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/fringe/ - Fringe

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RulesMetaModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSSAd/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact chanseywrites@hotmail.com to give the board to her. To contact the board owner send an email to fringewizard@pm.me

Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Note: Recreating this here for the people that have missed it, and for the new people that come here every day.

fringechan – http://fringechan.org

What is fringechan?

fringechan was revived/recreated as a new base for the users of 8chan.net/fringe at January 2016. Initially, the reasons were of a technical nature, as 8chan was plagued by a myriad of bugs and we wanted to provide fringe a worthy place to call to home. Now even most of the bugs have been dissolved, other parts of the 8chan ship are starting to falter, as its currently owned by a for-profit, non-free organization with glaring ties to freemasonry and obvious kikery. As most of you know, hotwheels has been demoted and is not the owner of 8chan anymore.

What is the current state of fringechan?

http://fringechan.org/ has been operational for almost half a year now and continues to grow. As it stands currently there are more daily posts on http://fringechan.org/ then on 8/fringe.

With the recent purge of all the data of 8/fringe and the current state of Fringe Wizard, 8/fringe's BO, its no more but to expected that we find a stable, new platform to call home.

What are the benefits of fringechan?

Benefits are plenty:

- Multiple boards to separate discussion to their appropriate categories, some of them (besides /fringe/):

- http://fringechan.org/library/: The board to keep track of all books and their discussion.

- http://fringechan.org/loosh/: For random and more unrelated matters, though still in a fringe-esque light.

- http://fringechan.org/ask/: A dedicated board to archive old question threads. note: don't post here, its only for archiving and educational purposes.

- An active, trustworthy moderation team, independent of 8/fringe. Currently consisting of three members, none of whom have ties to 8/fringe moderation/administration team.

- Daily backups. No more major purges or loss of data, what happens on fringechan stays on fringechan.

- Technical administration. If something goes amiss, or if we need more functional expansion, I can and will be of service and have done so already.

- Associated goodies. We currently have an IRC channel and host our own Teamspeak server.

- And most importantly; we have new flags.

Who owns fringechan?

I, Alpam, host and maintain fringechan, and am thereby both financially and technically responsible. You can contact me on Tox (http://tox.chat) – ID: 4767305CC4CC42FE4437ACFF966156CC37B41A5A9343AF60FDA48FFBABDD6A33170A8AE1E6FB

So what are you waiting for? Visit http://fringechan.org/

(Rule 1)


Mod, why did you add "rule 1" to this thread? There's no other fringechan thread.

Also, please sticky this thread so its clear to see for new people that come here. I created a poll to see if people agree with this thread being stickied.

Please vote: http://poal.me/v8vkez



is fringechans platform being the same as wizchans an inside joke


Everyone knows your board exists. All this advertising faggotry looks like desperation.


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>Benefits of Fringechan

>Not run by Smiley



Is someone butthurt? You gonna cry?



Why would I be butthurt? Y'all just reposting my own texts over there and riding off of my glory. You hate me but I illuminate you. It's quite something how you're all stirred up by me. The data purge is because of protagonist and most of the threads still exist btw, they just don't show up in catalogue, and don't have pictures anymore.


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>being this egotistical


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I'm not familiar with wizardchan, so I can't answer besides that fringechan is no "inside joke" platform or anything pretentious for that matter.


>Everyone knows your board exists.

Except that not everyone does. New people come here every day, and not everyone reads every thread (some only browse the index.html). Besides, I simply know for a fact that this thread alone has brought new people over.

>All this advertising faggotry looks like desperation.

You know what desperation is? Desperation is banning me for creating this thread while there's zero other fringechan threads, as that's what this mod team did. That, while beforehand some of you accused me and my mod team of 'hotpocketting' every thread and post. Its laughable. That's some nauseating damage control in trying to prevent the dwindling user base to slip through your grasp, and even then its not working. How is it even desperate that we want to give 8/fringe a superior home ground in every aspect, and in order to do that, let people know we exist? We're on the same side presumably, going form the assumption that you want the best for /fringe/ – yet the 'opposition' here acts like we're enemies even though we clearly put a lot more effort in the entire idea of /fringe/ currently.


>Y'all just reposting my own texts over there and riding off of my glory.

Yes, Smiley. All we do is post your texts all day err'day. We might as well call it Smileschan. And everyone who opposes you is Protagonist. That's what /fringe/ is at the heart.

Listen to the people's vote, sticky this thread. The results speak for themselves. http://poal.me/v8vkez

Failing to sticky this thread, while mindlessly having stickied all your personal blogposts is much more desperation then this thread.

Three people currently opposing. Probably Smiles, Chansey and.. ?



will you cleanse all low quality threads so to prevent fringechan from becoming like wizard forums or spellsofmagic






>will you hotpocket even harder

Fringechan - Hotpocket Edition



you don't have to go there anon



>only viable board

>a circlejerk that purges anything that upsets them or that they can't understand









The log speaks for themselves. As long as people abide the rules, there are no issues.



Only blatant shit posting and question-only threads will be moved. Besides, spellsofmagic is not even closely similar to the scope of /fringe/.


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Holy shit, the degeneration in the threads has gotten to extreme amounts on 8/fringe. Its almost pure shitposting now.

For anyone who is new here or still has some sanity left, please head over to http://fringechan.org

Like seriously, what the flying fuck is this?:


>>81080 (like, really?..)


Yes, like I said, visit http://fringechan.org/fringe/



Joy of Satan is sane?



The Joy of Satan presents the authentic metaphysical system intended for humanity by its very engineers.

Yet that has nothing to do with this thread - http://fringechan.org is not the Joy of Satan. Everyone, no matter the belief system, is more then welcome on fringechan.

Besides, your post doesn't retract the validity of my statement regarding the degeneracy of current day's 8/fringe.


8/fringe/ is fucked because of what protagonist did to it and you faggots just want to take everyone away from here and maybe conduct more attacks on the board



Thank you anon.



bullshit occultist detected



And then there's the 30 votes by people who didn't bother oäeven opening thus thread.



>Alpam, you're a very cute guy

Thank you sweetie, I appreciate it, I do.

>But you see nothing bizarre about JoI?

I appreciate the nature of your questioning into the Joy of Satan and not simply bashing it, I suspect the nature of your inquiry is out of a sincere desire to learn.

First of all, you'd have to define to me what you deem as 'bizzare'. Is it the anti-Semitic claims? The claims that we are engineered by a highly advanced extraterrestrial race? Please note anything you find so I can elaborate.

>Have you looked at their forum?

Yes and they often make threads that make very good sense. Please link me a thread that you deem invalid or otherwise blasphemous and I'd love to discuss it with you - I mean it.

>I very much doubt the sanity of the members.

Again, please give me something to go upon so we can discuss and deconstruct the notion that somehow insanity would be involved. I'd gladly explain and elaborate on anything you deem insane.


>8/fringe/ is fucked because of what protagonist

Smiley recruited Protagonist and is therefor partially responsible. Secondly, 8chan has no backup system so something like this was meant to happen at some point anyway. If you fucking read the REASONS why I created fringechan you would LEARN why.

>maybe conduct more attacks on the board

What's with this forsaken hivemind mentality that we are responsible? Its literally this:

>be me

>want to create a technical alternative for fringechan so that its members can enjoy a superior browsing and posting experience in comparison to the sinking ship that is 8chan

>try to cooperate with smiley but he flinches and makes all weird claims whilst I initially wanted to make him the owner

>purge of all the data on 8/fringe happened (were you even here when it happened?) even though I had initially warned that something of this nature would happen considering the lack of backups on 8ch.

>now I and my team get all the blame while all we try to do is give the community of fringe a better homeplace

>suddenly become akin to a terrorist in the eyes of the people I tried to help

You are aware that I pay up hundreds of euro's to simply host fringechan.org right? I do it for free because I love the metaphysical image board idea and its community as a whole. Now fuck off with your baseless claims and read the OP so you can READ AND UNDERSTAND WHY I CREATED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.


What are you talking about?



Also, please checkout fringechan.org/fringe as I always post there from a Satanic perspective - please note anything you can find that you deem insane.

Some of my posts:

[Question Thread]




[Succubi thread which contains obvious subversion which I pointed out - then some talk about degeneration]







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Constructive criticism - I like that. Lets get to it.

