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Esoteric Wizardry


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We all know the Wachowskis are very well-versed in occultism and esoteric shit. Their movies are always full of occult symbolism and references. The Matrix is a modern alchemical allegory meant to expose the facade of the dark occultists who control society.

So does this have anything to do with their transformation into trannies? Wizards talk all day about achieving balance between the masculine and feminine, between emotions and actions, left brain/right brain, heart/mind.

It seems unlikely that both Wachowskis would just happen to be trannies, especially considering their knowledge of the occult. Could it be that they are trying to achieve balance of both the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine?



Bullshit Occultism


They are a bunch of faggots sucking kike cock

The matrix was a fluke and mostly stolen content. At least the first movie was, the second and third were just shit. Actually I don't have an opinion on the second and third being shit, just regurgitating what others have said.

The first was stolen for sure though off a number of sources, namely a comic called The Invisibles by Grant Morrison


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

IN FACT I'm going to hijack this thread. It's now about how awesome Grant Morrison is. Probably more of an occultfag than any of you and definitely way more successful. Do you even into sigils brah?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And here is a scene from the movie All Star Superman, adapted from the comic Grant Morrison made of the same name


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's a bonus video of Grant Morrison expanding on the sigil magick as practiced by Aliester Crowley and the like. When he mentioned that he did this shit while writing the Invisibles and attempted to change the operating system of the universe I had a thught that basically the Matrix movie was the consequence of that.


Well not really though, to be more accurate and to go back on the topic of the Wachowski faggots, considering all the influence the Matrix movies had, it seems more like that they are just incredibly impressionable. They are smart enough to have a eloquent understanding of things but don't actually believe any of the shit the peddle and are just really naive. When making the Matrix they look at all the occult and philosophical stuff and created an elegant analogy for it all. But they did it for the sake of making media, they embraced it without actually believing any of it. It created some magnificent media but that's all it was for the creators. To expand on the operating system of the universe idea, one can think of the universe using the creators as a medium to deliver the red pilled media that is The Matrix.

Later on as kikery levels escalated and liberal media consumed everything lacking awareness, groundless as they were, they too were consumed by it. After spending so much time without having beliefs they just became total airheads, simply tools for whatever forces wanted to make use of them.

Of course I'm talking out of my ass but this is what my normally strong intuition tells me. Maybe I'll spend some time researching the almost for sure retardation that is this sex change and update my viewpoints.


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at the end of the matrix, the camera zooms in between the words "system failure". between the letter M and F.

the message is clear. the bridge between M and F. the masculine and feminine. becoming a tranny is the key to enlightenment.



wtf i'm a dick sucking kike now

kill yourself jew


I actually believe this. Being a transsexual is the future evolution of man.



This goyim.

Cut your fucking balls of you golems.




Aren't traps crossdressing boys?



Terminology doesn't matter.

What matters is that these freaks have foresaken their souls.

trannies, traps, gays, they are all here to learn a painful lesson, they are being rewarded for the evils they have committed in previous lives



Do you mean that the punishment is being gay?


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le bullshit occultist faec




OP for instance has become a huge faggot for his crimes in past lives.


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Hermaphroditism is the ultimate transcendence. The ancients understood this.



maybe spiritually but physical hermaphrodites and trans faggots are cancer on society for the mundanes that have yet to enter the path


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The matrix was ripped off from a comic book called the invisibles by grant morrison.

Grant morrison is very versed in the occult, the comic book is what he called a mega sigil

The Invisibles was Morrison's first major creator-owned title for DC Comics and it drew from his Zenith strip as well as 1990s conspiracy culture. His intent was to create a hypersigil to jump-start the culture in a more positive direction.

The title initially sold well but sales dipped sharply during the first series, leading to concerns that the series might be cancelled outright. To counteract this, Morrison suggested a "wankathon" in the hope of bringing about a magical increase in sales by a mass of fans simultaneously masturbating at a set time.[3]

Morrison became seriously ill while writing the book, something he attributes to working on the title and the manner in which its magical influence affected him, and has stated that his work on the comic made him into a different person from the one who started it. He has also said that much of the story was told to him by aliens when he was abducted during a trip to Kathmandu.[4]

The third and final series was meant to be a countdown to the new millennium but shipping delays meant the final issue did not appear until April 2000. All of the series have been collected in a set of trade paperbacks.




DRE: This may be old news but was the controversy over The Matrix films being like The Invisibles blown out of proportion?

GM: It's really simple. The truth of that one is that design staff on The Matrix were given Invisibles collections and told to make the movie look like my books. This is a reported fact. The Wachowskis are comic book creators and fans and were fans of my work, so it's hardly surprising. I was even contacted before the first Matrix movie was released and asked if I would contribute a story to the website.

It's not some baffling 'coincidence' that so much of The Matrix is plot by plot, detail by detail, image by image, lifted from Invisibles so there shouldn't be much controversy. The Wachowskis nicked The Invisibles and everyone in the know is well aware of this fact but of course they're unlikely to come out and say it.

It was just too bad they deviated so far from the Invisibles philosophical template in the second and third movies because they blundered helplessly into boring Catholic theology, proving that they hadn't HAD the 'contact' experience that drove The Invisibles, and they wrecked both

'Reloaded' and 'Revolutions' on the rocks of absolute incomprehension. They should have kept on stealing from me and maybe they would have wound up with something to really be proud of - a movie that could change minds and hearts and worlds.

I love the first Matrix movie which I think is a real work of cinematic genius and very timely but I've now heard from several people who worked on The Matrix and they've all confirmed that they were given Invisibles books as reference. That's how it is. I'm not angry about it anymore, although at one time I was because they made millions from what was basically a Xerox of my work and to be honest, I would be happy with just one million so I didn't have to work thirteen hours of every ****ing day, including weekends.

In the end, I was glad they got the ideas out but very disappointed that they blew it so badly and distorted all the Gnostic transcendental aspects that made the first film so strong and potent. If they had any sense, they would have befriended me instead of pissing me off. They seem like nice boys.



I don't see how that's a punishment



>le mark passio brain memery

Some of his podcasts have good introductory info on occultism, but this "science" shit he uses to back up his metaphysical beliefs is totally outdated.



Personally, I've always postulated that the reason we see so many trans individuals is because the original essence 'remembers' that it was technically neither.

But due to hormonal imbalances caused by the chemical warfare we eat as food and xenoestrogens the mind doesn't break down and 'comprehend' gender like it should. IT doesn't understand that it has a role to play as male OR female.



>The third and final series was meant to be a countdown to the new millennium but shipping delays meant the final issue did not appear until April 2000

Good thing the millennium didn't start until 2001. Anyway, thanks for the info fam, I'll definitely give these comics a read.


I'm so lost



Yes OP we should all cut off our dicks and pump estrogen into our veins. That's the way to enlightenment.


Wachowskis confirmed for being talentless hacks.

Someone post the rollingstones article. These faggots are sick weirdos. That's the real reason why they turned into transhit and cut off their dicks.



/pol/'s razor: "If it can't be explained simply the jews did it"

/pol/'s razor is ALWAYS true.



Interesting. I didn't see THAT much resemblance between the first Matrix and Invisibles while reading the latter, except for

>chosen one/jesus character

>going into the spirit realm/going into the matrix (which was kinda the opposite, but eh)

The big picture of the enslavement of the human race is kinda similar also..

Could re-read it. Noticing now by how little I actually remember of that comic that I didn't really pay much attention to it.

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