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Esoteric Wizardry
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File: 1468341660000.webm (3.02 MB, 1402x1080, 701:540, underwear.webm)


For those too lazy to use >>>/ask/ or who need to post pics this is a thread for asking the Board Owner questions.

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What has made you become such a faggot?





I remember reading some stuff about The Bible just being a big metaphor for NoFap and loosh retention. If anyone has heard of this interpretation, can you point me in the direction of some material pertaining to it? I can't seem to find any.

Also, are there any basic spells that can prove the reality of magick?



>Also, are there any basic spells that can prove the reality of magick?

Did you just find /fringe/ the other day?


You don't need to "know some spells", you need to know how to spellcaste, how to create a spell for anything desired.


Smiles, Have you gone through the whole Kundalini experience?

I was under the impression you should have tried to iron out your issues before going for it so no offense, but after watching a lot of your exploits I want to be DAMNED sure I am nice, grounded and very VERY handled before I even attempt it



Smiles man, why do you sometimes post with different flags?




I've been coming here for a few months. I've read a bit of the literature like Kybalion, a few William Walker Atkinson books, and I've been meditating daily.

How can I learn how to spellcaste? Is it possible to put a method into simple terms?


Smiley, what ever happened to that girl/your wife that you were messaging? Did you ever come to a conclusion as to what was going on with her and what happened to her?


Update on the psychiatric ward shit ( >>78883 )



alright smiles

if a black guy had higher occult wisdom to give you, would you listen to him?


File: 1468609441629.jpg (77.12 KB, 961x982, 961:982, 1445976008956.jpg)


File: 1468639764658.jpg (57 KB, 920x712, 115:89, 1460503087450-1.jpg)

post some more chubby webms

also sauce and name pls



I post with different flags very frequently.



Monitoring levels dropped off a few days ago and I decided to not immediately do anything that would cause it all to spike again and just sleep and do stuff around the house for a few days. Right now I keep repeatedly invoking Earth, feeling infinity ahead of me, and trying to put myself into a state of low-energy use to help foster recovery.


Oh, WHY… well to better represent what I am trying to channel at a particular moment.


Probably, I remember reading some stuff about it, and recognizing all the symptoms as stuff I spontaneously went through before without even trying to achieve it.


>Smiley, what ever happened to that girl/your wife that you were messaging?

I don't know, I have theories and speculations, but the whole thing just makes my head hurt and makes me want to give up trying to figure it out. There is something significant that is going to happen (or not happen) concerning her July 18th and I'm presently just waiting for that day to come and I'll see what happens. Until that day comes and passes I'm not quite sure what my next step will be.

>Did you ever come to a conclusion as to what was going on with her and what happened to her?



If I am capable of intuitively recognizing that he possesses wisdom and I am not afraid of him than probably I would. I listen to pretty much anyone anyways; but usually arrive at no definite conclusions concerning most of what people say.


You seem confused.



Fairly accurate


Cool man



She's gone. I haven't talked to her in a month. She threw out the phone my mom gave her and disappeared. I've been making a tulpa that wears a light-blue shirt to replace her.


update on your meltdown?



Why did protagonist delete her "What happened to dwarf/emily?" post?


File: 1469041905868.pdf (4.56 MB, 1432866341046-0.pdf)

Just going to leave this here…


File: 1469041957606.png (62.37 KB, 190x222, 95:111, fuckin monads, how do they….png)


thanks for the fap material.


File: 1469618661230.jpg (1.16 MB, 1435x1080, 287:216, 1466965771137.jpg)

Can you actually use razor blades the proper way?



If so, how does the edge effect your everyday life?



Why does he wear the masque?







>smearing shit on your face is shapeshifting

el em ayy oh



Can I make my girlfriend lose weight with magick?



Not smiley, but it's waaay easier to just let her lose the weight physically. Doing it is a great workout.



You can move a quarter with your mind or you can move it with your hand.

Using your mind is thousands of times harder and uses much more energy.



In my personal opinion this does not bring results and is useless. It is far easier to use thoughtforms to change a person's behaviour than it is to talk to them. You may as well do both though; and let the talk be the outward form or ritual of that which confers the intent of the imagination. If you do this correctly, your influence over the subject will be very powerful.

Fire meditation / tumo is the most potent way to lose weight really fast btw.

One should set the subject upon a path of physical cultivation that brings health to the entire body.



smiley detected

take your meds


>mfw re-reading this thread and it says completely different stuff from what I read before



That's a sign of chronic schizophrenia.




Thank you anon.



Fuck you



Thank you anon.


File: 1470083019748.webm (3.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, redhed.webm)



Stop posting this. Fringe Wizard only likes fat milfs with short hair like his mother.



Who the fuck are you and what is your problem?

My ideal woman is Chansey. She has red hair and green eyes. That woman is the webm is a good example of le ideal woman.



Thank you anon.



Thank you anon.


File: 7273422d4a97789⋯.webm (2.99 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, tes3to1414.webm)


Smiley I haven't been keeping up with you. Can you summarize everything you've been up to for the last 6 months or so?


File: d67cf61a85f5f39⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 410x479, 410:479, image.jpg)

Kenneth, are you bros b4 hoes?



The fuck does that mean?


I've been levelling up.



leveling up how?



I have an intense awareness that picks up on and can concentrate upon anything, even across time, and I am weeding out negative shit and replacing it with its polar opposites, and just totally reconstructing myself and my surroundings. Everything is always becoming better within and around me.



An american apparel ad has that much nudity?



is the world ending next month



>Chapter 11. The Necessity of an Aristocracy

Straight into the trash



At its root, it's pretty simple. You can use a few methods but for the sake of brevity, we'll stick to one: sigil-craft.

Sigil craft begins with a thought. That thought takes a form on a piece of parchment. There are a lot of different methods that will specify different things but the ultimate concentrated point is it must reflect what you see within your mind. As above, so below. That's not just being esoteric for esoteric's sake, this is the very real channeling of something within you into the external world.

