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File: 1468893138870.jpg (167.92 KB, 1391x1187, 1391:1187, Enneagram.jpg)


What do you crazy fucks know about the Enneagram Personality test? Is it legit? and should I care about what it says?


Don't know, looks similar to Myers Briggs which is "legit" but barely useful. The four elements are way more universal and have worked wonders for my character building.



Oh and don't trust any online tests, meditation and introspection on yourself is the best way to go. Notice what thoughts pop into your head throughout the day, think about what deeper attributes each thought stems from. Then write it all down and make a custom model of your own mind, personality, and attributes.



What if throughout the day I find my mind drifting towards performing different sexual acts with people I'd never consider having sex with? Is that a psychological problem?



>What if throughout the day I find my mind drifting towards performing different sexual acts with people I'd never consider having sex with?

If you had said that this was in a dream and it dealt with a certain person, the normal explanation for that dream scenario is that your mind is trying to make amends or get along with that person, and an extreme way of doing that is having sex purely for that sake.

>Is that a psychological problem?

Ask yourself questions about those thoughts:

>Why am I feeling this way?

>Do I have a compulsive need to become attached to people?

>Am I willing to do that just to get along?

>Are these thoughts purely honest?

Alternatively, you may be receiving thoughts unintentionally placed in your mind by certain people. Are you generally attractive? Perhaps you are receiving the lustful thoughts of others or they themselves are struggling with the problem I described earlier where they feel like they should form some type of attachment towards you but their mind jumps to that extreme. Attractive people often find themselves bombarded by mundanes who inadvertently place their lustful wishes in their head. Remember that although mundanes do not regard magic in a significant sense, they too have the ability to accidentally do it.



That stems from a combination of a common unsublimated sex drive, and a good imagination. Possibly from good attention as well. I have had worse problems, but they are all fixable. In this instance, practice sublimation or transmutation of your sexual energy, and direct your imagination and attention to higher purposes. Use affirmations, during the day and before bed to mold your consciousness as you wish it to be.

Many problems come from misdirected good attributes, you must try your best to nudge them in the right direction.



as far as I know this is unrelated to the 'original' meaning of the enneagram.. but if it works, it works

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