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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry
Winner of the 72rd Attention-Hungry Games
/otter/ - The Church of Otter

February 2019 - 8chan Transparency Report
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RulesMetaModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSS/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact chanseywrites@hotmail.com to give the board to her. To contact the board owner send an email to fringewizard@pm.me

Tipp's Fringe Bunker


Do not start threads just to ask a question; post your questions in a pre-existing thread instead. Previous thread: http://archive.is/o6rto FAQ: /fringe/faq.html


I will be monitoring this thread and questions in here to ideas to create new threads around.



Archives of old threads. Recreate whatever you want to see here again.


File: 1464982068859-0.png (981 B, 16x26, 8:13, Fringe Cursor.png)

File: 1464982068860-1.png (951 B, 16x26, 8:13, Fringe Cursor 2.png)

File: 1464982068860-2.png (986 B, 16x26, 8:13, Fringe Cursor 3.png)




This board is now officially Fringe Wizard's personal board

No it's not.

Post last edited at


Unless your question is intended for Fringe Wizard post in the actual question thread of the new board: http://fringechan.org/fringe/res/1848.html

No post in here or in both threads if you want. Questions posted in here can be answered by anyone it doesn't have to just be me.

Post last edited at



Threads not made by Fringe Wizard or not concerning Fringe Wizard are welcome to be recreated on the new board: http://fringechan.org/fringe/

Fuck off Protagonist.

Post last edited at





What the fuck is your problem with me?



Why do you think there is a problem? You deserve your own board.



I already have >>>/ask/ as a personal board.

Stop trying to destroy this site. I want both boards to exist.

This is not "personal board" this is FRINGE.


File: 1464985972337.png (17.31 KB, 1783x94, 1783:94, prohecy.png)



Add a countdown for your 25th birthday.



Go away you sadistic bitch.



How is this sadistic? Won't this motivate you?


And stop posting as anonymous to confuse new people.





Editing posts to reply to me? Is this how you intend to answer questions?





Fuck off protagonist you deleted every thread on this board and ruined it and now you keep attacking it. You should be banned forever.



I wonder why you didn't recreate your masturbation thread.


Lol goyim admin edit posts to reply to wimins.



I wonder if an entity controls you or you're just this evil of your own nature.



thanks for the loosh mundane



Are you sure I'm not just another tulpa of yours? Wouldn't be the first time…



Yes because you have a different ID.


Requesting tantric masturbation thread you did.



Were you implying that you need to look up the ID of the poster to make sure it's not you?



How long did it take each of you to get some kind of results with your work?



>using mod.php to identify people

>this butthurt




>switching IPs to make yourself look like two different people when literally nobody else gives a fuck or is obsessed in the way you are



>How long did it take each of you to get some kind of results with your work?

Depends on the work and my previous development.

Some stuff, I already got certain things in place, and conditions are right, so I get results right away.

Other stuff I've had to work at for months or work at other things until I could work at years later.

e.g. there are many things you can't do if you don't work on your astral senses first

So how long it takes to get results depends where you're at to begin with and how you approach it.

Some people neglect to develop certain prerequisites for something and consequently fail to obtain results for years.



But you are already obsessed.



We're obsessed with each other.


File: 1464988244062.png (311.33 KB, 1021x753, 1021:753, 1462308161733-1.png)


>still using mod.php like the butthurt admin he is

>think I am protagonist

>implying I am not here just to laugh at you, smiley.


File: 1464988250458.jpg (44.99 KB, 1021x753, 1021:753, 1462445450416.jpg)


What a great wizard you are!




This, Fringe Wizard, this is magic.




lol nice synchorcity


Autist's tears are the best tbh fam.


File: 1464988619768.webm (7.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Me_the_Happenings_Guy.webm)

Fringe Wizard, you once said that you did not dance in this video. Could you please make a video of you actually dancing? Maybe with your dolls?



>make a video of you actually dancing








Hmmm different filenames and 5 seconds apart.

How are you coordinating this shit?

Who the fuck are you people?


What will you do for me if I do it?

>tfw just had to wait out ban


File: 1464988990281.gif (1.61 MB, 310x175, 62:35, lol butthurt chicken.gif)


>still using the mod.php

>still posting as anonymous

Smiley, please.


Bet you made protagonist a vol because you wanted to fugg her.


File: 1464989193813.png (226.12 KB, 1918x200, 959:100, banning_himself.png)

Did you seriously just ban yourself? >>77361


File: 1464989352587.jpg (43.97 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1463888247821.jpg)


>Smiley get cucked by dwarf

>he's getting cucked again by protagonist

>banning himself



No I made her a vol because she did telepathy with and other magick stuff with me. I pick my mods based on their magickal credentials mainly.



Oh and btw, Dwarf has never and will never be a vol on here, because I simply don't trust her with that power.


>53 posts

>only one actual question so far



Going to add a FringeTube page and a Fringe TopSites page.



nvm, just making one page that has it all, called FringeLibrary


you look like a kind guy smiley.

we'll pull through, every single one of us. stay strong.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This board has devolved into shitposting. Protagonist won.

Since we're shitposting:

Smiley, did you record this vid on your channel?



Leave Smiley's Daughter Alone!

Leave Her Alone!



Should we delete all this shit in the questions thread that isn't even questions or just leave it and wait for questions to come in and stuff to get normal again?



I'm going to make this place bullet-proof btw.


I can still view question 21 thread but no images load. If you have such luck here's the thread at last reply count 738:


https://archive.is/5QDYp (archiving in process)



Can you find Question Thread #22 (A) (aka the original)?



What the fuck how does that thread still exist? I went to it and it loads for me. It's not in the catalogue though…



nah, rename it /general/



not talking about the board. life is tough at times.



I didn't view that thread while it was alive. I'm assuming that because of how the other threads were deleted it would be gone. If someone has a link to it they should try loading it. Perhaps the reason why 21 still lives is because it slipped off the board into limbo before the rest of the catalog got deleted manually.


This has become a common 8chan bug. You would be surprised how many threads still live.




I feel there's going to be lots more shitposting if I make a new questions thread so I'm going to wait for things to just settle down more and get back on track.


You guys may notice I have two stickies up right now one with Fringe Girl one without. Which do you guys like better? No image or image?

I will also probably clean up the entire CSS code and once that's done add special stuff that applies only to the sticky and makes it look different and unique.



No feedback?


File: 1465008903421.png (819.05 KB, 1878x659, 1878:659, Screenshot from 2016-06-03….png)

Can anyone confirm if you can see this symbol ⤪ on non-linux OS?



Should I remove pic related and replace it with something else?



File: 1465010433820.jpg (172.86 KB, 570x798, 5:7, 977a58d353806589d1127663e2….jpg)


File: 1465010600847.png (777.52 KB, 570x798, 5:7, Goddess of Hope.png)



I like the one with the image.


The symbols are visible.


This is a good idea to accompany the rebuilding of /fringe/.


I like it, very fitting.


File: 1465010718756.png (584.83 KB, 570x798, 5:7, Goddess of Hope.png)



body { 
background: url(/fringe/src/1465010718756.png) no-repeat center center fixed #000;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;

Try it. Do you like it? It has similar colours to the Fringe Girl picture also. I feel like the older ONA pic has to go as I think having it there in the background all the time may have created a negative atmosphere over the board and its associations brought in the influences of darkness much too strongly. We'll change the whole vibe of the board now.



test 3


I changed the CSS code but it's taking forever to update.



It updated but didn't really work out. Her head is cut from the screen.



Try resizing your browser and it will resize with it.

There are more changes I just made btw, don't see them taking effect yet though.


It takes forever for new changes to update…


File: 1465014828049.png (522.38 KB, 1944x349, 1944:349, Screenshot from 2016-06-04….png)

What do you guys think of pic related is it nice?




How would you prefer it to be?


File: 1465016019763.png (758.3 KB, 1925x501, 1925:501, Screenshot from 2016-06-04….png)


Is this better?



I have trouble getting into this /fringe/ stuff/suspending my disbelief/getting emotionally involved, but I am fairly good with my hands and I can become attached to things I create, so is there any sort of magic(k)al object or whatever that I could make to sort of dive into this stuff? Would this approach be completely backwards?








Yep, read both of all of those.

I'm pretty shit at drawing, and the second one is a practice that is quite a ways into the Initiation Into Hermetics. Additionally, both of the given examples require some magic(k)al ability, whereas what I am seeking is something that I could create (or do) that would work regardless of my skepticism, lack of belief, and lack of ability.



*all of both of those fug me i need some sleep



Oh well I'm writing a huge guide that is divided into different sections like "core practices" and "core beliefs" and then more advanced stuff. Hope for your sake and for /fringe/ I get the first version of this guide out soon. There are certain things you can do that will work for you at the level you're currently at. Have you tried "the magic of auto-suggestion"? It's part of the first things you do in IIH. It works most effective the moment before you go to sleep. Try using mantras to sink stuff into your mind that you will act on and assimilate in your sleep.



Oooh, I'm looking forward to this guide, but no I haven't tried that yet. I'll give it a shot.



Something else you can try also to give yourself an awakening is to use your own negative beliefs and emotions to manifest a very bad experience and prove to yourself magick is real that way. I did it myself in the past. You can use your fears and so on to create a poltergeist or other phenomena that is strong enough to stir shit up in a way that you will definitely know and be able to confirm the reality of what you are doing. Then, having gained faith in this way, you can begin to work on more positive things. The fringe meditations thread had this meditation in it but it got deleted by FringeProtagonist's board wipe so you'll have to wait for me or someone else to re-create it again. There should be a copy of it on the backup site Fringechan.org as well though.



O, Fringe Wizard, our Board Owner, the white nationalist celibate, astral projecting initiate and mouthbreathing autist. Your legend is lies, lurid and false; your cunning magical abilities, a con for the ages.



O, Protagonist, my ex-volunteer, the degenerate UK redhead, tulpamancy initiate and bulimic skellington. Your legacy is destruction, waste and disappointment; your natural psychic abilities are locked without my help to stimulate them, a failure for the ages.






>your natural psychic abilities are locked without my help to stimulate them

>implying she need someone like you to activate her psychic abilities



She killed the entire board and comes over to continue to try and kill it and harass me. She can leave me alone. She doesn't care about this place and its mission at all. I am fully justified in banning her for as long as I want after what she did and I still haven't so far.


She does. She doesn't get shit done without me. We were able to do telepathy and many other great things together but left to herself she doesn't get shit done and is useless.

Go ahead and prove me wrong by working with her and helping her develop still. Problem with her is she's a degenerate that doesn't want to improve.

If you can make something good out of her than I will commend you for doing so.

She most certainly is too weak to stand on her own, like most people really. Unlike most people though, at least she could benefit by working with me; many people can't be helped at all. That puts her a step ahead of anyone that can't be helped at all, period.

Three kinds of people:

Hopeless, can't be helped.

Hopeless, can be helped.

Not hopeless, doesn't even need help, can manage on their own.

She's been in a psychiatric institution for months now and is no doubt damaged lots more than she was before and I think they may even have brainwashed her to not believe in magick I'm not sure yet.

Anyways, did I forget to call you a white knight? White knight fgt.


Does anyone have a link to the Temple of Solomon The King mega?

Right now the megas listed in: /fringe/library.html

are all dead except the ones for the /fringe/ library and the brazilian library.



Here you go, fringechan has another library i reccommend checking out





Have you at least learned your lesson and won't associate with ex psychiatric patients assuming them to be compromised?



Kill yourself.


File: 1465050457864.gif (494.33 KB, 387x305, 387:305, 1461591836489-0.gif)


you seem upset



Kill yourself.


File: 1465059379064.png (339.6 KB, 558x427, 558:427, 1461770110855.png)



It's bizzare he didn't ban you yet



Because smiley love protagonist.♥♥



protagonist do you have a twitter where I can follow you, you're the only cool person here besides me



What me becoming more degenerate in recent times somehow makes you less degenerate?

How long have you gone without fapping btw the previous month?



how are you unable to ban protagonist?



Well she does use proxies but I simply have not banned her yet because I want to understand her better.


plot twist

smiley is protagonist




Want to follow her too. So much delicious madness and chaos.

Cult of Protagonist flag when?



>at least she could benefit by working with me

I can't even begin to fathom how pathetic lifeform one would have to be to benefit from working with you.



Yes indeed

Cult of protagonist!



no it just makes you a hypocrite


delete this



Protagonist can I join your cult please?



sure, entry price is 1 smiley body part



I can't hang with that admission price. Sorry protagonist :/


people; the"trying to get famous off the neophytes" kind of scam starring "talked to smiley WITH HER MIND"



telepathy is real though


>all dis obv samefig

>claims to have been mod, never removed cp



wow ur useless




I am going to remember this day for the rest of my life… Protagonist called me useless.

I am going to wear it as a badge of honor. This is one of the best days I have had in awhile. Thankyou.



File: 1465107982270.gif (181.35 KB, 440x325, 88:65, 1348966854333.gif)

Looking for audio books, anything fringe audio would be appreciated.

Also, specifically interested, as of now, in the degrees of freemasonry past 33 if such information of this exists. It can be book or audio.




not audio but you might be able find something about free masonry


How Long Should Protagonist Be Banned For Destroying 8ch.net/fringe/ ?





I can't stop laughing


I just wanted to shoot fire and lightning from my hands, that's all. I can't even do that.



u jus need to read more books fam!



Initiation Into Hermetics enables you to do that shit also as for electrical stuff add Michael on Skype, he can do that.


what are some meditations or rituals I can do to pass my exams well?





YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Get photographic memory by constantly imagining in your mind everything you see until you get hyper-lucid. Make sure also to consume lots of high-quality fats for this all the time. Get something like pic related: http://fringechan.org/loosh/res/631.html

See also this book: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909memory.pdf




File: 1465150118927.png (538.88 KB, 943x1163, 943:1163, Screenshot from 2016-06-05….png)

>Protagonist gets all her proxies out to vote herself new board owner



this tbh fam




Same protagonist.




>insults someone actually trying to help another anon

>doesn't do anything constructive himself to point the anon in right direction

Next time you want to BTFO out of someone you do it by being better than them not merely tearing them down for no reason without being constructive yourself.


Smiley has a tiny penis.







A certain someone can attest that I do not.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


like dis?



Protagonist when are you going to give up on attacking the board?


File: 1465169282569.jpg (36.29 KB, 299x405, 299:405, jesterhurt.jpg)



File: 1465174502627.png (626.61 KB, 942x1250, 471:625, Screenshot from 2016-06-05….png)

tfw watching votes being caste every 20 seconds or so in favour of the top-option

Proxies gone wild.


File: 1465181679220.png (96.01 KB, 1261x1004, 1261:1004, Screenshot from 2016-06-05….png)

This guy… he's been posting "test" now once a day for like 5 days. Every day I have to delete his new "test" thread. Just started banning him today but he's not changing his behaviour.



if his ban is only 24 hours can't he still post test tomorrow?


for IIH, during step one-thought control

will listing thoughts in my head as I observe them make my efforts meaningless?


File: 1465185805647.png (94.08 KB, 1853x734, 1853:734, Screenshot from 2016-06-06….png)

I have defeated The Protagonist. She shall not be a problem anymore since I gave her a thorough spooking. If she does come back despite everything though I certainly have the talent and the will to process her again.



There are multiple copies of IIH such as the 2001 edition with things ordered a little differently can you be more specific about what you're actually doing and what is your concern?