If words are more concrete for you, draw words. They do not need to make sense to an outside observer, they are only what comes from you the easiest as you imagine the end state you wish to attain. Do not alarm yourself with what images pour out onto the paper or the shape different images may take. Do not censor yourself.

If you find these things to be difficult or hard, start first with simple thoughts and work from there.

Now, here's the problem with spellcasting that many (including myself at times) run into… You are inherently changing the very nature of reality every time you do it. The good news is that you do it anyways just by existing but the big difference is you are forcefully pushing in a direction. There will always be push-back. This is part of the journey to your final goal – that which you envisioned coming to pass. Do not be surprised if the journey does not look at all like you imagined it to. In fact, you may run across a path that will look to be the opposite of the direction you wish to go. Do not be alarmed, just impassively observe and allow events to move through and beyond you as you ascend towards your goal. You will reach your goal and, for some, you may discover that the goal is no longer your desire. Welcome to life.


for fuck's sake, what's the name of that blonde goddess in the OP??????



keely shaye smith


File: 9dd62d5a4fbedf5⋯.webm (2.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, olj.webm)

where are u?

did u retreat to your safe-space /fringe/?

still no new Youtube.com/FringeWizard video, fuckers



Why do you crush my hopes.

Anyone know who model in OPis for real?



I just wanted to let you know that I'm a "negro", as you say. I won't try to steal from you or harm you. Though I probably couldn't supply you with much occult wisdom.



And…I answer my own question:

Izabela Krzemkowska


File: 41de99c8c74313f⋯.jpg (992.26 KB, 1396x1070, 698:535, big mama nature.jpg)

>walk in woods

>see this

What do?



ask if she needs help


File: bd36b0c01bbe22c⋯.jpg (59.26 KB, 500x387, 500:387, Big_Game_Hunter_full.jpg)



Ask her if she needs a good fucking I guess.


File: db88c0e15033b53⋯.jpg (333.32 KB, 1778x826, 127:59, MILF.jpg)

Wats ur opinion on dis?


File: 1764bd8fcb30c7c⋯.jpg (45.46 KB, 600x475, 24:19, 1455679269861.jpg)


Before the board got royally fucked (what happened?), someone would often mention RAJA YOGA as en essential tool in self-learning.

Does anyone have a link to a concise resource? Most of the stuff i'm finding is commercialized soccer mom tier.



That would be me, I've talked about it many times before, and it's essential. If you ever find nothing is working for you, do raja yoga, and everything starts working for you.

the 2013serieslessons book has a huge section on raja yoga



what is your opinion on Uncle Bearheart and have you tried or did any of his rituals?



Most of the stuff he says and talks about doesn't intuitively make sense to me at all. The only angle of approach where it could make sense to me is the empirical "try and see what happens" way. He insists on a lot of stuff that to me seems unnecessary and subjective.

Pretty much with all authors, unless they've broken stuff down into the most basic formulas, I just read what they're talking about and then do it my own way following the basic underlying formula.


File: 9d1cf633536fc96⋯.jpg (73.4 KB, 1148x284, 287:71, telepathyc_cuckoldry.JPG)

i don't have a question but i found this funny



Which book is this?


Is it possible to browse the internet solely trough your mind without any need for computers?

Like, a kind of electrici telekinesis?


File: c4432e9df9f601a⋯.jpg (703.29 KB, 1958x2611, 1958:2611, kVo097h.jpg)

did electric currency died? his youtube channel appears to have vanished. /channel/UCO4iVC3ANt3xXQ2cjQFqcXw


File: 26d7a3f73bbec43⋯.jpg (67.8 KB, 504x514, 252:257, 38.jpg)


the kybalion. im following the magic101 book list from the library to see if i can become a little girl or alternatively find a greater purpose than becoming a little girl.



Aww geez. That really sucks. He made a video a few days back saying he was 'out of the game' for a while. I asked him what that meant, where he was going.

He replied that in order to become someone, he had to first become noone. That he was going to go complete his own great work.

Which is… cool and all. But he'd made a lot of good info on that channel. It's really. Really. a shame to see it go…



Yes, have known two people who are able to do that, and they both could control any electronics in general around them while in a trance.



Wow blessings be upon thee and many such wizard speakings!

I've lougled and check'd the library and i cannot seem to locate these "2013 series lessons", much to muay dismay.

Might i request a link, if it not trouble ye?


File: 09b37b34b6b13b6⋯.png (76.79 KB, 1313x486, 1313:486, Screenshot from 2016-11-01….png)


It's right here.



Heh, I started doing that when I found my wife.

She probably thinks the wedding is her idea.


File: 8ae7a792fa4287c⋯.jpg (20.17 KB, 236x326, 118:163, WW0SLdl.jpg)

can Will as a force be used to influence socio-political events?

For example, a man shapes his Will by asceticism(veganism,few sleep,icy showers),so, he then then manipulates all his thought in,for example, making a strongman general take control of a country.

Can this ever be done?


File: 4b4176f6d0ef12a⋯.jpg (131.38 KB, 1284x1057, 1284:1057, 1429931983692.jpg)


>getting mentally cucked




What would be the mechanism of such an ability? Something like that sounds more fantastical to me than being able to control people's minds. Thoughts come from within you to without and change the universe around you, that I understand. But computers run on code which is not malleable. One out of place character in a program can make the whole thing collapse. I don't expect those people memorized every line of code of an internet browser, javascript, html, etc. and the entire workings of a modem. Did they simply create a thoughtform that knew how all these things worked even though they themselves didn't? If so, where does this thoughtform "connect" from? You need an origin point when browsing the internet whether it be your home or a dunkin donuts, no?

The only way I can realize such a thing(which my current knowledge) is by having a physical computer with an internet connection and creating a thoughtform that could move matter and see, and it would be sending you what is sees on your monitor and controlling the mouse and keyboard physically according to your desire.



Let us consider just what was happening in those experiments. The randomizer simply sent a bunch of electrons around to make the lights go on in a random pattern. The subject, by influencing the electron flow, influenced the way the lights worked.

