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Esoteric Wizardry


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>I'm about to leave /fringe/ completely so I thought I'd give you a little idea to work with as a thanks. This place was crap when I came here and has since gone downhill, but it's still unique and inspired (provoked) people to move on and create something of their own.

Religions talk of leaving the reincarnation cycle and some talk of going to heaven or paradise. But most of you here are not following any such religion, so where are you headed after this lifetime is over?

Do you plan to reincarnate endlessly? If the answer is "yes" you can stop reading now. For the rest you should take a moment to think about what place you really want to stay in. If you didn't follow someone else's teachings which guarantees a homeland, where are you going? Floating in empty space?

I made preparations and founded an island in a secure place. I started off with just a carbon pole stuck into the ground (metaphorically) in a place where only I had full access. The characteristics of the astral coordinates are such that only me can use this specific point. That's important to note.

Using that as a foundation I let volcanic rock form from lava and I contracted a small group of infernal demons to build a hell dimension below that place. I set some rules for operation and let them expand freely. This creates a basic source of income for the surface area.

I visualized a simple natural setting and decided what should be included and who could come here. Then I didn't think about it for a while. Later it turned out to have grown quite big, and I had a vivid dream of someone walking through what looked like a latin american ghetto.

It turned out to be the lost soul of a woman who had died as the result of a crime, and she fit my rules for who could enter the island, so the demons let her pass the hell dimension and move up. This was the ghetto I saw, the criminal gangs roaming the place were demons in turn contracted by the initial group I employed.

The island has since achieved an "accepted" status by surrounding places and is tolerated. There are now a few more inhabitants.

This is was a little story to give you something to think about.


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I was tinking something along the lines

But I don't want to disconnect myself of ever present moment which is the the unity of time

In my road to eternity I want to meet and befriend as many entity's are posible ,becoming a link in the multiverse ,help them help and have a little of harmless fun playing with mortals , look through time and space for the several versions of the love of my life make a harem with the multiple copys , and keep making long list of tings to do and start to smoking pot to finish the list the longer, rush myself to war zone and quickly obliterated whit my hands tanks and soldiers, have all my fantasys fulfill, then make new ones , then I will live your fantasy and every other persons fantasy, undue myself, rebuilt me.

I'll be a sex crazed nymphomaniac one life then the next ill be on Tibet becoming the kindness monk ever , I'll be Jack the reaper and kill my old self, in a nutshell ill try everything in one long uninterrupted life .

The universe is the ultimate game threat it as such .

Love under will .


Vague bullshit about what is actually quantum immortality. Get your facts straight and don't pollute a beginner's mind.


Hey OP before you leave wait for me to write down some basic but really fucking powerful techniques that will have you set for life if you can utilize them.


yes. my paradise is prepared, many years of energy has gone into it. fueled by my depression nonetheless. its the only thing i have that will convince me to live.

because only those who live, die.

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