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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1466401464019.jpg (23.72 KB, 900x692, 225:173, cat_and_dog_yin_and_yang_b….jpg)


I'll keep it brief. Just tell me if what happened was likely occult in nature or pure happenstance. I was ranting at God while staring at the moon, particularly mad my time is constantly being wasted as I do not seem able to make magical progress and have felt like my life is more akin to an act being played out in a little art piece rather than actually feeling like I'm living. That is to say, it feels like I am going through the motions of living without actually doing so and it feels I am rather distanced from my own existence. Anyway that is not the point.

While ranting at God for this issue while staring at the moon, a cat walked up to my leg from behind without me knowing and proceeded to nuzzle up to my leg. I was happy and pet its head but then kept walking. It kept getting in the way of my feet and stretching out onto my leg looking up at me so often I had to sit down in the grass in front of the church and cuddle it. I have never known such love (no beastiality) and it was perhaps the most affection I have ever felt as the cat actually chose to do so without warning. I enjoyed the cuddling for about 20 minutes and even cried as I had never known such love (seriously no beastiality shut the hell up shitposter I know what you're going to say don't be a fucking normie) and went on my way. It kept following me for about half the block and finally walked away before I got to my house.

Tonight I went outside and engaged in the same ranting while walking a different path at a location 30 miles away from the other one. A bush nearby had a growling dog sound coming from it. I tried to keep walking but the bush was right next to a curve in the path I had to walk in order to keep going and it got louder and nearer when I kept walking forward (definitely sound of a dog). At this point I felt as if God was wanting me to fight a dog to balance out me having cuddled a cat. I refused and ranted at God while staring at the moon (if I can't stare at God's face all I can do is default on the moon) and turned around walking back home.

A cat has never done that before nor had I ever felt such comfort. A growling animal has never appeared during a night walk or done so near the path I walk before. Does God want me to fight a fucking dog? Was this some kind of test? It was completely random and these two different instances happened consecutively last night and this night. Cat dog duality just happening to appear where one wants to comfort and the other wants to fight on two separate consecutive nights seems to have some underlying meaning to it especially when I am staring at the moon ranting at God.

Or am I looking too much into very oddly related events?


God does not want. God simply thinks; and it is.



Thank you Mr. Fortune Cookie. This time give a reply that isn't a complete waste of my time.



>"Does God want me to fight a fucking dog?"


Everything has an esoteric and exoteric component.

By questioning whether or not it has an esoteric component, you're preventing yourself from proceeding to examine it.

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