>If they seek liberty and godhood, then why are 90% of the threads about jews, politics, etc?

The threads are mostly updates on the state of geopolitics in the current day. You have to understand that Spiritual Satanists recognize that we currently live on a prison planet - we're at war with the beings that keep us spiritually, physically and emotionally chained. Its wartime and thus updates on said war and our adversaries are of common place. Secondly, there is only so much that can be provided on the path to Godhood and most of that is written out already. This doesn't change, hence there are no continuous updates on this. On the other hand, there is discussion about meditation, metaphysics and whatnot, its just buried under the unnecessarily stickied threads. (https://josministries.prophpbb.com/forum8.html – scroll down to below the 'Announcements' section and the start of the 'Topics' section)

>Intended or not, JoI websites lack organization and order.

On this, you are 100% right. Its extremely hectic and chaotic and they sticky hundreds of threads and that's not even exaggerated. I agree with you, their digital platform is messy. I want to rewrite all the stuff they posted myself on in an organized wiki format - I have this planned out already but time is not on my side. Anyhow, I agree with you. This however does not detract from the information presented - its just improperly presented.

>The members act irrational. Signatures longer than your monitor, absurd statments and blatant follower mentality. Or maybe they're just like 12 and in an edgy phase?

You posted a valid example, and chances are he/she is simply a teen and not very mature. Yet this is bound to occur in communities of larger sizes - you will mostly always have different sorts of people. (I wouldn't have allowed signatures that long either were I admin there - it really bloats and gives a incompetent aesthetic appearance.)

>everyone who studied bioenergy and diets knows that raw veganism is the only viable diet that is still 'physical'

I have heard contradictory statements from both sides in terms of diet so I'm simply not qualified yet to determine what is correct and not. I can't respond to you on this.

>They also believe Falun Gong is positive yet its practice is feeding a malicious entity.

Not familiar with Falun Gong so I can't say much here.

>Extraterrestial engineers? So what if it's true? Does knowing this make you better, stronger, faster, smarter?

Knowing and being in contact with the beings that created our physical bodies and modified our souls is of great benefit. How could it not be? They advanced our souls out of an adherence to the Divine Logos - which implies to make the universe better as a whole, bringing harmony. They are of benevolent nature and only wish to help. Thus the beings in question gladly help us in advancing to Godhood. So yes - knowing helps - it can make you stronger/better/faster/smarter if you let them. Compare it to knowing the engineers/manufacturer who created the vehicle you drive around in - wouldn't it help to have a possible contact line with the manufacturers in case you have questions, need repairs, or whatever it may be? Or how your parents 'engineered' or procreated you - doesn't it help knowing that they did so you can ask them questions and for guidance?

>As it stands 'extraterrestial enginners" are just ONE OF MANY fancy stories.

Just because there is much disinformation floating about doesn't imply there is no truth to be found anywhere. Try to accumulate as much possible information that you deem as proof and try to base your decisions upon that. In my opinion, and even before i was a Satanist, the ancient extraterrestrial interference theory made the most sense. The sudden major leap in technology and evolution in times ancient that contemporary modern day scientists are still not able to explain is big clue - among many other nearly inexplicable points.

>I have wasted my time with studying WW2, secret experiments, UFOs, conspiracy theories, historic revisionism and gained nothing from it.

Once you connect all the dots and discern the disinformation everything starts to make sense. There's nothing wrong with researching the state of affairs humanity is facing - how could knowing not be beneficial? To remain in a state of ignorance in terms of both knowing the possibilities and the possible truth is to limit yourself in both knowledge and therefor in patterns to base decisions and whatnot on.

>All these things in a sum make JoI look very incompetent and ridiculous

I agree on some of your points that the organization look chaotic and hectic but again, this doesn't detract from the core of the knowledge presented. It just needs a major reformatting with proper categorization and structuring. All in time, I hope I can induce that change.

(pic slightly unrelated but whatever)



>They also believe Falun Gong is positive yet its practice is feeding a malicious entity.

As someone who's practiced FG for 15 years I have to point out there are two sides to this.

The practice itself - if done exactly by the manual - is positive.

BUT, and this is a big one; if done wrong, it can lead to extremely negative results.

I learned from the vids and the books and practiced alone for a few years before meeting the national group of my country. I was surprised to see how they did things, not even being able to read a simple text and follow instructions.

Some of these people had huge negative karma and wouldn't listen to any criticism. So if you're talking of whatever they are doing as a malicious entity, I can agree. But this is the doing of people using the wrong intent. They are not into FG for enlightenment, they're doing it for whatever mundane reasons, and it's clearly stated in the books written by the founder that this is forbidden, and they do not count as practitioners if doing it like this.

This is my view.


fringechan is shit

the mods of fringechan are bullshit occultists (>joy of satan, lel) and ruin the site



>The 'malicious entity' refers to the Falun entity

Then I think you need to read the actual FG books, like Zhuan Falun


FG is a kind of Qi Gong. The term is just a description of the type of practice.

I briefly did another qi gong practice before, I'd say the effects of FG is similar but much stronger.



Let me start of by saying that you have made a severe impact on my mind. You gave me a proper perspective of how people view the Joy of Satan - and how messy and incompetent it comes across, mostly by its inability to properly organize and bring structure in its two most important parts; its teachings, and its community. This has been mentioned to me before, but not properly.

I am grateful for that - for your insight. I am now seriously considering rewriting most of the core knowledge contained in the most objective manner as possible, with sources in highly structured and categorized manner - so that further inquiries into Spiritual Satanism will be smooth, resolute, referenced with proof. No shreds of information in chaotic whirlpool that is over saturated with one subject. The loss off efficiency in the uptake of knowledge for some, due to a structuralist messy environment pains me, given the value of the knowledge presented.

Thank you, anon. Now onto your points.

>Well, there is evidence if you look for it and it's extremely crucial as the wrong foods can disrupt the physical vessel the further you advance enegetically.

Yes - that does make sense. Though from my current beliefs (which might be wrong of course), it seems as if its mostly processed foods, artificial additions and simply put inorganic, unnatural and artificial foods have detrimental effects on all the bodies. And thus, not all animal products perse - but the artificial modification of animals suffer from, such as hormonal therapy, unnatural living standards (mass production environments, method of slaughter, the fodder they consume, the lack of compassion they receive, etc) that are the culprit of bearing negative consequences on our bodies when ingested. One should take in mind that most of everything we consume has been polluted with one way or another in today's age by a plethora- and thus perhaps, in times ancient, the consumption of animal products that lived under humane standards bare different effects on our multibody complex. That said, I feel that meat specifically (tampered with it or not) should only be consumed occasionally - rarely - at best.

>But do you have contact? Whenever an individual has a personal experience it's far more credible than some writing.

Yes I do - I haven't inquired as much however, as all the information I need has been laid out to me. My partner on the other hand has been a Spiritual Satanist for 10 years or so, and has often communicated with these beings, had a relationship with one at one point, and has a personal Guardian Demon.

>And who engineered the engineers?

No one did but themselves. The beings who engineered us evolved on their own over millions of years time. We're "unique" in the sense that our genetic and spiritual composition has been booted into the fast lane. Its akin to how certain modern day companies now tinker with genetically modifying crops - even though the methods of said companies being extremely crude and mostly carrying extremely detrimental health effects when ingested. Fortunately the beings that advanced us knew very well what they were doing. We're incredibly fortunate to have the bodies we do right now - I'm forever graceful for them advancing us as they did. We have the capacity to reach Godhood in a single lifetime right now because of them. Relatively speaking, we're only a few steps away form what originally was a million mile walk to spiritual perfection. Problem being that we're slowly devolving and degenerating now over time because of a systematic removal of authentic spiritual knowledge, inhuman living standards, what have you; basically everything the nefarious factions now push on humanity as to keep us as slaves and batteries. Taking everything you know about history into account - does it not make sense? I could write essays about this with references and cited sources all over - and I probably will. My desire is peaking - burning.

[ part 1 of 2 -- the message was too long ]



>I believe we can be far more powerful when we release any limits imposed on us

On this I agree wholeheartedly. Who wouldn't? Yet there are no limits imposed on us as Spiritual Satanists. Name one of those limits, because you..

