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To caste a sigil effectively, use a method of creation for the sigil that suits your mentality best, and be very serious about the sigil; think it over if you must and hesitate, wait until you are prepared to accept fully the karma of the sigil, then caste it with the fixed belief and perhaps feeling of horror or excitation that it now can not be undone.

You must be of a mindset that, whether you like it or not, whether you change your mind or not, the sigil once casted will take hold. You must give no resistance whatever to it in your intentions, you will carry it through, even if it be to your great loss and destruction.

Then, no matter what you think or feel thereafter, everything simply serves to empower the sigil.

It should be designed out of words or a formula that satisfies the various elemental needs and has a definite time variable, although it doesn't have to manifest at a specific time, there needs to be a sense of it manifesting over a period of time in relation to the emotional input and the difficulty of manifestation.

It should be specific enough but also open enough to allow reality then to work your request into manifestation.

I don't destroy my sigils until they are done. I leave them and charge them whenever, feeling every thought and emotion leading to one conclusion; the manifestation of the intention behind the sigil. You can take any feeling and make it work to charge it by feeling that all your thoughts and feelings are doing that, to your dismay or pleasure, annoyance or panic, etc.

The rest is a matter the three laws of manifestation and you can get others to charge your sigils inadvertently too.


Please note that the feeling or expectation that the sigil's effects will manifest, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU LIKE OR NOT, is really important. For me this was a critical piece of the art of sigilcasting that I didn't learn until recently. You have to accept full karmic responsibility for the sigil in this way; it will manifest and you will experience what happens without changing your mind at all about the whole thing. When the sigil is done; it is DONE. There's no going back. The sigil remains active and continues to draw upon everyone's emotions until it is finished.

A sigil must have a point at which it is finished btw. A sigil that can never fulfill its purpose won't work. There needs to be a definite point at which the intent is manifested and you can say "it has done its work" and then you may consider if you want casting new sigils.




>Please note that the feeling or expectation that the sigil's effects will manifest, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU LIKE OR NOT, is really important.

A lot of people however instruct the opposite, to not have the result in mind when you do this, you cast the sigil and you forget about it



I believe he is talking about when you setting your intent and charging the sigil. If I'm misunderstanding, hopefully OP can provide some clarification o nthis point.




OP here. It's while you're setting the intent and charging your sigil that you hold this in mind. It is then USUAL to forget it, although, not absolutely necessary. I do both methods; for many things I caste the sigil and then forget completely what I just casted, I can't remember; but that is for weak stuff that I only have to fire off once. Other times I remember and constantly every single time I think about the sigil I charge it even more and continue to power the intention, and then I turn my mind to something else, until I think about it again and immediately power it more and invoke right mindset, and then turn mind away from it again.


I don't understand you script kiddies and your self-imposed doctrines. Why don't you types ever stop to observe and learn the fucking code already? Just about every civilization worth a damn has left clues and even DETAILED instructions in some cases, and absurd amounts of it are even readily available on the internet, images at least.



easier said than done, how about you try and contribute to the thread with your supposed knowledge instead of shitting it up



I am contributing, by questioning paradigm flaws.



So you want people to learn ancient languages or try to decode the bible or something when instead it could be shortened to a few sentences? You haven't even pointed out what he said wrong about the whole sigil thing



Well, no, not specifically anyhow. You assume too much from my vague ramblings.

All paths can lead to the same answers, as natural patterns express themselves regardless of the nature of what is being viewed.

If you want my own suggestions? Study nature, on a personal level, and observe all interactions you can. Study language, as it is the best window into the human understanding, personal perceptions of reality, and allows for better understanding of human thoughts. Lastly, study your self.

Further, seek only truth in all things, free of expectations.



Wow, thanks. I've found a true path sprouting from your advanced ruminations. Never before have I been able to see what I need to do, but now I know all I needed was to study the truth of things.

I have never, ever read something so wise as "study yourself". Truly inspiring.



well thank you :^)



How exactly do you charge it? And is destroying the sigil the same as ripping the paper it was made on?

>wait until you are prepared to accept fully the karma of the sigil.

Can you elaborate one this? will there always be karma to a sigil even if it's something positive?



> You need to feel good on both a subconscious and intuitive level about the sentence you’re turning into a weird looking symbol. If you’re not it’ll come out in the process later on once the sigil is cast. For now,

What happens if you're unhappy with the symbol?



what about casting something that will make me a work alcoholic all my life, not really difficult for it to manisfestate but what about the time frame ? do time lapses like years work with sigils ? would it be preferable to cast a sigil with a limited time (say 2 months) frame and then just casting it again and again?


This will sound extremely pathetic, but can you improve your penis size using sigils?


THANK YOU for this post, now I finally understand the true nature of sigils and how it operates. I didn't quite understand that before.




Nice info. But there is no such thing as Karma. Please don't teach people 10 truths and squeeze in one lie.


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Karma is literally just cause and effect metaphysically mateo.



Yes. The cause is your sigil. The effect is what you Will to happen. There are *no* repercussions of any sort.

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