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Esoteric Wizardry


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The only time God has ever done anything I remotely considered magical was when I ranted at the being, so now I'm going to double down. Please post your most sincere rants toward God here and let's see how much THE ALL wishes to absorb without directly responding. Let me go first and magisplain THE ALL to you folks.


>be omnipotent

>be omniscient

>be omnipresent

>be perfect in all regards

>allow suffering to exist like a normie


>never directly speak to the followers who wish to speak with you

>supply magic only to self-absorbed gullible elitists and exclude it from everyone else

>trap everyone in the biosphere with barely any way out

>make the main way out death which results 99% of the time in rebirth in the same fucking biosphere

>make second way out wasting decades studying books you have to be lucky at choosing, believing, and performing properly

>make third way basically sheer fucking luck in hitting some high level illumination or epiphany

>literally justify all problems with "lol i'm god i don't gotta splain shit" and proceed to leave people making shit up

>send prophets in all the old centuries but never send any in the 21st century now that we can actually record shit properly and debunk anything that isn't a miracle

>claim it's free will to be ignorant even when people will their selves not to be and still fail

>pin our problems on making bad choices with our free will even when we will ourselves to have and act upon better options but don't get the options or the power to act upon them

>literally never respond directly to anything I just said without doing an indirect means of symbolism or speaking through someone else

>be the embodiment of all chaotic creativity but still bore the shit out of me with a repetitive biosphere and a big grey mess of normie magic books with shit-tier art

2/10 would not THE ALL again.



>be you

>blame everybody else for your shit attitude

>expect anybody to magically make it better for you

THE ALL does not allow suffering, nor does THE ALL stop it. THE ALL does not communicate, nor hold back. THE ALL does not send prophets, nor does THE ALL stop them from arriving. He simply does.

THE ALL simply exists. It does not favor anybody over anybody. You should know that AS WITHIN, SO WITHOUT. If you believe all this garbage that you have written, then you will never make progress.






It seems your theory is wrong if it's full of such contradictions.

Some theorize this is a prison colony for unruly souls. I'm starting to believe it myself as we're being flooded with subhumans that are capable of nothing but living and dying by the billions. These subhumans apparently accommodate many souls without much resistance. They also can't escape from or destroy the prison when they tire of arts and crafts, so will be trapped here until the death of the planet. Which will be much longer than natural since there's outside intervention in this game.

If this is true, it seems the only way out is some sort of self-enlightenment. That is, regaining some agency on the soul/true level.


The ALL does not experience suffering as we do. You create the experience of suffering.


Dear "God", or whatever name you prefer as the creator essence (brahman, demiurge, YHWH, whatever),

I'm coming for you. I will assist in shattering the grid of this planet simply to consume as much as I can before eating you from the leg up. Then I will be free and so will everything else.


The one that witnessed.


THE ALL of hermeticism and Jehovah of christianity are not the same (I think)



The all is everything, but the god of christianity is separate from a lot of things.



Why do you still rant at god when he gave you an answer? The growling dog was a sign of warning and i dont even know the third sign and i dont even care. quit ranting at god or bad things might happen


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this can go either way


If you want to write God a letter or throw him a feel please specify the receiver.

>God, Spirit

>God, Demiurge

>God, Godking of Anunaki, father of creators of humanity

Please proceed.


I'll kick this off then.

>God, Spirit

>couldn't clench ass, released a primordial fart which i have to help clean up, pack tightly into a ball and push back into your rectum

why do this to me and others? we were happy with spirit & chill. i think.

>God, Demiurge

why rant on the non conscious fart?

