Extreme Ultimate No Fap 03/23/16 (Wed) 09:36:45 No. 73102
I am the ultimate no fap master . Nothing you can do can crush my will not to fap . I will watch whatever porn you post, read whatever erotica you want, let you connect to me and send lust-inducing thoughtforms , and even challenge the demiurge itself as well to make me fap. Even more importantly, I absolutely, will NOT have an orgasm. My ability to not fap is perfect, nobody surpasses me, and nothing can seduce me .
For 24 hours starting with the creation of this thread, no matter what, I shall not fap; and I shall expose myself to every threat which might make me desire to fap and welcome every challenge that may try to seduce me. I call upon the demiurge to make me fap and declare the demiurge a pathetic bitch if it can't succeed. Every man and woman may become extra sexual towards me and tempt me but they will be resisted successfully.
When the 24 hours is over I hope I've lost. I will dutifully fap at the end of the 24 hours whether I want to or not. Then if I feel like going further, I will add on another 24 hours , and pledge 48 hours of no-fap; and so on with increasingly longer periods of abstinence.
I will report each day if;
>something even succeeded in arousing me and to what percentage degree
>if I started touching myself
>if I came
>if I orgasmed
>and general reports on the sensing out of urges, thoughts, etc. external to myself coming into my consciousness and trying to induce me to fap
Do everything in your power to make me lose. My will is stronger than all of yours combined. Go ahead and prove me wrong; you can't. I am just that perfect. This is my super power. No matter how many times I retake this challenge and how long it gets NOBODY will be able to proclaim they have successfully seduced me. I welcome failure; but it won't happen.
I pledge to not fap for 24 hours and to honestly report on any failures. If I fail then I am not the ultimate no fap master of 8chan. If I am dishonest in my reports, strike me with an intense fever until the end of the challenge.
Now go ahead and make a pledge to seduce me in this thread and what price you will pay for your failure, be it some amount of your loosh, or some punishment, or what have you.
03/23/16 (Wed) 09:40:11 No. 73104
Oh just for clarity's sake, being aroused is like a minor loss but still a win, touching myself a bit is a somewhat bigger loss but still a win, cumming is a loss, orgasm is total defeat, and the other stuff is just the measure of what you're all doing to challenge my Will and make me lose.
03/23/16 (Wed) 09:46:36 No. 73105
Strange phenomena already happening and noted but I'm certainly not fapping yet and not aroused.
03/23/16 (Wed) 09:51:00 No. 73107
Sad how you're not following WWA's words.
03/23/16 (Wed) 09:54:19 No. 73108
What exactly is your objection anon?
03/23/16 (Wed) 09:56:43 No. 73109
03/23/16 (Wed) 09:57:39 No. 73110
Huh what? Please explain. Is this some trick of yours to try and get me to fap? D-don't l-leave m-me. ;_;
03/23/16 (Wed) 10:01:13 No. 73113
I will tell you, but not now.
03/23/16 (Wed) 10:03:33 No. 73114
Tell me what? Is this maybe critical to something important that I may wish to accomplish?
03/23/16 (Wed) 10:10:16 No. 73115
>Is this maybe critical to something important that I may wish to accomplish?
03/23/16 (Wed) 10:18:30 No. 73116
Oh well are you going to tell me it after I succeed yet again at no fap and fail to fail, or are you going to tell me when I finally fail and may rejoice in the failure?
03/23/16 (Wed) 10:28:56 No. 73119
>i shall not fap for 24 hours
…is that not normal?
you're just proving you have a strong willpower against others will
gj but i'm not sure if it's worth a thread when most people here are armchair occultists (guilty) or uncaring.
03/23/16 (Wed) 11:14:36 No. 73126
Normal in what sense?
I think the most potent challenge would be one is increasingly distantly spaced faps.
If I didn't do it like this, well, according to regular models concerning celibacy all the desire to fap is supposed to die off anyways after a certain peak and then flat-line indefinitely.
So if I keep extending it like this I should hopefully find a point of maximum temptation in which hopefully I will finally lose.
