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Itt greenpill


b u m p


Can someone define what's with the pill thing? Like which color represents what? Etc…



i think it's basically ways of thinking and values with each pill.




There are three main pills.

Bluepill, Redpill, Greenpill.

Ironpill is a variant of redpill. A more advanced version.

Purplepill is a variant of greenpill. A sinister edgy LHP version.

Brownpill is another variant of greenpill. A neutral, uninvolved, unaligned variation that just doesn't concern itself with the world or ideals concerning it at all and only focuses on himself (not in a bad way, just more like in the way of a monk that meditates for years alone in a cave to achieve higher degrees of enlightenment).

Greenpill is essentially the spiritual/metaphysical/occult/magick/alien/fringe pill focusing on fourth density and higher issues.

Redpill is essentially the political/ideological/conspiracy/race/etc. pill focusing on third density issues.

Bluepill is a mundane who doesn't know anything about politics or spirituality and lives his life in an automatic, unconscious fashion, not understanding and being aware of his own programming; whereas the other pills are more aware of their programming and make changes to it and exert control over it.


The natural line of development is:

Bluepill > Redpill > Ironpill > Brownpill > Greenpill > Indigopill

Purplepill/Indigopill is the final pill because it is only for the strong who have earned the right. You can't be weak and be an indigopill. To be an indigopill is to be a metaphysical predator; and predators are always on top. They get to do with the rest of life as they please and exert themselves however they wish.

However the true final pill is a kind of meta-meta-pill who is capable of swallowing and invoking any of the pills. He moves between them as he deems fit to do so. He can adopt and use the mentality of any pill. In this way he is beyond all pills; because he is all of them.

So at last, your journey ends where all paths end; where there is no end. You are now privileged with access to every mentality, every state of being, your spirit resonates so strongly with it all that you embody it all. You must take every pill to be a master.

This is the golden pill, the no-pill, the pills pill, the all pill, or the transcendental pill. Beneath this pill's belt lies everything. He knows it all.


If anyone questions what I have said, even Montalk was told the same, and it's on the hidden pages of his site. That humans go through these cycles of development, where they spend time as neg-4d, then positive 4d, then neg-5d, and so on….

You need to experience it all, to get all under your belt.

Spiritual power or spiritual presence can be recognized in a person in this way; they change, they evolve, they are not stagnant. Over the course of their life they learn and experience much, patterns get re-arranged, nothing is fixed with them. They don't go in circles forever until their grave. The empty people or background characters in this reality just fill niches and act like elemental beings or servitors who just pursue a function mindlessly without any real purpose. They feed off of the excess loosh of actual spirited beings to whom they are attracted to in order to create certain experiences and continue the pattern that defines them; the energies they arise out of need to be maintained by repetition. Spiritual beings are far more adaptable than them.

Those strong in the way of spirit often have dramatic, difficult, tumultuous lives; they draw to them everything needed to push them through many phases of development. The only rules of spirit seems to be; allow for everything, penetrate everything (as in let your light of awareness shine through every experiential vector), don't get lost for too long. The spirit is at rest only within infinite motion.


Post more Greenpill man art and comics.


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Its from the mundanes viewpoint.

I think it's funny all the same.



Where can more of these comics be found?



Try 4chon or lurk boards until you find something



>and it's on the hidden pages of his site.





This gives you links to hidden parts of the site.


File: 1465258301876-0.jpg (1.83 MB, 685x9952, 685:9952, Cq78C3S.jpg)

File: 1465258301876-1.jpg (723.39 KB, 694x7025, 694:7025, sjE6wLf.jpg)

I had all of these saved at one point, can't find most of em now.


File: 1465259052914.png (2.58 MB, 660x4224, 5:32, green pill vs the singular….png)


File: 1465259762894-0.png (869.07 KB, 2310x830, 231:83, 1454376101381-3.png)

File: 1465259762895-1.png (199.79 KB, 784x763, 112:109, 1454375494410-0.png)


A bunch of them were posted on a bodybuilding forum, but I can't find the thread now.


File: 1465439552340.png (18.4 KB, 1060x549, 1060:549, pill tree.png)




Thats some decent post right there anon.


There are two pills, the red pill and the blue pill.

People try to define them to suit themselves but it is the truth that there is only the ignorance of the animal, the bluepill, and the struggle to rise and transcend, the redpill.



sure thing buddy, just like politics are just far left vs far right



All politics are coercion.



he's right though.

you either see reality as it is, or you don't. You're red or you're blue.

All of these other pills are just descriptors of what people do with their status.

It's like in the pic in >>77882

Red, Blue, Green, etc, etc are all described as "enlightened" or "unenlightened". This is the pill status – red = enlightened, blue = unenlightened.



Farewell, from that perspective, the other anon's comments holds truth, but just remember that when Neo met the Architect and told Morpheus even his whole plan was anticipated and even spected the very first thing he said was "I dont believe you" making the so called Redpiller a bluepill in denial.



It's difficult to anyone realizing that you were planned, program and live in a mechanical way to make a non mechanical counciusnes.

If everything is a lie ,you are a lie too, to certain extent.

Not easy to take for no one.


Haha I said almost the exact same thing in the green vs red pill thread


Maybe the architect was actually lying? Or rather, trying to misrepresent the truth to imply something false



> uses the matrix as a metaphor

> doesn't realize Neo never escaped shit.

How was Agent Smith able to transcend into the upper reality?

Neo was blinded, how could he still see the machines as orange "code"? How could Neo kill Sentinels with just a thought and wave of the hand? He doesn't have wireless implants and wasn't plugged in. Neo and Zion exist in another level of control, a reality themed to match old amber screens rather than green. (Amber is a shade of orange. Orange = 33 in numerology… and we know what 33 represents: Yeah, but that's just another system of control.

Freemasons pray to The Great Architect of the Universe.

The 1st movie gave everyone false hope and the 2nd and 3rd movies forced humans to accept a truce with machines while still in another level of the damned matrix. Classic method of control: Create the Problem, Cause a Reaction, Provide the Solution.

Welcome to the next Level.



Any speculation as to what's above and below those levels?

>inb4 it's an infinite holographic fractal



> doesn't realize Neo never escaped shit.

I agree that neo never escaped the systems of control, but he did escape the computer-world of the matrix.

Neo could see the machines because he has implants that allow him to do that on account of him being the one, a critical maintenance component in the matrix system.

Smith was able to jump to physical reality by rewriting a man's brain.

the real deal is that the control systems for humanity extend beyond the computer system. Redpills are expected – even needed for the critical reset of the matrix – as is zion, the resistance etc. It's controlled opposition, but I wouldn't say that it's still part of a computer program. It's physically real, but still within the grasp of machine control.


Kek, Irenaeus of Lyons actually uses this same question to btfo of gnosticism in his work against heresies.

Basically, you'll never know when you're at the top level, and it may go on infinitely. It boils down to there being no point in speculating on it, so you may well accept reality as real.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch some videos about multiple dimensions. It's based on scientific and mathematical theories so take it with a grain. Or instead consider it simply as very basic philosophy of subjects that haven't been explored yet.

I've embedded a 2 minute summary of the 10 dimensional model though here is a much longer explanation that you'd need to watch to even begin to understand this stuff


On the other hand you can read about the planes of correspondence in the kybalion



Last level = God

First level = blind mather

The middle = Jesus Crist ,Buda ,the devil



level zero: King kissytigera



all u niggers need to stop popping pills and just fackin read, a man is not what he reads

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