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Esoteric Wizardry


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Do you believe in meme magick /fringe/?




you are a fucking mundane piece of shit, and I will not hesitate to destroy you.


>its another meme magick thread

Go home, psuedo-wizards.




Same butthurt shitposting faggot.


Of course I do OP. We originated meme magick.



This anon gets it.


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The problem with you guys is that you can intuitively perceive something but don't understand it. Believing that you are the points of origin only serves your ego and thwarts wisdom.


William S. Burroughs was important because he used memetic engineering methods in his work, such as the cut-up method (cutting a text into pieces and rearranging them randomly) and the fold-in method (taking two larger parts of text and meshing them together, making a chimera.) Similar techniques would be the driving force of innovation and experimentation in early hip-hop and electronica, using sound samples instead of words. In the internet era this is seen in mash-ups.

These techniques are only part of a larger picture that knowledge brings. The internet has facilitated an explosion of culture and art, there is so much experimentation going on. Yes, even this place, even places like /pol/ count as such, but if you limit yourself to one playground what you're going becomes incestuous.

The real "magic" isn't in deluding yourself into finding coincidences to believe that your shitposting somehow influences reality, it's methods to augment creativity and innovation - the most powerful forces in the universe. Why ignore that in favor of snowballing some green pepe poopoo back and forth into each others' mouths?



>The real "magic" isn't in deluding yourself into finding coincidences to believe that your shitposting somehow influences reality, it's methods to augment creativity and innovation - the most powerful forces in the universe. Why ignore that in favor of snowballing some green pepe poopoo back and forth into each others' mouths?

*tips fedora*



Burroughs was Gnostic you silly cuckold.

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