I also impervious to the influence of erotica, pornography, etc.
The strongest attack would be a direct connection, which I can feel explicitly, but I'll just transmute the energy before it overwhelms me or send it back to the other person in one quick shock that will cause them to orgasm.
03/23/16 (Wed) 11:28:53 No. 73129
Just felt a thought slep into my mind to masturbate but dispelled and crushed it within I think about 1/5th of a second. It didn't stand a chance. Is that the best you can do?
It probably doesn't help that my room has been so heavily and repeatedly cleansed it has a different temperature, different smell, and other weird properties that are felt even by the mundanes that ever happen to approach close or to enter. No spirits can oppose me right now.
03/23/16 (Wed) 11:59:33 No. 73130
Upload a picture of your finger
03/23/16 (Wed) 13:41:59 No. 73136
“Seek in the heart the source of evil, and expunge it. It lives fruitfully in the heart of the devoted disciple, as well as in the heart of the man of desire. Only the strong can kill it out. The weak must wait for its growth, its fruition, its death. And it is a plant that lives and increases throughout the ages. It flowers when the man has accumulated unto himself innumerable existences. He who will enter upon the path of power must tear this thing out of his heart. And then the heart will bleed, and the whole life of the man seem to be utterly dissolved. This ordeal must be endured; it may come at the first step of the perilous ladder which leads to the path of life; it may not come until the last. But, O disciple, remember that it has to be endured, and fasten the energies of your soul upon the task. Live neither in the present nor
the future, but in the eternal. This giant weed cannot flower there; this blot upon existence is wiped out by the very atmosphere of eternal
all passions, such as hatred, envy, malice, jealousy, desire for revenge, self‐glorification, and self‐exaltation; are also a part of it. Low pride is one of its most subtle and dangerous manifestations, and one which returns again, and again, after we think we have cast it off—each return being in a more subtle form—physical pride, being succeeded by the pride of the intellect—pride in psychic attainments— pride in spiritual development and growth—pride in moral worth, chastity and character—the “I am holier than thou” pride—and so on. Again and again does pride, the tempter, come to bother us. Its existence is based upon the delusion of separateness, which leads us to imagine that we have no connection with other manifestations of life, and which causes us to feel a spirit of antagonism and unworthy rivalry toward our fellow beings, instead of recognizing the fact that we are all parts of the One Life—some far back struggling in the mire of the lower stages of the road—others traveling along the same stage of the journey as ourselves—others still further advanced—but all on the way—all being bits of the same great Life. Beware of Pride—this most subtle enemy of advancement—and supplant it with the thought that we are all of the same origin—having the same destiny before us—having the same road to travel— brothers and sisters all—all children of God—all little scholars in Life’s great Kindergarten. Let us also realize that while each must stand alone before he is able to pass the test of initiation— yet are we all interdependent, and the pain of one is the pain of all—the sin of one is the sin of all—that we are all parts of a race working toward race improvement and growth—and that love and the feeling of brotherhood is the only sane view of the question. "~Some Light on the Path by William Walker Atkinson. (258-260)
tipp 03/23/16 (Wed) 14:59:20 No. 73139
>consensual sex in the missionary position with eye contact for the sole purpose of creating a lovechild with your four wives
I'll remove the pics in 24 hours.
You fap or save, you lose.
03/23/16 (Wed) 17:47:03 No. 73158
it's a crime to delete these pictures
03/23/16 (Wed) 19:25:48 No. 73169
>Just felt a thought slep into my mind to masturbate but dispelled and crushed it within I think about 1/5th of a second. It didn't stand a chance. Is that the best you can do?
If you're having uninvited sexual thoughts shoved into your mind, you are being raped. You deserve better. contact the local shelter
03/24/16 (Thu) 03:33:44 No. 73211
Had morning wood for no apparent reason awhile ago, I just got out of the astral and NOTHING I just experienced was remotely sexual, so don't know why I had morningwood. Didn't fap.
Taking a good long look at these. Not even aroused but these are perfect women and multiple women / harams oh my….