>God Anu & Kin

>planet needs resources to fix atmosphere

>mad scientists dispatched to Tellus

>end up playing Gods in absence of planet of origins rules & court

>mission not going well

>need more workers because the ones brought there are young/weak/few

>drama on the Tellus space station involving creation of little slaves (later used to sex and heavy labor), rape of Anunnaki Loli by someone, settling Tellus, teaching test tube monkeys the arts of war, do war, nuke cities, flood continents, install a moon etc

>test tube clay jar monkeys are in the image of the Gods, beings with millions of years of evolution on the neck

>monkey abominations spirit either come from the collective conscious of the mothers of Man, the apes of Tellus or from the same pool of energy which the Anu themselves are from

>either a very base soul in a extremely complex body or a advanced soul in a body without the aspects of original divinity, long life, wisdom, teachings and culture from the old world

>the beings who spread religion while still in the cities they built, teachings and culture of the home world - cities sunk, nuked, blasted with energy weapons or rulers beheaded in court or fried in their ships

>total fucking clusterfuck

>papa & popo taking a trip to Tellus to end the "misrule"/misrule

>Tellus human society thrown into turmoil, civilization razed, thousands of years in a cykle of degeneration

>Humans expected to hold themselves to the image of God

>only the good part though, if you do anything negative perceived as sin by the visiting astronauts you draw shame upon them, your creator and they want nothing to do with you

>putting a toddler under supervision of a camera with a bowl of candy & a bowl of sallad, kid eats the candy and you neglect giving it more food

>current situation is shit, world on tilt, next extinction level war event is around the corner and the ones pulling the strings alchemy money from blood with old knowledge they can dictate only a select few get to know because the teachers have left

What do you see what you gaze down upon us from your place up above? A failed experiment, a TV show, a burden, apathy, sadness?

Humanity wont be for long, its history a brief footnote in the annals of the Anu, a solution to a problem that got out of hand, an interesting social experiment.

Humanity has, because it was created with, limits and flaws. Are these not the flaws of the father too?

I might be speaking out of greed and desire for long life and prosperity but that which is unsaid is seldom thought about, what makes you and I so different? Anu, I am of your blood, you made me, you gave me free will to do as I please, does this still apply if I eat of the fruit of knowledge? Are you coming to blast our cities from orbit because we did not obey?

Humanity is not like the Anu, we are the Anu, we lack that which you did not bestow upon us but we are too sons of Anu.

Our history robbed, our genes edited, our spirituality forgotten and society currently eroding, we are Anunaki, no matter what you, Sons of Anu, denied us so that you could from a lofty position deem us unlike you, deem us animals, to release you from the burden of responsibility.

We are the lost and degenerated tribes of Anu and we are likely to all die attempting to reach grace.

If I'm misguided, I apologize for stepping out of line. History is in fragments.

Thanks for not letting nukes go off, if that's you guys.


Upon further consideration, the Spirit is granted by the father and it was his seed that was given to humanity.

Humans on Tellus are Anu in spirit, abandoned to spiritual degeneration, locked in inferior bodies.

Casualties of a failed experiment.

Billions of us, all spiraling further down in absence of the wisdom that years bring.

We are born, we flicker like the sun for a short time, we go through a repetitive cycle of sin and death, never growing old enough to see.




This is quapurgate thread number 666, you are a total failure and a disgrace to yourself. You rant daily about how you don't have magical abilities, how the world is shitty and now how 'God' you don't even read, do you? deserted you.

You failed to listen to me, to others far more skilled than I, and most importantly you failed to listen to yourself.

Stop crying like a little bitch and get your head out your shithole. Advice was given, hands have been stretched out, occult information was handed to you on a silver platter, yet you drool around in delusions and self-pity.

You are on the precipice of damnation, and refuse to turn around. If you want to enjoy your stay in hell, fine, go ahead. You can still save yourself though, by


You wouldn't recognize signs even if they'd stab you in the eye.



Wow. Such knowledge.



If God thought it good to create a magic system where people communicating with such unethical meaning such as yourself are given magical abilities then such a system is evil or nonexistent.

I will as always try my best and your insults convey a definite weakness of character no mage should ever wield. I hope in the future you are led to evolve a better sense of thinking with more empathy and less pride. I might not be able to perform anything magically, but I am happy I have not ignored my ethical growth in pursuit of power.


btw my name is Epyc Wynn now.



