabalah for a bit
>people didn't know about the astral, so is it real? its imagination
>now let me tell you about the big bang
Are the later exercises worth reading?
04/05/16 (Tue) 07:00:54 No. 74054
just skip anything that sounds redundant, this book is for ideas and exercises only
04/05/16 (Tue) 09:11:49 No. 74059
Can I get some common examples of mistakes meditators make when they try to meditate by emptying the mind rather then focusing on a single thing. Also is ascending through the Kansas easier with single pointed focus, or voiding thought.
04/05/16 (Tue) 09:12:35 No. 74060
04/05/16 (Tue) 20:10:04 No. 74080
I'm trying to get into numbers meditation to improve visualization, so when I get into a session, I start by sitting straight up or laying down, and then closing my eyes, and trying to picture the numbers, but my mind won't stop saying the numbers I see when the post says not to. I am able to do quiet-mind, but when the numbers start showing up, my mind voice becomes active again. Also sometime's when I close my eyes and lay there, my eyelids start twitching and I feeling of irritation overwhelms my body. Any thoughts on how to overcome these issues?
04/06/16 (Wed) 00:57:30 No. 74090
Is there something to this Montalk guy that I'm missing? I started reading Fringe Knowledge for Beginners and was immediately assaulted by complete horseshit.
04/06/16 (Wed) 01:05:42 No. 74091
>assaulted by complete horseshit
04/06/16 (Wed) 01:20:22 No. 74092
It immediately went into explaining phantom limb syndrome occurs because of our invisible auras are doing it, which is bullshit.
04/06/16 (Wed) 02:07:30 No. 74095
I'm interested in more intellectually oriented stuff right now, especially through the lens of "metaprogramming", so that I can be a mentat, communicate despite barriers of belief, reprogram myself and reorient my reality, and generate insights about things.
I'm looking at hypnosis, Zen, and all sorts of brain exercises. Anything else I should be looking at?
How is it that some people end up totally bonkers, while others come out as "illuminated"? How can I avoid the former?
04/06/16 (Wed) 02:10:28 No. 74096
Althernatively, am I completely hamstringing myself by putting such an emphasis on psychology and the intellect?
04/06/16 (Wed) 03:40:38 No. 74098
>literally sucks miles of dick
04/06/16 (Wed) 03:49:33 No. 74099
Yeah, don't trust anyone to give you the truth. Take in information, challenge that information with experimentation, redefine or discard information that doesn't match with your observations, repeat forever.
04/06/16 (Wed) 03:59:08 No. 74102
Are there any powerful mantras/prayers to use against dark intrusive thoughts.
I have tried so hard at silencing these fear-based thought that can't seem to control.
04/06/16 (Wed) 06:05:51 No. 74107
04/06/16 (Wed) 06:06:32 No. 74108
Just pay attention to your breath.
04/06/16 (Wed) 07:21:39 No. 74112
Anyone have advice on solar plexus issues? Willpower? Self confidence? Fear? body spasms when visualizing? Addictions/habits?
04/06/16 (Wed) 14:09:23 No. 74121
I've seen many different theories on this so let's end it, do thoughtforms actually have control over matter, even if very little?
04/06/16 (Wed) 15:30:13 No. 74131
Not really except through yourself, maybe egregores do.
04/06/16 (Wed) 15:33:42 No. 74132
what do you mean by "through yourself"?
04/06/16 (Wed) 17:49:29 No. 74136
Thought forms may express them selves through you, effecting the world but not directly.
04/06/16 (Wed) 18:01:00 No. 74137
why does everyone seem to suggest making a thoughtform to fix something wrong in your life even when the thing being wrong is your own body?
tipp 04/06/16 (Wed) 18:15:31 No. 74139
Yes they do.
A material item creates an immaterial, "subtle/thought energy"/aura equivalent.
An immaterial shape materializes a physical equivalent if enough power is fed the "thoughtform" to materialize.
Your average thoughtform tugs at physical reality in an attempt to realign it as per the immaterial.
04/06/16 (Wed) 18:38:41 No. 74141
SAYS WHO?~ I don't recall you inventing the laws of physics. I did. Shit can become dream fluff or materiality at a will. That's why pollution is gay.
04/06/16 (Wed) 19:36:25 No. 74143
That is still a creation the mind, as material as it looks it is just imagination. There is nothing wrong with that.
04/06/16 (Wed) 19:40:30 No. 74144
Because fixing the body is hard, something as simple as meditation could replace all the entertainment in the world, but it takes an initial investment of patients.
04/06/16 (Wed) 19:50:26 No. 74145
How does the "All is mind" play into this?
tipp 04/06/16 (Wed) 20:56:44 No. 74148
All is consciousness, energy trapped in various stages of degeneration or evolution.
See the David Icke thread, in the latter part of the first video (I think) he puts this quite eloquently.
>trying to make me look stupid by disagreeing with me
04/06/16 (Wed) 22:42:07 No. 74152
your propaganda shall destroy you.
04/06/16 (Wed) 23:11:25 No. 74153
tipp 04/06/16 (Wed) 23:20:27 No. 74154
maga, make adepts great again
04/07/16 (Thu) 01:26:37 No. 74159
bump pls Tipp answer this one, what kind of exercise will make me see auras?
04/07/16 (Thu) 02:57:49 No. 74164
How do I get rid of a succubus/sexual entity?
It is really hindering my advancements in the occult and driving new friends away. Will reading Psychomancy help? I am on Mind power but I am willing to skip it for now.
Don't know if anyone knowledgeable is on here anymore…
04/07/16 (Thu) 03:00:37 No. 74165
How can I fix someone I know that has this problem?
04/07/16 (Thu) 03:19:11 No. 74166
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I almost have enough power to make a very stonk, very important thoughtform.
Might need to take up bhakti yoga too but I've been collecting loosh for this and I hope it's nearly enough.
My previous attempts all involved NOT ENOUGH LOOSH so my thoughtforms burned out before they got enough strength.
04/07/16 (Thu) 03:21:41 No. 74167
File: 1459999301308.png (62.43 KB, 160x2061, 160:2061, Screenshot from 2016-04-06….png )
Speaking of Bhakti yoga, where are the main writings on this topic from Atkinson?
04/07/16 (Thu) 03:34:18 No. 74168
>>trying to make me look stupid by disagreeing with me
I can't help it if you deviate from reality.
04/07/16 (Thu) 03:39:32 No. 74169
More like all is nervous system, and it is self explanatory.
04/07/16 (Thu) 04:30:23 No. 74170
lol materialist hurt
04/07/16 (Thu) 08:41:49 No. 74181
what does the swastika symbolize?
04/07/16 (Thu) 10:01:27 No. 74185
It represents pride in Aryan heritage thought to come from India where the Vedic tradition produced the symbol.
04/07/16 (Thu) 10:02:50 No. 74186
All magical take an initial material investment, the best are the ones that take the least, and have the greatest profit.
tipp 04/07/16 (Thu) 12:02:43 No. 74189
>wallpaper argument
I won't be dragged in to this again. Shoo peasant.
tipp 04/07/16 (Thu) 12:08:09 No. 74190
I'm reluctant to answer this because I never practiced them to a greater extent.
First there's the meditation where you look between your fingers and use your peripherals to see it against a wall of white.
Then there is also something I don't really recall 100%, there was a guy who experimented with lenses and light, I think he was shining bright light through colored lenses or something and supposedly he became able to see auras.
I would probably vouch for this if I remembered where I read it and could skim it for a few minutes.
04/07/16 (Thu) 12:59:30 No. 74193
My anger spell worked.
04/07/16 (Thu) 13:21:15 No. 74195
Is celibacy/no fap truly necessary for neophytes?
Just starting the IIH and it makes no mention of it.
04/07/16 (Thu) 16:10:57 No. 74199
tipp 04/07/16 (Thu) 16:12:00 No. 74200
now, the guy whose idiocy resulted in pic related was an unintentional 10/10, i still chuckle from time to time looking at my desktop.
04/07/16 (Thu) 16:18:50 No. 74202
Because most "occultists"/"healers" etc are bullshitters/charlatans who don't believe that magic - real magic - works beyond placebo and psychology or are simply WEAKLINGS who don't want to do more.
How many self-proclaimed "healers" are wrinkled up, ugly and can't even stop getting the flu?
Face it. If you want true power you have to step up EVERYTHING and get into the dangerous/risky parts by evolving.
04/07/16 (Thu) 16:25:36 No. 74203
All the post you have posted are so by my design, a strategic set of circumstances seeded to evolve into my master scheme. This my world you are just living in it.
04/07/16 (Thu) 17:06:29 No. 74205
I have really bad posture, will yoga help me not feel so shitty in half lotus.
04/07/16 (Thu) 17:25:46 No. 74207
How can I relieve stress? Any specific meditations?
I can barely eat or drink since I've been so stressed out, I've lost 5 pounds and I still feel sick. My stomach feels tight and my throat feels like it's holding back vomit. I'd like to avoid the doctor because I don't want to take anti depressants or something that'll mess me up.
The feeling goes away when I'm outside I've noticed. Either because I'm occupying myself or I'm getting more prana.
tipp 04/07/16 (Thu) 18:11:17 No. 74209
go to meditation thread, one of the last meditations, "rhythm", do it.
couple with yoga, meditation where you resonate with as near perfect music/rhythm as possible, working out & stretching.
04/07/16 (Thu) 18:21:35 No. 74210
Try samatha meditation.
04/07/16 (Thu) 18:24:31 No. 74212
04/07/16 (Thu) 18:26:37 No. 74213
are thoughtforms not real magic?
tipp 04/07/16 (Thu) 18:32:27 No. 74214
04/07/16 (Thu) 19:04:18 No. 74215
Any info on it? There's not many resources on it besides stating that it's meditation on concentration.
04/07/16 (Thu) 19:18:34 No. 74216
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>74215
It starts suit visualizing a concept until it dissolves, eventually you go numb, I haven't gotten parsley that point though. It is also said that the deepest states reached results in powers, so they say.
04/07/16 (Thu) 20:08:32 No. 74219
What is the extent of thought forms influencing people who are in close/intimate relationships.
Such as parents/kids or lovers?
Thinking about thoughtforms made me thing- how can you be sure, in regards to feelings towards each other, that your thoughts are only yours?
I am not sure if I am phrasing the question right, but when you are thinking about someone, with whom you have a connection, how much of that can it be about that person thinking about you?
In other words, how do you distinguish your own thought forms from others?
tipp 04/07/16 (Thu) 20:50:28 No. 74220
04/07/16 (Thu) 21:35:47 No. 74222
This video describes things about samatha, but not the meditation itself.
So it's concentrating on a thought until eventually you're just left with the concentration?
tipp 04/07/16 (Thu) 21:52:48 No. 74223
pure awareness without interference, thinking rational mind strained to its limits with no task at hand but the focus or channeling of consciousness.
04/08/16 (Fri) 00:44:13 No. 74225
Yes it is trying maintain a stable construct and letting it evolve, or dissipate with no will, then descend through the iguanas.
04/08/16 (Fri) 00:51:00 No. 74226
What's a good book or two that explain holographic universe theory?
04/08/16 (Fri) 00:57:15 No. 74227
04/08/16 (Fri) 01:27:12 No. 74228
Thanks man, even if Higher Balance Institute doesn't sound that serious. I expected something different tho, I've seen this "method" a lot of times and I'm pretty sure its just a retinal "exhaustion" going on, but… hell whatever.
