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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hey everyone, i'm here to talk about humunculus. For who don't know, this guy (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC13jOfkwQtqqcLN5eoFPeZQ) shows how to create a humunculus and explained how to do. But i'm not sure, looks biologically unlikely. I've been looking since a few weeks some videos of other guys who tried to copy the experiment but honestly i don't know, i'm split about this. Well, what you all think about this? True or false? and tell your arguments of this.

Just one more thing, if i try, it's okay in the start (when i put semen) the egg being a bit cold? how many days i wait?

I hope your answers.



It's fake, he's doing it for internet popularity and ad revenue. Homunculus' aren't real.


Have you checked the rest of his videos? He has some very interesting concepts, wonder if any of it works…


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When we perform alchemy, we must emulate nature as much as possible. This means warm conditions are a must. I'll give some food for thought so help out in your studies and practices. Air is warm and moist. This is a perfect condition to create life or germination. This eventually leads into fire which is warm and dry in the cycle of nature. This condition is a peak or hight of energy and power which leads into a burnout. Thirdly the water element (understand these elements are names which are relative to the substance or scenario at play) is the perfect conditions for the creation of negative life or death. It is cold and moist (opposite of air). This leads into earth which is dry and cold. You might think of this as the complete densification of whatever matter is at hand.

Thus in the world of alchemy we study nature and emulate it. Understanding that minerals which are almost like a form of liquid slowly condense and heighten into gold the same way carbon turns into diamond with enough pressure. This is just like your own body,mind and consciousness.

I've been pondering the homunculus experiment for quite some time. Females are created in acidic environments (acid is male but forms female) and vica verca for males (alkaline). The liquid in a womb is essentially urine so you could use that in a jar over a continuous heat and continuous dropping of nutrients (quintesence in this case). The only problem is finding as egg if you're male or seed if you're female. Thus the chicken egg method is quite interesting as I know Paracelsus would use animals as a womb.

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