I'm just observing my thoughts and trying to remember them.

What I'm wondering is if I list them off in my mind while I observe them if that would affect my effect the results of the exercise.



if that would affect my results*

I accidentally pressed post





whats it like living on the east coast?


So in taoist practice you tighten your anus/perinium a little bit, along with pressing the tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Do you ever stop doing these? I've reached a point where I do both half consciously all the time. Are there drawbacks at all or is that what we're shooting for?



They're mudras, "locks", you lock energy paths, forcing energy this or that way.



it's obvious this guy doesn't have photographic memory. he's just giving some shitty link without confirming it works. why giving advice when you're not competent to do so?


wait, fringe wizard IS smiley?



hey this is pretty good, not new at all


How do i stop being a mundane?



Remember that doubt is faith in the opposite direction.




I don't know, can you refer to the page number and what edition of the book you're on? You can also check the Bardon Companion Study Guide and see what it says for the part you're on.



>it's obvious this guy doesn't have photographic memory.

How so? I actually do have photographic memory. Better yet I have holographic memory. I can recall things as holograms.

I am competent to do so and the link is good.

Why are you shitting on me without giving your alternative?

Where your book / vid / paragraph about memorization?



>hurrr I hate Atkinson just to be different, too many people like Atkinson

>give no alternative


File: 1465251974073.png (860 B, 16x16, 1:1, Gook wannabe.png)


How do I make a tulpa?



This guide will explain it: >>77811

I'm still writing it all but keep checking the thread.



Why do you spam this everywhere all over the board?



I like atkinson but I sometimes find his way of teaching a


pg 66 8th printing 2015

first exercise


I need something cleared up for me: What exactly are we? I was under the impression that we (humans) are thoughtforms created by the Demiurge, yet that cannot be true as only our bodies are physical. We seem to be mostly located in the astral with our lower self being a physical/mental body. Is it that our physical bodies are thoughtforms created by the Demiurge and our other bodies simply communicate with this physical body? Or is the physical plane the thoughtform created by the Demiurge and we choose to create a physical body to be on this plane?

This also brings up the question: In theory, is it possible that there are planes that are "exclusive" in the way the physical is? Could another being less powerful than the Demiurge create a plane of their own made of thought, and other beings would be born and die there just as we are here?

Also, unrelated: Why do I feel the desire to cry so often these days? Writing the above, my eyes teared up. Thinking of the way animals fight makes me tear up. Thinking of the crucifixion of Christ, even though I do not worship him, makes me tear up. I do not understand. Is this empathy, too much feminine energy, or something different?


<fringe> hey alpam can I login as admin on fringechan? I want to copy one thread with all its formatting… I'm going to have to copy it all and add formatting back in manually otherwise.

<SpiritLibrarian> alpam is not here m80

<SpiritLibrarian> which thread?

<fringe> This one: http://fringechan.org/library/res/1.html

<FringeBot> └ /library/ - Knowledge, be free! - Update 160526 - fringechan.org ┘

<fringe> Give it to me with formatting all in a pastebin, I want to add it to: https://sys.8ch.net/mod.php?/edit_page/3744

<FringeBot> └ Login - sys.8ch.net ┘

<fringe> aka https://sys.8ch.net/fringe/library.html

<FringeBot> └ Fringe Library - sys.8ch.net ┘

<SpiritLibrarian> http://pastebin.com/bbpay7qc

<FringeBot> └ ==Specific/Specialized libraries== The Occult Seed: Fringe's Curriculum h - Pastebin.com - pastebin.com ┘

<fringe> Thank you.

<SpiritLibrarian> np

<fringe> SpiritLibrarian what do you think of https://sys.8ch.net/fringe/library.html now?

<FringeBot> └ Fringe Library - sys.8ch.net ┘

<SpiritLibrarian> there are some duplicate links – The Temple of Solomon is on there twice, so too is Fringe Wizard's Library (under /fringe/ Books & Files Package for the other one); otherwise seems like an improvement compared to prior

<fringe> Important stuff is at top, and it's listed again in the less important section down below.

<fringe> I need this thread with its original formatting too: http://fringechan.org/fringe/res/3.html

<FringeBot> └ /fringe/ - Meditations Super Thread - fringechan.org ┘

<fringe> tfw can't just grab each post in there as admin

<fringe> Any recommendations or feedback for this thread?

<SpiritLibrarian> you've demonstrated that you can not be trusted, and if you're actually half as good of a wizard as you claim >'''tfw would be triffeling matter

<SpiritLibrarian> for the meditation thread?

<SpiritLibrarian> aside from perhaps reording the meditations so they are neophyte->'''magus in order

<SpiritLibrarian> not really

<SpiritLibrarian> (in terms of complexity/prerequired insight/skill)

* PRAISEKEKESAIP (~PRAISEKEK@2600:1010:b008:2293:f494:bddd:87f3:6d96) has joined

* FringeBot gives voice to PRAISEKEKESAIP

<fringe> Woah this thread still exists: /fringe/res/33148.html#33148

<FringeBot> └ /fringe/ - Meditations Superthread - 8ch.net ┘

* Zimmer (c0c73fb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined

<SpiritLibrarian> lucky

* FringeBot gives voice to Zimmer

<SpiritLibrarian> I'll just copy the formatting for the addition meditations then

<Zimmer> Hello people

<Zimmer> hope things are well

<SpiritLibrarian> namaste


<Zimmer> no you can not lol

<Zimmer> though many have tried



what am I looking at



Computer literally just shutdown as I was about to post second half so… hold on.


<fringe> >''' you've demonstrated that you can not be trusted

<fringe> No I haven't, go fuck yourself.

<Zimmer> Who? I can't be trusted?

<fringe> I am confused right now, was that directed at me, or someone else?

<Zimmer> Who's the untrustworthy bastard around here?

<SpiritLibrarian> >'''that uncontrolled channeling

<SpiritLibrarian> it was directed at smileyberg

<Zimmer> yeah that guy is totally untrustworthy..

<Zimmer> at the least he's very unstable

<SpiritLibrarian> http://pastebin.com/xCqsEtAw

<FringeBot> └ meditations - Pastebin.com - pastebin.com ┘

* PRAISEKEKESAIP has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)

<fringe> tfw computer just froze for several minutes

<fringe> no you fucking kikes, protagonist deleted my entire board, I didn't fucking do that. I have never caused any trouble in all the years I have presided over /fringe/ and I am busy rebuilding from the damage she did

<fringe> I am trustworthy, you are all usurpers.

<SpiritLibrarian> we didn't do anything

<SpiritLibrarian> we are not mods on 8chan at all

<fringe> Well you're calling me untrustworthy and based on what?

<SpiritLibrarian> based on your tyraids, blatent delusions, massive ego, and last but not least, self-evident uncontrolled (and perhaps even unaware) channeling – as espically with the latestmost you have even denied knowledge there of yet IP logs clearly show it was you

<fringe> What the fuck are you talking about.

<fringe> Protagonist deleted everything from her account.

<fringe> and I deleted her

<fringe> and then I deleted all my other volunteers when someone tipped me off that another volunteer would do the same shit later

<fringe> except for Chansey

<fringe> Here, want to see something secret? Don't let any 4chonners see it though…

<SpiritLibrarian> I am saying, you are accusing us, the folks of fringechan, of sabotuging 8/fringe/ when tbh, we couldn't really care less about it nor did we have any credientials to do such even if we did care

<fringe> >'''we couldn't really care less about it

<fringe> that is not a good thing for you to say about it

<SpiritLibrarian> we have a safe home

<fringe> Spirit, see thread related, and don't share it: [redacted]

<FringeBot> └ /vis/ - DO NOT SHARE THIS - 8ch.net ┘

<SpiritLibrarian> if you wanna run a samefag cancerious circle jerk, then do it

<fringe> Fuck you, it's not a circlejerk.

<fringe> Read that thread I just linked you

<SpiritLibrarian> so it was a conspiricy of more than one

Post last edited at



whats on the second link smiley?



One of the board pages?



and how about the link on that board page?


File: 1465279406654.png (449.03 KB, 576x792, 8:11, Fedora 001.png)




Librarian is 100% correct you know, it may have been Protagonist that deleted 8/fringe/ but since you're the one who made her a volunteer in the first place, the blame also lies on you for giving her access.

I've had a look at the pic in the linked bread, did you follow up and found who helped Protagonist?


Apply yourself.


>Question for women reading this

I'm in a poor mood, need to forget a girl so heres an idea; Looking for spermwerm to bond with for a day, when I think I've got enough of a lock on you you'll send nudes, I'll fap to it and you'll have a noeffort kundalini rising. We never talk again, you cut out months of practical practice and cash for supplementary drugs. Win win.

I've got standards, no orcs need apply.



offer void



>after 1.5 hours of furiously masturbating tipp decided he don't need no woman



bootycalled a ex*



>constantly imagining in your mind everything you see until you get hyper-lucid

Ok, but how? Looking at something for a long time and trying to memorise as much as possible and then visualize it? Or just short blink at the thing and trying to recreate it in the mind?


how to get better harsh vocals with magick?



mantra meditation, making "AUM" or sounds. strengthens vocal cords.



Ok so if one of alpam's volunteers fucks everything up Alpam is to blame too then?

Fuck off.



>Or just short blink at the thing and trying to recreate it in the mind?

This. Don't look at things too long, just take a quick look at stuff, and then recall whatever it is as vividly as you can. You can go for a walk and as you walk you constantly imagine stuff you see in your mind, keep walking and look at another thing and imagine it, and so on.


Choosing between two evils

Ok I know I have to meditate , no fap and not drugs , but this lifestyle is kinda boring for someone who is kinda hedonistic like me but I don't want to go sleep in the blue pill and be sheep again

>imb4 mundane

So if you were to say which is worse , fapping or weed ,

I will continue meditation and exercising but fapping or weeds I don't want to quit permanently, I can do so for expeciall occasions and to reach higher levels but in the day by day so much discipline make life a little bit boring

Which is your opinion guys which is worse for the magus?



I guess you could alternate. One month of weed, one month of fapping.


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just don't fap enough to lose your ambition and drive and you're good.


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mushrooms get



could you be more of a child.


your diaper is itching. ask mommy to change it.



literally who?





Bumping because the block of text under it makes it hard to notice. Or should I post to fringechan?


Do neither? "Boring" doesn't matter when it's killing your progress. Eventually you'll stop associating fapping and drugs with satisfaction.




You are devolved energy from a rupture in a high frequency blob of sentient mass similar to ferrofluid in nature, that which was of the highest frequency imploded to release a massive burst of energy which devolved over time and began to structure according to the still present, ever present ferrofluid background, the energy devolved into stale matter structured, aligning after the designs of the Monad on which it rests (Monad, spirit, ferrofluid), eventually the structure of the Monad lead to the evolution of "life forms" being able to host larger and sentient portions of spirit, these beings traveled to Earth and outside of their planets laws in uncharted, rogue space, they created labor force slaves which they bred with, a few generations down the line, here you are.



What about, making magic beberage like vine or Wiskey whit magic heightened properties , like for especial occasions , you go on cleanse for a good amount of time before the ritual and drink the beberage and boom , you are in tune, or like in a little bottle and when you need to open your 3 eye to see drink a little and ready to see , someting who can speed stuff for special occasions, do you tink it would be possible?



Further, space of "dark matter" is space void of materia IE devolved big bang energy, on the other side of this "dark matter", (dark matter see spirit) is another universe.

And it goes on.. and on.. and on..



shit, forgot the pyramids on the circles





You can bless water, and if you rely on drugs you'll make no progress. This is why I'd also advocate for training yourself over evoking an entity to do work for you. It takes longer and it's harder, but you'll have made more progress.


Not until you tell me what it does and someone confirms that. Too risky.




and thats why i didn't bother answering the first time you asked.



Your answer feels unrelated to what I asked. I was hoping for an explanation on planes and what exactly it is the Demiurge does. I know nothing of these life forms or ferrofluid you mention. Your answer refers to beings inside of the physical, and energy. Saying "what are we" was just oversimplification for a nice sentence.



>>What exactly are we?

you got your answer, its not my fault you don't get it.


Ferrofluid is such a faulty term. It just behaves like it.

I'm going to call it feelfluid from now on.




Te only true about the planes it truly depends on your capacity of understanding and the willingness of looking by yourself, go Roberts Bruce mastering astral proyections in 90 days

The more your intellectual capacity you will be able to see more or less.


redefine your question, keep it short so i wont tldr, pack it with as much info you got so i know your extent.


or questions.

rather many different that gives you the clues to piece it all together than having to write you an essay.



We are many bodies spread throughout planes, right? An astral body, a mental body, a physical body, etc. These are tied to our higher self.

And these are all contained within the mind of The All / God. And the Demiurge is a thoughtform in this mind that is powerful enough to create the physical plane. That's as much as I know. So what I am wondering is: How are our bodies separated between these planes? If the physical plane is in the mind of the Demiurge, then we have to have our physical body in the mind of the Demiurge, correct? Are our spirits born into this physical plane, and then we escape it somehow? Are our other bodies alive outside of this plane and we choose to enter it?

And my second question is theoretical: Could another being that is less or equally as powerful as the Demiurge create something akin to the physical plane? Where entities would create another body to communicate on that plane?


Don't feel obligated to write an essay. I can handle a tl;dr, just not with lots of jargon like ferrofluid.



So, I have this important exam next week, and I was wondering if anyone here knows or is capable of doing some kind of spell, incantation, or thought-form practice in order for me to pass?

Is this do-able in such short notice?

I have studied some, but its one of those irrelevant subjects, but I need the exam to finish school.

What ya say fellas?



No, we are one body existing on several planes at the same time, at different frequencies.

Sure, we are many bodies if you chose to divide them into soul spirit and body, each anchored in a different frequency.

>>And these are all contained within the mind of The All / God

Kinda, the mind of God is the sentient MONAD, the paper on which the ink (MATERIAL) rests.

The mind of God, the all, short - God, is of the highest frequency, it is that which has ruptured and devolved into basic fire, energy, which later spawned atoms and all material building blocks according to the God flux frequency patterns.

The REALMS of spirit are like ferrofluid in nature, they act like it but consist of a essence (Essence because it has transcended "matter") of vibrations in different frequencies.

The Demiurge is the nonliving, nonsentient MATTER that is shaped according to the MONAD(=Spirit=Feelfluid=God)

The bodies are not separated, they exist in the same place and time, at different frequencies or "Dimensions" (poor word).

Our SPIRIT (that which gives us sentience, the thinking rational mind) can inhabit the material to varying degrees depending on the evolution of the vessel or if speaking in electrical, technical terms, receiver, whereas SPIRIT is the transmitter.

>> Are our other bodies alive outside of this plane and we choose to enter it?

Yes. Spirit is. Soul is just the energy of a lower frequency required to power it.

>"second" question

The Demiurge has no power but follows the laws dictated by Spirit/God.

Demiurge is feminine energy, destruction, non sentient, non creating.

With that in mind, reread my first answer.



invoke a demon from the goeta on the subject, offer to cum in its mouth.

curse your teacher.



Invocations are still a myth to me, not that Im a skeptic or nothing…

Besides, its not even my teacher, its a national exam..

Can a demon bless me with deep marvelous knowledge?



Are you willing to cum in three rows of teeth?



Is our spirit safe?

