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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hillary Clinton seizures? Tumor? Parkinsons? None of the above!


tl;dr she's a vampire


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>This is no lies. Before I moved away from my home town, I was friends with an ex-agent, he told me that he actually quit because he couldn't handle HER!!! This is a friend/ school buddy, I know he wouldn't lie, but I'm now wondering if she fired him. Since I know all about the Arkansas days, I know how she is and I know this guy isn't lying about his experiences. I'm buying his book because this guy has balls. If you know the Clintons since the Arkansas days, you too would agree that he's got courage as many paid dearly for going against her. WOW, I have a lot of respect for him… And God bless you buddy.

Secret Service Agent Tells All - Hillary Clinton is CRAZY - Gary Byrne - Full Interview



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>This is no lies. Before I moved away from my home town, I was friends with an ex-agent, he told me that he actually quit because he couldn't handle HER!!! This is a friend/ school buddy, I know he wouldn't lie, but I'm now wondering if she fired him. Since I know all about the Arkansas days, I know how she is and I know this guy isn't lying about his experiences. I'm buying his book because this guy has balls. If you know the Clintons since the Arkansas days, you too would agree that he's got courage as many paid dearly for going against her. WOW, I have a lot of respect for him… And God bless you buddy.

Secret Service Agent Tells All - Hillary Clinton is CRAZY - Gary Byrne - Full Interview




Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton are both clones (golems) trained to act like those which they imitate.

All of the radio/television/etc personalities such as Anderson Cooper and Glenn beck who have white hair even though they are not of the proper age to have such hair are test golems created as prototypes.

The Jew World Order is one which the artificial golems will rule the mindless golem masses as their overlords and supervisors while the jews and their friends prepare the final sacrifice to Moloch.

Wake up /pol/, wake the fuck up.


Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton are both clones (golems) trained to act like those which they imitate.

All of the radio/television/etc personalities such as Anderson Cooper and Glenn beck who have white hair even though they are not of the proper age to have such hair are test golems created as prototypes.

The Jew World Order is one which the artificial golems will rule the mindless golem masses as their overlords and supervisors while the jews and their friends prepare the final sacrifice to Moloch.

Wake up /pol/, wake the fuck up.



All these people were born around 1947, or 1946, such as Trump and Bill Clinton + many others.

Recall that the killer assassin of the mkultra project monarch subliminal brainwashing training program franchise known to the public as 'Hitman: Code 47', has no hair, he's characteristically bald and was probably born that way. Later it turns out he was made in a test tube, which may mean that his eerie, trademark hair abnormality relates to his creation. I consider this to be what many conspiracy 'tubers call 'revelation of the method', the illuminati is showing that clones have weird hair stuff going on, and hitman's baldness is analogous to other 47s hair malfunctions.



Shouldn't clones be no different from twins?

What is wrong with these "clones" they're making?

They must not be actual clones… or they are clones of something that even in its original state is damaged.

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