Now let us consider how a computer works. There is the memory, both stored and random access. Then there is the processor that controls the way the electrons run between the stored memory, the random access memory and the other things like the keyboard and the screen. The microprocessor is nothing more than a pattern of pathways for the electrons to follow to direct them where they are supposed to go carrying the information that makes the thing work. If

the electrons go someplace else in the system, the whole thing dies. It is something like the switching system in a railroad yard. If the train director is on drugs and puts two trains on the same track going towards each other, there is going to be hell to pay but it will be very entertaining and messy when it happens.

Get the idea? Now we get to the practical part so pay attention.

Now, one of the other interesting things about the Besant-Leadbeater(Occult Chemistry) work was the fact that it was possible to put psychic presence into something as small as an atom and look around. That being the case, it is a simple matter to put your psychic presence into the main processor chip of the computer (usually the flat thing with Intel written on it) and futz up the pathways, making the electrons go every which way but where they are supposed to be going.

And you don't have to change a lot of them. Just a few particles misplaced will have a disastrous impact on any system and the newer the system, the more significant the impact because they need fewer electrons to get the same things done.

Ok, now you know the theory, how do you do the work?

First, you do not need a witness of the computer you are going to hit. You are not going to get one anyway so there is no point in worrying about it. You are going to be working strictly with psychic presence and remote viewing, so practice that.

Once you have that down, choose a target. Put your consciousness inside of the computer until you see the processor chip. Move inside of that. What you will see will be a lot of little glowing things moving very rapidly along set pathways. Those are the electrons. Do not do anything just yet, but sit and observe the phenomena until you get used to the environment.

Now, after you have done this, begin to psychically push the electrons out of one path and into another. Practice this until you can see a cross-flow of electrons from one stream to another. That cross stream will totally destroy the running of whatever program is being used.



your purpose is to be my bride, and this sentence is a neurolinguistic trap whose mechanism you've triggered by reading thus far. you will not notice the effects at first, but your magickal studies and the life around you will slowly push you towards successfully becoming a little girl. upon which you will find me just as sure as these last 11 words embed this memetic further as you think none the wiser.



provide image reference so i can begin the visualization process


File: bf31a5d0663830d⋯.png (303.21 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 59459950_p0.png)



I think I understand what you're saying, but that just seems to be a way to make a computer malfunction, and not control it. BUT I think that is a logical step to gaining control. You learn how to see it, how to interact with it, how to break it, fiddle with it and ultimately learn to control it. That is useful, thank you.



that is a drawing anon. it's one thing to visualize myself as a female but here you are asking me to imagine what your drawing would look like in real life on top of that.

i need a reference of a real life woman. preferably full body and naked.


File: 334ff12efc8015f⋯.jpg (58.79 KB, 650x500, 13:10, is-this-just-fanta-sea.jpg)


You're gonna use your imagination to visualize, right? So…. just use your imagination? (to fill in the details that is). Do it with the belief that you will imagine what he desires.

Don't know about the cat ears though. I'd be a problem to bring you out in public, you know what I'm sayin?

Is this exchange real? This is hilarious. Best of luck to you though if you genuinely want to be the little (cat)girl



considering you said you wanted to be a little girl, i don't think i can help you find such a reference


File: fbb4fa3bf7b9c9c⋯.png (74.9 KB, 198x380, 99:190, Hanson-exploitable-fixed.png)


you know thats not what i meant. just share an image of you ideal female


File: da4ed5d635fd3aa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 130.78 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1465883405394-fit.jpg)


here is the best photo i have for you. near naked, back and front, full body.

godspeed you crazy bastard

Hotpocket Edit: Anon there is no way for me to unspoiler, ask >>>/sudo/ codemonkey to fix that.

Post last edited at


How about a Jungian flag?


A teeny tiny mandala maybe?



i'm not a tripfag


I want the bald spot on the back of my head to regrow hair. I have let it destroy my life.



What kind of stock to you people put in "spirit/animal guides" from various native traditions?

I've been trying off and on through my life to lucid dream or "astral project" or whatever term or implications that might have. Be it being able to access parts of your subconscious you cant normally get to, or talk to beings on another plane of reality… but I've never had much success, but never put in terribly much effort either.

I was thinking about starting up again, but I don't know for what purpose, I just sorta feel compelled to at times. more to the point, I thought the idea of meeting someone who could offer me insight about what I'm doing wrong with my life or what path to take going forward would be useful, what might or might not be good for me so to speak.

Just wondering what kind of stock you guys put in that stuff and if theres any merit to any of it



If you ask for it, there are "guides" out there (I don't refer to any tradition in particular, though they're as valid an interpretation tool as any if they really mesh well with you) that can help if you feel you're stuck in some way, but it could come in a form you may not necessarily be expecting. It could come in dreams, while browsing a website, while walking down the street, or any number of ways that such things can be communicated to you. It doesn't have to be via astral projection, but whatever the way that such advice reaches you will likely necessitate that you keep your ears open and listen carefully.


File: 183241939a25939⋯.png (342.76 KB, 2917x2138, 2917:2138, Every Ban Ever For Fringe.png)

Someone has been claiming they are permabanned…


Just cleared ALL active bans.


Whats keeping me stuck in this realm and how can I destroy whatever that is?


File: 1aacf6fdd903e02⋯.png (196.57 KB, 600x1060, 30:53, chaos_reigns.png)

When will you add >>>/looshfront/ to board announcement?


What's the most effective spell, method, routine or practice to become who you want to be. To look how you wanna look and act the way you wanna act. And then how to maintain it?



I'm sorry, but is this even possible?

In my previous reply I meant to improve my actual image, not change to a completely different one. Would that be possible though? If so, my dreams are totally possible.


Someone delete this pls ^^^^


Posting from "hospital"…

As a man knows himself so is he. As a man imagines himself so he becomes. To know is to embody.

That (along with knowledge of the self) is the whole secret of self-transformation besides mastery over the fire and water, active and passive, reception and projection. Your ability to tune into something and draw it in by focusing is an important skill to bring in a new attribute.



