Fringe is presently under attack by a rogue chaos magician gone ballistic who is using multiple proxies, writing styles, and flags and who is pretending to be me and other persons. The board has been wiped clean from the FringeProtagonist volunteer account, either by Protagonist herself, or by someone that got access to her account. Presently whoever it is, they are manipulating the conversations on here, and on other boards where this board is being talked about; towards what end I do not know. Do not trust what "anons" are saying.
I wish to restore 8chan/fringe/ back to how it was and have tried to contact anyone that could do so on /operate/, /sudo/, /tech/, /meta/, etc. and other anons have sent out emails. If you can find someone to rollback the board to how it was yesterday, it would be greatly appreciated. I know backups and restorations of the board have been done in the past.
The rules that exist shall be relaxed for now until the board is restored to how it was or the old order is re-established. appears to be OK for the time being. I do not intend on a migration happening, I want both 8/fringe and fringechan to continue to exist and operate. I advise Alpam take whatever protective measures he can right now to ensure that Fringechan is able to resist any attacks that may be imminent.
Feel free to post new threads covering the various subjects of /fringe/ and to try to work to getting this place functioning again. It may be all wiped out though if a rollback is done by "Ron" or whoever is presently in charge of 8chan.