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Esoteric Wizardry


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Do you believe inanimate objects can hold unseen powers? Do you think an item can carry a boon or a curse?

How would someone go about choosing a talisman for oneself? How does one then imbue an object with a desired power?



When you find a one, you will know, nobody can tell you what fits, unless they tell you what you want to hear, but then just cut out the middle man.

You can imbue something with psychic weight the same as with anything else, it just has to be important to you.


Franz Bardon tells you how OP. It boils down to creating a thoughtform and using your intention to bind it to the object and programming that thoughtform with whatever you want and ensuring it has a self-sustaining energy structure or a strong enough charge (as well as control of how it discharges) to keep it useful and enchanted a long while.


A more interesting question I have than what OP asks…

has anyone here had contact with or viewed objects and been stirred up greatly with certain emotions or thoughts?

I've been going through stuff in my basement that's 30 years old, that I can not remember having ever seen in my life, and some that I know has been sealed in boxes since before my body was born and some of this stuff carries incredibly heavy vibes and unsettles me. A doll I found especially nearly tore me apart with what I felt connected to it and I just don't know why.


I am sure I can figure out on my own how to properly psychically examine objects and discover their parts histories and so on but I don't feel like devoting so much time and energy to that right now and just want to hear tell of stories of anyone who does that sort of work (psychometry) and gets success and a description of what it's like for them. I am sure if you are truthful I will intuitively recognize this.

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