Or should we worry about it being corrupt or something, within this plane or life time?

What is your take on all the myths about people selling their «souls» to the devil?



Why would a demon want me to cum in his mouth?

Sure, as long as he doesnt try to bite my dick off lol..




>>Is our spirit safe?

By the mercy of God.

>should we worry about it being corrupt

Yes, you fuck up and sell your spirit into servitude to some STS entity lower on the scale of power than what you are when you are "home", you really fuck up.

Oaths are binding, karma is to be paid, in this life or next.

Soul, that which animates your body is a-ok to trade.

Accepted currency is negative or positive emotion through devotion, loosh through food, blood, cum and general attention and gratitude, acknowledging them feeds them.

A corrupted or damaged Spirit gets to spend x years in places where it can heal and get over it. Any phobia or unresolved issue will take a great amount of time in the "beyond" to fix.

>>Sure, as long as he doesnt try to bite my dick off

See thats the tricky part.




Okay, it's just that I feel Im in some kind of a jam because of this very odd, particular situation..

1-First of all, can you unknowingly sell your soul or spirit?

2-Is a pact, contract or some kind of invocation in order to do it?

Lets say that, hypothetically, I post an image of satan or a devil or demiurge, on my facebook cover, while posting multiple powerful songs, with a lot of controversy and references to demons, magick, power, God and the devil.

Would I be empowering this thing?

Even though I'm not, it feels as if I am now that I look at it from a far.

Would this be considered in any way serving it?

Also, what should I avoid, in order to NOT fuck up?


There was a time where I didn't care or worried and was even proud to display satanic and dark stuff, in order to shock people and because it looked cool. Like an average metal head does, except I wasn't a metal head.

But now, for some reason I feel like I wanna be a righteous person, and that I want a pure, clean spirit.




Not really. Blood pacts. Spirit reincarnates in blood that is most compatible to its vibration.

Your blood resonates with your soul, if you make a pact with the binding of a sigil in blood, thats it. You could make it null but only by conscious effort, burning the paper, asking God to revoke it, denying the pact.

I think mormons, I know scientologists pledge a thousand lifetimes servitude to the cults material progress towards domination.

>>Would I be empowering this thing?


>>Would this be considered in any way serving it?


Did you lurk the thread with the retard who had his tulpa step on his balls?

That guy is going straight to the worst places in afterlife to experience what he is experiencing now until hes had his fill.

Poor broken soul.

Avoid giving to much for to little, realize your worth as an immortal Spirit.




Its not a tulpa, its a fucking demon and its abusing him.



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Okay, this is the picture..

But in what way would I be serving it?

Or why would I be serving it?

If its my page, and theres also my picture in my page and a lot of other pictures, why would the energy or whatever go to the demon and not to me?

What if I post something about Christ? would that be empowering Christ or still the beast?

What should I do about the picture? Should I just delete it from my page? Would that destroy it or banish it? Or do I have to kill it in some artificial existence way?


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I really fucking hate the 'Nii' guy



idolizes death, sex, sin, baphomet, sin, pentagram, venus, summoning, decadence, snake, satan, saturn.

you don't serve it as much as you further the agenda of those who wish meaningless sex upon the masses or use those symbols IE the hidden hand.


its a cool pic. i'd let it stay, but i wouldn't post it to begin with.


Asking again here because it seems to be the general use thread: Does anybody have a better scan of Magical Use of Thought Forms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki? The one in the /fringe/ library is a terrible scan, and impossible to read on my e-reader.




its 18 kb, max upl is 8



I know I don't serve it in my mind, or consciousness.

> you don't serve it as much as you further the agenda of those who wish meaningless sex upon the masses or use those symbols IE the hidden hand.

Well what annoying me is that, this all started with me trying to EXPOSE the agenda and the fuckery that goes on in the world. And I did it with quite success, to those who witnessed from the start.

But if any outsider were to add me now, they would just see me as a Satanic, illuminatic product with occult powers.

I'm just afraid that, looking through my history, that I have been serving it or empowering it in some way, but this isn't enough to bind me or anything would it?

Because I even see myself or at least my higher self as a superior to that.

But it does represent precisely what you said.

Should I put like, an opposite picture or figure, just to balance everything up or something?

I know this sounds crazy, but some very accurate and strange synchronizations have been happening in that fb wall, and I hope its not because of my relation with this picture.. It does look cool though, but powerful. Maybe too powerful and contradictory for someone who's trying to be righteous..



Max upload is 8kb? That's terribly small.

Could you use a service like uguu.se?



>but this isn't enough to bind me or anything would it?


dunno lol im off to bed, you figure out the rest, have fun.



no, add me on skype ill send it tomorrow.



logging in to check some messages, add me now and i'll se to it before bed.

you've got until im done zipping my pint of milk and honey.



Alright.. Thanks for answering Im a bit more at ease now..

But this aint over mister, I'll probably come back with more questions. Lool jk (or not)


Okay /fringe/, so I purchased a little leather notebook, and I want to turn it into a repository of magic(k)al and /fringe/ things. It will probably contain sigils, as well as dream journal entries, and just for fun/as something aesthetically pleasing I'll probably diagram the chakras on a page or two. What else do you guys feel would be essential to be recorded in this book or to be copied into this book to be used as a reference? Additionally, I expect a lot of energy to be poured into this book, and I didn't make it or any of the raw materials, so is there any way I can "cleanse" it? Is that even necessary? Thank you for your time.



Skype is too compromised for me to use, even though I would really like that book. I can do PGP email if you have that, but Skype is a no-go.



to bad for you, i'm out of milk.



you should do an exorcism and gain the daemons,spirits,etc sigil and bind it to the book for magical purposes



He would be partly responsible, taking responsibility for your subordinates' actions is part of a leader's role you silly manchild.



sounds like a solid plan, how would I go about doing these things?



well first you read and learn anon


Hey Tipp wanna be a volunteer so you can delete CP?

Also help me write stuff for this: https://sys.8ch.net/fringe/initiation.html

Even just tell me what to write on. I want to explain magick to people in a way that the fully understand what we are doing.



like meme magic or just regular magic?



Refresh the page and you will see I have added lots more. I'm writing down all my thoughts and ordering them here. I'm going to keep doing this all the time whenever I'm awake and have the chance to do so. Eventually I'll get it all out and we will have a complete guide to magick as I understand and practice it. I want people to understand how to do EVERYTHING so they GET IT and we can move on beyond certain basic questions and instead focus on some of the more advanced things which I will also touch upon in this page I'm writing where my knowledge runs thin… stuff like how to stir up the emotions to the very high levels of intensity I need for certain operations.


tfw my mind is still running with stuff I want to write but I have to go sleep now and just keep my thoughts to myself for now




okay, could you recommend a text that instructs on how to perform an exorcism on a book?






A guide for controlling undesired thoughts and emotions would be invaluable to neophytes. It seems to be one of the most common problems.

Also as part of your thoughtform section you should write how to weaken and banish astral leeches that were strengthened by a lifetime of degeneracy. I think people would think quite highly of your super secret order if you made a guide like that.



Ok, thanks for info. Just started this 'training'. Could you tell me how long did it take for you to see some changes and progress?


Lets have a vote. so i can collect IPs

Who wants to see me as a mod?



Me, and yes.


Put it on poal.me



thats cute


so my dad died like 2 months ago, and my girlfriend left me over my bittnerness of the drama that happened after his funeral.

things can definatly be patched up but

give me some spiritual/sex magik to help get her back



Shit fam, you don't want her back if she left you in such a critical time.



>Also as part of your thoughtform section you should write how to weaken and banish astral leeches that were strengthened by a lifetime of degeneracy.

Seconding. I'm a neophyte who's only just started energywork/running my orbits. I can't always tell where I'm 'leaking' so some advice on on finding and plugging those leaks would help.





There is no shapeshifting general thread anymore so I just want to report in here that for one day I successfully changed my hair colour and facial features and many other aspects of myself all at once but then it reverted in two days (most of it reverted in one day). It was a very impressive change and was observed and noted by my mother.


ok fams I rarely post here and usually just come to read threads because I'm skeptical of magic but I had a dream recently and I wanted to share it with yous so you could possibly tell me if there's anything unique about it in your opinion (that's my question)

I put off making this post for a while but I still remember as much as I did after I woke up from the dream. I'm not sure how the dream started or where it diverged into the part I can remember but what strikes me about it is it seemed like some of the 'astral travels' that people have described on this board. In the dream I somehow left the Earth in what I could sense as a small craft, maybe a pod, there was some purpose to it and I might've had someone with me who abandoned me but that's all fuzzy in my memory. At some point I realized that I was just drifting out in space far from the Earth's star system and I came upon some monument where the craft stopped but I didn't perceive it stopping, I just started observing the environment without thinking about how the craft stopped suddenly. The monument was something like a bunch of rectangular blocks arranged haphazardly, colored greyish and there was what I sensed as graffiti or inscriptions with an unclear purpose, I also sensed that it was written in English but as far as I can remember I wasn't able to see what it said in the dream. After lingering around that monument for what was maybe 30 minutes as I perceived it I kept going further into space away from the Earth and I don't know why I was doing that or if I even knew where I was going but as far as I can remember I didn't encounter anything else and I woke up shortly after that. The whole dream seemed pretty bizarre so I thought I oughtta share it.



Share methods pls. And why does anyone take pictures of anything? You know for evidence or w/e?


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So can someone explain how the fuck the magik 'V' sign counteracts the magik of the Svastika. Also does it counteracts all forms of Svastikas?



Well, at least give up the methods, we're here to teach and to learn from each other.

Besides, you're a magician, who would ever believe you?


File: 1465492341737.jpg (192.66 KB, 393x594, 131:198, 3232827.jpg)


>juh juh… just ignore symbolism okay!



Cool out of body experience.

Next time meditate on the text instead of trying to read it.



of course but just think of all the fun and mystery you can stir up with a few tiny shred that get leaked.

Many would disbelieve but it would attract plenty of people looking for the source of these mysteries.

Start a legend, drop some shreds here and there not enough for mainstream news, set up challenges and tests of character and setup groups for initiation.

evidence is the perfect incentive for the mundane to walk the path of magick.



well I wasn't really lucid which is strange cuz when I have a dream that weird I'm usually lucid and able to somewhat affect things


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I'll judy lrsbr yyhrd hrt


I'm a mundane going camping inawoods to study my books for about a week, any advice to give while I'm out there?



Consume lots of good fats so you can read efficiently. Practice some pranayama from Science of Breath every hour or between every chapter or couple chapters. Bring honey with you and consume that too regularly. Stay happy and let the positive loosh flow.



Are you going alone?

Sounds like an awesome idea. I'd bring some mace, or a knife for protection, or find a strong stick/bat out there, just in case. A notebook too.



I am going alone, I don't need my social contacts distracting me or sticking their nose in what I'm reading.

I'm not sure how I'll handle it because I'm addicted to shitposting but it will be great for me overall and if I'm lucky I'll get astral abducted by forest spirits I'm 99% positive it won't happen though



Maybe you're in my area and we can go camping together? Add me to your adventure and the chance of us being abducted by forest spirits becomes about 60% I'd say.


>I am going alone, I don't need my social contacts distracting me or sticking their nose in what I'm reading.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Shitposting is shit posting, camping in the woods, by yourself, with good books and resources to learn and experiment, that's simply awesome living. I'm not sure about being abducted, but you will re-connect with the natural and magickal realm for sure, and you'll see and experience true beauty and what that life is all about. It will be a great experience and chance to learn. No distractions from the internet, it will be you, your thoughts and ideas, the books and mother earth (and all other crazy dimensions if you're into that).

It will also be a good chance to make whatever changes and determinations or important decisions you want for your life, good meditation and good for any magickal practice purpose. You'll be testing yourself there, even if it's not all that dangerous, many people wouldn't do it.

I would, and I will when I have the means, but doing it alone it's what its all about.

Good luck and good fortune.


File: 1465533554406.mp4 (646.15 KB, 320x240, 4:3, We must Dissent.mp4)

Why does this Board only have three catalog pages? That seems ineffective.




Also, Who is Fringe Wizard?


File: 1465543116301.pdf (413.58 KB, New Millennium Power.pdf)


Heya, I downloaded this New Millennium Power book from one of the threads here a while back and forgot all about it until just recently.

Unfortunately, all of the diagrams are broken/missing, and a bit of searching reveals that it has been copyright claimed off the internet. Would any of you have a copy that has the images intact?

>Anon, your taste in babby's first occult book is shit

I know, I'm horrible.


How do I develop the link to my higher self?



Maybe we can camp together next time and tell skin walker stories, what state do you live in?





Fringe Wizard is the BO of 8/fringe. He suffers from a myriad of delusions and paranoid ideas and is not fit to lead a community this size. Can't bear the responsibility and the board has suffered massively because of it. Currently, this board has degraded into a massive circlejerk now. Do yourself a favor and stick with https://fringechan.org/



Fuck off, Smiley started the community and I think he does a good job of hands-off moderating. He has a lot of issues, but I think he is good at explaining stuff to other people and he really cares for this place.


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When you learned about pills how did that change the way you understood other peoples views and your own? Have you taken many other pills than just red and green pills? Anyone created their own pills?



Following someone else's philosophy is the most worthless thing you can do in life



thank you!



omfg not this bullshit again, get off his dick


What makes an artist paint a bird? Is this a dopamine-related itch? I suspect in order to want to paint all day, one has to experience especially strong itch. I want to understand and experience this itch too.

I do awareness meditation all waking minutes of my life. Making sure my reward system and brain in general is in peak condition is my utmost concern in life right now. However, I'm not anywhere near the state I imagine artists and other high-energy creative people are usually in.

Is there something I am missing? Did I use up all my potential passion and love in my teenage years, when I'd fap every day to hentai memes? Or maybe I wasn't born with it in the first place because my ancestors were simple-living creatures with moderate passion?

You'll tell me to use sigil to make myself more high-energy, but you see, I did! It didn't fulfill my wish, it just made me especially obsessed with researching ways on how to do it. I read on hormones all day and became a health nut, but I feel like I'm missing something, something simple.

One of my theories is that high-energy creative people who are passionate about their work have minds of children. Their neuropathways are wired to just act on the inspirations they get, instead of detaching and analyzing them. They live in the perpetual present + have high energy reserves.

I managed to rewire my habits to more healthy ones with logical tricks, but rewiring my whole sense of perception to be more present is a different kid of rewiring. How to do it? Do I actively punish myself for using my memory, or planning the future? Is this the way to rewire myself to only see present? I read that 3 African tribes can only perceive the present, and they're completely incompatible with the modern world.



Well, not everyone has an appetite for painting and drawing. From your post I can detect a strong interest and maybe a fascination by it, but do you draw or paint at all? What's stopping you?

And you're right, there is a certain -itch- to it, it's like a burst of inspiration or a wave that comes and you feel as if you need an outlet, and to some (me included), that outlet is drawing and painting. Others do music, others write, others work-out, w/e, the point is, it's always good to have an outlet for these things, something you can look at the result, something productive.

Simple living ancestors has nothing to do with it, you can be as dumb as a rock, and a brilliant painter and artist. You sound like you have a great, introspective and perhaps intellectual mind, so why not give it a good use?

Go to a beatiful place by yourself, alone, like a big beautiful forest, re-connect with the magic realm and inner-child, absorb some of that inspiration and find a good outlet, wether it's painting, writing, building, sculpting, drawing, etc… It is one of the most mysterious human needs, and you're feeling that itch.