03/24/16 (Thu) 03:44:13 No. 73213
Demiurge is stepping up its game now and trying to seduce me with physical women. Just 6 hours to go… this could only get more intense with a visit from a succubus that seems physically materialized.
03/24/16 (Thu) 03:52:31 No. 73215
03/24/16 (Thu) 04:01:51 No. 73216
03/24/16 (Thu) 04:39:43 No. 73222
>a qt grill tried to seduce me exactly at that time
synchronicity much?
03/24/16 (Thu) 04:43:03 No. 73224
uh… Gematria much?
>canadian genocide
how deep does this rabbit hole go?
03/24/16 (Thu) 04:44:19 No. 73226
i urge my fellow /fringe/ posters to stay woke
03/24/16 (Thu) 04:51:42 No. 73228
Also 222 is:-
the age of kali
hail eris
03/24/16 (Thu) 05:01:26 No. 73231
>second pic
Where did you get that book? I have it, but I cannot remember from where. It feels as if I got it for some divine reason. Either that or I was just really tired.
03/24/16 (Thu) 05:06:42 No. 73232
some canadian (not smiley btw) on the astral plane recommended it
gave me a bookzz.org link
03/24/16 (Thu) 05:13:51 No. 73233
Huh, well I can't astral project so that's not how I got it.
From what I've read so far, it's a pretty good book.
03/24/16 (Thu) 06:00:13 No. 73238
Every woman right now wants my attention and is getting extra seductive, just 4 hours to go.
I myself saw that book up on /4chon/ and downloaded it from there.
03/24/16 (Thu) 06:53:53 No. 73245
>Every woman right now wants my attention and is getting extra seductive, just 4 hours to go.
That's not fapping :)
>I myself saw that book up on /4chon/ and downloaded it from there.
I feel like that's where I got it from as well.
03/24/16 (Thu) 07:06:49 No. 73247
It is if I don't have enough power to fug them purely with the astral D. 24 hours spent mostly doing other magick shit and reading is probably not quite enough time to do that unless the woman herself is highly developed in astral magicks
03/24/16 (Thu) 07:17:07 No. 73248
[the seduction intensifies'
2 hours to go… just 2 hours… *le sweating man with towel.jpg*
03/24/16 (Thu) 09:13:26 No. 73268
24 hours is up, I have won this challenge, and I can fap now
03/24/16 (Thu) 09:21:40 No. 73273
dont do it anon
get those women that were giving you attention
you'll let us down if you dont
03/24/16 (Thu) 09:47:06 No. 73275
It's just a trick of the demiurge. They are already acting different now that the challenge is up.
03/24/16 (Thu) 10:07:25 No. 73277
well… if thats what you want i can always post some creepy/gross shit to help you abstain from fapping.
03/24/16 (Thu) 10:40:46 No. 73281
I don't need help not fapping :/. It's been like an hour now and I still can't fap.
03/24/16 (Thu) 12:04:46 No. 73286
Just fapped with someone and I felt the most I've felt so far.
Fuck yes.
Maybe tomorrow or in a few hours I will renew the challenge + 48 hours although I'm not likely to fap again before starting the next challenge.
SAGE! 03/24/16 (Thu) 12:19:09 No. 73287
SAGE! 03/24/16 (Thu) 19:26:33 No. 73306
Your thread is degenerate and you should feel bad.
If you want progress reporting go to /r/nofap or use a fucking timer.
I read your post thinking you already were a nofapper and have done a long streak. Then I read:
>[…24 hours starting with the creation of this thread, no matter what, I shall not fap;…]
>nigga wut
It wouldn't surprise me if you had anything to do with the other fap thread.
Come back when you have done a successful 30 day streak without breaking a sweat. 24 hours is easy after you have relapsed once, even 48 hours is easy. The difficulty starts at day 4.
Pleb tier, saged thread.
