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Esoteric Wizardry


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>tfw the next 9/11 is going to happen in your city


Elaborate OP? How is this going to happen in your city and by what means (occult/divination or insider/rumours) did you come to know this event is soon to transpire in your city?



I'm gonna wait til Rup gets here to elaborate but i didn't have a vision or anything. Just conspiracy theories + synchronicity



I didn't say it would be soon.

It probably will be though.

I assume you made this assumption because you think the next 9/11 will be soon?


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Ayyy lmao


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I am arrived man, what's up?


We will have a big one between 2017-2019.

It will be as devastating as 9/11 but it won't be a nuke so don't worry you're all going to be fine.

That's all I know though.



Where at?



well the reason i wanted to contact you privately was because to really go into all the details of the synchronicities it will be kind of revealing/personal…so i'll have to keep it vague

anyway basically, finding your comment was strange because it was about 3 or 4 pages down on that youtube video - i usually dont read more than the first page, or 2 if theres a lot of thumbs'd comments

then when i went to look up zach, the first videos were new accusatory videos of him being Controlled opp…

side note: my theory here is that they have lower level controlled opposition + obvious retards try and "debunk/expose" him like RussianVids, davej and that drunk guy "troy bart" in order to bolster his credibility by making it seem like TPTB are trying to smear him. they just call him a denier of christ and shit, lol.

so basically i clicked on this video


Which i havent even finished (watched half) because it started blowing my mind with all the connections/synchronicities.

Basically he says all zach's predictions for the golden gate bridge and 923 and Pope francis and shit are wrong (i haven't been following for about a year, this is the last shit i remember going on. it got too heavy for me when i had to go back to school, had no time to keep following) and that its really going to happen in Boston.

I live in Boston now, for school.

Also it makes a lot more sense if they're gonna fuck a bunch of people up. People on the west coast are left wing brain washed idiots, its the east coast they have to worry about. No point in killing your sheep, if you gotta make a big kill you're gonna go for some wolves.

In the video he stresses double 7s which I can't go into detail without getting too close to myself but basically i am obsessed with a musician to whom these numbers are very related.

He also mentioned David Foster Wallace who i know almost nothing about, but this is the part that really blew my mind and made me pause the video. Because the person who introduced me to this artist i mentioned, whose music is a big part of my life, was/is a fan (not obsessed AFAIK, but a big admirer) of David Foster Wallace… also i recently came across someone else on the web talking about david foster wallace in a peculiar circumstance



i left some shit out.

Last week i found the website of the friend that introduced me to the Artist and reached out to him after probably not talking to him once since 2011 (when he graduated)


For the past week i've been making little mashup vids featuring the Artist's music playing over video of the "planes" hitting the towers.

I can't wait to watch the second half of this video. Shit is crazy



I'm not worried, tbh i want it to happen. This place (earth, not boston) fucking sucks, mainly humans


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I will watch the video tomorrow. And hopefully talk more in this thread. Just curious- why are you not wanting to mention the musical artist?



Man chill out on the misanthropy. I've seen so much of this from DEMONS before and it bothers me to see a human acting like them. I used to not care about see it as all memes and I hope that's what it is in your case but there are people who really genuinely aren't just being edgy and actually spend all their time fucking humanity up because of some die-hard hatred for human life. It's a trap that I got caught up in for awhile not realizing the seriousness of it all. Demons hate us and seem to sustain themselves by making us hate so much that we give up hope for ourselves and for our people. We are under hyperdimensional attack and most of us won't survive but one day it's going to get all cleaned up and maybe then we will love ourselves again but to get there you must forgive humanity first and try to be an uplifting influence in whatever capacity you have to do so.



to preserve my relative anonymity


>all of these >10 post new threads about vague, bad topics

Is there shilling going on here? Not that I doubt you, OP, but this isn't normal.



i just came here for some privacy with my Peruvian amigo to discuss some fringey stuff, outside of youtube comments…

didnt the whole board just get deleted? thought i read something along those lines somewhere…so every thread is brand new…i could be wrong if they recovered the old threads though

i'm going to post some stuff regarding dallas and this race war that the kikes are trying to spark off tomorrow



Rogue mod called Protagonist deleted everything.