On a curious note, I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I'm a lefty, I use my left hand for most things, like drawing, brushing etc, but for everything else my right hand is more dominant, so I have the right/left brain balanced, the creative and the intellectual or w/e.

Try using your left hand more often to develop the creative brain, see if it helps.

Here's some of my art in case you're interested:




Just had somewhat of a personal realization and and as an extreme newbie, I wanted to post it here to see if its correct:

I've recently been visualizing my surroundings and the immediate rooms around them while meditating. Yesterday, I was meditating and "saw" in my mind's eye a dark figure outside of my door. Typically when I imagine things like this, I can just… stop imagining them, but this thing wouldn't go away. The same thing happened again while I was showering, with the presence just outside of my shower curtain. Correct me if I am wrong, but can I scientifically understand that these occurrences are my paranoia, while framing them in a magical belief system? In other words, can I "defeat" magically what I scientifically know to be paranoia, given a framework of belief in magic?



Shit left out the most important part, I'm the same dude who posted about my new notebook a few posts up. To anyone at my level of skill (or lack thereof) I cannot recommend enough to keep a journal, as journaling is how I came to the above realization (within one day of starting the thing, at that).


What are Archons reptiles and where do they reside, also what are greys?



I'm interested in this wizard stuff but have no clear desires as far as what I want to accomplish. I'm interested in divination, and would also be interested in pain management. Both leave me lacking for purpose, though. I'd like a sense of involvement, and something to work towards, perhaps outside of myself. Two questions.

One, how do you all balance magick and mundane stuff? Do you derive your sense of purpose from magick, or from something else in your life?

Two, any suggestions on what I could work on, or on how to be more involved, or what in the world needs my attention the most?



Kind of a novice, but you might wanna examine how you're thinking about this.

The dark figure could be a spontaneous visualization coming from a more physiological sense of biological insecurity a la circuit one type stuff.

The solution, assuming it's really a first circuit activation getting caught up in your visualization exercise, is actually rather simple, as is the first circuit. Get yourself relaxed in a bio-secure state, and find some way to advance towards the spook from this place of security. Assuming you have good concentration skills, all this takes is a little bit of nerve.

A useful end goal here is to use this as an opportunity to change your imprint so that you're not in a state of retreat from the spook, but can continue advancing to explore your mind as you'd like.



I've never heard of the Eight Circuits, thanks for introducing me to this concept. Honestly, it's really difficult for me to feel 100% safe even if I know rationally that I have nothing to fear. It is weird because I was raised privileged as fuck with little to no trauma. I actually attempted approaching it and making myself completely vulnerable to it, and tried to reach out with positive, loving energy in an attempt to make peace with it, but that didn't change anything. All of this being said, I don't really have any established systems and I haven't extensively studied any particular paths of magic.



Demiurge = world soul

It's just the soul of physicality.



>how do you all balance magick and mundane stuff

Easily, my mundane life with its engineering studies and socialization with mundanes is all geared for the purpose of surviving in the modern world while my practice of magic is worked towards my spiritual evolution which is a goal in itself and helping other people, mostly healing their mental ailments. That's not to say I don't use magic for more personal goals, suffice to say that the stuff I've managed to accomplish with it so far is enough to keep me going to see how much further I can take this.

>Two, any suggestions on what I could work on

I can't tell you that, neophyte. I for one try to break the population of my country from it's apathy to the world's politics but I've been on the path of magic for years now, you should start with fixing your personal/family's problems. Is your mother an overweight bitch? Start reading through both theory books like Atkinson's works and the more practical books like Initiation Into Hermetics and figure out a way to fix her temperament.

A wizard's arguably most useful tool is being able to use his knowledge and experience to solve whatever problem he wills to solve. Don't expect to always have a /fringe/ question thread where someone will spoonfeed you a ritual.


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When you say that, what do you mean?



>these occurrences are my paranoia

nigger you got demons.

what you're describing is sensing or seeing your area with your minds eye, you're feeling these beings presence more clearly.

you should be happy you have an affinity for this, keep feeling them, greet or banish them.

you banish them by roughing up their area of space so they can't stay in position without wasting energy to cling to the space time, with your thought and emotion throw a few imaginary swordstrikes at the things you want away from you.



no, its both the material and its etheric representation or "soul".



Do you realize that pills are just an attempt to classify the approaches, and not a "pill" that you drink with a glass of water?

The whole pill shit is getting a bit annoying lately, too much talk about worthless criteria to fit here or there, that doesn't go anywhere.


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Anyone down with the tarot?

I'm thinking of buying a deck of the major arcana.

I want to know if it has helped you in your journey at all, and perhaps you can give me a good guide that introduces it, also I would like a video as well that helps introduce it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Michael tsarion did a great series on them, but I don't know much else.


Is praying to Satan an effective way of getting help or gaining some advantages in life?



Pills were just a funny and obscure meme that I liked.

I dunno if you can pigeon hole people into a single "pill" role, thus the parody of the constant addition of more pills.

There are as many pills as there are people.



Wow does he really do 1-3 hours on every single tarot card?

I'll have to check it out, but for now I just want like a short guide and how you can use tarot in your life.


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>Pills were just a funny and obscure meme that I liked.

honest and genuine is always respected

>I dunno if you can pigeon hole people into a single "pill" role, thus the parody of the constant addition of more pills.

a fair assessment

>There are as many pills as there are people.

There are in fact only two pills, the lie and what is true. For memetical purposes however, you have danktastic license to generate shits and giggles to your heart's content.


I've been walking the other day and listening to music envoking positive emotions.

During the song, I kept grabbing my hands together. I didn't understand why. It just felt comfortable like this, even though I never do that.

Then I felt something like a charge around my hands. As if air around them was heavier. It's like that feeling you get when you put finger between 2 magnets.

Whatever it is, I've been wondering how can I experiment with it or make use of that. If my body subconsciously wants me to grab my hands together, should I do it, or should I resist it?



Thanks for the answer.

Is there a free will/moral problem with using magic to influence other people like that?

Either way I appreciate the encouragement to work on problems in my surroundings.


Does anybody here have some major success with Law of Attraction? All these books saying literally all is possible and I don't see anyone claiming they become billionairs this way or anything like that. It's always some minor synchronicities in the testimonies. So I'm wondering is there someone here can backup by his experience that it's really exactly like it's presented in the books?



Read the goddamn seven principles or Laws… there's no such a thing as the Law of Attraction. The closest is the Law of Polarity + Law of Rythm, everything else is a scam. I don't even think the Holographic Universe supports the positive thinking shit.




The Law of Mentalism contains what most people call the "law of attraction." But you have to know how to will something before you can will it to happen. If you just say "I want to be a billionaire. I know The Secret so this should happen," nothing will. If you want to become a billionaire and you start working towards that goal within and without, you can become one (The Law of Correspondence)


Someone who can see them once told me that I have a black aura. I do have low energy and some unresolved trauma but otherwise I'm quite healthy. Everything the internet says about having a black aura is bad so I'm a bit concerned.

What does it mean? Is there anything I should be doing about it? Is my energy being drained by an entity or am I evil or what?



Good and evil aren't real.

Good most of the time represents building up while evil represents destruction.

How ever they can represent different things depending on the law of cause and effect.



That's fair enough but what about my aura?


do you have alot of hate and malice in your heart?

What does the color black represent too you.




Black represents comfort to me.



Hate and malice tend to make your aura black anon.

Try having less hate and malice.



Anyone know if there is such a thing as Tantric Masturbation Magick?

That is, instead of sex, you masturbate to activate higher levels of consciousness?


Guys, what is the best way to awaken the Kindilini?



Is there any information on channeling hatred? Scientifically it's not far from love, so I assume using similar techniques would work… However I want to know if anyone else has covered the topic



Its Kundilini you dun bass




Sure you can do that if you can move energy from the fap to the head.

You'll hear a buzz or background noise as you become accustomed to your new frequency.



Compose your questions well, someone might answer.



>teaching organic portals magic



What? The question is pretty clear.

>Is there any information on channeling hatred?

I don't care what kind of information, just as long as it's can be applied to making use of hatred, fury, etc.


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Greenpill me on the Ankh /fringe/?



just channel it like you would anything else


Does anyone have any experience or advice with Kechari Mudra? I began attempting to practice it several months ago after reading the "Occult significance of the tongue" thread that was on here before the wipe.

I've managed to get as far as being able to reach just behind my uvula, but I haven't been able to reach the back of my throat yet. My progress has basically slowed to a stop at this point.

Should I just keep trying, or is there a common hurdle here that I should be solving with a specific method?



Dunno, but I've always been able to push my tongue par behind my throat, I just don't think there is any immortal nectar in there..








I think its an allegory for one of the highest mudras, and a sort of explanation or hint as to what the mudra is intended for.

Tongue in that position bridges a connection with the lower and upper body, allowing for energy information to travel along it.

In a sense because spiritual development lets you see your immortality as Spirit and to know rebirth.

Who knows really see for the one that has tried it, can anyone confirm nectar?


why did slipknot make a song about a hermetic principle




Yes hatred can be channeled into knowledge, and virtue, through mindfulness. Hatred is anger pointed at an object, no? When you are angry, are suffering, is it unpleasent? then anger is wrong thought, if we are to assume suffering is wrong. How do you cultivate peace, you replace your negative habits.


The ability to pick up on people's intentions is an effective metaphysical defence against ALL manner of manipulation. It will allow you to choose then if you lend your loosh to the manifestation or not.



It's Kundialimi ffs




Omfg, Kundalimi*




idk if you fags are trolling, but the actual correct spelling is cuckalini


how do I awaken six gorillionlini?


Smiley, hide the "recommended boards" that Chodemonkey recently added to the top bar. He is playing favoritism to degenerate boards he specifically likes.

/* Hide Codemonkey's recommended boards */
div.boardlist [data-description="1"] {display:none;}


So, I've seen people here say that they can turn off their thoughts at will. I'd like to know if it applies only to meditation, or whether you can function normally all day without thoughts whatsoever.



Lol, when I found out it was actually called Kundalini I just burst out laughing. (found out a minute ago btw) What kind of name is that? Sounds silly.

Kundalami sounds much more respectful and powerful to me.

Or Kindilini, as a less powerful Kundalami, which is governed by the Kundalaw.

Kundalini just doesn't make much sense.

How do I awaken the K-snake though?



Lmfao, wtf are you talking about?

I believe its only through deep meditation with the charades and all that.



Lol Idk man, I just thought the name Kundalini was some kind of joke, but then I googled it, turns out it's the real name.

What you mean charades?


>don't into Kun-Da-Li-Ni




It's hard fam, I'm primarily a bullshit occultist




You mean chakras.

Kundalini rising is caused by forcing energy up the spine.

It has happened to me before without me ever trying to force it. I don't know why.



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why does my mind become clouded when I use the internet and media in general?



its another state of consciousness, you now need to waddle through information that is not yours and discard or favor each statement before you proceed, and while you resonate with some of the things you come in contact with, most of the thoughtforms are not yours.



thanks m8



you become cloudy because most of that is done by the subconscious mind and it has a lot to process against previously gathered information and if it finds something contradictory the conscious mind is sent the error.

you can sit in conscious mode in front of the computer but you get little done because you have to weigh each option you would normally do automatically, for example typing as you think, you're not consciously looking for each key rather your hands are an extension of your thoughts allowing the brain to access the fingertips and keys according to the subconscious minds automated executions.

its better to let your mind drift while in front of the computer, if you have the time for it.



or direct your mind towards a subject and dwell on that to find questions to answer.


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u wot m8?


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What does it mean?



It's a link that loops back to the first page of this board, but it's run through a URL shortener made to make it look malicious.


Looks to be made of letters, but by attempting to decipher it you'll likely give it lots of loosh. Careful, who knows what Smiley's intention is.






is smiley gonna kill himself or is he gonna take hostages?



Some of you guys are alright, don't go to the astral tommorow




Smiley has put a controlling and lecherous hex on protagonist, probably why she went bats hit as a last way out but no hoho no, smiley wants his dick wet so he's feeding the sigil that they'll meet and is working hard on shapeshifting and teleportation.

Protagonist is like 'no'.

Board wipe confirmed cause smiley a astral rapist.





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If that's true its the funniest shit I've heard in a long time.


Smiley, you can't into sex. You wont into sex. Why? You're not ready.

If you were ready it would happen.

You're affecting external factors and not changing yourself.

Even if you got into a situation with protag tied up and your pants by your feet, you can't. You wouldn't know what to do.

Work on yourself and "sex", relationship and love, will come naturally.

All you have to do is display that you're ready, women will react to it and you can move according to the strings you pull.

Pulling a string, a loop of actions to go the way you want is going against the flow and it seldom works, instead catch the flow, possibility and resonate with it.

Going against the flow in all honor, best fish is the one riding the flows none else can see.



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I fapped to Eris.



>All you have to do is display that you're ready, women will react to it and you can move according to the strings you pull.

Redpill me more.



If you're not in a relationship its probably because you're awkward with to many issues on your own, right?

if you want a girl or love you need to give yourself to her and she to you.

but why would she want a broken product?

a high quality human of the female kind likely works out, plans her food, works two jobs and aims for a career, why would she want to be with someone that is awkward (toll on her social life), no future plans, can't speak, do or even walk without being burdened by all the shit your average person has to go through?

she doesn't want that.

you either lower your expectations and look at a girl that is equally broken as you, to create kids with the same flaws, or your raise yourself above that which weighs heavily on you.

you either shake it off or get the strength to walk with it, like she likely has, unless she was born with love and beauty.

be effortlessly gracious, people will notice, you'll walk, talk and carry yourself differently.

women see these things from a mile away, its in their instinct, they share thoughts about men with eyes only.

if you've worked on yourself to release all that has worried you throughout life you will not have anything to weigh you down, suddenly theres lots of women after you because they all see the same thing, someone solid and confident.

if you're aspiring to have the perfect you must be the perfect, to let allow meet on equal grounds.



Hows protagonist look, lets get the 411 on why smiley would sully himself on filthy 3d woman.



Hey Tipp, I understand that women desire a man that puts his life goal above everything else, but my only static goal in life is to gain more spiritual ability. I've had some thoughts of what I might do in a few years to help the world, but the one thing that stays constant in my goals is to be very very well educated and powerful through spirituality. Wouldn't following this goal take me away from reality where I could improve my mundane aspects and meet people? That is not too terrible to me, but I would miss it. I know it isn't a forced choice between one or the other, but I imagine it becomes hard to relate to mundanes as you stop doing things they do (such as eat meat or partake in activities that release dopamine like entertainment)



>away from reality where I could improve my mundane aspects and meet people?

yes but not necessarily.




So if you fap to eris your lights start leaking. Thats good to know. Any other chaotic shit happen?



like a skinnyfat rat.

shes top wizard, smiley is literally leaking.



Yes, but meditation is more then not thinking, it is about liberation from the senses completely, but that is just what I think, meditation can mean many things, so disregard that. But yea it is possible. It needs to be cultivated, and even then it there is enviromental factors that may interupt.



I've gotten in that kind of state when I'm doing a empty mind meditation sometime, it's kinda similar to a dreamless sleep.



Why stop doing mundane things?

Sports are good for you, friends and networking important, you can meditate after going hard for the ball.