>I think believing in a 'creator' other than yourself is one such limitation.

You're confusing two different things. I hope this hasn't been a foundation of your view on Spiritual Satanism, because its incorrect. Spiritual Satanists do not believe in a creator God in the Pantheism sense of things. We merely acknowledge that there have been extraterrestrial beings that advanced and tinkered with our beings. We refer to them as our Gods - for they are aligned with us, they are our family, they act as caring parents. Now, what do we define as God? A being that has its multibody complex perfected (energetic, spiritual, physical, emotional, what have you). No over-arching Creator or "Mind of God from which everything emanates" kind of dish most other here belief. This belief is flawed in the sense that it takes the presumption that the universe acts according to a Human thinking model. Humans like to project their views on everything - like projecting the notion of consciousness on the Universe. It doesn't work that way. The multiverse complex would continue to exist without Humanity and its model of consciousness - they aren't inherently dependent.

Now may I ask, do you have Tox perhaps? Or any form of IM communication? Do you frequent the fringechan.org IRC?

[ part 2 of 2 – the message was too long ]


>the mods of fringechan are bullshit occultists (>joy of satan, lel)

I'm the only Spiritual Satanist mod. What is wrong with you, nonetheless, because..

>someone with a different belief of mine? lel kek wow he's a shit

>better not visit that site, ever, and call it shit because of it!

Added to that, I just clearly admitted the flaws of the Joy of Satan - I'm not a zealous fanboy defending senselessly clear flaws. I act in a rational manner, contrarily to you.

>ruin the site

None of my views affect the moderation of the site. NONE. Name me on example, I fucking double triple quadruple dare you, motherfucker. Besides, I would've posted here, the exact same messages I did on fringechan.org would I have not created fringechan.org


Hiya I am Seeker_23 from the IRC, here is my Tox address:-




Not ruining. It's pretty pristine. To pristine. Doing "magic" you shouldnt take yourself all that seriously, truth changes with the more you know.

Besides, /loosh/ triggers me, what's the point in triggering others if they know you're doing it? All you'll be left with is shock triggers like gore or bestiality.

Alpam, newchan is nice chan. Ill personally lurk and post there if i find something interessting to add.

Wouldn't you find it beneficial with an influx of occasional posts like >>81284 ? Be less strict, it does come off as pretentious, allow a shit posting thread on /fringe/.

I suggest even making the thread yourself, welcome us in the OP and direct to there from here.

I'm all for quality but newchan has a big fat "NO FUN ZONE" sticker on it.

Mark my words, people will tire off the pretentious overly friendly "guidelines", it allows for a breeding ground of thoughtpolicing and non ironic emoticon posters which will lead to an influx of new people with no knowledge or participation in community origins and culture meaning it will die slowly.

It's a chan with no chan culture. We're here for fun. Our culture is fun. Let us have our fun.



>It's a chan with no chan culture. We're here for fun. Our culture is fun.

I'm fine with the "no fun" part if that means we don't get "funposting."

You're well aware "fun" is just another word for "shit" and that's exactly what's ruining /x/ and 8ch/fringe/.


>>81362 😟



No austic fucks like you who want to turn EVERYTHING into neo-reddit are what ruined 4chan and then 8chan.



u mad?



>knowing what reddit is like

I never ever used Reddit. Loaded the page once but didn't understand what to click on.

Pls go over to 4chan /x/ and then come back here and tell me honestly the board isn't shit. As for this one here, just fucking open your eyes.

There's literally 1 decent thread up right now apart from this one, I'll let you guess which one that is.


Even threads like


are tolerated so chan culture is hardly dead over there.



Someone ONCE AGAIN thought it a good idea to attack someone they don't know because he posted here.

I just threw your astral body in the volcano, because I don't mess around with people like you.

Translation: your fucked

Maybe your little friends can take a hint from this and stop the nonsense now?



[bullshit LARPer detected]

fuck off schizo highschoolers, it's time to go back to school you fucking losers


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m8 that was me, not cool man




you poor ponymancers cant pick up an energy signature and imbue it with discordant emotions?

i love our new meem, as soon as someone calls bs on stuff thats legit i know what im dealing with.



Thank you anon.



Thank you shitposter.


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Hey Alpam, is there an email I can contact you with? I don't know if that email on fringechan is just a placeholder, and Tox seems dead and unsafe.

It's not a major concern, but it is about the security of the site. If privacy is an issue, we can use GPG




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Hello there, pardon me for my late reply, I've been on holiday. That email is active and well. Was it about HTTPS? I updated that now.


>No fun allowed chan.

Lol wtf?


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>that guy spamming quran quotes all over the site like they mean anything

Yeah, no, no thanks. Grow some standards or set yourself up for disaster like this sad excuse of a board.



Nothing wrong with posting writings from the holy books. I like Islam except for the cube, mostly. The basis of such wisdom all came from the same sources until corrupted by the intruders, the weak, the corrupted. The ignorant and inept are unable to sift through to the deeper treasures that are a gift to those who know they are to be gifted such… In that way I am and have been very blessed.


JoS is total cringe now and that board of theirs is the epitome of just fuck my shit up, fam.

The infantile memes propagated by one of the "High Priests" should be a dead giveaway. I swear that guy is a plant.

The wallowing in ignorance and brown-nosing the higher ups there is complete blasphemy to Satanic principle.

Sure, the woman was loyal and did her outstanding duty of liberating much knowledge like a good servant but seems to be sidetracked in vain pursuits.

In the end, all knowledge comes together and we see through the veils of deceptions as friends, not a bunch of idiotic cringe-lords.

I can only venture into that realm for short periods to retrieve meditation details from those who have completed the steps towards godhead.

Fringechan is yet another point of retreat with plenty of roleplayers, the meme-infected, and scientific literalists there who do not have eyes to see, nor ears to hear. Such mockery is only breeding grounds for contempt. Chan is a failure for the most part and simply another front for assimilation into the inorganic influences that seek control over this Earthly domain. ASK: Who leads a life of their own volition, free from contractual enslavement and shall persevere through the coming judgement and return of the Old Gods? Well, some may call that The Rapture (not the pre-tribulation rapture, which is an alien harvest). We will see who our allies and true peers are soon enough depending on what they choices they make in these last days.

Which brings me to another point of Satanic discussion, even true Christians (followers of Jesus in scripture and The Old Testament, dare I say) are not enemies. In fact, they hold true the doctrines of purity much better than most infidels. There are many veils of history, illusion and deception on this plane. Isn't it odd that many a biblical prophecy is unerring? Now we could get into the Hebrew-Druid connection or better yet bring it into discussion on JoS but I don't have the patience for that right now. Remember ORION. Or is it playadeeez? Deez nutz!



look at what shitposting did to this board


It's one guy in one thread. Banning people for beliefs you don't like would be shitty. And it's really better than

>Ghosts - My hero, Bill Nye says there is none, or life after death. What say you?

>Pick-up beautiful women improving your alpha-male skills reading the best-sellers books that I'm sharing for free at:




One thing I forgot to make clear is that beyond the issue of the JoS boards being tightly controlled by bigots, they are overwhelmingly negative.

That's somewhat to be expected, I suppose, as most of the population reside in a negative polarity or dualistic consciousness.

Heh… How these annoying cretins should be dealt with is up for debate, although many a fate is sealed.

The exception to that is the elect, the chosen of Satan, lights that outshine large swaths of darkness.

Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world, for they do not fight to keep me from being delivered up (slain)"

Point being: If they do not fight for Truth then what is the use here?


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If one reads Power Vs Force they will understand why torchbearers are so few and the caste system did gud.


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Here's a better one. Who will get the twice-born reference?

Ultimately, it's draining posting here. Everyone has a choice.



>buhu, we need more state, government and control. wtf, why am I banned for my opinion?

>Everyone can say their equal amount and everyone can be ridiculed for what they say equally as well.

Pick one.



>one guy in one thread

Half the entire front page of fringechan/fringe is this guy samefagging and literally telling people if they don't follow the muslim bible they're wrong about everything.



If you don't follow the koran of Mohammed (P. B.U.H) you will die soon infidel.

