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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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RulesModerator LogLibraryFAQFringe GuideRanksCSSSuicide/fringe//asatru//edgy//4chon//lel//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread.
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET).
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/).
5. Posting with proper flag rule is being re-instated.

If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

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Fringe is presently under attack by a rogue chaos magician gone ballistic who is using multiple proxies, writing styles, and flags and who is pretending to be me and other persons. The board has been wiped clean from the FringeProtagonist volunteer account, either by Protagonist herself, or by someone that got access to her account. Presently whoever it is, they are manipulating the conversations on here, and on other boards where this board is being talked about; towards what end I do not know. Do not trust what "anons" are saying.

I wish to restore 8chan/fringe/ back to how it was and have tried to contact anyone that could do so on /operate/, /sudo/, /tech/, /meta/, etc. and other anons have sent out emails. If you can find someone to rollback the board to how it was yesterday, it would be greatly appreciated. I know backups and restorations of the board have been done in the past.

The rules that exist shall be relaxed for now until the board is restored to how it was or the old order is re-established.

Fringechan.org appears to be OK for the time being. I do not intend on a migration happening, I want both 8/fringe and fringechan to continue to exist and operate. I advise Alpam take whatever protective measures he can right now to ensure that Fringechan is able to resist any attacks that may be imminent.

Feel free to post new threads covering the various subjects of /fringe/ and to try to work to getting this place functioning again. It may be all wiped out though if a rollback is done by "Ron" or whoever is presently in charge of 8chan.


Or just go to the new site like a sane person.




You are simultaneously telling people to go the site and not to from different proxies. As if people can't browse both sites at once.



Ooh It seems the gale it's just jealous of smiley's power :^)

Guess that would explain why she diluded herself into believing it's real what she has.


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you seem upset


Why are posts disappearing?


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It appears that someone is deleting their own posts, perhaps in order to claim censorship, or to create even more confusion.


For anyone that doesn't know already, the header has a link to moderator log, rules page, faq page, etc.


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It's histrionics.

Probably a Borderline personality type.

In all likelihood one or more posts presented information actually useful to human advancement, pissing off dark entities who then found a human proxy to do their work for them.

This sort of thing has happened to me before, outside the context of the internet. Usually in some sort of group setting where advancement starts taking place either one of the seemingly normal members will suddenly go completely bat shit crazy and try to destroy the group, or someone new will show up and do the same.

It's usually someone already predisposed to histrionics in their past.



Does anyone have a copy of the dolls thread? I need it. Please link me to a copy if you have it… there was information in there that was very critical to me.



In due time. About a week ago I went on a /fringe/ binge and opened almost every thread in the catalog on my tablet. I can't directly save the webpages because mobile browser, so I'm going to attempt to copy and paste everything into some word processor and save them that way. I might have opened that thread so sit tight.



Didn't have it open sorry. Rather amazingly, 50 tabs or so of bullshit I had open (((miraculously))) closed themselves at some point between right this second and when I first opened them to read.


Was asking myself what the heck was going on with the disappearance of the sticky and questions thread.





Tablets aren't capable of having multiple tabs open at once. Each time you switch a tab it refreshes.


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Does anyone have the pink one?


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You're taking this far too seriously.

Nothing bad will happen to /fringe/ we will always continue as a community.


Lists of old /fringe/ threads:






>Does anyone have a copy of the dolls thread? I need it. Please link me to a copy if you have it… there was information in there that was very critical to me.


>Magickal Dolls - The Initiate Voodoo - 05/17/16 (Tue)


Does anyone have a link to the last questions thread? We ought to make a new questions thread…


Halp, i dont see any of the 2 Psionics threads

one was made by me asking tips, the other one was huge and recently just dump it to read it all later, but i dont see it on the arvhice links, :__: im fucked?



I know that feel bro, so much lost. We got to work to restore our threads and so on. Maybe create a new one and post as much as you can remember about it and request at end of the post that other post again the material?


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Thanks, i made a thread with pic related asking how do i get into psionics since my physical health its been deplorable most of my live and im just 22 avoid milk gluten and eat gud, no health to go to parties or travel, hang with friends, etc.

Also asked if someone could give me a step by step proses on how to build the device since im not english native and dont know how to read the diagrams or the proper names of the pieces i will need to buy/gather.

some anon then pointed out that the diagram was from Uncle Chuky Vampire machine, and other anon pointed an old old thread about psionics filled with pdf's.

just took a peek but didnt save anything.

i dont even know Glenn Morris, but i guess at this point anything will help, thanks.



tfw 23 and same problem



What's wrong with milk? I have massively increased my consumption of milk lately and feel better for it.



Depends of brand and ingredients, if i get my hands on old regular milk i will hapily drink it, but today every shoop has mostly that shit with Partialy-hIdrogenized shit, i didnt realize it until the chronic headache started and my gut started to feel weird, then it occured to me to read the label, like 10 ingredienst on something its supposed to be just milk and some watter to delude it.

yogurt is fine tho, i love it.

But aside from that, it is supposed that a decent adult person doesnt have the need to drink milk, even bluepill biology talks about it, also the blood type you are determines your body likeness/repulsion to certain foods/drinks. only AB and some B blood type can drink galons of milk forever since their good vacteria in the gut its diferent, the rest have to ether never stop consuming or stop drinking after 16-17 yrs max.

But even then, you still have Monsanto levels of extra chemical ingredients to 'improve' the ta$te of it.



Well I drink goat's milk. Costs 5 times as much as the other milk but leaves me with a feeling of immense power the rest of the day that nothing else does.



Ooooh, yhe, i have read lost of good things about goat milk.



It's allegedly one of the keys to a long life.



this was literally the last thread on the catalog why would u bump it LOL

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