So basically to manifest something it has to coincide with your true higher ideals, what are these true higher ideals? Is material wealth or earthly pleasures considered bad or something?



What is my higher ideal?*




how do I figure out my higher ideals?



Never heard of this circuit stuff, thanks for introducing me to this concept.


I'll give banishing a shot, thank you for explaining the process in a way that I understand.


so is the normal middle pillar ritual bad due to some jewish entities?



I had some interesting results meditating on the Ace of Wands in the Rider-Waite tarot.

The Wands are associated with creativity, among other things, and meditation on them works best using the creative faculty. Consider that creative results arise out of the conjunction of will and imagination.

If you want to clarify your will, you need to look at the results of your creative faculty in what you've already created, or in what you tend to create or want to create. That is, you need to look at what you do with your imagination.

The answer won't be apparent. You won't be able to deduce it logically. You'll need to meditate on it, which in this case means to engage your creative faculty. If you manage to do this at depth, you'll have come up with a creative answer that fits with the general themes of what you've chosen and wanted in life. It'll fit, like you've discovered a core desire, a part of what makes you tick.

When I did this, a mental fog I've had for the longest time lifted all of a sudden. The world seemed crisp and sharp, and I knew what I wanted to do, if not in a vague, general sense. It also came with a sense of certainty I had very much been lacking.

Keep in mind that the creative faculty is ruled by whatever moral sensibilities you've picked up, and the answer you get might not be in line with those, which may explain why it's not entirely conscious in you.

Either way, good luck finding this out for yourself.



alright, I already have an apparent goal in life a very focused goal, I just want to be a musician, but I still want to have money sex and power, are they not achievable if they are my secondary goals?



>you either lower your expectations and look at a girl that is equally broken as you, to create kids with the same flaws, or your raise yourself above that which weighs heavily on you.

…but I lowered myself to rock bottom and I get rejected by women who are way worse than me still. Nobody will ever fucking love me.



>Nobody will ever fucking love me.

kill this belief, you deserve love, are there any particular reasons why you think you got rejected?



Yes, I can't help drawing the chaos sigils everywhere, and giving my loosh to Eris all the time btw. I can't even dream of resisting Eris at all. Every day of my life is chaotic shit that makes no sense and can't be anticipated.



No you can manifest all kinds of shit that has nothing to do with high ideals or what's good for you. Just stir your emotions the right way.



Dude, whatever the fuck you want, don't feel guilt about it. They said you could become anything; so you became a sex-crazed and powerful magician who doesn't afraid of nothings.

See if you can stick to your intentions/desires long enough to manifest them though. If you're like me you'll eventually think your idea is stupid and drop it before carrying it through. Sometimes though I'm just like fuck it, I don't even want this to happen anymore, but I already casted my sigil so I'm going through with it to the bitter end come what may. That's the kind of mindset that gets shit done, no matter how silly or stupid it is, it's better than being in stasis all the time not knowing what you want. Forget what you want; choose something at a whim and stick to it.




You're the same guy who can't stop fapping to Eris sigils, I'm not sure if it's good advice but I'll take it


A fun experiment in chaos: begin narrating everything in third person and talk about yourself as a story in a character.



you're really losing it



>the chaotee was then told he's losing it, a comment which he didn't mind at all, and laughed at


Another interesting chaos experiment. If you have any stuff you do every day, especially with someone else, change your intentions every day and cycle through it, then repeat. Intend at opposites and other outcomes. You do the same thing except sometimes your intention is to fail, sometimes it's to succeed, sometimes you invoke a mindset of truly not caring either way the outcome, and then you cycle.


Yet another experiment: be happy with the outcome of absolutely everything, take joy in chaos, and feel very pleased every day at everything. It amplifies everything and makes life really absurd and it lets you enjoy life no matter what happens.



Can't tell you anything about what you can or cannot do.

If you have any significant doubts, you haven't come to a conclusion with this experiment. If you feel torn between two alternatives, you're still not clear on your will.

Note that will, in and of itself, is not concerned with whether or not something is possible, and need not be.

It would alleviate your doubts if you could consider the essential theme. What binds your goals together? What is it that you will that makes being a musician, and having sex, money, and power appealing?

If you can find that out, go for that.


I'm interested in working with the Pentacles and the first circuit. I'm looking around for stuff, but also wondering if anyone here knows some quality resources.



Would thought forms be good for helping protect physical things, like preventing something from getting stolen or keeping myself from extreme bodily harm? Is there a special way to put thought forms to objects?

On the topic of thought forms, I read a long time ago about (I think in a book Omran suggested, even though he's likely disinfo) making an astral sanctuary during meditation. Would something like a library in that to catalogue thought forms be the best way to keep track of them?


Love is unreal only to those who do not know how to love. If you've felt love for yourself you know what it is. Love is not found, nor is it difficult in attainment. It need not be rare at all. It is not hard to love.

Just make the effort to love anyone and you can. Every day cultivate your love and devotion.

I need something/someone that will love me back, so I'm not wasting my time, just getting abused in a one-way relationship.

Any suggestions /fringe/?



>Would thought forms be good for helping protect physical things, like preventing something from getting stolen or keeping myself from extreme bodily harm?

Yes. They are excellent for that.

>Is there a special way to put thought forms to objects?

Just imagine them binded to the object and they will be. Want me to demonstrate for you? I'm a good spellcaster but deficient in loosh, if you can supply the desire, I can make it happen. We'll have to plan out some details but I'll make it happen.

>On the topic of thought forms, I read a long time ago about (I think in a book Omran suggested, even though he's likely disinfo) making an astral sanctuary during meditation. Would something like a library in that to catalogue thought forms be the best way to keep track of them?

Maybe but I myself am doing experiments right now in binding thoughtforms to objects to keep them from escaping me. You could use a thoughtform that serves the purpose of cataloguing and tracking all your other thoughtforms.


Does anyone know a method for maintaining a lucid dream when it starts to fade out?

What typically happens is I'll become lucid, start trying to do things, then eventually things will just kind of "fade out" and I'll just be in the dark until a new scenario arises. I'd wager each scenario usually lasts anywhere from around five seconds to a minute or two.

I've read that you could look at the ground and/or spin around to stabilize things, but I haven't had any luck with that.

On a related note, does anyone have any suggestions for productive things to try during times of lucidity? Something that would be productive. It seems like giving myself a task to do gives me better odds of becoming lucid during a dream, things like "find someone and ask them [question]", or "look for [place]".



>suggestions for productive things … something productive

Should have proofread that better.


Is there any books that talk about the physiological explanation of mystical experience?


Aight so I know some of you have experienced those musical hallucinations that occur while you're trying to sleep. The most perfect melodies playing in your ear that just don't exist, or at least not to your knowledge. Is there any way to trigger these musical hallucinations into happening?



Music is easy to bring up in the mind, it is of one sense. All you really have to do listen.


Is astrology important?




The music is always there, if you don't hear it you're not tuned to hear it.




So how do I listen? Do I just reach that conscious sleep-state and I'm tuned in to hear it?



Music starts somewhere, don't forget, hallucinations are always part of you, they can be repeated.

If you need extra stuff to push it through. Hypnosis For Complete Idiots hallunication Inducement can be used. Imagine you are outside a Jazz bar, or where ever they play music, imagine the sounds the background sound around, the sensations, then walk in and listen to the jazz play. The brain fills in empty spaces if you look at a jazz band playing, they will make sound.



Somehow it never occurred to me that that might be a thing other people had experienced. I always found it fascinating that while conciously I have absolutely no musical ability, unconciously my mind is capable producing such things.



i think its a sign of a well integrated body mind consciousness. as the soul picks up the mood of the area some lower mind translates it into rhythm which moves the body, and in some way i don't know yet each different movement has its equivalent in sound on the music scale.

it could also be so that the soul takes in and resonates so much with the area mood that its energy fizzles into the body.


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Hello people please read my question as someone who loves to read tons of books and lores, yet this is my first time actually tring somethin.

i want to evoke lucifer and build a student/teacher relationship with him in the course of self improvement and psychic awakening, but every 'mainstream' occult site has this Lesser Solomon feeling that i must evoke archangels as well first or some shit, or ether have an over complicated 'system' or tools and requirements. (ej build a hug ass altar in a far away desert land).

Is there a better and more practical way to evoke Lu?

Also, what sigil do i use? i have found it 3 so far. are they kinda meaningless and intended only for eh… cultural adaptations or is there a difference?



Switch 2 Buddhism better system edgelord



>Missing the point.

I want to get info directly from a decent entity in a personal way, not from books written in an outdated lingo



You're going to struggle and fail.



It's a good sign that auditory hallucinations arise naturally. Addicted and overindulgent brains don't have them as much. Getting high on a wide spectrum of similar substances causes these auditory hallucinations to become louder and more clear for the duration of the trip. However, for long after the high you don't experience them naturally, which gives me the impression you somehow deplete stuff like serotonin. Cold shower also can provoke them. Cold shower stimulates big release of hormone responsible for interactions with brown fat, to burn it to make you warm or something. I imagine it somehows drags traces of other stuff with it like serotonin or something. Or maybe cold just wakes the brain up all round and it's why.

Vitamin B6 is known to give great dreams and hallucinations when falling asleep too. No fap also increases the chance of the hallucinations. Schizophrenics are known to experience vivid hallucinations because of overactivity of certain structures in the brain. As I connect the dots, I draw the conclusion that the auditory hallucinations is a sign of either health or even being "too healthy"

Another observation: the less you focus on the hallucinations and the more you let go, the higher the chance of them.

I'd say to invoke these hallucinations you need

- "recharged", healthy brain free of addictions (addictions deplete the hormone levels) with all micronutritients etc. in check

- experience in mindfulness meditation to the point you can do it with no effort. if you get lost in daydreaming, you're not giving the chance for the hallucinations to arise

- low brainwaves, characteristic for falling asleep or waking up (most likely these hallucinations happen)

- restricting stimuli like hearing, sight with blindfold or earplugs.


What's the easiest way to deconstruct subconscious beliefs?



>You're going to struggle

Thats the motherfucking point, struggle is another form of been refinated, a life without struggle is dull.

>and fail.

and thats why i came here to ask, srly i though you guys would be better than forums.



autosuggestion throughout day/before sleep


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so the main method of manifestation is impressing your will on the sub-conscious, do you guys do anything else for manifestations? any rituals?


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So I've gotten myself an Ankh necklace from my local magic store, and they put it in a small container with what seems to be Lavender seeds, said to leave it there for a week to purify it. Seems like mundane superstition to me, but I wanted some second opinions. Is there any purpose to doing this?



wish I lived near a magic store, I have to order my goods.


Can magick be done with math alone?



>No one answers questions


When inducing OBEs or meditating and doing out of body work, I can feel my body still flex and twitch to the actions I'm doing outside of it. Am I not leaving it entirely? Should I focus on stopping this before trying to go further?


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>posing questions on a circlejerk board

>not posing question on the drama-free http://fringechan.org/fringe/

This >>>/4chon/187783 is who you are dealing with, and everything that he attracts you can see represented on the entire board.



Yeah, they're a neopagan wiccan kind of store though, so the selection is a little limited since they won't deal in black magic at all, but it's still nice that it's there.

Relating to the ankh and their little ritual, as an adherent of chaos magick I don't believe it'll have any power I don't project onto it myself, but if I follow the ritual for myself it might have some value. I might follow the procedure for the sake of the ritual itself, in a confucian kind of way.

I remember being in that store once and the owner (an old lady that looks like a witch) sold a talisman to someone telling them it'll bring them good fortune but that the enchantment only lasts 6 months, and they have to come back and buy another one afterwards, which I found really funny and I pitied the customer, probably a helpless mundane having their ignorance exploited, but hey I guess even witches have to get on that hustle.



Kinda funny how you've picked up a belief that things aren't powerful because you don't believe in them, eh? Wouldn't you have made more progress if you believed it had power from the start?



maybe, but I also wouldn't have as much control over it.



What are your questions? Most questions get answered.


Fuck off protagonist. Your "drama-free" board is the circlejerk board, you just censor and delete all the drama.



Don't tackle them head-on and accidentally reinforce them. Instead replace them with opposite beliefs. Also remember; doubt is faith in the opposite direction. Every belief you have is just a tool. Practice forming random beliefs on a whim as in chaos magick and believing what is useful/pragmatic for whatever you need to do. Many of your ancestors would not have survived to continue the lineage you're from had they not been able to believe very strongly in whatever was necessary for them to succeed in life.



Montalk's notes on reality manifestation and synchronicity are practically all you need, although I feel some of Atkinson's works also help, and there's also Neville Goddard.

It's not a matter of impressing the will on the subconscious also, it's a matter of impressing the will on the demiurge/world-soul/super-conscious. Max Freedom Long explains it pretty well.

I myself do rituals and sigil-casting, yeah. I do everything.



Yes. There's several different people who have set to out do that including this guy: http://specularium.org/hypersphere-cosmology

There's all the math you need to do magick.



You're not leaving entirely. There is a state called the "plenary trance" this is the deepest trance state that is known to be possible and it takes I think 2 and a half years to master at the shortest. A person in the plenary trance is medically dead. There heart is stopped, they aren't breathing, if you are checked on by doctors you will be pronounced dead. The only clue at all that you're NOT dead is your body won't decay.

You don't have to leave entirely to make use of the astral. You can extend your awareness into the astral just fine.

Don't worry.



Objects do get power/thoughts infused into them. Take up the practice of psychometry and you'll realize this for yourself. Whether others can tap into that power and resonate with it is a different matter however. Unless you're dealing with very skilled magicians who know how to enchant things in a way that they can find universal use by anyone, you're going to need some skill to tap into what is there.

My personal experience talking with people who try to make a career though out of magick, selling this kind of stuff, doing tarot, etc. is they are weak mundanes. You're more likely to find an adept magician by looking for a great businessman or an adept craftsman or artist or something else. You'll recognize them by their achievements primarily.



I hate that word "hallucination" it implies it's subjective and not an actual thought, having its own independent existence upon some spectrum, just as real as radio-waves.

I have found sensory deprivation + just anticipating and getting emotional about hearing music will cause them to arise. You literally just have to do something like lay down in a quiet room all day and simply wait for them to happen.

You can also do the clairaudience stuff from IIH.



Just do this, focus on the student/teacher archetype, name it whatever you want such as "Lucifer", now begin imagining talking to this entity while condensing its form out a cloudy mental substance into your evocation circle or simply nearby you if you don't use le circle for extra protection. If you are using the circle imagine the circle a lot and very strongly believe it will contain the entity within it and it won't be able to step over it bounds. Then perform the evocation when you feel damned sure it won't be able to leave the circle without your permission.

This will serve you well to obtain a teacher straight out of the universal mind to help you attain everything imaginable.

Read up Practice of Magical Evocation beforehand too, it has some important warnings and stuff in there.

That's all you need unless you want to be hyper-specific about contacting a very specific Lucifer. As long as you don't mind what Lucifer you're getting and you're happy the Lucifer you get serves the role you want him to play, then don't worry.

Please remember also that the plane of personality is below that of spirit. A persona is something we only wear. The spiritual essence is something different. Some people you might see walking around you if you go outside tomorrow, they may very well be the same persona, but a different spirit then what inhabited them say a few years ago.

Accessing the personality of a Lucifer of the archetype you want is all that really matters. If you want to figure out the art of actually tracking souls and spirits, so you can get into genuine contact with specific individuals that have lived or are living or who have reincarnated, that is another matter.



