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Yes, here's another reason to don't masturbate.

Imagine a nerd that masturbates 3 times a day, and then the bad energy from orgasm (on masturbation) start to create a net of energy around you.

There's 3 chances:

1- you're a lucky boy and you can waste your minerals without any problem.

2- you're now surrounded by entities that know that you're a Qi fountain.

3- your own energy created a monster.

When i mean a "monster", it's literally a monster.

"a powerful person or thing that cannot be controlled and that causes many problems"

Where all this bad energy go when you finally ejaculate and waste all your jhin, qi and whatever?

They don't go anywhere, they don't have anywhere to go.

The universe will recycle as the only way the universe knows, using bad energy to create bad things.

Imagine yourself feeding this monster all your fuckin life. Will be a time that you can't control it anymore if you're unaware of his existence.

The monster will demain energy, and again you will feed it.

The monster could be a lot of things. A clone of yourself, a kraken, or just energy. Nothing is 3d, ofc.

The monster could be a thoughtform. Yes, you can create it even if you don't want.

So, my little boys. Don't masturbate.



Are you haunted by gremlins or something?


you're an idiot and a bullshit occultist






Tell me more about this



correlation/causation error and buzzwords


The same way you can charge a tulpa using orgasm, you can also create a tulpa out of nothing by habit.

Demonic entities can also attach themselves to a sex addict to ride the wave. Over time the entity will be hooked to the person and the person will slowly kill itself through sex.

I recommend trying to become a golden monk and try to abstain for 3 months to start. If you can't make it to day 3 you have serious issues and should call an exorcist.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>If you can't make it to day 3 you have serious issues and should call an exorcist

In many cases the mind concocts excuses for the victim and the victim has not learned to distrust his own mind. It should just require a witnessing of the pattern of lies & a distrust of one's mind (no matter how convincing the excuses…to expect convincing rationales) to break through the initial days.


Jokes on you I have a monster fetish



You having a good 24 anon? I am.



Any more info on this golden monk thing?



This has the ring of truth to it.

I've recently been moving away from my compulsive masturbatory addiction. Prior to two weeks ago I was doing it between 2-4 times daily. This went on for YEARS since puberty, I was told there was nothing wrong with it and it was perfectly natural

More recently I've come to the conclusion it was physically damning; if not spiritual. Is it even possible to undo the damage that I've already done? The temptation is there, it's extremely intense especially first thing in the morning and right before bed.

I want to overcome this.


I've been fapping as much as I can every day for awhile now OP and I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I feel 0 pleasure from doing so. Doesn't matter if I cum, I feel NOTHING.

How do I orgasm or otherwise experience pleasure in connetion to this activity?

How do I do this right?


I'm going to keep fapping as much as I can until the end of March I guess.




One more thing, I never have the strong desire to fap, indeed it seems like a fucking chore, and I have given up a few times on fapping to completion already, and there just isn't that temptation and stuff..

What is wrong with me? Why does my every choice to fap have to be a purely intelletual one? Why is there no emotional drive here? Why don't I feel lust? Why can't I orgasm?




and then you kill yourself


It's taking me forever to download all this pony. Omran you better be right about this. It's pony time.


Oh my god.

I require additional pony.




Watching the ponies makes me feel less dead inside.


Pretty… colourful… ponies…


Inject the ponies into my veins!!


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God damn it the pony won't download fast enough. It's going to take hours.


*strokes neckbeard pensively*


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Come on everypony get into my harddrive.


>smiley goes brony



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I will never understand this process or thought in mentality. I will never really understand how humanity demonizes a natural form and function of it's own body so much. Now you are to teach that if one simply exercises their ability to explore their body in such a way that it's bound to create a monster?

If you wanted to simply tell folk, "Hey when you wank it too much you develop a mild dopamine addiction that can be rather tough to break and can cause mood swings if you stop." Then I think it would have been just easier to explain the above.

Men are capable of making monsters, demons, angels, and saints. I feel, if energy follows nature, this 'discarded energy' is no more a pittance upon the earth's energy flow than the dozens of gallons of leaves dropped constantly by trees every autumn.


Sad. So much flood, i was just trying to help because my brother had this problem a little time ago and i could fell the thoughtform near him. That's why most people don't care to help others and keep their arts in secret.



It's not natural.

