There is a self-contained, self-sustaining concentration of essence which exists as the core of the conscious mind. It is not an element of the objective universe.
The human body is an electromagnetic machine. As such it both generates and is enveloped by electromagnetic fields (EMF), controlling everything from heartbeat and respiration to sleep and female menstrual cycles.
To understand the significance of EMFs to the human body, it is first necessary to appreciate that each such body is not an inert, static clump of permanent matter. It is rather an organic complex in a constant state of reorganization and reconstitution. For instance, human liver and serum proteins are replaced every 10 days, and the whole of the proteins in the body about every 160 days. Moreover these protein molecules are extremely complex devices, not mere raw material; not even a single amino acid can be out of place in the replacement.
To put it another way, there are about 60 thousand billion cells in the human body, and every day about 500 billion of these die and are replaced and rebuilt.
Why? One possibility is that these molecules are so complex that they are inherently unstable and thus are continuously deteriorating. The metabolic system, including the liquid-based transmission of food and raw material throughout the body, is a raging furnace of consumption and regeneration.
How does the body know precisely how to recreate each cell and molecule? It cannot be within the object itself, because an object cannot “organize itself”.
The answer lies in the existence of an entire layered network of EMFs throughout and within the body, altogether comprising a “master plan” EMF for it. Dr. Harold Saxon Burr, Professor Emeritus of Anatomy, Yale School of Medicine, named this the L-Field (for “LifeField”/LF).
In the case of the human body, its organizing system cannot be chemical, because then that system itself would be subject to the same entropic process. Hence there is more to a human being than mere chemistry. It requires an organizing field, not merely an accidental accumulation of proteins; thus the notion of “gene randomness” is invalid.
Organization inherently requires preconception based upon purpose. Conventional academic doctrine is that living beings’ purpose is selectively the result of environmental survival needs: Darwinian “natural selection”: There is no inherent purpose to life-forms beyond passive/reactive survival, avoidance of pain, seeking of pleasure, and instinct to reproduce.
Prior to Darwin’s theory of passive natural selection, the French biologist Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829), while not denying such passive evolution, augmented it with what he termed “soft evolution” (in modern parlance “Lamarckism”). According to this theory, characteristics developed or acquired by a given living being can be inherited by its progeny, thus adding the element of intentional purpose to evolution.
If Lamarckism is allowed to operate according to human intellectual will, of course, then the principle of purpose on the individual human scale is established. This in turn suggests that there may be a greater element of purpose above and beyond the individual.
While heretical to the Darwinian establishment, such a master-principle of purpose was neither unknown nor repugnant to the ancients, who by the time it had reached Greece from Egypt referred to it as telos.
Teleology is the doctrine that final causes of phenomena exist. Further that purpose and design are a part of or are apparent in nature. Further that phenomena are not only guided by mechanical forces (e.g. passive natural seletion), but also move towards certain goals of self-realization.
The opposite of teleology is mechanism, which describes phenomena in terms of prior causes instead of their presumed destination or fulfillment. [Modern science is thus mechanistic.]
The existence of Life-Fields establishes that humanity is teleological, not mechanistic, in its physical design and development. The species is not a “random objective universe accident” just stumbling onward through equally-haphazard “survival of the fittest”. This simple and obvious truth is shattering to mechanistic science, because it inevitably mandates an intelligence establishing and guiding the telos: the Egyptian neteru, Pythagorean/Platonic Forms, or in vulgar simplification “gods/God”.
But the scientists’ teleological nightmare gets worse [or better, depending upon one’s point of view]…