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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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RulesModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSS/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. No identifying posts / namefag drama
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time.
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact live:chanseywrites on Skype to give the board to her.

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Fringe Wizard (Board owner) is shit-talking /fringe/





What'cha going to do about it?

Start making quality threads and quality posts?

Make /fringe/ Great Again?

Nah… nah…



You first, Kenneth.



I have too much armchair occultism to attend to right now though.



This CSS is too dark, I think it's time /fringe/ got a bright theme



I agree. I want white text on white background.



>still expecting 8/fringe to ever get better

>still not having migrated to fringechan.org

>no shitposting on fringechan.org ever while almost having as much post as 8/fringe

Just see. >>78954

And http://fringechan.org/fringe/res/3767.html

And to anyone who thinks we, as in the administration of fringechan, is here to hijack movement: please remain in this rotten carcass if you are unable to see that the state of both 8chan and Smiley are the cause of all this mess. For anyone Just read the WHY of why I started fringechan in >>78954

Secondly, 'fringe', as in the concept of a metaphysical imageboard is just that, a concept. There's no copyright Smiley on the idea and anyone who thinks that can, again, stay here.



>constantly comes over here to try to get people to come to fringechan

>wants to project an image of being better, more active, etc.

>yet is always here begging people to come over



It's missing parts of itself.



Are you really that stupid or are you just fucking acting stupid? New people come here on 8/fringe every day because of it being a board on a multiboard website - new people on /pol/ discover metaphysics and then get redirected over here because the deep-rooted belief that /fringe/ 'is the place to be' for this shit.

Thus I have to bump my thread every so often for the newcomers who are completely unaware of fringechan - I wouldn't have to do this if Smiley just fucking stickied my thread like what the majority of the people voted for, a whopping 66%.



We have fun here. Our memes are dank. Funposts are allowed. We spread magic like wildfire while you're all a bunch of stuck up tripfag satanists with poor to little knowledge.

Maybe if you weren't a collective of gaping whiney vaginas with holier than thou superiority complexes.

Fact of the matter is the split hurt both communities with the initiates newfigs jumping ship and the entrenched oldfigs and skilled practitioners staying, Fringechan lacks in experience and 8 fringe lacks in people.

Quantity vs Quality, our shitposts contain more wisdom than your walls of text.



I didn't bother with your vote. This thread is universally ignored by anyone who is here to stay.


Define Satan you quack conjurer.



>what the majority of proxies voted for



A meme-meme created by meme-memers.


He's right you know.


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>We have fun here. Our memes are dank. Funposts are allowed.

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, we have an entire board devised for funposts and 'dank memes' (http://fringechan.org/loosh) - on 8/fringe all the shitposting just pollutes the authentic genuine discussion and this inadvertently create a cesspool where newfigs aren't able to discern what's supposed to be ironic shitposting and what is (or could be) truth. Secondly, there's no derailing on fringechan.org/fringe either with shitposting so the threads at hand stay mostly on topic without shitposts to derail it everything.

>stuck up tripfag satanists

I'm the only tripfag Satanist, so again, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>holier than thou superiority complexes.

>our shitposts contain more wisdom

>you're all a bunch of stuck up tripfag satanists with poor to little knowledge.

You're contradicting yourself here. You accuse us, or me rather from the way you wrote, to suffer from a superiority complex whilst you are portraying 8/fringe as containing more wisdom and superior. Good on you for deluding yourself on both of those things.

>newfigs jumping ship and the entrenched oldfigs and skilled practitioners staying

You couldn't be further removed from the truth. Skilled practitioners? So all that the skilled practitioners do is shitpost on 8/fringe, seemingly. Besides its just flat-out wrong, some veterans:

- Zimmer created his thread on fringechan.

- Mossa ("Mundane's guide to the galaxy") created his new threads and regularly posts on fringechan.

- AuntWatermelon posts on fringechan.

- SpiritLibrarian, the renown 'montalk flag poster' who has been on fringe for longer then nearly anyone here, posts/creates thread on fringechan.

- Ape of Thoth created his thread on fringechan.

And more whom I probably forgot, and most of the people I mention barely post, if it at all, on 8/fringe anymore. You're quite literally deluding yourself on all the points you mention.

>Quantity vs Quality, our shitposts contain more wisdom than your walls of text.

If you truly believe your shitposting to be more valuable in abundance of knowledge then authentic and genuine discussion of metaphysical subjects that is present on fringechan, then please stay on 8/fringe.

(On the point of 'skilled practitioners staying' - even Smiley, the one who has been here the longest, is noticing how shitty 8/fringe has gotten and has made many posts on fringechan as well.)

Your flag fits you well - I wouldn't be surprised if you actually are Smiles trying to damage control. Its not working very well, I can tell you that.


ENKI, the leader of the extraterrestrial Nordic race that engineered and spiritually advanced our beings who did all this for free and out of a desire to improve the universe. Then his name got shitposted IRL by the cohorts and legions of Reptilians and other malevolent beings that wish to keep Humanity as batteries of energy and our souls as slaves. That's who Satan is. Satan means "Adversary" in Hebrew, the language of the Jew, devised by the Reptilian. In Sanskrit, one of the oldest known languages on earth, Satan means "Name of Truth" (Sat = Truth | Nam = Name). The latin name Lucifer derived from Latin lux "light" and ferre "to bring" - thus "Light Bringer". If you can't see past the disinformation put out by Christianity and other deception programs then you took a few too many gulps of the toxic thought forms roaming earth.


You really think we couldn't muster up 20 genuine votes in our favor? Holy shit, you guys are funny.


such enlightened, many wow.



Satan is a girl and pro-white as fuck.



Satan is a girl and her name is Protagonist.


Oy vai





Fuck Kenneth right in th



As a Fecalmancer I suggest the anu

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