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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hello brothers of /fringe/.

I want to ask you a question.

How many of you are amazed, stupefied, brought to awe by the wonderful world of the supernatural? I assume all of you are.

And yet, how many of you have actually experienced the many wonders of which uncountable books about occultism speak about?

I assume very few.

Why is that? Well, there is a reason: spiritual experiences are not random, and they are not the results of just reading books and making theories about them. That will never bring us direct experience of the realities above and below, that will only build theories and beliefs in our mind, and we already have too many of those.

When one is a Neophyte, a complete beginner, one is amazed by all the possibilities, by all the tales of supernatural events and places and wonders, and one wants to immediately experience it all, feel it, see it, touch it. And we can.

The "neophyte" begins by reading the Kybalion, which is a wonderful work which outlines a few basic concepts which are fundamental to understand occultism.

But soon after, he is thrown into "Initiation into Hermetics" by Franz Bardon, which is a book that contains tremendous teachings and practices… however, if one does not have a will of steel and a mind under perfect control, one is overwhelmed by the book, and is unable to follow the practices and actually get results from them, and maybe one gets stuck on the first steps forever.

Inevitably, one becomes frustrated and leaves the esoteric work. Or he goes back to just reading books and theorizing and rationalizing, never actually experiencing anything and becoming an "armchair occultist." This is unfortunate.

This is because "Initiation into Hermetics" is a practical book which already assumes you know something about magic and have had at least some sort of discipline and mind training. That is why in the first practices, Bardon outlines the things you should be doing, like trying to still the mind, try to eat properly, etc., but he never goes into much detail about these beginning practices. Of course, everyone wants to skip the "boring" beginner's stuff, and go right into the meat of it, right into the advanced work, but magic doesn't work like that, obviously. Nature does not take leaps: the plant doesn't immediately jump from seed to full grown tree.

Our magical practice must be nurtured and rightly cultivated right from the start. Do not expect you will become a "magician" (a real one) in a week, or in a month, or a year… This is a work of a lifetime.

As I said earlier, beginners often get frustrated and they do not get results, and they can't understand why. Maybe they even doubt the teachings. But it's not the teachings' fault, it's our fault. The teachings work. However, we haven't been educated in the BASIC fundamentals of magic.

Magic is an exact science: you have to do certain things to get certain results, like anything else in this universe.

If we are not getting the results we want, it's because we are doing things we should not be doing and not doing things we should be doing.

There are basic behaviors one should adopt in his life, in order to have a strong foundation for his magical work. A house that is not built on strong foundations will crumble.

These basic foundations are the introductory practices of every spiritual aspirant, from every tradition in the world, whether it be eastern or western.

If we do not build on these, and we skip them, we will go nowhere. Yea, we might get some astral experience if we really work on it. But we will not have consistency, intensity of experience, and the internal peace and knowledge of the true magician.

We will limp, looking for the truth in vain, just because we did not know the *necessary steps* to obtain practical results in our spiritual practice.

One needs to master the fundamentals to become a great advanced practitioner.


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You see, everyone believes they're already a master, a great illuminated being, a guru… The truth is we are just a little more awake than the average Joe. We have the advantage of being interested in the occult, and thus we feed our minds some good material, and that certainly cultivates our mind and rises it above the common one.

>inb4 what r u talking about faggot, I'm an awakened master, I'll curse you

We have to stop fooling ourselves. We might believe we are great beings, however, the facts are what speaks the truth. Our mind, right now, is in absolute chaos. You can verify this easily: try to completely stop thinking, at will. You can't. You will inevitably and involuntarily start thinking again, without your conscious control. A real Master, a real Magician, has the ability to stop thought at will, and resume it when he wants to. He has complete and absolute conscious control over the mind. A real master can leave the physical body at will, even while awake. And he is conscious of both dimensions at the same time. Not one of us on Fringe is a master, not a single one. If we truly were masters, our occult community would be in the superior dimensions, not on the Internet. We are not at that level. So let us stop fooling ourselves, thinking we are the greatest. We are not. We are beginners, and if we want to take the first step towards mastery, we have to be sincere and recognize the fact that we are nobodies, right now.

We have to start by building strong foundations. I am writing this message because I know what I'm talking about. I have made the same mistakes too. I didn't know what to look for or where to look, I did not know what to do to get actual results… Sure, everyone has hundreds of techniques and plenty of advice to give, but how do you put it all together and discriminate the good advice from the useless or even harmful advice? You need a proven system of spiritual practice, which can take you step by step to reach your goals. I can point that out for you. Of course you will not be spoonfed, you have to do your own research and work, but this system of teachings is absolutely complete, from complete beginner level, up until Awakened Master level. You will find everything, I promise. It is not something fundamentally new, it is really a big synthesis of ancient traditions from all over the world and their occult knowledge (which is always the same knowledge, everywhere), but at the same time it is way more than that.

I am not stating that this is the "Truth," I am stating that this is the *instruction* to enter the Path which leads to comprehension of the Truth. You will never find the Truth itself written in a book, or taught by a person. It is something to be comprehended in one's life, and there is a way to do that. But if one wants to get somewhere, one has to follow a map (the right map, the one that leads to the right place). There are many maps, but some are incomplete and some plainly wrong. I assure you that this is the complete map, and that it will lead you to the right place, if you follow it correctly.

I am not saying you have to believe me. I am not saying I am a great Master or anything. I am a nobody, but I can testify that I am experiencing actual results with this teaching. I am completely confident in it, not because of blind faith, but because of my own experience and because of the experience of thousands of people before me, from various historical ages.

This revolutionized my life, big time. This is true "occultism," done the correct way, and explained step by step, the way the Masters of all ages past taught humanity. This is the path to obtain true Wisdom.

And it is free and open to anyone. Maybe one could ask: "why is it given openly?" Well, it used not to be open. But what matters is that now, because of various circumstances (this is not the place to discuss those), it is open and everyone can learn the mysteries. "But it is like throwing pearls before swines!" Yeah, it is. However the swines will not comprehend the teaching and will not work according to it. So they will go absolutely nowhere. There is a kind of "natural selection" anyway, so only the few people who actually DO the work will make progress, the rest are just imitators. This is how the actual mysteries are protected and preserved from the masses.


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Of course I cannot give you the complete teachings on /fringe/, but there is an organization that has got them all freely available for everyone to read and listen to: http://www.gnosticteachings.org

It is obvious that there will be people saying:

>OP is a shill, op is a faggot, etc.

To that I reply: YOU that are reading this, if you are really looking for something more than the mundane life, if you really are going around everywhere looking for the truth, if you're not on Fringe just for the memes and the succubi sex, look into this.

If you are not a “magix kiddie”, and are actually interested in Esoteric Yoga, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, etc. (really, any form of religion/philosophy), look into this.

If you are interested in Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Teosophy, etc., look into this, I promise you will FIND.

Don't let yourself be swayed by the opinion of others. Try this for yourself, and THEN judge. You know very well that other people's opinion is often wrong and conditioned by their past experiences, traumas, beliefs, etc. Everyone is a bigot and thinks they are right.

