Symbols are whatever you make of them. If you see a symbol and feel a certain way then that's what it means to you or you can reinterpret them.
Shit is subjective; sure they can have meaning based on how they came about over the course of human history, but some symbols have opposite meanings depending on the cultures they come from.
On a bigger scale, symbols mean whatever the totality of human consciousness considers of them, or maybe what certain groups think of them. Like the swastika is associated with nazis, but perhaps it elicits the more ancient meaning of life. I mean death and the atrocities of nazis are a part of what can happen in life. On the other hand, I could go on about what the Nat Soc party originally intended it to be
But wait, is this thread a Symbology thread or is it specifically regarding hand symbols? Because that obviously relates to the connections in our body, which isn't subjective, it's actually objective!