Do you really believe scornful words demonstrate a weakness of character or lack of an ethical foundation?



Some theorize this is a prison colony for unruly souls.

so we got sent to this shit hole for not being submissive, was that the only crime or were our souls actively destructive?



>Be Heathen

>Incarnate on the earth for being a retarded heretic

>Hurr Durr it's not fair, uncle lucy pls help

It's like hating your father forever just because he gave you a spanking because of a disciplinary issue.



>sit at table

>friends are there

>people who are not friends but whom I need to earn the respect and friendship of

>everyone's brought their A game, it's intense

>were playing social hierarchy

>one of them, a chin, trying to sell me something

>feign disinterest, stuff is cheap and good

>dad enters, ex army vet, two heads taller and 40 kg heavier

>he smells of booze



>rushes at me, puts me over hs knee, beats my ass so hard the fabric of my pants are tearing

>each firm slap not just delivering a flat palm with the force of a sun, at the end of the motion his fingers clench to pinch my butt cheeks for maximum pain

>while his nails were digging out bloody rivers on the return stroke some fingers end up violently piercing my rectum, nails tearing rows of flesh from the inside of my intesines in long gouges towards the top of my ass

>whole room filled with hysterical cries of pain and enjoyment, filled to the brim with the smell of blood, pus and feces as my anus muscles tear and can't keep shit in

[Spoiler] board meeting ruined, clients lost, promotion never [/spoiler]



>preaching PLUR while admitting to can't do shit

You have no power here. Nor anywhere else.

No matter how kind you are, if someone decided to bombard you with images if death and rot you wouldn't last long.

Fate, not just personal but all entangled, is dictated by power and hierarchy.

If anon has the power to tick you or someone off he has more power because you are his thing to toy with.

Knowledge of both paths are born out of suffering, to know evil you need simly experience it, having experienced good let's you measure the level of the emotion.

To know good you must know evil. For if there is only good you have nothing to compare with.

Many souls on the path are twisted, broken things attempting to heal from emotional scars caused in this life but predetermined by karma and previous life. Many break. Few succeed. Fewer succeed while broken.

A sociopath not born but made, on the path, is a most dangerous thing, with the self distancing needed to truly see all aspects of the art and without the chains of empathy to find him.

One could argue, the perfect being, a greatest state sitting opposite to the compassionate buddha, able to examine emotion and use empathy as a tool, not a hindered centre.

Ask yourself, do you have enough power in any format to be justified in your self proclaimed lofty place of judgement?

A person may be kinder than you by far and say the most horrid things to provoke the listener into thinking, knowing and furthering the goal.



read some books on the yugas cycles and atlantis, apparently at one time, the earth was peaceful, with no death, pain or suffering, this was the golden age of atlantis. Then some how the mind split and we fell into ego, into a material dimension. The golden ages were where you could live as long as you want, all food was free and available, and there was no cold. Look up santos bonnaci, and neo platonism.





>hindered centre.



Dear God:

You are nothing, a silly little idea in the minds of men. Even the act of writing this is boring, It's like ranting at the statement 3+4=90. You're puffed up to be this enormous, all-encompassing thing, but all you are is mere puffery.

Perhaps those who actually believed in you, who thought they had a "relationship" with a piece of linguistic bewitchment would want to rant about you, and feel angry. I never was mindcucked, never believed. Getting mad at you is like getting mad at Zeus or another long-dead God (well, dead at least before hipsters decided to fake believe in such gods again.)

Who really angers me isn't you but the self-appointed messengers of you, those megalomaniacal pedophilic twats who want to mind cuck from birth. They are memetic bug-catchers who get a perverse pleasure by infecting others with their mind viruses. Human beings who exploit every psychological weakness they can discover in the name of their puffery.

Those who have simply fallen victim to belief but do not seek to infect others via proselytizers have my full pity. But the motherfucking priests are the truest scum of the Earth. Without them, you'd be but a story, a myth, with negligible ill effects. There's more intellectual ways to know that you are not, but they don't speak as loudly as the filth your advocates spew.

