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any possible way to become the recipient of all of the pain and suffering in the totally of existence?


Do you really want to know how to feel more pain then you have ever experienced in your whole life?


Do you do this out of a desire for self punishment, or the wish to save others from torture through ego-fulfilling sacrifice?

It is pain and suffering that teaches. You chose to come here and suffer. Luckily, the pendulum will swing and you will be joyous. Until then, pain will drive you. There must be cold for there to be heat, and there must be suffering so there can be joy.

There would be no point to sacrificing yourself so others are free from pain, as we are all one. Your suffering is our suffering, for you are us.



>as we are all one

>for you are us.

This triggers me. We are all part of one, we all share in this reality, but we are not the same thing like you imply. The identity of one cell is not equivalent with the identity of another cell. All cells are not one; but they partake of the one life of the body.



>What is empathy

You're right about identity and how we are not the same, but we are still connected. He cannot bear the suffering without projecting the strains of his suffering, and we will eventually partake in the suffering.

It's not possible to become the recipient of ALL pain and suffering.


in response to the first post, neither my view is that of a child's or a machines in that this is simply the most efficient solution to the problem i could think of, reply to post 2 a stereotypical human statement, u can give humans equal wealth, power and happiness, u can also even make them look all the same, but they will still think they are better than others, or desire what others have even if the are in every since equal, tldr u cant fix the human soul, in response to post 3 so u think if would become some type of mobius loop of pain, an every lasting cycle of my pain becomes urs and ur pain becomes mine, perhaps but one cannot know for certain until one tries


File: 1469292527989.png (238.72 KB, 400x392, 50:49, 609072avenger3GSG.png)


File: 1469507957742.jpg (287.28 KB, 720x955, 144:191, Avalokitesvara.jpg)


You may want to read up on Avalokiteśvara, the personification of compassion. It does precisely that.

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