04/08/16 (Fri) 03:05:52 No. 74231
What are the most important things to do or items to get in order before one kills himself?
04/08/16 (Fri) 03:52:23 No. 74233
04/08/16 (Fri) 09:51:00 No. 74237
Are the exercises in arcane formulas sufficient? I'm planning on reading atkinson's yoga series, but just curious.
04/08/16 (Fri) 15:06:02 No. 74244
Anyone have any audiobooks to share? Anything fringe will do.
04/08/16 (Fri) 20:50:03 No. 74252
What's the most common way (if there is one) to visually distinguish between a banishing and invoking pentagram, other than the order in which the lines are drawn?
I want a lazy version of the GOODS LBRP that I can do every hour on top of a more robust banishing ritual.
That is, I like how earth, fire, water, air, and spirit pentagrams are colored differently. So why not some effect for a banishing/invoking pentagram. I want the thoughtforce of other people behind it, too.
04/08/16 (Fri) 22:43:39 No. 74253
Does anybody have this book in english and can you upload in this thread?
Intimation of Christianity Among the Ancient Greeks
04/09/16 (Sat) 05:04:46 No. 74270
What is the most /fringe/ thing you have done with or experience you've shared with your SO/friend/mom/whatever?
04/09/16 (Sat) 10:55:19 No. 74276
I see a lot of people and literature mention "channeling" energy into things. For example, channeling lust and sexual energy into more practical things during nofap, or channeling energy into a thoughtform that you're developing.
What does this mean exactly? How does one "channel" energy?
04/09/16 (Sat) 11:34:09 No. 74278
Can you transfer energy around your body? If so transferring it into items is just an extension of that, except obviously you push energy outside of your body.
>channeling lust and sexual energy into more practical things during nofap
Feel energy in your sacral chakra and move it into other regions of the body, thus energizing them.
>channeling energy into a thoughtform that you're developing
Visualize your thoughtform and see/feel yourself pouring energy into it, feel it grow stronger and its image becoming clearer.
04/09/16 (Sat) 13:25:33 No. 74286
Can someone explain the concept of "Kia" in Chaos Magick?
Is it the same as "Chi", or the "Tao", or the "Fluids" in IIH? Does also have that dualistic Passive and Active nature like Bardon describes with the Magnetic and Eletric Fluids?
(Yes, as a former student of Bardon's system I still see alot of his concepts on other paths of magic)
04/09/16 (Sat) 13:42:56 No. 74287
04/09/16 (Sat) 15:29:43 No. 74297
04/09/16 (Sat) 18:21:06 No. 74301
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>74276
It's alot simpler than it seems. Watch this video and "breathe through your balls" next time you got a lot of pent up lust. Imagine sexual energy being heavily concentrated and trapped in your groin, then breathe in which draws it up. At first don't be so specific about where you bring the energy, just imagine it flowing upwards and away from where it's trapped.
I always thought nofap was a MGTOW meme but the energy that's present about a week in is very raw and very real. It's also what made alchemy and transmutation of emotion very easy and clear, for me.
04/09/16 (Sat) 19:50:10 No. 74310
I think it's jealous, it's a sexual entity and it won't let me talk to anyone new and it's currently ruining my current relationships with family, I don't have anyone more friends and I am completely isolated and alone. I made new friends but they quickly faded away even though it was going well.
Could you please tell me how to remove it from me? It has been with me for a few years, the way its isolating is bothering me. I also try to AP but it constantly bothers me and it's all I can focus on. I generally want to read occult texts that I have saved on my computer but my mind detours to try and meet new people or play video games..
04/09/16 (Sat) 22:07:28 No. 74313
Sort of a mundane topic, but what's /fringe/s opinion on women?
I've read The Way of the Superior Man (due for a re-read) and I'm still conflicted. I can't really describe how I feel. Women think in an entirely different way that I'm not sure if I can accept. I've read and seen many instances where women have had many, many partners and I could not accept that, despite that I would likely have the same amount provided it was as easy for me as it is for them. Yet they only desire a leader, someone strong to hold onto, and that's not wrong. But in doing so, do they not care for personality or the real man behind the ego?
After reading so much proof that women only care for masculine energy as opposed to the man himself, how can I ever love a woman knowing she could leave if I ever change from being pure masculine energy? Obviously there are many men who only desire the feminine energy that women give, even creating their own fantasy ideals of these women and thinking that is what those women would be like. But is there a reasonable approach to women and sexuality? There is no way that feminine energy is purely bad, as balance is between masculine and feminine energy. Yet everything I see and experience says otherwise. Am I really supposed to keep believing that one day I'll find some pure woman that is different?
04/10/16 (Sun) 01:34:38 No. 74318
Instead of focusing on what women want, focus on what makes relationships work. If man and woman are a duality, positive and negative, then you would need some force that neutralizes their opposite nature.
Naturally, children are this piece that creates a trinity. Both apply their energy into their kids, who then act as an outlet for their energy.
Since we're living longer, and increasingly mundane, meaningless lives, once the kids are gone, the relationship returns to an unstable duality. This is where relationships fall apart. People blame their partner for not contributing or contributing negatively to their relationship, when in reality it was always unstable, it just wasn't as apparent when there was a neutralizing factor.
So instead of trying to force someone to bend their higher self for you, or trying to artificially change yourself for someone else, you find something else to neutralize the relationship. This is why it's important to find someone with similar interests as you, since once you don't have kids, you're going to have to find something you can do together.
04/10/16 (Sun) 01:55:37 No. 74319
>People blame their partner for not contributing or contributing negatively to their relationship, when in reality it was always unstable, it just wasn't as apparent when there was a neutralizing factor.
> you find something else to neutralize the relationship.
That doesn't sound right. Shouldn't you be working to escape this distraction from the relationship? The way you describe it seems depressing. Surely love is something beyond tolerating one another over some neutralizing factor?
With Gender being one of the 7 laws, I don't see why the 2 would need a neutralizer between each other when they're meant to work off one another.
04/10/16 (Sun) 01:58:54 No. 74320
I don't really know how to transfer energy around my body, do you know any good ways to learn?
I'll try out those exercises, thanks.
04/10/16 (Sun) 02:03:35 No. 74321
I think the problem lies with the mundane and pointless lifestyle that most people have. I don't think having something that people in a relationship work towards is a bad thing. It's when people don't have something meaningful to work towards that relationships fall apart.
What is love when a relationship today consists of two people existing for all intents and purposes as roommates?
04/10/16 (Sun) 02:37:06 No. 74322
Please stop pretending you know anything about sex and gender. This is getting cringeworthy.
04/10/16 (Sun) 02:47:15 No. 74324
Why don't you enlighten us, then?
04/10/16 (Sun) 04:24:08 No. 74325
Hey tipp can you share your collection of images? Or maybe link a source to some?
04/10/16 (Sun) 04:33:35 No. 74326
Does anyone here know any good astrology programs/apps I can use to construct/calculate an accurate natal chart on windows?
04/10/16 (Sun) 04:43:52 No. 74327
What is the smallest, simplest, easiest thing that I can do to dip my toes into any magick of any kind?
Am I a faggot for assuming there even is such a thing?
04/10/16 (Sun) 08:04:46 No. 74330
Rub the outside of your palms together in a circular motion while imagining light white flowing through them. Stop rubbing them and relax them. You will feel them start to separate and eventually even out at a certain point. That's your aura. Imagine getting kicked in the balls. Your aura will shrink and thus your hands will move inwards. Imagine being hugged by someone who love deeply. Your aura will expand.
If you need more proof I'll be back in the morning
04/10/16 (Sun) 12:53:56 No. 74338
New Energy Ways by Robert Bruce is a decent place to start I guess.
04/10/16 (Sun) 13:23:09 No. 74339
I can't get the MEGA link to finish downloading, it gets stuck on 100% and then sits there.
04/10/16 (Sun) 16:21:54 No. 74347
First of all, deivid deida desribes a pretty archetypal woman and man. Man masculine, woman feminine. And that works to show an example.
But in real life, there are not that many clear lines between people.
Also, it might be a blind shot, but I think you don't have much experience with women, if any. You are in information analysis mode, which is talking about I dont know, baseketball, because you read books about it, and you saw some video of it, but you did not actually dribble the ball.
As long as you stay in the information gathering mode, you will be attracting info based on your fears(because your ego is afraid of women, afraid of the fact that they MIGHT have had more partners than you)
Also, now that you are on a wizard board, I have to point out ,that you should not shun neither masculinity nor feminine power. You mention how you are afraid that a woman will leave if you "drop your masculine act". This is the indication that you should work and understand your masculine energy more. You would not be having these questions if you really understood your masculine energy, and feminine energy.
In short, - information over load. Go out, get a date, get laid, get in a relationship, understand women from EXPERIENCE.
Also, meditate on masculine and feminine archetypes.
04/10/16 (Sun) 19:48:50 No. 74349
just shut the fuck up
04/10/16 (Sun) 20:24:26 No. 74350
Hello, /fringe/, I'm new and I'd like a path to follow literature wise. Someone told me I'd get a good grip on the occult if I read Evola's The Hermetic Tradition, so I guess I'm starting there.
I want to believe in magics, I really do, but what I'm going to ask for is a way to find self-realisation of magic in one month. I'll do anything that will lead to the path but if the occult fails, I'll just read more philosophy.
If any of you could point me to a way I could hook myself into this culture in 30 days, please tell me, nothing's out of limits.
04/10/16 (Sun) 21:10:55 No. 74351
The Book of Knowledge.pdf
04/10/16 (Sun) 21:39:57 No. 74353
Read the F.A.Q. The first few books recommended are mostly philosophy with some practice. The Book of Knowledge is good but it's all practice, best to get some understanding under your belt first.
04/10/16 (Sun) 22:04:54 No. 74354
Thank you both, but I can't seem to find any other .pdf on the FAQ list save for the Kybalion.
04/10/16 (Sun) 22:08:39 No. 74355
04/10/16 (Sun) 22:39:42 No. 74356
Aye, and once again thank you very much for taking time out of your day.
04/11/16 (Mon) 00:06:31 No. 74358
04/11/16 (Mon) 01:03:11 No. 74359
I am getting increasingly frustrated with the topic of nutrition. There are so many opposing theories coming from legit well-educated people, it's making me lose my shit.
As of right now, I just want to transition into a healthier eating habit. I'm not interested in Detox, Alkaline diet, veganism, "green pill" diets or any of those things (yet).
My goal right now is to quit smoking cigs, drinking alcohol, stop fapping, and start on a basic beginner's daily workout routine, and eat food that will maximize the effects of the workouts on my body. Very basic, mundane shit to start with.
I have made up my mind on what kinds of workout routines I'm going to work with, but I'm having a tough time with figuring out what to put in my body. Granted I am being a bit too much of a "perfectionist" about it, but this shit is just ridiculous.
My head literally feels like it's going to explode in relation to research on BASIC nutrition.
On top of this, many tell you to see how you "feel" after eating so and so. It's about what YOUR body needs, etc. How do I know what my body needs?
Can a healthcare physician tell me what nutrients I need and what I don't need?