And by the way, don't expect this will be an easy and relaxed thing… it is, after all, a *training*. That website might look lighthearted and "family-friendly," however the teaching is hardcore, once you understand it.

But hey, if you want to get results and knowledge and spiritual experience, you have to work, nothing is given to you for free. That organization offers the instruction to do exactly that.

>don't listen to OP, that teaching is bullshit, it doesn't work, it's only one side of the truth, etc…

Listen, I took my time to write this wall of text for a reason: I know it works and I have gotten results.

It's not a matter of "I believe in this and I want to convince you that I am right and you are wrong."

It's a matter of "I know this stuff works and is amazing and I want to share with you, because I know that some people out there are genuinely interested in *actual* occultism, and not the “let's pretend I'm a wizard” thing.”

So please, if you are serious about your occult studies, do yourself a favor and study this. Don't miss this opportunity. I have absolutely no self-interest in writing this. I just want to share knowledge with people. It doesn't matter if 99% of people don't give a shit about this post. If there is even a 1 person out of a 100 that discovers and enters the Path that leads to the Revolution of the Self thanks to this post, that will be good.

Thanks for reading this.


> Nice shill OP :^)

Actually I can confirm the OP stance in most of the things. Did not read the site tho, will give it a try later.

My experience was some how inverse. I did praticed meditation and discipline before hand to master either the mind and the body. I was very sceptic of all this magick (still am in some degree) but since I "saw" the magick in action and got the results, I could not over shadow my own experience. Having had the experience forced me to work even harder since I could not longer be a "mundane" in this.

However will have to disagree with some points in OP and "re phrase" some. Would like the clarification of OP if he's willing to.

> This is a work of a lifetime.

I would say many, not just one. But the folks that hang here are probably more apte to work than your average joe.

> Not being a magician in a week or mouth

Is true but I would stress the fact that no one are at the same pace. Here we're all advanced in some level. There's people whom could get the magician result in a week tho. But they would be a very special case. However one should take baby steps in this. I would say that's extremelly hard to begin because you should master your mind inwards and outwards and for that It would be easy to start with yoga, meditation, charka training, etc., The bouring things people neglect the most when confronted with magick.

> Ego

Not forget about that, I would say is almost impossiable to master your ego before doing magick but you should be in control of it at least. Remembering that ego are the most easy back door to take people.

> Sure, everyone has hundreds of techniques and plenty of advice to give,

> from complete beginner level, up until Awakened Master level. You will find everything, I promise.

I don't really like already made formulas. Would say that the "techniques" are out there. But would also say that you could have the best sword in the world, if you don't know how to manage it, it will be useless and seen as that.

The mastering from the mind/body/ego to energy/elements/rituals/etc., are the same. One have to work them from themselfs. The only real master is one self. I have to stress that, however, is not easy to start this without help from some kind and since we have the resource we should learn some from them and then "do our own thing".

Actually in the sense of magick, the books of Brandon are the best. The reason is not only that the technics are useful and somehow easy to get in tune with but because is trusthworthy (for me at least).

I think is the most efficient way for the begginer to start the foundation.

> Something from my experience that I would like to share too.

I have never done magick (besides the normal meditation and discipline) before experience it. I happen to meet some people that had some experience with it and got it very quickly ( I lived many years of my life as a fedora, ironically enough).

I began to meet a few people in this arena after unlocking part of my potential. Since I could read their minds (and for some even the most predominant power in them) I would actually strip them after some minutes of ordinay talk. There's actually more people in this realm that we are aware of.

I, for one, am very low profile in this. Im usually under the radar as far as I know.

Nice OP we got.

Sorry for my engrish tho.


I agree with most of what you said, but I was expecting better instructions, where are we even supposed to start on this website?

We are all students and we're all teachers here.

To me, good starting books would be

-The secret of the ages

-The Kybalion

-The book of Knowledge

-Initiation into Hermetics

-The law and promise

These would be enough to put you on.

(specially if you already witnessed or performed any type of magick before)


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> This is a work of a lifetime.

>I would say many, not just one.

Right… If one is in the occult field right now, one has certainly been in it before, in previous lives.

By "work of a lifetime" I mean that you won't get to the highest degree of mastery in a couple of years.

If you have the willpower to do it, you can do it one lifetime, this life.

However, one does not achieve it in a few years. It takes your whole life (assuming you're actually aiming for the ultimate goal).

>no one are at the same pace

Right, everyone comes from a different background. You have the kiddies learning "for fun" and the people who are serious and probably have some occult background from previous lives, and maybe even some important individuals in the process of reviewing past lives and regaining lost powers, etc.

However, this should not mislead us into believing that we were great saints or magicians in past lives, as this will hinder our progress, thinking we are "big shots," and masters, and everything else…

>I would say is almost impossible to master your ego before doing magick but you should be in control of it at least.

It is absolutely necessary to restrain oneself, this is clear.

Many people on /fringe/ utilize the term "ego" to refer to a positive part of the soul.

I'm using it as it is used in the Gnostic tradition: "ego" as the collection of our negative and subjective psychological elements, flaws, and illusions, which prevent us from seeing reality as it is objectively.

These are the "latent tendencies" or "mental obfuscations" of which Buddhism talks about.

Meaning: you have to control and restrain your passions to save energy for magical purposes. Otherwise you will be drained.


>where are we even supposed to start on this website?

There is a "get started" section.


I don't think this is a system of instruction in which you can begin to do something immediately, right away. Sure, there are beginning practices, but I think one needs to get acquainted with the basic concepts before.

I think one needs to understand *why* one should practice. This gives us great motivation to do it.

However, everybody's different.

Personally I was always looking for a system which could be trusted completely and followed step by step, like a school, or a tradition, or a system of instructions. In Gnosis I finally found that.

Previously I studied other traditions and authors. However, I found that none of them were as complete as this system. Not *wrong*, just incomplete.

Bear in mind: this is the same system as the other authors. This is still Hermetics, this is still Kabbalah, Yoga, etc.

It's just all brought together in a solid and coherent body of teachings, which connects all the dots.

Because after all, Knowledge itself is the same, whether acquired and explained by Bardon, or by Sivananda, Jesus, Lao Tsu, or any other master.

The only difference is the point of view from which it is given.

And this system manages to bring together all of the point of views. It was designed to do that by its founder.

Of course, it too has its own subjective "Gnostic" point of view, so it's not "the ultimate teaching" or "the only right system."

But it is complete. And it is crystal clear. And it works.



This has a lot of stuff… I hope it's worth it.

Also, when it comes to magick or any other great objective, it all boils down to will, belief and faith.


You're probably right about being slightly above the average Joe.

I know we are all programmed with various beliefs, and concepts that keep us entrapped in duality and the material world. Regardless, if we have occult knowledge or not.

But, as long as we are aware of that fact, then we are at a slightly higher level than others.

For me, magick has changed my life. Of course, I have never manipulated a person nor an object with it as that goes against my true will. However, I have grown an awareness that is beyond what I thought was capable in life. It keeps growing ever higher with each passing day.


>Samael Aun Weor gnostic meme fest

I agree with the overall sentiment, but no thanks.



