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Is there any reason why i should give the occult a shot? How has it benefited you? Is this kind of stuff even real? If so, show me your sources and evidence.


No, Yes, Yes, bix noods.


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There is a self-contained, self-sustaining concentration of essence which exists as the core of the conscious mind. It is not an element of the objective universe.


The human body is an electromagnetic machine. As such it both generates and is enveloped by electromagnetic fields (EMF), controlling everything from heartbeat and respiration to sleep and female menstrual cycles.

To understand the significance of EMFs to the human body, it is first necessary to appreciate that each such body is not an inert, static clump of permanent matter. It is rather an organic complex in a constant state of reorganization and reconstitution. For instance, human liver and serum proteins are replaced every 10 days, and the whole of the proteins in the body about every 160 days. Moreover these protein molecules are extremely complex devices, not mere raw material; not even a single amino acid can be out of place in the replacement.

To put it another way, there are about 60 thousand billion cells in the human body, and every day about 500 billion of these die and are replaced and rebuilt.

Why? One possibility is that these molecules are so complex that they are inherently unstable and thus are continuously deteriorating. The metabolic system, including the liquid-based transmission of food and raw material throughout the body, is a raging furnace of consumption and regeneration.

How does the body know precisely how to recreate each cell and molecule? It cannot be within the object itself, because an object cannot “organize itself”.

The answer lies in the existence of an entire layered network of EMFs throughout and within the body, altogether comprising a “master plan” EMF for it. Dr. Harold Saxon Burr, Professor Emeritus of Anatomy, Yale School of Medicine, named this the L-Field (for “LifeField”/LF).

In the case of the human body, its organizing system cannot be chemical, because then that system itself would be subject to the same entropic process. Hence there is more to a human being than mere chemistry. It requires an organizing field, not merely an accidental accumulation of proteins; thus the notion of “gene randomness” is invalid.


Organization inherently requires preconception based upon purpose. Conventional academic doctrine is that living beings’ purpose is selectively the result of environmental survival needs: Darwinian “natural selection”: There is no inherent purpose to life-forms beyond passive/reactive survival, avoidance of pain, seeking of pleasure, and instinct to reproduce.

Prior to Darwin’s theory of passive natural selection, the French biologist Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829), while not denying such passive evolution, augmented it with what he termed “soft evolution” (in modern parlance “Lamarckism”). According to this theory, characteristics developed or acquired by a given living being can be inherited by its progeny, thus adding the element of intentional purpose to evolution.

If Lamarckism is allowed to operate according to human intellectual will, of course, then the principle of purpose on the individual human scale is established. This in turn suggests that there may be a greater element of purpose above and beyond the individual.

While heretical to the Darwinian establishment, such a master-principle of purpose was neither unknown nor repugnant to the ancients, who by the time it had reached Greece from Egypt referred to it as telos.

Teleology is the doctrine that final causes of phenomena exist. Further that purpose and design are a part of or are apparent in nature. Further that phenomena are not only guided by mechanical forces (e.g. passive natural seletion), but also move towards certain goals of self-realization.

The opposite of teleology is mechanism, which describes phenomena in terms of prior causes instead of their presumed destination or fulfillment. [Modern science is thus mechanistic.]

The existence of Life-Fields establishes that humanity is teleological, not mechanistic, in its physical design and development. The species is not a “random objective universe accident” just stumbling onward through equally-haphazard “survival of the fittest”. This simple and obvious truth is shattering to mechanistic science, because it inevitably mandates an intelligence establishing and guiding the telos: the Egyptian neteru, Pythagorean/Platonic Forms, or in vulgar simplification “gods/God”.

But the scientists’ teleological nightmare gets worse [or better, depending upon one’s point of view]…


cont'd from >>80374


As it turns out, human thought also has the properties of a field. While Dr. Burr was conducting his 40 years of research regarding what would eventually emerge as LFields, other academicians were examining mental activity and discovering that it too does not behave as a “linear machine” [as, for instance, electronic computers running programs of “artificial intelligence”]. Among these findings:

(1) Memory is not localized in the brain, except where it is connected to a very immediate, specific, and continuous sensory function (e.g. perception of heat). Destroying select, even major areas of the brain does not have a traceable effect upon the general memory function; other parts of the brain simply “take over”, and even appear to be relearning and re-refining supposedly-excised memories. If the source for such reacquisition is not physical, then it defaults to a field phenomenon.

(2) Access to memories is also non-linear. One may forget what one had for dinner the previous evening, while having a crystalclear recall of information/imagery decades previously. The process by which memories are so assorted [as it is a grey-scale spectrum, not an either/or action] remains unknown.