If anyone has gone through all this confusion and come up with some kind of framework to deal with it, I would appreciate a little guidance/advice.
04/11/16 (Mon) 01:13:24 No. 74360
The facts around nutrition are very conflicting, but it does depend on what your body needs. Overweight people tend to be leaner on a keto diet, but I am lean so I avoid carbs and grain. I also found that I was no longer desiring these foods, which is what prompted me to stop eating them.
Next time you are hungry, think of what you are hungry for. If it's junk food or processed, think again.
Read the nutrition thread in the catalog and read around on 4chan's /fit/ sticky.
04/11/16 (Mon) 01:48:16 No. 74361
04/11/16 (Mon) 02:44:38 No. 74363
I will admit that I did in fact feel something, but the skeptic half of me chalks this up to a cognitive bias.
Regardless, I am interested in "more proof" if its not a bother.
04/11/16 (Mon) 03:21:09 No. 74365
Cognitive bias is a common thought at first, I'd recommend reading Prometheus Rising as it brings it up, but I wouldn't bother with most of the exercises unless you want to spend the next few years changing beliefs for no reason.
Sometime after this post, without telling anybody or being near anybody, start flipping a coin. Believe that you'll get a specific side, and chances are you're gonna get that side. If you think it's cognitive bias, write down what side you believed it would be and what side it was. If you keep changing between sides you'll eventually see it's the one you wanted to see most often.
Another exercise that's pretty similar is that next time someone (or you) is doing something that has a randomization factor, like rolling dice, genuinely believe that it will be the result you know it will be. Chances are it will be. I know this is sort of vague but you have to experience it to know it's not just coincidence.
Remember that magic is all about belief because it's all in your mind. If you genuinely believe something, it'll happen.
Also you could head over to the remote viewing thread in the catalog and ask people there to remotely view you. I haven't tried it but it could be nice proof outside of these exercises (which seem like coincidence)
04/11/16 (Mon) 03:51:54 No. 74367
I remember reading through New Energy Ways, but I couldn't produce any results from the practices he detailed.
04/11/16 (Mon) 10:09:13 No. 74389
Did I upset the poor boy in you ;>
You should really reconsider the idea of proof.
If you look back at the evolution of science for example, you could see a lot of points in history, when people were believing in "crazy shit", wrong models of reality and so on.
What this means is that getting a grasp on reality is harder than it might look.
Also, the question of proof should consider you personally, if you want to actually figure something out.
By now you might start to understand that IF magic is real, then it is intimately connected to consciousness. This means that you if you want proof, real solid proof, you have to make a conscious decision to actually find proof your self.
Also, notice how "asking for proof" is, while on the surface a rational thing to do, if you delve deeper…it becomes more complex. Because you are asking OTHER PEOPLE to prove something to you. Fundamentally, this goes against true objectivity, in which, you YOURSELF prove or disprove something. Can you see how dangerous and potentially confusing it can be to only rely on proof from others?
Its funny, because in my opinion, if a person would start doing some "magical" practice, even something obvious like telekinesis, he would only take from a few months to half a year probably to get solid results. But most people don't do that, they simply ASK for other people to show them how reality is. Its a fundamental flaw of our western "rational" culture, that because of the great field of knowledge that we already have, we forget that instead of asking for proof, we could actually get the proof or disproof ourselves. And fundamentally, this means a great cross over from "group think", where you are like leaf in the wind, being blown around by other people's beliefs, and where you actually start questioning reality, and actually applying real testing and data gathering, trying to from an opinion from what works..
04/11/16 (Mon) 10:59:29 No. 74393
04/11/16 (Mon) 11:15:31 No. 74394
It's not "magical" in the sense that it is something outside of your perceived reality, but here is something to think about which might open up a door or two or many.
Consider the notion of altering physical reality with the will of your mind.
What do you consider physical reality? Matter right? What about flesh?
Is your entire body not a 3-dimensional object floating in space? Isn't everything inside your body part of physical reality as you know it?
Now consider the electro-chemical reactions inside your brain. Isn't your nervous system a part of physical reality?
Every time you use your thoughts and your imagination in any shape or form, ranging from you reading these words and comprehending what is being written in the present moment to the phantasmagoria you constantly explore in your mind, you are literally changing physical reality with your mind.
That should be your first proof of 'magic.'
Your freedom to use your mind as you wish alters the overall biochemical environmental makeup of your brain.
Now let us consider your freedom to use your mind to alter other parts of your body other than the inside of your brain.
Well, there is simple moving your body, limbs, etc.
There is also the release of chemicals within your body at will using just your mind.
Sexual thoughts release certain chemicals, direct bloodflow towards different parts of the body., etc, resulting in boners or wet vaginas.
Various emotions release different kinds of chemicals.
See where I'm going with this?
With "magic," there are implications suggesting that directing and cultivating psychic energy through "esoteric techniques" and methods will enable you to directly alter physical reality outside your body in a way that is in accordance to your conscious, rational human will. There are also implications suggesting that by doing "inner work" on your psyche will shift your perception to different "frequencies." By having your conscious self perceive these other "frequencies" of your brain, you are able to "detect" similar frequencies and work with them.
Start with the knowledge that your body IS "physical reality" and you are constantly changing things inside it with your mind, then just heavily alter your brain according to your will, then read some books talking about changing shit outside of your body, try it out and see what happens.
All is Mind indeed.
04/11/16 (Mon) 12:38:32 No. 74396
Use another browser.
I don't know what to tell you m8, it's always been second nature to me. Try the IIH or the Book of knowledge? Both cover rudimentary energy work as far as I remember.
Not a whole lot of people practice chaos magic here but I'll assume that if it doesn't have a dualistic nature it's the Chi/Tao/Loosh etc.
04/11/16 (Mon) 18:35:55 No. 74400
Are there any good before and after stories of someone who went from a mundane to a wizard? I'd like to see how it improved individual lives.
04/11/16 (Mon) 23:01:16 No. 74405
Thanks, I'll give this stuff a shot.
04/12/16 (Tue) 01:37:32 No. 74413
Okay, so I cant quite read Promethus Rising right now, but I tried the coin flip and something interesting happened.
The outcome of the coin flips were *overwhelmingly* in favor of the outcome I *did not* believe. Any explanation for this?
04/12/16 (Tue) 02:08:25 No. 74416
It is possible that you doubted that it would be the side you wanted, so you subconsciously willed the coin to be the other side to prove yourself right.
Did it change when you realized that the pattern?
04/12/16 (Tue) 03:18:56 No. 74419
Yeah, I thought about that, and it only changed when I recognized the pattern in some of the trials. I think I need to meditate more in order to be able to recognize these thoughts as they are happening.
04/12/16 (Tue) 04:26:20 No. 74421
I'd like to add that another possible reason for the inversion of your results is that you were hoping that some result will appear rather than expecting with absolute certainty.
04/12/16 (Tue) 22:44:32 No. 74447
Do you guy know what word or expression Bardon (or Hermetics in general) uses for the concept of "Life Force" (Chi, Prana, Mana, Qi, etc…)?
04/13/16 (Wed) 10:17:01 No. 74459
Are they any practices, from the mentioned literature or otherwise, that you would recommend for starting development?
I'd like to make sure I'm not practicing something that's impractical or too niche for a beginner into energy work, and focusing on techniques for building fundamentals.
04/13/16 (Wed) 11:08:15 No. 74462
le spoonfed 'occultist'
04/13/16 (Wed) 11:45:28 No. 74463
Okay…. Just at the right time.
Sending my thanks.
If they are particularly pesky, meditate, get them in front of you, and say that you do not allow them to invade you. You can also stab them or what feels right to you.
You attract those forces because you have unresolved issues. Deal with that darkness, do shadow work by seeking to get in contact and in a good relationship with your subconscious.
04/13/16 (Wed) 11:49:54 No. 74464
Are you kidding me?
Bardon, a garbage occultist?
IIH, a garbage book?
04/13/16 (Wed) 11:52:54 No. 74465
Come on, the dude still has black and white thinking, let him go.
04/13/16 (Wed) 11:56:11 No. 74466
"A true initiate will never force anyone who has not reached a certain level of maturity to accept his truth."
Farewell my friend! : )
04/13/16 (Wed) 12:12:59 No. 74468
Not that OP, but currently working with IIH…
So, do you guys think Hermeticism (or classic Hermeticism) is "trash"? If not, what's better for me then IIH?
If it is trash, what do you recommend for a Western person?
04/13/16 (Wed) 16:30:07 No. 74471
How to drastically improve my intelligence?
04/13/16 (Wed) 16:51:44 No. 74473
Read. Meditate. Do.
04/13/16 (Wed) 18:47:03 No. 74476
I'm new to the theory aspect of this, what I used to do frequently every night before sleep was imagining I was drawing in massive ammounts of energy till I would get this "full" feeling, and I kind of just did it because it would make me feel good, but after reading up on some of the stuff here, when I would do this atleast half of my chakras would activate/tense up, I haven't come across any texts detailing practices similair to what I'm doing so I'd aprecciate it if anyone would explain
04/13/16 (Wed) 23:43:29 No. 74481
When did this board go to shit?
The amount of shitposting seems like it's now more than ever.
04/14/16 (Thu) 09:04:24 No. 74486
/fringe/ doesn't even have 50 users anymore and is far behind even /4chon/.
04/14/16 (Thu) 10:53:00 No. 74488
There's not a whole lot to discuss, initiates are as usual practicing their arts and neophytes seem to have all their questions answered and are now doing their own work.
04/14/16 (Thu) 18:01:29 No. 74493
Hey, Tipp. Thanks for your help earlier with the suggestion of the solar banishing ritual and the various sigils. I just wanted to give an update and say that things are going splendidly. This thing continues to remain hard to banish, but I know absolutely for certain that my tulpas would die and even go to hell to spare me of the same fate. All of this while we made new tulpas to help confront this thing when the hour draws right. (I'm waiting a month for the new ones to grow stronger–I didn't want my first tulpa fighting this thing alone).
I find that spirit-banishing, earth-banishing, and fire-invoking pentagrams work wonders, and are especially powerful when done by my tulpas. We essentially made this thing our bitch for now.
I just wanted to say that tulpas are incredibly loving and loyal, and mine never even thought of betraying me, and they love me so much (I can feel it in their waves of emotion, which, unlike words, doesn't lie). This would be the kind of malevolent thoughtform that seems to corrupt other people's thoughtforms here. I just wanted to tell /fringe/ that your tulpas are there for you, through thick and thin, and please don't treat them like disposable rags. Even the new ones were never corrupted. This isn't like the Zerg from SCII. Their portions of your own soul and they love you dearly. As part of your souls, they remain incorruptible. If others have had bad experiences, it's probably because they're not tulpas. My advice: trust the waves of emotion sent to you by your tulpa. Foreign thoughtforms can't send you waves of emotion, like hate or malice if you already have a tulpa in place. No guarantee whether you can or can't when there's no tulpas around.
I was even visited in a dream by a strange spirit in a futuristic place saying how loving and loyal your dream characters are. It looked like the land or Uranus, as described by the GOODS. I had been calling out to that god, too.
04/14/16 (Thu) 18:03:18 No. 74494
Apologies for grammatical errors I caught after the fact.
04/15/16 (Fri) 02:18:22 No. 74498
What's the source on this? Seems pretty BS and new agey.