>>That will never bring us direct experience of the realities above and below

>speaking from experience



I can't speak for the whole of the teachings contained on the page, as I haven't read much of them and even if I did I do not consider myself qualified enough to judge if they are right or not, but I know a lot about Tantra and I can ascertained that materials presented on the site about this system are, at least partially, incorrect.

Whoever wrote those articles about Tantra had little idea what in reality constitutes Tantrik practice.

In one article it is written:

>The word Tantra means “loop, flow, continuum.” It is the constant movement of energy and matter. The word Tantra has great power, because it refers to the root movement of energy in all levels of existence.

The word tantra actually means "text" or "doctrine", thus Mahanirvana Tantra, quoted on the page, roughly translates to "the doctrine of supreme liberation".


Moreover, the author presents Tantra as being gravely misunderstood and misused in the West, but in each article they do the same mistake as people they criticize - namely assuming that Tantra is a system concerned with "sacred sexuality", sexual energies, tantrik sex etc.

While it is true that most Tantrik schools (especially those belonging to Vamachara, the so called Left Hand Path, dubbed "Black Tantra" by the author) have some sexual rites, they are by no means the primary focus of Tantra, and they constitute only a minuscule part of the system. As I mentioned the categorization of Tantra into three "schools", namely white, gray and black (white being a path of chastity, black being a path of indulgence in sex), this is something which originated purely within the author's mind and not in the actual system. As a follower of "Black" Tantra, I've never done any sexual rites, nor the teaching ever encouraged me to do so. Those rites are for those who actually mastered their desires and they are not actually the essence of the teaching, they are in fact not needed, although I suspect they can bring great power to the practitioner.

The goal of Tantra is achieving both liberation (mukti) and worldly pleasures (bhukti). Though the desires are not fought head on, they are to be mastered and harnessed. That is of course true only for Vamachara, while "worldly pleasures" in Tantrik RHP are mostly understood as not having to live as a recluse. Proper conduct is a necessary part of both paths.

From one of the articles:

>White Tantra: those schools that produce beings who are clean of all egotistical desire, anger, lust, envy, etc.

>Black Tantra: those schools that produce beings who sustain and develop the causes of suffering, namely lust, anger, greed, pride, etc.

The goal of both Tantrik paths is the same. The author names causes of suffering as being sustained by the practitioners, but the funny thing is that the same are required in Tantrik LHP to be transcended, they are to be sacrificed on this path.

There are many more mistakes and misunderstandings in these articles, but it's not my goal to pinpoint them all, nor I do have time to do so, as it would take a wall of text even beyond what I have already written. I just wanted to let you guys know that this page is incorrect in at least one area of knowledge, so don't treat it as some sort of ultimate map to ascension as OP tries to present it.


Tantra doesn't have anything to do with sex, which is something the author of the articles on the page is obsessed about.



Nice informative post, now I don't know much about tantra, but would I need to have sex to get any good out of it?



The difference between the categories of Tantra is of course not a traditional one. It is a newly introduced concept. However the main distinction between black and white is whether the orgasm is permitted or not. Everything else may be the same teaching.

Also, from Wikipedia:

>"Tantra Sanskrit: तन्त्र often simply means "treatise" or "exposition". Literally it can be said to mean "loom, warp, weave"; hence "principle, continuum, system, doctrine, theory", from the verbal root tan "stretch, extend, expand", and the suffix tra "instrument".



>Nice informative post

>would I need to have sex to get any good out of it?

It wasn't so informative after all ;_;


>Also, from Wikipedia:

>"Tantra Sanskrit: तन्त्र often simply means "treatise" or "exposition". Literally it can be said to mean "loom, warp, weave"; hence "principle, continuum, system, doctrine, theory", from the verbal root tan "stretch, extend, expand", and the suffix tra "instrument".

In the link I posted in previous post it is explained how in the context of scripture the correct meaning of the word is "text" and not "warp, loom, weave" etc. as even literal meaning is contextual.

>However the main distinction between black and white is whether the orgasm is permitted or not.

"Black" Tantra doesn't exist then. As I explained, there aren't many sexual rites and the practitioners are not required to perform them.

Moreover, the descriptions in some tantras regarding rites involving sexual intercourse and use of meat and alcohol are highly metaphorical.

>[…]And the Kularnava Tantra says that the divine person, or divya, realises that wine flows from the 1,000 petal lotus, flesh is the sense of duality, fish is the disordering of the senses and sexual intercourse is the union of Kundalini with supreme Shiva. Indeed, the commentary to the famous Karpuradistotra goes further and says that true sexual intercourse is union with the goddess within. Intercourse with any other woman is adultery.

Of course, there is a class of practitioners who may not follow this description (there is no unified doctrine of Tantra, but rather many sects often being in disagreement regards the system).

I'm not claiming that all of Tantra is much concerned with morality. There are rites and siddhis allowing one to kill an enemy, to bring harm, to subjugate others to one's will, but the author never even mentioned this. All he was concerned about was the most common misconception - that of Tantra's main focus being sex.

Good resource:


>Everything else may be the same teaching.

But it's not. Where did the author mentioned nyasa, mantras, dhyana, yantras etc. - stuff that, I would say, constitutes 95% of tantrik practice?



I appreciate the posts, OP. The truth needed to advance on one's individual path can be found anywhere and in anything, intentionally or otherwise. I do have some issues with Samuel Aun Weor's teachings though. They are presented fairly concisely, which is nice, but some of it just doesn't sit well with my intuition. I didn't just give it a quick once over from your link, either. I've been visiting the gnosticteachings site on a semi-regular basis for over a year. It's good as a point of comparison to other systems, but that is about all I have found, at least for me personally. He rips a lot from early-Century occultism and then simplifies it and puts his own sexual-oriented spin on it. Honestly, I'd much rather read Dion Fortune, Gareth Knight or even Theosophy's interpretation of the Kabbalah. That said, if anyone can get worth from his teachings, then it's worthwhile. That's life, isn't it?

From my own experience, I found Steiner to describe the most accurately and safe method of development. The problem with Steiner is that he doesn't explain his terms very well as he was writing from a time when those he was lecturing to had already spent a lot of time studying occultism. The translations are also tedious, the language leaves a lot to be desired for. I read his work early on and struggled to make sense of it.

It was only after I'd developed on my own path and came back to revisit his works that I actually understood what he was describing as those were the steps I had taken. The basic instructions he gives sound boring, but they really do give a safe and even development of the spiritual faculties in humanity. And 'safe' is a weird term to use in occultism, and I don't use it lightly.

But we still come back to the same issue that you mentioned; it's not 'exciting'. Developing sound understanding of the forces of nature and sublimation of personality doesn't have the same draw as the possibility of cutting deals with supernatural entities or slinging sigils around like fireballs. Yet, looking from where I stand now on what he's written, it is the most accurate series of teachings I've encountered yet. I just wish he'd expanded on a lot of areas that he brings up (or maybe I just need to learn how to read German).

Anyway, here's my Rudolf Steiner shill: http://wn.rsarchive.org/Books/GA010/English/AP1947/GA010_index.html


Good to see you're back Gnostic-anon, your last thread was pretty good. I've managed to silence my internal monologue at the appropriate part in your wall of text and my mum turned off the TV in synchronicity with me starting a quick quiet mind meditation.