The undeniable hordes of mujahideen will be upon the nations and all who do not commit to the one true faith will be put to the sword or made slave to the followers of the Prophet (P.B.U.H).




shut the fuck up faggot



pls enable ids to help ignore shills



We will discuss your suggestion if this issue gets out of hand. The Islam shitposter has been publicly warned, so hopefully that will do the trick.


fringechan has become a hive of brainless sissy bullshit occultists from reddit, facebook, and 4chan.

Example of the average fringechan poster post march 2016

>"If you are racist you belong on /pol/ loser"

>"There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay"

>"One race the human race"


>"Yes I am bisexual and a transexual and proud of it, if you don't like it go back to /pol/ stormweenie"

The entire site turned into absolute cancer when the regulars who kept it alive migrated out in the March Exodus.



>>"If you are racist you belong on /pol/ loser"


This is true though

>>"Yes I am bisexual and a transexual and proud of it, if you don't like it go back to /pol/ stormweenie"

>>"There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay"

This is condemned by most everyone though

>>"One race the human race"

This is not how English works though



Fringechan occultist detected


File: 21b3fb690cf8217⋯.jpg (460.19 KB, 800x600, 4:3, it didnt have to hurt like….jpg)



Yes, I know it's stressful when people poke holes in your fairy tales.



Sounds like the stormfaggot got called out on his shit. I used to be like you, but soon you'll realize that it's just as shitty as the normalfag political stances you despise.



>I used to be like you

Ah, the classic statement of the shill.

>I used to be like you but at last I truly see!

You people aren't even clueless mundanes wandering into /fringe/, you are paid government workers being actively told how to post disinfo and destroy internet communities.

Die you jew slaves.



How about making consecutive posts against the rules?

Posting 11 times consecutively should be a bannable offence, with exceptions to info dumps (I cna't think of any other reason for exceptions, and this only because of text and picture limits. also we can only post one youtube link at a tine)

They should at least learn how to use imageboards before using them



i get a text box saying


File: 3c4c5ec424854d2⋯.png (8.2 KB, 508x103, 508:103, ClipboardImage.png)


And pasting that text breaks this place too giving me another weird error lol





RIP Frangechin: The Last Bastion of Muslim Tolerance

We hardly new ye


File: 433046acf2462c1⋯.jpg (406.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, gears.jpg)





Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. I was working on a new feature for a custom board (of which you will hear more soon), which in turned caused that error to show up on /fringe/. It has now been fixed and you can all post again.



And fuck you, we warned the anon to quit spamming his jabbering. And you speak as if it is any different here, as if the Muslim would get a ban here, out of all places, the cesspool of shitposting and degeneracy.






>So a satanist, a muslim, and a gay jew create a website

>they name that website "fringechan"

>the punchline


I'd rather use this board honestly.

You know the saying "Better the jew you know".


>Muslim mod creates an Islam general

>gets spammed to death






Wake up sheeple



Any else getting

>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer.



File: b7153a8a03c61c6⋯.png (731.4 KB, 1401x430, 1401:430, 1409815803678.png)

I got to take a break from that site. I've never encountered so much autism in such a short period of time. Is this what being a retard handler feels like?



works fine for me


Yea I've had to deal with some autism too, and since ignoring those posts makes the autists think they are right means I have to respond to them. this results in connecting with my inner autism to show how they are sperging without calling it sperging.

there's plenty of interesting things to talk about if you want to ignore the autism tho. what points of discussion did you think were autistic though if you don't mind me asking



>some autist starts a 40 post reply chain about how fruit is poison because bottled and pasteurized fruit juice contains high amounts of fructose therefore fruit is bad for you

>tipp starts shitposting muh grassfed beef


File: 19ea41c7fabb5a0⋯.png (221.63 KB, 1039x1000, 1039:1000, 1469503133278.png)


>I've never encountered so much autism in such a short period of time.


>this results in connecting with my inner autism


>some autist starts a 40 post reply chain about how fruit is poison because bottled and pasteurized fruit juice contains high amounts of fructose therefore fruit is bad for you

Alright, I've been lured to your site to see this autism for myself and this is what I've found. I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or if this was some sort of trick.

>some neophyte guy mentions juicing and holistic doctors dying

>spurdo poster minces his words, calls him disinfo, and implies he says fruit is poison

>neophyte guy backs up his claims and at the most implies fructose is bad in high amounts

>noflag guy keeps going after neophyte guy for no discernible reason

>noflag guy types up walls of texts with the most passive-aggressive tone I've ever seen

>tipp is tipp

>noflag guy later in the thread mentions being a vegan which may explain his womanly passive-aggressivism and irrational posting behavior

>vegans, when will they learn

I've seen autism but I didn't expect to learn a few things along the way. But I was hoping to literally see the autism that believes, "fruit is poison," and that's not what I found. I'm actually upset that it isn't what I found. Was tricking me with your bad descriptions part of your plan to get me to visit?



lol I assumed as such


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8 no h8






Vegans, when will they learn



h8 to st8 but ur fall8ious m8


File: b768d13c0859065⋯.jpeg (33.39 KB, 490x301, 70:43, image.jpeg)


More loosh pls



please upgrade it to


http without s is kinda shit



I didn't know about it. fuck off shill.





Thanks kid now donate to my patreon.



You mean reviving it. A faggot named Gabe first created fringechan.org and then killed it.


File: 337bf27ffeaa12d⋯.jpg (8.59 KB, 252x159, 84:53, 1407754173480.jpg)


>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer.

>referer spelt wrong lel

>turn off refcontrol

>make post


>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer.

>wow referer is still spelt wrong

>turn off refcontrol

>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer.


>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer.

>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer.

>disable some other addons

>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer.

>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer.

>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer.

>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referer.

Nice site asshole




whatever admin did a while ago to posting made this happen again


Vegans, just awful people. Awful. Snooty, passive aggressive, boring people, when will they learn?


Fringechan > 8/fringe/ tbh. Less shitposting and a less edgy color scheme.



The colors are nice



LOL they autodelete any post mentioning this board



someone fix this i can't fucking post



fringechan is filled with goons and redditors

8/fringe/ is filled with shitposters and dank may-mays

I like this one better


Bump :^)




Whoever invited cuckchan needs to fucking kill themselves.


File: fa1703c44300227⋯.jpg (186.04 KB, 920x631, 920:631, happyhh.jpg)


Why in the world would we? There's a plethora of references and links on fringechan.org to 8/fringe. Even in the damn sticky. Just go out try and come back to me with an example if its somehow impossible to you.


Is this still happening to you? May I know the browser you are using and possible extensions?


>fringechan is filled with goons and redditors

Nice blanket terms that literally mean zero in the context you provided.


You embrace the blatant shitposts that shit all over the board? Then stay here please kthxbb.




I get the referer error when using firefox with extensions like umatrix, noscript, refcontrol, and ublock. Refcontrol would be the obvious suspect but making it send normal referers does not fix it. Chromium with no extensions lets me post just fine.


File: 37ea48f8f1b05a1⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1734x1107, 578:369, a-few-helpful-doctors-read….jpg)


Thanks. I'll install the same extensions and debug the issue in the upcoming weekend and hopefully resolve the issue.


>Admin is some kind of Joy of Satan 15 year old memer

No thanks.



The admin of this board is a literal mental patient. I think fringechan wins on this count.



This board also is broken as fuck now.

Bravo smiles



>blaming Smiley for what is Code Monkey's fault



I don't even know what the fuck codemonkey is doing anymore, I think he's doing it on purpose.



It does seem that way. I can't imagine a fucking imageboard would be so buggy. It's not that complex a piece of software. It's not like he's developing a game. It's just a fucking forum, why can't he make it work? Why does .pl have working flags?


File: e17509ce466ce11⋯.gif (3.24 MB, 400x224, 25:14, real.gif)


>15 year old memer

>posts with a literal meme flag

>feels the need to denounce me as immature

Psychological projection.


>This board also is broken as fuck now.

This board, any by a larger extend, this entire site have been broken since its inception. New issues -both technical and administration wise- surface every week. I created fringechan exactly because of that reason. There was a point at which you couldn't even post here and I wouldn't be surprised if it happens again.


Its just as easy to point fingers at Codemonkey as it is to Smiles. At this point, you cannot rationally expect 8chan to get better, given the parties that are involved. Failing to provide your board/community/whatever with any alternative, despite that disastrous events have been happening for years now, is a clear lack of responsibility as BO. All faith is placed in an incompetent programmer and the 8ch administration feels no responsibility to get capable programmers aboard. They even take it as far by making new Infinity (the framework 8ch runs on) updates closed source - thereby making a clear statement in regards to opensource contributions.