03/25/16 (Fri) 07:34:29 No. 73343
>use a timer
>what are timestamps in posts
03/25/16 (Fri) 07:47:48 No. 73345
SAGE! 03/25/16 (Fri) 09:53:30 No. 73351
>OP thinks a couple of days of no fap impresses /fringe/
Come back when you have enough willpower to go months or even years without touching your junk for the purposes of pleasure.
03/25/16 (Fri) 12:26:07 No. 73356
You just don't understand. Ah well. Maybe you will get it soon enough.
03/25/16 (Fri) 13:41:14 No. 73357
I am now pledging 48 hours no fap as of this post.
Once 48 hours has elapsed since this post was made I will have prevailed. I challenge everyone to make me fail, to do everything you can to instill lust into me, and make me cave into a desire to fap. Make this as hard on me as possible. Throw everything you got at me. You can't make me fap.
03/25/16 (Fri) 13:47:32 No. 73358
I don't think that at all and it doesn't take willpower for me to not fap. It takes willpower for me to fap .
I suppose so? I am gutting my soul for what loosh I can get but there's not much left. I'm pretty empty. Are you telling me to use reddit and talk to the mundanes over there to tell them to seduce me with magick? I don't even know how to use that shitty site. Fucking reddit shill. I only use imageboards.
>It wouldn't surprise me if you had anything to do with the other fap thread.
What? I have never ever lost a no fap challenge ever and I haven't ever made a no fap thread before. I just don't feel the regular no fap threads are tough enough, I want to piss off the demiurge, and challenge any wizards that feel up to the task to fuck up my plans. They can't win though. Nobody can. I am too powerful. It is as simple as; don't fap.
I am now doing 48 hours. I don't care that you think it's easy, not fapping for years is easy, this is XxXtremeNoFapping because regular no fapping is 2easy.
You think 4 days is difficult? Maybe after the 48 hours no fap I'll just square it instead of doing 36 hours no fap. Hmmm… We'll see.
I have never once fapped for the purpose of pleasure so whatever.
03/25/16 (Fri) 15:44:08 No. 73374
>implying that porn is not the addiction
Enjoy your dopamine rush delusions lmoa
03/25/16 (Fri) 16:56:54 No. 73381
I can not get addicted to anything as hard as I try.
03/25/16 (Fri) 19:48:18 No. 73400
You got dopamine rush from checking for new posts and posting yours
03/25/16 (Fri) 20:26:42 No. 73401
There is something wrong with me. How do I experience a dopamine rush? Why can't my body produce any dopamine?
03/25/16 (Fri) 22:01:36 No. 73410
You asked this question here to get a response that will solve your problem. You asked it because of dopamine reward system …
Checking threads for new replies or checking for new mail etc. is because of dopamine rushes you get rewarded with. It's not like you clicked the /fringe/ tab and are now reading this post accidentally.
By the way, it's logical that if you stop fapping, you'll experience eating an apple, listening to music, or browsing the Internet slightly more intensely. I don't know what the fuck are people even arguing about. It's up for everybody to decide if they want to get their kicks from fapping or from listening to music.
03/25/16 (Fri) 23:15:14 No. 73414
This whole thread sounds like one of those chastity fetishists, they get off on more the idea of not being permitted to fap rather than the fapping itself. By posting this thread and seeking attention, you are deriving pleasure by exposing your sexuality (or whatever's left of it) or announcing your submission…
the nofap movement gets the same excitation from talking about (non)masturbation as other people get from masturbation. you are not transcending your need for sexual pleasure, you're simply substituting it for something equally stupid
03/26/16 (Sat) 00:06:06 No. 73419
>Make this as hard on me
03/26/16 (Sat) 15:55:21 No. 73488
To any no-fap enthusiasts out there. Please make sure to get actual sex if you're not going to masturbate. The prostate is meant to be used regularly. Long term lack of ejaculation can cause damage and ultimately prostate cancer.