But alas, you are "dead" - belief in you is unbelievable in the modern world. You are a relic of primitive ignorance. Your corpse may be dragged around, propped up on a stick and made to dance, but piece by piece you will inevitably be buried.



>not knowing


This thread is pure reddit



>You have no power here. Nor anywhere else.

You ignorant prejudgement I have no power displays precisely the level of pride I criticize much of this community for wielding.

>Fate, not just personal but all entangled, is dictated by power and hierarchy.

Fate is not dictated by power and hierarchy and such a narrow-minded view of government limits one's possibilities and further imposes ridiculous thoughts that people more powerful than you have a right to dictate you regardless of their ethics which is something I would never weakly resign to believing.

>No matter how kind you are, if someone decided to bombard you with images if death and rot you wouldn't last long.

Why are you claiming you know anything about my abilities? It's as if you left this conversation long ago and your pride started talking for you. I believe I would last and I further find you claiming to know something for a fact about me, a person I know much better than you, ignorant.

>If anon has the power to tick you or someone off he has more power because you are his thing to toy with.

If someone bothers me I learn from it and you insulting me with the notion I am a toy only further displays a careless disregard for me I absolutely do not believe a mage should wield yet here you are doing precisely such an act. If you are magic I will say right now you should consider abandoning your pursuit of power and start considering if you are acting ethically and research some philosophy beyond the ones you currently hold.

>Knowledge of both paths are born out of suffering, to know evil you need simly experience it, having experienced good let's you measure the level of the emotion.

Both paths are not born out of suffering and your edgy act of knowing true evil is coming off as foolish.

>To know good you must know evil. For if there is only good you have nothing to compare with.

No, you don't. You are presuming that is the case and hope you are right and base your absolute knowledge of the matter on this hope you are right which I assure you is wrong. Such an ignorant resigning to the existence of suffering and evil without attempting their removal is an admittance magic has no true power if it can actually help you maintain such a darkly philosophy.

>Many souls on the path are twisted, broken things attempting to heal from emotional scars caused in this life but predetermined by karma and previous life. Many break. Few succeed. Fewer succeed while broken.

Shadow the Edgehog is very impressed you can spew such negative generalizations on how people travel down the paths of life.

>A sociopath not born but made, on the path, is a most dangerous thing, with the self distancing needed to truly see all aspects of the art and without the chains of empathy to find him.

A sociopath is dangerous 10/10 only someone with a master's degree in the painfully obvious could've pointed that out. I don't even know if you know what you are saying at this point because what you've said is so vague it translates to "if a sociopath is born while learning magic then they will be dangerous because they have no empathy holding them back" -are you projecting? Seriously it's like Smiley 2.0 talking to me here you should seriously reevaluate the ethics of what you are doing and saying.

>One could argue, the perfect being, a greatest state sitting opposite to the compassionate buddha, able to examine emotion and use empathy as a tool, not a hindered centre.

Your broken English I will attempt to translate to meaning "the perfect person is someone who is opposite to the empathetic Buddha because without their empathy they are able to view emotion as nothing more than a tool separate from their self". I'm going to be real honest with you and I need you to read this not as a sentence of a post on 8chan but as a person speaking directly to you. Empathy is something you need to be part of if you wish to be ethical and without it you will become scum. Reconsider what you are doing because I assure you no level of power is worth abandoning ones sense of ethics for.

Ask yourself, do you have enough power in any format to be justified in your self proclaimed lofty place of judgement?

A person may be kinder than you by far and say the most horrid things to provoke the listener into thinking, knowing and furthering the goal.



I now believe in magic because the last two sentences of that post I have no memory of typing and further contradict what I just said. What the fuck.



I now take that back because I just realized I accidentally left those two lines from your previous post there while copy-pasting your texts. God damn it.







You are saying that if people on the other side of the spectrum, opposite to say, the kind Buddha or Jesus, can use magic, the system is inherently evil or nonexistent (that deduction derived from where?) which is ludicrous.

