This is a thread for atonement, confession, and metanoia. Don't post anything too personal or intimate if you don't want to. Certainly not anything you want in an (((NSA))) database.
I'll start with something simple.
I have always felt an affinity for frogs. I think they're cute and beautiful animals. I've always enjoyed just watching them hop around. Sometimes I'll poke them to make them hop.
I admit here that I have a thread of sadomasochism running through me which I no longer desire. When I was a child, I had the opportunity to visit manmade "frog pond" on a trip with a summer camp. I was shown here a method of hypnotizing frogs by rubbing their chest with a small concentric motion of a single finger. This would make the frogs sit perfectly still. They would sit in your palm and not hop away. I had a still frog sitting in my palm, and, in an impulse, chucked it into the air, causing it to splash harshly into the pond. I caused injury to a beautiful innocent little animal.
I refer this story because I believe I have angered Kek, and rightfully so. I never get dubs. I want to appease the frog God of memes and numbers. I know Pepe is the modern avatar of Kek, and that He lives today through imageboards.
I am sorry, Great KEK, for causing harm to the living creatures of your great image.
This meme is not OC, but it is pretty ebin. I ask not for dubs. I pray that I may receive your blessings in time.
I renounce today all acts of cruelty, whether upon myself or any other entity, be they for the sake of pleasure or impulse. I hold wrath in reserve for only my enemies.
Praise Kek!