>inb4 the mental gymnastics pointing me out as subversive for stating the truth



Subversive for breaking off proper apostolic succession from 5chon to 8ch.net.

If you were truly noble as you claim, you would venerate the tradition and give ownership to smiley as has been done since the beginnings of time.



Smiley is garbage tier occultism


While fringechan may not be buggy, its too much Order. Theres not as much free speech. It feels more like a place for fringechan.org creators to post their info to "educate the initiates". While 8ch may be buggy at least we can say what we want without a mod getting butthurt about posts.


>mfw 8ch fringe is black


>mfw fringechan is white


I think we know which one cringe lizards prefer


Reminder for all you smiley worshipers that he is a jew.




>While 8ch may be buggy at least we can say what we want without a mod getting butthurt about posts.

They are slightly too censorious but usually they only hotpocket genuine shitposts, and I think they have /fringe/'s interests at heart. Better than having the board overrun with garbage like it is here, and less risk of a Protagonist-style rampage.


File: 47f6f280f4164c7⋯.png (3.07 KB, 268x95, 268:95, Screenshot_6.png)

Is fringechan kill? It's been down for a while now.



Don't know how true this is but this is the only explanation ive seen.


>Legal threats shut it down.



It had to be that fucking CP spammer setting them up for the takedown. My money is on Mossa losing the last of his mind to the mercury. It all started on his secret board.



>secret board.

tell me about his secret board??



Mossa created a secret cp board where he stored thousands of cp pictures in encrypted pdfs







>secret cp board

smells like bullshit, especially if fringechan.org doesnt show a federal government screen saying the site got seized because of cp, but i will give the benefit of doubt. I just want fringechan


File: 58adae534351f8b⋯.png (150.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, satoru.png)


It was called /satoru/. It served as his personal library of sorts. I found out about it after the CP wiped everything but the stickies and saw the admin talking about having nuked it. Here it is in my history:

>/satoru/ - This board serves as an archive for the sessions that Mossa hosts almost every weekend.Each thread in here will be an archive of a weekly thread made on /fringe/.Threads will be moved and locked once the session is over on a Saturday or Sunday.




Disgusting. Why can't we have nice things?


was mossa that guy who was doing these guided lucid dreaming/astral projection sessions? how were they anyway?


you think was it just a bot randomly spamming any imageboards it finds or someone actively trying to get fringechan taken down? if the 2nd, i wonder why


File: d4ebabc32d701a5⋯.jpg (234.38 KB, 939x529, 939:529, nickname smiley.jpg)

File: 210c9f421846824⋯.jpg (50.67 KB, 939x529, 939:529, integra smiley.jpg)

File: eaa88ed8963bd25⋯.jpg (170.5 KB, 939x529, 939:529, driver smiley.jpg)


smiley triple



They definitely needed more moderators. Mossa lost his mod privileges some short while before all this happened, so it was only the admin left to curate the place. I'm surprised they didn't ask for help before shutting down.


It all happened so quickly to this backwater site it must have been targeted. Which is why I suspect Mossa. His secret board and all his gay shit got wiped first after he lost mod privileges. Very convenient for some mercury addled faggot with a grudge. I don't think a bot would find his board by itself, unless there was a hidden link someplace.



>I don't think a bot would find his board by itself

It's very likely the bot just crawls a bunch of urls with the word "chan" in it tbh

Also who was the admin? Alpam?



Get fucked Mossa, you piece of shit. I was in the middle of a conversation and you ruined it.



/satoru/ was his board yes. Eventually the CP spammer found it and put some porn on it, but they did that to all the boards (including several of the other unlisted ones like /grave/ and /astral/).


fringechan was hosted in NL so no fed but it was still shutdown due to CP.


Totally false.


>I'm surprised they didn't ask for help before shutting down.

We did ask for help with additional moderators but no one stepped up. It's was just me and Alpam in the end.


>His secret board and all his gay shit got wiped first after he lost mod privileges.

Actually false. His board and the posts related to the AP experiments where left up. There was no CP or anything of the kind, just a few posts about session scheduling and experiences anon had with/through it.

Also, he left us not the other way around.


>Also who was the admin? Alpam?

He was-is the main technical admin and owner, though I ran most of the site on a day-to-day basis. There where a few other guys that where originally on the mod/vol team, but they all pretty much went inactive in <6 months.



I guess in the end Alpam was more concerned with his JoS circlejerk than with fringechan.



If you did ask for help then nobody noticed it, should have made it a sticky rather than what I assume was a single post in the question thread. Would have been ok with moderating the CP away too.





>H-hey there newfig, wanna get some REAL magick powers? ;) ;) ;P

>Y-ye sure man






I doubt it, Mossa is all about letting go of stuff, if you want to ask him himself just go to his irc.



>most of the threads still exist btw,

and where would they be, if you dont mind me asking?


>(pic slightly unrelated but whatever)

>original meaning of satan is eternal truth

>Never says what text he got it from





I know right? smh


>you are paid government workers being actively told how to post disinfo and destroy internet communities.

and they say my life is sad

Cant say I'm gonna miss fringechan. It would be nice if we got everyone interested in the occult in the same location. But I doubt that's gonna happen


File: 55d9b6dbe8afd95⋯.png (9.33 KB, 884x135, 884:135, fuck.png)

File: 91ae6c23a58b180⋯.png (5.1 KB, 552x107, 552:107, more traffic.png)

We seem to be attracting more people though >>91802

It's strange, /fringe/ cant seem decide whether it wants to be dead board or not


So are there any plans of reviving fringechan or if not at least an archive of all the threads and stuff?


File: 6054256999addfb⋯.jpg (59.5 KB, 480x680, 12:17, true-believer.jpg)


>I guess in the end Alpam was more concerned with his JoS circlejerk than with fringechan.

You know despite appearances, anons, even such wizards such as us, do have lives outside the internet.


>If you did ask for help then nobody noticed it,

Yea, probably. I put it in the announcement text on the boards. Perhaps a /meta/ sticky would have been better.


>implying jews are good

>implying Hitler is bad

You're still an ignorant cancerous newfig.


To be expected but how much remains we'll see. Honestly /pol/ is far better at magic than 8/fringe/, both in execution and depth of insight. The main draw of fringechan was for the initiates and serious neophytes as a resource and a studious place to compare notes, /pol/ (and some smaller boards that spiraled off of it) rivival fringechan and are far better now than 8/fringe/. This place still surves the purpose it always did though, wroughting the mundanefags into neophytes.


Yes there are plans to put it back up, however we need to implement some technical additional solutions to prevent spam.

What archives I could find I posted here >>93225 there are some more that I didn't post but can be found through searching/exploring the archive sites (mainly way back machine).



Word filters? Wow this place really is going to shit…



>/pol/ is better at magic

"meme magic" is just cancer, any particular /pol/ user has no knowledge and no power and can't do shit with magic. Not saying 8ch/fringe/ is any better, but they are same level of bullshit.

On the second thought, I'd even bet /fringe/ is better in this regard.



Yeah, I've been clicking with /x/ the last couple of weeks, thanks for banning me, I probably wouldn't have learned my lesson, like ever, if I had not been banned, or atleast in a slower manner.

The entire idea behind me using a name, was, that I could be judged so the learning experience would be quicker, in which I've succeeded.

And you're right about the newfigness, but I must say I've learned how to proclaim my theology in a better manner now.

I'm hype for trying again when fringechan is up.

And again I would like to officially apologize for my unintended funposting and shilling on fringechan.


File: b79c1e0145f2475⋯.jpg (7.16 MB, 9056x5952, 283:186, 6f8a2c55525901c89a7b908a2d….jpg)


There are actually serious wizened magi there, sure there is also a legion of strictly meme-tier ones but they are not the totality.

I've been able, in recent months, to have deeper esoteric discuessions on /pol/ that I could on /fringe/ since the fringechan exodus.

There are still only a few (probably <6) powerful initiates on /fringe/; mostly it's just a flood of neophytes or even those who aren't even to that tier yet. It's just simple mathematical ratios because /pol/ has so much more traffic and is exposed to the secrets as we are here.

