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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1471264044203.jpg (28.13 KB, 480x360, 4:3, third eye.jpg)


I have been spiritually progressing and recently self realized. Ever since then I can feel a constant throb, varying in intensity depending on what I am doing, where the so called third eye is supposed to be situated.

Do any of you have any books to recommend on the subject?


Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society.

Remote Brain Targeting (Mind Control in America Book 1)


File: 1471300886988.jpg (30.76 KB, 512x341, 512:341, 0118.jpg)

Its a tumor.


I feel this 24 7 in my entire body. This means you need to start stepping it up, pussy.



Books are written by peoples annoying egos. Look up the basics and figure everything out on your own. Somebody from 1960 has wisdom and all but they have no fucking clue how shit works today. If you believe in this stuff why the fuck would nothing have changed even in the last week?

Damn, I must have got the last good drugs in the world because all of you are fucking retards. The world is shit because people are awful at writing. Look at the bible - fucking retarded, billions follow it, and all those people are complete pieces of shit.

If anyone had a fucking clue this species wouldn't be fucked. Kill your mind and start figuring out new shit that might actually help you lazy niggers.



Blame the programmers, not the code friend.


you were already beat to the joke you unfunny bitch



for what purpose? or what do you do with it?



books arent written by people with egos. you should read up on the idea of conspiracy of ignorance – all the books that ever get promoted are laced with lies and anti-life bleakness, or vice versa; dumb naiveity, then they're hyped with awards and good press and become part of the curriculum – turning millions of minds into hopeless coat-tail riding slime. Don't believe it? Try reading Deleuze and Guattari.

by the way your overuse of vulgarity singles you out as another mentally afflicted retard. Please throw your crack and paraphenalia out.



Most books are overpriced trash written solely for profit and spread of toxic thought. There is a reason why documents like Book of Knowledge and Project Life-Command are designed to be shared freely and are extremely valueable as compared to bullshit occultist "grimoires" and shitty "spell" books by charlatans like Damon Brand who can't even fix their eyesight.

In this digital age where you can distribute all the information you deem necessary to share without effort there is absolutely no reason to demand money for intangible goods. Unless, of course, you have a bloated ego which immediately raises red flags regarding your credibility.



Care to give list of the "valuable" books?
















I have no scruple about piracy in this age of suckers paying out for stuff they don't actually own (like with steam). I don't believe I have a connection to an author, just their work; which will outlive them and spread after they are gone. I imagine my reading as happening in that void, where the digital or second hand book is lingering like a ghost, wanting to be heard or solved.

Are you referring to the Bates method with that reference to fixing eyesight?



>can't even fix their eyesight

This is really shallow, but I've always had an aversion to any self proclaimed occultist who wears glasses or is bald and only now considered why. Seems like if you have a greater control over your so-called chakras and reality, you'd at least be able to fix these things. Like nigga you're gonna use the secret to manifest a car, but you can't even manifest a proper hairline?

Am I the only one who does this? I realize I'm just being a stupid cunt with my primal and judgemental thinking.



Do you attain results with these books?


File: 1471386099098.jpg (60.13 KB, 795x1005, 53:67, 1488 Moonman.jpg)


Anon, me personally, fixing my eyesight is first on my to-do list along with fixing my skin and so on.

I want to fix up my whole body.


Is Franz Bardon a bullshit occultist?

Is PME valuable?

I read his books and can't help but think, holy fuck, this is good material and very usable.

…but he was a fatfuck, smoker, and really ugly.



Looks are pretty shallow.

People grow their hair out and 'get it right', then they become afraid of having it damaged or cut short – a bad quality for a male. Then to maintain or enchance their looks they'll turn to cosmetics, and before you know it a generation of males will be using make up – because those who don't won't be 'beautiful' by the new benchmark.

Parents buy their children expensive brand name clothes and ostentatious haircuts to make them look 'better', which means that children without must look worse.

People pursue fitness, then their consumption of food becomes as gluttonous as a fat person and they are afraid to stop or give up because their body will turn to flab or wither – yet it's going to happen anyway.

Those who pursue health, start eating only organic food, but they accept that the rest of the food is 'poison' and feel reliant upon organic producers, and then get scared to drink out of plastic water bottles.

All of these pursuits are self-defeating.

Anyway, I don't think there's a contradiction with suffering from defects and being the 'shaper' of one's reality. these people aren't claiming to be gods.



I hope that you don't mind, but I am having trouble with "Voice of God" method in The book of knowledge. Can you describe for me the way you do it?



sounds like you've not seen that picture collection of female rowing clubs where most have broad shoulders and lopsided faces.



>don't eat

Is this actually possible? Do you substitute it with some other form of energy?



You should practice the art of fasting. He's probably implying that he's very good at that. It can be a very spiritual and eye-opening experience if done well enough. There's some pretty good books about it in the fasting folder of this mega.




>fitness has no purpose

>eating healthy has no purpose

NEET detected.



>occultist fixes his eyesight

>realizes that he's going to get jewed if he doesn't hide it

>wears non-prescription glasses



If you're oriented towards evil you will degrade, look at our pharisees, do they look healthy?

Now compare with any Indian that practice.

You channel negatives like death or ruin it will take its toll on the body before going to designated place.

Its easy to tell if someone is evil by their eyes.

Could also be he or she found the art after losing his physical glory in which case its a matter of regaining which is harder than retaining.


I've got an unusual question: Would it be possible for the third eye or whatever you wanna call it to be captured in a photo? Because most of my facebook photos have this real weird paranormal marks on my forehead, really abstract and some of them even seem to change color, in the photo itself.

Im sure most people there who noticed it think photoshoped it or edited them, but I didn't.

My most rational answer is simply the bad quality of the photo, but it is indeed some paranormal shit…




Ive met pleanty of people with 'evil' eyes and looks that turned out to be perfectly good people… Just like I can look evil if I want to, its not that fair judging someone from how they look or seem to look.



Almost every politician and jew in the world is evil if you judge by the eyes.


Any good books (no obullshitism pls) on how to properly use the tarot?


>not being able to see someone's third eye through their eyes







eyes never lie.



The code is limited by it's nature. You should read Wittgenstein.

>inb4 but why read if code is limited

Not a logically sound argument, you can read code and see that it is limited.

Also I'm obliged to inform you that I'm not the person you replied to.



Just another delusional guy saying all books are crap except mine, all systems are bad except mine, etc.



kill yourself, bullshit occultist

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