I would like to say "no" but then all kinds of crazy synchronicities keep happening all the time for me with astrological significance so… it can matter.



>Is there any books that talk about the physiological explanation of mystical experience?

I think so. I think maybe Michael Talbot referenced one such book? He's not a very good author though and his sources may not be the best.

Do you mean btw the physiological "explanation" or simply "the physiological phenomena observed in people having mystical experiences"? I don't think physiology even attempts to explain mystical experiences at all.



Identify with and accept the realm within which you are resonating. To identify with means so to speak to "make it your own" or "to believe it to be real". Once you have integrated properly into the realm you will be more stable within it. Note however that being somewhat phased-out of it grants you certain abilities that are only available to 4D beings who are partially in and out of a given reality.

Given the right mental formula you may abide within another realm for a very long time; while very little time passes in this timeline. In this way you can accumulate huge amounts of experience and practice things without any time going by in our world, then coming back with the knowledge.



First circuit of what system?




I'll give it a try.


>What are your questions? Most questions get answered.

Sorry about my whiny post, i took two unanswered questions personally. Anyways i was wondering if there is an good book on esoteric symbolism, for example so i'm aware of the word nasa also meaning "to decive" in hebrew.

Or would learning ancient cultures, astrology, lucifarian, satanism be required.



>I hate that word "hallucination" it implies it's subjective and not an actual thought, having its own independent existence upon some spectrum, just as real as radio-waves.

Except that that these "hallucinations" are rare and require a certain state of mind, so a different word should be used. I treat them as delicate flowers, that is, they only progress if you let them develop on their own and just watch (sustaining low brainwave state). Otherwise they disappear, as if crushed by useless mental chatter.

So they're like traces of dreams in a way. It's extremely interesting topic and I'm sure some important insights could be derived from this topic, if one delved deep enough into it.

By the way, I always thought that meta knowledge on different types of thought is the most powerful power you can imagine. It's so important it's almost silly that people here are even talking about other things!

Knowing what is going on in your thought-space is the greatest power there is. It's the absolute basis for everything else, it's the 99.9%.

However, nobody ever seems to talk about different types of thoughts. For example, I noticed there are thoughts that consist of words, but then there are worldless thoughts, expressed with bare sense of awareness. I know this because I can think of even complicated things without self-talk, just with split second awareness of these things.

Then there are also mental reminders that also use bare awareness to express themselves. By reminders I mean things like "you have exam this week" or "eggs are still boiling in the kitchen". They express themselves in one nanosecond, even if they're very complex ideas.

And then there's the memory. I'm horrified by the amount of thoughts I forget 2 seconds after they arise, and it probably happens to most, if not everyone here. They fade away right away like dreams, I guess the brain does it save energy. What important thoughts am I missing? Is suspect this the mechanism that pushes us in certain general direction in life. We must be immediately forgetting 25%-50% of our thoughts, every day. If they aren't important, they are discarded, and it's as if they never even arose, because if there's no memory, it didn't exist.

It's surreal to me nobody cares about all this. There should be a sticky about thoughts alone


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sorry for the cringe video (even /christian/ would cringe) but this is the most throughout i can find.

Is esoteric wizardry the same as new age religion?

if so than isn't this what the globalists are pushing? like all the new age religon themes in willow's video Wit A Indigo.



"They" don't push anything. There is many different groups with many different desired outcomes. Some push a new age religion that is full of disinfo, so people will either join that religion or disregard all religion like it (including the truthful one)



>There is many different groups with many different desired outcomes.

Is there a thorough book on this?



Of course not. It's confidential. Some groups are popular enough to be a joke to mention (like the "illuminati") but most are not. Montalk writes about things like this, but it's up to you to believe him or not.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about this stuff. Focus on your life and yourself. Any time spent studying global groups is time that is wasted, as you'll never find concrete answers and you'll never make any spiritual progress. Eventually you will be able to astral project and start to discover things first hand. You can look for these groups and the beings that help them yourself.



Do you have any suggestions for anything I could practice for that?

Should I try to alter the realm to suit my preconceptions? Alter myself? I'm not entirely clear on what you mean. Is it like matching the rate of vibration of that realm?


I find it hilarious that I can stop feeling bad just by becoming mindful of feeling bad. So this is the state of mind that homeless people are in? They meditated mindfulness in their early 20s so much that they stopped caring and feel at peace even when cold, lonely or hungry?

I kinda feel like I'm heading this path and I'm not sure if it's a good thing. Anyone else? At the morning and the evening I just lie for hours with barely any thoughts and I get this sense of extreme focus and strong will. But the stronger focus and will become, the funnier the idea of doing anything seems to me.

For example, some time ago I wanted to learn to draw in order to evoke sense of wonder in other people. But why put the effort, if I can just become mindful of this craving I have, and immediately it disintegrates?


Is anybody here clairvoyant, I mean really, not just foreseeing large events, but being able to consistently be able to know in small situation the outcome of coin tosses, and zener cards?



^_^ Thank you, my faith in the question thread has been restored


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smiley since banners are working would you add this one?



I've had decent success with random number generating sites and have been able to get pretty decent money on bitcoin faucets but I eventually get too excited by my success and stop being accurate after about 10-15 tries.



What is a bit coin faucet?



"Bitcoin" is an internet currency (read about it, it's too confusing to explain here) and a faucet is a site which gives away a small amount of a cryptocurrency so new users have a starting place.

Usually they give a very small, random amount, but I assume that he is willing them to give him the highest amount it allows (which sounds impressive but it's likely still less than a cent)



Im starting to foresee events moments before they happen, but its very sporadic. So it should come with proper training



Random number generator that works like a lottery. If you get 9999 you get shitloads, usually you get a tiny fraction of a bitcoin. You can then bet a certain amount in a multiplier which only checks if the random number if either below 4000 or above 6000, between those two you don't get shit but you can bet either high or low. Bet's doubled if you win.



How do you train ir?


I've posted this on 'Renouncing Lust' thread but I will also post here just in case.

Anyone have a good book about Pranayama?



I just have to remember the area of the brain that is active when these things happen and direct energy unto it.



How does that area of the brain feels like during your deja vu?


how do you guys know if you've been cursed and how do you remove curses? this shit is especially troubling to me because it seems like you have to do an actual ritual for once for the curse to be removed unlike manifestation where you can use emotion and visualisation


Thoughts on Holotropic Breathing, /fringe/?


Friend of mine wanted me to look into it, but I'm VERY suspicious of New-Age stuff (I consider it a One-World Religion). Seems to also go against the Science of Breath taught by Yogi Ramacharaka.

I'm assuming this is either a placebo effect or possibly some way to allow various astral entities into the body, as there isn't any sort of mental discipline or control going on. I was told it apparently helps people though, so maybe to each his own?


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anyone have an idea what this site is about?



Do you mean how you feel, because the brain has no sense of touch in it;s self.


Anyone know of ways to improve your eye-sight? You know without glasses and such devices of course.

I want to know if those eye exercises work or it someone knows some fringey method I haven't heard of.




They only work the sane way drums work, no matter the frequency. So just bang a drum, or listen to one.



Yo, Don't know any magical ways but I can help a smidge with the mundane aspect. If by "Those eye exercises" you're referring to the Bates method… I've seen too much negative buzz to buy into it. That being said,

http://gettingstronger.org/2014/08/myopia-a-modern-yet-reversible-disease/ I've seen a LOT of people have success using hormesis. The idea is if you're near sighted, instead of the minus lenses you're prescribed you use plus lenses to 'retrain' your vision back to health.

Give it a look-see. This is synchronistic because I've been meaning to do this soon myself.


How would I go about casting a sigil to make someone obsessed with me? I know where I stand ethically and am aware of the karmic repercussions.



Awesome. Different guy here. I've been looking for something like this for a while now. Doubt I would've seen it if I didn't check fringe this hour since I saw it while scrolling down the main page. Another synchronocity perhaps?


I can't find the post but I swear I saw it a short while ago, to the anon asking about how to caste a sigil to do x, just read this: >>78642



The only part I don't know how to do is when that thread says " It should be designed out of words or a formula that satisfies the various elemental needs "

Is he speaking of, lets say, if I'm wanting to control someone, I should correspond that with the fire element?

How would I go about incorporating an element into the sigil in the first place?




Read this thread, please. Yes, it does answer your question. But it brings up other points you should consider, especially what tipp says.


You could do healing magick of course. Making a thoughtform with the intention of healing your vision, for example.



This seems perfect for me, and it must be synchroncity that is bringing this information to me as well.

I'm going to do this method, and I'll let you know the results.


Uncomfortable with passage of time. I know that's the way of the world but I can't get the idea out of my head I need to somehow replicate or at least catalogue the personality I had a long time ago as a kid. Also I keep wanting to switch personalities or like have a couple ones to switch between. What the fuck? I know the world is constantly changing and nothing stays the same but my mind can't let go of these ideas, and I don't know how to pursue this. I'm retarded.


Guys, watch out with sigils. What they do is they program you to have some desire and have thought patterns pop-up from time to time to push you in certain direction. If you use sigils and you ever want to reach nonduality by deprogramming the self, you're going to have a bad time, because sigils is the exact opposite of what people do to reach it. Also, it's likely a sigil will make you suffer in order to motivate you to reach the goal you set up. For example, let's say you use "I am healthy" sigil. 5 years later you have no money for healthy food because some shit happened. You try to eat less healthy to save up, and while normally it would be fine, the mind will punish you because you act against deeply imprinted unconscious desires. Similarly, if you meditate many years down the line and try to get rid of desires, you might get rid of most, but the sigiled ones stay.


how much influence do other people's thoughts have over your life?



>coming to a deadboard to criticize people for asking questions on a dead board.



If you don't have a single reason to love yourself, where is someone to find something in you to love?

Accept & love yourself.


is it better to practice the right hand path alone or to practice them both simultaneously.

If man is the microcosm to the universe it seems natural to embrace both paths ascending and descending instead of just one.


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O fraters, I've come unto thee to ask in no disrespect nor degeneracy for help: I will be performing lustful acts of Love & Desire in the next proceding hours and I'm willing to through this gain & farm some looshourius Life Energy, but my knowleadge is too librarish for such a practice.

Please, I beg thee, throw above me the Light to engage in Loosh Farming through the sex-act. I shall be in debt, and also veemently thankful. Blessings from One God to thou Others.



Yeah, you want expert level energy work skills for that.

try this

>focus energy from second chakra to third if you're about to cum

>from third to second if your dick gets sloppy

>find the rhythm

>don't disturb the rhythm

>don't cum

>or do cum, feel great



Will try. Many thanks and have a nice day/night.


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You want to know what that ritual was about? See pic related.

Also, if you feel like it, count the number of times he slashed himself that one time on liveleak… it will prove illuminating.

You guys aren't even anywhere near on his level.


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Does smiley look like someone who is doing a ritual?



>You guys aren't even anywhere near on his level.

Feels good knowing I'm nowhere near the level of an egotistical, suicidal lunatic with a persecution complex.



500 get



this is funny as hell



I've been looking for this for a while, must be a synchronicity here too.





the art of seeing by aldous huxley


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>only people that need controlled are degenerates

ftfy fam












>persecution complex

Are you implying nobody is trying to fuck with him at all, destroying his boards, etc.?

t. Smiley talking about himself in third person


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get an income and move out



I wonder if this is what I sound like.

You're clearly dependent on people, and you're unhappy because of this.


You were driven around. Find a way to transport yourself. Take up biking.


It is good to wait and see if you still want something after a few weeks. You should be separating your mundane desires from your true desires. If you were basically told that you can't get it, that means you aren't financially independent.


You're involving yourself with people that you clearly do not like. You're not obligated to like family. Friends are the family you can choose. Find like-minded people (no idea how to do that if you're only goal is magick though)

From what I gather, you are a NEET who lives with his parents and just wants to focus on magick? In that case, you're basically me. I've been thinking for a long time about how I can get myself out of these situations, but I am still lost.


This is what you should do. But for people like him and me, it's very unappealing. He seems to have his life focused on magick, as do I. I asked about my problem in the fringechan question thread and was told that I was basically suffering from "mad magician syndrome" where I was forgetting about the mundane aspects of life which are the foundations of spiritual work.

So I bring this question to the thread: What can me and the other anon do to find our purposes in life? I have spent many hours meditating over what I will do for income that will also make me happy, or what I will do with my life, and I have got nothing besides wishing to teach magick to others. (Although I am not good enough to warrant teaching.)


How do I find out the numberology of my name?



idk if gematria and numerology are the same thing so idk if this will help





>It is good to wait and see if you still want something after a few weeks. You should be separating your mundane desires from your true desires. If you were basically told that you can't get it, that means you aren't financially independent.







Run away.



The easiest way is to download a numerology calculator. Here's what I use: http://www.2near.com/edge/numerology/

It does two different types, chaldean and pythagorean. The value is found in the same process, but the letters have different values.

Here's the pythagorean code:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

So now you'd write down your name, for instance 'David'

Then you'd see that D=4 a=1 V=4 I=9 D=4. But we don't just go 4+1+4+9 = 18.

Instead you add the value of vowels to the value of consonants.

Vowels of course are aeiou, the other 21 letters being consonants, with 'Y' being either one depending on the word it's used - in 'myth' and 'my' it's a vowel, in 'beyond' and 'yellow' it's consonant – it's something to do with how it sounds.

So the vowels in David are A and I; one and nine, which add to 10. Consonants are DVD, four, four and four which add to 12. Now 12 and 10 is 22 which is the pythagorean numerology for David.

The chaldean numerology is found out in the same process but the letters have different, 'occult' values, whereas as Pythagorean just starts the count again after 9.

Here's a little story, Chaldean is supposed to 'reveal the hidden meaning of things', so I tried it out on (a satan-hailing band from my youth) Sum 41 on a hunch; I figured the sum to get 41 is 2+4+5+6+7+8+9. There's no 9 in Chaldean, so I substituted it for 1, and one string of values I came up with was BURDAFO, which in anagram reveals 'bad four' and with there being four members of the band, I found this pretty significant. Unfortunately I had fucked up, as my 'E' looked like an 'R' on paper, so really there was no meaning to that, and it's really soured me on the idea of numerological significance in anything. Though if you try it out on the names of spree shooters it's not uncommon to find 666 in there, usually by adding 1 to 5 wherever they come up next to each another.



































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(Protagonist, please.)


I shouldn't have to ask this here but I am having great trouble naming my tulpa. It needs a name badly but every name I think of reminds me of various things that I don't really want to work into my tulpa. I need some method of getting a fitting, suitable name for my tulpa.



name it cumbucket for purpose and after your mother.



What if I go ahead and do exactly that?



They just track me down and make me go home when I do that. I feel like I'm imprisoned here with no hope of escape.



I prefer to switch hands every now and then as one gets tired of stroking for too long but I find myself often using the left-hand.



Do mudslimes self-flagellating themselves look like they're doing a ritual or not?

Do larpers look like they're doing a ritual?

Does a man sitting in a chair concentrating look like he's doing a ritual?


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maybe you were just dropped as a child? like, numerous times?



You're clearly underaged. Bare through it. As soon as you hit 18 it's your life, not there's. Finish school, though. Just in case.


Patience. Patience patience patience. Negative energy loves the company of more negative energy, so you'll attract it.