>any particular /pol/ user has no knowledge and no power and can't do shit with magic

Magic is fundimentally about bending reality to your will, in this respect you are dead wrong. But as long as you don't actually challenge them you (probably) won't face their wrath.

Honestly, modern /pol/ is the reborn, psychically awakened, and mystically initiated internet hatemachine, back in full swing.



>Magic is fundimentally about bending reality to your will, in this respect you are dead wrong.

In what respect? I didn't say anything about what magic is or isn't.

And what any of them is capable of? Some serious meditators there? Maybe some accomplished sorcerers?

They are just feeding their egregore, on their own they can't do shit and they haven't put any serious study into the subject. They are making memes and thinking they are actually mages because of it. Maybe they have some power as a community, I'm not denying that, but I said any particular user, not userbase as a whole.

Any interaction I've ever had with meme "magicians" or Kek posters or /pol/ generally only showed me their lack of skill, knowledge and subtlety. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I met all the wrong people, but I have only your word on it that I'm wrong. Just an example - remember "Kek New Year ritual" thread? That was an absolute lack of knowledge regarding both ritual operations and symbolism used. They are basically JoS tier. No substance, just talk.

>I've been able, in recent months, to have deeper esoteric discuessions on /pol/

But what can they actually do? Anyone can post and discuss, that doesn't prove any magical ability whatsoever.

>is exposed to the secrets as we are here.

There are no secrets here, just "kid's first occult books" and roleplayers. Honestly neither here, nor on fringechan I haven't ever come across anything that would be useful to me, no knowledge that I wouldn't previously studied myself (to an extent greater than anything I read on either board) or that wouldn't be disinformation. Maybe apart from one or two AuntWatermelon's posts.


File: 928e4c429347187⋯.png (398.13 KB, 1366x755, 1366:755, 74c89f7c23694788cf7e891ed2….png)

File: 17b07e2eeebb916⋯.jpg (271.13 KB, 1283x499, 1283:499, de8263f071eda974f978ea729b….jpg)


Now you're showing us how much a fool you really are, you pseudo-initiated dumpster diving bullshit occultist.



Well, acknowledgement of the state one is currently is a great start.


>In what respect? I didn't say anything about what magic is or isn't.

You made the claim they (/pol/) have no power, no magic (no ability to shape reality.) Which is obviously a false clame. Tremendous accomplishments have been made through the collective force of will.

>And what any of them is capable of?

Clearly you're not a regular there.

>Some serious meditators there?

Yes, and for more than you may think too. I would wager at least 20%, maybe more.

>Maybe some accomplished sorcerers?

Yes, several dozen at least by my rough estimates (including the factor of essence distinction). I was in a thread last week and several of us started APing to folk to do healing work on them and the more accomplished of them in the thread even gave accurate descriptions of me as I entered their mindspace.

>They are just feeding their egregore

Many of them are, this is true.

>on their own they can't do shit and they haven't put any serious study into the subject.

This is where you're wrong again though. I'm starting to think you're not even an old channer. If you were you would understand how just being exposed and witness to these things, espeically over long periods of time (and there are many decade plus oldfigs there) changes and alters you.

>Maybe they have some power as a community, I'm not denying that, but I said any particular user, not userbase as a whole.

Check out the GATE thread archives sometime if you still don't think the average /pol/ack is more psychically prowesed and magically inclined than other channers.

> Just an example - remember "Kek New Year ritual" thread? That was an absolute lack of knowledge regarding both ritual operations and symbolism used. They are basically JoS tier.

I won't argue about this as you're right. That was primarily the work of one autist though. The thread didn't get any serious traction or community response because it was clearly so newfiggy.


>I haven't ever come across anything that would be useful to me, no knowledge that I wouldn't previously studied myself (to an extent greater than anything I read on either board) or that wouldn't be disinformation. Maybe apart from one or two AuntWatermelon's posts.

Auntie is great, Khan is great, Mossa was pretty great too. There where a few other anons who proved quite insightful as well and while in large you're correct the only reason there wasn't better stuff is because people such as that are on the far end of the bell curve, working to move it that way.

If you're so extremely wisened though, why don't you write up entire threads on the subjects you're learned in or at least recommend some stuff. I'm all ears I"m being totally sincere btw.



>Tremendous accomplishments have been made through the collective force of will.

>collective force of will

>any particular /pol/ user


I even already wrote as much

>Maybe they have some power as a community, I'm not denying that, but I said any particular user, not userbase as a whole.

>Clearly you're not a regular there.

Clearly I'm not, nothing to gain from me going there on a regular basis, especially as I'm not into their agenda.

>Yes, and for more than you may think too. I would wager at least 20%, maybe more.

I'm not sure we agree on the meaning of the term "serious meditator".

>I'm starting to think you're not even an old channer

Imageboard "culture" is cancer, being "an old channer" is not a virtue. With that being said, I've been on fringechan since it's conception and I've been on /fringe/ generally long prior to that.

>just being exposed and witness to these things

But what things are you talking about? As I said, no secrets there nor here.

>Check out the GATE thread archives sometime if you still don't think the average /pol/ack is more psychically prowesed and magically inclined than other channers.

They still cling onto their material philosophy and give a shit about politics, instead of focusing on true power.

>If you're so extremely wisened though, why don't you write up entire threads on the subjects you're learned in or at least recommend some stuff.

I don't think I'm some kind of Guru and I don't want to teach people. I learned everything on my own, others can too, no need for me to hold their hands. Moreover, I think that if you want to be a teacher you need to know the subject like the back of your hand when it comes to magic. And to teach people about spiritual stuff or higher aspects of magic, nothing short of enlightenment suffices. I confess, I do not meet the requirements, despite all the knowledge I gathered and all the stuff I practiced.

Anyway, I did recommend many things on fringechan, both practices and books. I've been rather active most of the time, posted a whole lot, shared a lot of resources but writing up threads from the viewpoint of a teacher isn't something I'm interested in. I'm not trying to sound like a cunt - I liked the place and I liked replying in question threads and helping people out. I enjoyed occasional shitstorms too. Fringechan certainly wasn't perfect, but it was the best place for occult discussion. I hope it will be back someday.



Also this tbqh



I meant picrels, not trying to offend you or anything.



Identity is ultimately tied to civilization, without it the infighting groups will just make civilization splinter until it collapses all together.

Sjws want to attack a group because it will make them look progressive, /pol/ fights for civilization and good standards of living.

Quite with the strawman and admit it already, you just want society to die.


File: f50570bf89d4b63⋯.jpg (376.98 KB, 774x1041, 258:347, 1469975566876-1.jpg)


I'll just say this. Things are shifting, you make a lot of assumptions about /pol/ and chan culture, some are correct, many are not. Ultimatly though it's really not worth debating the minuetia, rather simplier to just witness the manifest results if you're not actually interested in understanding them/it.

>Anyway, I did recommend many things on fringechan, both practices and books. I've been rather active most of the time, posted a whole lot, shared a lot of resources

Well, for that, thank you spirit brother.

>but writing up threads from the viewpoint of a teacher isn't something I'm interested in.

The way I see it isn't so much a sensei sort of thing so much as a discussion starter. The best parts of those sorts of threads where the discussions about what came after the OP(s). You can kind of get that in the question thread, but only sometimes really.

>I'm not trying to sound like a cunt - I liked the place and I liked replying in question threads and helping people out.

Ya're fine, I understand your position.

>I enjoyed occasional shitstorms too. Fringechan certainly wasn't perfect, but it was the best place for occult discussion. I hope it will be back someday.

I as well. Long live all bastions of truth and divinity!



>you make a lot of assumptions about /pol/ and chan culture

I call em how I see em. The presence of /pol/ on fringechan only manifested as Kek posters and butthurt "that's degenerate faggot" thread derailments. Nothing I witnessed suggests that they are in any way interested in magic, not even talking about they knowing any magic.



Nananana boo boo, is mean old /pol/ too much for you to bear?



Nah, I actually enjoyed ensuing shitstorm a lot, but how is this relevant?



>If you don't like retarded mundanes that's your problem

Lel, fuck off. I admit it was occasionally funny because of how colossally dumb they were but mostly it just dragged the site down.