Prepare your mind, everything is possible. Think about it as a bad thing, not only spiritually bad, not only because you are wasting energy.

Take your time to do exercises, medidate twice a day and keep healing your body and mind. As >>73020 said, you need to abstain for a long time to fell better and stronger than what you created. Then, if you stop in the middle of the journey, everything is lost. You will just feed your monster with steroids.


Exploring your body is one thing, masturbate compulsively is another.

Not every case one masturbates just to feed his dopamine addiction, and that's what i'm talking about.



>If you wanted to simply tell folk, "Hey when you wank it too much you develop a mild dopamine addiction that can be rather tough to break and can cause mood swings if you stop." Then I think it would have been just easier to explain the above.

Why am I not capable of making this?



Don't stop to begin again later if you're on this stage. I'm warning.

You can make any joke you want on my thread, but don't ask for help when you fell that what i'm saying is true.


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>demonic entities

>call an exorcist

What the fuck are you using the 'Magus' flag for? The Christian brainwashing is so overly apparent in what you write. Demons are not inherently evil. ANY ENTITY CAN ATTACH ITSELF TO YOU THAT WAY. Secondly, an exorcist? Really? Why not just teach people how to banish said entities themselves, instead of telling them to rely on puppets from the ZOG orchestrated Abrahamic religions. What a 'magus' you are, jesus fucking christ.



>Why am I not capable of making this?

Hormone problem, Smiley. If you didn't see that puberty took too long for you. You don't have a full human system, and you're missing some stuff.






Chose the wrong flag.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I see you have phd in masturbatology. So far everything is black and white for you, so I wonder how you're going to comment on my situation

Since about a year I don't experience cravings to masturbate and sometimes I forget about my dick for weeks or months. I can get hard 100% of the time and experience pleasure perfectly fine, but I don't get impulsive thoughts to fap like I used to in the past. I'm fit and healthy, age 23, yet I don't ever think of having sex with women. I could and I'd probably enjoy it, but sex and women are just like… whatever, dude.

Sometimes I'm only reminded I didn't fap by orgasms at nights which are annoying because I have to wake up and change. I'm sure interrupting my sleep like that and ruining circadian cycle has been more unhealthy that fapping/not fapping



That's why a healthy man make sex at least 1 time on 2 weeks. You don't do sex only to cum, it's good to some practices too, since males are Yang and females are Yin, you can connect your aura and that will be benefic to you. We call that "energy exchange".



I don't experience the desire to have sex or be in relationship, though. People like you suggest to stop fapping so that person gets horny and finds a girl to "exchange energies" with. But you see: me and many people just don't experience it. You don't get it because you can't imagine the world from our perspective. No-fap doesn't give or take energy for us. I've been trying to track the cause for this, and I'm coming to conclusion it's a collective phenomenon in the developed countries. Once you stop struggling for survival, you lose the desperate desire to pass on your genetic material, so you don't give a fuck about sex. Bill and Melinda Gates' foundation started giving money to underdeveloped regions in Africa like crazy and it turned out the less poverty there is, the less kids people have.



So what you're saying the secret of having no need to nofap is simply stopping the struggle to survive ?



Good, you're asexual. But most people in the world just like to fuck. It's not a survival instinct.



I masturbate almost every day. For me it's a recreative activity just as watching a movie or having actual sex is. I usually do it when I'm enjoying being alone.

I always feel a rush of energy when I come, and feel invigorated and happy afterwards. It feels exactly the opposite of what you describe. It feels like I'm recharging.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I guess I'm going to expand on my "ability" to no-fap. Apparently the thing I consider to be possibly rooted in some hidden disorder of mine, some people here treat as magical power. It's ridiculous


>Good, you're asexual.

So you're still not getting my perspective, just like I said in >>73133. And yet your end-game is to end up in my place? Let me tell you why I'm not aseuxal, and yet I can go for (useless) no-fap for months, and I beat years too. Or just believe me and save yourself reading first 2 paragraphs because I have no reason to lie. I just really want to learn about myself (and about nature of desire/fapping in general), so why would I lie on anonymous obscure board with 20 people

Someone on fringe months ago recommended me to fap as much as I can in short time in hope it "resets" and heals me to the stage I used to be in highschool - back when I'd sexualize all girls I talk to and would fap every second day. First, I went on fap sessions every day once, then 10 goddamn hours 2 days in a row. I even masturbated my ass. I pre-cooked meals and set them up in queue so I could quickly shower, eat, and go back to edging and cumming.

