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Esoteric Wizardry


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I'm finally at that point in my life where it's getting more… Pronounced.

I haven't had any of the harsh negative experiences, but the Oneiroi seem antagonistic at times.

I've laid on my side and felt a pressure on my shoulder as something like an animal gurgled in my ear, then again something similar that breathed in my ear.

As I began reading more into sleep paralysis the next night something laid on my side and whispered bullshit.

"First flag" and some mention of "hooks." My ear hurt for a few minutes afterwards, almost like tinnitus.

Today I was dreaming, not paralyzed, yet still feel stuck in bed. No pressure or dread. A voice like Norm McDonald's calls out to me from the shadows claiming to be a ghost or some shit, and saying 'they' dislike me because I'm of the living.

I call him a fucking liar, commend him for keeping up appearances so well, and have a vision as if recalling a memory of reading a book, and recall a personal phrase of power & significance so I uttered it, and it began to shut the spectre out.

Lastly, I claimed he was just an Oneiroi and then felt like I had woke up, but was still asleep. I saw a vision though like a single large eye I was looking through had opened.

I walked around my room, had trouble moving like I was experiencing oxygen depletion and loss of muscle control, I turn on the light- still dark because light switches typically don't work when I'm dreaming. Then I wake up.


Your signal is extremely unstable and you're mixing things up all weird.

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