Can you please tell me how do I achieve this mastery of fire and water? (What about the other elements?)

>Your ability to tune into something and draw it in by focusing is an important skill to bring in a new attribute.

Also, what exactly do you mean by this. By «drawing» do you mean actually drawing? Or do you mean like collecting, harnessing information and etc..? Or both?




What failure?


How can I magickally eliminate the desire for female companionship and sex? It distracts me from the magickal work im doing and i cant focus



Human being is complete only after they found their missing half. God is androgynoys, and only a human couple can be as whole as God. So I would say that finding your companion is one of the most important part of your work.



Do you think the companion necessarily needs to be a physical person? I understand the need for balance in the work, so I was considering creating a tulpa or similar thoughtform being to compensate. I'd just really like to focus on the work right now and I doubt I'd be able to find a girl who would understand that or even furthermore encourage that.



Is that you?



But the tulpa would divide the same energy body as you, it would be more of a brother than anything. It also would be under effects of a male wired brain and testosterone.



join my discord smiley


File: 4944b494d2b842f⋯.jpg (166.44 KB, 1200x1396, 300:349, UwDSh1B.jpg)



ok here is the strategy in accordance to my understanding of magic.

physical transmutation requires tons of energy and a very elevated consciousness so im switching to a more quick and effective approach. to inhabit the body of an already existing life form.

i will accomplish this by the creating a thought form whose purpose is to extract my higher self from its current body then place it into the target.

thought forms are build from two elements. 1- visualization: which consists of focusing your mind into and specific idea 2- energy: for this process i will make use of sexual energy which is very accessible and malleable

thought forms require energy to survive and although our dimension is often refereed as a prison is actually one of the best planes to harvest energy from so many life forms both greater and lesser than humans long to be here.

the thought form will send me to the body in your picture which will be very easy to take over since our target operates in very low vibrations thanks to the mk ultra programing amongst other things.

then it will take over my body and continue the training in the occult to learn how to better harvest energy since that is its only purpose

meanwhile i will need energy for myself to sustain control over the borrowed body. once again sexual energy becomes key but this time i can leech it from others instead of using my own.


File: 468b6d43290e5a9⋯.jpg (319.06 KB, 1280x950, 128:95, trans-venus.jpg)


never mind all that there is a better way. simply masturbate to Selda of Vanamond and she will take care of the rest.


Did you switch to chromium yet?



didn't work back then, didn't work now



back then?



Nobody, even on this board, could be depraved enough to think that creating one of those things would be a good idea for humanity.


File: f99b287a71c522b⋯.jpg (158.93 KB, 728x1123, 728:1123, 72efa171add512bfb8fbfe08f0….jpg)


Turning men into women is a good thing.


File: 49043c460c38bc8⋯.png (49.94 KB, 500x352, 125:88, 1482154477546.png)


how accurate is this image?




Looks legit to me goy!


I'm looking for a word that I've forgotten. When I lay still for a long time at night, I start to go numb and physical sensation goes tingly, then fades (doesn't happen all at once, but place to place). Does anybody know a specific word for this kind of sensation?


File: d7fa95d148e210b⋯.jpg (679.27 KB, 899x1124, 899:1124, image.jpg)

>wake up

>see this

What do?



Hey smiley, I saw your address was posted on on 4chon.

When you have the time you should consider taking a visit to your nearest police station. Don't forget to bring your ID.

Waterloo Regional Police - North Division, 45 Columbia St E, Waterloo, ON N2J 4N7

Explain to them that your address was leaked on the internet on a discussion board for video games and computer stuff (yeah it's slightly bending the truth, but it's not worth trying to explain what 8chan is), and you're a popular persona and moderator and so some crazy guys may hold something against you and try to "swat" you. Explain to them what swatting is and how common it is, and request to have your address blacklisted or somehow flagged in the emergency phone services so they'll know what to expect if someone tries to "swat" your address. If the Ontario police have a competent computer system and see that your address is flagged for potential hoaxes, the worst they would do is just send a police officer to knock on your door and ask if everything is alright instead of sending a whole squad of armed task force kicking your door open.



Swatting is illegal. If a person did that to smiley they would go to jail. That is a criminal offense. http://fusion.net/story/212835/matthew-tollis-connecticut-swatting/ "




"If you have, know that it is not only cowardly, but also illegal. There is a name for it: doxing. According to Wikipedia: Doxing (spelling variantDoxxing) is an abbreviation of document tracing, the Internet-based practice of researching and publishing personally identifiable information about an individual." https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/2y0uni/psa_doxxing_is_literally_a_crime/


Hey ☻ i was NOT aware that this was one of kikelingchode's lackeys who had been spreading your dox around everwyhere for a couple days. Check the pending appeals on /ask/ please, my intentions were not malign at all.

Now at least i know what's going on, i wish you had posted a warning or something on /ask/ so as to warn others that he might spam up /ask/ with it aswell.


Oh yeah and it was also irritating because he posted your surname there earlier and since you didn't ban him back then i was under the false impression you were somehow fine with his threads and people responding to them



That's easy fam, ask her if she needs a massage and then massage her womb with your dick




Keep /4chon/-related stuff in /ask/ from now on.



Didn't this whole doxxing thing start out on chodechon in the first place? That's what the guy >>88442 above said anyways



You called him a crying manchild for being doxed btw. Pretty low blow and now you're begging to be unbanned from his board. Why should he unban you?




No i didn't you lying fucking kike, fuck off cuckchode you d&c moron

On a sidenote, it's more than understandable if he dishes out some unwanted friendly fire because of this.

What was so offsetting/surprising was mainly the fact that i made that exact same meta comment pertaining to the mere meaning of his surname in its original language in the past when he posted his surname on there and he didn't seem to mind it at all (iirc even participated in the thread for a while) but now i can understand when he's upset/panicked because somehow the asshole found out his actual IRL adress (probably with the help of learningchode no less) and spams it everywhere.