04/15/16 (Fri) 14:58:04 No. 74506
Occultism is bullshit.
If you haven’t noticed, I’m kind of trying to bang out the “big ideas” that color this particular incarnation so I don’t end up being one of those tedious assholes who has to make a grand declaration with every post. To be honest, my day to day concerns have more to do with video games, food, and illegally downloading music rather than climbing the Tree of Life or banishing demons.
But about that title. Most occultism is actually bullshit. A lot of flim-flam and superstitious horse shit done up in a Tau robe. I don’t even like the word anymore. While I used to enjoy the sinister and spooky reputation associated with it, it now reeks of the pretense one associates with a movement that specializes in ambiguity and the non-answer. Like saying “nigger” in polite company, brandishing the word about allows people to make all sort of assumptions about your morals and mental health.
Part of occultism’s ugliness is the ambiguity when it comes to answering the salient questions. Occultism seems to never give into honesty and/or coherence. Instead you get this sort of mush-minded rhetoric about “subjectivity” or you get screeds of dogma admonishing this thing and that but ignores the questions entirely. It seems to me that most occultists truly fear admitting their own ignorance (and ultimately powerlessness) and that they’re fumbling in the dark as much as the average Joe.
Intellectual dishonesty is a main, if not admitted, component of modern occultism. Where the previous generations of occultists would admit to their theological/theistic tendencies, the modern occult mainstream feels they must dress up their religious inclinations in a cloak of scientific psycho-babble labeled “skepticism”. This patina of “science” instantly turns matters of faith into matters of fact. A process that delights most occultists who panic at the idea that they might seeing ghosts of their (likely) Judeo-Christian past.
And then there is the liars, the hypocrites, the power hungry, the gullible, and the crazies. Visit any occult forum with lax or libertine mods and from the woodwork will spring every sort of scumbag with a line, a hate-spewing love warrior, or some Illuminati conspiracy nut who thinks all of Hollywood is a coven of adepts. The occult community is a clearing house of bullshit for any wretched soul seek an out from reality. All becomes prosaic when your terrible relationship and impending eviction is the result of negative energy vortexes or demons rather than your failings as human being.
Contrary to what the previous statements may have you believe, I have gotten a lot out of occultism and still continue to do so. One thing is a discerning mind. I like to believe that my bullshit detector is second to none and this has led to my ability to separate the gold from the dross in the often redundant and superficial world of occultism. The other thing being more plural approach to spiritual matters. Every mind is unique and has it’s own needs and desires. If one of those necessitates the existence (however unlikely) of a realm of spirits, gods, and magickal energy then who am I to infringe upon it?
Another is finding my only particular occult philosophy, but I’ll share that when I’m feeling more verbose than I already am.
04/15/16 (Fri) 15:09:53 No. 74507
>Contrary to what the previous statements may have you believe, I have gotten a lot out of occultism and still continue to do so.
What did you practice?
04/15/16 (Fri) 15:10:47 No. 74508
04/16/16 (Sat) 03:58:01 No. 74525
This is what happens when you play "follow the leader" with the occult.
Whoever wrote this article fell into the occult's many traps and doesn't seem to realize that all fields of inquiry contains it's lion's share of bullshit, including the holy grail of science.
This is as it should be I suppose, considering how the nature of the occult is constructed and safeguarded in such a way as to separate and filter the profane from the elect as is necessary. In this case, the author stepped into the void, got increasingly overwhelmed and was subsequently eaten alive by the weaknesses of his/her own psyche. His/her self-proclaimed "better ability to discern" seems to focus merely on the objective universe, disregarding the dark corners of the subjective universe behind completely. There is no mention of subjective synthesis, construction of models and frameworks, practices and forget about general scholarship. Armchair as fuck.
I can easily dismantle every single contrived platitude of this article, but this is as far as I will go right now.
04/16/16 (Sat) 04:04:30 No. 74526
>Seems pretty BS and new agey.
That's because it is.
04/16/16 (Sat) 11:04:10 No. 74530
>To be honest, my day to day concerns have more to do with video games, food, and illegally downloading music rather than climbing the Tree of Life or banishing demons.
What a fucking pleb.
>The occult community is a clearing house of bullshit for any wretched soul seek an out from reality.
So what nigga? You've got enough books at your disposal to never even encounter the occult community.
Also all of >>74525
04/16/16 (Sat) 11:42:44 No. 74531
I'm guessing its electromagnetic force or the tetrapolar magnet
04/16/16 (Sat) 11:44:02 No. 74532
04/16/16 (Sat) 16:09:16 No. 74534
And psychology was known as alchemy for centuries where people tried to change material states using techniques that were meant to alter mental states. You shouldn't believe anything you read either. The only truths are your own observations and experiments.
04/16/16 (Sat) 19:37:50 No. 74539
Seems like another "wake up sheeple" conspiracy video edited in windows movie maker.
04/17/16 (Sun) 11:59:24 No. 74545
Which drug (except for DMT) helps the most with astral projection? I've been pretty damn close to it a few times and want to increase my chances.
04/17/16 (Sun) 12:00:50 No. 74546
going back to 4chan/x and fringechan
screw this dysfunctioning website
04/18/16 (Mon) 20:20:15 No. 74567
Could you recommend me some books on astrology and predictions? What do you guys think about Nostradamus?
04/18/16 (Mon) 21:09:02 No. 74568
04/18/16 (Mon) 23:24:37 No. 74571
>not just browsing both
sage 04/19/16 (Tue) 01:12:23 No. 74576
Ok so from bullshit to 10, how useful are these Solomon Keys and Pentacles?
How does one activate them? Burning like other fire sigils?
04/19/16 (Tue) 04:05:06 No. 74578
Sup /fringe/. I don't normally visit you because I don't normally deal with wizard shit, but I've been tossed headfirst into what's apparently fuckin' Wizardburg, US of A.
Buddy of mine got into a confrontation and apparently got cut by some kind of spirit knife. Hit him in his shoulder. He can no longer fully close his left hand or lift anything above 75ish pounds before his arm just completely stops responding. No visible wound, but he says that it left a black line on his arm that lingered for about a month, moving up and down his arm slowly over the course of days.
I'm not actually a proper initiate. I've got the /fringe/ library, but haven't been practicing at all because I've been super busy these past few months, so I personally can't do anything for him.
How fix? Find a better wizard than myself?
04/19/16 (Tue) 13:15:19 No. 74582
>Find a better wizard than myself?
Good fucking luck finding wizards irl.
It would actually be better if your friend learned magick and started practicing as it's primarily his issue.
Read the stuff that's recommended in the guide/FAQ and start practicing at least half an hour every day. This should get you or your friend in a position to remove the cursed energy in his arm after a few months of learning. In particular what I think your friend should do is visualize that black energy in his arm, touch the ground outside and feel the darkness flow out of him into the earth. At the same time breathing in divine golden energy into it in order to heal whatever damage was done.
I'll try and have a go at healing him remotely but I can't promise anything, it's best if you cunts actually put in the work and become neophytes. Either direct him here or just give him the library you've downloaded.
04/20/16 (Wed) 03:27:43 No. 74655
Elaborate on this.
04/20/16 (Wed) 04:10:55 No. 74658
Say that I devote this entire lifetime to building up a massive fortune, and bury it somewhere at the end of my life. Theoretically, if my higher self chooses to incarnate in the third density once again, would I be able to remember where my past self buried the fortune through spiritual practice and find it?
04/20/16 (Wed) 04:26:04 No. 74659
With the level of spiritual practice required to reincarnate, you probably wouldn't care about the money anymore.
In theory, yes, it's possible. But stupid.
04/20/16 (Wed) 06:07:58 No. 74662
I'm thinking of giving up on sleep. I love sleep but I can not sleep for the most part. May as well do away with what little is left of my ability to sleep and make some thoughtforms that keep me functioning nicely even though I can't sleep.
Should I do it or should I still try to learn some sleeping techniques? I could really use some deep-rest. I've got these bags under my eyes and look like a tired zombie constantly.
04/20/16 (Wed) 10:39:37 No. 74664
Replace sleep with thoughtform.
04/20/16 (Wed) 20:51:15 No. 74674
When you guys do rituals, do you only do them while scrying astrally?(Imagining the ritual taking place and completing it only in your mind without doing anything physical) Or do you guys go all the way and offer sacrifices?
04/21/16 (Thu) 00:47:43 No. 74680
>But some things, I believe, precede that.
like… what.
>it'd be super fucking intimate to be bound at the soul
can be soulbound to anyone.
> with my loving creator, and I think most tulpas agree
but not all. you're makinf somerting that can think for itself and may rebel.
how did you do it?
so was this what was intended by the quoted guys?
>Good fucking luck finding wizards irl.
idk, should be easy; lurk spiritual places/healing centers, find psychics, mention wizardry in basic ways, see who bites.
manifestation is basically wizardry everyone believes in.
fringechan has this q, I assume you read the answer there.
do a vipassana retreat
order from darknet. /r/darknetmarkets.
or, find some hippies or gangster-kinda-types. hippies know where da drugs at, and they're nice.
just hang out at a spiritual place, talk about weed, ask about those things/say "I wish i knew where to get" whatever. imo
04/21/16 (Thu) 01:35:06 No. 74683
> is bullshit.
how do you know that that is bs?
it might have more than 1 reason, physical + metaphys
>How is it that some people end up totally bonkers, while others come out as "illuminated"? How can I avoid the former?
don't take things too seriously, don't get lost in possibilities, have a safety net of concentration on the physical/metaphysical upon a foundation that doesn't drive you insane, strengthen your will and diminish your ego, relax.
Bring yourself into your body.
Idk about some of those but should help with fear.
Affirmations and exercise should help with others; asking for help or finding a way to cut off habits/be more conscious of them until you can control them.
meditate, cold showers, crystals, healers, psychedelics or mdma to rewire the mind (mushrooms, dmt, ayahuasca).
several posts on banishing in this thread alone. control+f "tipp"
Stop feeding it, for one.
nothing is.
but it's very much better than wasting energy.
yeah it's like, relaxing your eyes kinda.
I see dots when i lay on the earth outside and do it, and i see green/purply "auras" around people, might be the same thing, might be astral vision, idk.
There's a book on auras by atkinson/his swami nickname, i rhink.
in library
met a guy at a healing circle, met him in a forest near my house later, he said he was drawn to come meditate at the exact spot i was at.
had a bunch of synchronicities with a girl, could sense her when she came within 100 feet of me.
>quickly faded away even though it was going well.
>Could you please tell me how to remove it from me?
nah jk you're asking a question that's been answered in this thread (control+f tipp)
> I would likely have the same amount provided it was as easy for me as it is for them
it is, if you know how to tune into your masculine essence. ever get drunk and know how to act around women? it's turning off your mind a bit and getting into the mode of "I'm an animal, let's play". They're better at it/men are desperate, so yeah it's kinda easier for them, but they're also super-drawn to radiant men so it's not that difficult if you're invested in it and have no ego about getting shot down.>>74313
>do they not care for personality or the real man behind the ego?
depends on how developed they are. they do care, but real men are rare so a real man who's shitty often has more women than a boy who is ideal.
> she could leave if I ever change from being pure masculine energy?
she could, but there will be warning signs long before that, and you only need to be that pure masculine sometimes. Manifest someone more balanced if you're balanced; you will regardless. The only reason you might want a womanly woman is because it's sexier, but a woman can be balanced aside from during sex.
