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Esoteric Wizardry


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What do you think about the growing interest in the occult on /pol/? Seems like theres lots of threads every week about meme magick and Kek, now there's even threads about initiation into the hermetics, the truth about Atlantis, and so on.

/pol/'s thirst for something to replace the void left by the waning power of Christianity and the spiritual desert of atheism seems to be driving it.

It's like /pol/ is on the cusp of discovering a new path, a new connection to the All. The line between Red Pill and Green Pill is blurring.



>meme magick and Kek

It's pretty much this isn't it? They popped their manifestation cherry and are now noticing synchronicities everywhere.



I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you.

There are two options in blurring the lines between the red- and greenpill: the 'redpilled' ones will be greenpilled or the greenpilled ones will be 'redpilled'.

I don't see the former happening as long as there are nigger hate threads, ancient Aryan memes, misplaced pride and hatred against anything non-aryan. /pol/acks are far from greenpilled, and their kek is nothing more than a representation of darkness.

/pol/ wants to think they're on the right track, but they will burn the entire world with themselves on it if they would have their way.


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You must be a an anti-White abomination or a race-traitor. See this flag? It's the Rope Awaiter flag. It has a long history dating back to 4chon's /new/ board. The admin of 4chon, STI, created the Rope Awaiter flag to be used by Smiley and his disciples. As you may or may not know, Smiley was the founder of this board. The flag represents the coming Day of the Rope. A day upon which all untermensch such as yourself will be purged from this plane of existence.




Did Ben forget to sign this one?





And in case you didn't get >>81386 it was meant to elucidate the point that this board was founded to be a focal point for Aryan mysticism. Being an Aryanist does not somehow "prevent" or "forbid" someone from being greenpilled.

That is nonsensical new age leftist tripe.



I wonder what kind of retard you have to be to 'follow' Smiley.



>initiation into the hermetics

>the truth about Atlantis

Filling their minds with junk and preventing them from having any real superpowers. Good job, bullshit occultists.

>The line between Red Pill and Green Pill is blurring.

No, it's not. There are no "pills" and anyone with even a little understanding rejects the notion of a "red pill" lacking what is considered as "green pill".



A bullshit occultist?



I'm a healthy pureblood Aryan, blond hair and blue eyes, above 6' and such. If you'd hang me, you'd ultimately fail your own cause.

Let's see that mentally unstable faggot of a smiley struggle to hang me.

It's so sad to see people having access to information normally not found out in mundane life, yet continue to indulge themselves in mundane struggles with zeal. The same problems occur with /pol/ and all your idiot nazi friends; you cannot let go of your unimportant struggles.

This plane is all of existence like a grain of sand is a beach, yet /pol/ continues to think that everything depends on them, this life and their ideology.

Their goal is not necessarily an evil one, but they tackle every problem in a violent and fearful manner, and thus lower themselves to beasts or animals, acting only out of instinct. Some of them are so far from reality that their own worldview has become their prison. In short, far from greenpilled, even should they use magic.


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Please stop existing in this plane if your arrogant ass is going to claim to be so far above it.

You're just a (self)glorified nihilist.

This plane is extremely important to us, and to some far lower plane of existence we might as well be the all.

Preserving our different races is extremely important on this plane, you can't just let your own plane fall into chaos and imbalance with your fingers in your ears and your astral body somewhere else.

You are just afraid of experiencing the kind of consequences that would appear as the only real ones to you.



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>You are just afraid of experiencing the kind of consequences that would appear as the only real ones to you.

By which is mean that even if you know the consequences here don't matter to the all, they still mean you have to face your own reality.

Or something like that fuck if I know.




Thank you anon.



*Spammer retard detected*


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It is interesting though, the factions involved in this. Many are saying that Trump is the anti-cabal candidate, and this is confirmed in part due to his attitude towards Putin, and the fact that Putin has helped his campaign by hacking Hillary's e-mails.

Alright, so it would seem that alt-right views are being used as a tool of some sort to put this thing into action. I suppose some people are getting caught in this web, and are finding out the deeper truths.