Heck i'd probably do the same thing and try to delete fucking everything if i were in his position now, with no regard for blue on blue's whatsoever… I totally get this. I merely like to drop by on his board every once in awhile so it's fine if he needs to cool off first and whatnot. He can even wait it out and let it expire completely and i wouldn't mind due to the circumstances of the whole situation, because doxxing really is no laughing matter. I myself have been partially doxxed after being stalked on an imageboard aswell so i know how he feels. I already explained this to him also.



First it's crying "manchild". Now it's "lying fucking kike cuckchode." You are full of shit.


Does anybody here fear hell?

Strange, occult forums and no one talks about this.



Hell is a thoughtform



If you are a wizard you are smart enough to change yourself and avoid Hell and if you aren't a wizard you're so ignorant you are convinced God must understand where you come from in life and will most certainly send you to Heaven and all your enemies to Hell.

Though further, the Kybalion teaches only of more complex and less complex realms, but no Hell.



The only people that go to hell (in the context of a place of punishment) when they die are the people who feel in their soul they deserve to or perhaps feel they must learn a particular lesson there. You're never forced to go anywhere.



It might be just a thoughtform.

But for a while (and still a bit) I was convinced that I had «unwillingly» created my own hell. It was horrible and I really want to flip this around and either erase it from memory or turn it into something great, good, a heaven.

The «all is mind» blabla lessons don't help me overcome this irrational fear of hell, if anything it makes it worse, because I realize it's in my mind, and mind could create matter.


I don't feel I deserve it for being a bad person, but for being too ambitious (spiritually or energy wise), for not knowing the laws, and for defying certain forces that I probably shouldn't 've had…

NOTE: The Hell prespective only came when I took a small dose of Ibogaine, but the hell wasn't really from the trip, but from those things I had be indulging in and sharing lately.

And it was as if all the bad/dark things and ideas within those things collapsed into one and confronted me.

Almost as if I had created it.

And after that it became really difficult to get these thoughts out of my head.

I'm done with the dark bullshit, specially media films/music, seems like all is a giant trap now and it finally turned against me. I hope the vision I had was just a warning, a sign or a lesson. If so, it will be the biggest lesson, which will aspire true change, from negative to positive.

Help will be appreciated people. I don't wanna be conditioned to the point where I can't stand to watch/listen to certain musics/films..

Even though that same vision could be indicating how bad it is for me.

Thanks for replys.

Peace and love and God bless you all.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little nigger? I’ll have you know I graduated up to Step 7 of IIH and I’ve been involved in numerous secret works with the White Brotherhood, and I have over 300 confirmed VOLTS. I am trained in advanced loosh farming and I’m the top succubus evoker in the entire astral plane. You are nothing to me but just another semen demon. I will nail you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in the 10 sephiroths, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with doing that shit to me on 4chon? Think again, turksperg. As we speak I am contacting my top network of familiars I received from high level elementals and your astral location in this holographic universe is being traced right now so you better prepare for the possession, maggot. The possession that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your individuality and sucks you dry of all life force. You're fucking dead, normie. I can be anywhere on the chans at anytime, and I can loosh farm you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s without my wizard hat and nail clipper for blood magick sacrifices. Not only am I extensively trained in astral vampirism, but I have access to the entire array of astral books detailing secret and unheard of works of very serious magick and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the spiritual plane, turk. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little act of cumming on my picture was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking meat stick and conserved that loosh. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn degenerate. I will farm you so hard you will be sucked up dry by it. You’re fucking dead, thanks for the loosh, mundane.


File: 5af195b8295bb17⋯.png (828.37 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, eris.png)


pic related is from the same artist.


File: 955263e777b69a3⋯.jpg (278.68 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, image.jpg)

Smiley how's your Xbox One S game coming along?


File: c7eb504dbc3f28d⋯.jpg (94.77 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bed.jpg)

Tfw no Fringe boy to cuddle with in bed



Are you a grill?


So I've been doing a lot of self-improvement but I'm curious on the following:

Whats the best route for ultimate companionship? Pet? "succubus"? Person?

What is the best route for forcing the above to stay in companionship? Simple money? Rituals? Strange meditative sessions once week, etc?


File: 0dd4726a55f5216⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 4gOziYZh.jpg)

I lurked around here roughly…a year and a half ago? Two years, maybe? And found a youtube channel featuring the man pictured here in my post. I was wondering if any of you can point me in his channel's direction. He was really off some sort of beaten path the last time I watched something of his, so if none of his stuff remains findable it wouldn't surprise me all that much.

Many thanks!


File: 03801f5264ae8e7⋯.png (643.99 KB, 642x1378, 321:689, before and after fringe.png)


Is this the same guy?



File: e09c321e4657f5c⋯.jpg (29.13 KB, 404x189, 404:189, transition.jpg)




so this is what an ascended freemason looks likes.



Is that a different channel to this >>89003 ? The oldest video on the linked channel is a month old. Also, holy shit.


Smiley why have you not converted to Islam? Inshallah Fringe Wizard, the infidel will not dox you if you behead them! Death to the infidels, death to kuffir! Praise the true Lord of Creation Allah Fringe Wizard, while you still have the chance!


What's the quickest and best way to sell for my soul for power?



Are you fucking 12 or something?



Are you not?



Convert to Judaism. Those fetid swine will have you worshiping their demon god Yaweh PBUH (Pestilence Be Upon Him) in no time.



Damn i really wish i downloaded his older vids, does anyone have them saved?

I can see the same thing happening with elliot hulse but more new agey and less bummy



First you need to actually study the soul and what it is.

Then we have to discuss the philosophy of "selling".

The best you can do is give up all your vital energy for a particular purpose, effectively killing yourself.

…or you can cultivate a strong soul and break off parts of it periodically for whatever you need, charging up thoughtforms.

You should read "The Master Mind" btw and really think about when he's talking about the mind as being more close to the "self", and thus more important.

You'll do a better job selling your body, lel.

You're a very confused mundane who needs to understand what he's even talking about heh.