Random source (you can easily google better ones): >>>http://www.harvardprostateknowledge.org/does-frequent-ejaculation-help-ward-off-prostate-cancer
03/26/16 (Sat) 18:38:08 No. 73495
Very true. Just yesterday I had fapped without fapping for a while. My semen was brown. I looked it up and I apparently had blood in my semen. On the same website it said almost word for word what you just said: if you don't fap, your prostate gets congested. Nofap is a complete joke designed by the Illuminaughty to make us less healthy.
SAGE! 03/26/16 (Sat) 19:48:13 No. 73501
03/26/16 (Sat) 22:04:49 No. 73507
God damn it, I still have a day left to go, and I have women wanting to fap with me and desperate to fuck me, and I'm having to tell them I am in the middle of a no fap challenge with the demiurge and can't right now, got to wait still until tomorrow! This is even more hardcore than last time. I'm holding out well though so far, haven't touched myself or anything.
03/26/16 (Sat) 22:19:31 No. 73509
God damn this is just amazing, the demiurge is one hardcore nigga, throwing everything he's got at me, but I know it's just a trick and I must stand my ground.
03/26/16 (Sat) 23:02:44 No. 73511
I don't believe you anon as I feel constantly miserable no matter what I do and never want to wake up. I don't believe dopamine is motivating my actions. I feel no pleasure in anything at all, I have the most severe anhedonia. You might ask why I don't kill myself well I am trying to fix myself.
Eating food, fapping, playing games (I stopped), everything has no effect on me. I just keep feeling miserable. Only reason I do anything at all is I spend my time trying to find solutions to my misery to make it stop.
Literally nothing I do is pleasurable and I do not display any emotions around other people because I don't really have any or what I do feel is intensely vague.
03/26/16 (Sat) 23:10:33 No. 73512
I don't have a need for fapping. I have a desire to desire sex / to possess sexuality.
I am not aiming as most people are to transcend sexuality, I am hoping that I will lose, that I will be overcome by sexual urges. It has literally never happened though once in my life.
I am completely missing an aspect of experience that is accessible to most people and I want to know what the fuck it's like god damn it.
I keep thinking, do I really have a great will power if I don't fap for years at a time, or is there something wrong with me?
How is my will being tested if I don't feel immense temptation? I feel no temptation. Fapping is a choice I make as part of an experiment.
My hopes are that somehow as a result of this thread I will at some point lose but I'm afraid I'm never going to lose ;_;.
I'm trying to develop an addiction but can't.
03/26/16 (Sat) 23:14:27 No. 73513
Bullshit study is bullshit, why don't you read the material on anti-sex.ru (anti-sexual stronghold)? Besides cancer is the easiest thing to cure by occult means via energy manipulation. I started studying the occult intensely years ago and by the time I'm like 70 or whatever age people get cancer I will have surely long ago transcended this plane of existence and know everything there is to know about magick.
03/26/16 (Sat) 23:17:16 No. 73514
I have not fapped for years and never had any problem with my cum, it was white when I finally did fap. I have a perfect diet, meditate lots, am very fit, etc.
You have some weird problem but it is not a problem for celibates.
. 03/27/16 (Sun) 09:30:43 No. 73527
>is there something wrong with me?
This, there is something wrong with you.
!/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 03/27/16 (Sun) 19:37:46 No. 73566
I don't get this thread.
I'd like to participate for fun and for 2-4 weeks unless a certain someone wants to do stuff.
I think you guys are wrong. Mantak Chia says he went without orgasm for years before he fathered a child. Read Cultivating Male Sexual Energy.
03/27/16 (Sun) 19:40:08 No. 73567
I recently went 1 week of no fap and NO PORN, which is arguably more important than no fap.
It was great, felt like I had a lot more energy, went outside more, played more vidya, shitposted less etc.
By like the 5th or 6th day simply staring at pictures of hot women, nude or not was enough to arouse and give me a boner. But having given myself a porn addiction that has not gone away I eventually ended up browsing some of the more usual porn I normally do and started edging to it, by that point it was just a matter of time till I ended up fapping, waking up with morning wood again etc.
And then by the 8th day I just fapped to the shit and felt regret, then the next day the same and now its like weeks later and I'm lethargic and feel dulled again, devoting half my days to fapping, or just browsing porn.
