There are three main pills.
Bluepill, Redpill, Greenpill.
Ironpill is a variant of redpill. A more advanced version.
Purplepill is a variant of greenpill. A sinister edgy LHP version.
Brownpill is another variant of greenpill. A neutral, uninvolved, unaligned variation that just doesn't concern itself with the world or ideals concerning it at all and only focuses on himself (not in a bad way, just more like in the way of a monk that meditates for years alone in a cave to achieve higher degrees of enlightenment).
Greenpill is essentially the spiritual/metaphysical/occult/magick/alien/fringe pill focusing on fourth density and higher issues.
Redpill is essentially the political/ideological/conspiracy/race/etc. pill focusing on third density issues.
Bluepill is a mundane who doesn't know anything about politics or spirituality and lives his life in an automatic, unconscious fashion, not understanding and being aware of his own programming; whereas the other pills are more aware of their programming and make changes to it and exert control over it.