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Esoteric Wizardry


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Is the Rh- allele really indicative of Godly/Alien origins? Is it the God Gene? Is this from the Nephilim? Is it what the Bible is talking about when it speaks of the Sons of God and the Daughters of Men?

Does having it give you spiritual powers?

Anyone else heard of this "theory"? Does it have anything to do with magic, or some sort of esoteric/clandestine war?



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Do blood types have anything to do with it?



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70% of English males and 50% of W European males are related to King Tut. wtf?

This seems to be a Haplo group that existed previous to the Indo-European invasion as well, so that's really weird. How did he get all the way down there, or them all the way up there?



delete your account

but seriously, what's the big deal? too nutty even for fringe?

listen to this nutter



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The place with more Rh- is Euskadi (Basque contry)

Which also have a non-indoeuropean language, Euskara, of unknown origins.

Some people think that may be related with the acient Iberian language, but since all Iberian legacy was destroyed and the Iberian language indecipherable we don´t know a shit.







I am 3/4 Iberian and my entire family is prone to spiritual things, even though they are all christians besides me.


The nobility were also noted as having Rh neg blood. It is where the term blue-blooded originates.

I definitely believe that blood type and esoteric spirituality have a connection.

The question is how do we find out more, and how do we use experience it to its full potential?



> It is where the term blue-blooded originates.

That's not true at all.

The term even predates the discovery of rh by quite a few centuries.



I'm not going to be drawn in on the nuance on the etymology of a phrase.

Why don't you help discuss what Rh- possessors can do to connect with the other planes?


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>how do we find out more

been all over the nets since I saw this thread. a lot of misinformation out there, or at least coded info.

but, check this. the three places of highest Rh- percentage in the population are Morocco, Basque and England.

Does anybody do symbolism/heraldry? clues here?



btw, Morocco is the only country in Africa that is not part of the African Union



One of the theories I have is that they all follow the coast from where the ancients (Phoenicians, Israelites et al.) originated and traded.

It lends credence to the theory that Israelites are different from the rest of humans

(obviously Israelites != Yids)


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Could it have something to do with Doggerland? In the same vein, it turns out Europeans were the first to the New World in 19,000 to 26,000 years ago, a full 10,000 years before the Asiatics crossed from the West. So, is this like an ancient race or something?



check out this stuff. there might be clues there




check out this stuff. there might be clues there



It's just an ordinary gene that scientists don't know enough about yet. Why do people always go IT WAS ALIENS when there's no sufficient explanation? It's just something we haven't figured out yet.

And it'd be great if instead of youtube links there were descriptions of what makes special



no one ITT thread said anything about aliens. cool your autism

also, its not a gene, but a LACK of a gene, which is what makes it so interesting. perhaps you should actually look into it before shitting all over everyone else's ears



>its not a gene, but a LACK of a gene

I don't think you know what an allele is.

"Rh" describes a set of antigens which exist on the surface of the human blood cells, with "Rh+" denoting a person whose blood cells do have such proteins and "Rh-" denoting a person whose blood doesn't have these antigens. There are genes associated "Rh-" and associated with "Rh+", and their expression is ruled by Mendelian inheritance. Which is to say that there is a gene, but it does nothing.

Also, the OP does mentions aliens. Even if as joke.


There is a problem Asia has the lowest percentages of Rh-negative people yet they have developed some of the most advanced spiritual systems like dzogchen, qigong etc.


Rh positives are subhuman.



nothing that was said here makes any difference to anything in the discussion. good job


rh- is only one of almost 400 antigens that exist on red blood cells, each ostensibly its own mutation. the rh- one just doesn't "fit" nicely into known evolutionary theory, I think, and that's why there is such confusion about it


>85% of NW Europeans are subhuman

…aaaaand into the trash it goes



>85% of NW Europeans are subhuman

Most people are. You as a raging bullshit occultist are a prime example.


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>rh- is the only thing that matters



if only it was that easy






"Whites" aren't pure but already mixed offspring of a far superior ancestor whose blood was O rh neg among other traits that effectively provide superiority.



my father is 0- and he's not superior to anything. there are almost 400 antigens on the red blood cells, and only 62 are included in rh factor, the largest such group.

There's also no evidence that rh- came first, tbh. That's just based on the assumption that mutations create, not destroy, antigens. However, since rh- women cannot bring rh+ babies to term, the trait could have been selected for (due to invasion and rape) that way. It does tend to be the NW of Europe and mountainous regions that have a higher incidence to this day.

I would be careful about attributing "superiority" in such silly ways. You should try to stick close to the science and not speculate so much



some entities are superior to others, some in subtle, and some in very blatant ways.


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>tfw RH- master race

0- here


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I believe it denotes Neanderthal ancestry.

Notice the map in the OP shows that the highest concentration of Rh- is in the Basque region - a people who happen to have the most genetic influence from Neanderthal DNA in the world.




My mom is rh neg and she is one of the least self-controlled or magically minded people in my family. All the people in her family are the same. This factor must not be doing any of them good.



are you rh- my boy?



it's not autowin, you need skill


he has at least one rh- allele.



ya but being full rh - is better



Whoops, I had it backwards, my dad is rh-. That makes more sense as most of his family are kinda thoughtful and wise.



muh genes muhfugga muh white master race xDDDDDDDDDDDd

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