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I definitely have some speculation about the coming race war events.



I hope you're talking to the tree guy talking about Demons and not me?



How is DFW related to this at all?



*slap slap*




Its in the video


(you can skip to 7 minute mark)

(if you're going to watch this video really the only parts worth watching is from 4:30 until about the 12:00 mark. the rest is just him talking about his youtube)

Like i said, i know next to nothing about DFW but it seems he's closely tied to a guy named Jonathan Franzen, who wrote a supposedly fictional book about the Big Dig setting up Boston for future terrorism

What do you think of DFW? And can you give some flash points on his philosophy/career/relevance ? I always got a shilly or at least "kosher" vibe from him

Here's another video from the same channel that has Infinite jest in the title, a DFW book. I'm actually watching it right now, about 2 minutes into it




shit. forgot second link

Esoteric Jux: VideoDrome vs Infinte Jest



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Peruvian back. I watched that video by Polarization Nation Media…it was very interesting. I've never heard of him & now I've seen a few videos.

He comes off a bit shilly himself, but it's still some great & well-compiled information in what I've seen.

So you're thinking an attack will come on 10/04/16 in Boston?




I'm not going to touch the video's claim of Boston being the "next 9/11", but it is interesting to consider coded messages in such mediums.

DFW was either very greenpilled or one of the most degenerate scumbags to ever exist. Similarly Infinite Jest is either one of the best fictional works this side of the 21st century or it's the one of the most useless collection of words. I don't see any bias from him at all, and if he was working as a shill, then he successfully fooled his employers through the thick cloud of irony that surrounded this guy at all times. I'd give Infinite Jest a try if you haven't, you'll either love it or be very confused as to why people like it, it's hard to explain.



I agree with you on Polarization Nation

10/4? Is that a date Zach has been hyping up? I'm not aware

I'm not really thinking anything, i didn't make this thread to be a prophet or anything, i just wanted to get out of youtube comments and tell someone about all the things that lined up in my life and seeing that video yesterday


is that based on your uncertainty in DFW's character or your uncertainty of the nature our realities? why do you say greenpilled or degenerate?

He's supposedly dead now, which again can go either way for his credibility.

Found it ironic that one of the things (i think?) he's famous for is a speech he gave at a college graduation with the fishes and water , basically preaching to find beauty in the little things to suffer through the monotony of "adult life" (this shit sounds jewish as fuck to me but i don't consider myself very enlightened, im 21) and he went on to kill himself 3 years later.

though we know a lot of times suicide isn't actually suicide, but a person being silenced…i dont know enough to call it either way





what happens in Boston in Infinite Jest?

i'm acquiring it now, will probably start reading it tonight as i've been tiring of the books i'm reading ATM


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Alton Sterling = 166 / 58

Philando Castile = 148 / 67

Micah Xavier = 113 / 59 !

Micah X = 58 (reminiscent of Malcolm X)

Mark Hughes = 111 / 48

Hate Crime = 46

Baton Rouge = 46/118

Dallas Texas = 46

Dallas Police = 46

Howie Lake = 44

Howie Lake + II (2) = 46

Howie = 33

Blane Salamoni = 46/118

Blane = 34

Salamoni = 84

James Boulware = 46

Boulware = 34

6+13+'15 = 34


Greg Abbot = 43/97

Civil War = 43/97

Charleston = 43

(remember last year, Dylann Storm Roof, Walter Scott, the confederate flag shit…)

Gregory Wayne Abbot = 88/ 223/ 2230

Dallas Area Rapid Transit = 223

DART = 43

One officer killed thursday was a DART cop. Age 43

Barack Hussein Obama = 64

Civil Rights = 64

Civil Rights Act passed in 19'64

Obama elected 44th president, 44 years after the Civil Rights Act.

