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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 84e4b3cd5043c78⋯.pdf (191.41 KB, Transcription and editing ….pdf)


Let's get the book request thread going again. A twin of this thread was created on freech.net/fringe/ a few days ago, but I've been persuaded to make one here too.

I'll start with one I was transcribing and editing from a paper copy for a guy in the old thread: Seila Orienta's Practice Guide for IIH. Hopefully he finds it here.


I am currently reading your attached book. Are there more like this?


>The exercise of thought control is not only the key for all mental exercises that follow, but plays an important role in the practitioner’s mundane life. Through this exercise, the hermetic student learns to live consciously and alert in every aspect of life, no matter how minute. Once mastered, this exercise will unconsciously influence the practitioner’s thought process on all levels. The magician will gain control over his or her thoughts, and thought control enables the student to adopt an ethical lifestyle. The magician will foresee possible mental missteps at the moment negative thoughts germinate within the practitioner’s own mental plane. Hence, this exercise influences one’s mental karma. Many hermetic students fail to observe their thoughts without exercising influence upon the thought process unfolding before their mental eye. The key is to just let the mind play out the thought process as the thoughts appear and exit the consciousness. Once the student masters the role of the silent observer, the amount of thoughts will slow significantly to a mere trickle. However, should the student become active in the process, thoughts will rush to the consciousness like an ember erupting into flames after being fueled by gasoline. Many practitioners lament the unmanageable amount of thoughts passing through the mind during this exercise. Now they will understand that their participation in the thought process causes this flood of thoughts. Once the student has mastered his or her position as a passive observer, the mind will grow stiller with every exercise.


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Reporting in. This is as relevant a place as anywhere else so I'll leave this here as well while we await requests.

Specific/Specialized libraries

Neophyte's Gold https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ieuni9rzjjwxl/

Initiate's Gold https://www.mediafire.com/folder/myk29g5i444p6/

Nietzsche-anon's Magic 101 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5jbvucjd1cyq8/

Index of (most) Libraries; Ctrl+F


General Libraries

Temple of Solomon the King https://mega.nz/#F!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ

/fringe/ Books & Files Package https://mega.co.nz/#F!6kJzEIJb!aVVgmWAM-aP_bU_8Co43FA

/fringe/ Archive and Original Content https://mega.nz/#F!ylYQhKbb!ics3BJ1RrVWtCOpA1XZyqw

Prisca Theologia & Syncretism (Santos Bonacci's Booklist) https://www.mediafire.com/folder/eq5y6tt6b1plc/

The Dark Tabularium https://mega.nz/#F!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg!gFtUUJ5T

Health & Physical Wellbeing https://mega.nz/#F!gg5DQZpa!bvKxr-P05TfzptLlnilglw

'''Daoism https://mega.nz/#F!v48m3JZI!NlFqNI_Q3UZtil1M4ZXgAg

Satanism, meditations, studies, & symbols https://mega.nz:/#F!B1FTnSYY!igpdUJTn6_3Z_mdEodb4Zg

Luciferian studies, meditations, and grimoires https://mega.nz/#F!089iXBiY!WKOkAsYdcADIHstiUiK8Zw

Left Hand Path Books, Grimoires, Runes and Guides https://mega.nz/#F!E4cSzYBZ!SPeQA0WuSMVh_oQtpYnN5w

Demonology, rituals principles and grimoires https://mega.nz:/#F!tsUwGSbL!PCNj8VQGGnUN3WMYbLW9Ww

Cthulhu studies, ritual workings & esoteric theorization https://mega.nz/#F!wgtjFaSA!4oOGYggBhJSM5DgfR8G3Ug

Draconic magic, studies, workings, arcane/primordial exploration https://mega.nz/#F!9k1RQIJR!mK1E8grMNp1_4jF9d4vn2A

Ancestral spirits & the dead https://mega.nz:/#F!cpMETT6A!J-eUy-JYU5qduho7Qkhytw

Vampires/ism & energy manipulation https://mega.nz:/#F!ksVUFJDB!hjDoqsUugqAP27T6jCTZJw

Grimoires, Christian to Islamic to Luciferian https://mega.nz/#F!1s9E3SZL!P_tynGmLjPHURAugHkn7Hw

Misc. Esoteric Books https://cloud.mail.ru/public/4c287029cbab/Esoteric%20Books

Individual Libraries yet to be Incorporated/Consolidated

Hilton Hotema's Books https://www.mediafire.com/folder/16n1dmdq0pmsh/

Libraries to search for books



Library Sites



Esoteric Magnets & Torrents

Library of Atlantis

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:C57B5EA2612D0A488AE846E7D17F99BE7AD3D6E4&dn=Library of Atlantis [1022 PDF]&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969

Occult Book Collection (465 GB) aka Library 1.0



TheOccult.bz - Everything Else

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:520BDD45A8DA88926D4E4E8CCF112FF2BD28F9C4&dn=Everything Else (Occult) (TheOccult.bz)&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969

Internet Archival Sites





Thanks Anon, this should become a sticky until fringechan is back up


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Requesting The Final Battalion by Miguel Serrano.


i need the full works of gene wolfe

yes it's not occult but fuck you every request place is dead now


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Eh, here's a few of 'em.

>Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun 01-02 - Shadow and Claw.epub 797K 25-Oct-2011 20:22

>Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun 03 - The Sword of the Lictor.epub 369K 17-Apr-2016 16:24

>Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun 04 - The Citadel of the Autarch.epub 477K 17-Apr-2016 16:26

>Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun 05 - The Urth of the New Sun.epub


Additionally here is a biblography for him, if some one feels like searching for specific titles and/or do it title by title.




Well I read the New Sun.

But then I wanted to read Long Sun and Short Sun but they're fucking nowhere to be found anywhere I've looked.




You idiots don't even visit the board pages do you?

Literally everything you're posting and have posted in here, has been up at this link for about a year now: /fringe/library.html


(and if there's anything not on there, then email me, and I'll add it)




Apology accepted. *hugs*



More books by the same guy? They exist, but I don't got 'em. I've read them before though, and this one struck me as the highest quality of the lot. Still, I'd like to hear them talked about more in case there's something I was missing when I read his other works.



The following links were all posted in the comments of the Fringechan Library page. Luckily I had a copy of the webpage saved.

Occult Book Collection aka Library




Santos Bonacci Booklist torrent link


Alchemy stuff, not 100% sure but it looks the same as the Temple of Solomon's Alchemy/Improved Alchemy and Manly Hall Collection folder


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