It's safe to say that silencing your mind isn't exactly the mark of a master because I am anything but.

Could you tell us how far have you gotten with that gnostic teaching website in terms of abilities?


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This was my battle plan so far, I'm almost done the Kybalion and it's been great.

I checked your site, OP. I'm not buying your books.

At least Greenpill 101 had all the books as pdfs in a single folder to download for free.

The books on your site for introduction appear to be a lot more about theorizing than actual introductory steps for the fundamentals of training your mind.


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Yes, everyone can follow whatever attracts them. Personally I like Steiner too.



The main advantages you get from beginner's practice are mental stability, the massive reduction of suffering caused by delusion and bad habits, presence in the moment (this drastically "slows down" the passage of time… Well, you're actually more aware of it. However in higher stages of practices, where you learn to be present in the moment all day long, you will stop going "wow, this month passed so quickly or stuff like that.)

You become aware of your every activity. You have more energy. This energy is sexual energy, which is strictly correlated with mental energy (hence all the "nofap" currents, and more importantly the chastity practices of every religion.

Personally this increase of mental energy made me a LOT more intelligent, and I don't want to brag but I mean, it gave me great ease of comprehension of even complicated concepts, without the need to reason about them so much. I now have an easy time understanding things through imagination, spontaneously. This is basically an expression of intuition. And also my memory got incredibly better. It is incredible.

However this is not the Gnostic teachings' "merit"… well I mean, yes it is, but one could achieve the same results if one did these same practices as explained in Buddhism for example. It is not "exclusive" to Gnosis. This is why when you become a monk or nun in religious traditions they give you restrictions and things to do, like prayer, chanting, chastity, etc.

Anyway, these are the basic, everyday "bonuses" you get. There are also "esoteric" ones, like increased dream lucidity and recall, "just knowing" things through sudden feelings (i guess that's called intuition), and others. These are "beginner powers." There are obviously many others, deeper and stronger of course.

But all the benefits are basically consequences of increased energy, concentration, and control of one's own mind. Sexual purity is the foundation for this.

This is experiential, you can prove it, just compare your life when you masturbate or have the orgasm with women, to your life when you're chaste. You will see the difference if you actually do it, it's not a theory.


I have a lot of .Epub files which I bought, i can upload them if you want. You can also read all of the books on their website. They are free.

The money they get from selling books does not go into their jewish pockets, they are a non-profit organization.

By the way this "Gnostic shit" has nothing to do with the other gnostic shit with aliens, montalk, and all that stuff.

This is not theoretical and not without concrete proof, in fact this is all confirmed by the experience of those who teach it and write about it.

And I agree with the picture you posted, 99% of things written about the occult are total trash and even harmful. Those authors listed there are good, tough.

However I think authors from the late 800s and early 900s are not "explicit" enough, they don't give you the whole thing, you've kind of got to do it your own way, and learn stuff on your own. They're very "hermetic." Which is fine, but I found that it does not keep you engaged enough and makes your progress fairly slow. But, by all means, follow that list if you want to, it's good. I did it that way too, when I first began.

However for me it was not quite "enough." So I never stopped looking for "it" until I found the Gnostic tradition, where they slap it in your face and you almost don't *want* to believe it. But it is like that, and logic and experience prove it.

And I found it by complete chance/coincidence. They actually made a video documentary and it was posted on a /fringe/ Skype chat. I watched it, and I just knew: "ok I found it… this is it."

Every dot connects and everything is in the correct place and makes sense, you know…


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>>Tantra doesn't have anything to do with sex

> would I need to have sex to get any good out of it?

MFW can't contain my shitposting



>everything is garbage

>proceeds to list garbage books

Wew lad.


Gnostic-kun, how would you recommend I deal with my normie friend when he brings up shit like tragedy in Orlando? Basically materialists love to use that as an example of there being no higher order to things, but it is shortsighted.



just pretend to care about it



He takes for granted that higher beings = we are slaves to them and have no free will.

Actually higher beings respect everyone's free will, even if that will is harmful to self and others. This is because they recognize and understand that negative action is not inherently "evil", it's just the consequence of illusions, ignorance, and wrong view of reality.

And actually, even wrong action has its usefulness: it teaches us to distinguish "good" from "evil", so actually it is the basis for all knowledge.

Without the original sin, man could not acquire the knowledge of the Gods. That's the meaning of the forbidden fruit in Genesis.

Anyway, of course higher beings don't let us fuck ourselves up completely, they give us some degree of protection, according to what they are able to do (we have karma, so they can't do wonders).



Why would you even care about what materialists think? Their minds are straight up not ready for realizing the truth that's pretty obvious to us. This is like trying to argue gun control with a person whose only exposure to guns was through hollywood and news reports designed to make tough gun laws look appealing despite all the evidence that they don't work.

Arguing either person is a waste of time though I'll admit of being guilty on both counts.



Right. And if people are convinced of their opinion, it's very rare for them to change it through a discussion with other people. People have no interested in discovering the truth when they debate, they only want to be right. Nobody knows how to listen.

>Discussions and polemics have ruined many spiritual schools. When two individuals argue, what they have is pride and arrogance in their mind; both want to demonstrate their boasted superiority to one another, both have Satan enthroned in their mind. We must always respectfully express our concept and allow our listener the freedom to accept or reject our concept. Everybody is free to think as they please and we cannot exercise power over our neighbor’s mind, because that would be black magic. Intellectual discussion is luciferic and demonic. ~ Samael Aun Weor


Thanks (((op))), I bought the introductory book pack. Only 55 dollars :^)


OP, you have my gratitude for this post. The Kybalion has opened my eyes to magic. I was very near to starting the Work of Thelema, but I have thankfully now been able to anticipate the woes which would befall should I follow the Work of Crowley.

I have an entirely unrelated inquiry regarding self-initiation. I don't know where else to ask.

I am planning on travelling early next year to either Cusco or Iquitos, Peru for one month to participate in Ayahuasca and Huachuma ceremonies with the indigenous shamans. My two reasons for doing so are 1. to seek healing for the effect of years of psychological trauma and addiction and 2. to spend the entire time building the foundations for the Practice of the Great Work.

My questions are as follows: Is this a foolish or exceptionally dangerous endeavor? Assuming I have progressed for some time in Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics, which other practices ought I Work upon in my meditations and magic?

Has anyone here perhaps done this before? Could any anon share an experience or recommendation for a reatreat center in Peru?

Any replies will be greatly appreciated.



I always had a morbide fascination for the work of crowley, never done it tho.

I get the impression he got the knowledge from someone else and then subverted it completelly to his own interest.

In contrast I can really trust Bardon for what he says makes sense to me. Even when I don't agree with the style I can see the underlying matter and is usually right (in my heart of course).

Can someone talk something about crowley? Is there some substance in my suspects about him?


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I have never took Ayahuasca, but I have some past experience with psychedelics. I don't think it is dangerous, and you can even get positive experiences if you utilize correctly.