It's not enough to just nofap for 24 or 48 hours, you need to fucking do it for a week, and then resist the temptation to "test" yourself by browsing porn, and then when you do inevitably fap the hardest part is not continuing to fap and browse porn afterwards for weeks before you feel up to the task again of doing nofap.
So congrats on 24 hours OP, congrats on 48 hours even, but its nothing in the long term if you can only last 3 or 5 days before fapping all the while edging or peeking at porn ocassionally.
03/27/16 (Sun) 20:03:48 No. 73569
mfw I have completed 48 hours no fap now but now I need someone to fap with me or I could end up going 72 hours without fapping by accident :/
03/27/16 (Sun) 20:50:19 No. 73575
I need to find some way to fap right now or I'm going to fuck up my plans. It's been well over 48 hours and I just don't know what to do. My experiment's going to be all wrecked.
03/27/16 (Sun) 21:01:00 No. 73576
Someone send me a succubus or something.
03/27/16 (Sun) 21:50:05 No. 73579
03/27/16 (Sun) 22:15:54 No. 73583
welp, I have no choice really, although I never prepared properly for this; going to have to try and evoke a succubus today
Wish me luck.
03/27/16 (Sun) 22:22:39 No. 73584
Wow, I tried to evoke a succubus, and I just got a tiger instead.
I tried again and I got an octopus.
Going to keep trying…
03/28/16 (Mon) 04:15:32 No. 73593
I accidentally didn't fap for 3 days but just now fapped with a girl.
Should I pledge 72 hours next like I originally intended or since I fucked up on the 48 hours thing and went 72 without fapping, should my next pledge be 96 hours?
03/28/16 (Mon) 06:06:47 No. 73595
If you don't believe me look it up. Google, "brown ejaculation". You'll see a medical website that answers questions.
And just because you don't ejaculate brown semen doesn't necessarily mean anything. Ejaculating brown semen just means that your prostate tore a little bit from either not ejaculating enough in a certain time period or ejaculating too much. The website says that not ejaculating regularly causes your prostate to get clogged. I'm obviously not a doctor, but I definitely encourage you to ask one. Don't take my word for it. And better yet, ask a urologist.
03/28/16 (Mon) 06:10:24 No. 73596
Who is this girl? She is so fine. I'm not sure if it's the same person.
03/28/16 (Mon) 12:13:02 No. 73608
No fuck your suggestions, I've never had any problems with prolonged periods of no fap stretching years, read:
That prostate thing is quoted all the time by fappers as an excuse to fap and it's bullshit.
See also: thousands of years of celibacy amongst ascetic monks from various traditions the world over.
03/28/16 (Mon) 18:06:37 No. 73615
People who fap experience pleasure during 10 minute fap sessions and 4 second orgasms. You, on the other hand, stretch it thorough the whole day. You're experiencing 3% of an orgasm per hour in form of elevated mood and good feel, as you hear pleasant song, or a nice picture.
03/29/16 (Tue) 00:43:00 No. 73627
I just wandered into this thread.
Well couldn't you just say you're addicted to wanting an addiction. You're desire for desiring sex is something that apparently drives you, find joy in that.
The feeling that you're missing out on something is definitely a part of the human experience. I don't think there's anything wrong with you, but then again there's probably something wrong with me so who the hell am I to say.
I like you.
I hope you find what you're looking for, even if it's to find nothing at all.
03/29/16 (Tue) 00:47:24 No. 73629
Should I pledge 96 hours ?
I meant to do 48 hours but it ended up being 72+. So next step should probably be 96 instead of 72? or should I just pledge 72?
03/29/16 (Tue) 00:54:41 No. 73630
You can pledge however much you wish, but unless that's what's turning you on I doubt you're going to get much pleasure out of it.
What are you into anon? Do you have any favorite sexual fantasies?
03/29/16 (Tue) 01:03:54 No. 73631
>You can pledge however much you wish, but unless that's what's turning you on I doubt you're going to get much pleasure out of it.