Internal problems are external problems. Find out where in your body these situations tense and stress you, what muscles are unable to stabilize. Internal pressures cause us to have wild emotions which can interfere. Work on them in meditation and training. Go through these situations in meditation. We don't hate others, we hate that they remind us of ourselves.

Ultimately no matter what you do or where you go the same problems will arise in your life until you fix yourself internally.

Ripples in a pond. Back and forth from mind to matter.



I let all my energy course through this mantra



whats it mean?


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Well, a glorious Friday to all travelers! Wishes of masculine vitality to all of you. I hope you are not manually draining yourselves erryday, fams!

Also, well wishes to tipp, whose name shadily entered the edges of my consciousness today, and mad respeck to khan, all around swell man.


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Oh please, I don't need any trouble mister wizard man, I got enough going on already without you stirring things up even more.



>You're clearly underaged. Bare through it. As soon as you hit 18 it's your life, not there's. Finish school, though. Just in case.

Nope not so. I'm not allowed to hang around the homeless shelter either, as they just send me back to my parents.


Guys I can't eat food anymore. I used to eat huge amounts of food, like 3x that of a normal man, and like 5x that of an average woman. Now my stomach hurts a lot and I feel energy-like sensations and weird stuff keeps happening and food just feels wrong in my body. I don't know if I'm achieving inedia or something else is going on. How do I make sure of what is actually happening and if it is some kind of transition to inedia than how do I get the mundanes to stop making me eat?


Linux Mint 18 is out now!






Protagonist calm the fuck down you're going to get banned again.



Why would you be sent to your parents if you're not underaged? Do you live somewhere where it's illegal to be homeless?

If you're not underaged, get a job and rent a room from somebody for cheap. Preferably from someone into spirituality.



I have been feeling the same way. Most food has made my stomach extremely upset.

The only thing I can eat is extremely alkaline vegetables or fruit in very modest amounts. If I eat anything else, I get awful dreams and I feel a bit denser.

I have no advice for you yet, since I'm just now realizing this with you. I get offered food every day from people, it is as though they want me back down to their level. I can't bear it any longer so it is quite easy to refuse in propriety, stating I have a stomach condition.



Read into breatharianism. Apparently it is only safe when you feel that you can no longer eat any food, and that time may be now for you.



This, listen to your body.

Next week or two maybe three you should focus much more intently at the higher chakras, eat fruit of good quality, juice, berries and selected nuts.

Now is good to do anything that will change you.

I suggest eating mango and passion fruit, smoking weed, taking forest walks, working yourself into arms flailing trances, draw a mandala representing your current self, pider it for 5 min, burn it as to not lock or hinder you in place, evolve better.

You song get many of these periods after the first.

It's a drastic measure of the body, you progressed to fast while not compensating with food.



Synchronisiticaly, I read "A year without food" all the way through as soon as I made >>79332 post.

Made me realize that I could easily do a water fast, and perhaps an air fast later on.

The guy's story is amazing, as he was recorded to eat or drink nothing for 8 days.


Something is changing in me, I can feel it. I no longer have a desire to eat either, it tears up my stomach and leaves me feeling like I'm at lower state.


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How doess a chaote go about warding his territory?



you already know matey, just think about it.


Pissing everywhere?


tell me about succubi and how do they make more succubi with humans


Is magical seduction wrong, even if just once?

I dont want to force someone to fall in love but how about making them feel a little lusty?

I just want to make someone feel good for a night, i also dont want to hurt anyone in the process so i figure id ask here first before going further with this idea.



I think maybe succubi feed off human sexual energy and mate with incubi although I think it is possible for them to take human form and physically mate with a human thus carrying of baby.



You know. Dig in bagina.



Channel worth listening to.



A succubi is just a woman in astral form. A "dream woman" but don't imagine its existence to be subjective as is often implied by "dream". That is all.


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They make humans talk and dream about succubi which fuels creation.


Manifestation follows the idea, not the other way around. In spirit realm, the manifestation isn't even always needed.



Has anyone ever experienced this? Or is it all baloney?



I've never worked with sigils and I've always wondered about their efficiency and why/how do they work. Anyone wants to enlighten me?


Anglo-Celtic here that has a peaked interest in esoteric wizardry, old world Paganism, traditionalist medieval lore, etc. Where the fuck do I start? I feel an affinity for the Black Sun and have been looking into it a bit, but I know that's Germanic.


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Don't mind the marks



>no Evola at the starting line

Disappointed, but I appreciate the chart.


What is the redpill on Aleister Crowley? I don't like how he is venerated by the NWO likes of Jay-Z.



>(((Israel Regardie)))

Shit list.



I have an absolutely fucking huge library of pagan books from >>>/asatru/ I could give you. I am ultra-busy right now though and won't be able to post on here or do much until maybe a week or two from now. I've been trying to make money, get more books, and clean my basement to prepare the entire basement to be one huge occult laboratory.


Does anyone have ALL of the books that constitute The Arcane Teachings?


Here is book six.


hello, Umm what can quickly induce a astral projection? I sorta want to kill some inner demons and get some occult knowledge from the astral



Imagine that you are dead / have died, as intensely and vividly as you can, until you believe you have actually died. What I did/do is I wanted to die very badly and I would meditate upon my death and try to kill myself with the imagination alone. This essentially resulted in me dying but without any physical damage to my body, so I was able to come back to it later. It is quite an amazing experience.



what's 3-5?



>I've been trying to make money

My condolences.


Turn off your air conditioner and take some naps. I've recently realized that the reason I don't actively dream is because my home is always at a steady 78 degrees. When my air conditioner's computer messed up and made it hotter suddenly I was napping in the middle of the day and having real vivid dreams and WILDs before I realized what was up. I'm not motivated enough to turn my a/c off but that's some knowledge I'm keeping with me.




It's now like he worked for NWO, but he was a teacher of the occult, and you can either use information for the dark or for the light.

Since Crowley was already painted as a kind of blood-drinking, child-sacrificing satanist by many, it was easy for them to adopt his sayings, and image.

Read Crowley yourself, decide if his teachings are worthy of your meditations.



If you mean digitally, that'd be amazing. Physically, the thought is appreciated but I don't want you to part with any books like that. A list would be a good start, because I like buying books as opposed to reading them online, anyways. The only people I've known to start with so far are Aleister Crowley and Julius Evola.



Fair enough, you make a good point.



Is there any material to suggest he actually worked for the NWO, outside of his writings about the new age and being the great beast shit.


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How can I achieve briatic consciousness from yetziratic consciousness? My mind organizes yetziratic material to act as a guide, though sometimes I might fail to see where it points.

From the info I've gathered, briatic consciousness is "internal", so this explains why many sources point to a retroversion of the senses, or otherwise ignoring them. Asana in order to learn to ignore the body. Pranayama in order to learn to ignore breath. Mental silence, and so on.

Yet it still looks so far away.

Also it is confusing to me, that it is somehow supposed to be internal, yet it is also that which is beyond the yetziratic reflections external to myself, right? Is this inner self mirrored in the external world like the unconscious is in the yetziratic level?


Bit of an odd question but how would one curse or corrupt a location?

We've been thinking about setting up something akin to a demongate in the area and I can't really think of the way to do it beyond using a twisted form of consecration and the usual sort of rituals for summoning.

Any ideas?


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what did kek mean by this?




Source material?


i need a healing spell

i pretty much don't get ailments when i'm happy and content, but i'm really hurt and it could be potentially irreversible.



>odd question


i might help if you tell when what you're up to.


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>que epic music


You're looking to create a thin space. I used to have the sigil.. if I still have it I've forgotten what it looks like.


IIRC it looked something like pic related but bends outwards to stretch the cube, to thin it so that the other side more easily can penetrate the space.




gimme da heal spell u hermies



Would the patient be so kind as to describe his symptoms?



or maybe it was bent inwards like that.

who knows.



carpal tunnel, or depression if you want to keep me alive


Is there a system of magick that only uses math?


Is there a math-centric system of magick?



Pythagoras had a math based mystery school but most of it is lost to us today



Find the root of your problems. Solve it.

Only other cure is a mushroom trip gone very right or a bullet to the head.



Did he have disciples that referenced, taught, and added to his his teachings? What would be good be good books to look up on the subject of math magick?



most of his students didn't pass on the teachings.

Though The teaching of all ages by manly p hall talks about his life and covers some basic info on Pythagorean number and shapes symbolism.

very little though, might have better luck just looking up books about him and his subject.


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make your own list if you then

btw heres an unmarked list i found


I have permanently blocked someone for the first time in my life ever. Was this the right thing to do?



Shitposting no-flag spammer who denounces everything with hundreds of less than 10 words posts and never contributes anything of worth on the board strikes again.


Does hating Jews count as hating human beings? Asking for a friend.



Suck my cock.



Nope jews don't qualify as human.



what about 1st to 3rd generation mischlings



If things can be diluted, why can't they also be purified?


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Mundane here with a newly found interest in various types of stones/crystals. Anyone have experience or knowledge of Moldavite? (pic related). Out of my growing collection, this one seems to have the most noticeable effect on mood/energy which has been seemingly positive. However, it almost seems too 'intense' (for lack of a better word) having it around and I was wondering if there is any other crystal, charm, house plant, or object that could be an ideal compliment or equalizer? Also, a general thread about stones could be useful here but I am too newfig to make one… hint hint.


Top 5 Ways To Never Gain Magic Abilities

1. Place Blind Trust In Others -

This includes all your stupid literature here where people are like "I TALKED TO THIS GOD! JUST TRUST ME I TALKED TO HIM!" This is nothing, you are nothing, anyone telling you otherwise is a con artist. If you outsource control of your life to somebody else you are a fucking bitch, and you are my enemy because you are helping keep the idea alive that some pig fucking cop or child fucking politician will always be the master. Anyone getting in my way from here on out will be killed so get on my team bitches. You can't practice magic if you are dead. Sorry that's just the way it is lil baby Crowlites.

2. Dye your hair, get tattoos, and pierce your nipples etc. -

Somebody with substance doesn't need to buy random trinkets or draw on themselves like a 3 year old autistic child. While I just mocked the concept of gods/spirits 5 seconds ago, lets say you call upon the help of a spirit and they see this moron with a lion tattooed on their back. They are going to think that person is a fucking idiot and move the fuck on. You are only gonna get bad spirits who are like "nice another retard with an ego I can exploit." Sorry I know that might offend 99.9% of the modern world, but I am just kidding I am not sorry at all. Lets say you are the champion of the world - people will know. That's just how shit works. If you get a tattoo that says Champion who are trying to con people. If you already have a tattoo, I would commit suicide and start over now.

3. Live the CHAOS life -

Alot of you unintelligent morons look around you and see your dad cheating on your mom, your mom fucking the plumbing, the president fucking his intern, and the police running the prostitution ring……and your first thought is WHERE DO I SIGN UP? This "Do what thou wilt" *steals from best friend/cheats on girlfriend* bullshit (holy fuck that shit is worse than the jesus shit because these people have actually taken LSD) is the path of a fucking rodent. Start paying the price now because this illuminati/crowlite/thelamite/satana/wicca shit is all gonna be extinct within 365 days.



4. Live a comfortable life and stick to the status quo -

My response to looking around and seeing nothing but fucked up people in the world was going "alright, I am going to do the complete opposite of everything these morons are doing". This led to me having a terrible life. I have experienced so many different forms of torture it's ridiculous, but that helped me level up my MAGIC 1000000x more than being the billionth greedy douchebag.

5. Do things like love spells/money spells/curses on your friends when they get a better job than you -

Every single one of you falls under this category. I'm not gonna lie, I used to have lots of favor among what I will call a "Chaos God" of this universe. My will carried a fucking shit ton of weight and no matter how ridiculous my need it would be met. Even while witnessing fucking miracles I still felt blind and empty. I sacrificed all of that for the greater good because corrupt/evil people are fucking disgusting. I am poor as fuck, have countless health problems I need to deal with, have cobwebs growing on my dick, and every time I try to will something into existence if anything the opposite will happen…..but I am seeing clearer than I ever have. Cheating is fucking retarded anyways. Yeah I cheated to level the playing field, but now I knowI can beat the cheaters running the world playing a fair game. I used to not have the confidence to maintain my composure around a fucking female, but now I am ready to take on every evil fuck in the world. Meditate, do yoga, eat healthy, heal, all that shit is fucking where it's at.

Well that's my 2 cents. I wanted to write something here for awhile because I always read about people like "Man I just want some magic in my life! I am so sad and miserable somebody please help me" and then 5 minutes later some Aleister Crowley faggot will rub their kike hands together and go oooo time to validate myself by bragging to somebody who is struggling "my life is great. Magic is so good. My god loves me so much. I wake up at 5 am every day and fuck my goat in the asshole. My goat is so great. Did I mention I am a magican who loves my life? Please praise me. My ego needs your attention to survive.

Those people are going to lose everything because they are blind, and blind people are fucking retarded. Hopefully they take the inevitable reversal of their "powers" with as much dignity as I did, but considering my goal was always just to be on equal footing with evil and most of these people are strictly about the ME ME ME TAKE TAKE TAKE KILL KILL KILL ONLY I EXIST KILL EVERYONE SO I GET NICE MATERIAL OBJECTS life they will probably kill themselves.

So yeah that's all I got. Don't be jealous of some fucking loser who ate acid for the first time because we are all going to be flying on jetpacks one day while they get fucked by worms 6 feet under.




I agree and I'm sure anons will appreciate the advice but you come off a bit edgy.


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>grabbing my hands together



mudras, different hand signs stimulate different parts of the brain, lets energy flow according to "setting" of hands, directed to different body parts.

bringing your hands together is also grounding and gives balance. try walking meditation with a swing to your movements.

its natural if you're on the path, let it happen, do yoga.



Anybody tried this yet? I'd do it, but I'm a bit worried about messing up my eyes. Bates method seems safer, albeit there's a lot more proof that it doesn't work.

Searching online has given me nothing but people arguing back and forth over sources they cannot provide.


Anyone here improved his intelligence? I'd like to improve mine, any tips?



Yeah it works, did it before the subject was mentioned, had a slightly lazy eye, could feel the muscle in the eyes not being activated or infused with enough bloodenergy to properly respond to electrical impulses.

Solution is to train the eyes like you would any other muscle, closing your eyes hard, relaxing, putting eyes on different things with precision rapidly, syncing them by looking at the tip of your nose then towards your third eye and then focus with strength on something a couple of meters away, going from far away to close to train adjusting rapidly.

You wear glasses because the muscles deteriorate and become lazy, the purpose of straining your eyes is to reset prime resting position into a focused, relaxed sight.

It'll take a week, but only two or three tries if you can properly connect to the muscles (all of them) in your eyes and reset them after strengthening whatever muscle is to weak to move or hols your eye in place.

Muscles in eyes must be strong enough to hold the corona tight/back as to prevent faulty light refraction but not so strong that the corona gets pulled over the eye to tightly, also resulting in a lens that doesn't translate vision 1:1

I'm not sure if corona is the right word, to be clear, that which the muscles of your eyes are attached to, that which they pull to adjust the zoom, it's a lens, actively feeling it its like a sheet of glasspaper.

post scriptum; practice muscles in 360 degrees, trace circles around objects while straining your eyes etc.


Define intelligence.

But yes, meditation will let you create shapes, objects, landscapes in your mind, you can solve complex algorithms using the left part of the brain, instead of deriving a number you gain understanding of the complete process.

