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I'm looking for some information on a topic that I can't seem to find much about. It relates specifically to sacred geometry. The topic is essentially about the fundamental building blocks of creation, specifically, when you take points/circles/spheres, align them such that they are all equidistant from each other, and observe what you get as a result. It seems everyone stops at the second dimension and goes no further. I've seen plenty of attempts at 3D sacred geometry but they're often just mimicing the 2D patterns without properly transitioning to 3D. For those that can already tell what I'm getting at based on what you've read so far and the image, please go ahead and skip to the last paragraph, since what follows is just my observations which may not be very valuable to you.

The split in the first dimension goes from one point to three, giving you light, dark, and everything in between. In the seed of life, we can see a more interesting pattern emerge, with distinct colors and a rainbow center, though we are left with the question of light and dark; where do they go and how do they fit on the seed of life? Is the center dark, light, or neutral? This is a question I've been seeking to answer, and I've finally found it. The seed of life is on a plane that is tangential to light and dark, meaning that the center could be depicted as light or dark and both would be correct. However, this observation is only obvious when you look at it three dimensionally. One of the things that you wont find on the internet is the 3D version of the seed of life. The closest you will find is a cuboctohedron, a 3 dimensional solid with vector equilibrium, meaning, all the points are equidistant from each other - exactly what is needed for the 3D seed of life. When we apply our knowledge of the previous splits to this shape, something amazing happens; the significant points are not the vertices but the sides themselves, because they are where the spheres intersect when they are overlapping at one radius apart from each other, and is the 3D equivalent of the petals in the seed of life. It explains a missing link in color, why cyan, yellow, and magenta look brighter, and why red, blue, and green look darker. Also why RGB is used in additive color schemes, and CYM is used in subtractive color schemes. You can also see that the same pattern applies to the secondary colors, with secondaries closer to black being darker and the secondaries closer to white being lighter. That was another thing I always wondered, why colors like CYM seemed brighter; it's because we are missing a dimension in how we observe color. I don't know if this is new information or not, though I assure you I tried looking for it everywhere, forcing me to make these images myself. Something worth noting is that this pattern also coincides with the star tetrahedron, a symbol that is often accredited substantial metaphysical importance, though I only now truly understand its significance, which is that it points exclusively to the 8 primary triangular sides of the cuboctohedron. Another interesting observation is that these 8 primary sides are the product of the first two dimensional splits coming together; the first two (light/dark) from the initial 1D split, and the six from the 2D split. the center stays the same in all of these instances, therefor resulting in 8 unique primary elements coming from the center by the second dimensional split.

I want to know what this shape looks like in 3D, with the spheres accurately representing what's going on and intersecting to create the proper colors, but since I don't have the programming know-how to make it work, I'm hoping someone else knows. I'd also love to know more about what these shapes at these intersections look like, specifically the three "petals" of the 8 triangular faces, and the 6 secondary square faces. I believe the triangular faces result in reuleaux tetrahedrons, but I'm not sure. I have no clue with the squares, however. If anyone out there knows about this expansion of sacred geometry, please inform me!


I'll be honest OP. From what I've seen of your threads, you have some talent with fiddling with pieces but great difficulty with thinking about how those pieces relate to a whole and to each other. Your mind has an extreme myopia.

You need to train yourself to understand and manipulate metaphor and analogy. I recommend studying poetry and storytelling, as well as engaging in some form of visual art and art criticism.


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>>sacred geometry

>>can't seem to find much about

For a reason, scrubs not initiated.

Sacred Geometry only manifests itself into realization or knowing once both sides of the brain, logic & creativity are at an equilibrium, so >>79527 can fuck off, this is beyond you if you have nothing to contribute.

I have a Cuboctohedron, found it in the house after a decade of it being stowed away. Found it once I watched a documentary on quantum physics and suggested possible bindings of the foundation of the universe and matter, it is suggested that Spirit has the shape of a Cuboctohedron because it is in perfect equilibrium. (rare word twice in one post, wew)

The Cuboctohedron I have is in marble/quartz.

I have done some experimenting with it and can definitively confirm that one "end" has an output of strong negativity and on opposite side a strong positive (which is currently weak, crystal not programmed, poor prior programming.

Thank you for all the other information in your OP.

>>One of the things that you wont find on the internet is the 3D version of the seed of life

I know, how I've tried. Wanted to make an antennae, amongst other things.

If you're interested in sacred geometry into 3d figures, look up Rodin, Rodin Coil, Vortex mathematics.

If you're further interested in the math of spheres and cubes I recommend


1/4 pieces.

What would you like in the pictures?



What a load of autistic bullshit. You're a pompous ass who postures as if you're knowledgeable and important, but your "knowledge" may as well be that of the details of the LotR universe.

Your arrogance has led you into self-delusion and now on the internet you try to inflict the same on others to fuel your ego. Take a vow of silence for the rest of your life to spare humanity your stupidity, you miserable little turd.



i should rip you a new one but i just don't care.



this is great advice, for any practitioner on here really

sacred geometry is organized, beautiful and universally appealing and to me it belongs more to the realm of mysticism and visual/audio arts than to anything else. i don't think sacred geometry necessarily needs to be conceptualized as anything deeper than what it already is, because it's literally everything. everything is patterns


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Have you taken a look at the part of youtube that correlates 3d structures in the program to the 2d shadow shapes they form on the ground?


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I'm not sure what you mean, I've only made two threads and one of them was just trying to contact the tulpamancer Ni. Are you sure you're thinking of the right person?


Thanks for information, I especially liked the part that confirmed the notion that the formation as a whole has two poles, one being negative and one being positive. I've done some tinkering in a 3D program and I feel as though I've learned a good amount, particularly the intersections of the square faces when the spheres are at 1 radius apart. However, I still unfortunately lack the know-how to truly isolate the parts that i'm most interested in, which is all the individual 3d shapes that are created with these intersections. I've only found the main two, though there are more.

I'm mostly trying to use this to learn more about chakras, consciousness, and how better to understand the fundamental building blocks of our inner natures. So far I believe there are 9 fundamental elements, white (purity), black (chaos), neutral (the whole), and the 6 primary colors/flavors of consciousness. However, I don't know what the spheres represent. They're clearly the next step up in fundamental creation, however I don't really know how to categorize them or even associate a color with them. Also, I wonder what these primary nodes look like in the whole, after several iterations of 3D splitting. I believe the primaries will look like a long stretch of consecutive reuleaux tetrahedrons though I want to see how it looks isolated from all the other stuff going on. Someone with more 3D expertise would be required, though sadly it seems like most people with this expertise don't go far enough into this particular aspect of sacred geometry.

Again, thank you for the resources, there's more here than I can properly absorb and comment on quickly, but I do fear it may open up a pandora's box of desiring even more information that I cannot readily acquire. Ah well!

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