I could stay hard all day, except when my pleasure was wired to prostate (as pleasure moves to kegels, then dick shrinks, and when you stop stimulating anus, pleasure comes back to dick and it gets hard again)

Asexual person couldn't do that and enjoy it. I did enjoy it. It didn't make any difference in my long-term attitude to fap, though. I feel no desire to do it now exactly like before. It's because I feel it doesn't benefit me. I love to eat healthy food because I know it benefits my body. I don't care about fapping because it doesn't improve me this way. It would suck to have no desire to eat food either. We all need desires, but I'm going to expand on that later.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>So what you're saying the secret of having no need to nofap is simply stopping the struggle to survive ?

No, the study about correlation between living conditions and amount of kids/sex has nothing to do with fapping. It does give ideas you can draw conclusions on, though. My theory (that is perhaps projection of my own internal relation I have with sexuality) is that your sexual desires diminish once you're very satiated in life, when you're happy, comfortable and educated. People in the developed countries are not as horny as people living in poverty in poor areas, because their perspective of the world is different. They're not struggling, they're not pushing their limits. Their adrenaline isn't pumping, they're in the "resting mode". They look at the mechanisms of how world works, and the moment they start considering these mechanisms, they start to detach from them. Once you TRULY realize it's entirely up to you whether you want to have sex or not etc. your subconscious starts to hesitantly lower your desires.

If you have cold showers every day, after some months the signals from your subconscious to run away from cold water just disappear. It's like your unconscious learns there's no point to make you suffer under the cold water, because you're going to wash yourself in it till the end anyway. It learns like a dog. I always look at the lower self/unconscious/spirits as if they were animals.

I guess you can learn from my experiences to deprogram your fapping urges yourself, but and only after you do, you'll learn it's not as you thought it will be. Because the truth is, it doesn't give you more energy. It actually gives you less energy. After months of cold showers, you don't even get adrenaline rushes from them that much.

Think about the tv tropes that you enjoyed as a kid, like power level in dragon ball, or episode of pokemon. It was the shit back then, you couldn't wait for the next episode! But you look at it now and you don't enjoy it the same way. It doesn't give you more energy, does it? You're over it.

The temporary energy rushes you get from no-fap can be compared to these moments when parents didn't let you watch these silly episodes. You got agitated, and this is the same energy. The desire is energy, and power. Being control doesn't mean being in power, it means being detached and dying.

This his how no fap works. The energy comes from the unhappiness, from the struggle and from restlessness. You have desire you need to satiate, and this desire IS ENERGY IN ITSELF. Once you deprogram your desire to fap, like I somehow did, there's no desire and no energy.

The more desires you deprogram, the less energy you have. At some point you deprogram even desire to be conscious and you wither away, undergo de-evolution, detach, slowly disappear from this world like an organ that isn't used.

My advice is that you should cherish and channel your desires, never deprogram them with stuff like no-fap. There are entities on other planes that had been fighting to be in the place you're now for trillions of years. You're so lucky to live and be aware of itself. If you don't appreciate it, it's only because you have no idea how close to god you actually are and how many entities there are below you.

Before you were born, you had been fighting with septilions of "astral sperms", and you won because you consisted of the highest amount of desire to masturbate to that anime ass, from all of them. And now you want to deprogram this desire by abstaining from fap? I do not recommend.



Do you do anything different from most people to feel energized rather than depleted? I've tried different routines myself. Once a week, daily, with and without ejaculating, ejaculating but applying pressure to dat dere gooch so as to retain more sperm and stints of up to 3 weeks celibate. Honestly, I'm nagged by the thought that the male seed has a deeper significance and spilling it regularly is some kind of transgression against oneself, like wasting your potential. I've heard so many conflicting points of view on the subject that I'm just confused. Might try for 3 months of celibacy to see how it feels.

I can say that masturbating without ejaculating feels the most invigorating after the fact, but it inevitably leads to testicular and lower back pain for me. Noticed that if you search semen retention on youtube, you get a ton of blacks and indians who are really into it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVm3tHsZr3Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwnAbBA5sxM


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But im, what happens if i can reach orgasm without cumming OP?

ether with my partner or on my own, something on my ass does the job for me, and since i dont have any guilt feelings i dont see any negative energies floating around… didnt the law of intention was way stronger than other shit? so why a guiltless session with myself is a bad thing?