However, in the Gnostic tradition, the use of psychedelics is not recommendend, firstly because people utilize them incorrectly and for recreational purposes and get addicted to them, and secondly because the Gnostic student wants to cut all ties to external influence.

By this I mean that the goal of the Gnostic student is to become independent from everything outside of themselves, and to direct his attention inside, towards the Self, God.

We want to acquire the ability to see and experience those same realms which Ayahuasca takes you to, but without the need of the physical substance. If one relies on a chemical, an external substance, one cannot develop the ability to do it on his own.

We want the Consciousness to be completely pure, unaffected by external influences. This kind of pure perception can experience those realities. This takes training.

This is analogous with an athlete who takes drugs to enhance his performance compared to an athlete who's actually good because he trained a lot. The drugged athlete may even surpass the honest athlete in one competition, however, in the long run, and in everyday life, it's clear who the real winner is. [Winners don't do drugs, kids]

What I suggest you start studying and practicing for your spiritual life is Ethics, understanding of Karma, the meaning of Suffering.

This is what will really bring happiness into your life and understanding of what we're here to do.

This is good.

If I remember correctly, this is a very good course about the nature of reality, karma, and suffering:


I suggest listening to it, instead of reading. It's more powerful. And you can follow the lecture with the .pdf presentation.

Also, the book I've uploaded with this post is great (I also have the .epub version for e-readers, but 8ch says "unknown file extension").


Your intuition is correct.

>(Greek γοητεία goēteia "sorcery") Also called goetia. A term primarily known in English largely from the seventeenth century book The Lesser Key of Solomon, in which its Ars Goetia describes the evocation of seventy-two demons. The book was popularized by Aleister Crowley in 1904 as "The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King."

>Goeteia is a science of black magic (magic comes from magi, priest). Magic is the science of influencing nature's phenomena, both internal and external. The practitioner of goeteia uses ritual and energy in conjunction with lower beings in nature to manipulate, harm, gain power, control, and indulge in sensations through intentionally feeding desire. It is easy to see the results of such techniques by observing the degeneration of its enthusiasts.

>"Goeteia teaches us how to invoke the purely tenebrous entities. Goeteia’s invokers are enslaved by the powers of evil." - Samael Aun Weor, Esoteric Treatise of Theurgy

>"Frankly, Spiritism (with its mediums) would have been useless to us, since we wanted to see, touch, and feel all the entities that are mentioned in the Conjuration of Solomon the sage! Likewise, for us Goeteia’s circle of pacts and black evocations would have also been useless, since none of us wanted to fall into the abyss of black magic. Therefore, only High Theurgy could help us resolve all of these problems." - Samael Aun Weor, Esoteric Treatise of Theurgy

>Sexual Magic refers to an ancient science that has been known and protected by the purest, most spiritually advanced human beings, whose purpose and goal is the harnessing and perfection of our sexual forces. A more accurate translation of Sexual Magic would be "sexual priesthood."

>In ancient times, the priest was always accompanied by a priestess, for they represent the divine forces at the base of all creation: the masculine and feminine, the Yab-Yum, Ying-Yang, Father-Mother: the Elohim.

>Unfortunately, the term "Sexual Magic" has been grossly misinterpreted by mistaken persons such as Aleister Crowley, who advocated a host of degenerated practices, all of which belong solely to the lowest and most perverse mentality. This website and the teachings presented here reject all such philosophies, theories, and practices, for they lead only to the enslavement of the Consciousness, the worship of lust and desire, and the decay of humanity.

>True, upright, heavenly Sexual Magic is the natural harnessing of our latent forces, making them active and harmonious with nature and the divine.


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Hey Gnostic-anon if you're still lurking in the thread, I just wanted to ask you on your take on GOODS.

I skipped ahead in the Fringe Initiatory System to get a glimpse of what was further along the path and stumbled upon Uncle Bear Heart.

Any comment about reptilians, gray aliens, speaking to Jupitar/Pan, fighting dragons in dreams, bodybuilding through his "StrongMan" style?

Seems pretty far-fetched to me, but after Mememagick, anything seems possible.

I'm curious what you would have to say about GOODS, if the whole thing is radical roleplaying or fighting ayy lmaos is legitimate.



>Sexual purity is the foundation for this.

Is it? I got some nice magical benefits (pretty much all of what you are describing and more) while living a completely degenerated lifestyle.

I wouldn't go as far as to saying that sexual purity is necessary for magic.

I know that you are all about morals and stuff, but come on, at least don't spread disinformation to aid your agenda, someone might take it seriously and impose your limitations on themselves.




I can certainly understand and even agree with the fundamentals of the Gnostic view you espouse regarding psychedelics. Of course, since Ayahuasca and Huachuma are not just psychedelic experiences, but shamanic medicine rituals, in my mind I place them firmly in a different class.

This is coming from someone who has taken LSD and Psilocybin with either lesser or greater intentions and found that in and of themselves, I have no use for them.

I also certainly can't think it follows that a period of sacred medicine use in magic would preclude the eventual Gnosis of pure theosis (or whatever it is your system seeks to attain). I wouldn't think pure consciousness would have room for even magical talismans and Kabbalah. Would not a sacred medicine be the same? I have thought for some time that it, like all things, has its place, but that place is not to be used forever. That which is unnecessary can be set aside.

I am going to read your course and the book on Karma. If my trip to Peru could create for me a long-term hazard, I certainly don't want that.

Thank you again!



Bring half a dozen small but decent moldavites to give to people who will treasure them.

Stay or a longer period, see if you can trade work for a place to eat and sleep.

Find a shaman who can speak English or/and bring a lexicon.



Thanks for the insight on crowley. I also suspect that some of his knowledge and the fundamentals of it were taken from some other wizard and completly subverted.

I can't really tell from what I read from him. Maybe the pratice he taught?

Not to be redundant nor boring but if Brandon ( for example) taugth the usual practices and, for you do sucessed, you needed to evoke some being by a misleading pratice.

Sorry for my semi nonsense talking but I'm really intrigate with the subject of crowley learning all he knows from someone else work and then over run it completly.

Maybe I'm just looking for the author of the Lesser key of Solomon? Does anyone have a clue about the name of the author?

Thanks again, gnostic bro, you having giving some good material and incentive. Keep the good work and sorry if this is redundant.



Disappointing sales funnel tbh. There was no bait. Nothing to buy. You should at least be able to demonstrate what you did and what you achieved. A simple pitch in once sentence.



Epub is my preferred format; please do upload.


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He's selling it as a smoother and more efficient path of magick, and that the common path often burns the neophyres out unnecessarily prematurely.

He also discusses the improvement in his life here >>78391 if you actually read the thread.


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I don't know about GOODS, but what I can tell you is that the archetype of "fighting dragons" or "fighting reptiles" is an ancient symbol that has nothing to do with reptilians.

It is actually a deep psychological symbol.

The dragon, or serpent, signifies the collection of psychological aggregates (sins/defects/mental obfuscations/delusions… whatever you want to call the negative part of your psyche).

The hero has to slay the dragon, to subdue the serpent, to acquire something of value.

The myth or symbol is present in every tradition of the world.