I don't prefer the Aryan-master-race perspective though. I find total integration far more powerful, but I don't judge anyone for how they see the world. They will always get what they need. As fall approaches, get ready for changes. It would be a very, VERY good idea to get into alignment with your higher self.


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I like this plane, it's interesting; I want to bring balance to my people because I want to, not because I fear the consequences should we fail. I just don't see this world as the most important thing that has ever existed, because everything is impermanent and ever changing: something that /pol/acks will never acknowledge.



This. The white race is indeed the highest race, but it's not important. If we are killed by nonwhites, shall they not be punished by the effects of what they have caused? It is a pendulum swing in the wrong direction so they must force it to go back the other way. They will kill who they rely on, and so they must take their place or fail. It is a learning experience for the lower members in the reincarnation cycle.

I would like to see the white race survive, but it is not my highest priority. If they must die and be reincarnated into lower bodies to understand what they have done wrong, so be it. But I will not be alongside them.



>I will not be alongside them

so you say.



Alongside them in reincarnating again? No. Alongside them in dying? Probably. I can't know that one. But I can learn about how to escape the physical plane before it happens, so when I die I will not be stuck having made no progress.



you see I was challenged to support my claims on the fathers spiritual lineage only passing on if the woman is a virgin on newchan, its a long post and i can't be fucking typing it but as an example, the 300 disembodied spirits of the fall in the bible, they have nowhere to go, no body to match their vibration, so they are stuck here.

their spirit can't go to another planet, they can't reincarnate into flesh that is not of theirs, or they would.

which is why deals are made and powers are lent to those that can find their remains and bring them back to life.

if you do not succeed in your task and have nowhere to go, you're fucked.

you're fucked mate.



read the faq books nigger

i knew it wasn't worth responding to a loosh farmer



why don't you dissect my claims bruv?

doesn't matter, you've read it, you know it, you will see the truth in time.



>i can't be fucking typing

can't be fuck'd*



because your points have no basis. your theory of reincarnation is based on some cuckold fantasy with no source in real literature (i've read the posts) and you quote the bible as if it has any real merit.

there is simply no argument to be made because you believe that you must have dna of your bloodline in the body that you reincarnate into or you are "trapped" on earth, while my belief of reincarnation is that you take positions on earth that resonate closest with your spirit and when you become enlightened you can choose to not reincarnate again. the foundations of our arguments are different and nothing can be achieved either way.

since there's no way to prove one way or the other without one of us dying, it's not really worth getting into a debate over.



never quoted the bible, never bothered to find the quotes.



>you take positions on earth that resonate closest with your spirit

we agree on this.

where we differ is that, if the spirit is not compatible with the body it cannot inhabit it.


can't remember where but i read somewhere that aliens are really fucking scurr of dying on earth and getting trapped here

further, define enlightened? what knowledge in enlightenment would gift you the skills to do what you think you'll be able to do?

ending your reincarnation as per the buddhist belief refers to obliterating the ego and all attachments, no attachments, no karma, no will to act or create.

this would remove all that is binding your spirit together and you would dissipate, not in the astral realms but in the realms of spirit, on the other side, highest realm of astral containing a portal to where soul cannot pass to, you would get assimilated back into the all - which is the final purpose, for sure - but you would cease all existence.


didnt someone in that thread post "telegony"?




>Preserving our different races is extremely important on this plane

In order to accomplish this, the plan is to mash everyone together into a single mulatto race?



No the jewish plan is to eliminate all races but the jewish race thus elevating them to the masters of the mortal realm.

Of course they're just being led to do this by their master commonly known as Moloch in an attempt to loosh farm the human race.


This red pill green pill shit is retarded. I consider it a spectrum between red and blue like how it was originally. All the "green pilled" people are just more red pilled than the red pilled people. There's no great epiphany that differentiates between red pillers and green pilllers.

The movie matrix is the source of this concept. Taking the red pill is facing the cold hard truth that this realm is subject to higher forces. Programs, entities whatever term you want to use. The matrix is the physical realm created by the demiurge. Most blue pilled normies are hopelessly reliant to the system and thus they are enemies in their ignorance unless we can help them plug out.