:D yay ponies


Not him but just have some physical activity, especially on the shoulders, it doesnt have to be like bodybuilding but find something significative… i heard swimmers are the ones who get more good feelings and less 'transgressions' like you said.



Very true. The last few years, I really cut back on fapping from about 1-2x daily to once every 2-3 weeks.

It'll attack you in your dreams to make you fap once you get up. Note that this is different than a wet dream; the point is that it wants you to specifically masturbate consciously and awake. It'll use every known fetish and turn-on you have to do this within your sexual dream, which for me, had me wake up more energetically than usual right after the dream was over.


I have found out that every time I ejaculate that I get terrible nightmares usually involving ugly succubi.

So I have learned to hold back my ejaculation and no more nightmares. This is only my personal journey though, and if you aren't getting nightmares I don't know if quitting masturbating will do anything positive for you.

But, if you are getting nightmares try this technique and see if it helps.


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How do you orgasm without cum? I press down on prenium and do http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/apr1/ankhing.htm

>something on my ass does the job for me

what you meant by this?

mfw buy male G-spot stimulator but give up after first try when no prostate orgasm



You have to train a muscle in your ass by clenching it often (Its like kegels. It might actually be kegels, I can't remember). Then when you get close to orgasm you clench that muscle and stop. With enough practice you can time it just right where you get a smaller orgasm without ejaculation but still have a sex drive.

Read "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" by Mantak Chia. If you can't find a copy, I'll upload one.

Since I'm already on the topic, I'll explain why I'm a bit worried about orgasm without ejaculation. I've heard that the reason you shouldn't edge is because you push fluid into your prostate(?) and then it builds up there without ejaculation, and this can cause damage. That's only what I've heard though.

Also, that book may mention training your kegel while you urinate. Don't do that. You'll push urine into your bladder and give yourself a painful infection.



Yeah I've read that book, good stuff

Where are you hearing that? Do daoists or sexual magicians or yogis talk about it? I would think they would know about that and experience it if it were a significant problem

Would ejaculating every now and again help with that cos it is recommended by daosists that you cum every 3 weeks to maintain health in that area.



I work out, but I don't think that's it. I think it's psychological. To me ejaculating is a display of raw animal power, of domination.

But I can also make it feel like the ultimate submissive gesture (especially if there's an actual woman involved obviously).

It's all in your head. As I said, I have explored self-given pleasure a lot since I was a kid (6 years old). There is a lot of energy involved, but what the op is describing is someone with terrible guilt and complexes, probably caused by a puritan society such as the American one weighting down on him.

Enjoy yourself and enjoy life however you want damnit.



I can't really remember where I was hearing it. I think I remember it from reddit? Not sure.

Also, I read a comment on reddit while looking for consensus on multi-orgasms and someone said they had blood in their ejaculate, possibly from tearing something while doing the exercise. That thought alone freaks me out.



Hey that was an interesting reading, well, the way i do it it just involves a phalic object, i do have a dildo that i use every now and then but just started with some 'decent sized' (as milo would say) cucumbers.

At first i would just estimulate both the anus and penis at the same time, just seeking mindless pleasure, and while it worked, if i did it like 2 times per day, then by the weekend i would end up with severe nerve pain around the neck, head and sometimes shoulders.

funny that this guy >>73246 mentions keggels, everthing got better once i started (by will and force) to mix 'exersise rutines' to my fapping and sex sessions, instead of bumping agaainst a chair or a wall and shove the cucumber in my ass or fap supper fast, i woulf first take my time and so some deep deep breaths, then slowly put the thing in my ass and keep working on respiration, and instead doing fast movements imediately i would do slow movements like pic related while keeping the toy in and my dick untouched, after some 30 min of playing around i would then move faster or finally just play with my dick and cum, these increased that feeling of satisfaction you get in cumming and making it last longer without that regret/overthinking that i used to get in my first years, eventually you can buil enought patiente to make slower and longer sessions, woth the preasure of the toy and the diferent 'exersise' positions you can try it feels like a light workout at the jim (and my legs are strong as fuck).

there may be a part where your body feels exausted like when you over run, here you need to stop and just enjoy the fact that you ran (masturbated) a long distance without cumming and just leave it there, your dick may be the only organ in your body who screams, you can still go, "come one play with me", you must learn to say no and just "conform" with what you did… It will have its rewards since this types of orgasm level up as you do it, unlike traditional orgams.

