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Fringe, when having negative emotions in your heart and mind, does it attract negative beings? In a way that they'll aid you in committing acts associated with said negative emotions. I've been having this thought for a while. I'm already a demon, I need to find my peace through my resolution, my end game.



To put more information towards this, that these beings will "whisper" information to you so that you can succeed in your negative act.



It can, based on the emotion. Some entities feed on strong negative emotions such as fear, and are willing to go as far to scare the shit out of you day after night. Others feed off lust and can influence you to engage in sexual activities.

Maybe something similar can happen with your negative thoughts, what is the emotion you're having the most trouble with? Anger? Lust?

As for really 'helping' you to commit said activities, I'm not sure that most entities are willing to go so far. Most will just incite you to act.

Never forget to ground yourself and meditate. Banish them, OP. Most will disappear if you deny them any attention or fun.



Hate, lust, fear, sadness all into one.




one such entity could be an astral larvae they feed off of lots of different stuff

they will also encourage more of the same acts to continue to farm energy from you



>Others feed off lust and can influence you to engage in sexual activities.

Such as waking up in the middle of night and masturbating for no reason?



If there are astral larvae, there must be real larvae, somewhere




It depends how deep rooted the attachment is…

someone could psychologically damage you, if they are ghastly enough to do so,

then have you serve out whatever purpose they please, be it sexual bohemian grove type shit, or mass shootings,

i don't have the time to go into what measures they take to get it done, sodomy,

circumscission, it's happening all around us.



The end-game is either suicide, committing unspeakable acts of hatred on other people, or quitting the game. The cure is love. Whenever you find yourself in a spiral of hatred, ask yourself "What would a loving, empathetic person think in this situation?" Visualize what they would think. You will find that your hateful intentions - the ill you wish upon others, dissipates. Then realize that you have become, even if for the moment, the person you imagined. With practice and most importantly diligence - to catch yourself hating and correct it with alternative lines of thought - the hateful person you once were will be no more.

Many find it helpful to frame this is a religious context, for example "What would Jesus do?" It could be a figure from the religion of your preference, a real-life role-model, or even a fictional one. Only you know what examples are the best for you.


Negative emotions ARE negative beings so yes



Why lust is negative emotion?



How can I feed this larvae?



Is lust for revenge a negative emotion?



That larva sounds like a cetain israel based merchant.



Jews don't have souls, they just have aggregates of demons playing with the neural switches to make more jews to infest and spiritually weaken the goyim.



Exactly! That's fucked up though, did you have any wet dreams to go with it?


Yes, a very negative emotion for two reasons:

1. You're clinging to a past event and you do not allow yourself to continue.

2. You're actively wanting/trying to hurt another being.



No, no wet dreams.

It feels weird to me because at that point it feels like it's not me doing it or I'm still in a dream.



left ear buzz



Do they feed off stupidity?

>they will also encourage more of the same acts



>The end-game is either suicide, committing unspeakable acts of hatred on other people, or quitting the game.

explains a lot

>The cure is love.

no one tells you love is fucking hard to learn about. they just screech the word when they don't have an ounce of it in them. not talking about you

but solid advice just be aware of why your angry and if its stupid or not worth the effort then drop it.


It's not, that's just something morons tell themselves so they can act like wise men who took vows of chastity.

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