And now the site actually is down. The irony.



Why are your posts extremely cringey?



You do know Fringechan was the containment website for all the people who talk all cryptic and deep like stereotypical fantasy movie wizards from thousands of years ago, right? That's why it only happens here every once in a while. That anon seems halfway there.



>You do know Fringechan was the containment website for all the people who talk all cryptic and deep

You know there was a two-fold reason for the metaphoric shorthand of the Art right? Because the subject is beyond uninitiated understanding it's not just information to treat with respect and care but also due to the intrinsic nature of the subject matter it even putting into words is often no small matter itself. This is also to speak nothing about finding a way to convey literal volumes and sometimes lifetimes of information beyond mere words with words to those who have not even the experience of.



bla bla bla just fuck off if you have nothing constructive to say



Just because you lack the ability to understand doesn't mean every one else does.


Dice rollRolled 4, 2, 6, 6 = 18 (4d6)


You do know Fringechan was the containment website

I was not aware, no.

>Because the subject is beyond uninitiated understanding

>montalk flag

You can say you are initiated all you want doesn't make it true.

>also due to the intrinsic nature of the subject matter even putting into words is often no small matter itself.

So are you gonna do it? cause I'm with >>93421 you haven't really added anything mind blowing


>You don't buy my bullshit so you are clearly ignorant

I smell a bullshit occultist



Hitler did everything wrong jerrycuck. I'm glad fringechan is dead.



You should read some esoteric poetry sometime. Then you will start to see how fickle a thing language really is.



There is no reason why you can't talk normally. You even said it yourself: "there was a two-fold reason for the metaphoric shorthand" etc. Now there isn't, because we won't get hanged or burned at the stake in CY+2 by normalfags who don't understand, and because English vocabulary has expanded and you can describe what you mean a lot easier. You could have shortened your whole post down to "people talk like that to stop regular people from knowing what they're talking about, and because it's a difficult subject to describe, not to mention the incomprehensible amount of information nobody's ever put to words". Instead, you make it so wordy and annoying to read for no good reason, so people on the internet make fun of you.


New free open source decentralized internet fringe chan when???




one of us one of us gobble gobble

alternative addresses:



gobble gobble



is this safe?



how old are you ciddie, we don't need more (((teenbros)))



nah it just empty


File: 982893051d6852b⋯.jpg (301.84 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, Alex_Grey_White-Light.jpg)

Lies and opinions all bar around. You build lies and imagination by listening to a voice in your head without factually looking at what you can observe.

I disagree with Alpam and do not believe that one doctrine holds truth, and wishes to broaden my perception by looking at more schools of thought. In the disagreement I decided to leave the website, deleted my user folder on the server and deleted the password and passkey file. Logs can prove I haven't logged in on the server using SSH, FTP with the user Mossa since it doesn't exist, the public passkey is not on the server.

Many hours are spent slandering on Discourd bringing up old memories about a police case where they seized my computer based on the suspicion of possessing CP. 2 weeks later I get my phone and tablet back and 14 weeks later I get the computer back where they've taken the hard drives out and put them back in.

I wanted to counter sue the "witnesses" that claimed I was in possession, but laws of privacy protect their names so I don't know who it was.

After I go through several gates of illusions I forgive Alpam for being different and accept him as a being. Our differences is of no value and I've build a second Discord group from some people that wished to follow the path I teach. So I don't come back, I move forward.

Some weeks later, page goes into maintennance mode. "Ok, Alpam will fix it in 2 days." me thinks. 1½ week passes, I ask him why, he tells me about it. I ask Suomi Wizard what the fringechan thing is about, he tells me people are claiming I spread CP as revenge on my own special board. Brilliant plan to paint my own name in more black than needed by tainting the work of my legacy.

8ch.net/fringe/ had CP spam just months ago when Smiley was gone. Whoever is spamming it, I forgive you, for I know that you can do better. Realize the consequences of your actions by meming a suffering industry justified by the devil itself. GG, you became the puppet.

And this is my tripcode. You can confirm it with any of the posts I've made in the past.

I've gone anonymous and uses a different flag. There's no reward for you finding out which flag I use. I love you for being who you are.


File: fd462270701dbd6⋯.jpg (35.94 KB, 555x415, 111:83, HARAM.jpg)




File: 4b431e8cd11a80f⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, 093.jpg)


Be well my brother. Light be upon your path.

>I've gone anonymous and use a different flag.

Despite much effort and even with no name nor trip I've gained far more of a reputation than I ever wanted. So I have taken to this as well.



your foppery and overuse of flowery words dilutes words

many words are not needed



I must say my good sir that I will have to gracefully disagree with your uncouth way of speaking. If we didn't speak like this how else would we be able to show the world our superior knowledge and minds? Our way of speaking only appeals to the highest of intellectuals which you clearly are not. Good day to you.



this is a good post

i realy like the layer of post-humourous-ironical-ironic-sarcasm irony



There's a pretty big difference between that anon and >>93417 tbh


How about we use /fringe/ methods to recreate fringechan and make sure that nobody can ever shut it down.

The image board itself could be recreated as an egregore.

To connect to it, we could create servitors to serve as terminals. You know, thoughtforms so intense you can see them. A thoughtformed ipad so to speak.

On this board somebody could post instructions on how to create the terminal servitor so that anyone who is willing to spend some effort can connect to it as well.

I don't have enough experience to know exactly how to do something like this yet. But maybe some of you out there who know about egregores/servitors/tulpas and so on can help out with this?



You're out on deep water here, little fish.

Sure it can be done, technically speaking, but you're then intruding on an area with already laid out boundaries. Other, much more experienced wizard societies have done this already, do you think they'll accept a new group doing this just like that? They literally have no problem using lethal magic on you if you try something like this.

You're better off joining a pre existing "board" for this, but I doubt a lot of people on here meet the requirements for it.

>inb4 how do u know

I'm a member of one of them, and I can only talk about it because our position is so strong no one could do anything to me anyway.






*kills u with magickkk*

thought you were tuff ciddie, heh


Looks like fringechan's certificate expired, shame it had to die when /fringe/ has gone to serious shit



*blocks your path*

What the fuck did you just say about /fringe/ kid?


Just made a thread at the site mentioned by >>93545 to try to revive the fringechan book request thread. I was working on one for a guy from there so I figured I'd make a note of it here in case he happens to check /fringe/ for updates.



10/0 Larping




ew no



If there's interest in reviving that thread here too, we can make one.


I wish fringechan would come back, 8chan fringe seems venomous and full of autism, I just get an edgy highschooler vibe from here now.



Sure, I still prefer fringechan overall but I rather have a thread on 8/fringe/ than at freech


File: 6de050d2e3f4915⋯.jpg (145.05 KB, 728x1034, 364:517, 1471885211146.jpg)


8/fringe/ has got a serious case of cancer and low quality discussion. The sort of bullshit that's getting posted in the question thread here would definitely evoke the ban hammer on fringechan.

I actually miss that indigo pill faggot a little.













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Jesus Christ alpam if you wanted everyone to go to fringechan then you should have taken better care of it.



>being THIS much of a rulecuck



Thanks I guess



so your still here too? Evey one's complaining about quality so why don't you make a tantra thread or something, whatever you feel comfortable with.



Many hours are spent slandering on Discourd bringing up old memories about a police case where they seized my computer based on the suspicion of possessing CP.

So you got framed for cp by alpalm?


who are you?



>8ch.net/fringe/ had CP spam just months ago when Smiley was gone. Whoever is spamming it, I forgive you,

I dont, because it disrupts the board not to mention scares off any/everyone else.



>why don't you make a tantra thread or something

Two reasons: first of which I already explained in >>93348 and the second is that on 8ch/fringe/ it would just be flooded with shitpost anyway and nothing would come out of it. I was thinking of writing a thread that would be a sort of an introduction to Hindu Tantra generally, listing key concepts of different Tantrik currents, some general techniques employed etc. but then the fringechan went down, so I think I will wait up with it till it's revived.



>So you got framed for cp by alpalm?

Never mind


>Some weeks later, page goes into maintennance mode. "Ok, Alpam will fix it in 2 days." me thinks. 1½ week passes, I ask him why, he tells me about it. I ask Suomi Wizard what the fringechan thing is about, he tells me people are claiming I spread CP as revenge on my own special board.