Dont get me wrong, i bet if i go back i still can enjoy them, but for the tipe of body i have, the energy i spend at the day and the tipe of mentality i currently have and like to have, i prefer anal orgams.

Note* please abstain from buying one of those chastity devices things, for me it does not only come of as way too eh, sissy (eww) but it also stimulates more than it forbids, just like a latex or rope fetish.

[spoiler] this comes from one of those trans faggets you can find on any *chans board, not sure what your goal or intention in learning anal orgasm is, but to each its own, drop and keep us update, and dont buy into this full cebilacy shit, its nice that everyone can do it but it doesnt mean its a Must /[spoiler]



Fucking spoilers how do they work?… oh well at least i got dubs


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oh yeah, and also forgot pic, silly me.


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I am no mindless reddit hating drone, but they seem to be ignorant on matters such as these


Based on what you write, it sound like ankhing would be right up your alley… let me know how it goes if you try

I bought this, I think after reading anal orgasms last like 30 seconds and are way better. This post probably got a lot of people to try it lol https://np.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/17c8oa/i_23m_just_discovered_prostate_stimulation_and_i

The cleaning before and after puts me off but will try again soon probably


I think the porn your watching acts as an archetypical meme based on the fetish or type.

Hence, the jews push torwards interracial and anal porn is being charged by those masturbating to it. Vis a Vis charging the meme that is big black cock….

Your way or my way either way its clearly destructive.


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Here is the thing that pisses me off of this whole "Current year/month no fap challenge"

it seems like a lot of folks sich as Op theat it as the ultimate discovery of his life and at the same time 'satanizes' anyone currently doing it THE SAME WAY MUNDANES THREAT OCCULT THEMES… you know, the usual "Oooooh but anon, you are not suppoused to mess with that shit, only the 3 abrahamic religions are right, everything else is evol durr hurr" so instead of approaching any occult path with respect and enthusiasm in their lasiness/ignorance they threat it with disgust or plain ignorance, like the example above or the other that goes, "but its just bullshit anon, its all just your imagination, if its not scientifically proved and spoonfeed by a scientific magazine then its not real".

i guess we all know those and many other examples.

the subject of self pleasure goes the same here, instead of shu-ing away and looking down those tho fap, why not try to 'Master' the art so one can do it the most correct and beneficial way.



Forgot to say about nightmares, ty anon.


I don't care if you masturbate and create a "tulpa", that's your problem, not mine. I'm just warning.

There's no abrahamic view on my thread.

Srsly, grow up and make sex, don't masturbate 3 times a day only to cum, you're just wasting minerals (and energy, if you believe).



Very good point in not deprograming your desires.

Back in my mundane youth, I even thought that meditating and not having any emotions or desires is like the cool shit.

Its not. If you deprive yourself of emotions and desires,your basically a limp dick in life. You cant do nothing, because you have not drive behind anything.

However, I would argue that the no fap might have some benefit, if done right.

Meaning, that deprograming yourself from porn, I think, is a very smart move. I mean, I get stimulated by that shit like any other guy, but I just cant get over the fact that it seems to have some nasty shit attached to it. I mean, its not sex itself. I can have the most crazy sex experience, and it feel good. I can masturbate like a mad man, and I will feel good. But if I binge watch porn, I just feel drained. I really thing there are thoughforms that attach to you when you watch porn..

So, my idea is stop watching porn, and use your mastrubation for quick animalistic or deep spiritual sessions, or fuck women like an animal. That seems to be the healthy path.

Plus, I think the rule of thumb is like this: if you have to force yourself to not jack off, then you should not be trying to do that. If you naturally don't want to do it, then, and only, then, you might be on to some natural impulse in you. >>73177



That's what i said to other anon here. Don't force to just stop if your mind is not prepared, it's not healthy.

You need to first meditate your desires and emotion, fell if what you're doing is the right thing. You can use it to almost anything, like a drug, cig, alcohol.

I recommend no fap more than 1 time 2 weeks, because your prostate need to be healthy.

