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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1466239145198-0.jpg (1.74 MB, 2626x3300, 1313:1650, tmp_31741-cmarcet_lilith23….jpg)

File: 1466239145199-1.png (351.81 KB, 722x1106, 361:553, tmp_31741-the_goddess_of_d….png)



I've been told she's a better waifu/goddess than Eris.

I don't believe that at all.

Nobody is a better goddess than Eris.

Eris can be such a bitch but I don't care, Eris owns me.

Hail Eris!



sage and hide


Hey! Thats not how they look!



how to waifu a goodes?

and Lillit vs Eris ?

the most rebel woman vs the crazies one , which would be better?



How does a goddess look?



nah, pretty sure Eris is supposed to be ugly and petty. That was probably the actual source of the Great Snub, but she'll never admit it. People like her have a problem with accepting responsibility for their actions. Not saying it was right, though. You shouldn't snub people. And, I hear that she wasn't so bad, actually, previously, but years of resentment have turned her quite bitter.



>bullshit occultism



>a god

>having a fixed form

you guys need theology

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