I, like every other Muslim, was born one. So what do you mean convert? It's more like rediscovering what we have known already all along. Allah (pbuh) guides me. There is only one!



Is it David Wilcock or David Shillcuck?

>rich man with an expensive to join website

>always reminds audience to not pick on jews

>he knows a guy, a secret source guy

>says his predictions don't happen because he talked about it

>makes big claims but not much new information

The more I listen to his stuff, the more I question him.

He has no wikipedia page which is odd but unrelated.


David Wilcock mentioned PizzaGate on radio.

Someone on /pol/ was bringing up Antarctica.

Now Wilcock is covering Antarctica.

Something else he said reminded me of a /pol/ poster.

D a v i d / p o l / c o c k

C o n f i r m e d



Is there a way to learn a foreign language really fast? I found a HUGE amount of esoteric wisdom including practical appliance like martial arts and ancient history but can't properly appreciate its contents without understanding it to the fullest.


Can you check em?


File: bebe7c4693d882d⋯.png (49.39 KB, 205x167, 205:167, mfw nice mene.png)




File: 09e6da9cf668341⋯.png (743.15 KB, 1118x630, 559:315, koufuku.png)

Do you watch any anime?


File: c350115f198c347⋯.jpg (26.86 KB, 400x386, 200:193, 1466008587190.jpg)


Top kek, underrated.

New fag here i have been lurking for a fairly long time and i think i am now ready to start in earnest

Just out of interest if you could only chose 3 books to teach your self from scratch what would they be ?



No. I save anime girl pics but never watch anime. I don't even know the names of anime girls except I have started to learn a few because they are flags on the board "Sena" and "Anzu Futuba". One is a blond haired aryan girl who has a blue butterfly with her always, the other is a blonde haired NEET girl.


File: e55913b527dbcce⋯.webm (3.75 MB, 420x240, 7:4, fegelein.webm)

Would hitlerwave be allowed in a fringe esoteric society?



Same here, dear Fringe Wizard. I never watch the Anime I post pictures of.



i think that eventually white people will be so disgusted by it that blacks will see it as their new "craze"

and eventually everyone one will have hitler moustache


File: 4c80a033f73e060⋯.png (502.49 KB, 877x762, 877:762, 08b402b496d610c3f289aba43d….png)

File: 5c287044a322216⋯.jpg (119.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ice.Hockey.WC2015.GroupB.7….jpg)

File: 7975fb5f19ad8d2⋯.jpg (42.38 KB, 300x434, 150:217, Finland card.jpg)


>One is a blond haired aryan girl who has a blue butterfly with her always

I don't know her name but I do know that she is FINNISH!!



File: a800ffd0db25554⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 543.79 KB, 600x645, 40:43, squeeze squeeze.gif)

When will u write an anime gf ai?


I've got one. I'm a bit new, so apologies if I make a misinformed statement or question, but if I'm not mistaken, the idea of suggesting something mentally helps it come to pass, correct? So if I were to suggest to myself that I will become a faster learner of esoteric disciplines, would it have any effect?


File: 02fd7ce166dac64⋯.jpg (196.28 KB, 1164x1141, 1164:1141, germany.jpg)

File: 5cfe5097c0599dc⋯.png (559.25 KB, 1200x1282, 600:641, germany.png)

Wat shud b done to stop the flow of rapefugees in germany? Is there a wizards plan?


Fringe wizard have you considered spicing up your youtube channel with a big mac / mcrib challenge, or you consider eating cotton balls to gain a bigger following…….. like "tiny tim' rauscheder or shoenice? who wants to 40z & spam challenge/LA Beast 1lb. playdough challenge ? ◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶◀□▶


You once said loosh farming was the meaning of life

What now say you now, smileberg?


is kek real and if i worship him will i gain rewards in my own life for doing so?



Give the Stacey's what they want, big dick in butthole, they'll realize they're shitlords at some point, the rapehorses will be jailed and Stacey's will be really good at pleasing the nice guys in like 10-15 years. THE WAR is coming, don't worry.


File: 08f2ae2d5129ae7⋯.jpg (179.95 KB, 953x913, 953:913, image.jpg)

>wake up

>see dis

Wat do?



Experience pure joy, embrace her, and hope she never disappears into the ether suddenly.



He is real and you worship him through shitposting and tuning into the egregore. He is strongest on /pol/. You shouldn't go into it with a reward mentality so much as love mentality, a love for Kek. Kek is a god that likes to have fun and is very responsive. If you are a Wojack he'll probably fuck around with you though until you learn to feel feels that few have felt ever before.



Try saying "I will not giggle" over and over tell me what happens.


File: 4993c1563d1c7ae⋯.png (395.77 KB, 1024x1058, 512:529, inicia_swimsuit_06_02_16_b….png)

When are you going to start drawing again fam? I for one liked your doodles.



idk, all I do now is GYM, all day erry day. I fell down the stairs today and did a breakfall on the stairs and fucked my elbow extra and still went to the gym and stayed there like 6 hours.




lads, hear me out. I got a tiny problem.

my parents have abused and neglected me quite severly. for the longest time I managed to surpress it but recently I've found out, with the help of another /fringe/-phile, that my healings weren't as effective as I hoped they would be.

do we have some literature and guides, preferably pdfs, on self-healing?



It's called stop leeching those faggots if you dislike them. Get out of the basement and get a job and an education, make a life for yourself.





I've read all the self-healing books. Your body is a thoughtform. You can attach thoughtforms to your body. Center the awareness on the parts that need to be changed and create thoughtforms to do it. Use highly charge emotions. That's all there is to it.

Otherwise, go read: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1907selfhealing.pdf


File: fc7b457f1d39df4⋯.jpg (564.97 KB, 1706x2560, 853:1280, image.jpg)

>Walk in ur room

>See this

Wat do?



yell out, "Dad! Mom said not to wear her clothes any more!"