If you can just masturbate and don't get to orgasm, that's even better. But that's up to you.



On your desires and emotions*



>But if I binge watch porn, I just feel drained. I really thing there are thoughforms that attach to you when you watch porn..

This "drained" state is definitely there, but then again, it's not any different from video games, and sometimes even watching shows. Everybody talks about porn, but when you focus on the screen during playing video game and get into flow for some time, your mind is undergoing similar processes like in porn. You also get "tired" there.



Yea, that is a good point. I also don't like playing video games that much anymore.

But its not simply about that. As a guy who regularly has sex with women, I just cant help but notice a reduced quality of sex.

And now yea, we might say "DUH", spent your energy.

But its not even about that. The problem with porn, and the thing that really fucks young dudes who did not have experience with real women up, is that it creates this idea of sex….as an intellectual(considering various scenarios) and visual experience. While real sex is first of all, sensations and feelings. To someone who is addicted to intellectual stimulation, sex might seem weird, he might not even get it up or something.

I thing even Gurjeff talked about this. That sex in itself is fine. The problem is using sexual energy through the intellect, this, supposedly somehow dis balances everything, because these energies are not meant to mix.

Again, this is only my experience, but I have been heavy in to porn, and I always have female partners, so I can track this pretty accurately.

Every time I binge on some porn like a day before sex, when shit is going down, my energy is all in my head, I am thinking and imagining us fucking, or some other scenarious. You dont really get in to flow, dick is more limp than usual. When no porn is introduced a day or two before sex, its really much more sensual, the feeling of skin, the smells and so on. I would even say, more emotionally in tune with your partner.

It could also be personal, but I have done loads of experience on both of these types of stimulation, and these are my findings.



I've had this feeling as well. I am still struggling with nofap, I was a real junkie.

Luckily, it's going a lot better now and i don't do it very often.

When i decided it was enough, i began to feel bad. Sick really, sick of myself and sick of the world. When i was alone and bored, i felt compelled to fap. Not by "myself", but by some kind of force. I had a vision of maggots leeching of of my energy and vitality. It grossed me out.

I think it is quite possible to create a monster in this way, whether in physical form or thoughts. It tells you to touch yourself, to feed it. When you starve it to death, it stops.

Stay safe!


Just wanted to say that I've been trying for months now to just stop masturbating for, say a month, and I just can't do it, I can keep myself from masturbating all day however after 10 days or so I start masturbating right after I wake up in the morning. Then I feel worthless and my energy is not that high. (but not ultra-low either)

Masturbation doesn't have the same effect on everyone, I know people who are great characters and have sex with women left and right and they still masturbate weekly WITH porn too!



dehydration or sleep deprivation



try doing it only without porn, when I did that it got a LOT more pleasurable



Consider creating a thoughtform that can help you become celibate. When I was pushing my no fap limits last year and went for about 6 months of no fapping I used a thoughform that was no unlike a chastity belt in its appearance. I've originally created and charged it by fapping one last time and channeling my purposefully intensified feeling of shame into it.

Also I don't know how to describe it, but I can dissociate a piece of my consciousness to remind myself that it is not truly my will to fap but the influence of a parasitic thoughtform that wishes to feast on my energy.

I would recommend you try something of that sort, though I'm a schizo who talks to himself, so I'm not sure if anyone can do it or not.

As a side note I quit the streak as the energy gains became negligible after about a month or two of retention.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the advice on visualizing the energy traveling up to the head and then back into the organs was dead on

havent succumbed since and its been 3 weeks. I would break on the 7th day everytime, if not earlier, before.

furthermore to those mocking Nofap, the only reason Nofap doesnt seem scientific is that there has never been a control group until people got into Nofap, that is to say there was no group of people who werent consuming large amounts of porn daily who could be used to compare to those who do, until recently.

hence the video, thanks.

heres also a list of studies done in the last year thanks to the Nofapper ice breakers already mentioned.


File: 1460206418258.png (632.62 KB, 1889x3505, 1889:3505, brain studies on porn use.png)



How long does it take to go back to baseline?



2 months for middle aged to elderly men

4-5 for teens and young men, this has to do with teens and young men starting on the internet with high speed infinite porn while older generations starting with playboy


There have been recorded cases of people replacing anesthesia with hypnosis, could you do this with self hypnosis?

