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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1468352519367.jpg (164.31 KB, 400x600, 2:3, aaaaa-love-potion-9.jpg)


Love spells and love potions, are they real? What do you guys know about Casting love spells and love potions? I want to do some research on the possibilities of there actually being a way to make someone fall in love.

>inb4 get fit or kys

I'm just interested in this subject


You're breaking rule 2 and btw this gets asked all the fucking time. I may as well write up a whole thread on it for you so you can delete this and every person asking this shit can be directed to it.

Anyways, there's mundane drugs that make people fall in love with you, and then there'd be "magick of water" alchemy type shit where you charge any substance to make it carry an idea of love with it to your target.



you could "write up a thread" in here you know…



I don't want to think about this much right now but the most effective method is to constantly assume and feel the truth of your attractive power over all persons of the opposite gender, such that you feel that all of them will fall in love with you, no matter what you say or do. You should charge this with your various emotions, feeling it out both in a negative way and in a positive way. e.g. "god fucking damn it all the women want to seduce me how am I going to stay celibate…" and "damn it feels good to be the object of fantasy for so many infatuated women" and "I don't even have to do nothing, who cares about if women can resist me or not, I have to resist them"! and "oh I know that bitch is wet for me" etc.

You can charge it up with paranoia, fear, love, lust, anger, and everything else and no matter the emotional-angle it always affirms that DAMN SON YOU GOT ALL THE WOMEN'S HEARTS YEARNING FOR YOU.

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