Some examples:

>the medieval knight who has to slay the dragon to save the princess.

>Hercules who has got to slay the hydra.

>St. George and the dragon.

>The traditional chinese dragon, which is the guardian of the precious pearl.

Every "hero" (initiate) has to overcome the "serpent" if they want to acquire something of value: that is Wisdom, Mastery, a Soul.

Of course, the fight is not an actual one, but a psychological one, against ourselves. There are no external threats. The gravest threat is our psychology.


>"Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites;

like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in

degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be

reconciled." — The Kybalion.

I have no agenda. I only want to help people. This is not disinformation.

It is true that you can awaken consciousness without sexual purity.

It is possible to do so because everything has polarity.

The consciousness can be awakened in two ways: a positive way, to become a God, an Angel, a Buddha, or a negative way, to become a Demon.

Negative awakening means utilizing concentration and magical practices to indulge in desire, lust, animal sexuality. It is true, the consciousness does awaken this way, but it becomes trapped in desire.

This will undoubtedly generate occult powers, however it will also generate immense suffering and insatiable dissatisfaction, because even if you have everything in the world, you will still want more, and more, and more… because you have become pure desire.

By awakening negatively, you distance yourself from divinity, and therefore distance yourself from true satisfaction, true fullfillment and true joy, which are the goal of every authentic spiritual/occult teaching. Every being wants to be happy, at the end of the day.

And by the way, awakening negatively is much much easier than doing it the positive way.

This is why there are so few great Sages, Illuminates, Saints, etc., but the world is filled with black magicians.

Desires, negative emotions and thoughts, are just "traps" or "parasites" for the energy of the Consciousness. When our Consciousness is freed and purified from these negative elements, it becomes incredibly powerful and completely happy and joyous, spontaneously. This is its natural state.

This power comes from the incredible amount of energy that each person's consciousness naturally receives. Potentially, everyone has "occult powers"… the problem is, we feed that energy to desire, negative thoughts, daydreaming, fantasizing, running after material things, etc., and there is no force left for the Consciousness to do its job.

These negative elements are just Klipoth ("empty shells"), kabalistically speaking. They have no actual substance, they are just useless complications of our mind, which subtract energy from us. We must get rid of those if we want to awaken positively.

And by the way, sexual purity is not complete abstinence from sex.

This is a lecture that explains the topic of the two polarities of awakening:



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I'm not selling anything. You can read all the books for free on the website, by the way.

As for the benefits that the practice brings, I discussed them earlier.

Of course in the advanced stages of training you develop actual occult powers, not just the "shadow" of them. But that takes time, and I'm not at that level right now, so I can't speak with certainty about those things.

What I can tell you is that the higher practices involve Theurgy, practical magic rituals, effortless and powerful "astral traveling" (of course even beyond the astral plane), profound ecstatic meditation, and other stuff.

Every practice has the ultimate purpose of attaining Knowledge, Wisdom, real Happiness, Intuition, Satisfaction, Fullfillment, and to help others attain it as well. This is the path of authentic white magic.

The goal is not to satisfy our selfishness, or to have awesome sex with entities, or to be the strongest wizard in the world.



Here. This is not the complete book collection, I did not buy them all. Some are missing. You can read them on the website if you want to.

If anybody wants the .pdf version, just ask, I have got those too.




Huge thanks OP.



>The hero has to slay the dragon, to subdue the serpent, to acquire something of value.

Glad to hear someone saying that here. Keep the good work OP.



Thanks for this thread my friend.

>There is a "get started" section.


this takes us there http://gnosticteachings.org/download/beginning-here-and-now-introductory-lectures.html

which has around 100 mp3s and doesn't seem to be sorted

where would you recommend to start specifically? if your goal is to get neophytes on the right path is has to be lit or they will just get lost or not even attempt the journey>>78324

>There is a "get started" section.




Yeah I know it's not sorted, and I think they do not sort it on purpose. To everyone who asks this question, they always answer: there is no correct order, follow your intuition and you'll get where you need to get anyway.

Which is what I did when I first started. I just read/listened to the lectures which attracted my interest, and comprehended the whole doctrine little by little.

I was extremely hungry for information, so I spent hours and hours studying the material on the website.

I can honestly say that every single moment spent studying it was precious.

If you really resonate with the teaching, the first months of learning it are just magical, as you gain every piece of the puzzle and understand it as a whole.

Once you kind of got the feeling or idea of it all, you go deeper and start to slowly deepen your understanding and begin to learn the actual practice. It is a very gradual process, but the results are quickly evident if you apply yourself.

You start to see change right away.

My suggestion is studying both the books and the courses.

What is written in the books at first will sound crazy and incoherent, but actually every single sentence has a purpose.

On the other hand, the courses are easier to understand, especially those about self Knowledge, psychology, death, meditation, spiritual experience, Buddhism, etc.

If you are not sure what to study, just follow what piques your interest.

From the beginning course, i suggest lectures such as "ego, essence and personality", "consciousness", "four ways", "karma cause and effect", "three minds", etc.

But really, all of them really… Oh, and it's not necessary to listen to every single beginning lecture before studying the other courses.

A tip: download the audio lectures, it's more powerful than just reading them.

Hope this helps.


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Op, what would you suggest to this anon who can stop thinking, but only in a silenced ambient, and i live in a shit town with mundanes everywhere who love to put shitty music out-loud?

when it comes to sounds i get distracted pretty easily from outside sources and cant get into the proper state, besides i got this super ear (for good and bad)… i can even hear a goddamn pillow make noise 3 rooms away from mine.

I can get to open my third eye and when evoking i can feel the presence get in or fade away like a switch going On/Off, but again, damn sister-in-law or neighborhoods music get on my nerves and cant meditate as often as i could, what to do? (moving out is not an option)



Not OP, but I'm in the same situation as you. Silence is invaluable. I have a very small window of silence and it's very deterring. Look into alternative housing situations (I know you said its not an option, but really consider it) or consider driving somewhere that is quiet and doing meditations there.



dont have a car, and even in far away places like a mountain nearby i could walk to, there is this catholic temple that plays ether prays or when its off folks use the system sound to play mexican country music about how bad ass they are for been mexicans and killing people (drug-cartels wannabes).

every now and then i can drift off even with sound around, but i do it subconsciously and only when lets say time is runing out and i must finish a project or homework… i was asking tips on how to do this BlockOut at will and also at the same time in a Non-Thinking state, since in that state i become over receptive.



Again, not OP.

I think you have some option, but since you're in a place not very friendly to non-mundanes, that's the first thing you should try to change. Get away if possiable.

If not, try to be counsciencelly aware of the sound (in order to them not being imprinted in you much) and then "accept" them, not into you but that they exist. This could be a good training if you view from the bright side.

You could use sounds to assist you in the process. That would diminish the amout of sound you "can't" controll.

Would, of course, chose white noises to help you. Being to sensitive of sound would make you have to endure a little bit in this process.

Take only this that I'm telling you if you feel good with it.

Don't you have some green area to escape? That would do the trick I guess.



Read now that you get to the part where you know that you need to block.

