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Has anyone here practiced evocation and can you help me out?

I want to buy Practice of Magical Evocation despite the book being really fucking expensive. I haven't been able to read it as a PDF copy but I found excerpts from it and read all that and I found an artificial-voice narration of the book and I downloaded it all and played it through and listened as carefully as I could while doing other stuff.

The book has really resonated with me. Many books like this with exercises have a certain shall I say cringe to them like I just don't want to use them exactly as the book says but PME was pretty different, I actually feel like I might want to do the exercises therein EXACTLY as described, to contact the entities mentioned in the book.

I tried to find different places to buy it but amazon is the only place it seems you can get it. I showed one person the amazon link and got the fedora response, he called it hocus pocus and told me I'd be wasting my money, really discouraging shit. Made me feel embarrassed even though I have a lot of practice and I know far better than that ignorant mundane.

I have PDF copies of the book but they're shit and I want a physical copy on hand and ready for when I actually do this. In my experiences entities can fuck with electronics way too easy, they have electromagnetic qualities that make it really easy for them to fuck with lights and everything else, turning them off and so on.

There are entities described in PME that I really want to evoke and learn from.

I know how to do evocation but I feel that I really should memorize PME first and get everything prepared because it's the most dangerous thing I can do.

If anyone feels I should just drop PME and do evocation like I've done it in the past, just through intuition and designating a spot to call fourth the entity to, or via searching the astral and trying to get the sigil/contact of some entity, or other more "natural ways" for myself to do it well maybe I should stop being so cautious and forget about the PME book and just do it my way.

I feel that evocation will either be my last mistake or my final victory in many ways. Any advice, any ideas on preparations, etc. would be appreciated. I know these entities can majorly fuck shit up in so many ways and I know what there mentality is like. It's the mentality of someone who knows the life outside of the body long enough to know death is a joke, it's a very different perspective from that of uninitiated people, and things that are serious to us are not to them and they have very different priorities.

I don't mind dying, I'm not afraid, but I don't want this whole operation to be mere suicide I want it to be an honest effort to reach the next level of power and be an inspiration to all those on the path.



Forget PME and be urself.

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