Instead of having automated 1+1=2 you have a fundamental understanding and knowing of the whole subject instead and when you know how a mathematical equation plays out, in what order what happens, the numbers are easy to put in.



Look up different crystals atomic formations, you'll see fractals and shapes, on its most material basic building block level crystals are very advanced shapes and this of course has its representation in the spirit on which it rests, (fabric/canvas/monad of matter/demiurge) crystals impose on their surroundings their aura, strength/radius of effect varies depending on density of crystal and it's size, effect of crystal depends on its binding patterns, different shapes, different vibrations/frequebcies/sounds/pulses, that's why you'll find different crystals for different emotions and purposes, because the crystal is a relatively solid compared to the glands of the human body which resonate emotions through bio electrical impulses and static, a crystal will always override your aura, a crystal can be programmed by storing and emotion tied to a thought/intention in it, the intention has varying degrees of success in "coloring" the crystal your intent depending on the matchability of thought and crystal, intent X has a hard time working with intent Z,, staying in and synergizing with it. Because they vibe differently the more solid will knock it's less strong cluster of thought or emotional energy aside. If they vibe in tune it'll take longer for the intent to get knocked off aura orbit (space).

If I carry my moldavite with me I bring one or even two grounding rocks.

Working with crystals involves rehung a trance, a state where you are aware or everything but get swayed by nothing, with focus like a razorblade, a good test for this is to get a pen, hold it horizontally between two fingers and let it dip down to left, then right, repeat until there is nothing but the motion of your fingers moving the pen and your consciousness like a needle dissecting all the impulses around you but focusing on nothing, and everything or something in particular.

This is the state you want to reach with a crystal, complete immersion - so see if you've got some dents or cracks in your stuff, crystal personality, &flip it around in the hand, letting your fingers be the only part of the body that is not "shut down yet fully aware, tensed but relaxed, sitting still for hours yet ready to jump up and run without effort.

I think that covers pretty much everything crystals. Ask if there's something specific.



Again, did this half a decade ago to fix a lazy eye resulting from to much time in front of a screen, no relapse, no further issues, as for vision I've always been 20/20 but I'm confident this practice, which felt more line an initiates first third eye lock prep, is contributing to much better vision, ability to focus on one thing and take in everything as if focused, expanded view/consciousness and stalling the need for glasses.


ive been trying to trigger memory chains in a desperate attempt to rebuild myself. memories of my past have been flashing up in my consciousness for days now. very randomly.



Detrimental, even if negative, a person is an obstacle to learn and adapt from.

Also not detrimental if person is just leeching energy &you've learned everything the person has to offer.



Good for you. what was the question?





Casting out 9's is a system of scrying, the math is based on vortex math, the math that defines the coiling of a motion, a buzz or humm of energy, it follows the rhythm of God in that it has no resistance.

I suggest sacred geometry, it alters your perception in a grand way.

>make circle

>make circle in circle

>don't disturb the circles

>sit by it working on reaching a trance with or without drugs (drugs are a great supplement, see weed & xstcy, acid, mdma, even fancy and foul will alter your vibration, allowing you to reach a deeper understanding from an enhanced perspective.



there are so many questions to ask. so little time to express them. did i have a dopamine disorder the entire time?



I'd recommend weed* but if you're ever able to while doing the other stuff, immerse yourself in different shapes, flower of life, Sri tantra..

Attempt to translate the 2d print to a 3d form in your mind, to flip around, to feel and be with.

One of the most powerful meditations I've come up with for altering your state of mind to sync with sacred geometry and advanced thoughtform in is to hold a sphere in your mind and have it expand and deflate as you breathe, the sphere will start out as a flay 2d then progress towards 3d as you flip it, spin and explore it, eventually your mind and breathing will be one with the sphere, as you breathe in you are the sphere that is expanding and deflating, at this point you connect your mind to your heart, you are now altering your aura, breathing with the soul, congratulations on your 4d consciousness, feeling, grasping and seeing the vortexes in your sphere that are emotions and thoughts.

Chose and do as you wish with the clusters of energy to alter your mind/minset/programming or continue breathing power into the sphere, expanding twice as much as you deflate, reaching the immediate area, any nearby pets, walls, objects, walls, people, trees, town, city, country, continent, planet, planets, galaxy.

At this point you can do anything. Communion, rituals, law of attraction, gratitude and love meditation towards the planet or planets, solar grounding, drawing energy from all that is in the kingdom of your crown, blessings and curses, the door is open.



If you don't have the time or capacity to formulate the question you won't understand the answer even if I give it to you.



but theres infinite time and energy and work with. some days i feel i can understand and comprehend anything. maybe i'm just tired.


>dopamine disorder

Probably, but only as a symptom and not a cause.

Thoughts are tied to each other in steps, I'd you trigger A it will trigger AA and AB, from AB to ABA.

Meaning of mastering the mind is to remove faulty thought processes, say ABA and ABB pop up after thinking of AB, both new thoughts you evoked might be legit but from there ABB goes to ABC, which is faulty, so you examine all thought processes in turn and discard that which does not continue a thought loop, eventually you will reach a point of such good preprogrammed memory that thinking A will bring up everything that is related to compare with, leading to great skills in puzzling together pieces, exploring new thoughts and knowing the next step without prior knowledge by being able to draw from all other things you know.



I wouldn't know because you don't type to much but I'd wager you're in the process of doing what is stated above.

Be careful, find and store only truth, discard all things else as secondary to be brought up in a case of weighing thought 1 and 2 (or thpught #9000 if useful) against each other.



yeah. i know all my memories are intact… and i have trouble accessing them i've been trying to unify them as they seem to be in chunks based on emotion



Oh yeah, this one's important,

Can you move energy around your body? Can you feel the pulse, the wave of energy, fluctuating in power wherever concentration is focused? Good, hold the crystal, adapt to water and probe the crystal with your energy, move in 1 step, move back 1 step, slowly, deliberate, steady, like a wave against a beach, in and out, increasing the power of the wave with each breath until you go from pouring the energy of your fingertips back and forth the crystal to drawing a long breath, like the ocean receding before a tsunami, draw in all the water from the crystal to your heart or desired energy center for x or y effect, crash the crystal with immeasurable force, reaching from your heart like a serpent of fire through your chest, out your arm and into the crystal, it keeps the energy and shapes it according to its structure/emotional vibration, then draw it back into your heart or infuse your whole body with it.

Moving the energy like a rocking motion building up power.

Also recommended to draw in energy from the air, lungs, to body and crystal.



It took me a two year dark night of the soul and another two years to settle but the results are worth it, you'll be far beyond the mental capacity of mundanes, your synapses will be wired differently, more connections, stronger firing of neurons, faster, more connected.





would seratonergic agonists and meditation (retracing neural pathways) make the consolidation faster?

can the ABA stuff me looked at kind of like a triangle, the connections between synapses? what is inside the each point (neuron)?


what is this flag used for



Yes, very much so, hence drugs, most drugs create temporary bridges for bioelectricity to flow, that's why you sometimes can perceive sound as colors or a wider spectrum of emotions tied to things not normally tied with on for example acid.

Mushrooms are nigh permanent, I'll post an image once I get to my computer about it.

You'll know you're (I keep emphasising rhythm and flow because if you haven't achieved it you don't know how powerful it is to be in tune with the moment/univ/God) doing great when you have synced sound with movements. When each movement, the flick of a finger, pose or mudra is a sound, buzzing, humming to perfect note, changing, ramping, extending and flowing with every movement you make, when you can move in silence and create a chorus of angelic voices that only you can hear.

Literally hearing the song of angels, sounds none else can hear or have heard.

It goes vice versa, music to movement, movement to music.

The brain acts as a receiver and processor, it's linked to your higher mind which rules your heart, lower mind, brain is shock full of current, current generated by the heart/soul which embraces and retains the spirit, higher mind, when there is no obstructions in the brain, no stress, no worries, no stale and charged energy, the soul and spirit can flow freely with little loss in power, less resistance means more power.

More connections (synapses right?) to connect A to A-AY equates to faster processing, drawing connections, finding clues and reasoning, allows to have a true understanding of God, everything, without knowing.

It's knowing the principles behind 1+1=2 rather than knowing it because "it's the way it is".






what if one is one with the unicorn magick


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cool, you reminded me that its also used for trolling.

solid 6/10, vexing.



apologies, wise one





>>intent X has a hard time working with intent Z

intent X has a hard time working with a crystals vibration Z so they clash and that with less substance will dissipate*

theres lots of spelling errors because of the phone and my fat fingers but it should be readable.


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im gonna get u good some time nigga



as ouroboros, i have already got myself

on top of that i'm just a face in the crowd ;-;


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>i'm just a face in the crowd


one day nigga, one day.


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inducing paranoia in me means your day has come

now what are you going to do?




sorry smil-Ye but i laughed so fucking hard at this





a good method? It seems like a mix of standard eye exercises (like the ones you mentioned) and some energy work.

My problem is that I am pretty blind without glasses or contacts. So when all these guides say "stop wearing glasses because you'll be cured after you do this", I can't really do that. Everything I need to do in my life revolves around being able to focus on something (reading, cooking, etc). I couldn't do anything without good vision and I can't occupy a week with meditation at my level.


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I don't mean continuous meditation, a week because your muscles will need rest after you've focused them to both align at one point of focus at different range.

rest and adjustment, a few days, a week.

the meditation itself can be done just squeezing your eyes shut for a few seconds and moving them about to strain them.

i don't see why it shouldn't work, i haven't read that document but i'm vouching for the possibility of doing said thing.

however, in your case, might not be so easy, i wager it would lessen the crease of the lens once the muscles tighten up but the downside would be that you'll likely still have issues and that you'll need to get new strength glasses.

on the positive side of things you might be able to see somewhat decent without glasses if you keep it up instead of fumbling like a blind badger.

unfortunately i think that once you put your glasses back on the muscles will release tension because it doesn't need it anymore as you see great with glasses.

you could try doing the excersizes while getting weaker and weaker glasses to train your eyesight back to perfect.

>eye shut

>strain, rub/massage around eyes

>open eyes, dart between different targets rapidly

>try above but going from 1 meter away to 2 meters away

combine with prayer, meditation, energywork

or just wait five years for great laser surgery.

report back if you notice anything.



no, there are other people w that flag.

do i know u?



I meant a week meditating because I'm not sure what else I can do with my time if I can't see. I have to get within inches of my monitor to read text without lenses, and apparently reading also stresses the eyes and causes myopia.

I'm looking into anti-corrective lenses, which seem to have more proof of working but, if it's not real, it'd likely cause much more damage than relaxation and retraining methods,



If you as a kid had decent but not perfect sight you get glasses, because the muscles are lax the lens gets creased or bent, causing poor sight, if they're in lax mode and see fine they'll continue to grow weaker because your eyebiceps are withering away without training.

So you get stronger and stronger glasses to compensate with the deterioration.

If my sight was that poor I wouldn't bother because you're in for a challenge.

Unless you're about to go blind, spend the time getting money and bitches & a haircut that compliments your glasses, in 5-10 years go to the apothecary and buy some stemcells for new eyes or get laser surgery which is getting cheaper and better.

If you really wanted to I bet you could fix them, if you had the time and meh.



audiobooks, music, dancing, working out.



i guess not, you remind me of a person i used to play cod4 with name tipz0r and your name here is tipp so i was wondering if same guy, not the flag


Can an administrator please delete this thread:


I am the OP but it won't let me delete the thread. it says the password is wrong though i did not set a password and i didn't delete my history but i guess it doesn't recognize me for some reason


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nice wallapaper, pic related, it reminds me of you




It appears to be whenever I try to access anything on the site. It keeps saying 403 forbidden. Tried a proxy, still doesn't work.



403 for me


i'm a little paranoid that i might be unable to die =(

of course i cannot do anything simple to prove i can or cannot die


lately (past month) when i'm a good frame of mind for long enough, this nice, ambient tingly sensation spawns in my forehead. it makes me feel so happy, what is it?



i hope i'm not so delirious its actually what feeling happy feels like


We need a new rule where you have to finish the previous Question thread before the creation of a new one.


Just realized I am the second UID, which means that this entire thread was written by a lonely schizophrenic LARPer!



that or they just use the same vpn




We moving here to finish off this question thread, or time for another sticky?



Thank you, made it for the occasion. Nice cake.


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Can psychometry be used to absorb information from PDF books on your computer or only for paper books?



This thread was 100% full. What must have happened is someone deleted their own posts in this thread or tried to raid the board and got all their posts banned and deleted so now it's possible to post in here again. This thread should probably be locked.


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A couple questions, I've only recently begun my adventures into the occult and I've read a few books like The Kybalion and The Satanic Bible. I've never really wanted to worship a deity and I've never wanted to become "One with the All", as the Kybalion says. I like the philosophy of Laveyan Satanism but I don't like the hailing of Satan (even though they SAY its not REALLY Satan, but the idea of individuality. Even so, I couldn't say the words Hail Satan in ritual without a sour taste in my mouth)

I've always identified strongly with Paganism of some sort, namely that I believe in reincarnation and enjoy the beauty of the Earth, but I don't want to worship Mother Earth like wiccans and neopagans do. (Namely because, while the Earth is beautiful and worthy of respect, it is only one planet on one plane of existence)

Is there a sect of Paganism that focuses on the Left Hand Path? I like the reverence of nature but don't care much for the "Everyone is good, only cast white magics, give your soul to the Oneness of the Universe" mentality of the Right Hand Path. I want to use magic to better myself and those I care about, and to solidify my sense of Self so I can continue to exist after death without being drawn to THE ALL. Is there a name for this and if so, are there any books that I should read involving it?

Bonus question: I want to make a Book of Shadows to detail my journey into the occult, is there a definitive BoS that most witches draw from, or am I going to have to draw from several sources?



Hmm, I (random anon) am not able to answer your question for you anon but it sounds like a very deep question.



From what I understand, the real nature of the Occult was simply "to know the truth".

There might be a great wealth of knowledge somewhere within the cracks of Western intellectualism.

Perhaps an even more intriguing answer in the depths of the greater unending spiritual knowledge of the world.

More recent studies of spirituality and religion such as the study of indigenous peoples from Siberia or from South America are very collective and objective in nature, IMO.



I don't list the specific regions of of indigenous spiritualism for any specific reason. They are just the first ones off the top of my mind.

Another anthropological-ish study of uncovered indigenous spirituality off the top of my mind would be that found in Indonesia and other Pacific Islands.

This is only if you wish to search for answers in these directions….it could be quite an undertaking to search for such answers. Especially since you are facing an unending sea of information.

Regarding Western Intellectualism, the Rosicrucians or Freemasons come to my mind, off the top of my head. There is probably much more than them which is comprehensive.



There is no easy path. But rest assured there is no limit to people who are willing to take your money and or energy.

Probably the fastest route to information is getting butt raped by masons if your young. Or Jesuits if your around their structures, but they tend to follow lineage.

Beyond that your best bet is being annoyingly skeptical of everyone, everything, and everyspirit.

You have a higher self. If you cultivate a relationship with it, it will guide you. But it won't be easy. Probably the hardest path you could imagine, because its you and doesn't cut any corners or buy into any of your bullshit.

Read Jung, and good luck. Keep a revenge diary, it will eventually become useful.


How does a coward conquer fear? (No killing)


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