Taking the red pill is realizing the movie wasn't an analogy after all. Either you've taken the red pill or you haven't. These other pills are fucking retarded past being a funny meme. It is a funny meme tho, those comics are jokes.

At best they are identifiers of what one has decided to do after learning the truth, but they are all red pilled and are past the truth


anyways, people on pol always randomly talked about the occult and stuff but it usually ended up dying or getting sage bombed by crybabies saying it wasn't politically related (it wasn't actually it was past it).

Now that meme magick caused actual events deemed political some of this stuff has become relevant. But the kek stuff is pretty unrelated in the political sense. Sure there might be occultist origins but I still very rarely see any actual threads tying Israel's greater interests in the middle east and what that has to with Zionist beliefs. Maybe there should be a thread on that in this board if there isn't already.



is that right


Someone red pill me on the Wachowski sisters.


Let me preface this by saying I just started actively researching the occult all of two weeks ago. First post on /fringe/. Coming from /pol/, of course.

The Aryan race is the highest race. It manifests consciousness at a higher rate and to a higher degree than the lower races. This is fact.

The Aryan race is slowly being destroyed, whether by law of rhythm or by malicious intent on behalf of some entity, likely related to Judaism, but who knows how far up or down the chain goes. This is also fact.

We have power beyond that of most humans on this plane. We are on this plane. We must act on this plane. It doesn't have to be the 'most important' aspect of existence, or the highest plane, for this plane to matter, as >>81433 stated.

If we are on this plane, and if the Aryan race is the stock in which the highest spiritual potential is manifested, then we must prevent the Aryan race from being destroyed.

It doesn't matter if there are higher planes, it doesn't matter if this is only a transient existence, we MUST do what we can, because we can. It's that simple. No need for further complication. Our time on this plane may be limited, but what are you going to do with that time? What will you do with whatever power you have gained? There's only one answer.

We must secure the existence of our People and a future for White children.



But it does matter that there is higher planes. Do we focus our time on mastering video games "because we can"? Even if we can do so, and some may see it as valuable, it is ultimately less valuable in the grand scheme of things. If we had all the time in the world, then we could do that. But my time here on Earth is limited, and I will use it to do greater things.

That being said, I will attempt to secure the survival of the white race whenever possible, and I very much do support the ideal of a white society. But this is less important than ascending. These people here ask for death, and they encourage it. They want to die. Who am I to tell them what they want? I can suggest that we must secure an existence for our race, but if they deny that, I cannot stop them. I will not involve myself in bloodshed.

It is not as if these highly resonating people will cease to exist because they cannot live in a white body.

Anyway, considering that you actually know what the law of rhythm is, you're better than most of the /pol/ shitposters that come through here. Follow that path. /pol/ is entirely focused on this plane, but understand that there is so much more. Most of them manage to be terrible people who desire genocide and bloodshed, making them no better than who they demonize, even though /pol/ is "the highest race". Whites can fall to insane degeneracy and blacks can become greater than most whites. And vice versa, of course. This is why race doesn't matter that much. It's just a generalization. Anybody can overcome their biological normalities. And don't forget that you reincarnate to learn lessons, so who knows how many times you've been of non-white race to learn something?



"As above so below"



It is a common misconception that the negro has a soul.

While some of the dark skinned peoples of north africa do indeed have souls, a very small minority, the majority of negroes are in fact not human from a spiritual viewpoint and an objective biological viewpoint.



If they can breed with humans and make a child, they're human. That's objective biology for you. They're the same species. That's why abbos are human despite being so different. They can still make a child with a human.


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Biology is but one facet of what makes Man. I think Anon above you misspoke for sure, from an objective biological viewpoint we are of the same species, if not the same sub-species. A better way to describe it would be "They are not Aryan (or White) from a biological standpoint" but that's kind of banal.


The highly resonating soul will not cease to exist, but I speculate that soul will not incarnate in a negro body. I imagine the individual will simply lay dormant until a suitable body is created, one way or another. The external is a reflection of the internal. You say that Whites can fall to despicable depths and I agree. A White Man is but an empty shell waiting for consciousness in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps still not the equal of the negro, but certainly not invaluable in his own right. I disagree that negros are comparably spiritually capable though. I've never met one who had the slightest spark of individuality over their person, nor have I ever heard of any great teachers coming from sub-Saharan Africa. If any of you have met an Attained negro, correct me, please. I have no wish to entertain false assumptions. I just seriously doubt anyone has. Biologically, intelligence may manifest at lower frequency, but spiritually, consciousness seems to evade them.