>What are you into anon? Do you have any favorite sexual fantasies?
Nothing really. I just test my mind and body in every way possible, whether that's fasting for long periods of time, or eating as much food as possible, or fapping as much as possible for a period of time, or not fapping, and so on… always testing the limits.
I'm not naturally inclined to fantasize about sex, I am not like avoidant of it, I just don't do it normally though unless I decide upon it as an experiment.
03/29/16 (Tue) 01:16:58 No. 73632
I get the feeling you don't really want to talk to me.
Well anyway, if you're not sure about what turns you on the internet is full of interesting ideas. I'm sure you can find something, but you're right about trying to put yourself in the right mindset. It's not a show if you're not putting on a good performance.
Good luck anon.
SAGE! 03/29/16 (Tue) 01:36:58 No. 73635
File: 1459215419795.png (243.09 KB, 1338x1838, 669:919, im angry but i have a bone….png )
Actually, just in case you really did want to talk to me, since you talked about that whole testing your limits thing, if I were to make a suggestion I'd suggest trying to look up things about people's will being broken. Like a priest or nun being mentally fucked to the point where they just willingly give into their sinful, shameful desires.
A person who always felt in control of themselves being coerced into obediently and willingly submitting to the pleasurable sexual forces that overpower them.
Embarrassment and shame.
Have fun.
03/29/16 (Tue) 01:50:50 No. 73636
Just fapped one more time via imagination (mostly memory) of girl I was fapping with last time and this was legitimately pleasurable, not exactly orgasmic or mind blowing, but it certainly didn't feel like nothing it actually felt good. So I'm clearly making progress.
As of this post, I am pledging:
96 hours of no fap
No matter what I shall not fap. Do everything in your power to make me fail, cause me to fap, etc.
Demiurge you shall fail to seduce me just like you've failed every other time.
I don't have "sinful shameful desires". I aim to create any desires I want and amp them up to any degree of intensity and to be able to stay afloat of them at the same time as well as to entertain them with exhaustion and so on; in other words complete mastery over desire.
03/29/16 (Tue) 02:11:01 No. 73644
One odd thing to note, I didn't experience any burst of pleasure in this case with cumming, and only felt it while fapping up to the point of cumming. I don't know why I still don't experience pleasure connected to the last part of it, and why previously I didn't really feel anything at all throughout the whole process.
03/29/16 (Tue) 02:26:26 No. 73647
>I don't have "sinful shameful desires".
>I don't know why I still don't experience pleasure connected to the last part of it, and why previously I didn't really feel anything at all throughout the whole process.
>If I don't want to have fun why am I not having fun?
03/29/16 (Tue) 02:28:38 No. 73648
Update: I believe I have transmuted the desire to desire to fap/sex into an actual desire to fap/sex now. I am experiencing a genuine and not merely intellectual desire to fap. It's only been about 40 minutes since I last fapped. I will win though this 96 hour challenge, even though I feel an actual URGE right now.
03/29/16 (Tue) 02:45:55 No. 73649
Update 2: I feel the lust in my aura and feel energy cascades and parts of my mind and various cell clusters desiring me to fap. I feel some shifts in my subconscious. This is amazing, I am happy the real challenge has now begun. If I win this time, I won't feel sad, it will legitimately feel like an accomplishment.
03/29/16 (Tue) 11:23:26 No. 73659
Update 3: met a succubus who wanted to make me fap, she started playing with herself and needed me to fap to get stronger I guess, but I still didn't
presently rockhard and trying to think of any loopholes out of this but can't, dismissing each thought from my mind
I really wish I could just fap right now. There's still 86 hours left to go though.
03/29/16 (Tue) 14:21:24 No. 73661
try to massage your perineum to achieve prostate orgasm.(keep pushing and deeply massaging that area until you feel relaxed and aroused)
Also try to edge the whole remaining time of this nofap.
03/29/16 (Tue) 15:32:49 No. 73664
>Also try to edge the whole remaining time of this nofap.
