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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1466919531174.jpg (127.12 KB, 585x686, 585:686, thisman.jpg)


Has anyone ACTUALLY seen this guy in their dreams?

At least after getting influenced by those myriad of memes and shitty creepypastas on the internet mentioning him?

I've never seen anything that even resembled this guy and I've known the stupid creepy story about him for years


I have not. You might begin to see him after reading the creepypastas because:

>1. Your mind uses things you've seen recently as dream material because it's fresh

>2. Your mind can't generate faces, so it will use the faces of people you've seen before as placeholders. This could be one.


for this type of discussion. We magick here, not paranormal.



fucking shill

so i see this dude with less hair on the eyebrows and more on top. he wanted to know the name of my soul. dont tell him shit I didn't feel comfortable with him so why would I tell him that. I just spoke in metaphors and he just thought around in circles

fuck this dude


He looks like several people I've met over the years. I think it's just a common face.


File: 1467066536064.jpg (74 KB, 550x644, 275:322, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg)


>posting confirmed viral marketing material




File: 1467695079476.png (120.64 KB, 1046x646, 523:323, pimptheface.png)


That face wasn't drawn by a psychologist like they claim it was.

On this website you can choose from these black and white, grainy facial features and make your own face.

That's where it came from




they just post this over and over so people eventually start thinking of this guy


holy shit how did someone this retarded even find the board



lol this

>4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/).

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