(3) Memory access is instantaneous, its age or complexity notwithstanding. This again is non-linear, as computers must go through selection/exclusion sequences to answer memory-questions.

(4) As Plato illustrated in the Meno, the underlying basis of all knowledge - the primal building-blocks upon which learning and reasoning depend for their accuracy and coherence - are inherent to each incarnate intelligence: anamnesis - “recollective awareness of the neteru/ Forms”. In non-metaphysical terms, humans know “instinctively” whether they are thinking reasonably and with validity. [This is not the same thing, obviously, as processing thoughts on the basis of invalid information.]

Of course much of what humans know as day-to-day thought is [at least assumed as] linear [the precise term being “algorithmic”]. Human brains coast through each day largely on sensory stimulus/response “autopilot”, about 95% of which is subconscious. If the avalanche of daily sensory data had to be dealt with consciously, anything resembling normal human activity would be quite impossible.

As with Dr. Burr’s L-Fields, Mr. Russell’s “T-Fields” met with something less than thunderous enthusiasm in established/conventional scientific circles. It was bad enough for Burr to discover an external and purposeful intelligence behind human OU/bodily organization and evolution. It was far worse for the most essential elements of individual human presence-of-mind to be completely removed from the physical brain. In this devastating one/two blow, Darwinian mechanism had been completely exploded, with the terrible spectres of “intelligent design” and a metaphysical “soul” returning [absent Judaeo-Christian trappings] from their post-Enlightenment banishment.

As these [re]discoveries could not be invalidated or discredited, they met with the academic establishment’s fallback response: they were simply and persistently ignored.

Except, of course, here.

Dr. Harold Saxon Burr’s L-Field research was summed up in his The Fields of Life: Our Links with the Universe (NY: Ballantine Books #23559, 1972). The first collection of research extending this “fields” concept to thought was Design for Destiny by Edward W. Russell (NY: Ballantine Books #23405, 1971). Also see Burr's 'Blueprint for Immortality.'

We are now in a position to identify the elements or “emanations” of the Mind/Soul. This is thus the “core” of the occult. It is a doorway, a map, by which the individual can redirect the power of discretionary consciousness to its source, purification, and realization of immortality.

Also, read every book in the FAQ. http://8ch.net/fringe/faq.html




Where did you get this shit from?


We don't owe you an explanation or evidence. Do it or don't. It doesn't matter to us either way.


If you're sceptical look into parapsychology focused books as they tend to focus on proofs and debunking materialist claims the heaviest.

F. Finley Hurley and Max Freedom Long are some authors along those lines.

However if you just want to actually get down to practicing this shit and getting results yourself check out the stuff in the FAQ.

It's completely worthwhile and has benefited me in many ways so far. I haven't yet cleaned up my life completely but at least I have:

>better memory

>better breathing

>better control over my body

>have discovered amazing things with thoughtforms

>have gained all manner of insights into the nature of reality

>have spooked the fuck out of some mundanes

>have fucked a succubus




J. Finley Hurley*

I am not the other kek poster btw, despite having same flag.



Aquino - Mindstar


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There are many reasons, different for different people. It gives you power, it gives you peace, it gives you insight and it can give you purpose.

It has mainly benefited me by giving me loads of insight I would never have had without it, and power over my own reality beyond that which materialism allows. Also pleasure stuff like the succubus fucking another poster mentioned, but you can get that without occult through tulpa and similar games.

It's pretty fucking real, although maybe not for everyone. Universe is complicated like that.

My sources are personal experience. My evidence likewise. If you want any chance at getting into this, I'd suggest you try out getting the same, because scientific evidence is based off of mostly unconditional repeatability and magic doesn't work that way.

Divination isn't a bad place to start, nor is evocation. Both can give pretty impressive results even for noobs.



aren't tulpas part of the occult?


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Depends on your definition, I guess, but you don't actually have to believe in magic or anything non-materialist to fully explain tulpas, you can do it with pure psychology, so I don't usually count it as occult. Maybe occult-lite or something.



Psychology is watered-down occultism. Within the psychological paradigm you can find everything admitted, but not explained, and many of the more spectacular phenomena is just buried and obscured because it doesn't fit a materialist paradigm well.

Tulpas are very occult and very powerful. We on /fringe/ know how to make more use of them though and create stronger ones than random autists that love My Little Pony tend to make.


The "occult" is bullshit.



>>have spooked the fuck out of some mundanes



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Psychology is limited and framed by materialism. Occult is not. That makes a rather hard difference, because there are a bunch of things that occult will admit possible and psychology will not. Tulpas are not in that list, unless you count thoughtforms having an effect on the outside world directly.

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