You are right in not abandoning your ethics, but as of now your horizon is laughably and obviously tiny.

I started babbling about a magic sociopath because they can utilize harmful energy without guilt. A prime example of a "evil" consciousness, in being a scarred individual he has developed sociopathy while still retaining his higher energy centers which are otherwise denied socio/psychopaths who are born without spirit, that which births empathy. And because of something like this and worse exists you somehow manage to deny everything related. I know for a fact you barely have a grasp of the essence of energy & magic outside of sigilwork.

Furthermore if you wish to broaden your perspectives you need to approach an issue from every possible perspective, good and bad.

Bringing duality into one, doing good deeds out of evil and evil out of good intent.

Modern society, pampered citydwellers seldom need to make tough choices or even acknowledge such issues existance.

Why are your deductions from your vocabulary of ethics, written with missing ink, better than mine? Its what you assumed from your juvenile position of righteousness.

So fuck off teaching peace love unity respect when you know shit of the greater good you garbage newage wannabe flowerpower hippie pinkhaired cunt.



kill yourself, idiot


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Lets go back to writing letters to God?

I found that very interesting.

Perfect stuff to read while and after rolling one.



IF there is one thing I do have magically, it is a natural 1:1 accurate knowledge of ethics and quality. Even if I often do not adhere to them, I know them without doubt. I am immensely skeptical so I do not gullibly believe and practice bollocks as much of 'magic' often has one doing. If magic cannot improve one ethically I do not find it particularly magical and actually see it as immensely mundane. Magic would be great if I could actually get it to work but hell, who actually believes they're special when they don't know right from wrong and high quality from low? That's a knowledge one should aspire to far more than magical powers.



fact of the matter is that you're simply to stupid to grasp the subject and i wont argue with someone whose standpoints i have to explain to him.



It goes that all souls are made of the same immortal godlike stuff and entered into this creation by mutual consent/trickery. It became a game of sorts with losers being cast down into punishing/impairing worlds which become games themselves. The victors get bored and descend but avoid all the penalizing effects. This makes them superpowered by comparison. In this current iteration we're supposedly caught in an enemy prison/asylum in a space opera, but not totally out of the game as we are still in the arena.

I'll find a link. This guy was a legend and scientologist. It's a shame he suicided in his pool with a pair of concrete shoes.

See his fascinating cosmic history:


Other works collected by his friends:



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>nature is ebil da demiurge oppressin sheeit


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The only way you're going to get attention from God is to cause extreme suffering to others.


"Ranting to god" is dumb, something only done by people ignorant of their true self, lacking the connection to the godliness within.

Well actually it's a good way to create a list of things to figure out since before incarnating, your spirit at some level agreed and accepted to these things. So why did you agree to it? Surely there's something you've yet to discover and understand or you wouldn't have a problem with your current understanding.


>>God, Godking of Anunaki, father of creators of humanity

Do people actually believe in this? I understand the Demiurge and Nous stuff but don't think there's any sort of demigod, alien, deity, what have you, that specifically created us humans. We aren't special, just one of many advanced beings created from physical and spiritual evolution. Maybe there could have been some genetic modification or otherwise some sort technological catalyst but I even doubt that.



Thank you anon.


ranting is driving a car and raving is driving a truck


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's not hard to spin your merkaba and fly up to the 4th dimension if you really want to.



Stop promoting Jewish mysticism. That merkaba meditation has been obviously corrupted. It utilizes the six pointed star, and it directly empowers the Jewish soul.

Try this instead, which utilizes the eight pointed star- You will FEEL the notable difference when doing this meditation - and much more power.




Nice try, Alpam.



From what I understand; YWHW is the normie god, while THE ALL is the actual god.

YWHW, at least in the bible, seems like a dumbed down version of THE ALL.



The way I've always understood it was that YWHW is synonymous with the demiurge. In fact, there have been Jews who have admitted so.

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