If by "non-thinking state" you mean meditative state, where your brain waves are at alpha or lower, then I don't think you could do this by default BUT you can ( and must) be aware all the time so even in that times of relaxed and suceptiable states of mind you still aware.

Building awareness of your state is essential to any kind of medidation, the "aware" I'm talking about is at all levels. Physical (the most obvious since all meditation focus in that).

Mental, what you think, why do you think that, and put in check the very core of your belief in a non-judgemental way so you can be sure of what you really think.

Emotional, what do you feel, why do you feel that, it's serving you that feel or just pushing you down? Should you change it or keep it?

Some aspects of the mental and emotional are connected and must be taken in consideration very closelly to one another.

The spiritual one I would not touch here.

> i must finish a project or homework

The first was my geral advice. In this one, since you must focus very deeply and lose some mental awareness (that you should gain from the other pratice), try to use music that can over come the other one. That music should be very high vibe and clean to get you balanced in you situation.

Get a good selection of music that you can use without having to search alot to find, get them in your phone or whatever you use to hear music outside.

Hope this can help.




because they are his friend and he wants them not to be affected by programming and illusions



nice image. rope gang



the dragon is the combination of the serpent and the bird


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Hey Gnostic-anon, don't know if you lurk threads this long, but it's worth a shot for others to see aswell.

Thanks for the reply,

Your theory on the significance of slaying dragons holds more credence than the idea of fighting actual reptilians.

I just wanted to ask about more possible spooky nonsense since another thread was discussing Shadow and Light beings.

I was friends with a girl online when I was a wee lad that told me about how she was attacked by shadows all the time and woke up with scars and would faint in public after attacks. I always thought it was nonsense attention seeking.

Has your Gnostic study gone into spoop territory? I skimmed ahead onto the discussion of higher planes in Arcane Teachings and apparently higher forms of consciousness can contact us. I don't know about them taking physical forms though. And more importantly, why they would in the first place.

Also, has your Gnostic teachings agreed with Arcane Teachings that when a soul ascends in planes, all it does is quickly enter the Idealistic State and live out all of it's dreams before it either sleeps forever or is assisted to higher planes by another higher soul? This part doesn't sit right with me and invokes nihilism.

I won't ask specific questions since this topic is probably still within the similar realm of larping like GOODS, but I wanted to ascertain your take about the spoopy stuff.

I've read once that when you begin astrayl projecting, the Shadow People have a bead on you and you need to start practicing wards. I'm not sure what they can do besides feed off your fear, but it's probably not a good thing. Something like what happened to Kyle Odom could be legitimate.

If anything, is there a way to contact Light Beings? Has fluoride greatly diminished our potential to connect?

I'm of the opinion Shadow People are physically dead, lurking black magicians, but I'm too new to ascertain anything this advanced.

Pic capped for story and link to it is


Here is also a video of the pulsating orbs he was talking about.


Thanks, I'll stop breaking rule 2 now.



>"text" or "doctrine"

not teachings, practices?


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I do not have direct experience or knowledge of spookies, therefore I will not make theories or assumptions. I will however report what is written in a book:

>The existence of an extraordinary plastic mediator within the intellectual homunculi—mistakenly called a human being—is evident.

>I want to refer emphatically to the solar plexus, the emotional center wisely placed by Nature in the region of the navel.

>It is unquestionable that this magnificent ascendant of the three-centered or three-cerebral biped, saturates himself completely with the sexual essence of our creative organs.

>We have been told that the “magic eye” of the abdomen is frequently stimulated by Sexual Hydrogen SI-12, which rises from the sexual organs.

>It is therefore an unbreakable axiom of Hermetic philosophy that in the region of the abdomen exists a powerful sexual energetic battery.

>Thus, any representation can take shape in the magnetic field of the solar plexus by means of the sexual agent.

>The ideo-plastic representation constitutes, in itself, the contents of the lower abdomen.

>We are not exaggerating in any way when we emphasize the basic idea that the “I’s” who later emerge on the scene of existence are formed in the abdomen. Such psychological ideo-plastic entities can never come into existence without the sexual agent.

>Each “I” is therefore a living psychological representation that emerges from the lower abdomen; the personal ego is a sum of “I’s.”

>The intellectual animal is in fact a machine controlled by different “I’s.”

>Some “I’s” represent anger in all its aspects, others greed, and still others lust, etc.

>These are the “Red Devils” mentioned in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead.

>In the name of truth, it is indispensable to state that the Essence is the only valuable element within us. Unfortunately, the Essence in itself is dispersed here, there, and everywhere; it is bottled up within each one of our different “I’s.”

>“The prestidigitator devil” takes shape in the sexual energy. Some very strong egos can produce a variety of astonishing physical phenomena.

>Waldemar tells us of the following event:

>“The prestigious trustee of the City of San Miniato al Tedesco, which is situated between Florence and Pisa, had a fifteen year old daughter whom the demon attacked in such a way that it caused a sensation throughout the whole country.

>“Not only was the bed that the girl was in moving from one side of the room to the other in such a way that one minute she was against one wall and the next against the other, but the demon also broke a number of knickknacks in the house, opened doors and drawers, causing such a disturbance that the residents were trembling with fear the whole night long.

>“In the presence of her parents, the girl was attacked by the devil in such an evil way that, despite her begging and imploring, he seized her by the hips and threw her up in the air.

>“She called out in vain, ‘Virgin Mary! Help me to save myself!’ This happened in front of hundreds of people from the city. She was dragged out the window and undulated there for a few minutes in front of the house and over the market place.

>“It is not surprising that virtually the whole city, men and women, astonished by both the unprecedented event and the cruelty of the devil, ran to the market place praising the girl for her courage.”


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>A narration from that epoch states:

>“Everyone was terrified and deeply moved by the appearance of both the mother and the women of the family, who with their hair down, scratched their cheeks with their nails and pounded their chests with their fists, filling the air with lamentations and screams which resounded through the streets.

>“Above all, the mother shouted first at the daughter, then at the demon, asking him to cast all the misfortune upon herself. Then she turned to the people, particularly to the mothers, asking them to kneel down with her and beg God for help, which they all did immediately.

>“Oh Holy God! Soon afterwards, the daughter fell on her mother from the air and comforted the half-dead woman with a happy expression: ‘Stop being afraid mother dear! Stop crying, for here is your daughter; do not fear the phantom of the devil, I beg you… do you really believe that I was tortured and humiliated? Instead I am filled with a delicious and indescribable sweetness… because the protector of all those in distress was by my side helping me and talking to me in order to give me courage and constancy; in this way, he told me, you attain heaven.’

>“These words filled those present with both joy and astonishment, and they left the market place consoled. But no sooner had the family returned home than the devil burst in once again and violently threw himself on the girl, he seizing her by the hair, putting out the lamps and candles, turning over boxes and drawers as well as furniture. When her father turned the lights on, the daughter threw herself onto the household crucifix and cried out with a heart-breaking voice: ‘Oh Lord, let the ground swallow me up before abandoning me; I beg of you earnestly to strengthen and free me.’

