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Esoteric Wizardry


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Out Of Body Experience

Imagination is the key.

Thoughts become your reality.

Touched by angels down there.

Such joy I feel inside…Dinka-dinka-dinka.

"The body dies but NOT the spirit!"


I was expecting him to blow his brains out at some point with a revolver why didn't it happen? It looks like all the other vids where some guy an hero's with a gun all of a sudden.



It would make me sing dinka dinka dinka~

If you shot yourself on livestream.




I have a feeling this is going to be the next avant garde mode of expression. I've already seen someone kill themselves on periscope with her reasoning being she was "sending a message".


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


File: 1469054717754.jpg (212.93 KB, 720x491, 720:491, 564365464363464.jpg)

This is some great meme magick to keep mundanes away


This guy seems serene as fuck, in all seriousness. Definitely a high-level wiz.



Because it's an awesome feeling

of inner peace and happiness

such joy he feels inside

life's turned around now

things will never be the same

what was lost is found now

he's glad he'd almost died


joy he feels inside


File: 1469199217477.jpg (124.51 KB, 500x502, 250:251, following the dinkadinka.jpg)


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