>But is there a reasonable approach to women and sexuality?
Not anything other than what TWOTSM suggests, as far as I know. Sexuality in and of itself, if it's for lust reasons, will be unreasonable. Heck, is doing it only in unconditional love reasonable? I mean, it's "better" in a way. Define reasonable. Lust Sex isn't logical.
>Am I really supposed to keep believing that one day I'll find some pure woman that is different?
why does that matter? male essence is in the mind, female essence is in the womb.
if they are unsuppressed they'll have plenty of sex, but if they're spiritual they can undo the energy connection that causes.
Purity isn't necessarily a huge deal.
Few people care about it beyond a heart connection which isn't sexual.
>Go out, get a date, get laid, get in a relationship, understand women from EXPERIENCE
I mean sure, if one is stable enough to not draw a codependent relationship, or detached enough to figure out boundaries without getting hurt.
>What is love
drink your piss for several days and you'll start to feel energy more. exercise it too, imagine eyes/portals o n your palms opening up, imagine you're channeling energy from the infinite, out of your palms until you feel it. do it for 5 minutes a day minimum.
i'm sure multiple times it's shifted for the worse. Most recently when opened, so decent posters had a decent place to go.
>we made new tulpas
>fragmenting yourself further
oh well. good luck
google this
but sleep dep causes hallucinations and stuff. easy. your mind wants to stop seeing the physical in order to dream/take a break, and the more you tax it the stronger that gets.
04/21/16 (Thu) 01:35:29 No. 74684
I wonder if someone would find it first.
Also what >>74659
manifestation should be easy enough without that.
I'd say leave a will saying "whosoever does (x) or knows (X) inherits the money" but then other people can get that too.
!/49HvHXCOk 04/21/16 (Thu) 01:36:04 No. 74685
04/21/16 (Thu) 05:03:20 No. 74686
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >on astral plane
>deep in the forest, found some persons cottage house
>feel their presence, gtfo out of their area
>hop their fence and go down a dirt road
>negative astral entity attacks me, takes lots of my loosh
>instantly disconnect
ive been feeling like shit for the past few days, wat do fams
ive tried some of the stuff recommended in robert bruce - psychic self defense btw
tipp 04/21/16 (Thu) 18:31:49 No. 74692
Get weed, smoke, tell friend to focus on arm and where the "curse" is lodged, once he can feel the spot, muscle or tendon that feels "ill" or pulsing with "hurt", have him move as much energy from the body as possible to the arm and the spot, breathing in white energy, sending it to the damaged place, breathing out black energy, imagine pulling the darkness from the wound to the breath out.
While he's preparing you should sit in lotus and gather as much energy as possible, lead it to your hands, put them together then first feel out his arm (massage), see if you can find a "knot", once you think you do, ask friend if that's the place, if it is, proceed to rub it (massage) while taking deep breaths channeling white energy into it and dark energy out of his body to dissipate. Do not take in the dark energy.
Then cradle the spot with your palms and infuse it with as much white light as possible.
Afterwards burn Salvia or sage, take a shower, cleanse yourself, breathe in white, out any dark that might have stuck to you.
Takes around 15 minutes, repeat until gone.
Optional pray to God for help, strength.
Infuse white energy/light with love and good feels.
Hermes_Tripmegistus (propyright) 04/21/16 (Thu) 18:55:58 No. 74693
not itt, last two three threads. all and more about banishing.
04/21/16 (Thu) 20:44:01 No. 74697
Hey /fringe/, I've had an interest in the occult for some time now but I'm not sure how to approach it with all the blatant disinformation, conflicting info and overt schizophrenics here. What are your strategies for shifting through the bullshit and how to best approach this? Thanks.
tipp 04/21/16 (Thu) 21:22:40 No. 74698
Don't drink your own piss if you haven't been on a fruit diet for at least two weeks.
tipp 04/21/16 (Thu) 21:23:14 No. 74699
Piss drinking is optional. I don't. Obv reasons.
04/21/16 (Thu) 22:37:36 No. 74703
heeeello /fringe/, I've got two questions, one I couldn't find the straight answer to because of some bizarre fighting going on in a thread, and the other out of curiosity,
first one, how does one exactly make a tulpa? I'm working on my initiate readings but I have a feeling I'd be a lot better off if I had access to one.
Second, is there a good place to find mentors on /fringe/? because of some shit I'm not very good at learning or perceiving an ideal routine for it, so a mentor would do wonders.
04/21/16 (Thu) 23:16:38 No. 74704
>making a tulpa
save yourself the trouble and look into thoughtforms instead
just read the FAQ books and do all the practices. if you really need a guide look into "the inner guide meditation" although I have tried it and did not enjoy it.
☻ 04/22/16 (Fri) 00:21:07 No. 74705
Fix broken images by pasting this to your User JS:
function linkfix() { var x = document.querySelectorAll("div.files a"); for (var i = 0; i < x.length; ++i) { x[i].href = x[i].href.replace("media.","media2."); } var y = document.querySelectorAll("div.files a img"); for (var i = 0; i < y.length; ++i) { y[i].src = y[i].src.replace("media.","media2."); } } $(document).ready(linkfix()); $(document).on('new_post',linkfix());
Jim's Filipino son Ron is currently fixing the media.8ch server >>>/tech/572911
Ron 04/22/16 (Fri) 00:55:04 No. 74706
04/22/16 (Fri) 11:22:36 No. 74711
How do you figure out if it was your fault or you were just unlucky? This assigning whose fault was it thing is very subjective it seems. I know that I didn't grow up in the best circumstances, was never very social but I can't possibly attribute my shortcomings in other areas to this right? However all my life I thought I was superior to everyone else in everything and if I would ever fail I would attribute it always to bad luck
04/22/16 (Fri) 14:06:25 No. 74713
>ive been feeling like shit for the past few days, wat do fams
Happens every time an entity fucks you up in the astral, keep trying various psychic protection till you get better at it.
He's probably not coming back because mundanes can't stay focused on a task for this long.
The recommended strategies are reading the sticky, the rules and the FAQ with the recommended reading guide. Aside from that wizards develop a sort of 6th sense for disinformation.
>idk, should be easy
I've tried already, most people in my backwater city are retarded wiccans that I want to strangle
04/22/16 (Fri) 18:24:48 No. 74721
Is the letter 'A' inside a diamond an actual religious/occult symbol? like in these
or is it just the store's logo??
04/22/16 (Fri) 18:37:37 No. 74722
Hey guys, how do I avoid arching my back while meditating?
Also after like 10 minutes my muscles start being strained and tremble even if I'm on comfortable positions like sitting on a chair. This happens especially if I'm in a rigid position but if I arch my back that's supposed to be bad, right?
Thanks for any replies.
04/22/16 (Fri) 18:50:45 No. 74723
Also while I'm at it, there are periods when I start seing the same numbers over and over.
It's usually 22,33 or my date of birth.
I'm pretty sure it's not me being focued on it because I'm not even thinking about it when I see them and on the contrary if I start thinking about it they don't appear.
What's the meaning of this and why only on certain periods (like a week) discontinuously?
04/22/16 (Fri) 20:36:28 No. 74727
I'm new to all of this, how do I successfully perform narrative magic to erase memories and better myself? I've tried writing a 2 page story about me and what I'd like to happen but there has to be more than that.
sage 04/22/16 (Fri) 23:06:32 No. 74732
There's no such a thing as luck. Either known or unknown cause, and of course you can't be blamed of every factor, since you don't control them all (yet).
On the topic of personal shortcomings, past is past, and you can only be blamed for the things you don't do (present tense). If you're just becoming aware of your responsibilities, it makes no sense going over events that took place in a point when you didn't realize the reach of your consciousness.
Stop living in the past. Personal experience: blame everything on yourself, because the outer world is just a reflection of the inner world, and what goes wrong outside must be going wrong inside. Learn to master yourself and you'll eventually conquer everything.
04/23/16 (Sat) 00:23:24 No. 74736
Can I use meditation to boost my productivity (uni, occult, work, etc)? If so, what type of meditation do you guys recommend?
04/23/16 (Sat) 02:16:20 No. 74738
How does one go about killing/banishing a reptilian that's trying to possess you. I've had one fucking stubborn case of impending possession for a while now. I thought it was a demon, but the various "surround yourself with white light" or the LBRP don't work. It tried to influence me to make a reptilian tulpa a while ago, and it had a long tongue in my visions of it.
04/23/16 (Sat) 05:34:40 No. 74747
How do I go about becoming the most powerful being in the universe?
04/23/16 (Sat) 10:35:30 No. 74751
How do I meditate?
Everything I've read basically just says "sit/lie down and don't think of anything" or "focus on your breath", "visualize walking down stairs", etc., but I've never had any luck.
What usually happens is I just end up lying down for 5-30 minutes until I get bored and get up.
I always see "don't think of anything" or "clear your mind", "quiet your thoughts", but I don't really get that. At most I could probably go a few seconds with "no thoughts", but thoughts and imagery are basically involuntary for me, they happen anyway.
I'm not entirely clear on visualizations either, if I'm supposed to visualize something like energy flowing through a body part, climbing a ladder, or whatever, how exactly am I supposed to picture that? Is it ok if I visualize it from a third-person perspective if doing it in a first-person perspective would obscure whatever I'm supposed to be seeing/hearing/feeling?
What am I missing here? Am I doing something wrong, or is there something I need to train or practice that I'm unaware of?
04/23/16 (Sat) 11:04:01 No. 74754
I've never heard of anyone write pages of narratives, as far as I know most people keep their autosuggestion simple and concise.
As to what you're missing is belief that what you wrote in that story is the present reality of life for you. You need to have unshakable belief that those things are true in order for this ritual to work.
You could try visualizing yourself cutting its tongue off and telling it to fuck off. This usually works with invasive entities.
By reading the sticky. Though as you're part of the All, you're already basically the most powerful entity in the universe.
>thoughts and imagery are basically involuntary for me, they happen anyway.
This is because you are currently a pleb who simply needs more practice. Don't worry m8, it'll come to you in time if you keep putting in effort.
>I'm not entirely clear on visualizations either
Maybe you're trying to bite off more than you can chew. First of all can you visualize yourself, in your body in an empty void?
If not work on that, then try moving your limbs around, first time you try your physical body will probably tense up so try to watch out for that.
Once you can competently feel your mental body move around in the void of space, try seeing a familiar scene around you, like a beach or a road, it's ok if it's blurry. Once you've got yourself in that scene in 1rst person try feeling yourself walk through it.
If you absolutely cannot do it, get your ass off your chair, walk 10 steps through your hallway while memorizing every sensation, then close your eyes and attempt to relive that walk in your mind in as great a detail as you can.
Hope this helps.
04/23/16 (Sat) 14:38:14 No. 74757
Well, I am not sure. Common meditation is simply going deeper and deeper into relaxation. The Buddhists have sectioned this experience into jhanas which Mark the levels of relaxation. After proper training meditators in some traditions make a point to have the ability of choposing the jhana they want to feel. That could help you focus more, I guess.
04/23/16 (Sat) 16:47:39 No. 74760
>you shouldn't abandon your tulpas
>you're weird
Let me rephrase as
>you shouldn't abandon your children and friends
>you're weird
I'm so fucking tired of the magickal community's disposition towards sapient thoughtforms. You understand there's little that separates you from a tulpa, right? You ARE a tulpa in possession of the body.