File: a7558d6c1e3e491⋯.png (234.18 KB, 578x1003, 34:59, 60171128_p0.png)

File: 2a21cffff83366a⋯.jpg (209.64 KB, 574x1200, 287:600, 49371040_p1_master1200.jpg)

File: c8e4dd6ea7fd0c6⋯.png (654.81 KB, 1226x1355, 1226:1355, 46592694_p0.png)

File: 53a9248e947b6a7⋯.jpg (228.45 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 46576008_p1_master1200.jpg)

File: ca0949f98d48d4c⋯.png (741.89 KB, 1200x1260, 20:21, 46621207_p0.png)

Would Fumina be an acceptable greenpilled tulpa?


File: 25ebefe46c53de7⋯.jpg (77 KB, 1281x706, 1281:706, before.jpg)

File: 2aa0be02bea8ede⋯.jpg (81.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, after.jpg)

>When Fumina introduces you to her mom





having fun


File: a32e36fe8c3916c⋯.jpg (56.47 KB, 604x379, 604:379, 1425724264109.jpg)


Dice rollRolled 1, 1, 2, 2 = 6 (4d6)





I want you to look at yourself in the mirror really hard and deep. And think about your life choices. You being a tripfag/namefag shill is totally unacceptable. Stop it. Stop all of it.



>I want you to look at yourself in the mirror really hard and deep.

heeeey sexy

>And think about your life choices.

>I regret nothing

>You being a tripfag/namefag shill is totally unacceptable.

if it was I would have gotten banned

>Stop it. Stop all of it.

make me bitch


How does a snake move?


File: fd8ca35678f4d5d⋯.png (104.25 KB, 1230x1080, 41:36, AutistQuake10.0.png)

Why are you such a flaming autist smileberg?

*had to do some editing to the picture but the comment is there on youtube

I was just scrolling through youtube, minding my own business, checking out some sweet jams when I find this glorious comment hidden in the recesses of some comment thread. Smiley, you have proven yet again to be the most autistic out of all of us.


File: 6354ebc8861b452⋯.png (932.15 KB, 1307x780, 1307:780, Make it stop.png)


>links directly to 8chan

>related channels include Millennial Woes, Pewdiepie, and Varg

why do you have to conform to a stereotype



I didn't even check out his page… I didn't think it could get worse, but all this moe anime shit and 4chan kek garbage has proven me wrong. Fucking christ, this makes me wish we had a forum with a capable moderator



It's to confuse the mundanes when he goes on a mass-shooting spree.

t. a certain someone talking about himself in the third person


File: 0496e8d5fa6978b⋯.jpg (519.91 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, Mami.jpg)

Why is Mami smug?


File: dc2cb07af3d2772⋯.png (10.24 KB, 223x71, 223:71, fringe wizard.png)


>…minding my own business…when I find this glorious comment in the recesses…

this happened to me once, pic related


File: c9f9c8e076a7618⋯.jpg (93.9 KB, 540x720, 3:4, image.jpg)

Did u maek ur gaem yet?



<nice thread fag




I'm an atheist and skeptic, I never come here. But, I've been having a lot of very strange dreams lately, and I've been experiencing a greater degree of precognition. (Small events in my past I've had premonitions of, but I wrote them off as coincidence)

Otherworldly beings inhabit my dreams far, far more often than other human beings.

But the dream I had last night was so surreal that I don't even know how to explain it in English. I'll probably be thinking about this dream for the rest of my life.

Has anyone had a similar experience? What should I make of this?



Magic is real. Clairvoyant dreams are also real. Having entities contact you in your sleep is also real. What was the dream? If we don't know anything, there's nothing anyone can tell you.


File: 65b06cb82fb563d⋯.jpg (23.42 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 59065316.jpg)


Is there any /fringe/ way to modify my appearance? Say I want to get blue eyes?



No, there isn't. There is however ways /fringe/ ways to make the money to get an operation for said goal.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


People are saying you can do it with the assistance of binureal beats, I tried it with grey and I THINK it worked to an extent cause I noticed some grey on the top of my eye but I'm honestly not sure if it was already there before. Also while doing it my eyes began to get really sore from the pressure I was putting on them so I just stopped doing it completely.

Here's a video of a girl allegedly changing her eyes from brown to hazel.


Embedded is a video from the channel me and the girl from the video used.

Also people recommend you use this to help with the color changing.




Hey you – I am an anon who specifically practices body modification. It is indeed possible to change eye colour, hair colour, and other visible features by magick. It is as simple as creating the thoughtforms for it and fusing them into your body in such a way as to change the form of the body. It takes a ton of practice and you should work your way through IIH (Initiation Into Hermetics) but once you're past about stage 3 you can start doing it.

I have personally changed my hair colour to red, various shades of blond including light blond, brown, and a shade so dark it's almost black just by using thoughtforms to modify my body. These changes are also observable by third persons.



Tons of people change appearance. Some people have blue eyes during childhood and dark eyes as an adult. This is waved away with "genetics" or some other nebulous claim but the truth is that your physical manifestation is created by the higher subtle body and as the mind becomes fixed and set in its ways so does the body. People are in their natural state without age, ageing is a form of suicide.



I am not talking about gradually darkening while getting older which happens to a lot of people. I'm talking about waking up with new and very different hair colors every few days or even every day. You can consciously control the levels of eumelanin in the hair also you don't have to wait for new hair to grow in, hair is alive, and can change.very quickly.


Fuckin faggots


Fuckin faggots


Fuckin faggots


Fuckin faggots


Why is this board so full of loosh farmers? Surely if you wanted to troll people into giving you their energy, you could do it on another, more populated board, right? Are you just doing your part to weed out those who can't into mental alchemy / being unreactive? Also, are there consequences to always taking negative emotion from people instead of positive? Does the ease of doing so outweigh these consequences? Would stand up comedy be a good way of farming if you were successful at it?





File: d8506c8c86ebab5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 136.5 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 1528936614.jpg)

>wake up

>see this

What do



nah, just figure out what "hell" is and ur good.

hell is fearmongering.



Requesting a full-on guide on mudras.