Though I said above that we must concern ourselves with saving the Aryan race, I should clarify that the Aryan race will survive. It isn't so much a matter of fate or destiny so much as it simply is what it is. My path is to act in some way to help, as is the path of many, but…well, it get's hard to express in words here.

Even if Whites retreat to the farthest reaches of the Earth, even if there is but a single pair left in the world, we will persist. You could no more destroy Aryans than you could destroy a plane of existence. >>81530 As above, so below.

Whites are a medium, or even a plane, through which higher consciousness manifests, and so long as higher consciousness manifests on this plane, White bodies (as we would recognize them) will exist.

In any case, your participation isn't required, and I mean that sincerely. If your path is oriented toward other, perhaps higher pursuits, that's completely okay and I don't feel it will alter this cycle negatively. Sorry for the wall of text, that grew much faster than I was expecting it to. Have a nice Sonnenrad.

For the record, I have never incarnated in a non-White persona, as we would recognize it today. It's a common misconception that the Indians and Egyptians of today are the Indians and Egyptians of 2000 years ago, and that simply isn't true. Back then, there was a far greater concentration of Aryan admixture in the higher castes, and if my Ego was awakened at that point, it was residing in a body with Aryan admixture. A body with no higher component would simply not be chosen to host a higher consciousness.

Fuck, /novella, but this shit is important.



Just like coyotes and red wolves are the same species since they can create non sterile offspring.

wtf I love racemixing now



>I don't prefer the Aryan-master-race perspective though.

Why not?

> I find total integration far more powerful,

Total integration = monoculture = stagnation = death. Chaos is part of life, without it life could not exist or adapt. Life must then tolerate chaos with rebirth. When life is in separate and unique forms it continue to flourish through the growth and death and rebirth process. Culture and wisdom itself do this too, and also nations and races.

Imagine what happens when life exists as only a single organism. One death can make it extinct if it has no chance to reproduce.

Imagine culture or nations as separate life forms. Some can die and be reborn while others flourish and specialize spiritually mentally and physically.

Imagine the world united in one culture, race and nation. This nation dies. You are advocating extinction.

With great power comes great sacrifice. Attaining greatest power risks ultimate obliteration. Thus, it is far too risky to unify the planet until self sufficient colonies exist elsewhere in the universe, lest we willfully bring about the conditions for loss of any influence in this plane and thus any other.

This knowledge is so self evident that no esoteric knowledge is required to discover it. Nature itself throws it in your face every moment of the day. I fear for your sanity, the clouds in your mind are so thick.


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Not just on the cusp it's already happening. Have you seen how much interest those threads are gathering on pol lately? Some had to be mod bumplocked because they wouldn't die for several days.



In all honesty, I was thinking of just making a thread of the basics on /pol/ because I have never seen one yet on there(talking about 4chan's /pol/), not sure if it's worth it though, considering the heavy CTR shilling going on there and how quickly threads are being buried due to spam



That's nice of you but I think it's not the time yet. They are on a good path of self discovery even without our influence right now. And I'm sure the ones who want to get ahead faster at least know about this place and will be able to either open a thread or use the stickies. But maybe it would help if we (the ones who already passed over from pol) could tell them on what path we did it. On the other hand it seems pol is going at this relatively rigidly all under the umbrella of kek and memetics.

What do you think, will they cross as a whole unlike us few?



not sure though, it is beyond me to critisize them yet, I myself haven't achieved much yet besides basic probability manipulation and invocations



what about asian souls?



