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A warm hello to everyone on /fringe/!

I've been doing some work lately on the suit of the pentacles in the tarot and the first circuit in the eight circuit model. I thought I'd share some of my observations and a general sequence of exercises intended to illustrate my findings.

It's common to experience a lot of aches, itches, and other sorts of sensations we don't usually notice during a course of simple meditation. Really these sensations are present all of the time, but we are not paying enough attention to physical sensations to notice them. The simple intention to notice what's going on in one's body should be enough to illustrate this. It will likely produce a variety of vague feelings all across one's body.

These sensations are raw sense data, which together with memorized sensations, the component of our imagination that is sensory, and our sense of our body as an enduring entity in space make up the experience of sensation, which is one of the four faculties of the human mind. Excellent information about this faculty can be found by reading up on the first circuit and meditating on the pentacles.

The gist of that reading is that the way our faculty of sensation developed determines our relationship to the physical world. The sense of this relationship forms an intelligence that motivates an organism to meet its biological needs. For this reason, it generally regards sensations as either secure or fear-producing at the most fundamental level, and is imprinted with the general impression of the world as a safe place, or a threatening one. Further reading on that can be found in material on attachment theory, which has tremendous implications for personality and relationship styles.


In most people, physical intelligence is underdeveloped. They have an impression of the world as fundamentally, physically unsafe, and carry around an imprint that conditions them to cling to, avoid, and ignore sensations. Clinging produces binges on sleep, food, masturbation, and television, among other things. Avoidance produces a lack of initiative and willpower. Ignorance produces clumsiness, overthinking, and daydreaming.

Experiencing any sensation without the conditioning mentioned above produces a sense of the body and the world as secure. When the conditioning is present, the sense of the body and the world as unsafe, frightening, and alone can lead to insidious forms of depression and debilitating chronic pain, among the other deficiencies in agency mentioned above.

There is a simple process to eliminate this conditioning. It involves progressively developing one's sense of the body to function with greater detail. It requires no special skill and requires no artificial routine. Here's how it works:


Scan the body for sensations, pleasant or unpleasant. There will be some sensations that naturally grab your attention. Focus on those. They will likely be general in area and be softer or more vague, but can still be quite strong.

Next, with one of the sensations found with the method above, stay with the sensation for a little bit, then focus all of your attention to the sense of touch into a single point somewhere in that area. There will be a variety of different sensations that grab your attention, usually little points or lines along your body.

Focus on those above more detailed sensations in the manner that they grab your attention, and memorize the location of these new sensations. You're learning what your body really feels like when you pay attention. At some point, you will lose interest in these sensations. Move on to a new general area as it grabs your attention and repeat the process.

This process will lead to equanimity with the sense of touch, and can in principle be applied to any sense. Your new, detailed awareness will be free of the conditioning that was present with the less detailed awareness. This way, you can improve your relationship to the physical world any time you have the time to pay to your body.

I'd appreciate some feedback. I have more observations, like using this stuff to learn energetic anatomy or create acupressure points through autosuggestion, but I wanted to keep it simple and leave that stuff out, because those are only ideas for me right now.

Cheers, all.


This is a good thread

I honestly don't really have anything to add, as you actually covered this quite well



Hm, I have been looking in to this myself for a while. Was working more on the psychological shadow work side, but I do feel that my body has these areas of tenseness.

And I have been wondering on how to re-imprint the circuits as well.

While holotropic breathwork combined with shadow word did yeald great results, this seems like it could be the next step.

Do you mean that you simply stay aware of the area? Do you do any programing, like trying to smooth the area out? I am completly sure that there is some weird fear based imprinting on my first and third circuit. Do you mean that simple awareness would be enough to override it?

Also, could you expand on you contemplating in to the pentacle suit? I am thinking of getting a tarot deck for archetypal research myself.



>Do you mean that you simply stay aware of the area? Do you do any programing, like trying to smooth the area out? I am completly sure that there is some weird fear based imprinting on my first and third circuit. Do you mean that simple awareness would be enough to override it?

Yeah. No need to try to make it feel a certain way. You're getting the new feeling from the more detailed awareness. You'll have to intentionally remember the new sensation when you want to work against your imprint, but it'll become a reflex, and eventually you won't have to pay any attention to it.

>Also, could you expand on you contemplating in to the pentacle suit? I am thinking of getting a tarot deck for archetypal research myself.

A tarot deck is definitely worth it. I just use a Rider-Waite deck myself, but I've heard that picking the one that you like the most is best at the beginning because you might be more receptive to it.

So, a tarot suit corresponds to one of the circuits, an element, and a psychological faculty.

The ace introduces the general sense of the faculty, and the cards numbered two through ten symbolize information on that circuit that need to be integrated successfully in order to be intelligent with that faculty.

The court cards represent ways the suit manifests as personalities, the page being a more childlike awareness, the knight having an extreme of the suit's energy, the queen embodying various qualities, and the king taking outward action.

Contemplation on the pentacles means using the cards to reorganize your first-circuit intelligence. Your own psychology interacts with the cards to give you the information you can work with to grow.

The faculty of the suit is important to this. You don't want to use one faculty, circuit, or suit in place of another. Form a first circuit intuition of the first circuit, not a third-circuit map, etc.

Also don't get too lost. You could meditate endlessly on a single card. Focus on what gets you gains in the circuit of your choice. Cover everything in general, and then work on the areas you have a problem understanding.


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Recently found this pdf of simple bioenergetic exercises. It's the preclinical homework for bioenergetic analysts in some organization. I'm working through it. Excellent so far.

It's also an excellent bridge between circuit one/pentacles and circuit two/cups. I'm using it as an orientation to more complex bioenergetic work because my second circuit is seriously underdeveloped.

Cheers, all.





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> For this reason, it generally regards sensations as either secure or fear-producing at the most fundamental level, and is imprinted with the general impression of the world as a safe place, or a threatening one.

The disconnect (or suffering) of the sensation is related to the exterior world (or better said how you percieve it) and the place in which it's focused is related to the "value" (positive or negative) of the chakra of that area. If one is in harmony with the exterior world (again, perspective), so is the chakras and organs (always centered). That's why it is good to pay attention to the sensations, you give them it's place and harmonization is done. Normally at a young age, you have the sensations (of your whole body) flow without tension, no acumulation or lack of what is ocurring for that chakra/organ, it's all working properly. As tensions with the world (or your perpective) are created and continue on the long term, then comes the chronic pains/malfunctions. The body is telling you, hey look at this area, it's been affected, but it is key to see the positive/negative "value" of chakra of why it's affected. When you always pay attention to everything and even nothing (just your consciouness) then you'll always be in harmony and centered. The chances of the body being affected, depending on the suceptibility you have according to genetics, is reduced through out your life time… too bad that we always get distracted and forget to pay attention.

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