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Esoteric Wizardry


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What does this hand sign mean? Does anyone have the image with all the hand signs and explanations?

Also, has anyone tried correlating all the symbols into two (or more) groups? General symbols thread. Let's try to compile the data and come to some conclusions.


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Thumb = Brain

Tip of finger = Brain

Brain in balance.

Silver platter is served.



Hey thanks, though this wasn't the specific chart I was thinking about. This is very good. I like it.

Also, was it you all that crashed my computer or am I being watched by someone else on the outside? If it was you, was it because I made this thread or something else or just for fun?



oh I should also say that any symbols relevant to recognizing friends/enemies on the Astral Plane would be nice. Sometimes when I get there I feel quite disoriented. Some help would be greatly appreciated.


Regarding symbology, here's an interesting quote from the book "Meditations on the Tarot", a treatise on Christian Hermeticism and the Arcana of the Tarot.

"Now, the Hermeticist is essentially an iconophile. For him symbols are not

obstacles that must be eliminated in order to arrive at knowledge of the truth,

but rather means for receiving revelation. The "clothes"—the symbols —of truth

are for him not what hides it, but rather what reveals it."



wharewer you focus on the astral will be

entities there need attention to live , just ignore the bad ones and that will kill/neuter them.



okay, that's all fine, but I'm talking about building correlations between the symbols. We know this can be done bc Campbell, for instance, did it. Moon - Snake v Sun - Lion

that's just one example. so, my question is has anyone attempted to compile them into a database of commonality/difference?


good questions. you know you did good when yo'ure ignored like this


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Don't know if there's someone who has attempted to do such a thing, if that is even possible to compile and rationalize.. Symbols are not things to be cataloged and correlated and be put in a neat database. Even if there existed such a document, if you do not develop your intuition to understand the symbols and its relationships with your inner wisdom, you will only understand them at the level of knowledge, and that depends on what you are influenced by (books, studies, conversations,…). You should not expect others to do the understanding for you.

Symbols have an individual truth to every individual, but everybody shares its essence which is the essence of every human being. Train your mind to be fractal and use your intuition to find what you are looking for. Then, share if you will, but no one will understand it the same way that you do.

What are you trying to know?



Don't listen to this. They're leading you astray



>there are no books on astrology




I'm not saying that there are no books on symbolism as in astrology, qabalah, tarot, ceremonial magic, you name it. I'm just saying that the understanding of symbolism comes not from books, but from your inner wisdom. That's the point I want to make. Think for yourSelf.



Are there any books you would recommend on Christian Hermeticism?



The best I know is the one I mentioned earlier "Meditations on the Tarot". I found it in one of fringe's libraries. The author is anonymous but he speaks with an amazing depth and wisdom about all that encompasses Christian Hermeticism, at least for him. For me, that book is filled with gems that resonated within me and I've had amazing synchronicities with it, also a very healthy spiritual growth. It's worth it if you give it a try.



this is nonsense


alot of garbage on this board, but not much knowledge. what gives?


Symbols are whatever you make of them. If you see a symbol and feel a certain way then that's what it means to you or you can reinterpret them.

Shit is subjective; sure they can have meaning based on how they came about over the course of human history, but some symbols have opposite meanings depending on the cultures they come from.

On a bigger scale, symbols mean whatever the totality of human consciousness considers of them, or maybe what certain groups think of them. Like the swastika is associated with nazis, but perhaps it elicits the more ancient meaning of life. I mean death and the atrocities of nazis are a part of what can happen in life. On the other hand, I could go on about what the Nat Soc party originally intended it to be

But wait, is this thread a Symbology thread or is it specifically regarding hand symbols? Because that obviously relates to the connections in our body, which isn't subjective, it's actually objective!


Really, if you have so little instinct that you don't instinctively know what that hand sign means, then you're not up knowing it. But really, do the handsign and think intensely what it feels like in your hand.

-You control the feeling first of all

-What does the feeling feel like in terms of emotions

Long story short, it circuits with magical energy to control your spiritual environment. If you want to "show off" it always comes in handy. *pun NOT intented'




this is total horseshit. kill yourself

cover one eye = wotan for instance



see >>81644

if you're going to be a douche, just don't post




>you're wrong because I said so hurr durr derp

why don't you actually try to refute what he said instead of sperging out

covering one eye being a reference to odin is correct but I severely doubt you even know why.

It certainly doesn't refute what he said, as the main symbolism of covering one's eye is becoming blind to something. The way this symbol is often used one can easily infer that they lost something to gain something else; a sacrifice. You don't necessarily need to have any previous knowledge of mythology to realize something so self-evident



>sperging out

>using that terminology

>being a melodramatic faggot



The Secret Teachings of All Ages as well as Lectures on Ancient Philosophy are ALL about symbolic philosophy.



>symbolic philosophy

aka bullshit "occultism"



stay triggered, I sure don't mind the extra loosh



symbolism are memes.



and memes are bullshit.

The circle is now complete.


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if this image in any way makes you feel belittled, lesser and stupid you will attach those emotions to it, that is magic.






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