>matrix is the physical realm created by the demiurge

not at all dipshit. its the mental matrix formed by cognitive elites. read Baudrillard, for instance. In the original Matrix script, the humans weren't being used as batteries but as wetware CPUs. that fact should change your whole perspective


>read the faq books

this should be a bannable offense. don't tell someone "read the whole list of a bazillion books hurr durr" – no, you fucking explain the concept and site the book like a real academic


chaos magicians. the movie was based, in part, on Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation, and more generally on French post-struturalism


>Aryan race

retard detected


anyone who listens to this faggot is a dipshit. there is no "other realm" in some sort of spiritual sense – or, rather, the spiritual is just an analogy for the mind, for language, for concepts and symbols. anyone who starts talking about real, physical reincarnation or skoopy spirits or psychokinetic powers is either a fool or a liar


>resonating soul

literal retardation


>making a thread of the basics

why don't you make a thread on it here, but put it in plain language and be succinct rather than rambling on about spoopy nonsense like most occultists do?



Literally bullshit occultist



>anyone who starts talking about real, physical reincarnation or skoopy spirits or psychokinetic powers is either a fool or a liar

[bullshit occultist detected]

[opinion disregarded]



who knows, the guidelines for a bullshit occultist were never really that defined.



occult mumbling is the most fun i do sometimes, i don't want to type you a dozen pages, why should i help you, with that attitude no less,i could just as easily say something vague that makes you go "oh." if you get it and make you angry as fuck if you don't get it.

i have more fun this way and you get only what you deserve.



>there is no "other realm" in some sort of spiritual sense

normie detected, get off this board

And btw the matrix was a rip off of a comic by Grant Morrison. But ultimately it's origin come's from Plato's allegory of the caves.

Regardless you don't even need to go beyond the surface to understand the matrix is a simulation to keep people ignorant to the real reality. Not sure what you mean by mental matrix but the point is that anyone dabbling in esotericism/mysticism or the occult realizes that the physical realm is not real and there is another realm that is more 'real' which can be called the mental or astral realm where we end up when we dream. If you don't believe this then you aren't red pilled yet



>the physical realm is not real

Stop peddling half-truths and read The Kybalion.



If you think the material/physical plane is a dream or illusion then you are still asleep. Ex uno disce omnes.



It's a matter of perspective. It's real to everyone within the simulation, it's real in the sense that events here have an impact everywhere. But in the most objective perspective it's an illusion. To the source, to God, to consciousness, it's not truly tangible. The only thing that's real is thoughts, feelings and experiences. This simulation is only real in the sense that it causes the very real experiences to occur.

Weird that you say 'dream or illusion' when I said there's a more 'real' realm when you dream. It's like you didn't even read my post. And I put real in quotations since the definition of real is subjective, relative to the observer.


>you're wrong and you should go and this shit to know why

If you've actually read it, then why don't you explain yourself instead of being pretentious and redirecting to something that everyone has already read so many times. I don't disagree with it but I think it's a little inaccurate with it's terminology. As they say, it's bullshit occultism


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So who here praises the mighty Kek?


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Praise Kek!


File: 2c78fc949cc4f55⋯.mp4 (6.73 MB, 360x360, 1:1, pepe Shadilary.mp4)

Wew lads we've been memeing in some crazy shit lately.

Shadilay is the most recent. Note the cover shows Pepe with a magic wand(meme magic). It is made by a group called P.E.P.E, and produced by ASS art(shitposting/poo poo pee pee). The most notable thing is it was made in the 80's and sounds like vaporwave(if you don't know vaporwave/80's shit has been heavily meme'd by /pol/).

Those sound like too many coincidences to be an accident.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There's an even spookier dimension to this Shadilay - P.E.P.E. song.

Several days before the song was discovered, posted, and reuploaded by anons on September 12th/13th, the visage of Kek was spotted during a Hillary Clinton interview on September 7th just before she had another coughing fit and had to call the whole thing of. It's like some video footage got spliced in and corrupted the live stream.

But everyone on /pol/ already knows that.

What most never realized is the audio that plays when it happens. There's a very audible, high-pitched "Shadilay" heard right when Kek is visible.

Listen very closely at 0:32-0:33.


File: 7710b891b1da194⋯.webm (6.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pol_ exclusive - P.E.P.E.….webm)



Also, I prefer the version with the Italian lyrics.