Why? Sounds dangerous and not sure if it would help me achieve my goals or not.
03/29/16 (Tue) 16:50:33 No. 73665
You confuse me
You claim to be the no fap master and go for a whopping 24 hours of non-fapping??? Obviously you have a low willpower not to fap. Go for a period of 2 months and then you might be able to claim the title of minor abstinator
03/29/16 (Tue) 17:00:43 No. 73666
It is harder and more challenging, also make sure you don't cum while edging or you fail.
03/29/16 (Tue) 17:01:04 No. 73667
>Sounds dangerous
03/29/16 (Tue) 18:32:33 No. 73675
Read the whole thread before responding, already completed a 72 hour no fap, and right now on a 96 hour no fap, and in the past I have gone years without fapping but I'm trying to find ways to make it even harder on me.
03/29/16 (Tue) 18:33:49 No. 73676
Hmmmmm… that 666 GET.
I'm trying to build a massive amount of lust loosh to power something you know. I need it to become an all-consuming hyper-intense desire that energizes a strong thoughtform.
03/29/16 (Tue) 22:29:25 No. 73684
I'll never understand how other men can actually fap to women, with their annoying voices and bloated chests and asses. It's like an anti-boner. Of course, most men disgust me as well …
Perhaps I am not human after all.
03/30/16 (Wed) 00:04:56 No. 73690
You forgot to post with Special Snowflake flag.
03/30/16 (Wed) 00:09:35 No. 73691
Because we're biologically meant to be attracted to them? Ignoring anomalies like homosexuality of course.
03/31/16 (Thu) 18:52:56 No. 73816
Did it a couple times now and still haven't failed.
03/31/16 (Thu) 18:53:49 No. 73817
About 24 hours left to go and this is legitimately the toughest challenge yet. I think I will be satisfied I've been truly tested when this over, although not merely by lust, in so many different ways; so many different angles of attack trying to make me fap.
04/01/16 (Fri) 19:19:58 No. 73884
Completed the 96 hours (4 days and nights) no fap challenge successfully. Also still haven't fapped as I want to fap with a grill not to porn so got to find a grill to fap with.
04/02/16 (Sat) 00:33:41 No. 73893
Any tips, OP? Most I've gone is a month. Usually I get on a good streak and then once a week I get an insanely strong urge.
04/02/16 (Sat) 03:22:54 No. 73894
Just fapped with a girl now.
There are multiple ways to do it.
1. Immediately think thoughts that make sexuality seem repulsive and disgusting anytime sex enters your mind. – can be somewhat effective
2. Drain off the desire into thoughtforms. – Highly effective and main method I used for not fapping for years. It's as simple as imagining something while using your lust and discharging the lust into the thoughtform. You will eventually run out of lust and lose erection before long or end up with a very powerful thoughtform. You don't touch/stroke yourself and you actually try to feel as much lust as you can to feed the thoughtform. The more complex and advanced the thoughtform you are trying to make the more likely you run out of loosh before it takes a stable and self-sustaining form.
3. Stoic indifference to your emotions - this I use to break any addiction and to endure absolutely anything whether it's extreme physical trials I've had to deal with or it's sex or something else. Just be completely indifferent to whatever emotions wash over you, whether it's lust or pain or sufffering or euphoria, you remain detached from it. Highly effective. I just give 0 shits about what I'm feeling. Look into stoicism to understand what I'm talking about.
4. Purging the sexual nature - through suggestion, association, draining off, and dislike of sex you can turn yourself asexual pretty quick. Not recommended though because then you don't have useful sex energy at your disposal for charging thoughtforms and you may suffer a decrease in vitality and your body changes to be more androgynous and it sure takes awhile to regain your sexuality afterwards.
5. Conditioning yourself so you have to find expression of sexuality through mediums which are not easily accessible. This can be as simple as pledging only to have astral sex for example or only to use psychokinesis to fap. You will tend to exhaust your loosh trying to do this and end up not fapping.
04/02/16 (Sat) 03:23:25 No. 73895
2, 3, and 5 are the best methods.