July Seventh = 44

Ismael Brinsley = 44

Rafael Ramos = 46

Wenjian Liu = 46

12+20+'14 = 46

Blue Alert = 33/96

Police = 33

Masonry = 33

Freemason = 96

tip of the iceberg here desu senpai



Zach has not been hyping it. The 10/04/2016 date was from Polarization Nation Media in a video where he went through a lot of symbolism in Back To The Future, really beautiful work, honestly.



Not related to DFW at all. I'm not a fan of youtube videos like that since it's very easy to be certain of something and then find data to support your hypothesis rather than actually going through the scientific method. Even if it's true, one is most likely multiple steps behind actual players. Finding code for past events and then talking about such possible code leads to changing of the code. For example, the allies in WW2 didn't go around talking about how they predicted German maneuvers by decoding their radio messages. Doing so would lead to not being able to decode future messages.

Nobody was able to figure DFW out, that's really the only reason he has popularity. I'd put him in the same category as Ted Kaczynski, but he took to writing rather than what the unabomber did or didn't do. He correctly predicted the meaninglessness of the average Western life in the 90s, not that it's an original trope, but did it in a way that's definitely on a /fringe/ level of understanding.

I'm not convinced that he was signaling that Boston was going to be the site of a terrorist or otherwise disaster. In Infinite Jest, a large part of northern mass, new nampshire and vermont became a toxic wasteland due to a nuclear power happening. Boston itself wasn't harmed directly.


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And of course the 4484 next to his head in the picture.

Dude's a bigger plant than redwoods.



Officer down=64

Race War=69/33


So this whole thing reminded me of symbolism in Erykah Badu's music video for Window Seat.


She walks through Dealey Plaza in Dallas where Kennedy was killed 53 years ago, stripping off her clothes, first a jacket, the inside of which is a black & white chessboard pattern, then she's wearing a hoodie, which was made symbolic after Trayvon. This video was made before Trayvon. She strips until she's nude, then she gets shot in the head & blue blood pours out writing the word "groupthink".






Blue Blood=88/34


Window Seat=133


(when she gets down to her bra, we see the word "Evolution" written on her shoulderblades)

Erykah being shot stands for both sides of the chessboard right now controlling the groupthink.

First it's in the fact that she's black.

Obviously symbolic of the racial tensions.

Then it's in the fact that she's bleeding blood (Bloods) that is blue (Crips), huge examples of destructive groupthink.

It's in her name:

Erykah Badu= 96/42/51(k11)


Look at the numbers in common.

Very strong numbers in reference to racial hatred programming & division.




She represents the police being shot, not just by the numbers in her name, but by the blue blood bleeding.



Thin Blue Line=131



Thin + k, [[group]]THINK=62


This Dallas shooting comes 53 years after the Kennedy assassination in Dallas.


Race Baiting=53

Bacon=35, inversion of 53.


(last year #BLM protesters chanted "Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon!")

And just look at all the numbers on this cover art I posted. They're coding so much.


Every number visible is doubles & multiples of eleven in one way or another-

333, March 30th(3/30 or 33), 11111, 26F or two sixes, F is 6 too, so three sixes.

It even has groupthink on there.

The word GROUP=77

is right next to seat number 26F.


Window Seat=52(s10)

is off the album

New Amerykah=52


Window Seat is #BLM/race programming.






Just found that interesting.


ADMIN: can you please delete this thread? it wont let me, says wrong password

I'm being harassed/g4ngst4lked now which i somehow managed to avoid up til this point but i guess i've gone too far? super gay, all i did was tell the truth on the internet

if you jews are reading this, please leave me alone. i promise i'll be a good goy



I can edit? What do you want me to edit?



Seriously, I've seen your report, but I don't know what you want removed in here? I can't find any dox in here.

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