>cosmic absolute, regular reality

>breath of an ideal, syntony of civilizations

>confused descendants of rebel cells

>I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it

>if you are a star, show yourself, I will stop

>oooh oooh


>shadilay shadilay my freedom

>shadilay shadilay oh no

>shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality

>shadilay shadilay oh no

>(you) fly into my life, no it's not finished

>I will stop

>set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea


>metallic harmony, CONCRETE REALITY

>electronic videoclip, praise of civilizations

>confused descendants of rebel cells

>I fly towards the universe, I'll pass through it

>if you are a star, show yourself, I will stop

>oooh oooh


>shadilay shadilay my freedom

>shadilay shadilay oh no

>shadilay shadilay oh dream or reality

>shadilay shadilay oh no

>(you) fly into my life, no it's not finished

>I will stop

>set my sails, in the sky or at the bottom of the sea



How do people stay adamant materialistic atheists past 18 years old?

So damn petulant and close minded.



>brainwashing & conditioning from a young age

>peer pressure

>bread and circus distractions

>sex imagery everywhere

>fluoride, lithium and birth control in the water supply

>manufactured outgrouping of undesirable elements, such as masculine spirituality and nationalism/tribalism, labeling people who partake in them as evil or racist

Pretty much the same things that keep people believing in and supporting the globalist SJW commie-cuck narrative. It's no wonder that /pol/ has awakened to the higher spiritual planes, given that they broke free of the globalist shackles.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Play this while listening to the song in your post:



Also, Scott Adams is frequently pushing both red pills and green pills this election. Here's a good example: http://blog.dilbert.com/post/150816666991/blowing-your-mind-as-promised


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I have a theory, the internet has disrupted so many industries, movies, tv, books, etc.

So why not religion too?

In the old days you would have to spend 1000's of dollars, and find the right places that sell these books, now you can just find all the occult knowledge through an illegal pdf or wiki article.

So in comes kek, here comes back the old god, created by a hivemind, people all over the world, people with knowledge and access to rituals and magic, working as one to speed up synchronicity and magic.

The internet has decentralized religion, you can summon the old gods, you dont have to worship jesus, or follow mummhad, you can just spend a week reading about some ancient Egyptian or greek or whatever god and follow it, you can use meme'itcs to spread it across the world in an instant.

4chan, anonymous, they are the trickster archetype, the fool who speaks truth to the king.

Ask yourself why a fucking anime image board and cartoon frog are enemy number one of the elite?!

Its like Prometheus stealing fire from the gods, we are using their own system against them.



I have as of recent actively encouraged it.

Everyone on /pol/ should pursue esoteria and magick, even if I don't particularly agree with them individually, I believe it is now time to throw the current order of things off-balance, I personally want to see what /pol/ can achieve if they manage to direct their will and intent toward certain aims.



The Bush years really did a number on people.

Personally I have no problem with what I describe as "spiritual christians", these are the salt of the earth people who reject the emptiness of materialism and rightly suspect something lies beyond the veil of the reality we can see and touch.

I cannot stand what I would describe as "christcucks", who are people utterly thralled by dogma, have no sense of curiosity about the nature of existence, who or what "god" is, and see religion as a stick to beat with instead of a personal tool for thought and fulfillment.

Modern atheists and the latter are very similar and I distaste both equally.



As much as I'm troubled and bothered by the modern dindu, I have to disagree.

All human beings contain fragmented pieces of the god-consciousness, it just so happens that the container we're put into can heavily modify the "signal" if you want to describe it as such.

I would advise against projecting outward as that's nothing more than materialism in esoteric garb. I know dindus are a shitty vessel for consciousness but that's like saying mentally handicapped or mentally ill people aren't human.

No, they're simply occupying a broken container for their consciousness, when free of it they are no less than you or I.

The disturbing aspect to this is I do in fact believe the reason for existence is for the god consciousness to manifest all physical and memetic potentials as our physical bodies are capable of doing.

Effectively we're living-in and creating the living physical memory and mind of the god consciousness.

On a very personal and selfish level I am deeply troubled that luck may have it that I get put into a dindu the next time around.