/ask/ is not dead and you guys should go on over to >>>/ask/ if you actually want to ask me questions and get them answered

Regards, ☻.


File: 04819ecac1ddc71⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 313.4 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1497403153423.jpg)

Do you still draw with your tablet? When was the last time you went on flockmod? When will you make a tumblr so you can blog your greenpilled lifestyle on there? Even Sam Hyde has a tumblr.


File: 1450709daae25ca⋯.jpg (27.81 KB, 310x475, 62:95, tumblr_mz2d2yG11V1qa2t6ho1….jpg)

File: 0459f0bd72e6a4b⋯.jpg (699.99 KB, 1252x1920, 313:480, tumblr_mz2d2yG11V1qa2t6ho2….jpg)

File: 2313aad71056a79⋯.jpg (671.54 KB, 1201x1920, 1201:1920, tumblr_mz2d2yG11V1qa2t6ho3….jpg)

When will you read The Wiccan Web: Surfing the Magic on the Internet? Sam Hyde recommends it.




could you try not being a depraved degenerate porn addict?


File: 38fe48f12567c28⋯.jpg (51.98 KB, 331x402, 331:402, annahurt-faggot.jpg)


*slap slap*


File: d5c087212c029b4⋯.png (692.23 KB, 600x795, 40:53, ClipboardImage.png)


you're cute. I only feel sorry and shame for my fellow humans



ask if I can sit down then appreciate the landscape and maybe talk about nature and shit.


my main belief is buddhism, but I practice a wide variety of traditions and I have to ask, has anyone noticed when mixing traditions if any are a setback?


File: ccd372916baa16a⋯.jpg (11.11 KB, 320x180, 16:9, mqdefault.jpg)


If you mean that you mix Buddhist traditions, say Zen with Vajrayana, there shouldn't be any setback so long as you adhere to both's requirements.

If you mean that you mix Buddhist traditions with other magick/occult practices, there could be some taint on your karma and/or a setback to how your spiritual consciousness is developed for the sake of compassion.



i did mean the second one yeah.




Note, I said could be. Mind explaining what practices you combined? I am no judge of any sort but perhaps I can help you.



This trance you speak of… While I'm able to get into a trance, charge sigils and whatnot, I'm under the impression it's not the same kind or degree of trance that I know how to get into.

What kind of technique would allow me to get into the sort of trance you speak of, or what signposts do I need to watch for during meditation or whatnot?




little of this, little of that.

sprinkle of voudou here, a dash of asatru there.




Be careful there, fucking with voodoo can open up opportunity for a spirit to ride you not the good kind, which can lead you down an even worse path.


This is kind of ironic given that you practice both Western and Eastern religions, you would think that the Western one would be intolerant of the other.

I think there lies a problem in the sense of incompatibility here. If Asatru in anyway condones violence or hatred towards others in any way, it will taint your karma, but violence ever more so. Other than that, you should be alright.

The problem is just compatibility. If one teaching contradicts the other, you have to choose.



Is there any good kind of spirit?



it really doesn't. other races and religions were often accepted into germanic tribes when the person proved themselves.

violence is only encouraged religiously as a last resort, which a past lama has said to be reasonable and otherwise isn't really encouraged or discouraged.



There can be opportunities where you meet spirits that are benevolent yes, but the purpose of voodoo isn't that.


Of course, violence is a last resort, self-defense only. I meant if Asatru encourages offensive violence.



yeah, not really stated as to whether offensive is "bad" but it's not required like in the abrahamics


File: 9060bc4941808a7⋯.jpg (132.96 KB, 1039x816, 1039:816, ^4F8E00AE56475C78A3B60B366….jpg)


>but it's not required like in the abrahamics

At least we can all agree that abrahamics a shit lmao



An idea that life is suffering is bad too. Suffering is only part of life, not a whole life.


File: e3c063185e5b087⋯.jpg (110.95 KB, 500x510, 50:51, love_with_the_sun.jpg)

How do you open your heart chakra?

I don't mean shitty New Age feel-good exercises but opening it as an astral receiver and as the house in which the Holy Guardian Angel dwells, in the path of opening to the briatic level of reality.



I wanna know too, people say you need to vibrate on the solar plexus area, but hell if I know how to vibrate an specific area of my body.



i want more


I thought I auto-saged this thread awhile ago why does it still exist… and why aren't you posting this all on /ask/?


there is nothing more degrading to the female form than """""dancing""""" like a nigger


I have discovered a method to make amazingly powerful tulpas, that are 10000 times stronger than any tulpa you can make with normal methods.

and NO I will not tell you how to make them or even give a hint, because those are dangerous like all serious occult practices.


By the way, I was hesitant to say that true magick that produces paranormal phenomenon s real, but HOLY FUCK.

This new knowldge is fucking OP as fuck (over powered) my mind is blown.

And NO I am not selling anything, No books, NO online courses and I will not gain anything, which is why I will not give away this new found knowldge.

And I am not trolling or shitposting either, so go ahead, mock away.

laugh, be skeptical all you want.

The only reason I am posting this is to tell you guys that real Magick exist and is real, keep looking this is an untapped fountain of power and forbidden wisdom.


Every day you can tap into this power 1 hour per day.

Fuck, this is AMAZING !!!!!














Tell me about what you discovered.


When you fast in the middle of the summer do you let yourself drink water? I don't know if I could be active for more than a couple days without drinking water, usually I fast in the fall or winter and I'm ok going 4 or 5 days without. Is it worthwhile to fast without drinking water?


File: 2496e623d538ea2⋯.png (142.96 KB, 350x350, 1:1, carlos bane.png)


>thinner than my wife

I would crush that.



Why are these guys wearing bikinis?


>What do?

Take the bull by the horns.



Yes / it's ok. I wouldn't mind hearing a book read in that accent. Why do you ask?



Are you sexually attracted to that woman?


whyd u delete all my posts and wallpapers ITT u cuck



I did not delete and of your posts or wallpapers in this thread. Please figure out which mod did so so I may talk to him.



Could you repost them?

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