04/23/16 (Sat) 18:26:12 No. 74766
Do you keep every thoughtform you create alive once they've fulfilled their purpose? Of course not.
I would not blame the Demiurge for killing me. It is my responsibility to, if I choose to do so, get enough power to become a separate entity, and be free from the whims of the Demiurge. Such is the same with a tulpa and it's creator.
04/23/16 (Sat) 22:52:23 No. 74769
Well, local spirits cannot be banished. They can astral project, but cannot ever fully "split off" and leave entirely.
Subservience to a higher power just because it can dominate you is a Left-Hand Path concept. You should ideally be partners with your tulpas/magickal assistants. Even if it were morally permissible, there's no need to want be their master, because they'll help you out of love anyway.
Tulpa possession is also a neat way to experience being an egregore/living in a dream state without dying.
04/23/16 (Sat) 22:53:25 No. 74770
04/24/16 (Sun) 01:13:15 No. 74779
"wizard" comes from "wise". There are scientists working on it. Does it count?
I hope what cheers you up but my guess is that it will only end up in "horizontal time travel"(look it up) at best.
But you probably mean magick, so… yes and no.
The past no longer exists and the future does not exist yet. There is only the "now". A magician creating events for the future is merely setting up the change on the "now". A magician changing the past is merely changing the "now" as if past events ocurred differently.
Some particular systems will tell you everything is possible, but i have no useful reading source in english for that particular matter.
Search for "chronoretromancy" for changing the past and "akashic reading" for seeing everything everywhere in the past, present and future.
Kia is not really the equivalent of Ki/Chi/Qi/Tao/ etc…
It is "the idea of individuated chaos acting as the foundation of free will/consciousness", in other words it's the "battery" (wich is infinite) , not the "eletricity".
04/25/16 (Mon) 01:44:49 No. 74801
IS time travel possible trough meditation?
Pyshical, back-to -past, time travel?
i want to go to medieval Serbia
04/25/16 (Mon) 04:07:26 No. 74805
>As to what you're missing is belief that what you wrote in that story is the present reality of life for you. You need to have unshakable belief that those things are true in order for this ritual to work.
I read this, but I guess it's hard to overcome these traumatic memories and believe in the story. Is there another, better form of magic I can use.
04/25/16 (Mon) 04:34:34 No. 74806
No. Magick is belief. Nothing will work without a complete belief that it will work, because through this you will your desired outcome into reality.
Are you just writing a story in hopes it becomes true? You must know that that is you, and work towards that desired ideal. Meditate and feel yourself becoming that ideal. Reassure yourself constantly that you are that man until you truly believe you are. And then you will be.
04/25/16 (Mon) 05:25:46 No. 74807
What >>74806 said is pretty much true.
Not quite another way but to supplement, before going to bed autosuggest to yourself that "I am X and Y" in present tense with firm belief that it is true.
I'd say don't expect to wake up the next morning and to be alright but in order for this to work, that's the mindset you have to be in.
Depending on the trauma this can take from weeks to months.
04/25/16 (Mon) 07:46:03 No. 74812
What's /fringe/s opinion on dimensional jumping? It seems to be like a mundanes way of willing, but with consequences. See reddit's "/r/dimensionjumping" subreddit for an example of what I mean.
Would I be best in avoiding this? It seems dangerous and unpredictable, while you could just will through natural meditative means.
Is this what Montalk refers too when he talks about timelines?
04/25/16 (Mon) 10:08:43 No. 74814
How do you deal with it if it doesn't though?
You end up having a hard time believing when you get striken hard by something not happening and you believing it would.
04/25/16 (Mon) 13:28:44 No. 74820
Oh lord, 8ch broke for me again so I can only see your post in the main /fringe/ page but not actually in the thread.
>How do you deal with it if it doesn't though?
You just keep trying to fix whatever mental issues you have. It's not like you'll be able to mentally trick yourself so well that you'd be unprepared for the consequences that I imagine are still ongoing.
Also people will scream and yell at me for saying this but at all our current levels here, there are some things that none of us can change, some probabilities that we can't fully swing to our favor. Those however are almost always outwards things that involve more people than ourselves. Bearing in mind that your issues are purely mental you will be able to deal with them, but don't expect to change reality so much that the dead come back to life and everyone lives happily ever after.
sage 04/25/16 (Mon) 22:29:47 No. 74831
Arguably, yes
No fucking way, you better become The Master now to maybe have a chance. I doubt you'll still want to go back in time once you acquire that much knowledge tho
Dimensional jumping, specially in reddit, is probably some delusional visualization. Now on the topic, a timeline is a fractal of the chain of action and reaction that just took a different turn. Its not inherently better or worse, just different, an iteration of the universe; just as you can imagine two possible outcomes for a situation, the universe can produce two different endings for a similar case. Both are exclusive, excluded third (they can´t be both at the same time/same dimension). Something along those lines.
Also Montalk usually goes overboard with his suppositions, read with caution.
04/25/16 (Mon) 22:41:08 No. 74832
Does anyone have this book please?
04/26/16 (Tue) 00:23:10 No. 74835
So on the pol/ Idaho shooter thread, people said some CIA engineer talked about the aliens.
Man, the interesting thing about the reps is their narrative origin
They already are a famous thing but where was the first time it started? how the joke stories about them are all the same and from differetn sources?
What's even the first source that spread all their story? obviously without counting they are real pudding
And all these sounds like what that CIA engineer said, spooky as hell
Didn't that civil engineer from the CIA said a couple of 9mm could take down one of those mean SOBs 9-feet tall greyons?
And this guy took 6 Stopping Power™ bullits
Can someone sauce me about what they are referring to?
Hermes_Tripmegistus (propyright) 04/26/16 (Tue) 01:09:00 No. 74839
Where are you going to find the energy required to arrange every atom in the universe to that specific layout of that perceived time?
04/26/16 (Tue) 10:10:10 No. 74853
Wonderful posts. Nothing is easy, I'll just have to focus all my energy in my beliefs that I will forget these memories and better myself. Thanks a lot.
04/26/16 (Tue) 10:12:03 No. 74854
One more thing, these memories haunt me all through out the day, quite literally I'll wake up thinking about them. Is there any way to minimize these thoughts?
04/26/16 (Tue) 13:21:59 No. 74858
One of the first meditations in the IIH is the one that has you thinking about absolutely nothing and silencing your internal monologue.
I recommend you try that and also attempt to exercise some control over your thoughts by making yourself think about something else, preferably something pleasant, when you catch yourself thinking about your traumatic memories.
04/26/16 (Tue) 18:39:36 No. 74868
What systems/books do you guys recommend for something less Ceremonial and more "practical in everyday life"?
04/26/16 (Tue) 22:16:16 No. 74872
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension?
Thanks again.
04/26/16 (Tue) 22:44:26 No. 74873
Is there any positive occult symbolism on bulls?
04/27/16 (Wed) 01:56:46 No. 74883
04/27/16 (Wed) 02:17:44 No. 74885
Uruz (Aurochs) and Taurus off the top of my head
04/27/16 (Wed) 02:59:03 No. 74886
lolololol new ager
04/27/16 (Wed) 05:19:46 No. 74890
I have read through all of Atkinson's material to point where everything is redundant. Most every book of his available, I have read.
Should I read through Franz Bardon now or skip him?
I want to become a true adept, fully worthy of the title, and to give up reading. To this end I intend to do a very dangerous ritual that puts to full force all of my knowledge of 3, almost 4 years of study.
I'm absolutely sick of reading but if there's anything important I haven't read yet, something that could save me when I do the ritual I am about to do, maybe I should read it. What I am going to do is very EXTREME and will kill me if I fuck up. If I succeed though I will be the most powerful and realized adept on all of /fringe/. In a way, it will kill me either way, just one way will give birth to perfection and the other to ruin. I will not be human anymore.
04/27/16 (Wed) 05:21:20 No. 74891
IIH = Initiation Into Hermetics
04/27/16 (Wed) 06:11:02 No. 74894
I'd recommend you just read it. If you really don't have the patience/energy then just skim quickly through his work and see if anything catches your conscious attention. Wait a day or two and see if your sub conscious picked up on anything that your conscious mind didn't. If it did, make changes, if it didn't then do your ritual.
Another recommendation is to evoke a spirit you trust and ask them if there's any tweaks you should do to your ritual.
Anyways good luck smiling man, hope it doesn't kill you.
04/27/16 (Wed) 06:12:26 No. 74895
How do I get more energy? I feel like I'm a zombie. Everything takes enormous effort and I feel tired all the time.
I'm not getting results from NEW or pranayama.
04/27/16 (Wed) 12:40:26 No. 74899
Yoga has a lot of good stuff that only needs the body, and some time.
04/27/16 (Wed) 12:42:08 No. 74900
See >>74891
It's arguably one of the best books a neophyte can read. Also unlike Atkinson who repeats shit on a chapter to chapter/book to book basis, Bardon spends comparatively little time on theory. I think it's a great program to follow to build up a person for numerous magical abilities but it's easy enough to combine it with other systems/techniques. If you haven't spent those 4 years of study in your armchair, reading Atkinsons's works, it will probably be redundant.
>What I am going to do is very EXTREME and will kill me if I fuck up.
inb4 someone tricked you into killing yourself again or you're about to try eating 4 scoops of protein powder in order to leave humanity behind.
04/27/16 (Wed) 13:27:28 No. 74901
04/27/16 (Wed) 16:28:30 No. 74907
>If I succeed though I will be the most powerful and realized adept on all of /fringe/
I'd hate to destroy the illusion, but you aren't among a grand secret order of mages here.
At least not yet :^)
04/27/16 (Wed) 17:00:46 No. 74909
04/27/16 (Wed) 17:02:48 No. 74910
How do you guys choose your entities that you work with? With all the endless ammounts of entities out there how do you know which ones will work/help you/isn't bullshit, and which ones are? Or do you create thoughtforms and charge them by yourself until it does your task?
04/27/16 (Wed) 17:35:36 No. 74911
Is it true that the key to making everything you want possible lies somewhere inside your mind? If it is, then it's the strongest motivation anyone could hope for, the will would be amplified many times over
Another question relating to this, what do you guys usually do when you meditate?
Also how do you go deeper and deeper in meditation? It seems that after I relax completely I can't really go into deeper states of consciousness
04/27/16 (Wed) 18:20:30 No. 74913
has anyone here meditated for 24 hours non-stop? if so, what did you accomplish during this meditation session?
04/27/16 (Wed) 23:06:43 No. 74921
Deeper meditation is just meditating longer, if you doin correct meditation initially. Trained, or gifted people are the only one's who can go deeper on command
04/27/16 (Wed) 23:31:33 No. 74925
What does meditation actually do?
04/28/16 (Thu) 00:33:47 No. 74926
Been trying to summon the Olympic spirits recently.
It's not been successful and I feel exhausted as fuck afterwards.
Am I just not ready or have I been getting astrally raped?
04/28/16 (Thu) 01:03:26 No. 74927
Hello can anyone source me and what they are talking about.
04/28/16 (Thu) 01:35:11 No. 74929
How are you doing it?