>and how



yes, people use self-hypnosis all the time for pain management, including myself. A more obvious example is firewalking or ice baths or laying on a bed of nails.

firstly let me start by saying that Self Hypnosis is often much harder for people to perform than hetero hypnosis, partly because it requires greater self conscious awareness and concentration, and people have a hard time viewing themselves objectively.

Now, two things govern self-hypnosis. According to Kappasinian Psychology.

Association and Repetition

Association is what you connect the command to, an image of a lemon immediately makes peoples mouths water. This is an association.

Repetition is when you perform the self-hypnosis routine in a way that it is done often, the more you perform the routine the more power it has in your sub conscious mind and the faster it grows.

Now we know Association and Repetition, but how do we use these things?

Well first you must have a goal, lets say full body relaxation is your goal. Secondly you must have a trigger, now a trigger is the command basically, so lets set the goal of relaxation to the trigger of a snap of the fingers. Snapping is good because its something that requires conscious control to perform generally.

Now you have the goal connected to a trigger, you must have an associated mechanism now to meet the goal IE the Meat to the sandwich. This takes the form of the actual sensation you would like to bring on, you must relax yourself by taking a warm bath or listening to soft music or w/e it is that relaxes you and then memorize what that feeling feels like, use your imagination to bring it on until you can do it intuitively. Once you can imagine the feeling of relaxation then Snap and command yourself to feel relaxed and you will experience a state of relaxation that is appropriate to your level of imaginative ability.

so in summary, get a goal, figure out a trigger, get an associative meat to match your goal and then start doing it every day.



I appreciate that you responded even though I posted in the wrong thread.


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Okay, I thought I will post a little guide/idea on dealing with pornography cravings and so on.

This practice will require the understanding of though-forms, so cover that as well if you want to understand it better.

Try this:

Some of your porn(or any other habit) might have specific thoughtforms to it. Some might even have certain leeches, with an actual shape and form.

The first step is to distinguish and truly see your habit form. If you have an old porn habit, the form might even have a shape of its own. If it is only a simple habit, (even sitting down in front of PC and searching for porn), you can visualize yourself placing this form(habit, whatever) in a ball of energy. After you trapped it, you can heat it up to purify it, if its strong and tries to get out, you can take your sword and do some good old fashioned cutting and stabbing, play with your imagination in ways in which you gain superiority against that form.

If it is form that is strong, (and most of us fed our porn for years and years), you can simply compress it in to sphere, put that sphere in a cube, and put that cube in a pyramid tomb, and you can keep it there until it starves.

I found this really helpful for dealing with various habit forms, as you get the sort of a, upper hand on them.



See this, OP: >>56878



Was just scrolling by and saw this:

>people use self-hypnosis all the time for pain management, including myself. A more obvious example is firewalking or ice baths or laying on a bed of nails.

This is a really stupid statement.

1. Laying on a bed of nails does not hurt at all, the pressure points are so many, that it is spread everywhere.

2. Icebaths aren't that big of a deal either and I can handle them without any special mindset.

3. Firewalking is not a pain management thing because real firewalkers do not burn. Read up on firewalking in Max Freedom Long - The Science of Miracles they use spirit protection and in particular etheric energy to shield themselves from the effects of burning hot coals that would otherwise burn them badly and kill them. They can even momentarily take the protection off or have it on one part but another, with the result the unprotected part gets burned.



fuck off smiley


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like what your saying bro tell me more!



So you're saying I should eat my own cum.



No, she is saying that you should become a woman if you want to masturbate without repercussions. Or learn how to separate orgasm from ejaculation, you brainless sissy retard.


Do you have proof?


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Masturbate more.

Monsters are cool.



This is literally "do the exact opposite of what Buddhism tells you to".

Nice koan-post, not many will get it.



> the bad energy from orgasm

it's only bad if you make it so. Mine is just is fine.

>waste your minerals

A good diet can balance that. If one is too worried about that, drinking your own cum is also probably enough.

>surrounded by entities that know that you're a Qi fountain.

low vibration entities can only reach if you are alos on low vibration. Positive enitities can use that energy to improve your life and the life of those arroud you.

>your own energy created a monster.

tough-forms created with orgasm are only bad if your orgasmic energy is negative.


>low self-stem created by guilt.

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