>“And speaking in this way she burst into tears, making the devil even more furious. First, he wrenched her blouse from her body, then her woolen dress and finally the silk petticoat that young girls wore customarily at that time. The devil grabbed and destroyed everything, and when she was almost naked he began to pull her hair.

>“She shouted: ‘Father bring me a dress, cover my nudity. Holy Virgin help me!’

>“Finally, after the devil had subjected her to more terrible cruelties, they managed to free the girl from his power by making a pilgrimage and by having a priest perform an exorcism upon her.”

>Enough of this interesting narration by Waldemar. Clearly, and without a doubt, the sadistic demon that tormented the wretched girl was the prestidigitator devil, a strong demon “I” of the young girl that took shape in her sexual energy, that is all. There is often a tremendous number of ideo-plastic sexual appearances that become manifest especially during the years of puberty. It is then that we create terrifying “I’s” capable of producing sensational phenomena.

>The rage of not being able to love or feeling cheated by someone is undoubtedly a real hell and brings about all those dreadful emanations of sexual energy, capable of becoming the prestidigitator devil.

So this passage is a little complicated, but it is basically saying that some spookies are self-produced, they are results of psychological aggregates (which belong to the fifth dimension) coming into manifestation physically in the third dimension, thanks to the high amount of creative energy of the person.

Of course not all spookies are self-produced.

There are "light beings" and "demons," also.

Those dark entities can in fact attack you, but I don't know exactly how it works.

This is a chapter from a book which explains it: http://gnosticteachings.org/books-by-samael-aun-weor/logos-mantra-theurgy/425-light-and-darkness.html

It's mainly practical, it focuses on prayers and conjurations for protection, but it also explains the concept of "being attacked."

About flouride: yeah it's bad. It does hinder the pineal gland, however it's not something that will *absolutely* prevent you from having experiences. Spiritual work can overwrite the physical damage.

About higher beings and contacting them: they are developed beings which live in superior planes, and they try to help out lower beings who suffer, like us. [of course these are the Angels of christianity, the Buddhas of buddhism, the Jinns and profets of Islam, Judaism, the Gods of Hinduism, etc. Every tradition has these.]


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You can contact them even right now, through prayer and sincere asking for help.

You can rest assured that you will be heard. However, if you do not have your occult powers/senses developed, you cannot of course perceive them directly right now and thus you cannot "receive and answer" directly.

But I can assure you that you will receive the answers to your pleads for help. These answers often come in the form of everyday life experiences. You just have to keep your eyes open.

It might come as a circumstance, as a teaching, a coincidence, a person saying something, etc.

Of course these beings can only help you if your Karma allows it: meaning if you continually perform negative deeds, you will not have the "money" with which to pay for your requested help… you don't get stuff for free. The more one helps others, behaves correctly, sacrifices himself, etc., the more he will receive teachings, or be helped, or he will sail smoothly through everyday life, etc.

About what happens when souls "ascend." Well… I don't know the details. However, nihilsm has no place in it. The more a soul progresses, the more it awakens to life. There are levels and levels of life.

If a fully grown soul dies in this physical plane, it can go on living in the superior planes.

And if their karma demands it, or maybe if that soul receives orders from high above (like a mission to perform on planet Earth), they can be given a new physical body. That is the process of conscious reincarnation, which is exclusive to developed beings (as opposed to our kind of reincarnation, which is just the mechanical return of our essence in another body, a process of which we have no awareness… a simple involuntary "rebirth", from which higher beings have escaped).

Lastly, about UFOs and "ayy lmaos": this is going to go against what people think and what /fringe/ may largely believe… but speaking from the the point of view of the teachings of Gnosis, "bad aliens" do not exist.

It is written that in order for a civilization to be able to travel freely into space, it is necessary for that civilization to be completely pure from negative psychological aggregates. It has to be innocent, pure.

Only in that scenario can a planetary civilization receive the technology to travel freely into space.

As you can clearly see, our humanity cannot do that, even though we brag about space exploration and stuff like that. We can barely even go to the Moon. Our humanity is messed up, psychologically. A civilization obsessed with war cannot be allowed to travel to other worlds.

On the contrary, you see and hear about all kinds of different alien spacecraft in videos, reports of sightings, etc.

Some are fake, of course, but some are real. And the real ones do not belong to "evil aliens who want to make us slaves." If they wanted to, they would have done so in the past.

The reality is that every alien civilization is a peaceful and innocent civilization, which, if anything, wants to help humanity, not "farm" or enslave us.


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There are many cases of alien abduction: some are probably horribile astral experiences of the victim, where the poor person dreams of all kinds of atrocities happening to him. Maybe it's black magicians doing it to them, "disguised" as aliens. Who knows.

However many cases are real, but in no way do the aliens harm the "abducted", they just take them, perform experiments, and put them back where they were before.

>"Why are they performing experiments tho????"

Because we're completely abnormal, this humanity is a rare case.

Around the universe, "normal" humanities are innocent, free from sin, no wars, no anger, no envy, no lust, no greed, etc.

Our humanity has had peculiar events happen in the past which brought it where it is now. (Of course everything is a result of Karma - cause and effect, past action). We now find ourselves in this horrible suffering condition, we're full of every psychological impurity and defect one can conceive of. This is the result of "eating of the forbidden fruit," which Genesis reports symbolically.

This is very rare, and while on one hand it is "very bad," on the other hand it is also "very good" for us, because being in the worst condition possible, we have a wonderful "training ground" in which we can realize and annihilate our mistakes. This is very important.

Through the process of making mistakes and correcting them, one gains knowledge, one learns. Through the process of gaining knowledge, a lower soul becomes an higher soul. This is how cosmic evolution works. This is how those "higher beings" are created.

So yeah, this planet is messed up badly, as you can see just by looking at the world and the society around us, so aliens look at us like we're some sort of odd occurrence, and they take us to their ships to perform experiments. They do not harm people though.

However, people get scared because they do not know what's happening. That's the reality of it.

I don't know whether I answered everything or not, but I wrote a long enough post, I believe.


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I'm in such awe-inspiring gratitude for such in-depth and lengthy explanations, Gnostic-anon. I am truly humbled.

I won't ask anymore questions and the answers provided have eased my reasoning and removed the neurosis forming in my mind from the uncertainty and confusion.

I have noticed the phenomenal degree of serendipitous synchronicity that has occurred since starting this path or, at bare minimum I have begun to perceive it. It's a warm feeling just to think about higher beings using karma to assist us. It's truly beautiful.

Thanks again for posting the Gnostic website, I now have a resource with a search engine I can turn to when lost in my studies and more information to delve upon with my current readings. I've already begun skimming a few articles and courses.

I'm just so overwhelmed with gratitude, thank you so much, Gnostic-anon.


Everything is the fucking same man. Stop lying to yourself and accept that things don't have to be made to be special, they just are.


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All you need is chinese vidya, goyim


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> Prime /b/ shitposting here, Pledians tbh fam.


OP can you help me understand the last rite here? It's written kind of badly and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. I'm currently 3 months chaste but struggling so this could help a lot. Thanks.




Into what? Chastity works great for me and there's no reason not to try the rite.



Assuming you don't understand the movements, here's a video:


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