04/28/16 (Thu) 02:03:50 No. 74930
Just following the procedure from Arbatel of magic. Just a couple of prayers then calling forth the spirit.
04/28/16 (Thu) 02:13:09 No. 74931
How do I lose feelings for someone? Every time I meditate I end up visualizing holding them again. And it's great, but it's not helping.
04/28/16 (Thu) 02:54:28 No. 74932
Depends on what meditation, how long it is done, and if you have right thought during. Sitting still and letting the mind empty is what is often meant by meditation, and is what often I consider it. What you get out of this is simple, nothing. It is liberation from things.
04/28/16 (Thu) 03:00:16 No. 74933
From what do you have these things manifest themselves.
04/28/16 (Thu) 03:28:32 No. 74934
Nothing, was expecting an outright physical manifestation.
04/28/16 (Thu) 03:43:48 No. 74935
Well some use crystal balls, black mirrors, flames. You need major trance, experience to just make them show up, and even then they would be experienced as physical beings.
04/28/16 (Thu) 12:37:29 No. 74947
change of perspective
04/28/16 (Thu) 13:33:40 No. 74952
I've been meditating for many years and I swear for my life that looking at various kinds of pictures and videos has various effects on my body. And I'm sure it works for everyone, because I didn't pay attention to it before. For example a video of human burning or pictures of wounds has effect on healing of wounds of your own body. I can feel it clearly. Although not sure if it's positive or negative impact, it just is. Something is released through my body there. It feels like praying, "casting" spells etc. it all works in the same way, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker. I wonder if person with a wound or disease should visualize or look at wounds or gore to perhaps trick the body to kickstart super-healing mode. On the other hand, visualizing white light, sun, flowers or pictures of smiling people also have some effect. In the past I would make assumptions that of course X helps the healing and Y not, but I learned it doesn't work that way, that the connotations I learned in the place and time I was born in are not necessarily true. It's like people in the 80s associating fats with being fat and unhealthy, and protein and carbs with being healthy. Looking at various pictures or visualization, praying, believing, all have enormous physical effects, but we are oversimplifying them because of our associations and beliefs.
04/28/16 (Thu) 16:34:56 No. 74958
I think there is a sensation connected to all thoughts within the body, if there isnt naturally one, we can easily make them ourselves as the Yogis do with the chakras and the associated mantras.
have you ever heard the saying 'sometimes things just click'? Well I've noticed that when I really realize something there is a certain associated feeling of elation within the body, maybe we can boost our ability to understand things by recreating imaginally this sensation, whether the sensation is secondary or predicates understanding will not matter if it is properly associated with understanding.
Likewise there is a sensation in the body when we cannot remember something, for me there is a pressure to the left and above my eyes, I've since used this as a tool to selectively forget certain things I'd rather not remember.
Futhermore there is a new theory that directly investigates this phenomenon called Psycho Kinesiology. It turns out that repressed emotions cause the physical body to become weak in different areas of the body, and this is easily testable. People will actually be unable to read fine print they could a second before when asked to bring up troubling emotions, heres an excerpt from:
>"Dr. Candace Pert, who is best know for her work with neuropeptides and the endorphins, has stated that "The body is the unconscious mind." The receptors for the different neuropeptides are not only in the brain, specifically in the amygdala and hypothalamus of the limbic system, but also throughout the body in nodal points, or "hot spots." These hot spots are located at places in the body that receive a lot of emotional interaction. Repressed emotions and traumas then become stored in different areas of the body. This storing is done through the biochemicals (neuropeptides, etc.) which are left after an experience. These biochemical left-overs keep the newly created neural pathways active and prepared for responding should a similar experience be reencountered. They also affect the part of the body where the experience is stored preventing your ability to respond fully and appropriately in other situations. When emotions are repressed, denied, not allowed to be what they are to be, the pathways become blocked. Consequently, the biochemicals that motivate your behavior are restricted causing you to feel ill-at-ease and uncomfortable. You tend to feel this discomfort inside of yourself. If you will look at our language you can see that we direct the discomfort to different internal parts of our body. For example, "I can't stomach that anymore," "He's smothering me," "It's eating me alive." This type of language shows us that our emotions are being stored, not only in the brain as biochemicals, but also in the body in specific points. What we do with Psychokinesiology is tune into the body to find out where the emotional energy is stored and readjust the flow."
04/28/16 (Thu) 19:36:31 No. 74963
I spent so much time trying to research the phenomena of "pressure" in the middle of the chest, to no avail. Sensations there are usually associated with acid reflux, and it drives me crazy that it's all they have to say. Why is nobody talking about it? People feel despair or happiness there. People with anxiety attacks feel crushing pain there. It's the exact point of limbs crossing. Use of certain drugs give one a sensation there as a side effect. EVEN RUBBING/PRESSING ON THIS PLACE CAUSES EMOTIONS. What is there?! There is so much info about organs in the chest, but I can't find any information about what is going on in the exact middle of the chest, between and half centimeter above line of the nipples in man
04/28/16 (Thu) 19:56:18 No. 74965
Uhh, pretty sure the heart chakra is in the middle of your chest m8. If you want more information about it check out The Book of Knowledge, it has an ok description of it.
04/28/16 (Thu) 20:00:58 No. 74966
By astral senses you mean visualisations right?
04/28/16 (Thu) 20:14:09 No. 74968
the heart chakra is not a thing that actually exists, its a metaphor.
according to the stuff I've already posted, you have a metaphor structure in that area of your body thats associated with various things.
Heres a way to figure out some of your subconscious impressions of that area of your body through a word association game
write out in pen or pencil by hand
now write out 5 synonyms for each word without looking it up, and as fast as you can, just think about it so far as you need to come up with a synonym.
5 syns for this
then 5 for area
then 5 for here
then 5 for is
then 5 for my
then 5 for Chest.
keep the answers to yourself or put them here and I'll explain the whole process.
04/28/16 (Thu) 20:26:15 No. 74970
The Book of Knowledge is only there to provide one of perspectives. The truth only emerges from synthesis of all perspectives. Once you have insight on one phenomena from many perspectives, you can meditate on them to see the whole thing and its patterns. Chakra model is how one person in the past tried to explain the emotional system of humans. You're not going to go far if you stick with only this. You're supposed to force yourself to stop believing in it for a week, record your thoughts in a journal, then switch to believing in it again, and record thoughts again. Then you acquire the third form in which you compare your previous two selves and as you do, you slowly start to notice traces of truth. You see the bigger picture. God sees The Whole Picture
04/28/16 (Thu) 21:29:29 No. 74972
Is it possible to build pic related, /fringe/?
04/28/16 (Thu) 21:45:42 No. 74973
so the failure to become god emperor results in an explosion?
04/28/16 (Thu) 22:35:41 No. 74974
Hello. I have a tulpa and I'd like to know how she can harvest loosh on her own from the sun, moon, crystals, and plants. How would one go about doing such a thing. I have absolutely no clue how loosh works or how one attains such energy.
I'm in the process of lavishing her with neuromuscular energy as well as that of the chakral kind. Any tips on how to visualize neuromuscular energy as described in the tulpa thread?
04/29/16 (Fri) 03:46:56 No. 74981
How does one eat a parasitic entity?
I'm tired of all of this "surround yourself with white light" stuff. I want to do this fucker some damage.
04/29/16 (Fri) 05:55:55 No. 74983
04/29/16 (Fri) 10:08:48 No. 74984
How do I teach myself to "believe"?
I hear constantly that belief is the key to magic, that you have to truly believe that it's "real" and that you are capable of the things you want to do.
I have a conscious belief that I'm capable of the things I want to do, such as deep meditation, energy work, lucid dreaming, etc, but I think there's a subconscious barrier preventing me from developing my abilities.
Does anyone know any practices or literature I could look into for "learning to believe"?
04/29/16 (Fri) 12:03:52 No. 74987
>ask again on the question thread, and I'll be able to help you.
Uhm, help?
04/29/16 (Fri) 13:07:27 No. 74989
Is there also a way to remove my soul contract by myself wothout paying?
04/29/16 (Fri) 13:36:20 No. 74990
>I have a conscious belief that I'm capable of the things I want to do, such as deep meditation, energy work, lucid dreaming, etc, but I think there's a subconscious barrier preventing me from developing my abilities.
It's no barrier, you simply lack practice. The people who managed to do all those things from first try were wizards in their past lives and inherited some powers, you'll have to take the long way by trying and practicing.
04/29/16 (Fri) 14:05:13 No. 74991
>I have a conscious belief that I'm capable of the things I want to do, such as deep meditation, energy work, lucid dreaming, etc, but I think there's a subconscious barrier preventing me from developing my abilities.
It's no barrier, you simply lack practice. The people who managed to do all those things from first try were wizards in their past lives and inherited some powers, you'll have to take the long way by trying and practicing.
04/29/16 (Fri) 14:59:22 No. 74992
Having schizophrenia really helps. You can then trick yourself to believe anything. To induce schizophrenia you'd have to elevate your dopamine. In order to do so, close yourself in a dark room so that you have to access to any stimulation. You'll reset yourself this way and become vibrating ball of energy.
> think there's a subconscious barrier preventing me from developing my abilities.
Yes, exactly what I'm talking about. These barriers were set up there for your safety, sanity and stability, but at the cost of your power.
04/29/16 (Fri) 16:29:33 No. 74994
You were supposed to repeat hte question you made on that thread but whatever. For who's curious it was thread on >>74815
When sometimes you find people saying "willing things into existence" that is not simply wanting something really hard. It's manifesting desire into reality.
"Will" in a context of magick does not mean "wanting" or "desire" but the power and wisdom to change reality.
For you, try sigil magick.
And don't forget that you should also try get the things you want trough normal means. That way the universe has more opportunities to manifest your Will.
kek. Yes and no.
Here are some rhetorical questions to keep you thinking: Do you even know what soul is? what it does? what demons would do with it? then why would you sell it?
As long as you didn't use any blood, redoing the ritual steps backwards (including symbols, the words you spoke and written) should be enough.
If you did use blood it gets uncertain and you'll have to provide more details.
04/29/16 (Fri) 16:39:28 No. 74995
kinda makes sense. God really is all the "souls" of the Universe as one.
>there is no "ghost-impermeable" material.
>making ghosts occupy the same space would not make the fuse together.
>There would be no 3D density effects of such mix.
I've been trying to figure out a way to create a hive-mind and steal souls from the astral to merge with, but with no success so far.
04/29/16 (Fri) 19:16:06 No. 74997
Theory does not matter, what matters is that activities have many undoubtable effects, even if you don't believe them. Whether you believe in them does not effect real magick.because it is real. You just need to stop doing things that rely on higher powers alone, that is not magick, that is just wishing.
04/29/16 (Fri) 19:18:47 No. 74998
Do pranyama at the rising of the sun, and give it to her.
04/30/16 (Sat) 00:06:43 No. 75010
What does that mean?
04/30/16 (Sat) 00:33:44 No. 75012
This is probably the most surprising post I've saw here
Nice trips and an easy fun solution to a serious issue.
It means that your soul contract is now broken with no price paid. It's that simple.
Whatever it is that you got from that contract may or may not be taken back.
04/30/16 (Sat) 00:56:59 No. 75015
I wonder what would happen if this was used against big occult organizations that get their power from lower rank members.