Dindus doing dindu things unfortunately are part of the grand memetic fabric of existence, even things we find detestable must exist for us to get closer to the omega point.

That doesn't change the fact that it's a personal tragedy in my opinion that anyone should have to endure the shit time that is being trapped in such a shitty self-sabotaging, short-sighted vessel as the dindu.

Truly elevating the human experience is creating a population that we can feel comfortable and confident in returning to.



Meme magic and kek is a joke the impressionable latch onto. Really weak stuff.

/pol/ is now about politics, mistakenly, with a bunch of pretentious newfigs

there are no longer any sexist, racist, or historical discussions of things with actual meaning

thus, wisdom has been lost in favor of subjective bullshit like redpillgreenpill durhur fucking die



Christcuck alert.


File: e5136dddfd02e27⋯.gif (400.44 KB, 493x342, 493:342, 1.gif)



/pol/ has become 100% shills and 'useful idiot' types, really a shame. board has become nothing more than a presidential campaign ad



You might notice that the footage of Kek seems to be inverted… Try inverting the colors and see what you get(from a screenshot).

Green skin and golden Trump hair, just like the meme


File: 6d0604e99d394ca⋯.jpg (11.94 KB, 255x178, 255:178, d22493c2a726c4b5eac7030bb3….jpg)


I suppose you're a kabbalistic shill with this 'everyone has fragmented god-hood consciousness' line coupled with that insane level of D&C racism. Give up trying to steal everyone's sparks, jewfro. Wizards know that losing a few dozen bicycles or TVs is better than losing their soul to one of your scams.



>he thinks i'm a jew because we differ on opinions

>not projecting serious d&c vibes in doing so

If you believe that line of thinking exclusively comes from mystic judaism you've been huffing solvents for too long.

Keep going and finish the job.



So it's not exclusive to esoteric judaism, but that's where it likely spread from. You believe a diluted version of their faith and espouse the same racial demagoguery they shrewdly conceal; because they understand that public mutual acrimonies are a tool to any cunning third-party. If those were your personal opinions and you aren't a rahowa-type, maybe it could be seen as refreshing honesty, though you've probably alienated the esoteric hoodooists in saying it.



>So it's not exclusive to esoteric judaism, but that's where it likely spread from.

Confirmed for materialist, confirmed for shill.

You don't belong here.


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I'm glad you picked up on that, too. We're being used as mobile projection booths. We're mapping what we see more than interacting with it. There's a loosely woven fiber covering everything we see, touch, smell, and interact with. Between the filaments of that fiber and through it lies something else entirely.



Which comic's that then? If Grant Morrison is the Judge Dredd writer who wrote the story about a man snitching the love of his life to the judges because she's a terrorist, and then after she gets killed in the ensuing set-up, transplants his brain into her brain-dead body, inseminates her with his child, then raises the child as the father while in the mothers body, then gets raped three times and has seizures causing he-she to piss itself all the time, then I'd rather not go digging through all his stuff to find the comic you're referring to.


>Effectively we're living-in and creating the living physical memory and mind of the god consciousness.

Can you explain more of your ideas about men 'living out the memory of god'? Where does this come from? Where can I read more?

>On a very personal and selfish level I am deeply troubled that luck may have it that I get put into a dindu the next time around.

Why do you think so? Surely that would be unjust… If one did not die childless and did not mix the races, shouldn't this dutifulness protect one from having to experience a type of life that their soul has no desire to live?


Geez-oh-man. How could you call anybody a racist who defends black people from the accusation of having no soul?



As a nonwhite, I know this to be fairly true. I'm 72% native-american, 16% negro and 12% white, as far as my family tree tells. I have never manifested any spiritual interaction, neither in the form of a presage dream, neither in visions, by feeling energy or the presence of entities, by seeing spirits or nothing alike. The only spiritual experience I have goes far back to my childhood, when I think (not sure) I saw my grandpa standing by my bed a week after he was dead. All of this with a good nourishment that my parents have provided me with, a high IQ (about 130-140) and some white inheritance.

Look at their religions. They speak to low entities and let them possess them at ease. It is not so easy for a white person to be possessed by entities like those without having a life full of degeneracy and a very weakened soul.

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