That's just fucking sad that is.

>Brilliant plan to paint my own name in more black than needed by tainting the work of my legacy.

yes a master ruse that only the retarded would think would work.


>but then the fringechan went down, so I think I will wait up with it till it's revived.

>Because staying in that honeypot is a good idea

Do us a favor and stay their I don't want alpalm and crew shitting up this place. hi alpalm








>Do us a favor and stay there

That's the plan.



>it would be flooded by shitposts anyways

Just like every thread here right? Do you faggots really think it's that bad cause I don't see it. I think you babies are just too sensitive and actually get triggered by being called a bullshit occultist.

Even if the thread did get shitposts (which i fucking doubt) all that matters is spreading of knowledge is it not? Your message will get heard and you would be giving the opportunity for new and interesting things to discuss. But nope, keep being a defeatist little bitch.

By the way the problem isn't the shitposting, that's the symptom. The problem is the lack of shit to fucking talk about.


File: 0b62fe1385161fc⋯.jpg (221.34 KB, 700x960, 35:48, 7a09bca852ede7fb2cf754b233….jpg)

Just one of the old guard who stepped forward to help carry the mantle of that which I loved in it's hour of need. I typically used to post on here with this flag however it seems as though you are are from after that Era else you would know me. I have the respect of many seekers of /fringe/ for all the love and care I've shown over the years. Some just called me Montalk (Classic)-anon cus the flag I used. For awhile, perhaps half of the time of fringechan, I used the name Librarian on IRC. A long time ago, before the rise of /fringe/ (on freedomboard), I used to also regular the Spiritual Guidance Threads on 4/x/, I eventually left for freedomboard, how may if any are still around from way back then I don't know.

Otherwise though, I'm just anon and now anon receding back into the shadows again.


Continuations of fringe are just seed from fruit or fruit within seed. You always take 50% with you in order to follow harmonization. Unless the original source of corruption is fixed it will only spread.

Expecting perfect discussion in a back alley board is silly.

Take what you can get. Give good discussion to gain good discussion. Respect the chaos for what it is. Appreciate that we can fight and shitpost for this era is a meatgrinder which builds thicker skin than most.



File: 0e8aa2076b57a77⋯.jpg (51.92 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ded0a29f60cdd5095083aaaec2….jpg)


Then get some direction and motivation going. Group projects research and objectives. Circlejerk will never draw in skilled people, action does.





a true initiate doesn't use the internet



What separates a human mind and the internet? Is the Internet not a view of the human mind?



File: fdf7c8239075850⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1501x2427, 1501:2427, robbie-trevino-scouts-trev….jpg)

Hello there.

Only today I remembered there was a Discord for fringechan, but when I logged in, I found myself kicked from it. Is there anyone with the invitation link out there? I'd be grateful.



That group split up into two groups.

Spiritual Satanists and


In order to join SS, you can ask for an invite in this thread.

To join Satoru, go to freenode and join ##satoru.



Oh, sad thing, that Discord was quite self sufficient, I thought it would've survived.

I'd like the invite to SS, please.



Nothing really interesting there. Just a bunch of roleplayers thinking that they are fighting some astral war. No knowledge, no discussion, just WE WUZ KANGS N SHIET BEFORE JEWS TOOK OVER.



I'll take your word, after all I remember some dissidence in the old fringe discord with these SS, ranting about how it wasn't edgy enough for them


all joos must DIE 8841 hiley hitley KKK DOTR RWDS



Astral war?


Are Smiley and Hanz lovers?



>SS Discord

Is that the one run by Alpam?

I think I got banned from that too, something about having to do a dedication ritual within X weeks or otherwise you're a jew spy.


File: 00294b700bacf04⋯.jpg (32.49 KB, 600x500, 6:5, d7e15b38ee111357dbf0fa892c….jpg)

did it died?


File: d0c4c09b21fda92⋯.jpg (79.61 KB, 500x333, 500:333, all these years are like f….jpg)


it is died



y tho


is "fringechan" so that we can go get shilled without anybody else from here knowing?



Yeah, you had to dedicate your soul to Satan within 6 weeks, 6 days and 6 hours otherwise they considered you a shill or some pleb wasting their energy.


File: 17a83e74bcfee09⋯.gif (32.24 KB, 500x301, 500:301, enki12_05.gif)



In the same right that you do not attend a golf or tennis club to solely hangout and not participate. Same principle applies to the SS group. Anyone is free to garner and research, ask and inquire for nearly two months. Having a whole host of veteran practitioners that have years of daily meditation and ancient research behind their backs. Staying for any prolonged period of time after the initial trial period would present a plethora of issues. For example, non-initiated gradually outnumbering Satanists and thus diluting the focus of social interaction, in addition to the energy it costs to keep catering to people who are inherently indecisive. If after two months of having the ability to constantly question and inquire you still don't feel decided, you most likely never would.

The primary reason of even creating the group was having past life SS reunite and get back on track of self-development and the attainment of Godhood and perfection of all of Mankind.

Pic related; Enki and the Sumerian Pantheon nurturing the human soul, represented as the original tree of life. The buds represent the chakras/primary energy centers.



>veteran practitioners that have years of daily meditation and ancient research behind their backs


Dude. Nobody in the group was past 30 except one or two outliers who ended up fucking off because they saw through your edgy teenage bullshit in the end.

SS was a bunch of kids and a pedophile fucking one of them (yeah I'm talking about Alpam and Sophia).

Totally dysfunctional. And you are an edgelord.


File: 3acb1868fe82593⋯.jpg (84.28 KB, 960x351, 320:117, jews throughout the ages.jpg)


>if you're not above 30 you cannot have years of daily meditation or research behind your back

>you cannot be spiritually competent unless you're older then 30, even though the mind and soul are most flexible and sharp the younger you are.

Your preposterous attitude shows your complete ignorance, and your pretentious assumptions show your lack of knowledge. The sooner one starts with meditating from a young age, the better. A lack of meditation means stagnation of the soul and it's acquired development. Especially if one has done prior work on the soul in previous lifetimes, it's absolutely imperative that one starts as soon as possible in order to prevent losing said progress. Sustained absence of meditation will make you whither and ultimately cease to exist.

Qualification of retardation: the post, goes to you.

>Totally dysfunctional. And you are an edgelord.

How to spot a D&C agent - rule 101; ad hominem.

Pic related; you.



>trying to make up for the fact that you're all a bunch of kids under the guise of 'muh old soul'

Wicca tier LARPing, my man.



>past live experiences aren't a thing

I never even mentioned something as an "old soul". I merely stated the metaphysics behind spiritual self-empowerment and how stagnation can kick in by abstaining from meditating. You somehow connecting this with Wicca and LARPing yet again serves to show how little you truly know about the subjects you mock.



So how is the SS group in recent times? I haven't been there or talked to any of its members in a few months.



Different from how it used to be before. Ever since Alpam's absence, people have been trying to rock the boat. However, rumor has it that he is back. See for yourself, I'd say.



Gib invite pls? :3



I can't see for myself. The permanent link to the discord has been changed not to mention the fact that fringechan is down. Do you have the link? If so could you share it?


File: 6038f06e1056590⋯.jpg (1.35 MB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 6038f06e1056590f4cbd9e2009….jpg)


It has been downhill all the time, and it's getting worse every day. Some SS have reversed the dedication and people are leaving the group. People who aren't SS dont realize what is happening behind the curtains. Its drama and shitshow 24/7, you'll realize that you have gotten yourself into group with people you dont want around you once you dedicate yourself.

Trust me, dont join.


is fringechan dead?




>Fringechan still lives in our memories…

And now again is the full archive is accessible via fringebay. Every thread ever posted, complete with top notch reference threads



And an extensive and very help questions threads with grade A effort posting. Remember control+F is your friend.


And if y'all need to post there is live board as well.




awesome. wish the pics were able to be full size but there's still plenty of info


File: 63a9ed94dfd6cd3⋯.png (3.62 MB, 1900x1188, 475:297, 1480871031919.png)

Merry Keksmas, fringechan.



Tipp pls


File: c55c2e461f861d4⋯.jpeg (124.37 KB, 880x587, 880:587, 5242D3D5-45B1-4287-90DF-0….jpeg)


based anon; thank you

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