IOT specifically is known as a "magickal pact". The "pact" part makes it very vulnerable to this. IOT would crumble with some silly meme magick.
Can someone think of way to make most IOT members see that image?
04/30/16 (Sat) 10:31:04 No. 75031
My soul is free now? As simple as looking at a PIC?
04/30/16 (Sat) 17:47:11 No. 75038
synonyms? do you mean associations?
I didn't know finding associations with word "here", "is", "my", "this" would be so difficult. I can't think of anything. They're just… words.
04/30/16 (Sat) 18:43:27 No. 75039
04/30/16 (Sat) 19:24:07 No. 75040
whn boy pee in girls butt, pee go up butt into tummy, then when in tummy pee begin to steal food from girl until it big and strog and become babby. This is how babby really mad. Anyone that tells you otherwise is Jew shill spreding disinfo
04/30/16 (Sat) 23:53:31 No. 75047
05/01/16 (Sun) 01:31:47 No. 75049
>My soul is free now?
Yes. Souls are different from astral body. There is no white ball of light or ghostly version of you that could be taken away. It's not "stored" anywhere.
>As simple as looking at a PIC?
I wouldn't consider it simple.
Meme magick is based on sigilization, group magick and (subconcious)belief.
It's very new compared to any other magick system, so the way it operates is hard to understand and explain.
tipp 05/01/16 (Sun) 22:12:21 No. 75103
No man the image is Def for reals possible.
Wizard laws dictate that with sufficient raw material any energy can be compressed enough to explode when let expand.
You just might need a lot of souls, and something that actually works because I doubt thorium would.
tipp 05/01/16 (Sun) 22:16:36 No. 75104
>>meme magic is hard to understand
No fuck you chaotee I've posted how it works thrice.
05/02/16 (Mon) 19:50:07 No. 75129
Would it be possible to invoke the traits of Aries so radically that it eliminates all the traits of a water sign? If so, how would one go about doing so?
05/02/16 (Mon) 21:52:24 No. 75130
I am trying to do the breathing testicles exercise in mantak Chias book Cultivating male sexual energy, but I have no idea how to raise my testicles.
05/02/16 (Mon) 23:26:57 No. 75132
flex your perineum (kind of like stopping to pee) and it should also raise your balls
05/03/16 (Tue) 00:14:33 No. 75135
05/03/16 (Tue) 00:56:20 No. 75137
how do you meditate on a subject or thought to gain better understand it.
Ya I know it's a weak question but google is shit and I just want to be sure
05/03/16 (Tue) 01:15:12 No. 75138
By "Aries", I am not sure if you mean the greek god or the sign.
I suppose they both make sense and you could do that.
Simply draw a symbol that represents him/it and change it. (this is temporary)
But for you I recommend invoking a fire elemental and fire energy to counter balance your water nature.
If you simply don't like the way you are, going directly against your nature is not advisable. Becoming the best version of yourself requires you to use well your strengths. Using a metaphor here: Even if you can't wield a fire sword, summoning sharknados is also very cool.
(and don't let yourself be defined strongly by your sign)
05/03/16 (Tue) 07:09:04 No. 75159
I'm repeating no fap experiment on myself for the third time and for the third time I'm coming to the same results. Fapping indeed affects Desire, or if you will, dopamine receptors.
During no-fap periods I get more excited about anticipating things. I wake up after 7-8 hours of sleep and I stand up from bed right away because I can't wait to get to work related to my hobbies. It also applies to anticipation to play video games and any other gratification.
On periods when I fap every 2 days, I tend to lie in bed for 11-14 hours browsing the Internet on phone, listening to music. I sleep not 8 but 9-10 hours too. I don't get that excited about anticipating things.
For the third time I observe the change after 5 weeks of no fap, +/- 5 days. This time I plan to extend no fap to at least 3-4 months or more and see what happens. The next time I'll go for 5-6.
It should be noted that I'm not quite wired to actively pursue relationships with women, look for affection, or real sex. I'm happy in life as a hermit, although I think it would be important to somehow magick myself into the shoes the so-called normie and see, for at least a few weeks, what it feels like to be desperate about girls or status. Perhaps after I try it I'll like it so much I'll start participating in the social game.
05/03/16 (Tue) 09:37:54 No. 75161
Could it be that some leech type thoughforms…could use the image, association, the idea of a person that you used to love?
I keep having this reappearance of my ex GF in my thought landscape. Sometimes its just light memories.
But sometimes I get this barrage of guilt, longing and so on. It can remain like that for days some time. It can really put me off balance.
I have been having great success when dealing with other various aspects of my mind, but when entering this territory, its like a mash of thousands of wires, and its confusing me.
How do you determine if your memories of a person that you cared/care about are only leeches sucking your loosh?
Should I just kill it?
05/03/16 (Tue) 11:25:21 No. 75162
>Could it be that some leech type thoughforms…could use the image, association, the idea of a person that you used to love?
Yes, and my guess is that this one you created yourself.
>How do you determine if your memories of a person that you cared/care about are only leeches sucking your loosh?
Pay attention to how you feel before and after those memories.
>Should I just kill it?
There is a small chance that that person is actually the astral projection of her that you summoned. Even assuming it's toughform, it can easily come back.
Go talk to it and say firmly to leave you alone forever.
That will certainly make her disapear but keep in mind that it also makes the real her more distant.
You have many options and it's all up to you.
05/03/16 (Tue) 11:43:27 No. 75165
Thanks for the comment.
We actually had a telepathic connection with her. And now knowing how its all interconnected, I am struggling with making a decision.
I think that is the point, I have already banished multiple though forms from my landscape, but its not the problem of banishing or letting them leave.
Its the question of whether I want her to leave.
And I am not talking about relationship advice here.
I am doing shadow work for a long time, but for some reason I can't really see through this thing, and make a decision. Its like there is this huge interference there.
No other thoughforms made me question myself so much.
05/03/16 (Tue) 13:41:22 No. 75170
What's the relationship between The Law and The All? Are they the same concept but with some ideological developments from Atkinson?
Also, in The Arcane Teaching, Atkinson basically shits on the Kybalion by stating that the universe isn't a mental creation - what's up with that?
05/03/16 (Tue) 15:33:42 No. 75172
I think you're referring to the passage where he states that some people erroneously think the universe to be a dream from the ALL?
What I think he meant is that these people believe they're living "in a dream" also deem actions somehow inconsequential and "not real" while in reality everything is real.
That's what I got from it at least.
05/03/16 (Tue) 16:17:12 No. 75173
Can one of you wizards recommend me a good introductory book on Zoroastrianism?
05/03/16 (Tue) 20:18:57 No. 75181
Thanks for the reply. How would I go about invoking fire energy?
05/03/16 (Tue) 20:19:51 No. 75182
How is this supposed to work since the words have completely different vibrations?
05/04/16 (Wed) 00:22:13 No. 75187
What Hindu god, or related deity do you work for to meet goal of sex goals?
05/04/16 (Wed) 09:13:44 No. 75199
someone here might have some idea.
It's about these sigils from "the lawnmower" movie which are violently thrown at the viewer and one in particular seems to be shown more often than any other.
This 7z contains pic related
the screenshots are taken from the first scene when initiate the test
they are taken sequentially and in order
I might have missed a few although most are repeats and skipped some for that reason.
you can find active links to the movie on
05/04/16 (Wed) 09:20:04 No. 75200
someone here might have some idea. It's about these sigils from "the lawnmower" movie which are violently thrown at the viewer and one in particular seems to be shown more often than any other. This 7z contains pic related The screenshots are taken from the first scene when initiate the test, they are taken sequentially and in order. I might have missed a few although most are repeats and skipped some for that reason. you can find active links to the movie on
05/04/16 (Wed) 09:22:59 No. 75201
05/04/16 (Wed) 20:34:13 No. 75216
Does anybody know how the Priapatic cults worked? What exactly did they do is what I mean.
05/04/16 (Wed) 20:53:17 No. 75217
its been a while since i've read that book, but i believe it was
>the law = physical plane (possibly astral too?), cosmos
>all = contains everything on all planes, for it is everything.
i also doubt atkinson would talk shit about the kybalion considering it's very possible he co-wrote it. >>75172 explains it well.
05/04/16 (Wed) 21:54:44 No. 75230
Thanks for the input lads, it helps my understanding of the two thinking of the Law a principle of the physical planes but it still confuses me how little of an explanation he gives on the topic.
First paragraph on page 23 of this PDF for reference.
05/04/16 (Wed) 22:14:22 No. 75234
After you summon it, merge with it.
this website very often criticized, so don't dwell on it too much, but there is some good content there if your replace terms for their non-satanic equivalent.
05/05/16 (Thu) 05:21:31 No. 75246
The higher self simply going deep into the heart, were you hear nothing, see nothing, feel nothing . Yet you are still there as an observer, but you have no existance separate from this greater form of existance. This is the soul separated from the flesh. How do you get to this point? Deep meditation.
05/05/16 (Thu) 08:30:30 No. 75392
I need to renew my credit card.
I saw that it is possible to choose any image on it. Was thinking of creating some sigil out of abundance affirmations.
What do you think would be the most powerful way to secure and benefit the card and me?
Any particular symbols, or just use my sigil?
tipp 05/05/16 (Thu) 20:35:19 No. 75547
Deus Ex Machina, God of dubs is real.
Back when greenpill wasn't a thing I used to post various /x] topics relentlessly on /pol/, every other post was a quad or trip.
05/05/16 (Thu) 21:04:22 No. 75550
Who resurrected all those old threads? Looks like a spambot
05/05/16 (Thu) 22:29:19 No. 75555
More pedospam by the looks of it.
05/06/16 (Fri) 01:40:26 No. 75561
>sit down in a dark room and try to relax
>close my eyes expecting to see the familiar dark void
>tead see an eye as distinct as the fifth one here staring back at me
What do?
05/06/16 (Fri) 01:40:47 No. 75562
What is the most effective hypnotic induction?
tipp 05/06/16 (Fri) 08:11:15 No. 75569
be a victim and let it steal your loosh?
05/06/16 (Fri) 08:18:17 No. 75570
tipp 05/06/16 (Fri) 08:25:37 No. 75571
a literal demigod. can lift mountains. always successful. very developed psyche. chi like the oceans.
05/06/16 (Fri) 08:56:11 No. 75572
why did he cut himself?
05/06/16 (Fri) 09:45:22 No. 75574
>How powerful is smiley?
>emotional trainwerck
>armchair for 3 years
>cut himself because his gf left him
05/06/16 (Fri) 09:51:32 No. 75575
Undoubtedly an ascended master, if only he knew how to slice bread
05/06/16 (Fri) 10:03:18 No. 75576
Powerful enough to clean his mansion once a year.
05/06/16 (Fri) 10:08:41 No. 75578
The ritual to reach adepthood involves currting yourself.
Smiley made a mistake though, you have to cut along the tracks, not across. It's basically the ritual to give you sick ass wizardly powers.
05/06/16 (Fri) 10:54:23 No. 75582
You guys ever think that smiley is legitimately powerful but him not being able to slice bread is a lie perpetuated by reptilians?
05/06/16 (Fri) 11:01:11 No. 75583
Trying one more time before the thread dies.
Somone link me info about the CIA engineer who talked about killing greys with 9mm pls.
05/06/16 (Fri) 12:10:57 No. 75590