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I have had around 150+ sleep paralysis experiences in the last 2-3 years. I remember my dreams every single night, literally, and lucid dream from time to time. Anyways I believe I may be being targeted by some sort of spirit attachment.

Now I'd say the vast majority of the sleep paralysis experiences were not negative. Most of them had very interesting stuff like a hint or connection to the astral realm. I have had a few though of what looks exactly like a banshee or the Dementors of Harry Potter. Seems like it is draining me of some sort of vital energy. Pulling it through my chest, or offering me to take its hand.

I have seen maybe 5-8 different ET races during sleep paralysis, tall blue humans, beings of light, a grey wolf that turned into a GREY Extra Terrestrial, green mantis insectoid humanoids, a girl dressed in red who could speak to me and was surprised I could see and hear her, myself standing at the foot of my bed, ghosts, other humans, spirits. Some of this doesn't always come in crystal clear, its fuzzy like I am not tuned into the right freqency. SP sure is something else my brothers.

I remember reading a thread awhile back that mentioned that the energy we emit from dreams is being harvested, and that our entire reality is like the matrix, in that we are indeed batteries for entities from other realms and dimensions. Interesting to wonder about.

So what exactly am I dealing with here fellas?



Lol ur leaking

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